NOW THIS IS A RACE!!! BTD6 Livestream

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[Music] [Music] [Music] uh hello and welcome my beautiful friends how are you doing today on this wonderful day here hopefully doing absolutely freaking fantastic what up what up boys i know i know oh my god first time ever dude this is exciting this is an exciting time that we're living in here we were allowed to have wizards all right oh my god all right we're not going for a hardcore good oh jason baby how are you doing man can't stick around oh that's so sad man so it's so good to have you here though just wanted to say how i've been watching all your old pkd battle streams lately oh yeah i know i want i want i want a new btd battles s game to come out man that's what i want that's what i need in my life all right so we're going we're just gonna take this really slow but thank you so much jason you're absolutely the best man that has ever existed in terror history of the world thank you so much for all of your support that you've given me for i guess it's been years man oh my god holy crap thank you uh we're going a little slow today i was only 50 rounds there's probably gonna be like a record of like 12 seconds or something like that so uh yeah hopefully that doesn't happen though purple balloons tend to be our problem though uh we might lose the purple blues here that is scary i don't like that i don't like that at all all right we go a few more rounds in here and um what do we want i don't know i mean i got something to go for a uh cannon ship here and then maybe like a destroyer with an alchemist or something like that to finish this all off but you guys holy crap oh my god what was that what was that he came out of nowhere man he came out of nowhere oh my goodness let's scare the crap out of me all right well you live and you learn i was not ready for a a very powerful moab to come in here but uh we did end up uh uh losing to it well i thought it was like doing fantastic now we're gonna have to waste our monkey money all right we got this we got this all right we need to find a little bit better boat positions what we need to do man do that pop quick dart monkey in here boom boom get the grape shot going as fast as possible and we should be in uh in good shape here we're gonna go for uh a decent amount of rounds but i want to take a little bit slow here i don't want to be too crazy with it my goal is to get top 10 percent but if i get top 25 i won't be upset with myself at the very least i'm already pushing a 16 here though that's kind of scary man um there we go we got faster shooting oh man we're dead we're dead what was i doing 27 seconds where is the video where you drink the 500 of lemon juice david i don't know uh it exists in a live stream somewhere i don't know if it ever ended up in a video to be completely honest um but wow we lost on round two i think we need a wall of fire guys all right we could do we could do that i never do any selling in these ones and i think that's my biggest mistake here is malacca selling all right uh let's try it out man let's go for a dark monkey just kind of randomly over here we're gonna take it like a little tiny bit slower you know i'll also go pretty quick i think but uh a wall of fire does sound like a good tower to have guys not gonna lie what does he cost in these days about 1500 or 1700 or so so if you sell this guy i mean something like a thousand dollars on top of all that that's still pretty wild dude um so not exactly easy to afford but we can throw it on this guy we could throw it out uh oh you know what i think we're ready set no we're not ready yet we're not ready oh my god where are all the lives going they're all gone holy crap oh my goodness gracious guys we're gonna rebuy a uh one of these guys though um i think i'm gonna go for a destroyer oh we're still losing even with the wall of fire i thought we were set two lives go two lives you can do it you can survive all right we need to get that monkey sense though holy crap oh my god guys all right we're saving up for destroy purple balloons purple blues purple blues i got nothing for purple balloons man it's actually almost better if i didn't give my grape shot hot shot because then i wouldn't be able to pop purple balloons with the grapes otherwise they completely ignore it it like sucks it up it definitely exists though david it is it might be a live stream but it definitely exists i think what we need to do is we need to actually do a combination of selling here i know what we're going to do all right i got the perfect plan all right i got it i got it i got it i got it watch this 12 or 11 rounds 11 rounds is fine all right eleven rounds is good let's put this guy on strong get the grape shot in there looking good looking fantastic actually looking pretty orgasmic over here chris let's take a little slow pop my wizard down get ready for that cell in action up in here 13 all right julio no problemo here's my wizard friend uh i don't know positioning wise i'm a wizard friend here though uh all right we're ready for him wall of fire send them out go go go go go go we're gonna get a sub though check this out guys we're gonna go for a sub we're gonna go for a nuclear sub if i sell this guy's worth twelve hundred dollars here so um oh i didn't mean to do that i meant to do this twenty seven hundred dollars is what we need let's see if we can make it happen we're basically there 1400 boom nuclear subset about 39. can we take them all oh no no no why weren't you submerged no oh my god i can't believe we're still alive though oh we couldn't handle it all right there is a ceramic in there i kind of forgot about that i don't know if that's what killed us but uh i definitely have to keep that in mind i forget what was it 37 maybe 36 no not 36 30 it could be 38 that it's on but i can't be certain but i think that could be a pretty freaking good strategy here guys i like it i like it at the very least my only question is is should my wizard go here or should i throw him down in the corner here like is there anything wrong with him being in the corner here you know i pop all the balloons that come out of the round over here and they still get to pop before they leave i don't know for certain but we're gonna go for it [Music] corner all right somebody's at the corner let's go let's corner it up all right oh i bought the wrong thing oh my god i'm terrible at life man holy crap we lost but i even try i bought i tried to use hotkeys i hit the wrong button you don't realize how amazing grapeshot actually is until you screw that up like that sucks one mistake man that's all it takes one mistake and you boop gone 10 11 this time around we're not going to make that mistake oh baby there it is there it is all right we're going to 14 already he is chasing in the wrong way that's not the way i wanted to go um all right here we go we're gonna throw this wizard down in the corner here it's a little risque i spo my god what are we doing did we really push it that hard i didn't feel like we pushed it that hard no no no no we're not going to use the hero man um not not at the start at least there's no way he's going to be better than this bucket here but i'll give him a shot for you guys all right i'll get i'll give him that i'll give him that shot for you guys if you guys think so all right let's let's do it um [Music] i guess we at least have well he's not bad but he's not good either um that was not the answer guys you guys just cost me 100 monkey money i want to be paid now give me my monkey money back he's not a starter hero man he's not a starter tower at all hunter down the drain just like that wow i'm never listening to you guys again i'm never ever listening to you guys again all right why why would you do this to me i have like five thousand monkey money now that's it that's it it's chump change man when they come out the new update he's spending real money to buy monkey money guys that's what that's what you're making me do all right i've been doing it too fast let's take it slow if we bid it slow we're gonna be happy i'm just gonna throw them at the top here it's not perfect but we're okay we'll go to level 11. let's do that round 11. looks good grape josh is really freaking good man do not underestimate the grape shot it is solid uh yeah let's do that um a few more rounds send them out let's go we're still losing lives though you gotta keep that in mind man um it's not like we're really really owning or anything like that we get a wall of fire up but all these lives that would have been popped by the buccaneer are not getting popped anymore that is upsetting and i think we lost two balloons leaking through over there man um i don't really like that wizard spot believe it or not you know it's like you got to wait for the balloons to come into the middle to pop them all right it's not a terrible idea just it's it's not working for what we want to do all right so let's take it a little slow um and see if we can pull this off all right round 11. i feel like we're not getting a bad amount of pops out of this guy though he's doing great i mean look at this even could put him on close here he's gonna be doing a great job well maybe not close maybe uh strong or something just let him shoot let him go to town [Music] i'm gonna throw our wizard right in the very middle of the map just like that still losing lives though gotta be careful here guys there's the wall of fire it's in play though i don't remember when the first purple balloons come out but we're gonna throw our stuff down at the very least we got one and two i'm making a decent amount of money here wall of fire is doing a great job so far 1300 bucks i'm just about there all right just about there boom all right we're gonna go to 36 at the very least and then i got to decide what else i want to do here guys i'm going to put this guy on strong i think i'm going to get a grape shot faster shot double shot destroying kind of guy over here that should be good for us hopefully i want to get the destroyer up before around 40 at the very least 38 popping out here here's my guy all right we got us out how do we want to pop this freaking moe up though i think that's my big issue here guys i i do not know um i don't wanna i don't wanna screw it up like i did last time so i'm gonna take it a little slower than i probably should um i got a burst circuit brew here at the very least i could pop a quick monkey ace in here maybe you know i mean i i could try for an insta kill here but here it is uh just a quick reminder guys any spammers will be automatically banned from the channel you will never ever ever get to talk again on my channel ever again i do not undo the bands ever alright so i just want to remind that uh for the ban for the spammers some people think that they could just come in here and they can spam and uh uh you know any time like more than twice usually is spamming for me even like three f's i know some people like to spam the apps like a spamming to me man i do ban for that so uh i gotta let you guys know it's not fun for anybody involved well it's a little fun it's good to ban people so anyways we might have to go for it to kill i don't know what else uh the hero worked that's true the hero did work i don't know what else would be a very good moab popping power uh tower i mean the monkey ace is pretty solid you can go third tier monkey ace i could just go for the insta kill i mean a monkey pirate a boat pull 4 800 so that's not cheap man it would be better if i could pop him in some other way just want to throw that out there would be better but i'm willing to give it a shot uh that's for 14 000 man that's not not possible the ballistic missile won't do anything either just the regular third tier a male strong buck by elk could be could be uh ice for what do you guys talk about ice though ice for the moab um ice to pop the balloons possibly possibly possibly all right let's just go you guys would give me such random things to to do here so i'm just going to go with my own uh intuition here here we go late night fitness with sjb nick man thank you dude uh if you guys are up for it i will do uh a max of 200 push-ups today for you guys uh we're gonna go for it oh crap i don't have money here oh i didn't math it right oh baby will we get in time 23 24 we're still losing lives though uh oh uh oh six lives scary oh my god i did it again i really have to math it out i can't just guess i have to i have to know i have to know you know i have to know so i do like this guy though this guy on close it works very well not gonna lie and i'm not even using my dart monkey either what am i thinking dude use that free dart monkey use it to your advantage so you are forced to use this hero two walls of fire won't do nothing man i don't know i need the sub let's go full out sub dude i'm ready for him um got 15 rounds over here we're actually doing very solid i would say overall i am not upset with how things are going right now uh here's the wall of fire but you can go uh pretty decently high up in here man i mean it's not perfect but it's pretty solid uh 23 you can't push it too hard i will get striker jones before i get my other thing just so we can level up here and then i'm gonna do this but i'm gonna put back him first and then i gotta watch out man i gotta i gotta switch him back but while i sell in here oh that was really slow though we need 2700 bucks exactly boom boom submerge all right there's that uh let's rebuy that let's do that monkey ace guys we're doing okay 37 uh uh i'm gonna try to not insta kill it this time around i'm gonna see what i can do without the insta kill we go for an operation but if this doesn't work man we basically need that in skill to force it there could be other ways like maybe uh what ice tower are you guys talking about for the moab i don't get it you mean for the ceramics inside i don't get it we're gonna try this guy out 38 39 and i mean that's basically it i think i have to do it here here's uh uh 40. let's go okay i see what you mean by the ice tower you want me to try and freeze the ceramics but i don't know where the ceramics are gonna come out i don't know when we're gonna pop the moab uh that's too expensive for moab maulers uh it did pop though that's that's what's interesting it did pop we were able to pop with regular towers i don't know that the monkeys was the best tower for it but it did pop it it did pop it um i got a pretty wicked idea for you guys i gotta i i think we can make it work man let's let's try this out i think i got it all right i'm gonna try mo i'm gonna try maelstrom i'm gonna try a maelstrom for you