Trapped: Buried Alive (2002) | Full Movie | Jack Wagner | Gabrielle Carteris | Mark Lindsay Chapman

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[Music] thank you foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Bass yeah go ahead this base north slope's clear yeah I'm gonna head over to the South slope there's a lot of new snow up there why don't you check with me before you stand in the South man sure Carl whatever you say I don't attention skiers welcome to the NFC it's apologize for the delay glad to report that all runs are now open and all lifts are fully operational Emily honey I think the lift you're looking for is over this way you all right yes thank you very much so are you done good Mr architect the hotel is truly stunning well thank you ma'am I did have a little help don't forget so listen Miss Finley wants to get together for a bit of a celebration so after you're done funny running or whatever you plan on doing I want you and Paige to meet me over at the Eagles Nest here all right that's assuming I'm still walking Paige will take it easy on you I hope so dad I thought you said you and I were gonna go in town and pick up your skis yeah yeah I'm Scott Finley paid dad a lot of dote place and I gotta have a drink okay we'll get this Keys later good luck Bunny woman take it easy on her okay okay well you're the man you can teach me to ski the bumps they're called nogles attention scares 32 inches of powder over the last three days thank you come on [Music] AJ to Bass yep go ahead the top of the South slope it's pretty unstable you said to check in before I start well AJ there's been a change of plan I need you to come back to the office his office [Music] Carl what's going on you can't open the lips it's not safe look come on down you're done for the day Carl you can't do this Carl well there's plenty of you guys to see me fallingly but you know look Paige if people are gonna do this I'm fine calling it off look will you just put your skis on yeah can you hold this for me I can't even open them you said that you practice this there's a whole carpet hey need some help ladies thank you sure Mr Riley it's uh it's Paige do you remember me Paige Paige Cooper what happened to you you're all grown up about your mom believe me she is sorely missed on the circuit the fine person one of the best coaches we ever had thank you hey hey Alex come here he's here you remember Paige Diana's daughter hey how's it going hi oh and this is Monique white she's doing a photo shoot on Alex for ski magazine oh Monique this is Paige Cooper I've known this kid since before she could walk she could ski like an angel even then and this is it's Emily my father's new wife I saw the spread you did in the Olympics it was fantastic thanks uh Hey Reno if you want to get a single shout out we really got to get going yeah yeah baby we're going Paige why don't you come with us you and Alex can race it'll give us some great shots for his press kit I don't know Dave racing I just as soon staying out here and look sexy where is your competitive Spirit young fella it's out to lunch old fella so do you want to do this uh yeah sure I'm up for it all right let's go okay I think he may have picked the wrong career for your uh son he's a brilliant skier he'll go far yeah far away from you as possible only that's not nice could I ask a favor would you take a picture of my wife and me sure I'd love to hey talk 50th wedding anniversary today we met right here at the old Lodge of course then it wasn't as fancy as this yeah all right very good [Music] well fellas now that you're here I've got to talk to you about this building I am not the happy man I'm ecstatic you did a heck of a job to Michael Cooper a great designer you were right I was wrong about limiting the extra finish what would you call it Administration just the windows the art deco work in the elevator is brilliant I love this fireplace good to Danny Peterson the man who gets it done yeah you're a great team that's always great to work for a guy who knows what he wants and has the money to pay for it Brad it's our pleasure I don't know how you do it Dan I mean I've never had a building go up with so few problems from downtown all right gotta hand it to you you're a miracle order I was actually wondering the same thing myself hey you're the talent I'm the grease like he said we're a team cheers [Music] you lost your mind look AJ don't start I'm just doing my job come on you gotta let me do mine the South slope is under 32 inches of fresh snow on a 10-foot ice pack that's literally hundreds of tons of snow sitting on an ice skating rink at a 30 degree downward angle you know what that means right yeah spare me the lecture okay Finley once the slopes open I open the slopes then somebody should tell Mr Finley about a shelf of snow up there 10 times the size of the Titanic and if I'm not allowed to take care of it right now it's going to come crashing down the mountain at 90 miles an hour you want to take responsibility for that I mean when's the last time that happened it happens all the time just this last December in lucera France and a lot of people died well this isn't France it's too late anyway you know the slopes are open we'll deal with it after we close tonight I am not going to wait until