Wii Sports: How One Game Took OVER The World!

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Wii Sports is a classic childhood game that many people remember playing when they were growing up from hitting balls out of the park and baseball to beating up computers and boxing Wii Sports allowed kids to enjoy sports without the effort of actually playing any sports though it was probably not the best thing to do of your time this game created a lot of fun for the whole family and everyone was addicted to this game it's still considered one of the best games of all time selling over 82 million copies worldwide today we're going to Deep dive into the history of Wii Sports and see why it was such a hit sensation in the in the on November 19th 201 6 Nintendo released a brand new device that would impact millions of people around the world that device was known as the Nintendo Wii the Wii was Nintendo 6 game console following the color TV game series the Nintendo Entertainment System the Super Nintendo Entertainment System the Nintendo 64 the GameCube and the Panasonic Q the Wii was created around the same time as the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 all three of them had their own benefits with the Wii allowing users to use movement sensors with their remotes and num checks to interact with their games players would use the remote in one hand and the num check in the other allowing gaming to be more intuitive for simple trolls the Wii was very easy for non- gamers to use opening a gateway to thousands of people who had never gamed before it's apparent that the Wii had a major cultural impact and as of 2022 the Wii is the seventh bestselling Home console of all time Nintendo were going to release several other visions of the Wii such as the Wii Mini Wii Family Edition and the Wii U so it's safe to say that we had a good impact on the world deploy flash with a new audience to entertain the Wii's goal was to create an experience that non- Gamers would easily be able to play and understand however they needed something that would appeal to a broader audience games such as Super Mario 64 and The Legend of Zelda AR Arina of time were very complex and they needed a game that was more plateable for the average person enter Wii Sports Wii Sports was released at the same time as the Wii Nintendo sold the Wii in a bundle with Wii Sports included that was unless you were Japanese and had to buy the game separately though this sounds weird Nintendo consciously made this decision the reason for this was essentially to force people who just bought Wii to own wi Sports as they believe people would not just buy the console just to play Wii Sports honestly it kind of makes sense but damn why you got to do pan like that just bundle it for everyone then everyone could be happy as stated there were five sports that were included within Wii Sports these included tennis baseball bowling Golf and boxing all of these allowed users to play their favorite sports and golf I guess from the comfort of their own home using characters called meis that would represent them inside of the game there were other game modes within wi Sports as well including training mode where players can enhance their Sports skills or Fitness mode where players would be told that they were useless at sports through the we Fitness age Imagine telling people people that unhealthy and older than they should be what why Nintendo thought this was a good idea oh well at least it only told them their age and didn't tell them they were abused or anything imagine doing that when playing any of these five sports players were rewarded with skills points skills points were allocated based on how well the player did in the sport once you reached a, skills points you were classed as a professional in the sport sounds easy right well it wasn't Not only would you lose skills points if your opponent beat you but some of the opponents you'd go against were wild Nintendo Le 60 M that players can interact with in some of the sports I have a personal Vendetta against some of these M to this day but we'll get on to that in a bit now that we've discussed the basic prise of the game let's get into more specific Sports and see why they're all so lovable for the most part which one is the best though for fun let's rank them all and just discuss them a bit you have great tis now I'm going to be honest I don't mind golf in Wii Sports however when looking at all the other sports it just leaves a lot to be desired I think the main drawback is that compar to a lot of other games this one's more technical the main reason for this is the wind speed there are many external factors in the other sports the wind changes in every put during golf I'm not sure on exact figures or anything specific but us called T Dog release some figures for golf and wi Sports Resort the sequel game to Wi Sports whether this is the same mass for wi Sports as unknown but it's interesting to know and honestly it's surprising that it's so Random aside from win the courses are also quite long though this is typical for regular golf sing through n holes can sometimes be quite boring the broken down levels make the game a bit more enjoyable but honestly it's still the same thing and if you took out hazards and out of bounds it would be slightly more fun but honestly that goes against golf for me I think it's the weakest game in Wii Sports but I'm sure a golf expert could tell you that it's the best sport in the game if there was more interaction I do think this game would be a bit better like golf boxing can be quite lonely if you don't have friends however there is a major upside to this sport compared to golf and that's the fact that it's physical the arguments and pure panic that would ensue when playing boxing was way more exciting than anything that happened in golf like regular boxing the goal is to knock out your opponent be that a CPU or one of your friends each boxer has a health bar or Circle I guess once to play run out of Health they would be knocked out if the player didn't get up in 10 seconds the game would be over and the remaining boxer would be declared the winner for some reason as a child I believe that shaking your remote violently whilst knocked out would help you get up quicker but I don't think that ever actually helped if no one was fully knocked out by the end of the game the game would be judged by performance pretty much just like the actual sport again there isn't much to this one except taking your Ang out on the NPCs I will say grinding boxing to get to map the champion of boxing just to get some shiny boxing glove is totally worthwhile