guys we're gonna see if it works out got them on close here close is fantastic for the buccaneer right here i don't know if that's necessarily the best but it like it hits every single grape every single time which is pretty sexy if you ask me once you can afford a wizard though the crazy thing is all the money comes at once that's the worst part about this all the money seriously it's just like here it is you get money chris fireball sell for a fire send out uh like 26 freaking rounds here i'll go intense magic too just so the fireball does more damage 27 even screw it uh and then we gotta wait i gotta wait i gotta wait uh it's too risky to to to not wait yes it's probably possible but i'm gonna submerge sell plutonium reactor i just submerged him i pressed the submerge button did you guys not see that dude i'll read a thousand monkey money now right now holy freaking crap that's upsetting i pressed the submerge button what why would it do that okay i'm just gonna i'm gonna let it submerge or just map it out i need what 32.50 all right 32 freaking 50. let's do it right let's see what we got here 540 2700 32 40. okay that's all i need to do i should have just done the freaking bath like 25 minutes ago oh my god all right grape shot galore boom boom popping blooms like it's my job baby here we go all right let this ride out for a little bit we can start setting out a few rounds like just very slowly not quickly at all very slowly 13 here's my wall of fire doing great work here chris doing great work here chris all right 32.50 that's what i got 32.50 minus 1200 uh i need about two thousand dollars that's what i need 27 um two thousand dollars hopefully we can make this work for us two thousand dollars let's go oh two thousand dollars get the reactor looking good looking good we wanna get that monkey ass again but this time around i'm actually gonna you know what i should probably do should probably get that tax return oh i need this guy look at that guy we'll get a taxer over here um we're gonna go a little slow here 37 because there is some sort of moab or a ceramic somewhere in here i don't know exactly where it's at but it's in here man you are allowed to use mouse roms by the way that's crazy 38 39 okay all right all right let's get that malstrom here's my mouse drum is officially up all i need to do is i want i wanted to get this guy but i don't know is he really the guy that i want to get i think i do have enough money for it man i don't know what else i'm gonna do to pop this bow up dude i don't know what else i can build um there's the ceramic though it's gonna leak some lives but it shouldn't kill me round come on this sucks waiting for this thing man all right here we go we've got it up whip pop it all right so now for the other ones though i'm gonna see if i can get my cannon chip up uh with my thingamabob oh no i'm losing lives oh all right all right all right please shut up about the two walls of fire i don't know why we're even talking about my walls of fire here um against a moab against a moab what are you guys talking about i don't get it it's just a bad idea i don't like it all right i don't like it getting a little upset here i'm sorry i'm sorry um i probably could have gotten a wizard sub combo eventually or yeah cryo cannon with mortar i just need more balloon pop i thought this was going to be an easy race like 50 rounds no problem man destroyer instead of the monkey ace but with the maelstrom that could be the ass that could be the answer all right but or double destroyer alchemist combo i i don't know i mean it's all too expensive is the problem all right you know i'm gonna try a completely different strategy guys i'm gonna try a completely different strategy i've been selling for the wall of fire i'm gonna try something different here why tr why sell when you can not sell that's gonna be my my shot here even if it's not quite as good at least if i beat it i'll feel good about myself you know so we go i got my faster fire with my grape shot we're gonna slowly beef these guys up we're gonna put our wall of fire in the middle still uh it's a little slower i mean we're still losing lives too is something you have to keep in mind here um 21 we get it up though oh my god what let's not expect that i don't know i don't know if that's the answer i still got to try it one more time though the problem with um [Music] using any wall of fires especially in the middle or the ends over here is that purple balloons will literally destroy your fire doesn't just not get affected it destroys your fire that's a very important thing to keep in mind alright here we go here's my wizard again somewhat slow just kind of like reasonable uh uh things here once you get the wall of fire you can go a decent amount here 26 27 get your guy going over here get a sub going hopefully this is just the right combo for me right now i am down a lot of lives though the selling was doing a very good job i i have to admit it all right we're gonna sell this guy for myself oh look at that wall of fire got destroyed by purple blue check that out that's why we lost that's why we lost wall of fire purple loon so i think i have to show this to people all right i'm i i have to show this people because people are uh telling me to do the wrong thing over and over and over again uh and again it's not your it's not your fault it's just it's annoying when i see the same thing over and over again what happens when you use a wall of fire oops i gotta go in sandbox hey tutti thanks man first place yeah all right that is not gonna happen but thank you dude so uh that's very nice of you what happens when you get a wall of fire here though everybody thinks oh man you build a wall of fire and this is the way it used to work purple balloons would just walk right over it wouldn't batter all right but now you get this it deletes the fire it deletes the fire so you get any sort of purple blues coming in here it deletes it so if you're sending out a crap ton of mixtures of balloons you know uh you know i don't even know like 27 or something like that 27 uh a few times here and then a like wall fire could do amazing it could pop every single one of these balloons even reds and blues and greens and yellows and all this stuff i set up like three round 27s here qualifiers deleting them all except when a single purple balloon comes in here it's just game over single purple man all it takes so you got to be careful with the wall of fires man especially on these races because you i don't even know when they come out it's like 20 30 i don't know i don't know what round they come out if you guys know that's fantastic but i don't know so okay i have to beat it man i have to at least beat it i don't have to own it i just have to beat it so we're going to take it very slow this time just to say i've done it not super slow just very slow not super slow just very slow man all right here we go so we got our bucket here going pretty good i'm gonna still i think i that selling thing just worked so freaking well i think i have to do it you know uh it's ridiculous i don't really like the selling aspect of races but i guess it just requires quick micro so it makes sense um here's the wall of fire we set out to round like 27 i think without too many issues especially if i get intense magic here seems to work very well but then again maybe that was overkill is there any purple blooms in here that's my question i can't see them up until 27 it seems like we're pretty good uh here we go boom boom boom we get the reactor up there were purple balloons before 27 though by the way but we got enough fast enough where it didn't really seem to matter all right beautiful all right so we're gonna go for our destroyer now close again 35 reasonably quick but not super quick uh i liked my maelstrom in this corner here it worked out very well guys holy crap holy crap all right still taking a little on the slow side here i don't know i feel like i'm not getting enough money right now oh i never got my hero that's my problem i'll buff the destroyer if i had a billion dollars i would do that where are you guys getting all this money from man i ain't got no money like that all right i gotta wait for my destroyer here even if it costs me a lot of time i said i wanted to beat it that's my main thing i gotta beat it beat it with my destroyer as soon as i get destroyer round of 40 is going to be sent out though uh here's the destroyer all right let's go round 40. let's see if we can pull this off this moab is so fast oh no my mouse drum was not perfect even when i say i'm just gonna beat it i can't do it these moabs man they're freaking killing me they're killing me if i had a perfect milestone i think that would have worked again it's just freaking expensive why did i just start off with a tactile why did that why did that pop in my brain to do that um all right so we are doing a uh fail run right now because i built a taxi for some reason i don't know maybe it won't be a fail run maybe we can make it work somehow you never know i don't know i guess you don't like the maelstrom for the ceramics maybe the ice tower will work better i could it could it might be the answer [Music] all right again just sort of a fail run right now just kind of letting it go i guess blade shooter tends to be a pretty freaking good tower these days man uh it's pretty solid i mean you can still go for a wall of fire uh kind of in the middle of all this i pushed it pretty hard i mean we're still surprisingly alive no we're not we're still a lot no no uh all right so that was a a fail run i kind of knew it was gonna happen that way it's weird how like you find the strategy that just works really freaking well and then we even try to remotely match it it just doesn't matter go grapeshot his life just leaves so fast so surprisingly oh i know all right wizard it is up 15 let's go boom and sell and fire so we're gonna go 24 i think 25 might have purpose but maybe that's my problem the purple's been killing me at 25. heck yeah they have that all right so we get uh we need two thousand dollars saved up play for two thousand dollars i think i could send this out a little early here 25 26 and 27 uh even 28 we're good 29 we can sell for a nuclear sub boom boom look at that beautiful action right there all right we're gonna try for the elk buffed double destroyer play that's what i'm gonna go for all right at least a single destroyer with my hero though i need my hero guys he is a necessity you need that stunning power right there i think what else we build that's gonna be like good enough against moab i just can't even imagine you know ninjas maybe i should check the ninja man i should check the ninja out he's a very weird tower to build here but hey i i could see it magically being ridiculously amazing uh here's the destroyer though that's good we do want the grape shot we don't want the hot shot i don't think um works out 39 here destroy though very solid tower very tough very solid and then maybe uh we build that ice tower down here and just hope for the best uh i could go for a uh so they buffed recently they buffed this cryo cannon now it's expensive as crap man so expensive here but it could be worth it could be you never know man 203 sub a juicy 203 sub now i'm again i'm rooting for my destroyer here to do all the damage but i probably you know what scruff suck it suck my balls that's not the way we can do it man we can't we can't do it screw the ice tower too no we gotta keep the ice tower what am i doing what am i doing right now i don't know screw it we're going for uh cryo cannon i don't think it's gonna be enough here but we're going for it anyways cryo cannon go baby go are we alive we're still alive for now why did i set out like 25 rounds i don't know why i did that why did i do that i got excited i got too excited here guys we're still alive we're still alive it's ridiculous oh my god maurice uh if there was a race called super john bomb who would you bet on it i i totally would probably just a few dollars but i totally here we go round 50. here we go guys this is what it's all about boom popping balloons all right let's get a third destroyer in here just go hard on the freaking destroyers man it's all of them uh three minutes 330 maybe if we do it right that's got to be it though there's no way no way this can't be the answer that round 40 mode is devastating though thank you so much by the way very nice cryo came in clutch but i had to wait a long time to afford that was the problem i don't know if you guys realized that so yeah 330 was not even in the in the tables here where's the other moab isn't there another mo i thought about 50. do we pop it already what do we get top 25 all right so there there still aren't ridiculous times here 150s uh 871 right now top 100 all in two minutes and 20 seconds or so ridiculous man great job guys uh i'll try i'll give it a couple more shots here we'll see if we can pull it off a little better um yeah i know i thought we did a good job too guys i thought we did an excellent job i'm trying to figure out how we better or more quickly pop that freaking moab and i'm just like i'm lost for words i mean nothing is going to quickly easily handle that thing i mean maybe if i get lucky with a sharpshooter i could try and overdrive but that's just so ridiculous hotshot what a hot shot please don't spam that is considered spamming all right yeah um i mean if you get lucky with the ice shards maybe like maybe i don't think glue would work on a super duper fast one like that body odor thank you man because you've ever seen x machine uh machina i have uh that was a very good movie by the way it was kind of weird at certain points but it was pretty good i enjoyed it thank you for the suggestion my friend uh if anybody else hasn't seen it though it is a good movie so still thinking out loud here guys uh i could try for a triple guns sub and directly put them on strong and see if you can pop it just a little quicker but then again i have to rely on just like a base zero zero ice tower if i do that you know because i think i do want to get my destroyer going he seems like a pretty solid tower uh none of these guys are gonna be worth it for me mortar you can't pop moabs with it dragon's breath wizard like oh you know what we haven't tried unpopped army but i don't think that would work well against the moab uh this guy too much money just no and then a ninja now this was the one that i was thinking about man oh it's so expensive at this point you just want to build a a freaking uh fourth year boat right i mean just insta-kill it oh man all right i'm open for ideas though i