we end up discussion AJ okay it's Finley's call you do what you're told fine I'm gonna fax a report over to the Sheriff's Office if anything happens it'll be on your head well uh Sheriff's not in his office I saw him on a lift about a half hour ago yeah yeah well great maybe after he's killed you can run for his office they're going to come down through the park over that jump there's his shot Reno I assume that you hired me because I know what I'm doing with a camera don't tell me how to do my job so family here it is Emily right so how long you uh been married to Michael six months how's Paige doing sorry you know whether skiing I mean she was a brilliant skier before her mom died you think she'll ever compete again you'd have to ask Paige that such a tragedy you know somewhat of a jerk our friend Reno yeah I'm getting a little tired of hearing what a saint my predecessor was so to give a very exciting life Paige said you were at the Olympics do you travel much all the time does it get a little old I mean living out of the hotel airport suitcase how do you stand it by Hunter spy what by Hunter it's a video game it's everywhere hotels airports that's how I stand it they ready oh they're ready all right let's get this show on the road [Music] [Music] hey is she your dad's girlfriend uh no no he likes those idiots yeah well at least he didn't marry one you know I I really wish you would actually because then he'd get off my case [Music] okay [Music] [Music] all right let me tell you something Alex Champions always ski hard that's how they make winning a habit you know what that's why some Champions can barely walk dad come on you always talk [Music] I bring you folks more champagne oh here actually thank you very much coffee would be great a coffee for everyone Claire and some of those uh little cake things Petty for us yes sir is this your first if I get much bigger it'll be my last believe me nice girl married to the guy who does our Avalanche control yeah Avalanches no no they're more like controlled slides Rogue Avalanche in a resort like this nine times out of ten it's just sheer negligence AJ Becker is our insurance policy and he is good the Lord knows I pay him enough Sherry can you get water to table eight thank you hey hey all my girls do it's a boy I know it's a boy hey hun figure up on South this afternoon when you get out of here about three unless I get slammed why what's going on I have nothing uh can you leave now or soon I believe tell them you don't feel good or so I I don't know I'd rather have you at home today and I got old man Finley at my table if I leave now I'll get fired something to matter don't lose this I'm gonna meet you in the parking lot at two minutes after three so don't you know take another shift and no hanging out talking to the girls afterwards okay you promise yeah what's the matter I'm gonna head up the mountain again and I'll be back before three yeah I'll be right there how do you like eye Hotel lovely what do you think of this room the Eagles Nest Great image right out of your husband's imagination actually this was Emily's idea you know she bit on this project too is that right I should have hired you you're a lot better looking than these two pumps when my father is brilliant Mr Mister oh I'm sorry what is all this bureaucracy run amok that my dear girls are final inspection papers and certificate of occupancy or if they're waiting gold because he can't run a new hotel without him appreciate you dropping them by Danny but you've already been open a week oh perfect timing [Music] [Music] page [Applause] page page page we have to talk yeah well I'd rather not thanks excuse me don't you think it's time that you accept the fact that your father and I are married maybe you don't like it maybe you don't like me I I know that you don't like me but I am trying very hard to make this work I would appreciate a little effort on your eye you know it's always about you isn't it look you may have managed to hook my Deb you're not gonna hook me so why don't you just back off and stay out of my face you don't do that page don't you see how miserable you're making your father don't you see what's happening can you think of anybody but yourself what I think is none of your business and neither is anything that goes on between me and my dad so why don't you just butt out hey Danny so how do we do could have been a little sticky when Paige went for those documents but you handled it perfectly as usual it's all there 100k 50 for your friends downtown 50 field you saved me a lot of money Danny I'm grateful to you so what are you going to do with all this oh it'll get spent so I never asked you you have a family no no I don't I like the travel light that's a shame man should have a family keeps him honest thank you Emily I'm here well did you enjoy that lunch with a bunch of win bags full of baloney they pay the bills remember that as you get older that becomes very important uh what was all that about about the final inspection oh I guess Danny had just forgotten that's all I go in town and get your ski these are not all right the skis I almost forgot about that but we'll all go look at the skis and maybe find a nice place for dinner tonight great you know maybe we can see it as you like at the theater yeah