Wild Kratts - Top African Wildlife

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[Music] [Music] I've got black Jaguar powers hey no fair that's the luck of Jaguar genetics approximately 1 out of 16 dead wires are black so you have a 5% chance of activation into a black version of the Jaguar power I want a black Jaguar suit oh and this is going to camouflage perfectly in sacks jet orange is kind of gonna stand out in Zach's black interior oh well if I have a 5% chance getting black Jaguar powers and all I have to do is reactivate reactivate reactivate [Music] reactivate reactivate reactivate reactivate I am 100% black Jaguar let's prowl [Music] of that jet he's going to take off we've got to get on that plane Jilla three here at you [Music] okay show me that King huh this and it okay it's flat I'll give you that but it's Dennis big is it yet oh so it's a puppy dead but I can't go public with this pipsqueak how long does it take you get to be full-size and impressive two years oh I can't wait that long I'm watching my news by part in two hours well I guess I could inject it with some growth serum or something Steph Fox get me ten grams of sodium dichlorite a pound of magnesium sulfate and a large box of pancake mix I've always wanted to invent a growth serum but I've always had too many other genius ideas to do first but I've had too many interruptions from those pesky crackers but not this time I will combine my ingredients into a growth acceleration formula then I'm gonna grow his into my precious spokesmodel for the decks fine box shadow edition [Laughter] [Music] all right once I did get here where's my black Jaguar they are sneaking I liked it zach-bots baggage they couldn't get slowed it away it must be here somewhere [Music] hope you are fo dis convolute [Music] incoming Oh get that runway disk with 7,000 power 380 kilometer per hour Falcon die I got it pal you could see my wing [Music] saving creature powers with creature powers don't know gotta catch up to that disc okay let's find a stinky varmint to exploit in my next invention we'll get out of this yucky nature back that's a wrap elevator D for a newspaper ah don't worry jackpot you never know when genius will strike this brilliant mind of mine Oh see I told you a good idea what hit me oh oh that former tech inventor who makes robots at animals he's got the creature power disc now I can analyze this silly little disc I send secret to that creature power technology will be [Music] [Music] [Music] music ah yeah Wow now that right there is the territorial creature of all those hippopotamus are amazing knew that hippo fighter mountain or whatever is nice he's protecting his part of the river that's what they do they don't like anyone on their turf and I mean anyone hey did you get the disk well back had it but yeah I mean I was going to give it to you guys but then that hippo crazy thing attacked me this in the river oh no it could be anywhere we've got to find it well I wish I could help but III have to call my mother know how it is well thanks for the rescue you guys are great Oh Greg brothers here now every time I come up with a new recipe for rare endangered animals they try to mess it up like glass in my soup well not this time whoa you've got eggs chicks on the way and they'll need to eat your creature linked with the sauce is predator-prey no more slots and harpy eagles have nothing tea broth eagle egg gourmand oh no the eggs no glass come on we'll be after him neck [Music] I'm relaxing Jimmy clutches here bars could be inside Oh gourmand gets what he'll be ready to cook and we're gonna save all those creatures we need to creature powers and stash powerful and able the tangle with gourmand that harpy eagle is just a face I knew our smell long up here and no Kratt brother inside - yeah the final it breeze now I cook to the secret kitchen oh I knew I find you before that while Craig crouton did it did oh no you didn't I got there before he did with plenty of time to miniaturize you into its prey kitchen without even notice hang on buddy it's gonna be a bumpy ride all right for us to just look it up into prayer animals left ready for Moscow I'll let you taste it when it's done it'll be delicious come end up selling it round the world no way gourmand are you kidding no rainforests do for me listen you poach all these creatures and you have no idea how that's going to affect all the other rainforest creatures see that spider monkey he helps grow those teams by spreading their scene without them the Inga tree would be in trouble and the sloth he fertilized those same tree he has hundreds of insects that live honest they depend on him if the floss go they all go don't forget the Jaguars and eagles huh oh yeah and don't forget that without sloths and monkeys the awesome Eagles and Jaguars won't have anything to feed their being and that is just a small piece of what's going on in the rainforest creature drinks do you mess with all these creature links and not only will you lose the creatures drool lose the rainforest as we know it the rainforest is I know it is a stew a