mean what are wha what are the ideas an ace idea what's the ace idea man and don't get the cryo cannon how am i stopping those things the mo muller we have not tried a mob assassin but again so expensive for what what it's worth we have been getting a 402 sub a top path ace oh we've already done the top path face it works okay just one third tier it's like it's like an investment for sure though it's it's troublesome we've done uh you can't so what we've done is we're limited on money we have about like six thousand dollars to work with guys at best and we've tried a maelstrom destroyer combo it wasn't enough uh we've tried a destroyer with like other crap and it's a monkey ace it wasn't enough so like there's just so many things you got to do i mean texture is good don't get me wrong but it's definitely difficult to get that moab popped i don't know i don't i don't i really don't know like i'm just trying to think about what the best thing would be and i i just it's tough for me a maelstrom blade shooter might be the answer though maelstrom blade shooter destroyer i i love the idea i really do i love the idea we put striker jones over here instead all right let's try it let's try it guys let's go [Music] um we gotta be like risky uh but at the same time not risky at the same time yeah how does it work i don't know i'm not ignoring anybody not on purpose 15 wow that really pushed it man holy crap there's a wall of fire coming in the heart boom boom fall of fire very very close there no [Applause] again very close but not enough oh man i'm only gonna get like three more shot three or four more shots then if that doesn't work we're gonna call it uh all right [Music] yeah just chill out man 15 was pushing a little too hard yeah i get it i get it just to wait for that extra money to come in for the first 11 rounds you get 100 i don't know if people realize that you know eleven hundred dollars just like that it's freaking awesome there we go here's our wizard um here we go wall of fire 24 that's what we're going up to not 25 i think there might be purple loots on that i'm gonna go rebuy our submarine here though 26 27. i forgot about the purple looms man i still don't have purple blue popping power technically oh there's the freaking purple blues dude i that was my mistake that was my mistake all right oh man you don't need to do i need to slow my freaking game down dude i need to open some more crap up i'm not i don't think i'm dumb and i really wouldn't call myself dumb uh my game runs really fast dude let's give myself a little bit more time to think and uh we'll give it a shot all right let's go i don't know if that really is helping that much but i feel like it's worth it to give it a shot you know so we go grape shot time all right 10 i think we go to 11. grapeshots are doing a great job by the way 12 wow i feel like i'm still not even losing lives 13. my wizard is up 14 really oh my god fireball and we're just about there 15 already we're still technically behind our time from last time though i guess that doesn't look that good for me wall of fire go up to 24. uh i still think stryker jones is not a bad guy to go for here because you get that extra experience like long term it's good for you but but i don't know for sure um again i need two thousand dollars before i can go on too much further it's taking so long to get this gallon man all right sell them sell em sell em where's my money boom boom nuclear sub is up it's official all right so now we get to get our destroyer again i'm gonna put it back on close for now uh hopefully it doesn't bite me in the butt forgetting to put him on uh something else 35 we're technically nine seconds down from before still nine seconds down from before nine seconds down from before not bad not bad but i need to get that this is where it gets really wonky man this is where like everything takes a really freaking long time getting this part going 38 even don't love it i don't love it and this is i think a ceramic level too somehow getting a destroyer getting a maelstrom and getting an alchemist at the same time is that possible without waiting forever i don't think so i really don't think so no it's too look at this this is what's taking me forever man i can't figure out how to pop that mo up faster and this is still not even a guaranteed win um all right we might try to do a destroyer without the alchemist so terrible to have to do that but we're gonna do it man destroyer without the alchemist i think in range oh it's so good it was so good but it did not go through that was great by the way literally like a perfect mouse rom but still was not enough i i don't know why we're talking about cluster cannons for moabs it does not work um two why cluster cannons for a moab though that's what i don't get yeah i know it was like a really good maelstrom it just wasn't quite enough and i wonder if instead of trying to buy the alchemist if i just buy one other lower level destroyer if that's just gonna be magically enough or uh something else i don't know i mean i could have waited a longer time and got my alchbus i saved 32 seconds from my last uh play here 32 seconds that would have been great uh nobody ever said i was trying to be the best player of all time all right i don't think that i'm a great player but one thing that i do do uh that a lot of a lot of people don't realize and maybe this is a bad thing as far as i i am as a youtuber um i don't like watching other people's strategies okay so uh what you guys will probably notice um is that a lot of other youtubers will use the exact same strategy okay exact same freaking strategy and you're like well how do they come up with the exact same strategy oh they're all just so good they can't say no no no no they watch each other's strategies they use the exact same strategy and then they were just like i'm really good too because i use the exact same strategy the other guy but they're not creative they're not coming up on the street now some of them are some people are coming up with their own strategies but a lot of times it's just a workaround or a work off of somebody else's strategy maybe well i built a dart monkey instead of him building a taxi driver for one second like oh my god so what you think your nose is a lot of other youtubers are the exact same as the other person all right and it not doesn't necessarily mean that they're better it means that they are okay at copying other people and again maybe that means i'm just a bad person because i don't copy other people but i don't like to copy other people all right i like to be unique i like to create my own strategies even if it's not the best strategy i like creating my own strategy because it's fun for me and if you don't like watching uh my unique and fun and creative strategies that come out of my brain and with your guys help don't get me wrong you guys do help me too but some people say oh you're bad at bloon's td6 chris yeah because i don't watch the same people do the exact same strategy and copy them i don't i like to make my own stuff up you know and also i'm not the best p36 player i don't play all that much a lot of people think that this is like you know my favorite game of all time and i play it all the time 24 7. there's literally people who play like six or eight hours a day i do not do that i play while i'm streaming and i am an entertainer i entertain people okay so if you ever see me complaining about it i do i like to entertain people and i like to have fun and all i'm doing is i'm having fun with you guys that's my goal i like to have fun with you guys i don't try to be the best i mean i want to be good but i don't i'm not like i need to be the best hardcore practice and train every day put on my uh my thingamabob and just do all that stuff no no no that's not my style man my style is just casual have fun play the game and if you don't like watching me having fun playing the game then you don't have to watch you know that's how it is so that's what i've got going on today all right let's try it out let's do it zero second difference look at that 0.00 second difference that's pretty wild man pretty wild a destroyer up higher over here so the nuclear sub could get more damage out now i've tried that it did not work out well for me last time oh i'm at round 15 already we could lose a lot of lives because that could lose a lot a lot of lives because that hopefully doesn't make us lose the game because of that round 15 because that's where all the yellows and everything sneak through you know oh this is going to be close man 28 there we go put that nuclear sub up pretty decently high here this is scary 10 lives oh my god all right all right need 2k saved up i'm not going to go until i see my my 2k i'm gonna sell and read about the same time because otherwise oh my god four lives guys this is tight so tight we get the nuclear sub up but at what cost man at what cost we're gonna rebuy our boat we're gonna rebuy our oh my god i'm on 35 already what the heck did i just do to myself dude this could be rough 35 36 technically there's no difference in my timing i don't know if that's true or not but let's put this guy in close for now you know i didn't have him on first last time though i don't know if that mattered all right uh i don't know if i should buy the faster shooting either i mean it'll help out for these regular rushes but against everything else i do not know so we got 39's officially out though let's see what happens 39 all right we're gonna go for a smidge of a different strategy for you guys we're gonna get that malachrom we're not gonna go for the destroyer though we're gonna try and push it with a monkey ace i'm gonna try and get a decent level monkey ace here top path see if i can freeze him inside of the range of my mouth from see if that's gonna be enough here no guarantee obviously but we're going for it this is an expensive tower though you gotta keep that in mind he's not cheap either still need a thousand dollars though you know i mean destroyer at that point i don't know we're still not even doing that great on time either it's already 145. uh we are popping ceramics though that's good news fighter plane here we go round 40 boys this is what it all comes down to round 40. with the maelstrom not enough not enough you could tell it was just not enough popping power uh it was a great mouse from a great play but still not enough for that web goodness gracious um i can't think what else i could possibly build that would be good for that freaking moab does anybody have any ideas maelstrom before i stun possibility but i don't think it really mattered that much did it a heli i don't think i don't think that's going to be there's no helis allowed uh shinobi army with elk buff oh that would be hilarious drew to the jungle i mean good ideas but i just i need moab damage guys mo of pure utter utter moab damage i don't even care about the ceramics the ceramics i can deal with taco bro oh my god dude thank you for your birthday dude don't spend it on me spend it on yourself dude get get you something fun get you something fancy thank you so much taco it's his birthday happy birthday taco should we sing him tag happy birthday guys all right let's all do it together all right have i don't think i've ever sung happy birthday on stream ever so talk about you are the first man and maybe the only of all time happy birthday should i do it a sexy voice don't know i can't do that all right just a right just a regular one taco okay not a sexy voice happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear taco happy birthday to you hopefully you're having a wonderful day my man hopefully you're doing something fun all right all my monkey money's gone guys it's just freaking gone what am i gonna do i don't even know i just gotta be my like last real shot if we lose against the mobe again i think i'm done still got an odyssey to beat all right thank you taco that's so nice of you man so nice of you big fat hearts amanda amanda is gonna have an awesome computer because you man thank you canon set strong what kind of canons though i mean i've heard this a lot but mo abolish are not good against a single moa gotta point that out mobe assassin yes but for thirty four hundred dollars i did not try the boomerang uh a mob press boomerang but again extremely expensive for what we're paying here and it doesn't usually do good against fast mobs because good against slow moabs i don't think that's the answer either a beef pc i love it man all right i got an idea i'm gonna do exactly what i just did and even if i just shave off like 10 seconds i'm going to be happy with it i want to set out around 40 to 50 a little bit faster okay that's going to be my goal that's my goal don't wear it out hey you finally made it man mob glue also very expensive it's just finding out what pops that mob in the most efficient way possible is ridiculous only i can think of that might be like a magical game changer like dragon's breath or something ridiculous you know like something wild you wouldn't even think of because they did buff it recently by the way all right few more rounds coming out against us 43 uh or 14 now here we go quick little buddy here [Music] tactically we're saving time here need 300 bucks to get this guy going here he is while the fire happens all at once you go up to 24 no problem we've done that very well for us so far uh and i'm gonna go for a nuclear sub before i go for this guy i think we could shave off some time even though it's gonna be he's gonna make him a little bit less uh good um you gotta watch out for those purples dude i don't know when they come out but they're coming out soon there he is 35 here we go we got a striker jones here put him on close what the heck why not man heck yeah dude looking good 38 ooh this could be a little scary i think this might be the ceramic level for us so we've got to watch out um first circle brew 38 39 send it out for me send it out for me all right i gotta save up for a destroyer to try for destroyer with edgy base ice tower i'm not gonna go for the fourth here i'm gonna go for a base ice tower gonna be so much cheaper for me to afford here guys but we do have to wait for a lot of balloons to come out so let's let it happen let's get that low level ice tower over here let's see if you can pull it off for me man right about yonder maybe even just a larger radius something like that gonna keep me in the game here and i'm ready for uh round 40 i think i think i think i'm ready for it man destroyer screw the hot shot dude we don't need a hot shot i don't think all right let's go round 40. i'm gonna hope for it