it's boring oh come on you made a great peas blossom in fourth grade I think a little culture might do you good young lady okay you know what I don't want to go to the stupid play I mean I don't know Emily may just do us all a favor and go by yourself page hey forget it Michael so have you had another fight yes she misses her mom it's gonna take her a while apparently she's not the only one Diana's gone and I've accepted that it's going to take a little longer for Paige Mrs Cooper I love you I know I'm sorry I will really try but you have to talk to her I am tired of playing the heavy it's getting old and she'll listen to you she'll argue to listen to you no one listens to me do they I'll talk to her I don't want to talk to her right now let her cool down a bit okay so going to town get the skis and we'll talk about dinner when I get back okay [Music] foreign what are you still doing here give it a rest [Music] [Music] radio the left skate Patrol to lifts Avalanche clear the slopes stop the lifts and get everybody out of the lodge now foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign oh really [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh okay aren't you okay oh I guess was it was it an earthquake no it was an avalanche we gotta get out of here what about Dad for the backup systems are working you're fine just come on we gotta go no come on you can't make can't make it here until my dad gets back you're gonna freeze let's go I don't care I'll I'll go spider or something foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign come on okay yeah uh going for Carl ah I'm halfway down the mountain we need help up here like I'll do the best I can we're overwhelmed down here the lodge what happened to the lodge it's buried have you seen Claire uh negative copy out [Music] okay [Music] CD where is it where is it here thank you [Music] I'm doing it as best I can it's working anymore Emily let me check it out this way foreign [Music] you okay oh I'm fine I'm fine are you okay yeah you know I fell when that thing happened but can you walk well I made this party did you know that your lip is bleeding oh it's just darned Avalanche okay where's Monique yeah Dad where's Monique she's missing real Kodak moment here would you ever stop actually Paige I'm just kidding last time we saw her she was outside okay uh this hallway should take us to the outside of the building there should be a fire escape yeah but you can't count on getting out of there you got a better idea I I think I do I think that we should go this way you gotta be kidding look we're in the east side of the building our room is just above here we couldn't get out into the hallway because it was blocked I I think that we should go west and what makes you think the west side of the building is any better well I don't know that it's safer but I I know the layout of the lodge I mean I helped Michael with the plans I wouldn't tell too many people that if I were you hey my dad's fault that there was an Ave the west side of the building contains I mean it's got the lobby the restaurant it's all told by 12 exposed beams if anything's Still Standing I I know it's got to be there I was thinking about the fireplace in the Eagle's Nest it's got a chimney flu that extends 15 feet above the roof line if we can't get out any other way I think we can get up the chimney and it should take us to the surface I bet you still believe in the Easter Bunny don't you without knowing which you know you guys should do what you think is right because we're going to go to the eagle's nest come on Paige no I'm not going anywhere with you Paige not now let's go go wait a minute we're not splitting up and I'm not just gonna stand here and watch two women wander around isn't that so sweet chivalry lives on all right I'm going with Mr Riley if I could vote you didn't register to vote remember so no you don't get to vote you come with us come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're not sure [Music] we got in there well what's the state of their injuries is but when we find that out I want to make sure that we have a resources that we can bring to bear to get those people out get them out safely and get them the kind of treatment they need to have Brett can anybody hear me somebody please help me hello can anybody hear me hello oh thank God look I'm trapped in here if you just lift it up I think we can get out please I break it where are you going don't go please don't go help me [Music] who's in charge here that guy over there he's the operation supervisor listen I can handle this we're getting plenty of help from town yeah okay my name is Michael Cooper I designed and built this Lodge oh you designed it built this I know the layout forwards and backwards I just need to know if there's anything that I can do to help look don't you think you've done enough already I want you to know that I have the blueprints I can find anything you need to know if you want to help dig all right AJ what's your 20. hey Jay what's your 20. I'm headed up the mountain listen get back down here Carl I don't think this is over say again I need to inspect the peak listen forget about the peak get back down here that's in order AJ listen don't do this AJ AJ [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign whose idea was this anyways dad foreign what are they saying three adults 16 kids trapped six that's that's the daycare center in the basement there's no way to get to them look we'll send the rescue team when we get out tell them help is on the way okay come on tell them shout at him okay let's go no no no Mr Riley can barely even walk so I have to walk we're gonna crawl yeah bro that's what I need we have to go left everybody stay close careful it feels like Alice in Wonderland huh yeah I guess hey you're really good out there today when we raced thanks no I mean a page you beat me why don't you compete anymore I lost interest is it because of your mom [Music] no you have real talent she wouldn't want you to waste that yo you have real talent too why are you wasting yours I don't have the heart your mom said you gotta have the heart to go all the way she used to say that you have it she said that like every 10 minutes I'm like Daddy he doesn't care about heart all he cares about is getting his own way your dad got the gold Alex he was good but we have like this personality conflict like he has no personality yeah well I wish he coached me she would coach you too get him off my back okay who is it is somebody there Monique Reno help me I can't move all right come on be careful watch out dad [ __ ] okay you okay what's your name Monique what are you doing in here we thought you were outside I came to place bye is this your idea of a save your way Monique are you hurt I burned my hand I can't move because of the wires I'm gonna get to the breaker panel I'm gonna drop the power no don't try that here I go Emily there's one right by your head careful Emily watch out for that oh [Music] laughs [Music] watch out anyway there you go there you go [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh yeah go ahead Kelly keep going keep moving Charlie listen take it right up to the pack that pack will support your weight let's go Charlie you can't put that equipment up there it won't support it hey it's our only shot your only shot is to to dig some sort of a tunnel to safely get to these people we got no time you've got a lot more time than putting that cat up there and having to collapse the pack get out of my face stop stop listen to me we have to work together and dig a tunnel while you're grandstanding people are dying get out of the way my wife and daughter are down below do you think I'd put them at any more risk oh I gotta talk to you not now AJ Carl listen I think the summit Camp is gonna go keep your voice down this was only a partial separation and not the biggest part the rest of the snow cap is just hanging up on the crest when it warms up it'll go how long have we got the summit's at 31 degrees I think the trigger layer will let loose at about 45. we've got an hour and a half at the most we've got to dig a tunnel now what's a runner it's twice the mouse and nothing to stop it it'll cover the parking lot get him out of here Charlie does not work this will not work listen to me please I'm telling you listen to me you gotta listen to me please he's gonna get people killed he's not thinking straight my wife is in there well so is mine except to find out exactly where I gave clear a beacon this morning Beacon Locator Beacon you knew there was going to be a slide you knew I wasn't sure you can never be sure but Finley wanted the slopes open you wanted the larger one too [Music] this Beacon may come in handy there's a better way to do this though I'm gonna need your help you got it [Music] I don't have any machines how's your leg Yeah here you go Dad that's not good God damn it wait here for The Rescuers I mean they must have made some progress after all we've lasted this long right I think that we should keep going you guys I'm not sure this air is good I'm tired I think she's not cold so what's your point Emily my point is I'm not sure it's safe here oh come on you're the one who said the public areas were safe do you guys wonder why it's getting colder we're getting weaker it's getting more difficult to breathe because we're all exhausted if you have something to say Emily just say it look the generators the power the backup lights run on diesel fuel if the vents are blocked by snow or debris then there could be a buildup of carbon monoxide if we stay here we can run out of breathable air if could maybe it's all hypothetical I mean right now we're safe we're eating but what if she's right I think we should go with her be careful of these pipes foreign what faith you don't like me much do you if I didn't like you I wouldn't help you oh come on we've known each other for nearly a year you won't even have dinner with me because you're an emotional loser ever since your wife left you you've been afraid to commit and I suspect that that's why she left in the first place maybe you've been afraid all along oh maybe you do like me so there's still hope right a little but it's fading fast you know you are a caveman you treat women like meat I would like you a lot better if you just show a little respect if we get out of this son would you please to me the honor of going to determine hmm I'll think about it about it we have to start by building the tunnel yeah it's got to be well supported we need Manpower we'll get it from town