Why you NEED to Watch SPY x FAMILY 2 (Abridged Recap)

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excellent thanks to Anya we've already infiltrated Eden Academy and made our way to the parents Gala a Gala for parents only of children enrolled here now all I have to do is find Desmond who will definitely 100 be in attendance and hit him with the old Twilight special what's that Mr Desmond only more massage oil will bring peace between our countries well if you insist Mr and Mrs Folger would you please come with me ah here to award Anya with her first Stella Star no doubt I'm so proud of her she punched Damien Desmond second child of Donovan Desmond head of the national Unity party of Australia and key to world peace I'm afraid so how am I supposed to give him the Twilight special now you're going to bomb West Alice Donovan think of the massage oil however she was moved to violence for the sake of her friend so we'll just be giving her tonight was built instead of elegantly executing her via catapult are you absolutely certain execution is off the table foreign [Music] hey everyone welcome back to our second installment of why you should be watching spy family If the previous episode didn't chant you with its Elegance then I feel sorry for your pathetic excuse of a life anywho we're gonna go into a deep dive of episode 6 through 12. which is like the second half of the first half of spy family because there's 13 more episodes coming later in some time in 2022. man is this gonna be as a noise Attack on Titan season finale what part is it now like 500 and the show already look where we left off on is about to be inducted into Eden Academy ham aren't you forgetting the star-studded event that I Frankie Franklin first the first single-handedly put together for the forger family Frankie you know what time it is uh what it's my time Frankie did you ever [ __ ] doctor in my time you piece of you look oh where was I oh yeah oh yes initiation into the prestigious Eden Academy door eating college but babies don't go to college so let's just stick with Eden Academy Twilight has been waiting a long time for this day and he wants nothing more than to see his precious baby girl take the stage speaking of uh where is she exactly where's my peanut girl are you we getting up this little girl I'm cute that's right folks if you had on your spy family family bingo card that Anya gets kidnapped twice before she gets into eating Academy then you just won the grand prize you see all those special little angels that eat at Academy have special uniforms that signify the grace class and the Elegance of their school and also paints a big Target on their backs most of these students come from well-to-do homes so they make prime kidnapping subjects but surely a family with a world-class super spy and the world's deadliest assassin won't fall prey to a scheme like this more than once okay little lady do you know how much money your parents have just hold up one finger for each million dark they have in the bank okay I see the maid means business listen if you don't want this chubby face little dumpling to get hurt we're gonna need you to call her parents and get them to pay up big time you are about to learn three very crucial facts one I spent all my money on groceries two I am that girl's mother and three I will make you see the face of God followed by the taint of Satan no no no please Mommy can you teach me how to show people the date of Satan sure I will sweetie did you do your homework no yeah homework's for nerds I'll show you anyway another day of saving the world I mean doing psychology huh what's your Anki Cuts doing what what Mama's teaching me how to be a ruthless killer what no this is uh Pilates assuming you don't know what Pilates is wonky [ __ ] what what ah I see she's learned terrible things from both of us then carry on now that Anya fists are registered weapons it's time to finally get into the notorious Eden Academy after some old guy touches all the children and the School of Rock Way okay okay I'm glad we understand that the kids mingle and meet all their future classmates this is where Anya meets the lovely little Miss Becky black film daughter of a military manufacturer Becky has an army of her own as well an army of attendance and personal chefs all thanks to her daddy's money seriously she is loaded she may never had cereal before oh pink hair girl you're really pretty oh thank you so you agree you think you're really pretty this feels like a test all of a sudden well I guess this ugly baby face girl can be my servant friend daddy said all I have to do is break the one spirit and they'll do whatever I want was that the sound of your spirit breaking bag on your no think of the cloud but that's not the only person in Anya's class there is also the target himself Damien Desmond what an insane coincidence this whole situation is yeah totally this whole situation was no coincidence I pulled strengths to make sure Anya would end up in this exact class she might be off to a bit of a bad start with that Blackwell girl but she's just got to make friends with Damien and bring it on home for Daddy so who's your dad if he's cool enough I might just let you be my friend come to my house and our