Wild Grizzly (1999) | Full Movie | Riley Smith | Michele Greene | Fred Dryer | Daniel Baldwin

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[Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'll get you something did you like something yeah yeah you stay right there [Music] [Music] thank you okay let's get in the car no no no no no no no [Music] okay okay let's just get in the car s [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] but the answer is still no I already told you why I'm burned out on everything on Advertising la you're not listening Deb what do I Know About Antiques I've only been collecting them for the past decade um look I uh I can't talk right now I'll call you back as soon as I get settled okay okay bye we're almost there Josh would you turn that down please Josh what's your problem I'm trying to talk to you so talk have you read any of the books on your reading list like I asked you to school doesn't start until next week Mom it wouldn't hurt to be prepared it's all I mean look it's going to be an adjustment okay being the new kid in school we're missing your exit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] you know our Peak season's right around the corner and now you want to welcome Nature's version of the Madison class Town Council voted in favor of the Bears two months ago 55 in favor as far as I'm concerned this is a Dead Issue those Bears Get Loose the only dead issues around here are going to be our Prophets all right all right all right but it's not worth it the issue here is not about Grizzlies it's about Pine Lake when the government came knocking I was skeptical too relocate a family of bears to the center of town where's the reward in that yeah exactly where's the profit we make our living on Taurus if you want to bring the tourists back you've got to bring the pride back community corporation like Las Vegas we have always put environment first and I say it is no time to stop now sometimes the profit instrument here now I want you all to go back to your homes and let's show the world that Pine Lake is back take it easy oh that was very definitely handled you still think we can control this they're like sheeps huh that's not what I asked you what happens if something goes wrong we are what goes wrong in three days time those Bears will be dead and you and I will be very very rich [Music] I wonder what's going on here it's supposed to be some kind of small town celebration I have a good feeling about this place Hi how are you go home [Applause] what's going on I don't know lock your door lock your door Joshua right now [Music] I was afraid okay okay I see a ranger over there [Applause] everybody be quiet thank you very much quiet now what's going on here well there seems to be some confusion Bears and New Jersey [Music] Ranger Bradford is this this is my first day in town I just bought the antique store down the road oh yeah he must be the new city gallon Frank Bradford City gal right um could you just move these people along and we'll be on our way sure yeah Sanchez Phillips come on send them home allow this woman to get on their way please okay come on break it up get away from the truck come on there you go [Applause] you just call me ma'am [Music] [Music] come back [Music] [Music] settle down hey there fresh fish Smiles congratulations as soon as I send this to when wild animals attacked part six we found last song [Music] hey I'm Terry come on now don't be rude week from now and you'll be begging for my attention Josh so what do you think of our town Josh pretty bogus if you ask me so far we've been attacked by the Lynch Mob back there and this park ranger was stalking my mom yeah it's a total loser he has a handful so it's your story no no wait let me guess big city kid never been that close to Nature who dreads the thought of life in a small town it must be really great to be so smart Josh [Music] well I got a jet I'll uh see you later Josh [Music] [Applause] [Music] you gave up 100 000 a year for this I don't know it's not as bad as it looks an antique store more like an organized garage sale Josh I need your help with this Josh [Music] Josh what are you doing here we're not finished unpacking in a minute mom no honey Josh you can't go you can't go running off and not tell me where you are I worry about you [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] that's why you have movers mom I'm gonna go find a school in the video store [Music] next time you'll be that stop sign kid [Music] I hate this place [Music] foreign cost me 400 to have that windshield glared I'm sorry you're sorry that's not gonna get it you got 700 you just said four that's before the cost of the windshield plus installation let's go see your mother wait no look um I've got 200 in my savings well you're a little short kid look I'll do anything anything you want just please don't call her look I didn't mean it please maybe there is something you can do put your bike in the back of the truck come on let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] John meet Martinelli oh they are so cute aren't they what's that stuff that's a combination of herbs roots and berries it contains a high energy protein much better than the commercial stuff yeah oh they look so hungry we need about 4 600 calories a day before those are radio tags you put them on all the new subscribers here I'll show you we're in conjunction with the GPS tracking device that's what this is this is the clip that goes on the Bear's air you know we do that so we can monitor their behavior and activity out in the wild I'm going to take hers off as soon as I can find out what's wrong with your jaw so what makes the news is better well bears at the wandering whistling recklessly into areas occupied by humans and they're part of