Why Your Europe Tourist Visa (Schengen) Can Be Denied? Desi Couple On The Go [English Subtitles]

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Hello everyone and wecome to our channel Desi Couple on the Go I am Megha and i am saurabh We take you too soo many different places And you are watching us live from our home Because recently we didn't planned any trips except for the Italy trip But this video is gonna be very important As so many people mail and DM us just to specifically ask about this video You must have already seen the subject and thumbnail line So in this video we will be talking about why the Schengen Visa if you dont know Schenegen visa is required to travel all across the Europe Around 27 european countries are in this Visa program Once you get this visa, you can travel the rest 27 countries The process to apply for Schengen Visa is indeed very stressful The end to end process sis very lengthy as a lot of documents are required along with that you already have your flight and hotels booking So there's always a fear that after so much panning and spending money what if your visa gets rejected? Schengen visa rejection has been a prominent problem in the europe Before covid the rejection rate was around 9.9% But according to the latest data of 2022 the rejection rate has gone up to 17.9% Which is about 18%, so there's a huge increase as compared to 2019-2020 SO you can see its a huge problem and its important to know why The rate is going up and how can we save us from rejection A lot of people are willing to travel to Europe, offcouse they should come its a beautiful continent But India is one of the tp countries for Visa rejection If we talk about 2022, around 6lakhs people applied for the Schengen Visa Among that 18% Visa were rejected Which is around 1.1 Lakh people got rejected for the Schengen visa So the countries which have the maximum rejection for the visa are while the countries which have approves the maximum visa are SO in these countries the rejection rate for indian are quite low The data is quite scary as how much the rejection has increased So its very important that whenever you apply for the visa, the documentation has to be error free and perfect When Embassies reject the visa, they do give a reason but again its not clear So you have no idea which documents are missing and what is the solution Now will show you some reason which embassy states for visa rejection Then you will understand that these reasons are pretty vague and what can you do To apply again for the visa So exactly what are the reason stated by the embassy SO let me give you some examples There are many more you can see it on the screen These are some reasons we got to know from our friends and family members And then we have categorize these reasons So when you are applying for the visa make sure you triple check that you are not falling under these 10 mistakes So lets go The first mistake its quite basic but still You might think its not possible but it does happens sometimes Because its huge form, some information are mandatory as you can see a red symbol Some are not compulsory So there's a confusion that what information is supposed to be filled So either you leave it or put some wring info, by which The visa form is filled up incorrectly Sometimes there's a difference between the sign or the name Like the first, middle and last name is different on the passport and form you are submitting So its important you fill up all the manadotary information and you can leave those information which are not important Make sure you review it correctly or get it done by someone so that your application form is filled up correctly When you will go the visa offices they also recheck it once but its always better to do it on your own Second mistake is your travel insurance is not valid it might happen that your travel insurance doesn't cover europe region so check it carefully whether its covering the whole European region or not Secondly the travel insurance must be of minimum 30k Euros Only then you will be able to apply for it And it should cover full duration of your journey, Whether its for 10 days or 30 days So make sure you look for these three things in travel insurance Third mistake : Lack of fiananial proof When yu travel to Europe every country has a minimum Budget Set SO if you are visitng France, you should have a saving of 100 Euros per day Each country has a different budget so make sure you keep a check on it And make sure the bank statement you are providing matches with the minimum budget The catch here is, only giving the bank statement won't work Because they also what to know the source of that income So that why they ask for a three month bank statement Because it might happen that you have put in some amount only for visa verfication That's why they check the three month statement along the employeement proof to know here the money is coming from and for that you can submit these documents And if you are doing business then you can submit the income tax fillings if you are retired you can submit the pension documents Once you submit the document they will now that you have the required money with you and won't be dependent on that country's government and they will also have info to the source of the transaction and you will be abel to travel as a tourist Lets talk about the fourth mistake - Invalid purpose of the travel you might be travelling as a tourist wanting to see the different countries and places But does the visa officer knows about it? NO So you will have to tell them the purpose of your visit And you can do it be giving your detailed itinerary say if you visiting France tell them why you wont to visit that country IF Switzerland then you want to see the mountains So tell them the clear prupose and the detailed itneary because you know how many people all over the world apply for the visa and maximum are applying for tourist visa So visa officer