Yammie Noob Gave Me A Blown Up Turbocharged Hayabusa (Unfixable)

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so we've been getting comments saying that I should fix YY noob's turbocharged Hayabusa apparently the motor nuked itself because well it's a turbocharged Hayabusa and though it would be really cool to have one it sounds like a ton of work and I'm not sure it fits our brand we mostly do older bikes turbos don't go well for us my cat's been sick I'm just not sure if I want to psych let's get this thing unloaded and tear apart the Yumi Busa this sleeping dragon has seen its Better Days Yu bought it back in 2020 then decided that one of the fastest production bikes ever made wasn't dangerous enough so we slapped the turbo on it shortly thereafter the motor blew itself into pieces because stock engines aren't really built for turbos after that he had the engine completely rebuilt with low compression Pistons stronger routes and a bunch of other Go Fast Parts everything was right with the world and Mr Noob and his turbo Busa were both doing great until last spring one dis Master struck again at which point I believe the fun of owning a turbo Busa just wasn't fun anymore all this brings us to a month ago when Yu made a video asking his viewers who should get the bike and hopefully bring it back to life the overwhelming response was to send it to us thank you guys and I can't wait to see the Carnage inside this motor let's get the yyi Busa onto the fixing [Music] bench okay so from everything I can gather it sounds like jiger bra was out riding this bike and the motor let loose a bunch of smoke came from the exhaust pipe left the trail of white behind him shut it down pretty quick but the damage is already done I want to actually see if this motor's free so the first thing I'm going to do is get a battery to it and we're going to try to crank it over and see what happens okay that's a good step one ooh what do we got here Dino jet power commander three makes sense oh yeah totally makes sense Dino jet Lieutenant Commander three first thing I would think to do all right let's pull some stuff apart here okay here we got a B that's probably dead than a door nail let's see if we hook a jumper to it if we'll get some life out of this thing black to negative red to positive always be a red can be positive all sorts of wires going in oh sounded like it was dialing up Dash Dash made noises see here feels like there we go oh it's making noise okay horn work horn works all right let's see what happens here okay here we go contact that doesn't sound good in there that sounds awful this battery is probably just too far gone is that starter moving well maybe it's it's locked up now let's see here if it'll at least turn over fuel pump's a little noisy okay so I think we shouldn't keep doing that I don't know what it's doing but I've got a bad feeling I can't explain it I I feel um yeah I believe it is it is now locked up which if you blew the motor apart that makes sense oh look at that it was pumping fuel or something out of the bottom oh that's good man I am really excited to see what kind of mess this thing made I don't know why I enjoy that so much but I love tearing apart Motors that made pieces just to see where the weak parts are and what failed and try to figure out why and all that stuff that's cool it's fun just for fun I'm going to see if I can bring this battery back to life well all right that was pretty anti-climatic what else did you expect H good point I thought maybe the thing would at least crank over and we could hear pieces moving around on the inside but it didn't work so now let's pull off all the plastic and the tank and get to this motor yeah yeah step one let's get this tank out of the way whoops all right so why is this cut yeah so none of the fuel lines were hooked up okay none of this stuff is hooked up none of that's hooked up none of that's hooked up up none of that's hooked up well that's why it wasn't doing anything okay ooh look at that Brocks is that bro no that's not rocks that's RCC turbo yeah that's that airbox oo that is a beautiful okay so yeah so that's explains why we were dumping fuel half the work's already done most of this is already disconnected it's almost like they took a crack at it and decided they didn't want to take a crack at it no more all right let's get this stuff here pulled off now this okay just look at that beauty my word the plugs are unhooked I wonder why everything's unhooked oh this is loose so that'll come off fairly easy yeah like these are all loose so they had the airbox on off my guess is they pulled the airbox and throttle [Music] bodies you stinker what are you doing here c o beef stick thank you good to see you my friend Craig remember that time when you were traveling abroad mhm in Europe and you got kidnapped mhm and I got found out and I let them know that I've got a series of uh unusual and amazing skills and I got you back mhm you said Sean I owe you mhm I'm calling in that favor oh [Music] jeez did you just drive all the way up here from Tennessee I did mainly to give you that beef stick well thank you I appreciate that are you ready Craig I'm [Music] ready oh boy we got to get the Orange County Chopper the Miss Geico bike road trip ready oh boy maybe I kind of wish he would have left me in Europe yeah and then um that rotary bike we worked on a couple weeks ago I've never worked on one of them no one has no one has that nobody has and nobody wants to so leave them here with you boy wrong shop we're not taking any work oh yeah I don't have brakes it's got all the brakes all the BRS oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I was going to say I was going to say it bottoms out on this but no it bottomed out too many times it don't bottom out no more you can only turn yeah you got to turn the wheel a certain way or it kind of Falls over that's the way I'm kind of wishing he didn't know where I live now all right now that Sean's gone dropped off these Beauties time to get back to work on on this thing where were we Dan it doesn't