dad's gonna have a play date yes Sonia you're so close stay on target stay on target is there someone yelling within the walls I'm a ghost your school is haunted Boo and such a ghost he's a therapist that helps people deal with their emotions I think I have just got me you look like you need some help ew why doesn't he have a real job like CEO or senator wait are you poor Mission failed we'll get him next time he isn't doing so hot Damian's too Lackey I mean friends are starting to push her around but even Becky is beginning to look down on her she's gonna need to use every skill her Arsenal to get out of this gym uh oh what did Mama say about situations like this the police can't arrest you if they're dead no the other one one remember Anya Big Girls Don't let Petty things keep them down young women like yourself should just keep their chins high and smile right I gotta pull out the big guns is she making fun of me no there's no way oh my God she's making it's hilarious Nani what's this the boys have become the bullied tenses are mounted between Anya and Damien but I bet like any other anime there two will come to a mutual understanding and grow from this encounter becoming the best of friends and creating World Peace you're nothing more than a hey does it look like a teacher can see us right now no he looks completely distracted right now why do you Henderson reprimands on you after the beat down Fredonia uses the age-old legal defense a Pixar didn't happen and saves herself from being expelled from the school one elegant excuse of protecting her friend later Henry decides to give her a slap on the wrist or a bolt on the collar so to speak in order to rank among the school's Elites and become an imperial scholar students must collect a total of eight Stella Stars these special acolytes are handed out to only those who've shown esteemable Elegance but watch out it's not all muffins and pork rinds for the students of beating Academy if one should be handed eight tow nitrous bolts due to poor School Behavior they will be punished with expulsion possibly by catapult Noah hasn't covered how yet really the forges do their best to smile for the class pitcher but even super spy Twilight can't hide his shame after all an event like this is gonna have to be discussed over mid-afternoon shame t with his Handler and made contact of wise Sylvia Sherwood so that was phase two of operation strix been going Twilight uh oh one moment there we go sorry I sometimes forget to stop using the voice I use when I'm discussing sensitive information over the phone anyway how's your new daughter been if I know you you've already helped her obtain forbid still starts to become an imperial scholar which as you know of course is the only way for you to get into any of Desmond's fancy parties to highlight is there something you want to tell me knowing you Twilights you always overreact to small hiccups so let me know what small small incredibly small details you might be fussing over and it'll help you in any way I can tonight what the next morning Twilight Cooks on you a big plate of AMU rice breakfast bribery and asks her for the biggest favor of all stop assaulting children sucks he really does Lloyd you're asking too much of her how am I the bad guy here exactly look I'm going to be incredibly busy at my doctor office doing PhD things and whatnot so please do your best to apologize to Damien Desmond how are you doing that with your mouth Anya is off to school for a second day and it looks like she really scored some points with old Becky now I guess friendships are forged and the fires of humiliating rich people Becky even offers to have her chauffeur pick Anya up next time nobody told Becky that she's rich as the two are walking to class they run to a certain Second Son oh how nice it would be to live in the dorms hey the best friend you both suck oh but I'd have to live with Damien how nice could it possibly be oh uh about yesterday I calm down killer I know you're already hungry for round two but let's try to get you through your first week without any jail time but where puppies that black belt girl is going to be a problem I need to get her away from Anya and due to the catapults being out of commission from all the expulsions yesterday I'll have to do something drastic um uh Rebecca blackmail please report to the Dean's office please thank you but Adidas on vacation this week so why would I no now Becky now now Becky suddenly removed from the pitcher Anya now has a clear shot to apologize to Damien children are famously very good at sorting their feelings out so now the audience apology will be very straightforward and professional [Music] [Music] why Coke girl why she cute though oh well would you look at that all I had to do was infiltrate a heavily guarded campus impersonate three people and hack a PA system and she basically apologized on her own there's no way Damien could possibly reject a top-tier apology like that [Music] [Applause] [Music] Twilight Twilight how did it go did your daughter have a bell star yet Twilight Twilight yeah so Twilight's Mission isn't doing so hard now he needs Anya to shift gears and try to get her first Stella Star this crucial element must not be overlooked and any distractions