a federal relocation program it's all very experimental kind of like a witness relocation for Bears you know something like that most zoos in the United States are overstocked Josh after a nationwide search Pine Lake was selected to house them it was either that or uh have them controlled you mean like killed that's right oh thanks oh you better go get your assistant to clean this up oh he's here me that's right Josh you here's the deal I'm gonna need some help feeding the Bears and training and cleaning up around here okay so after school you come in and you work off the windshield job pays six dollars an hour six bucks six bucks hey look it beats the alternative your mother [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Josh working with wild animals is a big responsibility cheer you up to us yeah I can handle it you need a ride home no no I just live right down the street thanks see you tomorrow see ya [Music] oh how you feel she [Music] [Applause] 10 years old oh he's five nine now um blonde hair blue eyes like you know regular All-American kid Josh where have you been it's okay Officer he just got hit the [ __ ] door okay thank you you called the police on me you're three hours late I thought something happened to you geez chill out I got a job at the bear Cup oh wait wait wait wait who said you could get a job what is this another Crusade you know last year it was the rainforest and the year before that the spotted owl your grades went right down the tubes I know where this is headed Josh look mom if this is about school you are darned right this is about school now you are going to March over there tomorrow and tell them you're quitting mom besides I need your help around here yeah and I need a real job okay not this antique garbage I am not a kid okay like one and when I say I want you home at five I do not mean 8 30. [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] what are you doing here chill out Daniel Boone I'm just scoping out the place for my dad your dad yeah you know the stalker oh you know I'm sorry I called him a loser okay no sweat besides I guess he does get a little goofy when he gets the hogs for someone yeah geez I had enough bears for one day my dad says he like practically his indentured servant no he'll be waited on hand and foot they won't have to hunt for food think of it kind of like a spa Spa oh that's real fresh I mean these are wild animals Terry hence the word wild no whoa you know my dad loves the environment just as much as you do he only wants to protect the Bears that cage is the only thing keeping them alive I saw the bear rubbing her face against it right sore broken tooth and when it gets infected they could die in the wilderness so zoologists often prescribe e c h i n echinacea yeah my dad takes it for colds whatever all I know is they give it to him wrapped in a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to cure the infection that might be why the Bear's so angry well I think twice before trying to help her floss besides my dad is an expert on Grizzlies he would know if all she had was a toothache [Music] that's your dad hey it's cool my parents were divorced too [Music] you're not divorced it's dead [Music] somebody shot him last year for real I mean I'm sorry I never knew anybody who got shot before except when her lakins accidentally shot his cousin in the foot on a hunting trip it was great it's not I didn't mean to [Music] me well that's cool I was just making sure that you know you weren't getting all soft on me or anything I'll see you later [Music] for my headphones oh shoot [Music] you sure you can pick these locks Yeah It's All Digital five numbers [Applause] [Music] hey well well what do we have here I've seen you before new in the area I'd let me give you a little friendly advice people around here are real protective about their property most of them rather shoot you first and ask questions later [Music] good see no harm done around I think you better be on your way kid isn't it [Music] you think he overheard us who cares it's just a pumpkin let me see that thing again hey buddy [Music] foreign [Music] thanks a lot have a good night okay [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] um foreign [Music] [Music] I'm standing in front of a newly erected mobile command post in the town of Pine Lake where Lake last night a female Grizzly escaped from her compound now what we know so far is one casualty has been reported hey mayor this is to happen doing everything we can Billy you told us we'd all be safe look I don't know how this happened but you have my word we're going to do everything to make sure we get to the bottom of it right now more importantly we focus our efforts on finding that runaway bear the important thing folks is to remain calm oh yeah is that before or after we end up like Dale yeah yeah yeah we're all the worst thing you can do is panic you want to see Panic wait a lot of the shops start closing because there's no customers because they've been run off by killer bear yeah that's not going to happen how you doing jack good to see you everybody like to introduce Jack Buck he's from the Department of fishing games Wildlife recovery program just drove in from Wyoming to personally oversee the recapture of this bear now look I know everybody's concerned about this but everybody should go back to their homes right now including you Earl and don't worry I guarantee you we're gonna find that bear before anybody else gets hurt come on let's go Earl come on [Music] grizzly bear is the largest most dangerous predator in the United States you are about to enter her domain where she has all the Tactical advantages and I mean all of them you make a mistake you're dead so simple rules don't go in alone make a lot of noise let this bear know you're