crank so we think the motor's locked up everything's unplugged in here so it should be fairly easy to drop the motor at this point but let's start up top man I love that piece that's that's cool it's a shame nobody sees it cuz it's under the tank you know what else Dan we didn't show them this the best part about this whole bike o oh it's a turbo it's a turbo okay look at this that's the oil return line from the turbo look how Kink that is see up top here it's got a big kink in it o supposed do that nope so let's see here what all do we got ooh we got a nice uh Billet oil pan that's cool we got the turbo we got the uh the piping for the turbo coming up to the airbox looks like we have an Am fuel pressure regulator let's pull the throttle bodies see what we can see because I want that stuff off anyway I got a feeling this motor is going to have to be dropped okay there it goes oh man I like that that's neat oh man let's get that tank off I'm excited I want to see see the pieces that were created get this tank out of the way wow that made a lot of room guess we went at that with app pliers oh my gosh how did that piece of fend someone so bad I don't know if this means anything but look there's a bunch of oil around there these are all pretty dry okay looks good that one looks good that one does not look good and actually that one there doesn't look bad check this out oh no it broke a valve you can see the the head of the valve is sideways here supposed to look like that oh here let's pull dang right okay so we figured out why the why the motor won't spin over we figured out what made made all that commotion let's pull the let's pull the throttle bodies and then I think we can see in there a little better let's do that um it's kind of nice half of the stuff is like all loose that's why they put that hole in the frame so you can get in there to loosen these air boots oh man too much coffee let's see I want to pull that fuel line and then everything else should be done F oh there CL okay throttle bodies now let's look at some Carnage there now can you see that better see how the face of that valve is sitting sideways oh yeah oh there it is see that face of that valve mhm here come for a journey so this is this valve stem right here this right here is the face of the valve so that valve see the stem it broke off the stem is is up here that valve is not good yeah I don't know we got smash pistons and all sorts of stuff yep so no doubt in my mind this motor is getting dropped out of the bike and onto the bench it's all coming apart looking forward to seeing how much more damage there is I am I am like I think that's that's wild and then it's like what why what caused it or what I don't know man I'm excited I I want to get this bike or this motor out obvious problems is we broke a valve and I'm sure that damaged the Piston kinked return line that's a thing everything's unhooked that's fun so we're just going to have to figure our way through this when it goes back together okay so that all being said next step will be pulling the motor get it out get it out get it [Music] out all right so I just have to pull this bottom bolt and pull this bolt and I think everything should just drop out let's Nancy Drew it is this thing about to fall out yep drop violently hopefully not but you're not 100% sure correct it might drop violently could so oh this is the last bolt man let's see what happens need's loose looking good as far as I can tell we bought got a motor engine out of a motorcycle I guess we get it down off that Jack so we'll get it down the engine onto the table and then slide it's going to come out your way right onto that other bench here hit your side a little bit there we go um you want to come to this side we'll grab both oh jeez there we go that's what I was that was cool all right you good yep all right all right Ron you got an engine on the bench now we can get to work that was a lot of work Craig that is a lot of work Dan oh oh wow wow bearded mechanic t-shirts the work where you need when lifting engines that jigs or bra done jigs its last bra Dan is that the first turbo boosta motor you ever pulled yeah I think that's safe to say okay me too oh look there's no spark plugs in the holes well no wonder it didn't run there was no spark plugs oh well that's part of the problem o let me see let me see there a big hole in that in the Piston you mean there's ho in the Piston yeah wo it just gets better and better so these here a lot of dirt bikes single uh the the bottom case have split vertically not horizontally this is set up a little bit more like like some automotive type engines where this crank case splits horizontally so we have the valve cover that's the top piece we have our spark plug boots These are coil sticks here this is the head from here to here this here are the this is the cylinder what they would call the cylinder from here to here that's where the Pistons are this is where the valves are a good way to make pieces is to touch the piston and the valve together this is what they call the engine block top side of the block and then if you look there's a split right here and you have the bottom side of the block this section right in here this is going to be the transmission so we're going to have our main shaft is going to run off the the crank sprocket to the clutch that's going to bring power in through the main shaft then we're going to have gears in here that is going to transfer power to the counter shaft sprocket counter shaft sprocket back to your rear sprocket burnouts what else do we got here Stater cover St Stater and Stater uh Stater stay stay here stay there St uh is under here so we got a nice big juicy turbo here we have custom set of headers running into the turbo so our exhaust is coming out of here spooling up our turbo sucking air in here forcing it out here into our airbox giving us boost this here is the the blowoff valve so when it builds too much boost it'll send this diaphragm open and we're going to get that out of here over on this side of the engine couple things this