rainforest stew where's my recipe [Music] nice try huh did you say oh wait a second Chris he might be gone yeah nice hiding spot bro that's hiding your slaw floss style just to find gourmand right out thanks chillax Chris we got to figure out how to get these guys out of here and fast gourmand only back soon Aviva come in we need your help so recipe now I'll start with my nice base of slow-cooked Slav broth then build from there hey where'd my soft dough hmm how far could that lazy creature of God Oh No chillax is gone but he's part of our escape plan yes we need everybody to do this together a newly hatched sloth moth searching for a sloth to live on that's my ticket to planet sloth anyone can find the sloth a sloth and oh hey gourmand um your shoelace is untied oh they're boots there are no shoelaces oh sorry there you are thanks for the lift pal now let's see oh yeah that's perfect it just might work oh yes you're right where you need to be chillax you're some tasty leaves like oh [Music] yes bullseye thank you look at me laughing how's my chin there I hope that's right hey Jaguar give me your best shot yeah it worked now mark thanks for the rescue yeah while sewer gas are you ready to give up boremont yeah Tommy I'll have my brief or [Music] oh you're just in time don't activate [Music] our journey of [Music] and what do you do it [Music] yes the power box hanging out and hang it on Wow yeah [Music] Oh one for Chris the jack I'm ready for [Music] no jab put facedown Oh sighs marking its territory weird how a lion piece backwards male dogs lift legs male cats spray backwards hey while we track him let's map his territory yes because this termite is like a signpost on the edge of his territory and his pee is like a message to other lines it says about trespassers will be attacked and maimed and in other ways of a very bad day something like that engaging that back chelator while we track him let's charge the territory and we'll end up with a map of the name from Emoto Kingdom looks like he's on the prowl let's move [Music] they're so cute hi do you want to do something a little different today sorry this table why don't we name all the line come yeah why not and we'll surprise Martin when he gets back all my pants [Music] [Music] Wow he really is the king of meat Wow we've traveled so far so fat yeah the lion on patrol can cover 64 kilometers in a single night in just an hour world is in harm's way apart to the price territory so Eddie [Music] - line it calling after you breathes fire something's wrong [Music] what's going on I don't know but whatever it is the lioness don't like it vivo what's going on back there male lion with step sewed up the fire missiles are hittin my crazy well those lines are there to take over the pride where are the cob [Music] ran into the grass behind don't let him find the club he who brings fire is on his way oh nothing can stop the king of beasts [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] oh now that's a bad hair day you think he has it bad look what happened to me oh hang on bro I'll be right with you but he who breathes fire splashed to get back to the fried and fat first the main because it just does not look cool and this one this one this one and he can't run with that grill in his balls now let's take you back in action any day now dude your turn that's just gonna take too long modify plans hey wait for me [Music] you've got a river crossing coming up Lions don't exactly love water but nothing's going to stop an April moto from getting home yeah it's quite powerful very determined in a surprisingly strong swimmer something that my job it will be crocodile whoa this is intense croc versus wonderful territory and that bull hippo doesn't want it to do scream our lion sees dangers in Africa the lion might be the king of beasts on land but in the middle of the river we need some creature power here you go bro after they reach your powers [Music] [Music] I hope for like he's and swallows water now poor guys have a rough day yeah and a really bad hair day let's get everybody back to safety of the Ford Kuga until he who breathes fire returns deal with those oh it's not going to be that easy so troublemaking twins Apollo [Music] Oh how much is he gonna have to say this is beyond bad hair day how's he going to get out of this one [Music] every time the line breathes out snake squeezes tighter soon the great lion he who breathes fire won't be breathing at all life is off out here even her lion the only way to untangle this situation is with Python our [Music] I love snakes but these rock pythons are tough you two better get going this may take a while all right buddy you caught your breath catch up with us as soon as you can [Music] close or initiate walk down those hide you're down there and not to a Google lockdown complete we're safe in here oh no he's heading back Mayday Mayday Mayday what what's with this slimy Rock hey you're not a rock you're a hippo that means this is not slime it's natural hippo sunscreen thanks bugs I wish our skin day the natural sunscreen like yours does whoa tato that's