there if you come in contact with the bear do not make direct eye contact this can be construed as a threat and above all do not run these animals can run 100 yard dash in 4.3 seconds you will lose that race if you are attacked by this bear you do three things drop to the ground immediately go into a fetal position and place both hands like this around your neck if you want to live you just may have to play dead okay partner up good luck I'll see you out there then what happened I already told you I went back to get my disc man what we got here I was the kid we think let the bear out I did not let the bear out geez Frank asked Dale uh Josh Dale's in critical condition all we could get from him was you're the last person you saw now think is it possible you could have hit the switch near the gate Frank I didn't touch the cage okay you've got to listen to me the bear she's not herself it's her tooth okay I saw it on the internet last night slow down just a second now what are you talking about the rubbing of the bars Frank the sword tooth sick and she's scared and toothaches and infections they can cause a Grizzly to attack Josh Mom are you okay Mom these guys won't believe me are you okay yes what do you want with my son well Josh was my assistant at the compound somewhere in the middle of the night the grizzly got loose and all the night Watchman Josh was the last one seen that Mom it's not my fault please you gotta believe me we've got a sighting on Main Street repeat the Grizzlies heading west on Maine all right Pat let's wrap up at school emergency [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh Josh what am I gonna do with you I already told you Mom I didn't do anything have gotten yourself killed this is our first week in town I didn't ask you to move here all right Josh everything that I did I did for us like this whole outdoors and and this camping thing you used to love this the camping thing mom the camping thing was our thing me and Dad and now he's dead and every time that I see it Aspen glow at sunset or a mountain lake in the morning [Music] him [Music] I hate this place mom [Music] Josh Josh do not leave the house until I come back where are you going first I'm gonna go give that Frank Bradford a kiss of my mind and then in case you've forgotten there's a grizzly bear running loose someone has to fix this mess [Music] thank you [Music] Josh [Music] pretty please to come back Terry she's got an infection that's why she's a nuisance bear gonna go out there and I'm gonna lure her back to town with the center of her cups just out of my way and don't try to stop me all right Josh Josh that bear is gonna rip you to shreds look I know it sounds stupid all right but if I leave these sandwiches around and the berries enough echinacea it might cure her and then they won't have to kill her foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] look guys I need to borrow your blanket all right I'm gonna go get your mom for you don't worry okay [Music] you'll be good okay be good [Applause] foreign [Music] how many men do you have at your disposal well I'd say 11 to 12 active maybe another five or six if I dip into my support staff I've got a tracker on the bear I sent Phillips over to get it it's not there the GPS tracker I looked everywhere oh come on when I go back it is there look harder come on I need that yeah thanks do you have any campgrounds in the immediate vicinity there's several actually oh where there's food there's bound to be Bears suggest we shut them down Frank all right did you have to put my son in danger excuse me my son Josh you have him working with grizzly bears yes I did he broke the windows in my truck and I gave him a chance to work it off here you go back without checking with me first uh Miss Harding Harding uh I'm sorry this is not a very good time for me right now if you'll excuse me Jack can I see you in here I'm not done talking to you Johnny pull the maps I thought you said you could control this just relax them just relax Indiana Jones just shows up and you expect me to relax Jack Buck is a minor inconvenience to that bear first nobody knows these mountains better than our own eye we've got enough Firepower to kill 10 Bears I don't care about 10 Bears I care about one bear I should have had my head examined for agreeing to this need I remind you that it was you that came to me with this I need two million dollars for a strip mall and I delivered the Golden Goose a federally funded program with readily insurable assets three homeless bears are dead we collect the insurance money it'll work just fine both of our sakes you better hope so Pine Lake vicinity are closed until further notice alert all campgrounds in the Pine Lake vicinity are closed until further notice [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign has been notified Stan that's correct no no no tell them all the roads leading into the campgrounds have been closed off that's right the CHP is rerouting All Surface traffic through Lake Arrowhead Mr Bradford Josh is gone well hold on Stan what do you mean he's run away to find the bear I think stand hold by the phone I'll call you right back all right start from the beginning you don't know how Josh is he gets something in his head and there's no stopping him you got to put out an APB I can't do that technically they have to be missing for at least 24 hours don't give me this letter of the law guard but she's just a boy he lost his father a year ago he's alone he's confused and he certainly cannot survive out here with a wild bear running loose Frank it's Jack Buck yeah thanks excuse me yeah go Jack prank I'm by the trailhead at the entrance to Holcomb Valley but she's been here all right six maybe seven hours I'm proceeding East towards a ridge what about Josh look