we'll be happy to come up [Music] foreign [Music] We're not gonna get out of here so what we're just stuck in here and we're not stuck we're gonna get out oh we're not stuck we're gonna get out it's either Emily the eternal optimist or Emily the Eternal pessimist which one is it we're either all gonna live or we're all gonna die of carbon monoxide poisoning pick one okay because you're really starting to annoy me you know I know what's going on here you've been writing me and everybody else now you've got a better idea fine you go for it if you don't if you don't you stop complaining you start helping you understand hey layoff I'll be talking to her like that thank you do you think she is anyway her husband's responsible for this whole disaster folks everybody please please stop what you're doing I need your attention everyone please gather around here if you would I know we're in a desperate situation but I have an idea that might take you were right okay what do you want an apology we're starting a tunnel Mr Clark no you're not I'm shutting this operation down I talked to Colonel Medeiros the National Guard will be here in a couple of hours in two hours they'll be welcome until then we're starting a tunnel now I need timber for for bracing I also need cable for lighting a generator if you got any picks shovels axes anything you can find for digging purposes heavy equipment a backhoe all of the Manpower we can find no we wait for the guard the guard's gonna take two hours my God man that won't do us any good people are trapped down below and you're nursing your bruised ego would you help me now I know that some of you have family and friends trapped down below my wife and daughter are down there so time is of the utmost importance most of you know what I want to do I want to dig directly into the middle of that pack if we work together that means the faster we get people out AJ [Music] here foreign I have to stop saying that page look we're gonna get out of here let me help you okay when you can't help me or Paige I know that you don't like me and I'm sorry but this can't be about me It's gotta be about you you have got to find the strength to hang in do you understand that it's just so unfair you know I miss her so much I know you do what would she say if she were here mom would say that that you gotta have the heart to go all the way and that's what we're gonna have [Music] hey what do you think no that we can use good work Alex that's great [Music] okay here we go what are you doing Building A Fire you can't do that what are you Smokey the Bear are you crazy there is no ventilation in here this place will fill with smoke listen what does it matter where we go or what we do this fine piece of architecture your old man came up with is gonna kill us all anyway no it won't [Music] [Music] all right here's where we started digging we need to Tunnel directly into the Eagle's Nest right here this is the strongest part of the building anybody who survived was definitely in there when this thing hit that's where my wife works well that's good news for you we need to keep that Locator Beacon signal alive too to make sure that we keep on course okay from [Music] from here we need to access the rest of the lodge from these different points starting here here and here it's our only shot but we haven't got much time our crust isn't going to hold up there forever let's move [Music] I'll give you a hand foreign I want to say sorry about what I said earlier you know don't worry about it we're all a little tense I'm just not used to women who are um who are uh strong I was gonna say impossible so uh did your wife raise Alex Alex's mom left us when he was five and uh I raised him myself did a good job he's a nice kid he's a flick but he's a nice flake pretty soon he'll be leaving the house and I'll have my life back I'll miss him Tamia tell me about Diana paid his mom what do you want to know I don't know what was she like outgoing adventurous Diane and Paige were never apart if they weren't skiing they were kayaking or rock climbing or mountain biking you know some people thought it was unhealthy you know the way she pushed Paige I understood it I mean when you're good you want your kid to be good and I've been the same way with Alex maybe that's uh maybe that was wrong at least it's a way to communicate you know Emily you're never going to top Diana I don't want to top her I just want to get through the page it looks like somebody already has no this is ironic that's that's my word for the week ironic having an intended meaning conveyed obliquely it's pretty cool huh so what's ironic maybe it's the wrong word it's just that I've always wanted a new mom but Dad won't hear you've got a new mom but you don't want one yeah well she's not my real mom which is still pretty awesome you're dead happy yeah yeah I think he is hello [Music] we can't see anything I need that flashlight [Music] come on Emily why are you stopping what is it it's bad be careful you guys [Music] foreign [Music] Alex give me the accents right now come on let's get out of here all right folks right here this is the area where console dreading on the key is working together [Music] [Music] guys I found at the elevators come over here you okay granny hey hey have you seen dad I