oh why moab why exactly right that was a buff destroyer with an extra buccaneer on top of a stun and we still didn't even pop the moab layer what i thought it was gonna be great i really thought it was gonna be good and then it just was terrible it was just terrible um man i don't even know what to do differently all right route 12 again a little bit of a risky play here we're having 12 come out already but what are you gonna do man what are you gonna do super monkey's not the answer for sure 100 man there's no way super monkey's gonna be a valid strategy here um 14 we can set out a few more rounds early i think 15 16 17. we need to get like 200 bucks here and we're good cell wall of fire 24 boom boom this is going fantastic again this part we've got down pretty well you know it's still not foolproof it's not perfect but it's pretty solid you know i am happy with this part of my strategy my problem is how the heck do i pop that moab in a reasonably efficient manner and that is something that i cannot answer very well uh 35 while we're popping a lot of blues there dude holy crap uh plus people are thrown out mortar a lot i don't i don't get the whole mortar aspect of this strategy idea like what boat pull 46 4 800 just for the boat pull ability itself that means i got no other abilities to get anything here i just have to rely completely on a nuclear sub and that's just not possible man all right so we're up to 39 here i think we're gonna be able to get 39 no problem uh i don't know if lasers can pop purple but i still don't think that's going to be the answer that's just so expensive it's so expensive oh i never got my hero crap all right this is my problem right here i can't get money i can't get enough money for the things that i need a spike factory i don't think that's the answer either um [Music] all right we're gonna wait it out man we're gonna wait for our alchemist here and we know we've done it before it has been done before uh actually no it was a different strategy we used the ice tower last time that's what got us through the last time i don't believe you can change your hero i think we're stuck with them all right here we go we're gonna wait for our elk 1350 that's what we need we're gonna set the next round can't ship with the hook is too expensive uh i'm out of money all the balloons have been popped all the balloons have been popped i literally can't get the moab uh enough money for this strategy hey it worked my god we're still alive holy crap we're actually alive uh unbelievable man all right round 50 here we go i don't know if this is a choke but i'm building destroyers dude that's my entire job here build destroyers see if we can take him down here i don't know i thought last time there wasn't a second moab though for some reason i don't know why that didn't work man but now i feel like i could easily what i could eat if that worked why didn't it work the other i don't know i don't know why it didn't work the other times oh it came the other way oh crap all right we still got it we still got it though that's why i didn't notice it my destroyers popped it so much easier last time yeah boys there's no way we're losing now man uh i guess the best thing for me to do at this point is to just pop the balloons as fast as possible get a wall of fire here dragons breath it up wall of fire and boom sub three yes all right and that was with a ridiculous no round send out for 39 what like what uh what do we get here we get ten we cut off 300 spots off our time though huh all right i'll give it a i'll give it another shot i think if that's gonna work man all we need is a maelstrom to destroy our combo and we should be able to do it all right all right all right all right boys we're gonna get even better we're gonna get even better man even freaking better boys let's do it i didn't have an ice monkey that time um right still a little scary here around 13 kind of early there man oh god uh oh i'm afraid for my life oops i'm very afraid for my life right now 80 lives 70 lives [Music] all right we gotta get 300 bucks here we go boom ball of fire 25 24 i think is probably better um all right we didn't need an alchemist last time right or do we have a base alchemist or what the heck do we have we definitely need uh striker jones here though all right need a maelstrom need a destroyer we gotta wait for the money gotta have it happen gotta have it happen man that's still that still seems like a lot of money why the heck oh i got hot shot though that's a waste of money that's a waste of money you definitely need oh yeah you absolutely hundred percent need this guys how are we doing one minute 17. it's only two grand where are we gonna get this from i might be able to send it out like a split second earlier but i don't know about that uh okay here we go round 40 a second early let's go destroyer me [Applause] there it is boys we're alive it is going it is happening we take this like a little bit slower right 47. 49 there it is still no guarantee on a win here but it's looking pretty good for us guys here we go around 50 send it out man i'm ready for it and another mousetrap there we go baby oh i didn't even have a second destroyer yet guys holy crap holy crap all right we got to wait it out let's see if we can get a uh a few seconds off here nothing ridiculous still still at about uh what uh uh 240 maybe at best i always gotta watch the mob's gonna come out on this side this time all right maelstrom perfectly played by us 240 come on let's see it happen i want to see it make it happen chris nope wow we didn't even cut much time off of our last time we got sub three last time this is only a two 249 all right 10 more seconds off come on where's my top 10 freaking percent dude there it is we did it top 10 pursuit chug-a-lug baby chug-a-lug we did it we did it b36 is absolutely worth 10 bucks man 100 100 i highly recommend it btw battles though no no don't do that it's not these days man back in the day battles like top tier baby top tier now it's not that great it's it's okay at best 30 push-ups uh oh i forgot oh yeah so taco i don't know if you saw man we're doing one dollar per push-up up to a max of again 200 push-ups at the end of the stream today gonna get ripped for you guys we're gonna make it happen i'm excited 200 still ridiculous for amount of push-ups by the way guys ridiculous all right um so you're i'm doing 69.69 push-ups for you man i didn't even notice 69.69 oh hilarious we'll do 70. man we'll round up for you all right we'll round up for you for sure uh all right let's do the odyssey let's pull off the odyssey here we're gonna do with the oh oh let's make it easy on ourselves man just one two three all right yeah no no we play it hard what do we got here um military primary military oh all right what are you guys feeling today man [Music] let's go click on my boat oh look he's got a little pumpkin face on oh that's pretty cool oh okay we'll round down we'll do 69 push-ups for taco perfect all right what do we got here only 15 seats though all right um all right since we're military only there's that primary only here let's figure out what we'll do i guess we have to do some primaries dark monkeys are solid though good starters good mid-range good late game you can't beat it um three towers and no hero all right what should our hero be should we really do striker jones let's do what do you guys want me to pick i'll pick anything 69 baby how did the race go we got top 10 percent man i was very happy with my uh with my run i see a captain churchill i see an etienne a churchill a pat a ben azealia gwen adora every single hero you guys have gotten all of them oh my god i don't even i can't even say oh azeeli okay i see zealy the most okay there's four zealies almost in a row all right we're gonna do a zealy uh we'll do like one more primary monkey like that because i gotta watch over camo glooms man you never know and then now we're gonna go for like a monkey ace or something let's go for a monkey oh here we go margaret monkeys we'll get another uh yeah yeah whatever we're gonna go 14 monkeys we're good with that all right logs it up let's go military only man no problemo [Music] i'm sorry i had to go with the group man i had to go with the group i know all the guys wanted certain things but when i saw i think the first 10 answers i swear they had to be every single hero in existence all in a row all different every single time i guess that's a good thing that means digique we must have done some decent balancing aspect of the game uh oh it's basically deflation all right i'm down for that oh we're gonna go for i think a spectre play here um i think the best tower of all freaking time though in this map you gotta go for a blue tonic reactor right well the nice thing is military only and all that stuff you at least get your hero you know you can use them whenever or however you want is it weird that when i think of the word pog which i i you guys say a lot i still don't remember what it means play of the game or something like that uh i think i like i seriously think of like a person in a hog costume person hog pog is that weird i think of like me in a pig suit like crawling around in the mud and like i i think of it almost as like a fetish or something like that yeah i don't know and do you pronounce it pog pog is it pag for in boston in bias i can't i can't do accents guys my eyes are doing much better i'm actually very happy about that super thank you so much for asking uh for about a month my eyes were doing terrible uh i was i i wanted to go to the eye doctor but eye doctors are very expensive and i didn't want to spend money so i was cheaping it out hoping that my eyes didn't fall out of my head they did not fall over my head my eyes are i don't i don't know if they're i think they're perfect i don't know if anything bad happened to me but i it was scary man it really was very scary how do you play races races are kind of fun what happens is normally the rounds come out automatically you can't speed them up at all in races it's uh kind of nice because you can send out as many rounds as you want in a row in a row i know it's kind of kind of awesome man uh we did lose some of our viewers that's okay though it's not a big deal some people don't like me starting over starting to the new man the race was pretty intense though i gotta say oh oh get really high and do a race no no no not i don't think i'll ever get high or or anything on stream i don't think i'll do very much drinking if ever on stream anymore we'll see how it goes but i i don't think so um but yeah i actually am going running tomorrow i'm probably going to run at least a 5k uh up to up to a 10k actually believe it or not i i it's almost weird that you did you mentioned that i go i go running with my friends every saturday uh and um uh for the past so this is actually a little wild i actually don't have very good mo popping power with my all my towers i'm actually a little afraid so i got my razor rotors looking good we'll pop in a quick specter here and i think we're going to be golden right oh yeah dude so it's been unbelievably terribly sad and rainy and gross outside so it's i feel like it shouldn't be freezing temperatures until like november but it's it's going down to like oh my god 30 32 degrees in the morning tomorrow when i'm supposed to be running i hate the cold temperature i don't hate actually should i say i hate the cold temperatures i hate that it's so cold so quickly i don't mind the cold but it's got to be like a gradual thing you know but i hate when it's like oh it's supposed to be 60 degrees outside it's 20. like suck my balls weather man suck my balls get out of here with that garbage 32 oh not celsius man not selling we're talking about fahrenheit 32 degrees would be freezing so zero degrees celsius that's what it's supposed to be tomorrow pork on glitter what the heck is that i don't slightly chilly or warm yeah so texas is pretty good temperature man i'm not gonna lie there uh i went to uh my girlfriend lives in texas or lived in texas and um i've been there several times and uh for christmas and it's usually like a nice 50 degree like come outside just kind of have fun kind of weather it's kind of nice oh no no no no no man 30 degrees too cold for cold for running i like like 50 degrees you know where like you start off cold but you warm up as you go 40 degrees not rainy probably good but when it's rainy awesome dude congrats on your laptop man all right so we're where are we on right now i probably should have gone for a top path i didn't think i was going to get hit close sub i didn't plan ahead very well 50 is cold yeah i would say 50 is cold man chilly 50's okay though i could deal with 50. so i don't know if you guys know this but um one weird thing about me is i uh i don't mind the cold when it is wintertime i get used to the cold very easily i don't know if i have like the right body for it or something like that but back when i used to work at um the garden center people used to think i was so weird because when i was working i'm moving around the entire day and i would lit be legit be wearing shorts and a t-shirt in temperatures down to the 30s even the 20s sometimes even below that i would if like we were unloading christmas trees or something like that down to the 10 degrees man five gloves my hands were warm i was warm my forearms my arms my legs everything stays warm for my entire torso man just stays warm for me it's really weird so to get shield levels all you gotta do is you gotta get the monkey knowledge on the magic aspect uh it's one of the last things you get though it's at the very bottom so i gotta work towards the man yes i am a weirdo uh i don't mind the cold if i'm working hard for sure for sure i know i know i wish i could explain this celsius to fahrenheit guys but there's no good explanation for what it is uh think about it like this fahrenheit zero degrees is like ridiculously cold 100 degrees is like very hot but those are the two temperatures that you can kind of live in you know like it does get to zero degrees when it's cold during the winter and it does get 100 degrees when it's warm in the heat so like when you think about temperatures kind of in the middle 50 degrees is where like you could wear a t-shirt outside but it'll probably be chilly um most people especially girls hold really easily probably even 60 degrees they'll be like oh i can't wear a t-shirt outside i'm too chilly um so uh that's like the best way to think about it i think you know if you uh only know celsius you know that's just the way to do it so anyways uh we oh my god i got so much crap open