must have a clear understanding whether you are really coming as a tourist or you are planning to stay here or coming for some work purpose Beacuse sometimes people think they will be able to work here after having the tourist visa Which is very wrong and thats why Visa officer has doubts if you dont clearly mention the reasons thats why its important you give complete info, detailed itneary and all of that should be in sync like flight and hotel booking dates should match with your itneary it should be like on 1st you had booked flight tickets and form 5th you have plans but hotel booking is done from 6th so if you are coming on 1st, the hotel and flight booking should match with itneary and if you are planning to stay till 15th make sure you give your detailed plan along with your bookings 5th mistake is the inability to show your booked accommodation Its almost similar to what megha said before But its a little more important If you only provide this much info that you will stay 2 nights in pairs, 1 night in Italy, Switzerland, that is not enough but you are not submitting the right proof about your bookings it justifies that you wont be sleeping outside and you have a place to stay and its important yoy book the hotels from any reliable websites Because once you submit those documents it might happened that they run a background verification check So its bery important you give them proof about your itnearay along with the bookings if you are doing it through some travel agents tell them to submit these proofs And make sure you check what all documents are being submitted and whether they are giving a right picture about your plans The next mistake is no proof to show your intent to return back to India So what happens here is visa Officer is scared About that you might stay in theri country and became a burden on them So it's important you show your intent that you will return back to your country once you visit all the places So its important you submit your salary proofs and employeemtnt letter If you are doing a business, then you should share some business info and intent to run the business again But if you are a solo traveler or student then it might be difficult to show proofs You can show your school/university joining or leave letter as a proof that you will come back and attend the classes or you can show your property paper that you will return back to your home so its important you show your intent to return back to your country Next mistake is that you are not able to provide your return tickets While preparing your visa application it's important to submit your flight tickets along with the itinerary When we have applied for visa for anybody we have always booked the advance flight tickets and provided them as proof So its relatably easy to attach your return flight tickets as proofs there are some companies who tell yu there's no point in putting so much money on tickets to show them as proof So those companies will give you a dummy ticket and flight itneary for $30-50 And when your visa is approved that dummy ticket will get converted into real ticket We haven't used it really so we cant vouch for it But that's also an option recommended by googles But what we will recommend is that while booking flight tickets check whether cancellation insurance is available for not and also check on which terms those policies apply to So once you have travel insuranc it will give you a peace of mind That your flight tickets amount will be refunded its important that you submit a valid flight tickets whether real or dummy So that the visa officer will have a confirmation about your date of arrival and departure Only submitting the return flight tickets doesn't show your intent to return back Along with return flight tickets you need supporting documents as well Because sometimes a question might arise in the mind of visa officers so it's better you submit both the documents Next you have to be careful about your prior visa problems or you have overstayed at a place For this let me narrate a story to you When i called my parents to Italy i had applied for Schengen Visa and in that application there one point that when you return back to india make sure you inform to the Italian embassy that you have returned back Not for all countries but yes for some countries its mentioned clearly So my parents stayed in Italy for around 1 months and then returned back And we didn't read that point to inform back to Italian embassy So after 1-2 months police came to my house to check whether my parents have return back to India or not Even i got a call from embassy that if they have returned then why they didn't got a visa stamp from the embassy SO make sure you are careful here, they didn't overstay but it was mentioned in the document so it looked like that so i asked my friend to go the embassy and get that stamp so they will know that they have returned of course you did not come with the intention to overstay but sometimes mistake happens so ake sure you read all the important info mentioned in the Schengen visa documents And if you are not careful then the next time you apply for the visa then it might get rejected My parents visa didn't got rejected after that because we did the required things but be careful of what's written on your Schengen visa Next mistake you should avoid is that your passport should be in good condition Sometimes the passport is not in the good condition , like less no, of pages, torned pages Or maybe the validity is less so there are chances that your visa might get rejected so make sure that passport is in good condition before your fil for the visa application Now lets come to last mistake which is inconsistent Documentation We have covered this in our previous points as well everything in your document should be in sync the dates of your flights, hotels and office leaves are mismatched the name on your passport, salary slip and hotel booking are different So