thought I was with you no he went to town where were you in the Eagle's Nest you mean it's holding up perfect a lot better than the rest of the lodge I've never seen a building go down like this it's like somebody stepped on it yeah if you'd built it to code maybe it would have performed better what are you talking about I mean nothing could have survived that Avalanche my husband designed a building that you didn't build Danny I know his plans didn't coffee using toothpicks so what are you saying who's this guy this is a construction supervisor for this project 's job to make sure my husband's plans were followed so so they weren't of course they were you're implying I didn't do much I'm not implying anything I'm saying it flat corn I've been coordinating construction from Michael's designs for years we have always followed code you want to accuse me in negligence I suggest you take that up with my I plan to could we uh we saved the lower stuff till later how'd you get down there the stairs but their history something crashed down from above completely destroyed the stairwell so how do we get to the Eagles Nest you don't the Elevator Shaft Frozen looks like we climb yeah be careful [Music] my knees blown we're gonna have to get some kind of rope stay focused right in here [Music] foreign [Music] for anybody with you I'm not tell me what to do I just assumed find another way there is no other way yeah you know maybe if you let us try it again you cannot climb the shaft all right he cannot go all right all of you I I know this isn't going to be easy but we are all going up there as a team working together does everyone understand that concept Alex would you uh check those knots make sure they're tight dad I got my Boy Scout merit badge for knots where else do you think I learned Morse code all right let's do this I don't want you to go first I climbed Devil's Peak when I was 10 years old Emily I think that I can manage An Elevator Shaft [Music] be careful Paige okay I'm always careful so I'm good okay [Music] thank you I'm okay [Music] you're almost there smell it's propane looks like there's a crack in the pipe be careful [Applause] [Music] page foreign [Music] here it comes all right Danny you're the strongest you go up first make sure you go and tie this off tight it's got to carry Arena's weight you understand for you to say hey what's up yeah oh are you lugging this thing around for survival kit I don't know if I can do this you can do it come on [Applause] [Music] you can do everything come on sweetheart [Music] grab my arm come on laughs so Alex you know what to do right yep we uh we tied one into this rope around Dad's foot we we're gonna throw him out over here not the time okay all right okay there you go are you okay yeah there you go your foot goes right there all right yeah that's when you're like over there look out thanks all right wrap it around take up the slack everybody ready let's do it come on okay [Applause] come on [Music] the cash is getting strong coming up [Music] Alex Stop goofy off [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] laughs [Music] AJ what's your status I'm setting the charges now I figure if I plant them in a V pattern they'll divert the run out to either side we got until the next one hits maybe a half hour at the most [Music] can you clean this oh Alex look at your legs I want to tear off some of that sheet let's make a bandage you won't be skiing much that's quite a survival kit you have there yeah [Music] what's the matter I hit a solid wall of ice I can take care of that I got it all right one two three all right she was definitely gone I'm not buying it Danny yeah I don't buy it either looks like you ripped off a hotel safe I'm telling you some of our subs will only take cash I was going into town to pay them off when the Avalanche hit sure you were you can't believe I stole this oh no I think he earned it I think it was a payoff what you're out of your mind when you showed the certificates we knew something wasn't right Danny I just couldn't figure it out but you know what now it all makes sense there is no way the inspectors would approve this kind of work unless you'd paid them off mm-hmm you can't prove that maybe I can't my guess is that Finley took a few shortcuts and you helped him you paid off the local officials and then you went and signed the approvals for Cooper Peterson what's Michael going to think about all this cash oh weren't you planning on sharing it with him Emily dad would never do something like that I know he wouldn't I just want to hear Danny say it don't you threaten me with Michael I gave my life to him we started this company with nothing and we'd still have nothing if it wasn't for me I've been with him since day one I held Paige when she was three hours old I stood with them both when Diana died I've always stood by the more I get for it zip nothing because you all Sten you took advantage of a man who lost the wife and was trying to raise a daughter by himself and now half the company is yours and Michael wants me out think I don't know whose idea that was you don't deserve the company you deserve each other [Music] let's go it stinks in here [Music] I'm sorry Danny [Music] I didn't know that Michael had asked you to leave but how could you do this