I'll call around to see if anybody's seen forget it I'll be right back okay stay right there [Applause] hey wait a minute wait a minute hold on my son is out there I'm going to get him look this isn't some La Suburban Garden Party danced into there's a killer bear out here that's why I'm going [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] my God [Music] hello I was just kidding man you are such a dork what are you doing here I'm following you obviously I thought you were a bear I know I smell your fear hope you brought a change of underwear in that bag very funny how about a few words for our studio audience you get that stupid thing out of my face how'd you find me anyway tip number one when running away from home never leave a map behind you know what you can turn around and go right back to where you came from because I don't need your help why I Missed The Greatest Adventure of my short and shallow life get real this is the first time anything exciting has ever happened around here and I've got the exclusive partners no ring hello Mrs Harding I could be mistaken but I do believe I just spotted your son hiking over by Rocky Peak you wouldn't would you fine fine you can come but if you fall behind you're on your own yo mountain man get over yourself already [Music] foreign [Music] that's a good look for you are you always this time I ran a month from I can sure as hell handle some Toy Town hobby cop hey just a second here I just want you to know there's other people's lives at stake other than your sons and whatever it is you feel about me well that's your business certainly but I care about the people of this town now if your son is out there I promise you I will do everything I can to get them back please do it well it'd make my job a lot easier if I'd have to worry about you as well Frank come in excuse me Frank here there's [Music] Mike [Applause] [Music] to base [Music] over I'm an hour south on spit Rock Trail the Bear's heading north I'll be shooting for Eagle Ridge by Nightfall that's good Jack do me a favor keep your eyes peeled for a 16 year old boy I think he's out there looking for the bear as well you bet thank you all right everybody listen up I want to put an APB out on a Josh Harding h-a-r-d-i-n-g okay I want you to check every backyard Trailhead and Campsite in this area we work all night if we have to Mike why don't you call a helicopter having to do a complete search of the lake okay come on let's go move move Sanchez do me a favor we'll buy my house check on my daughter make sure she stays there okay wait is that my dad's super secret bear finder the Signal's faded you know it's probably these Canyon walls my dad says planes have the same problem when they fly overhead yeah she's been here all right that is so gross how can you tell trust me I've had a crash course in this stuff I'm not into Bears right [Music] come on according to the map they're only a few miles away we are live with the Terry show and our next guest is the Wiley and Elusive Josh Harding who is currently on the trail of a ferocious Grizzly would you please hurry up I want to get to the next campsite before it's dark well that bridge ends in a dead end it's not what the map says I know it washed out last spring I give you five minutes you're gonna have to turn back come on we could take a detour through that can't you a minute I meant what what that you need me you've got the tools but I've got the brains and you know what they say you can never pay enough for good information so why do you carry that stupid thing isn't it obvious I want to have my own talk shows someday You're Nobody unless you're on TV you're so into theirs I'm not in the Bears I didn't know anything about them until yesterday how come you care so much my dad I guess he used to take me hunting and camping and backpacking taught me how to survive on my own wait I hope he taught you how to fish why because if I don't eat soon you're gonna have to carry me see a river on this map did you forget the map bye come on I'll race you come on [Music] foreign [Music] you see those bushes does that look like a bear Earl ier very good Earl it's a deer another brain you'd be a rattle [Music] Jack come in Jack I read you you know what's your 20. I'm a half mile from Holcomb I picked up the Bears Trail about an hour ago I had to ditch a truck Roger that any word on the boy [Applause] no but I wouldn't worry it turned up I'm sorry [Applause] sir yeah thanks you know you don't look so hot you're right about one thing this is definitely not La I feel so out of place up here that's understandable get a lot of chances in your life go home is my business don't remind me no my big sale was yesterday what a set of coasters for four dollars and fifty cents at this rate I'm going to make my next mortgage payment in like 2006. well it takes a while to build a business you know Rachel you really shouldn't be so tough on yourself you know after Josh's father died I thought that moving up here would be good for him no I'm not so sure well look it's been a long day uh once you get some rest I can't what have you called I'll put them right through to you come on way down there you go worry about anything everything's gonna be okay if he calls I'll work out [Music] foreign [Music] so where's that tunnel go oh nowhere dead ends at about 50 yards that was actually the main entrance to the place can I ask you a question how'd it happen with your dad Hey look it's okay if you don't want to talk about it I completely oh oh there's there's not much to talk about really a couple guys were robbing a bank my dad's car was the first one on the scene and when they went and grabbed for the hostages on the way probably should have called for backup but that was my dad you know he was always too tough for all