we support gay marriage we support whatever you are but that is very G now this one hurts a lot but for some reason as a child I loved playing baseball and we Sports however the other two games that we haven't talked about are just Untouchable so we're going to have to put baseball here something about smashing the ball into the stadium really did it for me as a child don't ask me why my favorite part of the game was throwing the ball in super ways just by spamming combination of buttons as I threw did I know what I was doing absolutely not but I had fun doing it I'm putting this up boxing and golf because this game feels a bit more interactive compared to the two I really like the fact that you essentially get to play two games in one batting and Fielding batting is pretty self-explanatory players just hit the the ball at the correct time to get a good shot on the ball all you must do is make sure you're not caugh out three times you know what they say free strikes and you're out that wasn't even funny that's literally an actual baseball saying but whatever it's fine ignore me batters can receive many different batting results these include a strikeout out foul ball ball four or a hit when a player hits ball successfully there are several results they get too these include a single double ground rule double triple home run and out of the park honestly I've never received a ground walk door ball before but it essentially means that the ball bounces in the field of play and then lands in the crowd balling is slightly more complex as there is a lot of technical throwing that pitch is going actually do though throwing a ball may seem easily there's several ways to catch out your opponent here are a few examples pressing nothing throws a standard fast ball but holding a throws down a screw Ball B throws a curve ball and pressing both at the same time throws a splitter even one and two affect the way you throw creating a sidearm and overhanded Pitch respectfully though I love baseball I've never actually been able to beat the baseball Champion zakura she is pure evil and she's so good at predicting your froze so try and change things up when you throw cuz honestly she's an IM another slight draw back is that like boxing only two people can actually play baseball at a time which kind of sucks if you have friends over all the other sports allow up to four players so in a group setting you're kind of stuck unless you want to just play alone in front of your group of friends then I guess that works this may be controversial but I'm saying that tennis is the second best sport in Wii Sports Nintendo had previously made Mario Tennis on the Virtual Boy in 1995 but this tennis game looks slightly better and was slightly more immersive when playing tennis there were three different types of matches that were available this included a single game a best of three game and a best of five game each mode required you to win a majority of the games and if you were playing alone you be pair up in a 2v2 match one thing I didn't like was solo games against 2 CPUs why do they give us the worst player to be our partner when we were against Lal champions in Sarah and Alisa however the feeling after beating them is a matched too would get Chris you Chris as a child I always swung at the ball and hope for the best however anyone with a brain would know that timing is important and it can even affect the way the ball bounces even the angle at which you hit the ball can affect the projection my favorite maneuver was summon the ball which was achiev by hitting the ball at its peak suddenly I learned all of that a little bit too late I was never really good at wi tennis but it did create a lot of fun memories and Nostalgia is what makes it so good little love tap on the 10 watch this now I don't know if this is popular but I do believe bowling is the best sport in Wii Sports and Nintendo did a good job in including it now this might sound hypocritical after saying golf was the most boring one because is very solo however balling is way more fastpac and all your friends can join in well at least three friends so if you have more then I guess play something else bowling in Wii Sports was fun because it was surprisingly immersive with a whole bowling Alex setting when your other pre-made M being Ballers next you to throwing the ball at your friends the whole thing was really a Vibe like tennis the way you threw the ball really changed the projection of the ball again as a child I did not know this I was confused why the ball would always curve but it's not like a curve is a Bad Thing unless it's bowling with no barriers then I guess it is a bad thing there there is no champion of bowling once users reach a, skills points they receive a nice shiny ball decorated with sparkles I'm not saying this as a flex but the fact that my ball is shiny and everyone else gets basic balls makes me feel like I have meaningful ones that is until I lose the game and then lose all my skill points but you get the picture ending your essay with inconclusion is Bland overused and predictable looking back Wii Sports really allowed family and friends to play games in a completely different way wi was revolutionary with its motion tracking and though many newer and shinier consoles exist the Wii still has a soft spot in mine and many people's heart and that's thanks to its lovable partner in crime Wii Sports I'm not saying the Wii would have flopped if Wii Sports didn't exist but allowing players to play sports for the comfort of their own home and play with their friends and family really made wi Sports special and a Timeless classic however this was just the beginning there are many other Wii games that are related to Wii Sports maybe we should cover those games soon in the meantime make sure to comment what your favorite sport in Wii Sports is and make sure you hit that subscribe button and give this video a like anyway that's it from me see you in the next one
Channel: JVK3L3
Views: 78
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wii Sports, wii sports music, wii sports baseball, wii sports bowling, wii sports tennis, wii sports golf, wii sports boxing, nintendo, nintendo wii, mii, wii, nintendo wii sports, poofesure, poofesure wii sports, history of wii, wii games, wii gameplay, video essay, history of wii sports, research video, wii baseball, golf, wii boxing, wii sports meme, matt from wii sports, wii sports funny moments, wii sports full game, wii sports longplay, wii sports poofesure, game, miis
Id: 5LPN_1svJ18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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