on my computer here guys let's get this sped up here let's go let's minimize exit minimize exit exit exit exit can't believe we've been playing on slow mode this entire time get out of here now we're gonna be popping through these puppies but yeah i used to work at the garden center especially like uh around christmas time people think it's so weird that like i'm selling christmas trees in a t-shirt i like it what do you do especially it's i think it's extra weird t-shirt gloves most people think it doesn't work well together i love it t-shirt and gloves for me man any time of the year i'm usually good except when it's like really really cold you know especially doing something uh the race all you gotta do is click the button on the on the far right here you're good as soon as you start the game it should be right there it's not there no problem uh oh thunderstorm watch watch out yeah t-shirt bro i'm i'm uh i'm a cold kind of guy i can deal with it my body gets good i think it's partially because i'm polish i don't know i that's the only thing i can think of is that i can deal with the cold a lot better because maybe my family in the past was like really good at dealing with the cold or something like that i don't know if you were i don't know if if your genes tell you that you always lived in 70 degrees like maybe 60 degrees or cold to you but if you always live to 20 degrees maybe your jeans are like 20 degrees is cool bro 20 degrees is fine man we're good with that yeah so there is a conversion for fahrenheit celsius everybody knows that but it's such a weird function that nobody can do it in their head you know if somebody was like oh what's 16 degrees celsius to fahrenheit like 50-ish i don't know like just guessing i it's just like you kind of like create a random assumption in your head because i it is weird like zero zero degrees fahrenheit very cold 100 degrees very hot celsius zero degrees kind of cold 100 degrees you're dead so uh kelvin zero degrees calvin you're dead 100 degrees calvin you're dead right bonitor there he is man how you doing dude he got that hype hippo out in here taco is at it again man he's freaking ridiculous he's a ridiculous man all right we're gonna go for our that's what we're doing bonifan hopefully you're having a fantastic day there my man i'm having a pretty decent day today i did a lot of stuff today man i uh uh some people like to hear about my life i don't know let me talk about the game but for me i a man to go on a run with me which she never does we ran like an 11 minute mile it was like 10 30 really uh i was pumped about that like she did fantastic man now she's skinny and she's athletic and she can actually do like some stuff but she's just bad at running you know um so we went on a run together we went on a one-mile run that was really exciting for me uh i don't know why she picked today to go on a run with me but she did i talked her into it i guess uh and then so i gotta watch out ddt's man those might actually be tricky for us let's go for the apache prime i might even sell stuff for the freaking patch of ron here boys let's do it you know what 22 48 yes apache prime time that's what we want it's what we need we're trying to get shredded for the wedding man it's ready for the wedding that's how we say it that's how we do it boom boom apache probe tis our goal it's a little way away a ways away man so like 10 months away but we're i'm working on i'm trying to like be a little healthier and stuff you know what is this running you speak of i only know how to work out my two thumbs and my eyeballs it's about all i know how to work out you know a little bit of gaming here fair enough um one thing i will say is that i had like a year or two of my life where i didn't really work out much i didn't really do much and i felt way way worse uh as a person than when i worked out decently consistently it's kind of weird actually you know like mentally physically everything just felt better and when i nowadays if i don't like try to stay at least reasonably fit it's so easy to just do nothing for the next like three months man nothing righty on nice do keep it up man 50 push-ups is awesome by the way we're doing some push-ups at the end of the stream today so if you guys want to stick with me man we can do our push-ups together we'll hook him up by the way oh yeah monitor five more push-ups today man getting shredded oh he's dreaded for the shindig sounds exciting all right azeeli rockin it let's level her up boom boom dude even if you do one push-up man that's fine no need to do you don't need to do 100. sometimes it's about uh the amount of effort that it takes you here we go we're gonna throw this down whoop we did it all right no problemo 44 monkey money i'll take it we need to get back our 2500 monkey money we just wasted right hard to stand we got this all right what are we going to do here let's do it in a zealy oh i lost a life when did that happen let's do a tax shooter dart monkey start absolutely man you don't need to do a perfect push-up so i'm not you know i will say that one thing that i like to do is actually kind of like uh i think is it rude now to call them girl push-ups you know i mean my entire life i've called them girl push-ups and there's some things that i found out that are really really rude that i didn't know were even rude i didn't even think about it you know like uh i call them girl push-ups because you know if girls can't do regular push-ups they do girl push-ups they don't have a strong chest i think it was rude but i guess girls can do push-ups as well so you know saying oh men are stronger like i don't know maybe i am a boomer i don't know man i don't know another one that was really weird to me was yeah uh people who were younger might know this i don't know when exactly it changed but um uh sitting indian style was when you sit with your legs crossed you know like uh kind of on top of each other kind of like sitting on your legs sitting on your butt and legs at the same time uh that's indian style uh i found out later that no it's not indian style anymore it's crisscross applesauce so you have to sit crisscross applesauce i thought that was really weird but uh like you know when i think about it i wasn't like oh my god like indian style like that's so weird and rude it's like no i i don't know i just didn't think about it like that but now i'm like okay i guess fair enough that's what people want me to do that's fine i suppose all right we're going overdrive baby here we use i love overdrive on this batman uh crisscross applesauce was always that way yeah yeah see does anybody else know indian style or am i the only one anybody who's like over 25 maybe all right what we do right now we're on 29 let's get a sub actually this is gonna oh you want a nuclear sub or uh uh yeah let's do like this let's get a one of these guys i'm gonna go for a mortar as well you did know indeed now okay all right so not everybody's changed crisscross apples i don't know i think cause it rhymes i don't know what the applesauce part is they just had to name it something else or some people just say crisscross say crisscross for me um so i'm going to go for a bottom path signal player here we're going to go for the rapid reload i think i'm going to toss him right at the very front here we're going to hope that that decalizes most of them and then he can kind of just clean up the rest at least that's the plan of action for us cross-legged okay triangle legs uh-oh well we don't want to offend the applesauce fans in life so i don't know you know i think i'd like to think that i'm really liberal in most sense of the things but changing names of things that may have started off racist but now have no real inkling to racism like just should not matter anymore i don't know i just like you don't think about it as a racist term anymore just it stopped being racist all right we moved on like whatever change like i don't know even like the redskins or there were some hockey teams that they had to change their names i just didn't think that it was a big deal for them to change it i'm not upset that they changed it i'm just like i didn't think it was necessary but i would see how like if they changed the chicago bears i'd be like i always do them as the chicago bears though why do we gotta change it i don't want to offend uh you know the bears these days so we're gonna be building amanda's computer now already david thank you dude there you go chris i'm in a good mood today have some of those some of those some of oh ho i thought i thought you were talking about horse apples for a second oh crap why don't we have so much money here man dude we're in the zone right now david thank you so much man that's super nice i'm glad you're in a good mood though that's awesome that's five more push-ups for us dude thank you the champion man absolutely the 30-90 taco man oh my god you're a witness oh you're a hilarious band first of all even if i first of all i can't afford it second of all if i uh there's just there's no need there's no need for a 30 90 oh my god 30 80. i could see it like if in the future if i had to get a new rig i think i would go for a 30 80. you know uh maybe i don't know i don't really even need it to be honest i don't so a lot of people don't know this about me but actually uh when i do push-ups it's kind of goofy actually if you really think about it but when i do push-ups i actually don't push myself up i actually push the earth down every time i do a push-up it's a little goofy but just the way it is look at that my best friend here olive garden hello mr bombo thank you man that's so nice of you i don't have a village no village you can't do it man i'm so sorry but we can do that we can go for one of these puppies quick shots thank you olive garden you know believe it or not i'm actually not a big fan of olive garden it's not olive garden itself it's really i'm not a big fan of pasta what are you guys thoughts on that you know oh you know i never fixed oh man oh my god i never did this let's see i'm surprised it's not broken yet figure my video let's get rid of the autofocus how i smile these days oh i lost my mouse there it is thank you thank you oh you oh oh two finger push i don't know if i can pull that off man amateurs all right what do we got here we're going to go for the crossbow mastiff dude we could totally rock this map i don't even know what it is man why did we do so great so i'll be honest with you man i am not a huge fan of the amd gpu so far they have not been uh performed properly in my opinion the 3080 cost like 700 bucks i'm hoping that like by the time i want to get it it's cheaper right but uh right now i don't think uh amd cpu for sure amd gpu i don't know i don't know i mean realistically i'm not a fan boy i am a go for whoever is giving you the best product for the money uh if you have a certain brand that has always delivered you a quality product and you've had no issues with the company then sure go with that company but i don't necessarily have hardcore brand loyalty i have a mild brand loyalty if something has always worked for me and always worked for me well i will continue to use their service if you ever screw me over though oh boy oh boy then i just i'm done with you man you want to know what company has oddly been on my poop list lately in the weirdest way possible the weirdest stupidest way possible by the way okay okay okay best buy man oh my god i got a weird story for you guys all right my day is going okay it's going okay 30 oh my god really so yeah i 38 i think whatever msrp is though you know what it's supposed to be sold for that's what i go with go with you know um i'm doing great quite well hopefully you're doing just as fantastic uh camo blooms oh crap all right i migrate my way out of that decimator guess what so what do you what are your guys opinions just before i even say anything what are you guys opinions on best buy anybody have good very good experiences or very bad experiences minus the mild experience of like okay they're a comment you know uh i have had a a ridiculous experience with best buy lately ridiculous i don't even know how to explain it good good okay all right mostly good anything crazy going on for everybody anybody who's like really really bad experience with best buy or anything you've never been to a best buy that's quite weird they're they are quite quite uh common uh oh okay that makes sense yeah i mean all right when you put it like that all right we're going to go for a sub in the back corner here we're going to go just like that we're going to pop in azealia the front just like that and we're ready to go a lego set whoo fancy man fancy heard boniton's a pretty big lego fan all right we're gonna go for an advanced intel uh delicious sub monkey combo thing i think i think i'd like to go for another uh uh what's his face i don't know other best buys outside of the us i i don't know best buy is attack store basically um dvds video games computers tvs uh that general thing general thing a tape measure that exploded really a tape measure exploded was just like springs broke or whatever all right anyways my best buy experience oh my god all right guys it's weird it's weird it's it's so weird i've never had this happen before in the entire history of buying products all right i'm gonna tell you guys the the last part is really the weird part the first part is like a negative experience so i got to warn you guys the first part is a negative experience um uh somewhat negative mostly negative so i probably told you guys this at some point but i bought a mini fridge from best buy and one of the main a lot of the reviews were like this fridge is amazing i love my fridge it's fantastic um and uh i was like oh great but like there was one or two reviews that were like don't get it delivered mine came damaged and i was like let me take my chance i've never had anything damaged before on my way over and i'm like okay let's do it so uh let's try it out let's get it delivered it was like it was it was not a super duper expensive fridge it was like 250 bucks i think uh but it's something i really really wanted um it's a drink fridge by the way like a mini fridge is a drink fridge jack baby thank you dude you made it man loving the new game looks sweet oh fantastic oh you checked it out oh yeah hopefully you guys enjoyed that video by the way it's uh to me i mean first of all that is a sponsored video i got to point that out but i actually did have a pretty good time playing it i'm not even messing with you a lot of the games that like what i do is i get a lot of messages from a lot of