that kind of stuff I was at school when it happened and I remember when I got off the bus at home the outside waiting for me I don't know how I knew that he was dead I bet you missed him a lot [Music] especially out here you know my dad always told me that the Earth had a pulse and if you listen really really hard you could hear its heartbeat I used to listen every once in a while you know just to see if I could maybe hear it all I ever heard was my dad's voice in my head foreign I [Music] think it actually sounds pretty cool I wish my mom thought so ever since then she just hovers over me you know I pray that she turns her back I might do something stupid [Music] go chasing after a grizzly bear [Music] foreign [Music] you're right [Music] it's weird what nobody's home she probably got half the town out looking for me hey you know what let me call my dad that way maybe we can drive by your place and tell your mom that you're okay [Music] so all right just a minute get a phone call sir it's your daughter oh just tell her I'll call her uh sir she's with the boy she's with Josh what put on that phone right over there wake up that's Josh what they're on Jerry hi Daddy honey why aren't you home where are you are you all right yeah I'm okay so is Josh are we in trouble dad [Music] we've been looking for this boy all day and all night his mother's here put him on the phone hold on oh Josh [Music] hello Josh Mom thank heaven you're alive Mom I'm fine honey half a town is looking for you Josh [Music] it's a rat no Mom I'm fine it's just a wrap this is gone but Mom you have to bear with me I'm trying to lure the bear back to the compound don't be ridiculous Josh where are you where are we we're the old Johnson mine tell we're at the Old Johnson Terry get out of there right now Josh do you hear me move it right now what's the matter foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] get Sanchez and pal get the shotguns and load them up in the truck we're moving on let's go this is it guys [Applause] [Music] forget the ball right here right here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you didn't hit her you idiot [Music] Frank come in right come in Frank here go I got Josh and Terry here they're a little bit scared but they're okay God bless you good work Jack I'll be bringing them in we'll be here waiting thanks a lot Rachel [ __ ] off gotta be stuff taking you back to town when you're through why don't you come on back and give us a hand but just like old times go Marley that's a long time to hold a grudge it was just a mountain lion not just a moon Lane the last of its kind never to walk this Earth again and I led you right to him if I know you the bear will end up the same way extinct foreign [Music] [Music] you don't get it do you if we don't save that bear those guys are gonna kill her Terry job we were like this close to being a happy Meal look what I just found the nearest ranger station is here here's where we are okay okay so your dad said that the Bears are part of a federal relocation program right yeah so so three miles from here is the Sierra National Forest federal land if we can lure the bear over there then she's protected while we can go get help that's if we can catch her come on we're leaving Terry listen to me please I need your help please under one condition that when this thing is all over I get the exclusive see ya [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] well at least you're okay does that mean I'm grounded well we're going to talk about that later it's for you Josh you put a scare into this entire town not to mention your mother [Music] have a seat hello we missed I'll put a search pattern I'll try to get to the bear before Harlan does yeah Josh we'll try to find your mom [Music] foreign [Music] she's not here I don't have any idea where she could be oh not unless she's still out looking for me what's with that oh well is your dad your mother told me what happened I'm sorry it must have been you like my mother don't you oh what's that sorry Terry told me oh Terry told you well uh look maybe we should get going I want you to go write your mother and note let him know where you are yeah gosh I find your mom she wasn't back at the house just not like her to disappear like that maybe some of your bad habits are rubbing off on her huh this isn't funny Terry I'm really worried about her I mean I've never had a problem being able to get a hold of her wait a minute what her cell phone she always carries her cell phone I'll just call her that's it [Applause] hello oh Josh where are you are you okay oh Mom I'm fine I'm back at command tent where have you been I've been going out of my mind Mom I am so sorry I ran away um okay just stay where you are I'm leaving now okay okay she's okay he's coming to get me [Music] we gotta get some shut eye all right all right I get the pillow I get the blanket yeah hey Terry thanks night Josh [Music] all right [Music] it's cute he's such a cute little bear look at you would be big Sunday aren't you [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] no hey sorry Terry wake up sorry what have you uh can you see my mom well then she said she was gonna pick you up [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hey come on Mom [Music] [Music] where could she be look I'm sure she's okay [Music] hello Josh hello what is that hello hello [Music] Josh oh mom is that you are you okay I think my leg is broken he's playing there with you no no Mom he's out looking for the bear somewhere around here are you okay talk to me it's important that you tell him tell him what mom stupid phone talk to me mom Josh huh Josh tell him I'm trapped in the mine hello Josh I'm laughter all right try it again Josh [Music] oh Josh [Music] okay Josh look you have to calm down now