a ion toska lies that a post up in this river could be trouble and there's the trouble one carton of evo come in that's it try to get back then big beasty varmint Oh we may just be too busy to help if they get in a jam [Laughter] [Music] follow that hippo all right just calling a prayer now's our chance okay hold on tight we're going in it's Tusker he's back and he's taking on the Challenger wants to take over his part of the river we gotta get out of here I think we can flip around and get it what we can't get between these two we have to try Wow Oh sucks are like massive swords jabbing each other like you already are you guys getting out of there I'm working on it dude got a retreat that's the point now are you ready get out of here [Music] [Music] then there is one good thing about getting overheated in Africa it gives you a good reason to cool off in a mud wallow what are we waiting for let's put in his waddle bell bird [Music] I just want to find another mud wallow are you kidding this wallows where's that book rarely seen wildlife vulva oh yeah yeah we're not going anywhere they both want to go into the magic Rock there's only room enough for one whoever is the most powerful wave who do you think is more powerful Rhino or an elephant that's like asking me who has a fuzzier Cottontail a bunny or a rattlesnake of course the elephant's more powerful no way the Rhino winces face-off horns down an elephant weighs more 2 tons more a rhino can run with a charge of 50 km/h an elephant can't even run fully walk back yeah but he's got a fast walk with a lot of weight behind it plus an elephant is so strong he even has 100,000 muscles strong [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] I get rid of all their mutts that'll really mess them up the big gray things will get all dried out and think Kristen Martin will have no fun I bet I sure ruin their day oh that box stop no not you the plane stop the plane I've gotta see this whoa what was that a dust devil or so much gone doesn't matter they'd found their own mud wallow and [Music] you know whatever it was it really cooled me off yeah me too oh they make me so mad I wanna flip the world's greatest again nothing [Music] find out what they're up to it's good to see our pachyderm pals so happy but I don't want to show you who's the most powerful you mean the Rhino to show you hey why don't we show each other ourselves huh a big creature power suit challenge of all sorts of animal abilities find out what the most powerful animals in Africa are the strongest pusher the highest jumpers the fastest runners the most skillful swimmers oh yeah teracle jump in hang time baby yes remember when we got aardvark what cheetah powers red oh yeah hyper speed Vibha this could get interesting yeah it really makes me appreciate how many amazing animals we've encountered and how many awesome creature power discs you've made hmm and makes me tired just thinking about it I'm taking the day off no inventing today I'm spectating the bros are on their own I don't get too comfy Aviva I'm not a professional scientist but I think I observed when it comes to high-tech gross usually end up needing your help [Music] let's start with a strength contest between the elephant and the rhino you're on rhino power squirrel power huh from one elephant power activate creature powers oh yeah Rhino power elven powers are so awesome I can do push-ups with my nose one more David brother it's a sumo style showdown of strength whoever pushes the other guy into the mud wallow win [Music] elephant powers are the strongest okay first I have to name our friend mr. Shah big box Shelley I know the perfect name we named our headquarters postal de which is the Spanish word for turtle so I think we should name this box turtle the Spanish word for box okay what's the Spanish word for box ha ha ha ha that's it hold still kaha I never Rock climbed up a turtle shell before oh can we please get back to the miniaturizer just a sec Jimmy Wow this shell is such an awesome defense I know we sure fix the creature with strong protection to design our headquarters after yeah we pretty much rocked it on that choice I mean nothing can get through this defense seriously what predator can eat a turtle anyway coyote 6 o'clock coming this way better get boxed in ha ha the shonan's ghost on his man come on Jimmy we gotta get out of here [Music] how was the what I want to know in the first place that is one really strong hinge coyotes remember so bottom part of the shell the plastron actually has a hinge in it that closes off the head of the ring completely no other turtle can do that yeah good luck getting through that shell mr. coyote not gonna happen huh don't give us away huh I'm allergic to mushrooms you Oh do this or do that iron sharp teeth gotta get inside sorry guys you know China really is a colorful place with lots cool patterns we know what the golden feathers color is all about but what about the giant panda didn't see that coming come on Martin quit fooling around we got to figure out why a panda has this pattern it is very distinctive so you