Why You Shouldn't Mourn The Death Of A Loved One | Neale Donald Walsch

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death is a fiction it doesn't exist it can't occur in the experience of who you are which is a sacred being known as your soul that lives past the end of what you call your physical life when you're fully awake you will find yourself never again mourning the death of another not even for a moment you might mourn your loss but not their death in fact you'll actually celebrate celebrate their death by celebrating both the moments of love and joy that they shared with you and the fact that they're now continuing to live in the free and wondrous expression of their evolutionary process you would likewise neither fear nor mourn your own death and for precisely the same reason how's that possible how can we not mourn the death of another because you wouldn't be sad for something that's not true that's not even happening when was the last time you were really sad for a long period of time about something that didn't happen I'm really sad that I fell down the stairs but you never fell down the stairs I know what I was sad anyway you wouldn't do that so why would you be sad because somebody has celebrated their continuation day you see the whole point of this particular lesson is to embrace the notion the death does not exist now this is not a New Age philosophy this is not some kind of a new thought principle do you realize that every major religion on the face of the earth teaches us that death does not exist most of the major religions are built around the idea that the soul lives past the end of the body and the mind once you understand that you don't find yourself in mourning over the death of another but really you celebrate that they have celebrated their own continuation day [Music] it's not a small thing because it can change and alter your entire experience of a loved one departing their physical expression I know some people who have mourned the death of a loved one for a long time not I mean a week or two or even a month or two or even a year or two but in some cases for a very long time and it's sad you know what's sad about that what's sad about that is that the last person who would want them to stay in such mourning would be the person who's actually left their physical experience the silastic they would want I promise you [Music] so you will know you're fully awake when you fail to mourn the death of a loved one and failed to even mourn your own death I remember my mom she was a great example of this my mother was born into what we would call the new thought community you know the New Age community she was way before that that was after her time but she sure did understand what I'm telling you and I recall into her life as she moved through the final months of her life it and everyone knew everyone knew it was two final months of her life I would come into her hospital room and I'd say my gosh I just feel so sorry she said sweetheart don't don't feel sorry she said to me words I'll never forget it dance on my grave [Music] promise me dance at my grave and I promised her I would and when she passed I was sad of course for my own loss of course but I wasn't sad for her anymore because she was a living minister she ministered to me she ministered to my warning before I could even have a chance to fall into it and you know I did what she asked I really did I went to the cemetery where she was buried very very late one evening found her gravesite looked at the gravestone gave it a little kiss looked around to make sure no one was watching did a little little two-step a little dance on her grave this dances for you when you're fully awake you danced through the bullets that you once warned [Music] and you born no more [Music] you
Channel: Mindvalley
Views: 2,630,555
Rating: 4.7314863 out of 5
Keywords: what is death, death is a fiction, Neale Donald Walsch, What actually happens when you die, fear of death, never mourn death, death isn’t real, neale donald walsch death, what happens when you die, what happens after you die, what happens after we die, loss of a loved one, getting over a death of a loved one, getting over a death, getting over the death of a loved one, what happens to your debt when you die, life after death, when you die what happens to your debt, mortality
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2017
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