stop and think where could she be I don't know Perry I mean this is my mother we're talking about she could be anywhere right now God I'm so stupid no you're not [Music] bad the dripping the dripping in the mind the mind come on I think she's getting ready to hibernate stockpiling food for a long months ahead well that would explain why I should come back for the Cubs but you mean she's holding up somewhere yeah but where I'm Jack my mom is in the old mine what please listen listen to me I just talked to my mom her leg is broken wait a minute abandoned mine is a good sized chamber hidden secure the perfect environment for hibernation yeah what are you saying that my mom is in the Bears Den Frank let's go just a second hold on just a second here Josh come here promise I'll do everything I can to help your mother but I want you to stay here you should watch these two make sure they don't leave base camp that goes for you too stand me [Music] this is my mother this is not fair I know what are you think I want to go help Frank you mind if we use your truck oh absolutely I think we might need reinforcements to lure I want you to stay put out this is so unfair look there's nothing we can do Josh [Music] [Applause] let's go come on hey hey get back here man shut up all access roads in and around the Johnson mine area we have reason to believe the bear may be headed there what if they find him first [Music] laughs foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] just in case it has a good idea [Applause] the hell is that [Applause] foreign [Music] you're not taking me back without my mother Frank we may now have much time they'll be safe in a truck let's just get there all right talk to you later [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] a proper barrier I want you to go up high set it up there [Music] another one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] promise Daddy [Music] hey get down here [Music] hold on Miss I'll be right back Harlan [Music] not exactly how can you help me help me can you help me Lenny how did you manage to get down there it's a long story please [Music] can you just leave her there I'm gonna cut the fuse [Music] [Music] idea just a lady [Music] mom's in trouble I can feel it Josh what are we supposed to do your dad did say stay in the truck right [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah wherever she is she's just a casualty are you nuts I'm not gonna be part of her [Music] stay down [Music] do it Earl foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign Josh come with me Terry stay in the car jack stay by your radio [Music] [Music] Rachel [Applause] [Music] Joshua [Music] come on we're coming Josh Josh there she is oh I'm sorry baby I'm sorry too I love you I love you how you doing all right yeah I think my leg is broken Josh be careful here oh [Music] careful about careful careful what do we do take your mom back in the cave be quiet [Music] Jack come in [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] lower the toe winch down into the hole all right I got it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] there I am now lower the toe line all right you guys you guys coming down come on hold it right just like that yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on guy what's wrong daddy the winch is jammed [Music] I'll take it from here [Music] [Applause] see your mama [Music] Josh yeah [Music] what the hell do you think you're doing what do you think I'm doing Frank [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] look I'm sorry and if we need anything anything at all I may need you to help me run the store for a little while until I'm exact 100 can you imagine sure I don't know about YouTube but I could sure use a vacation it's gonna happen to them all my guess is they'll be tried for attempted murder we've already arrested the mayor who was behind the whole well let's get you in let's go wow see the abscess way back there oh yeah Josh come here a minute while it seems you were right about our friend here abscess is so far back in her mouth we might have missed it if it had been plenty of peanut butter sandwiches stuck up on our house that old Buck here gave her a penicillin shot I think she's got to be okay now so what's gonna happen to her oh well uh that's kind of hard to say yeah you know the department of official Wildlife isn't going to tolerate a nuisance bear here Josh I mean not after three attacks my guess is I'll put her down cups it'll come back to the compound with me you know but because I had a board with you for a minute there [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Music] tell us in your own words the story of the Pine Lake grizzly bears well Terry started when I moved to Pine Lake nice people beautiful scenery and one wild Grace [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I went outside [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] but just in myself [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
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Views: 365,064
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Keywords: Film, Movie, Entertainment, Full Movie, Feature Films, Trailer, Movie Trailer, Free Movies, Films 4 You, Full feature movies, movies, movies on youtube, Wild Grizzly, grizzly, grizzly movie, Wild Grizzly 1999, Wild Grizzly 1999 full movie, Wild Grizzly full movie, action movie, adventure movie, family movies, Riley Smith movies, Michele Greene movies, Fred Dryer movies, Daniel Baldwin, Riley Smith, Michele Greene, Fred Dryer, tv movies, 90s movies, grizzlies, films4you
Id: bB9VBpiSBM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 14sec (5774 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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