companies that will do advertised products for them and i rarely ever agree to them unless i feel like there's a product that's actually of a reasonable value and that one was actually pretty solid um it to me it was not pay to win yet but i could see how eventually it could be paid a win um maybe i i don't know but uh overall i had actually pretty good time with that i've actually still been playing it after my sponsored uh content a little bit not like a whole bunch but a little bit but hopefully you guys enjoy it by the way raid shadow legends did offer me a uh uh sponsored product thingamabob and i told them no because they wanted a really weird thing and i was just like no i don't really feel like doing that so i the mini fridge dude it's delicious i love it man uh it's it's in my dining room and that's where i keep all the drinks uh i really like one weird thing about me is i really like cold coke okay if a coke is like 40 degrees or warmer it's not a good coat man not a good coat it's terrible coke if it's 37 degrees or colder 33 degrees of freezing cold coke opaque oh baby now you're talking my language right here man uh or just water in general too i like having cold water and everything it's a little on the warm side it's usually not very good but it is what it is um what we're gonna do is we are gonna go for a pretty high level tax zone here but before we get there i've got to go for this guy up to razor rotors and i think i do want to get that extra camera ejection as well so soda never good uh if and i don't even like soda like when i go to restaurants because they put ice in it just like all the carbonation's gone by the time you get it man just like it's weird i'm weird about my drinks they got to be cold they got to be the right temperature so i wanted to get the right fridge for myself and i think i got the right fridge funny all right i like my fridge but the start over my best buy thing man again thank you so much jack that's unbelievable of you if you don't know we are doing a push-up per uh dollar donated today so where are we at right now oh my god dude this is a little scary already holy crap are we gonna do 200 pushups oh my god 137 push-ups oh god 137 push-ups so far yep oh my god talk about scary talk about very scary anyways all right back to uh my best buy story here so um warm water how many can i do to row probably like 30 ish 35 max 40 if i was like doing really crappy push-ups but then like after you do the first 40 set you can't do another 40 again it's like you're done you know ew ew what's wrong with you room temperature water do you guys have like issues or something like what is going on in your head over there oh all right all right we're almost there by the way attack zone is coming up soon ice water exactly if you're not drinking ice water man you can move on in life get out of here all right uh all right oh that was really freaking close by the way i am afraid i'm afraid so we bought a fridge from best buy we got it delivered the very first thing i do is i open it up i'm really excited about my mini fridge uh i get it all uh i start getting it unpacked i look at it first the first thing i see oh my god the door that keeps the cold air in and the warm air out is shattered the glass that it's made of exploded i was like oh my god are you kidding me what the heck so i'm like all right best buy i got to return this bridge i got delivered i gotta return this garbage fridge now though and uh you know it's really exciting the little things i'm like man all right i don't know maybe i'm being all right anyways i had to call that up i'm like i can't deliver this mini fridge i don't want a delivery mini fridge i just want a regular mini fridge that works all right it's like all right all right if you can't deliver it to best buy to return it we'll come pick it up but it's going to cost you x amount of money it was a lot of money uh that wasn't good that wasn't good at all round 64. i thought attacks won't be able to handle that easily we're gonna have to go for a mortar let's go for a big one here we'll be fine there we go we're good now uh let's actually put them right here i think that might be a better spot beautiful beautiful uh over 200 pushups great all weeks was having to say man i'm like 200 percent fantastic oh just takes a couple couple of years to get my 200 pushes done maybe i'll do one one a day one a week maybe at best so uh a fridge camp wouldn't that be fun just set up a live stream where all i do is i just put a camera inside of my fridge and you get to look out and whenever i grab a drink you can see my hands come in and grab the drink uh so my fridge was broken i called them up and basically i got them to eventually be like all right we're gonna take it back uh you have to wait for ups to come and pick it up and i'm like okay so i waited like a week they never came pick it up but in the meantime they're like okay what we're just gonna send you a new fridge i'm like oh thank you all right they're send me a new fridge they're going to pick up the old one we're all good sounds good to me uh waited a week for them to come they never picked up the old fridge but they delivered the new fridge so then i had two mini fridges in my house that is at the very least one more mini fridge that i need maybe up to two more mini fridges than i actually needed it was it was a want not a need i i understand that uh it was my dream my hope made to have a mini fridge a drinking and i i made it happen all right eventually so i uh got a second mini fridge i'm really excited i open it up and i pick it up and i'll open it up and i'm like oh my god now this mini fridge is not have a broken shattered door but the entire top of it is crumpled in like i probably have pictures of it somewhere on my computer but like seriously like the corner was like crumpled in and i'm like do i try to make this work like uh i i want a mini fridge but i don't want to have a garbage mini fridge it's crumbled it looks crappy there's right on the corner that like people would be looking at if they came in my room i'm like i'm not paying full price for this ridiculous freaking mini fridge i'm gonna return it now i'm done with this so what i did was i ended up uh waiting about three or four days i was gonna return it and i'm like they're like no we're excited that you guess got to pick it up again i'm like no no no i'm just returning it to best buy so i literally went to best buy i had too many fridges i never turned two mini fridges to best buy both broken and messed up at the same time now this was not necessarily best buy's fault could have been the delivery guys fault a little bit you know i mean i i guess there we go we're going to patch patch darcy we only got six more rounds to go so uh i returned to best buy i got my money back that was the good experience i let them know hey i don't want to pay for this mini fridge and i'm like okay i'm not going to have you behave any fridge you returned it and it was good i got my money back great now i'm in the dilemma of where the heck do i get the mini fridge from so i ended up buying it from amazon amazon's mini fridge came real fast and got delivered without any damage to it and i was very happy so i got my mini fridge all right again i wanted to like the best buy for it it just didn't work i already go for another border here i'm feeling like a a bottom path mortar or something you know i don't know bigger yeah yeah one of those guys and oh my god we fit another border in here somewhere oh i'll get a trifecta i can't do it all right so my last experience with best buy and now this is something that may interest you guys i'm not sure probably not probably don't now i told you guys i ordered a couple parts for my computer i ordered the motherboard because it was on sale and i ordered a gpu because gpus are hard to come by these days for whatever reason and uh oh oh that was scary i was rooting for him and the heli pilot came in like a boss there to take down the camel dudes man delicious and that was with the signal player too what the heck uh so best buy because i bought my gpu from best buy because they had the best price on a good gpu i bought uh it was a 1660 super alright and i was like it's a good mid-range gpu for what you're getting uh it's kind of small too so it's not like super duper huge like some of the other gpus so it can at least cool itself decently well while also not taking up a ton of room in the case i was like okay this is perfect that's exactly what i want so i bought the gpu uh and uh best buy comes by they deliver a package and i'm like this is weird it says there's there's a battery inside in fact i have the uh i have the uh let's see let's make sure you guys can't see my address at all um you can see there's a battery here i'm like whoa man why the heck did they have the battery on there that's kind of weird i'm not buying anything with the battery inside let's go check it maybe it's just an old uh maybe oh crap we gotta go dart monkey central today we got a lot of money to start off with too holy crap let's do this let's go for a juggernaut um it's getting camo detection and let's go for a razor sharp shooting crossbow master here and we're going to throw in a zealy down if she fits let's just delete this guy and go for this really frequently that experience flowing you know uh there's not really oh my god really are we losing lives here leave her on strong for now and i think i'm gonna go for crap dude what are we doing what are we doing let's go for a second crossbow i guess i need a very quick shots man this guy should have played a quick shot so anyways i uh i ordered my gpu and i was like wow that's really weird they sent me something with a battery inside what the heck could it be so i got an ipad bro i mean it's like it's like what okay so now my first thought was i'm angry i'm so upset like why would they do this to me and my second thought was well maybe this will end up being a benefit all right hold on hold on though hold on maybe this will end up being a benefit because uh uh the gpu cost less than the ipad okay by about a hundred and something dollars but now my problem is i'm i'm like well you know what i'm gonna do is i i have two options all right i don't need an ipad i don't want the ipad okay i right now this ipad has cost me like 260 or something like that now uh if i can't return it i ca so i can return it if i want to get my gpu which is sold out now i can't buy the gpu anymore so i can literally return it and get my money back okay like in mind this jeep this did cost me money it wasn't free okay i got it because i didn't get a gpu if i got a gpu and this i would be happy but i didn't i paid money for this i don't need it i don't want it okay so what i can do is i can return it to best buy and they'll give me my money back fair enough or what i was thinking is maybe this would be a benefit for me maybe i can sell it all right and if i sell it uh i'll make about a hundred dollars more all right so uh i'm trying to sell 400 they're usually going for like 430 on amazon or maybe even more like the cheapest you can get is 400 plus tax you know like the cheapest so it's in the plastic wrap and everything plastic wrap and everything man oh crap this juggernaut's been chugga-lugging man i gotta say i really want my crossbow master though we're gonna root for we're gonna wait for the crossbowmaster that's my plan we got some crit hits there baby looking good really you soldiers to tell that's hilarious oh crap we're almost losing lives man scary stuffs all right crossbow master whoop there it is so yeah i'm selling it for 400 bucks um and so i was like i'll make a hundred dollars off this deal that's actually pretty sweet you know so uh now my problem is though is that trying to sell it for 400 everybody thinks i'm trying to rip them off everybody's like what's wrong with the ipad why would you sell it for four hundred dollars when it normally costs four to thirty dollars so i've had like two or three people message me about uh buying the ipad and then they just back off they're like no i'm not gonna do it i'm done maybe they realize that it's too expensive but people suck uh i'm trying to do on a facebook marketplace and people just suck at freaking uh buying stuff man if i wanted to buy something i'd be like hey is it available when can i pick it up uh i want to check it out before i buy it just to confirm that it is what it is boom done let's meet up good good to go i've messaged somebody i bought an aquarium before on facebook marketplace and i was very happy with my my aquarium purchase i still have the aquarium believe it or not oh my god jack dude thank you oh you gotta leave again man you're gonna miss the push-up party jack you better do some post-ops for me man oh no wait i gotta gotta watch out i don't know if your lung capacity can handle it all right do maybe a couple of push-ups if you can if you can pull them off but good luck man have some fun afl grand finals on today's afl soccer or rugby or what biggest game in australia catch you sunday all right man we'll see ya have a wonderful wonderful day and hopefully your uh your team wins all right i'll root for him and thank you thank you so much now if you guys are interested man i will sell it to you all right uh i will i will sell it to you you have to pay for shipping though um oh there's a lot of people just messaged and aren't interested anymore it's like i'm not scamming you i'm maybe there's too many scammers out there maybe there are and people are just garbage about it i'm a real person i've sold i've sold two things on facebook marketplace i sold my elgato capture card like oh god it had to be eight years ago um that was weird but it worked and then i sold i saw three things on facebook marketplace i sold my laptop on facebook marketplace that went pretty well my old laptop um i'm trying to think i totally i just had it in my brain now it's gone that's all three things on the facebook marketplace and overall i felt like i was a very good seller and people just suck you know they do they just suck for whatever reason so we got ultra jug here looking good um i think i'm just stuck with what i got oh i can go oh i can go for a double crossbowmaster 500 visa gift card man absolutely now personally i would prefer and i'll be honest with you guys i would prefer to buy my ipad at the store rather than deal with people even if it saved me like 10 20 okay i could i am a little suspicious i mean like what if i stole the ipad you know like i get it but i'm giving it to you for 30 dollars cheaper than the store and there's some people willing to