Why Your Saddle Height Is Wrong & How You Can Fix It

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saddle height there are some obvious ways when you just know you've got it that's my bike i think i'm still a poor bike i'm never leaving you go on my bike again but there are some obvious ways for you know your saddle heights wrong just like hank demonstrated but in this video we're going to talk you through some of the little tips and tricks you might want to know about to get your satellite just right get those minute changes in order so you can ride your bike best way possible right enough that let's go on with the video ready let's do it have you recovered yes [Music] getting the right saddle height is extremely important whether you're trying to win the tour de france and the yellow jersey or you just ride into the cafe with your mates having the right saddle height will stop you from getting injuries but it will also keep you comfortable and allow you to access the most amount of power you can and well after all who doesn't want that hey connor yeah thanks hank we have all been behind cyclists who have their saddle too high as hank does now and a common symptom of this is seeing their hips really rock in the seat now that's because they're over reaching they're over extending and their hips are making up for that extra distance just to reach the pedals and often you see their dominant leg over reaching more as you really try and push the power out and get what you can from the position you're in now this is obviously an extreme example and you can just tell by looking at someone with these symptoms that your saddle is just too high but sometimes it's not that clear and you might not get pain instantly it could take weeks or even months before you find out that your saddle is just too high but having a saddle too high could cause injury hey connor yes hank you are right knee and back pain is extremely common for our cyclists but often it does arise from having your saddle height not quite correct if it's too high you'll notice that your knees are really overextending and your toes are pointed as well plus you really rock on the saddle to try and make up for that over extension which can lead to saddle sores so in order to show you an example of riding with a subtle height that's a little bit too high i've put up my saddle about a centimeter and you should see the difference but i'll also tell you a little bit about what it feels like to so i put my satellite a centimeter higher than i would normally have it now to the untrained eye you can't really notice a huge difference but as you can see i'm getting locked out when i go to six o'clock at the bottom of the pedal stroke now i'm so used to riding the right saddle height but if you're not you can even ride this for a while before realizing it so if you think your satellite is wrong the best thing to do is grab an experienced friend to ride behind you and they can see if you've got the right subtle height or not connor what do you think i think you're looking a bit high you can see your hips are rocking you just like you're really over kind of reaching you've got that those toes are pointing quite a lot too i think we're going to need a stop and uh yeah let's have a little rethink another less obvious way to tell that your saddle is too high is the fact your muscles really do start to build up fatigue a bit quicker than they normally would especially at the end of a ride where it can start to feel like you really just can't get the power out and you just don't have it in the legs but for newbie cyclists it really can be quite hard to figure out what's had a height to get in the first place [Music] a lot of people tend to ride with a too low saddle now the problem with this it's not that you're gonna get injury as you would if your saddle height was too high but more that you just can't access the power you can't involve your glutes your thighs or your calves to maximum effect meaning well you're just not gonna get much better and if i'm honest it feels a little weird too connor what do you think i think we've gone a bit too low now you just look like you've got more to give you can extend those eggs a little bit more you're lacking a bit of power in this position right let's rethink yeah another reason back to the drawing board [Music] so when you think you've planned the right sample height you want to give it some time to settle into it allow your body to adapt to the new position every little millimeter makes a huge difference so have a play around and before you know it you'll be able to access more power and it will stop you from getting horrible back and knee pain and let's be honest no one needs that but then you'll be able to access all that power let's go now the important thing to remember is when you do find the right satellite to mark it now you could score it on the seat post itself or put a bit of tape round that way you know exactly where your saddle height needs to be and another good point is to measure it from the tip of the saddle down to the center of the bb and then note it on the notebook or on your phone that way you'll never forget exactly what your measurement is if you are struggling to get your saddle height right after numerous trial and error attempts we really do recommend that you seek the advice of a professional bike fitter because it is just such an important aspect of your bike fit and getting it wrong does really give you a high chance of getting injuries or those little niggles that can set your riding back so yeah do get this one right and invest the time to get it right so there you have it a few of the reasons why you want to get your saddle height absolutely perfect yeah let us know in the comments though if you have any other nifty tips to help you get your saddle height right i got it wrong once in a race how the borrowed teammates bike and then yeah that didn't go on do you want to give it a go go on there i'll see you see if things have changed things have changed thanks for watching everyone cheers guys we'll see you in the next video yeah right this can only go very badly 100k on hank's back make it to the finish right i can't reach the pedals color looks nice on you can you not actually you can't no
Channel: Global Cycling Network
Views: 277,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saddle, saddles, seat, height, saddle height, set up, set, up, setup, beginner, how to, why, pain, knee, knee pain, back pain, bike setup, bike fit, fit, fitting, size, GCN, Global Cycling Network, Sports, Cycling, Bike, Bikes, Bicycle (Product Category), Road Bike, Cyclist, Road Bicycle, GCN Cycling, velo, sec-feature, gc21s, ិ, ꗧ, c1, ꔈ, ꗶ, Ղ, n1, ሙ, ସ, ଙ, ホ, ᠫ, パ, ළ, э, Ա, Ժ, Լ, Ծ, Հ, ፕ15, ザ, ዾ, ጞ, 4771, beginner cyclist, cyclist, cyclists, tip, tips, beginner tip, beginner tips, pro, pro tip, pro tips
Id: TQuh_iAjVFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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