at this critical juncture would be extremely disastrous for Twilight's entire Mission luckily nothing of the sort could possibly come cut what am I kidding something's gonna happen by the way my brother's coming over tomorrow I'm sorry you're what my brother Yuri he's a very normal guy with a very normal job in a very normal urge to protect me so much that it borders on normal over obsessiveness huh well he sounds like an absolute Delight uh what's his also he might have proposed to me very seriously when he was like six I'm beginning to question your judgment on his normality what's his job I can't quite remember exactly but I believe he's in Waste Management oh also I didn't tell him we got married great just great well how much trouble are we in damn it you traitorous scumbag tell me all that you know so I can make it to my sister's dinner party did she just hide a husband right under my nose and for a whole year she could be a traitor though if someone is dastard at least the fabled Twilight himself oh sorry still breathing gee no no I'm dead no more please [ __ ] fine well you can rest up in your cell and tomorrow we can go back to square one with all the tortures nothing like a fresh start to jog that forgetful memory of yours and Mr Trader wait no no no no please I'll tell you anything fine Mr Trader was it it's a Mr Hayward but uh that name is getting harder to pronounce the fewer teeth I have say your name is your you're my older sister and you're very proud of me um I'm your your older uh sister and I'm very proud of you but rabbit it's just not the same that's right you're Breyer's younger brother Yuri Breyer the very same younger brother she took care of by taking up contract killing is coming to dinner and just add a little extra layer onto this dramatic irony Sunday Yuri works for none other than the SSS AKA The State security service aka the austinian secret police you know the one focused on ridding the country of foreign spies foreign spies like uh Twilight well it's a good thing that they have a toy legitimate marriage based on love and not any forged documents whatsoever how come you didn't tell me you were married to this for over a year do I mean nothing to you my dear sweet sister I love with all the love in all my heart in a very platonic way I'm asking the questions here Yuri does have a point to anyone with sense this situation would be very suspect you're assured me that she has a bulletproof lie hooked up though so let's see what she's got I forgore you for Gore we're screwed she's terrible at lying I did not account for this Twilight discovers through his conversation with Yuri however that yours not the only Briar who's a bad liar this guy is filled with lies much like an Instagram influencer all the traveling he's done was completely fake almost everything Yuri says is taken right out of a script that the austinian intelligence agency uses to stay undercover jeez it really would have been really convenient if Twilight could have just heard my narration because I said that like a whole paragraph ago but you're straightening your facts except I'm Twilight because you're kind of slacking here things start to fall apart for our married couple when Yuri already swayzed it off a single glass of wine notices sure and Lloyd react awkwardly when their hands touch accidentally the austenian Bloodhound asked the two to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are truly in love that's right Offerly protective Fury wants to let me check my notes here again uh watch his sister make out with someone not how I do it but you know it's their own Lloyd activates his Charming good look spy mode and gets ready for an old smackaroo your meanwhile needs a little bit of liquor courage to do to deed as they don't really teach you how to make out with someone in a traditional assassination classroom okay here's what we got boom you got your drunk you're right here she's gonna try and make her way down to over here boom to where Lloyd's at so she could pull off this necessary win for Team Fortress boom got a last minute interception from Yuri's childhood flashback looks like all those time your was taken care of little Yuri why is she bloody boom got back to reality boom there goes gravity and it looks like there's still a mid kissing sequence you know who else was a great kisser Brett Favre anyways going back to the kiss I changed my mind you two are uh maybe a little too in sync ing dust settles Yuri gets busted from hearing his enemies compliment and tells him that he'll be back to prove his sister is being brainwashed by a Suave spy after all you'd have to be mind control to love someone as disgusting as Twilight looks like you love birds no longer have to sleep in the same bed because this mission was a success the next morning Anya gets the lowdown on Uncle Yuri's painful visit while Twilight suspicion begins to grow on whether or not yours also an agent of the secret police remember Twilight suspect everyone even yourself you hear that me I'm unto you you'll never take me alive me in comes Twilight with a steel chair oh why would I do that to me man I wish I was up to see yunkier in a secret police stuff based on the experience while I had with your and his