Wife Winds Garage Door Torsion Spring

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hey there it's Avery with Xpress browser parts calm today we wanted to take a moment share with you one of the more common questions we get on our website and our text service is how hard is it to actually wind a garage door spring well today I wanted to take miss Kay she's the wife of one of her head service techs on their website and our tech service that trains all of our technicians he said that we could borrow her today and show you guys how easy it can be to actually wind up one of these Springs you'll see that she's about 50 years old she weighs around 120 pounds 115 pounds she's 5'4 we think that she can do this no problem so we wanted to show you that you can do it too okay go ahead and hand these over to her these are the winding bars you'll see if you look really close we went in and take these off that way we know that she has the bar all the way in there she being super safe so I'll go ahead and hand these off to her you might notice tom peek in here he's one of her other service texts it's his wife so he wants to make sure she's really safe so I might see him here he Ken so she's gonna go up there wind up this spring forward we're gonna count four so that we know that she's being safe and everything so she's gonna go ahead and get started now if you've noticed we've kept kept hey where this bar is not in line with her head she is off to the side of this and he's gonna go in count for you there you go that's one okay yes now slide it back in there you go you notice this is not a weak spring this is a heavy-duty 250k spring that you see on most yeah we definitely didn't throw our soft soft pitch here this is a 9 by roughly at 9 by 8 door it only has one spring so this spring is going to be equivalent to a what you can see on an 18 by 8 door which is about as heavy as you're gonna you know you're gonna find on a house there you go and in case you take that bar put it back up like trigger him this way to take it out with your left hand then he ain't got to return it whereas you line yeah you have to turn that right now yeah okay if you okay whoops we had a wiggle ever on their cake yeah you gotta just you gotta wiggle a little bit you just can't like stabbity there you have to wiggle it there you go that's what we want Underpants now see how much easier that is to put in yeah okay hey that's perfect perfect perfect let me grip that in if you closer you get your hand to that bar the easier that's gonna go in pick it back up now I take this hand here okay take this in here and get it closer to that end when you go to stick it in here and have a lot more control over that a lot easier okay this time if you've noticed for leverage we do not have her sitting far off to the side you see a lot of people young guys grab this thing and horsing it up of course she's not gonna have the strength to do that truth be told this is how our professional wives of spring they are not standing above it typically and yanking it we teach our text to stand underneath the spring stay off to the side as you can see you know she has plenty of strength so far to lift this up and this is going to get of course it's harder than were you the more you wind starts easy the more you wind the harder it gets and what never she out right now wave I was 16 she's at 16 she's about halfway through and not a problem cake no problem so far there you go good job where we had eight missile 19:19 well now we thought we'd have to cut the film about 16 times I did do you over this yeah you did yoga Wow how are you feeling I'm feeling pretty pretty pumped up okay okay okay how where were ya is 22 okay how many more I go I need 10 more I don't think you're gonna do that I thought we'd have to stop the film will let you rest I really did that's 25 Wow well you aren't greasing me out you okay yeah CCC's we're gonna film this all the way through let her be agree let's let her she's gonna get this without a break twenty nine three more okay good way to go okay now I feel it now can't wanna kick about all those big tough guys on the internet saying that you can't do this see these 333 there if you notice there's no stops in this film you notice we did not so we did not throw her a slow pitch we did not this is that's about as heavy of a spring as you're gonna get well there you have that a woman does in fact have the strength to wind up a garage-door person spring good job okay thanks can I keep the bars yes you can please and always remember you can always contact us at Express rostro parts come visit our tech line if you have any questions of bet all about your grass skirt or Sand Springs thank you you
Channel: Express Garage Door Parts
Views: 166,955
Rating: 4.4831762 out of 5
Keywords: winding garage door spring, wife winds spring, woman winds spring, how to wind garage door spring, how hard is is to wind a garage door spring, garage door springs, garage door torsion spring
Id: 2udM-E2kxNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 19sec (379 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2018
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