pay it for 30 actually that's not a bad idea sell it for a higher level gpu i don't really want to use a used gpu though some people don't mind that i'm not okay man i want i want to get it new you never know how long it's gonna last if it's used could last for two years and die on you it's no fun could last for six months of diet it could be a lemon gpu you don't want a lemon gpu no no no no lemon gpus for us not a bad idea just steal the ipad but it's pretty difficult to steal an ipad i would assume i mean unless you're like stealing it off a truck or something like how else are you gonna steal it i got the plastic wrap on it i don't know if you guys can see but the plastic is still on you know so so anyways best buy i've got the only things that i've gotten from best buy in the past like five freaking years are the two fridges which was should have been one fridge and my gpu are they really doing this map now with military only that's kind of weird all right let's do it like this yeah you know what i'm going to do something goofy here i'm going to do that what you can do is you can put this guy on figure empty ends up being pretty good here uh and then do i need i don't think i need cam to actually do with my mortar it's only 80 rounds not that hard um we'll go bigger blast and we're gonna go balloon buster because i think now the uh fire actually does a pretty significant amount of damage like this let's leave it like that i'm gonna go for an operation dark storm pretty soon oh boy that's good enough man what about camo i'm rooting for azeeli and this guy to be my camo detection you know obviously it's not working out perfectly though so i gotta be a little careful here but i will be good against moabs operations are strong great for my labs man uh i would say that apple is not my favorite but i'm not anti-apple apple's prices are fair for what you want to get out of it which is stability uh the ability to take it to the apple store and just be like fix it for me you know if you get a pc you can't just go to the pc store and be like fix this for me pc people it just doesn't exist like that so i get that you like the stability and the more i don't know i don't know how to put it like it's just safer almost all right we're gonna go for a rap reload boarder well that sucks all right we're gonna go for completely different strategy that did not work at all that monkey sucked balls so we're gonna go for the heli pilot all right this should be so much better for strategy guys we can go uh airbrush darts i think i might go not advanced intel cause i really don't have anything they can go over here so instead i'd rather get a middle path oh crap is ealy you're my camera detection right now girl i never got my ifr so right now i am a i'm definitely a pc person not a mac but as far as apple is concerned i'm definitely not anti-iphone uh i've owned one iphone 6 and i've owned a pixel uh pixel 3. and a pixel 4 and i don't really love either of my pixels they're okay here we go we got oh baby look at that ballistics this is going to own on this map dude it's beautiful and now an ipad oh also i do own an ipad actually i have an ipad and i don't really need an ipad but i use it for my mobile gaming on a computer how about record my stuff here we go we're gonna go oh you know reactor's not bad but i already have this guy so i'm kind of stuck that's fair you know and some people like you know uh i'm not a type of guy who needs to get a new iphone every single year or anything like that but uh it's really not bad man iphones are fine really you love your pixel i don't know what it is about the pixel that i don't necessarily love i don't hate it i should be straight about that you know uh in fact this this phone right here was actually uh given to me by one of you guys peter is giving me this phone here um but yeah this is my pixel 4. and all this mighty glory android you can take pictures and stuff i feel like the price doesn't make sense for what it caught oh crap oh my god what the heck i didn't have enough oh i didn't oh i thought i had my um okay we're gonna decamolize these puppies all right hopefully that's enough here there we go we work it out and that was pretty wild though uh looks like we're gonna go for a spectre is gonna be the answer for us there we're gonna go that and we're gonna give him that cam rejection too because this is just not working out all that well for monkey i kind of forgot about wings i should have done that in the first place man oh a nexus all right yeah fair enough but yeah alright like i said i'm not i'm not upset with my phone or anything like that i just don't love it i don't even know what i don't love about it it's just like okay see jonathan that is great most people i think would love to fix their own problems from their own home i i literally had to carry oh my god all right you guys want to hear a freaking story all right today it's story time baby all right so get this my ex-girlfriend okay her mac broke okay or it stopped working so this was a long time ago about eight years ago or so and uh she's like we gotta take it to the mac store and get it fixed someone all right all right let's go to the mac store to get it fixed this is actually what i don't know if you guys remember but this is when i broke my thumb inspector go pop blues this is when i broke my thumb so my girlfriend also was a fairly strong independent woman okay she was uh but her mac broke and we decided we have to bring it to the mall to the app to the apple store so i went with her and what she did was she was a strong independent woman and she carried her mac computer computer not laptop computer pretty big pretty pretty beefy i get it and we carried it to the apple store in the mall so we had to carry it all the way out there we get to the apple's door and uh one of the very first things that the salesman says to me is that he can't believe that i let her carry her computer through the store uh but he said in the most mean rude way ever i was just like are you serious dude like like you're you know you're gonna you're not gonna carry it for her you know aren't you like a big aren't you a strong like a aren't you strong enough man to do that for her and i was just like are you kidding me man and then he like looks over he's like oh i see you've got a broken thumb oh okay it's like what i broke my phone i don't remember breaking my phone i don't think any of my phones ever broke i don't think i didn't get my window broken i did get my uh my uh oh oh oh maybe you're thinking of when i got my i ipod shuffle my ipod shuffle was stolen out of my car but they not just stole it from my car they broke my window to get into my car to steal my ipad my ipod shuffle keep in mind this ipod shuffle is probably worth five to ten dollars at most but they broke my window and cost me like three hundred dollars to get it fixed and you have insurance yeah but you have to pay 500 deductible before they pay anything so really you don't have insurance it's actually better not to tell them that you they that your window got broke because they can raise your rates even though they paid zero dollars towards it isn't that ridiculous oh boy i've lived a colorful life that's bad things happening some good things happen overall my life has been experienced things have been happening full military only by the way no problemo you get this two two tower combo and you are in the bag it's all set for us my friend had a nokia phone that they literally no joke would play hacky sack with because they were like it's indestructible you can't kill this phone like really let's check it out he would literally kick it around play hacky sack with it one of my friends i remember threw it like 20 feet up in the air and it landed on the sidewalk and it still didn't break i was like all right that's pretty cool iphone 12 pro well fantastic man 88 yes 88 delicious dollars here military mayhem took us 2 hours 25 minutes ooh 50 candies that's not bad fitty trophies two more monkey money gonna earn our monkey money back from our terrible terrible time earlier terrible terrible time earlier oh look at that oh we might get two here oh it's the monkey oh winston monkey yes oh yes this is beautiful insta monkey and star monkey so i realized now i did not know this but uh oh look maurice has got two names man she's got alchemist and village oh lucky you man nobody else got oh tim oh tim's got three for him what hilarious i love it uh insta monkeys man where do i go look at him i do not know insta monkeys i thought you could look at them somewhere anybody know oh we're almost level 154 dude that's crazy see we're almost at five thousand monkey money oh oh oh here we go we broke it five thousand monkey money beautiful in the power section instant monkeys there you go all right so i found out that the instant monkeys are actually now you're supposed to collect them i did not realize that uh if you look at how many instagrams there's 64 monkeys per category oh my goodness gracious we're like one-third done with all these does anybody have the entire collection 15 18 22 15 13 19 14 19 okay yeah like one third done on all of them at most pretty wild one fourth done for most of them actually especially these fifty years man they gotta be hard to claim but i'll a bit i'm not usually a hardcore like candy man myself you know i'm only getting 100 candies per day i'm never up to a thousand plus like some crazy mofos out there i thought it was kind of goofy i just didn't realize that it was a collection system at all i didn't know people were trying to get all of them you know all right boys here we go let's do our push-ups today how many we got so far 130 143 push-ups for us today all right let's get started i'm actually just about done my friend we're gonna do our push-ups and we're gonna call it call of day 500 plus push-ups all right let's get out of here we did great we played a lot of b56 man yeah i can kind of agree with all that so you know we're done with bt6 today my friends we are only going to be doing push-ups throughout the day we're going to do some uh stuff together for you guys oh also i gotta show you something fun man um ninja kiwi sent me something fun uh so i gotta shut it off for you guys very nice of did you keep do this by the way you i don't know what monkey it is ninja kiwi asked me what my favorite design was now this is all part of the gig to get ninja kiwi uh nj kiwi's merch store to be something i think um so they decided to send some youtubers some ninja kiwi merch i think uh so if you guys are interested you can you can buy ninja kiwi's merch um if you want to wait though i'm planning on opening up my own merch store uh pretty soon i've got it uh partially in motion uh to be to have the merch store actually be partnered with youtube so it can show up on youtube's little thingamabob which is pretty cool so uh that's kind of exciting i don't love it i mean i i'm not i don't need it as a pillow i i'll be straight with you man like i would have preferred a shirt to be honest but um of course that's super duper nice of ninja i'm not like saying like don't think you did a bad job or anything thank you ninja gaby that's very very nice of you seriously it's really cool um plus i don't know if they're gonna send me something else as well they might send me something else i can't i don't wanna judge yet uh i think it's pretty cool though i think you know it makes sense because what they're doing is you know a lot of people have a lot of youtubers especially have like a little like thing behind them with all their stuff set up and all that good stuff but i've only got i don't really have anything so it is what it is anyways here we go guys 143 push-ups in a row let's do it let's make it happen boys you me together let's go power through it show off them guns let's get pumped baby all right i'm just gonna try to do like 25 at a time i think we'll do if we do five sets of six sets of 25 we'll be there man we'll be there all right let's go uh as usual guys i will be doing all all of them unless i hurt myself that's gonna be the rule oh oh jonathan five sit-ups for him all right all right man we'll do a double dose for you too because jonathan you're always so good for me i want you to do something with me though all right anybody out there if you guys want to do is do some with us we'll do it together all right so here we go i think i'm going to try and put this camera down just a little bit but not too far hopefully that's good enough all right all right let's go you guys want to count them out for me make sure that i do the right amount because if i ever talk i lose my count so uh make sure i'm make sure i'm not cheating you guys out of these all right oh man that felt like a rougher 25 than usual guys oh boy all right that was rough hobby oh boy we did it don't forget you guys can do it too man you don't need to nobody's forcing you but uh i believe in you guys man i do uh uh my thing is is you don't need to do 25 push-ups dude so uh just be straight with you 100 i when i moved into this house i was busy doing a lot of moving around and doing things but i didn't do any workouts okay i didn't do any like workouts i did no push-ups no pull-ups no sit-ups no nothing um so oh taco man making it 150 push-ups there it is thank you taco that's so nice and we got to do the five sit-ups too i can't forget about that jonathan don't let me forget all right dude um so uh udi that is that is a nice uh suggestion man i am uh uh i think i gotta go with the way that i normally do push-ups and maybe if i get good enough i can start getting better at really good form you know um you gotta go taco man you're gonna miss out on it all right dude have fun have fun have a nice weekend dude we'll see you later man thank you so much again as usual dude you're a wonderful wonderful wonderful person thank you so much everybody give them a big heart big fat heart man big fat hug thank you dude all right let's see if we can get 25 more feel free to do them with me if you guys are up for it but as i was saying um it's not about doing uh all the push-ups that i'm doing sometimes it's just about doing some time you know uh yeah try to do 30 seconds of push-ups whether or not you are up like this or doing a push-up you know sometimes 30 seconds is enough just hold yourself up if you can hold yourself up you're doing a great job and if you can't do that you can do knee push-ups too doing 25 of those man that's just as nice just as nice the one thing i've noticed though is you can really really really increase the amount of push-ups you can do just by doing like three or four