everything has to be in Sync, Its true that for Schengen Visa a lot of documentation is required And once yu collect all the documents but it still got rejected due to one small mistake then it will be very depressing so its very important that all the documents are in sync and you don't forget any important documents So make you triple-check all of the information the agent will also check your informations but make sure you also do it These were 10 common mistakes you should avoid while applying for visa But even after doing everything your visa gets rejected as many indian visa are getting rejected around 1,1 lakhs and if the same happens to you then what options you have So the first option is appealing on your decision on visa You can appeal on the decision of your visa to the embassy But its important to make sure that do you have sufficient time? Like even if they validate it again would have time to wait till then? and if you traveling the next day or the next week so its risky to apply for the appeal as you don't have sufficient time there should be a minimum two week gap between the appeal and your Date of departure then only you will have some better chances It's important that you understand the reasons we told you so that you can figure out the reason for which your visa was rejected Once you understand the reason then only submit an appeal Telling them this was the reason for rejection So now I am submitting these additional documents to support the reason then hopefully the visa officer will have some clarity that the documents you have submitted are valid and they will issue you Schengen Visa so if you will write a letter and submit the additional documents then the chances will be high that you visa will get accepted and there's nothing to be angry about while submitting it Make a humble request and support it by additional documents the chances will high that if you have sufficient time your visa will get accepted this is one of the ways by which you can reapprove your visa after it gets rejected but you must be wondering where can you make the appeal? You can make an appeal to same embassy or the visa office which has rejected your visa through VFS Also make sure check the process to submit the appeal as every country has a different process So that you are not missing any document which will let you face another rejection Saurabh was telling you how can you reapprove your rejected visa But the second option is you can re-apply for the visa by doing everything form scratch, the application, and documents it also depends upon for which country you are reapplying to For some countries you can reapply on the next day or maybe after 3-6 months but make sure while re-applying you don't submit the same documents Think about some extra documents you can submit to make it more consistent And dont think of submitting the documents to some other countries like Italy or maybe france for visa approval it wont work like that it might get approved but they might do a background check and reject your visa again so its important you submit the right document and then apply for visa approval Hopefully now you have all the information so that your visa wouldn't get rejected and even if it happens you know what all options you have As we already told you that these cases have increased so even we have come across these geninune cases even after having all the documents the visa got rejected Its quit unfortunate situation and nothing can be done in this We can advice to re apply or make an appeal and hope that this time it gets accepted Yeah but this is happening that even after the right documents the visa is getting rejected, we don't know the reason yet But we have good news as well the European union has acknowledged this problem And they have started working with all the countries in the Schengen visa to make a digital application which can help people to directly apply for the visa rather than applying from different countries So they are trying to streamline and shorten the process so that people can get easy approval on the visa And once it gets finalized we will update you on our channel We have also applied the Schengen visa a lot of times for our friends and family and it got approved every single time, so we haven't faced any rejection experience yet but some of our friends and followers have faced this asked for the help so So we have made this video to help out you guys, you can share among your family and friends so they can watch the video before applying the visa Lets end this video, hope you will share this on your social profiles which might help others and also our channel, hope you like our video and fo follow us on out other social media handles And do comments and tell us if you had faced any vsa rejection and what was the reason for that Which might help other people in out community as well But this was a very important video because we were getting so many Dm's regardi DSo we thought why don't we collect all of the information and make a video on that so you will find all of the information at one single place So lets see you in the next video, which might be travel vlog series Till then byeee
Channel: Desi Couple On The Go
Views: 99,332
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Keywords: europe tourist visa, schengen visa, rejected, mistakes to avoid, europe tourist visa rejections, why visa can be rejected, travel visa, tourist visa, how to apply for europe travel visa, desi couple on the go, desi couple travel vlog, schengen visa refusal, schengen visa rejection, schengen visa refusal story, vfs, vfs global, europe visa, Europe visa rejection, schengen visa for indians, schengen visa tips, schengen visa documents, how to get europe visa, europe visa process
Id: ltsRajByMH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 52sec (1672 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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