I needed the money I didn't intend for people to die [Music] wait hey don't do it Danny no it's not worth it don't be a fool that's that's gas you gotta get out of there oh okay foreign [Music] [Music] that came from inside we ran out of time we've got to blow for that ice now there's nothing to see come on yeah come on come on let's go Emily Emily [Music] everybody get out we're gonna blast the ice [Music] we were clear fire in a hole [Music] hey hey you guys there's somebody here hello there hello oh hi hello there but you know what we're gonna get you out of here okay no my wife she can't be moved anyway that's all right we're gonna carry her no no please we'll bring help okay there is one thing you could do it seems I'm always asking you favors it's a letter to our daughter we want to tell her how much joy she's brought to us how how much we love her that's right I'm afraid we haven't told her that often enough I promise I'll bring this to her may you stay warm okay we'll be back all right get out of my way gentlemen this dig is over put down your picks and shovels and get out this site's been declared an official disaster area maybe you could grab a shovel and start digging we could use the help don't make me have these two cops here arrest you I know you're just doing your job but I've been here before I lost my wife in an emergency situation two cops held me back while she drowned in a river the paramedics were on their way but they got there too late those last few minutes made all the difference I'm not gonna be there again my family's down there and nobody's going to tell me that I'm not going to try to dig them out all right you guys come on let's get out again come on hurry up I'm gonna turn this gas on I can do this you know Alex you can't it's too dangerous oh he's okay let him do it without saying I gotta go down the aisle against the wall there are three valves I just want you to trap the middle valve you understand them Alex take these they're hot okay go for it son [Music] take it to the Belt can someone help me yeah okay I found it hello there's somebody alive in there can anybody hear me where are you I'm in the winter I don't think so I just can't move my baby I'm I'm worried about my baby I'm about to move in a while maybe he's just taking a nap I'm gonna need to move this to get to it okay let me get this out of it here careful Reno oh my God ready oh okay [Music] again like [Music] where do you want us oh don't it'll collapse listen you guys gotta find the fireplace and start climbing stop talking [Music] what you can do is get yourself right now you gotta hang in there we are so close let's get going take him with you come on okay [ __ ] I gotta go you guys too I'm staying with my dad no you're not you're going with the others oh he kicked he's all right okay okay tell me find that fireplace okay you do what Emily says okay I'm very proud of you Alex you hear me now get out of here Sons hey [Music] when we get out of here I'm taking you to dinner I'll think about it [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] this is it this is it I thought if we got here we get out after all I through I thought it was right I'm sorry I I'm sorry Emily no no Emily Emily please don't say that look Emily if it weren't for you I mean we'd all be dead [Music] you've been through so much Emily you just you can't give up now okay we need you I mean you you were with us the whole time no matter what even even when we were arguing and even when we were so mean to you I mean look we're here we're all still alive right now and that is what is important Emily it doesn't matter none of this matters we will get out of here we'll find another way there's got to be another way just please Emily [Music] Emily Paige [Music] okay let's go you need help [Music] go go AJ's gonna try to blast it away from the hotel started him but I've never tried to stop one before what if it doesn't work just do it [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wear something nice oh no I'll pick you up at 8 and you wear something nice [Music] be there okay hey champ I love you I love you too son [Music] over here [Music] tell us what happened in there what was it like are you hurt who got you out do you see that woman right over there it's Emily Cooper and she got us out if it weren't for her we'd all be dead and who were you and her daughter [Music] foreign Emily and I were wondering well for our next vacation could we please go to Hawaii [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music]
Channel: Films 4 You
Views: 467,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Film, Movie, Entertainment, Full Movie, Feature Films, Trailer, Movie Trailer, Free Movies, Films 4 You, full movies, tv movies, 2000s movies, best movies on youtube, Trapped: Buried Alive, Trapped: Buried Alive (2002) full movie, Trapped: Buried Alive (2002), Trapped full movie, Jack Wagner movies, Gabrielle Carteris movies, Mark Lindsay Chapman movies, Jack Wagner, Gabrielle Carteris, Mark Lindsay Chapman, rescue mission, thriller movies, thriller, films 4 you, best thriller
Id: dddE7owv04o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 52sec (5512 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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