here is our starter right here and then this comes into the I never say this right in the comment section always gives EXC me a hard time a bendex Ab Bendix not an appendix a Bendix anyway the starter comes in here and there's a set of Gears starter clutches and whatnot and it comes down here so this here's the center Board of your engine comes across to the other side and that's where the crankshaft resides so starter starter clutches that's spinning the crank to start the engine power is also being transferred here through atic gears and our clutch is behind here make sense yeah camchain tensioners right here so our camchain is going to be running from down here on this on the back side of the crankshaft and it's going to run up through here up to here so we're going to have a gear here and we're going to have a gear here and this here is going to be our intake cam shaft this here is going to be our exhaust cam shaft this tensioner here since the chain comes from down here up through here over these gears down through here back down around this is putting tension on the Chain slider and giving the chain the camchain T tension or tension but as we go through this it's going to be really awesome cuz we're going to see all Damage Done inside this motor and I'm going to get to explain what everything is and how it works and that's going to be really fun so next step is Dan and I are going to go get a cheeseburger and then we're going to come back and crush this Dan I mean open it up not not crush it not crush it we're going to open it up and discover this [Music] together so now we're back to where we were I'm excited to get started man it's going to be so interesting to see what we have to replace inside this [Music] thing all right going to need a mallet all right so here's what we got exhaust Cam's under here intake cam is under here this is the oiler line here we have the cam gears and the cam chain but yeah we're getting oil pressure up through and then it crosses over and this is what's oiling the cams let's knock this camchain ATT tensioner loose that thing is way tight something bound up good yeah it's tight tight there's no movement here okay this is marked exhaust this is marked intake got remember that when we put it back together making music carb Tunes except there's no carbs on this bike so now it's injector jams but you lose it's it's what you never ever want to do just drop a bolt down there like for no jokies it's going to be that kind of Friday no it's not that was close just like that we were about to give up on the whole project scrap [Music] it there was a lot of tension on there whoops slow down yeah see there was so much tension on this cam chain it was pulling the cams up on me it's not great it's not what you want see now we got a little bit of tension or a little bit of relief [Music] there this looks like maybe we were having an oiling issue here on the top end see how this is shiny and then you see how it's showing some wear [Music] here so this is where we had our issue so these are what they call valve buckets so these would be shim under buckets so when you adjust valves what you're doing is you're replacing the shim plus or minus so you can get the valve clearance you want what I'm going to do is pull the whole head off loaded so everything's going to stay on the head and then when it's on the bench I can lay everything out and keep it to where it needs to be keep track of it so let's do turbo let's get that pulled off oh I got to pull oil lines too be interesting if oil comes out of here cuz I didn't drain new oil I think they dumped the oil before they gave it to you did they I think so okay I'm going to go along with that let's go with trust but verify nope I am full on trust today okay this has the potential of making a really big mess too okay A little oil in there let me get a cup oh boy when you thought they drained us I don't think they did okay which maybe they did maybe it's just a little bit here in the bottom but it hasn't stopped coming out yet well that's a pickle okay new strategy let's get this thing to the side of the table little bit a little bit little bit all right stop move it a little my way okay all right good right there yep of course that's exactly where it ended up right like we couldn't have done that if we tried eventually getting in the drain pan let get a fist full of this oil's see what it's all about can we see see I mean it's not like super sparkly or anything there's a little metal there but it's nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be okay so now turbo should be ready to pull let's move this so I don't step in it that would be neat that oil is dripping all over the floor oh shoot there I think there was more than more than we realized do your thing pigm oh come on come on oh man I feel like I'm in a race cuz I don't want the oil to touch my pliers oh no Craig there that was fun yeah okay we're going to attack that a lot differently next time boy oh daisies does it look good oh no Craig it hit your pliers time ran out ah G dang it Craig you're leaving quite a mess for Greg to clean up later right he likes it he needs something to do now back to pulling this head off okay let's start with the starting whoa right knee oil of [Music] course I reckon this thing is ready to be pulled off there yeah what do we got o whoa I'm going to say that's your problem right there oh look broke a piston over here too see that you can see the top of the Ring the you can see the marks here yeah you could sure can but you see how they're shaped that's from the valve face just smashing into the yeah piston and then this here would that's part of the valve stem wow dude it just mangled everything in there and that I'm guessing is from valve stem is that part of the valve stem I think embedded in there it just went right down through I bet you we can see Rod yeah man that's right through the Piston wow wonder where the other bits to that went okay so we're going to need a valve what do you think can we just replace that valve and run it two Pistons to a