sets you know three or four times yeah like i went from maxing out like 15 to 20. so now with you guys i just did 25 in a row crazy a couple weeks ago maybe a month ago i only did 15 push-ups as the most i've ever done in one set in a long time it was crazy alright guys let's do it 25 more we got it we got it all right 25 more 50 done 50 push-ups hold on we've done it my friends we've done it that was tough that was tough all right you know i bet champion just loves loves that i'm doing my push-ups while in their athletic wear i'm not uh a champion fanboy by the way but champion was nice and they did send me this for free i don't get very many free things in life so when somebody does give me something for free i always remember it all right i always remember it not no sweat yet that i oh yeah just not drips yet we got about a hundred to go a hundred to go oh my god why why do i agree to this guys i don't i don't know jonathan that's what i was told so i i used to just buy you know uh i never bought for brands you know i just i bought whatever i needed shirt for or just plain shirts or whatever and then my friend was telling me that my parents my parents used to buy me champion because it was the cheapest thing um and then my friend he works in a school and he's like yeah did you know that champion is actually the cool thing now uh the cool people wear champion he's like now when you wear all your old crappy champion shirts chris you're actually the cool kid and i'm like oh who would have thunk who would have thought gonna buy me a taco we are with the cool kids now jonathan how old am i how old do i look i get a lot of numbers man i get anything from 20 something when i shave up to like 40. i've heard a couple 50s in there but i'm just like what are you thinking man what are you smoking 50 holy crap can't look that old i got a couple gray hairs here and there 45 34 73 oh that's the oldest number i've got in a while a depressed 30 year old pretty accurate pretty accurate my friend 31 i'm 29 years old 29. uh mid 20 late 56 with a respectable beard i've had a good beard since i was 20 years old dude i looked like a dude can you see the bags under my eyes the lights make it look worse than it is i think you know uh the lights actually make my hair look worse than it is and it makes my eyes look worse than it is my hair's not that bad i mean i don't have like a full head of hair but it like the light just like shines right through it almost um old for my age oh my all right that's fine i suppose maybe when i finally get my shirtless pick people will be like oh yeah dude you look freaking amazing you look 20 frickin five heck yeah all right let's see if we can make it to 75 guys i'm gonna try though i am tired my arms are really feeling it's weird my biceps are really feeling it try to do these a little bit faster let's even get the 25 done quick that'll be halfway baby see if we can make it halfway guys hey oh baby all right that is tough oh baby oh oh i love talking to you guys man that's good oh oh man keep it going guys keep it going i did not do 27 i i counted 25 for sure i think for sure all right let me do my five sit-ups really quick for jonathan all right all right five sit-ups for jonathan all right here we go guys this is a weird angle you guys get to like look down at me oh no the memes that could come out of this position right here the memes like yeah the memes that come out of this oh boy oh boy don't do it guys don't do it maybe just a little bit all right we're going to do full sit-ups if i can one two three four five so i wish i could keep my hands at my temples but i don't have anything holding my feet down and that will just lift my feet up i might have been able to do it across my chest on a scale of one to ten how ripped am i seven six maybe it depends on depends on what you're doing because like compared to the average person i'm definitely stronger than the average person or uh what not but like if you compare me if you like if you're like compared to all the people the gym am i seven no probably not because those people are going there all the time so like i'll go with a seven though i think that's pretty fair the ipad on my feet well i can run a seven minute mile uh i can do about 10 pull-ups probably do almost 40 push-ups uh i probably can't do anything as far as strength though like if you told me to how much can you bench i'd be hell man like a bench 125 pounds i'd probably prove pretty freaking good 150 man maybe i've never i've been benched in a really long time though i i just ran a 17 minute two mile yesterday or two days ago and i ran a 26 minute three mile 26 and a half minute three mile last week and i ran a seven minute mile i ran an eight minute mile with my friend and a seven minute mile by myself so i'm on the floor because we're doing push-ups baby this is work out with chris all right shredded for the wedded okay shredding for the wedding here we go 1 000 reps in 60 minutes thousand reps of what anything squats push-ups sit-ups whatever i mean what does that end up being one every 3.6 seconds that's actually really fast man that's great man biking's awesome too a thousand feel finger curls heck yeah dude that's the kind of workout i can get on but yeah dude if you're if biking's your thing fantastic i like i bike about uh four and a half minute miles when i go like five to ten miles um again i'm not in like fantastic shape or anything like that but i try to keep myself from getting out of shape is what i do so if i trained i could easily do uh 1.2 miles in seven minutes give me three months i could do it run every day boom done no problem man i used to run it was last year i got a 630 mile so i think i could do i think i could do a six six minute mile almost no problem if i trained myself a little bit back in the day believe it or not ah seventh grade i was what 12 or 13 if i call myself 13 16 years ago i ran a 5 minute and 35 second mile 5 35 that's my record man when i was 12 no no 13 years old 13 years old right right decimator man nice dude that is great the 535 was my fastest ever i ran i remember this too because i have a i have a medal for it or something i got a 13 minute and 10 second two mile that was very impressive for myself man i ran that in conference um uh for my cross country that was great dude i stream every friday and sunday for sure i sometimes stream during the week as well i'm trying to do more videos lately instead of streaming but sometimes i suck i i just i haven't loved b36 so being a youtuber while trying to do only b36 videos has been kind of rough for me you know um so yeah you never got under six minute mile wow it depends on the person too though don't feel bad man like uh some people can do some people are runners some people are bikers some people don't forget james you're probably pretty good at a lot of other things too you probably have a lot of upper body strength and stuff um that's what will keep me from getting a really really low mile right now is that i have more upper body weight than i used to when i was 13 i was carrying around 80 pounds of weight and then you can go like you can freaking run fast dude all right let's try to get to 100 we're only halfway there holy crap dude what have we been doing 24 miles per hour that's so fast that's really good dude i i'm lucky if i get 15 miles per hour right four minute mile but i just ride a regular crappy like 250 bike on the regular roads in regular clothes not like the skin tight kind of clothes thing i will be doing oh balloons tower defense video yes i have alright guys do it with me if you want you can do it man i know you can or if you can't do uh knee push-ups and if you can't do that just hold yourself up do a push-up every once in a while until you max out all right let's go for a hundred all right one hundo baby i'm gonna wait just like a minute or two i'm gonna try to get to 125. so i can finish off the last 25 strong remember there's a max of 200 today so if you guys donate 50 more i will still do my extra 50 push-ups those are by far the worst 50 push-ups ever um but after these 25 i got to take a quick break for a second because i got something in the oven cooking right now uh yes you can swear as long as the swearing is not consistent and or over bearing in any way arms are jelly nice job jonathan nice job dude keep it up man you guys doing great seriously and don't forget some of you guys are probably doing better form than me too i i don't have the best form uh like if i did 50 push-ups i could do like really good form after that i start to get like too jelloy my arms go a little further out instead of like straight under me kind of thing 62. nice job dude nice job all right i'm going to go for 125 here let's see if i can pull it out and then i'm going to take a quick break and we'll go back for our last 25 here all right all right let's go 25 more if i need to i'm going to break it up into a couple different things but i'm going to try for it all right we did it holy crap 125 baby all right give me one break i'll be right back two minutes guys finish off the last 25 and less people donate in the meantime holy crap i'll be right back guys thank you thank you thank you all right boys we're back we back we've got 25 more to do i don't think i'll be able to do 25 more in one thing with bob you're still out of shape dude that's okay there's nothing wrong with being out of shape just try a little bit to get back in shape even 25 push-ups a day even a 25 squats a day even a a nice two-mile walk a day you know favorite tier five tower right now probably the uh fifth tier bottom path wizard he saw him still breathing heavy 130 nice job dude keep it going man see if you can make 250 with me perfect cover 19 show that makes sense solid two push-ups nothing wrong with that man that's two more push-ups than a lot of other people can do all right i'm probably not gonna be able to do 25 at once but we'll do like uh maybe 15 and 10 or maybe uh 20 and five or wherever we get to man all right let's do it i'm cooking some pork it's like a pork roast thingy i want to make sure it wasn't burnt or anything seemed like it was doing okay so i got i got 10 minutes in me here before i got to go down and take it out all right guys let's do it it's all you're at work no worries man you guys don't need to do this just if you're up for it go ahead ah 17 oh man i feel very full of blood right now i am juiced man my arms especially right here ridiculous got eight more to go and we'll be good let's see if we can pull it off eight more i think we can do it right let's go let's try for it oh all right all right don't spam spam and get you banned thank you jonathan it's very nice of you man it's about to ban him for good all right we did good we did good that was great thank you guys again for being so wonderful with me man thank you guys again for all the support thank you guys for not minding my uh uh sponsored video today uh most people are pretty cool with it cool about it thank you guys so much seriously you guys are freaking fantastic uh i will that was a tough one that was a tough one for sure 150 push-ups man i feel like i did 150 push-ups better than i did push-ups last time too last time i was like just like doing them to get them done you know this one heck yeah dude yeah so uh amanda's computer is what are we at now four thirty four what are we at four twenty four forty two one fifty five we're just about at six hundred dollars actually more no less can i do math almost 600 out of the out of the 1000 bucks man thank you guys thank you man really that's the current twitch thumbnail awesome dude uh we're gonna build amanda computers so this is the last thing i'm gonna do before i gotta go because i gotta take the thing out of the oven guys but uh i am going to build amanda computer i've got a couple of the parts already i don't have the graphics card yet as most of you guys probably know but i got a couple pieces already i've got some ram two times eight ddr4 16 gigs and then i got the motherboard b550m i'm excited i got them on sale i always look for sales guys uh i don't just buy it all once i wait for the sales so that's where i'm at right now really there's only six people on twitch that is kind of wild huh uh most people probably left already there's so much stuff to do uh but um uh random sales i gotta look every day man that's the way i do it uh sometimes i look on slick deals uh they usually kind of compile the best deals you just gotta be gotta check them every day see if there's anything that's actually on sale that you need um but i got the ram for about 60 bucks and then i got the motherboard for just over 100 110 i think so uh it's going well so far i might have gone overkill on the motherboard but if she ever wants to upgrade anything you can use the motherboard and just update it oh thank you thank you that was nice of you to say the problem is you're really excited if you buy the computer parts you're like i want to build a computer right now you know plus you got the 30-day return policy so you don't want to break it up more than 30 days right so i just look around and sometimes things don't go on sale sometimes like a lot of people think oh they need this exact certain part i look for the certain part i don't i look for a idea of what i want and i look for the sales and if there's anything that i'm like oh that's good enough i'm like i just pop on the sale like uh you know i don't need an exact certain ssd or something like that like whatever's on sale the time you know just go for it again i don't really have any too much brand uh alliance or whatever anyways guys i'm heading out thank you guys so much you guys are wonderful um i'm already i'm feeling beefy you guys tell oh man i feel real beefy today from the back that looks weirder from the back doesn't it but you can actually see this muscle's actually sticking out a little bit too alright guys i'm heading out thank you guys i will see you on sunday i will be here for the for the super sunday fun day club by the way if you guys want to be there i've been busy the past two weeks sadly i had a middle of the day club but only a few people showed up but anyways um uh i'm heading out guys so thank you again and uh we'll see you guys on sunday
Channel: SJB
Views: 51,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloons, tower, defense, sjb, superjombombo, aliensrock, isab, btd6, bloons td 6, bloons td battles, best strategy
Id: fGQmr1gmpSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 24sec (9924 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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