were sayin bro well I will say that pandas are very powerful hey I see what's going on yes so do I two pandas walking in the forest yeah but they are following the pattern that panda pattern is so easy to spot in this green forest the baby panda follows the black and white panda pattern that must be it [Music] face patterns the blonde and rust color it's so distinctive I think the reason for their caller is species recognition they can see each other as red panda because of that distinctive face pattern that must be what blue goggles talk about colorful past I love these blue faces hey but while we're asking the question why are golden snub-nosed monkey self call our fall well there's one reason the most colorful of all the truth is the alpha male golden snub-nosed points the leader of the group hard not to notice him oh [Music] good one hey I need a buddy I never get carsick but benefit more tenuous I've got to speak down now I just have to get the SAG whoa whoa attack oh yeah the erratic flight patterns offense wild zigzagging and it's harder for a predator to catch you that's when zigzags come in handy well I hope you got it down now dude because I have blue bomber just circled round on your left guy speaking laughs can't catch us Chris on the right oh this calls for the tag not the tag yes build it by bhai Tree Swallow [Music] ow hello windshield where's mokuba she's fine us not so good there's one Oh capture it get me that butterfly I'll get you butterflies Wow Oh our wings are pretty messed up yeah but why [Music] are you telling me okay now we know that cars are like predators to the migrating monarch their danger and Vinita she's after these butterflies - don't worry about Donita we'll keep an eye on her oh and guys watch your energy don't forget to refuel Oh oh this has gone well so far couldn't be better day three of mission monarch and things are off to a shaky start hey nice day for clients have you seen maxilla number 12 thirsty yeah we're filling up our tank - Wow now that's a cool straw built-in and portable just roll it out and have a drink of sweet nectar nice catch Aviva just like a butterfly's probiscus here's some untapped nectar Marshall yup sugary sweet the perfect energy food for a butterfly fill er up I can't believe we lost maxilla we gotta find her so we can help her if she gets into trouble Martin we're just barely surviving here Mac still has got nature's know-how I'm sure she's doing way better than we are right now hey Aviva I'm almost there a few more steps scanning rate great all I need is a quick scan of the hook so I can compare the chemical makeup of keratin well is Ebro up is a good place to get it keratin is what makes the heart you'll have that skin in no time sorry Chris I've got a better way the zebra power suits what wait see character drops no problem [Music] keratin is hard right now Warren is made of keratin keratin protects yup animals with hard features like quills horns hook they owe it all to keratin right Cougars these quills for really special airs that are hardened with Garrett and um ah his horn is made of keratin too [Music] yep all those plus Angela for birdie even our fingernail oh hardened with keratin I wish I knew it I know there was no bear there really was she went that way come on where that crazy rock come from up there she's flipping huge rocks like they were pancake and licking off the bottom on your side hey good source of protein oh and the little cub loves to munch them up too I'm gonna name him belly full because he's getting a belly full of bug and his mom will be paw flip she's really got that down oh she's so strong but I can barely move it get it barely the nice one really is unbearably heavy okay okay enough with the bear fun oh but we just barely got started wow you guys really need bare hands if you want to flip huge rocks like that I'm starting on a power suit raaah it's bearing down on us nice good what'd it be huh I told ya Oh some black bear first now I'm going to start on a black bear power Oh Tortuga to fabricate any update we found a bear looks like a big rock to me no it's up there see oh cool strong yes one thing's for sure any black bear power suit needs lots of strength because bears have serious muscle oh let us know if you need anything Thanks Koki huh we need this frog offer back yeah this is embarrassing hahaha look another narwhal horn screeching all whoa we've got a normal battle oh wow I've got to get to work on this creature power suit that would normal use their horns for the battle for control of the pod to be the top Narwhal the narwhal she only types whale dolphin or porpoise that has a horse wow I can't wait to have that creature power oh yeah then we can battle each other bro [Music] no answer where's our plane we're here and heat bear and she's heading west come on Jimmy let's go sweating from land turtle moans ooh ear turtle [Music] Paris the world awaits my fashion direction let's where's the Fashion Show Dario distant yeah what gaining on him all right you got it Jimmy we'll get geared up to boards Anita's plane get us as close as you