top end okay well that's a thing wonder if we can get away with the uh cylinder we're going to need to replace cylinder guess let's pull that off next and see so we're going to pull these two bolts That's it man dude I haven't been in an inline four motor in a long long time I'm almost afraid to say how long it's been oh jeez it would help if I took the took the tube off if I took the yeah coolant line off cool line oh yeah that would make a big difference e lie to me so there's G to be two bolts now you got to take another screw off qu screwing around Craig get this thing apart ah there we go now this will just lift right off there okay there we go cylinder oh still got some Cooling in there shoot what valve hit the cylinder wall see there and there that's a lot of damage here it looks like we about melted a piston this one here looks good rods are tight yeah well yep we found the issue but yeah those rods feel tight man I don't know going to have to look at some parts see what we got what are you going to do about that uh either get a replacement or send it out to get fixed we just buff that out just buff it out man the bottom half of this motor looks clean all right we're going to pull the oil filter off and cut that open see what's in there we're going to pull the oil pan see what kind of debris is in there hopefully that stuff is all clean enough that we don't have to actually separate the motor and redo everything fingers crossed I'm not seeing any sparkly so far that's good let's cut this open I need like left-handed upside down shears a I was really hoping that was going to do it um chances of me getting this thing the cutter is pretty slim too heck no my gosh trying to not use a saw cuz I don't want to skew our results however however we don't don't have all day to do this either man I need better um tin snips those things aren't worth a hell of beans not worth a hill of beans and I hate to use like I said I hate to use a saw because you know then you can get debris in there and it kind of Misses your results up you know did I get somewhere doing great things for America apparently well the good news is now you can't touch this thing without touching a sharp edge that's neat there there you go now once you get it started then it's kind of easy just like opening a can of beans something like that there you go kig see that wasn't so bad man I don't want to cut myself trying really hard not to cut myself little tiny bit nothing too crazy though it's actually looking pretty clean yeah it doesn't look horrible okay there's a few pieces in there it's not horrible though I don't know I'm leaning towards we just run it I mean based on what you've taken aart so far does it seem like it was rebuilt well uh yeah yeah I think the the the work is fine so what went wrong I'm thinking what happened is he probably missed a shift and floated a valve and that's what did all this this here looks like it was running lean or it was detonating and we had some detonation issues and then these other Pistons have really weird wear on them like here and here it's interesting there's so much heat that builds up here in these pistons and in the cylinder cavity when you have a such a small little Edge like that it just gets so hot and I wonder if that's what we were cuz this one here's the same way so I'm thinking probably floated a valve here and that's what did this and then just bad tuning did the other damage that's what I'm going with so so how do we avoid that in the future we tune it better that's the main thing that's the main thing we'll get it tuned better and uh should be good to go a lot of yamy booa oil on these mats Craig mm you going to keep them that way so that they're more valuable yep there's a piece of the valve stem boy all big pieces uh that's plastic ah that's what it is what camchain tensioner slide look it broke that see there's a a rib here mhm and there's not here oh those are the pieces in there but big chunks are good too if it was a lot of little tiny shavings and pieces all that stuff just gets sucked up clogs up the oil passages and stuff like that so big pieces is actually pretty good I don't know man I'm thinking we order some top end parts and we keep this crank case together because I think it's going to be fine I think we can run it and there's a good chance that if we do run it and don't have things right it's just going to make pieces again so then the next time we can pull it all apart and do it yeah we get to pull it all apart [Music] again oh my damn what did you do what what did I do I think we're going to wrap it up here for now I need to sit down and order a bunch of parts and we figured out the problem I believe there was probably a miss shift or something like that floated a valve the valve was traveling south it hung up a little bit the Pistons traveling north and they hit seen that before and then once that happened I believe it was just chaos from there we also have some signs of detonation or running lean I don't know we're going to have to address that I'm going to address that once the bike is together and we get it tuned on the dyno now that we know what's wrong I got a lot of stuff to clean up I got parts to order next time we're going to put this motor together slap it back in the bike fire it up and then head to the dyno and get it tuned it was only like two cheeseburger breaks to get this thing apart how many is it going to be to get it back together 14 depends how lazy I'm feeling depends how motivated I'm feeling depends if it's raining thanks for watching don't forget to like And subscribe Dan's going to put a video here and here check him out I know you're going to love him have a great weekend thanks for watching see you later I'm going to put them in the bottom corner just to spite you would he
Channel: The Bearded Mechanic
Views: 981,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ON719HaS-SM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 3sec (1803 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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