Garage Door Rollers and Hinges Replacement [How to *2019 Updated]

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hello everyone a brief overview before we get started today garage door parts and hardware can cause serious injury or death if not handled or installed properly do not attempt to install torsion springs or Hardware yourself unless you have the proper tools reasonable mechanical aptitude experienced an upper arm strength please understand all instructions before you begin work and immediately consult a trained garage door technician if any questions or problems arise hey guys it's Avery with Express garage door parts calm today we wanted to take a moment and show you the process of changing out the rollers and the hinges on your garage door these items are often overlooked but pretty crucial for the overall performance and operation of the door not only can they make for a pretty noisy door but it can result in pretty expensive repairs when they do happen to break now the overall process for changing out the hinges and rollers is fairly simple we've seen quite a few videos of homeowners even professionals showing or attempting to show how to change these parts even though some of these processes may seem really quick or clever they can often lead to a world of problems now please keep in mind that these professionals do have very special tools to replace these parts these tools are not readily available to the general public and can be overkill for the average homeowner only doing this process once now something very important to keep in mind before we do get started here is that there is a difference between your side hinges and your bottom bracket now please pay attention this is important the bottom bracket where the cables are attached is under extreme tension from the springs and shouldn't ever and I mean ever be removed without releasing the springs tension now we'll get to the bottom bracket here in a second but let's start with the side hinges and rollers getting started today the first thing that we're going to want to do is unplug your opener and disengage the opener from the door by pulling that release cord we do this because we don't want somebody to inadvertently hit that wall button operating a door while we're working on it so once that's done you're free to work on your door looking at it here we're going to be replacing a broken hinge today with a gummed up roller pretty common here these cheaper hinges will break when they break the brick here here so that's pretty common issue and the roller the changing of the hinge in the roller are two of the same once you take off the hinge you're free to replace your roller you'll notice on this door we have a one a two three four in the top on this end here in all hinges they'll have a number which hinge that it is so before we work on this hinge today we're going to take our sharpie and we're just going to mark here where it originally used to be that way these other notches and holes in the section we don't go in those by accident and we actually go over the old hinge originally what so once that's done I'm going to take an impact wrench with a 7/16 socket if you don't have an impact wrench you can use a wrench or a ratchet with a 7/16 socket on it what you're just going to do simply take off these bolts that releases the hinge from the door once all that's off we'll replace it with a brand new hinge in roller you'll notice that we're going to be using an 11 point nylon ball bearing roller we actually have these available on our website they're really top-of-the-line roller we like them so much that's the only one that we sell because they're just awesome so using that with a new hinge today the hinge will slide right in here you'll notice that there is the difference here there's a hinge section of the hinge and there's a roller section of the hinge the hinge part hinges and the roller section is operates the roller so once you have that in there you're just going to slide the roller right back in put your screws back in here make sure you line it up again wear your sharpie hole was so we'll just tighten that down here grab the rest of my bolts again making sure my alignments good where it was looks good to me tighten that back down and it's literally as simple as that that you're done you can do that for your one two three and four we recommend only really replacing these one at a time if you take them all off and then you mix them up that's not good these are slanted and numbered so you want to make sure they're in the proper order so just do them one at a time now that we got this one changed you're free to replace the other singles and let's move on to the top section Hintz all right now moving on to the top bracket there is a couple more things that we do want to keep in mind and that's the seal ability of the door now that's really achieved by the top section of the door and that is achieved by this bolt here which allows the top roller to fluctuate in and out creating a seal against that header so that it's flush with the seal on the outside of the door so that's something really important to keep in mind when you're doing the top section bracket here so taking this off what you're going to want to do just like these side hinges here you can run your Sharpie mark here I know where mine is so if you're not comfortable just taking it off again run that Sharpie mark it only takes a second it really helps you out where you know where you're at so if you want to do that that's fine so what you're gonna do just again take these bolts off just like you did before if it is pinched or if it becomes hard to take off you can loosen this top bolt here which controls the roller moving in and out so I'll do that for you right now just to show you how that's done so all we're gonna do is swing back here grab a half-inch socket just loosen that up that allows my roller to go back and forth like that so it's real easy to take off then I'm gonna grab my 7/16 socket take off my bolt the bracket pops off just like that now we're gonna replace it with some new hardware here grabbing my new hinge and my my drive my new bracket and my new roller here we're gonna [Music] get this here just slide it in just like you did before they're lining up where my Sharpie mark was we're good there and again it goes like that line up your marks good to go just like that there you go simple as that now that's loose again so I want to make sure I'm creating a seal on the top section here so if you lock this tight if this is against the header here when you fasten this bolt if the door raises up and happens to hit that cable drum on the top of your brackets there you want to