can radio [Music] bro how exactly are we going to sneak onto donita's plane ah I know who'd ask it I've had a stowaway since this morning asked and answered activate gecko powers [Music] [Music] Danita explain the noise that lurks and the radar jammer are an operation Danita won't even know we're here move it without the electrostatic powers of the gecko we would be blown away in this wind I hear you bro we're almost there come on let's make the leap whoo that was a close one ah so soothing to the I know bright garish colors to disrupt one's inner peace Oh [Music] davia you never stop moving on the runway for that long never momentary pause only momentary always Cafe just really don't understand the fashion world come on dude while she's distracted let's rescue our creature friends a to founder business Lawrence decides were used to seeing before all the big ones were hunted out whoa walks pretty slow for a creature with one two three four five six seven eight eight legs well he does have to carry that big tail whoa how do you do that got me tail planks and the lobster shoots backwards that big tail is full of muscles that flex and sweep the water forward that pushes the lobster backwards for a quick getaway hey so cool powerful pale muscles contract causing the fanlight tail to push water forward instantly propelling the logs of backwards through the water but best people on it I'm not interested in any way a pretty water that would fit into those two acts I'm looking for the left largest lobster another one same size and neither one is going to back down and I think we're gonna find out how they use their claws the squeezable lobster is so powerful if our hands were that strong we can crush a walnut with just a squeeze but why are the two claws different once we can thin one big and bulky the big one the crusher that is used for crushing things well the little stop pincher get used for ripping tearing watch claws and more plush I didn't know a roster was so strong a regular muscle head coming after Jimmy [Music] and teleport that's a mobster power disc [Music] give me that this is a joke hang on oh no isn't this kind of stuff supposed to happen to the Kratt brothers enough you mean being being stranded way out here in the desert well it's not supposed to happen to me the water oh no communication remember the Sonoran Desert has more rainfall than any other desert we'll be fine but it's still a desert it may not rain for days and we can't last that long without water well we'll just stay put Aviva and the Kratt brothers know we were heading toward town they'll realize we're missing and come looking for us trouble is you decided to take the long scenic route remember they'll find us we're in this together it'll be bad help 2356 2357 ah we gotta stop running to you like this ok now we find out you like to sit on people's head would have been a lot less painful if we know that before Oh at least now we can get a good look at their little elf owl features like those eyes there you that's right I'm checking out the stand you got and according to my analysis cows have eyes that are up to 100 times better at being in the dark than how is our yeah you can even though they can't move around like we have they can turn their heads completely backward like that Oh like we can't do that's how it's done great that's all sensory power number one eyesight now let's check out that hearing we need out our gears help is here can show us that to F up is like the famous singer so Elvis Elvis kyo foul that's what I'm naming it everything uh this one what's up Aviva I just realized Koki and Jimmy aren't back yet they're super late well just call them I did no answer Oh cookies the communication Queen she would be late without calling what if something went wrong yeah okay well just keep trying to reach poop with the ofall adventure on hold and be right there sorry Elvis emergency we'll catch up with you later [Music] oh sure it's scorching hot out here not a good place to be stranded yeah we need to find the bad guys over here are you kidding was selected jacks are driving me crazy he's been leaving them lying around everywhere hmm hmm exactly he leaves the Seas everywhere he goes hey look they left a whole trail of sea fill them they were riding off so if we follow the trail speed it should lead us to prices Jimmy and cozy [Music] you
Channel: Wild Kratts
Views: 9,370,163
Rating: 4.2852201 out of 5
Keywords: Kratts wild, wild kratts, wild kratts episodes, the wild kratts, zoboomafoo animated, martin kratt, chris kratt, wild kratts official channel, wild kratts full episodes, animals, wild animals, spider web, power discs, superpowers, creature rescue, animal rescue mission, cute animals, fastest birds, small creatures, Lion, King of the jungle, big cats, scary animals, black jaguar, black panther, African forests, baby rhino, lion cubs, python Snake, top african wildlife
Id: mhb2ME1GZYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 5sec (3185 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2017
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