Leveling your garage door, by garage door nation. Hi, my name is Thomas Mello, and I'm gonna show you how to balance your garage door. If your garage door is not balanced, you're
gonna ruining your opener and no time, so makes sure your garage door is balanced and the only way to balance your garage door, is if you have the correct springs on. If
you don't have the right springs on, there's no chance you're gonna be able to balance it
out correctly, so let's just look at this see if this garage does balance. I got a manual released, first the wall and I'm gonna go ahead and lift it up and I just left it up a little bit and its falling pretty bad now, right here this bottom foot is super heavy so when a garage door is balanced and has a right springs, it should be able to stay in any position and actually stay afloat. One thing you
never wanna do is adjust an old spring. I personally install this store over a
year ago. I know there're new springs. This is how people get seriously injured
or die, so I highly recommend not working on a door at Super all. I got some parts here, some
tools that you should put your vice grips on
there locking in a place. Otherwise, your cable is gonna loose
tension. For now, we're just gonna loosen up the spring and I'm gonna go ahead and wind the spring
one, two, three winds to get it balanced out. Now, you might have to play around general. You're gonna wanna go on a
7-foot door, 28 to 30 quarter churns. So this doesn't have the white lines in it
but for every white line usually you could tell one for revolution, so so that's nice and tight and I know I gotta put some winds on this one as well, is that a garage door is super heavy. just because it balances out at the center
doesn't mean it balances out at the bottom. It's so heavy at the bottom, there you gonna where the heck out of your opener. So, we're gonna go have one turn two turn. What I'm gonna do is two-and-a-half so as I have turned make sure the set
screws are tighso there is a half turn. Make sure these set screws are tight, but not too tight.t but not too tight Once you get tighten, just do a quater
turn. So I'm gonna go ahead and remove my vice grips and now let's feel the door, that's perfect. You see how I just left it up
really easy. You should be able to open the door up with one hand super easy. If its easy for you, its easy
for the opener. Last thing you want to check on is when the door is all the way up. Do you have cable tension? So, I'm just gonna go here, look at my cables like its see is great tension on, so I know everything set, my garage door is balanced and that's how you balance a garage door. Thanks very much for watching this video.