adjust that if the door was out a little bit when you started there's probably a good reason for that so keep that in mind before you even take this bracket off look back here and see where your seal was so it can return to that when you're done so all that's done make sure all our bolts are tight well that's good there I'm gonna switch over to my half-inch socket again what I'm gonna do here I'm gonna take my thumb and my finger I'm gonna pull back on this push forward with my thumb that creates a seal against the top section there I'm good there we go all nice and tight give it a once-over here something else we want to keep in mind when the door rises up we want to keep in mind here when it clears the radius we want to look at this bracket here when it goes up we need this to be at the very worst flush with this section here so it can clear this radius successfully if it's over here it might scratch or grind against this so we don't want that so at the very worst miss to make sure it's flush here good once over now that we got that changed and our side hinges change we're good to move on to the bottom roller replacement now that the door is in the up position we're free to replace that bottom roller now all we're going to be focusing on today is this section right here or the vertical track and the horizontal track meet right where its spliced together all I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take my vise grip right at this bottom track I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna pry this out I'm talking no more than a half of an inch nothing here I'm gonna take the door I'm gonna pull it down I'm going to line up my roller with where I just crimped it and I'm gonna take a flathead screwdriver all I'm gonna do go back here take this pop it out that pops it out I'm gonna pull the section if you can't pull the section towards you the sex you can slide that way and back so pull it back take out your roller just like that take the new roller slide it in again the section can go that way if you need to push it back I'm gonna line up the roller where I just took it out pop it back in if it's being a little struggling for you can take your hammer give it a whack there we go nice and in there line it back up you're good to go push that up now we need to fix this where I crimped it I'm just gonna take my hammer again I'm gonna give that a good whack this metal is pretty pliable so run my finger across that that's good and flush that's good and flesh you're done now if you needed a little more room to take out this roller there's a lag back here on this flag of the track you can take that out and that'll give you a couple a couple more inches to take your roller out so again I'm gonna show you how to do this real quick take your 7/16 on your impact you're gonna take this like this lag out here and you'll notice here I can see how much sec that gave me a man another inch or so I can pull that and notice I actually drew a sharpie mark back here that's where my tracking used to be so when I'm done I can slide that right back to where it was like that right there I'm gonna throw my lag back in make sure it's all good and good we're good there we're good there I'll flush here take my section on the back if this is a little wider than you want it to be again this section move you can slide it back we're good to go okay now every time we post one of these how-to videos we get a barrage in the comments below of texts from around the country saying that they have a quicker way of doing this and we understand that we understand that there's special tools that you can use to do this for instance this is a track roller removal tool so you can slide it behind your roller here you can pop out the roller in place it that way when you do that though you're damaging your tracks this coincides with the videos that we've seen of people using hammers in doing this you can slide your hammer back here pop your roller out but again you're damaging your track when you damage your track you have to use another tool which is called a track resizer tool so where you indentation to your track by removing your roller you slide that back there you have to beat it with a hammer to resize that back to where it was well when you do that you're causing waves and indentations in that track so it's not going to be factory-new again so the reason we tell you to do this up top where it's easily pliable is you can just whack a couple times with a hammer and get it back to where it was being in business over 50 years we have trained service techs who's been doing this we're not just an online retailer we understand that there's a quicker way of doing this but it's not really in the homeowners best interest to do that because it will cause issues down the road there's also another way that we've seen in the up position of removing your top roller I'll show that one right now okay now let's address the method of replacing the top roller when the door is halfway up in the up position what this requires you to do is take your track here bend it and pop the roller out so by doing this see it pops it out and what actually can happen here just like this if I film this three times this couldn't happen but it does so this is why we don't want you guys to do it this way you get your number three hinge pop out here so when that happens when you try to get your new roller in here when you replace it pop it back in by bending your track see this this comes out and this can be a pain to get back in so when you try to get this one back in then your number two is gonna come out and then you just have a mess on your hands and the doors in the up position this that's just not where we want you to be as a homeowner so there's a reason why we show you the way that we showed you how to do this stuff so if you have any questions regarding into this please refer to our website we have other how-to videos we're posting all of the time use our tech service that we have on our site call that number ask questions you can shoot us an email however you want to get ahold of us we're here to help you thanks for tuning in today have a wonderful day [Music] you
Channel: Express Garage Door Parts
Views: 203,168
Rating: 4.8648453 out of 5
Keywords: garage door rollers, garage door hinges, roller replacement, new garage door rollers, new garage door hinges, garage door, garage rollers, new rollers for garge door, how to install new rollers on a garage door, replacing garage door rollers, how to garage door rollers, how to garage door hinge, broken garage door
Id: cwYdmlnpfWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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