potential background Twilight decides that he needs to be a hundred percent sure of your people's a super cool and super emotionally secure husband move plan a recorder on his wife as a cherry on top Twilight also gets a super realistic costume for him and his best friend impersonates as a secret police officer confronts his wife in the alley threatening her family and almost making her want to take him down right there and then who says romance is dead dead also damn Twilight did a great job on that glow up on Frankie I wonder how much it'd cost for him to do that for me Twilight realizes at the end that you're as absolutely faithful to Lloyd and Anya having no involvement with the secret police and is unaware for bro's affiliation with them it's here that a new sensation overcomes Twilight what is this heavy feeling in my chest and my brain it telling me I'm a total [ __ ] should I ask Reddit just to be sure uh I think that's guilt you feel guilty about doubting your and that's why you feel like such an [ __ ] you rip my real face off with my fake face you'll be fine I know a guy it's me I'm that guy now help me find the duct tape Twilight tells your to just be yourself and not dwell on fulfilling the role of the perfect wife and mother she thinks she needs to be this brings a smile to your face and we get ourselves one of those classic your smile thingamajiggies ah nice I'm gonna keep this baby somewhere in Yuri's Locker Anya comes home to a happy Mother and Dad and they all have cake to celebrate their fake one year anniversary what an adorable and totally not bizarre event we're all smiling with now enough of this chicken soup with a soul crap let's head back to Eden Academy ah yes I can feel the Elegance in the air there shall be quite the grand week and with an elegant week comes Eden Academy's most popular and potentially lethal PE Excursion George ball game on it's time for some dodgeball if you're if you can dodge a ridge you can dodge a ball what word around the academy is that if you're able to be crowned MVP of a game that involves a bunch of six-year-olds getting pelted with rubber you'll be rewarded with a Stella Star knowing this Anya request is yours help to get her in Tip-Top shape in order to gain MVP status okay Anya it's all in the hips now watch me what oh my God my wife hasn't done full size hole to a chess oh honey bunny stay with me why didn't you see it's that easy now you try no more destruction meanwhile Damien and his lackeys have their own training montage Astro projecting to Planet Namek and using key now these kids are really showing off their strengths on the court fully prepared to take on I must break you 4 30. time to unleash my full strength [Music] yes so it's done my boy Daddy and they said six years of breastfeeding from Papa's teeth was too long you are now strong enough to become the gracious warrior in an academy has ever produced now make boys and dirty proud yes sir daddy now that that is a big boy yeah apparently Street Fighters bison had a son and this kid popped out of the womb as a full ass man bill is ready to take on some little kids names and break some little kids bones easily taking out Becky Damien's friends and well quite literally everyone else I mean does this really surprise you with Rick's [ __ ] over here playing the final players left are Anya and Damien I'm sure with her incredible ability Anya has a plan to overcome plan to beat muscle boy that's a bold strategy on you let's see if it pays off for you wait I wait I just read his mind so I saw smart and stupid stupidly brilliant with this I'll basically be invincible Bring It On muchacho Grande that's right I know Spanish what Damien sacrificed knocking him out the team only has Anya to rely on to land the final blow and win them the game I hope these kids are used to disappointment but they're mostly trust fund babies so probably not despite this colossal failure all is well since the MVP of the game doesn't really win a Stella Star nah the only prize at the end of the day are fun and severe concussions and don't stay with you for the rest of your life with that over on your's quest to get back in good graces of Eden Academy continues all he notices that Anya's grades aren't looking too hot face tube operation stricts needing on you to get eight Stella stars in around four months Twilight's on a time crunch and needs to find something that Anya can excel at ASAP but it seems nothing really clicks for Anya if only having pink hair was a special skill am I right good wow that's great on you I heard it being played on fire can you play anything else yeah [Music] yeah back to the drawing board what was that look on more private concerns are overheard by Anya using her special brain ananya tells her papa that she's not giving up like the sides and it's time for their last and most desperate Resort community service Twilight go to their local hospital to help boost their chances of getting a Stella Star by giving back to the community surely this can be the way that Anya can finally earn a Stella Stone oh oh no you know she just got kicked out she still sucks but what's this a situation arises when a kitten crutches falls into a pool and begins to drown but sadly every adult in this pool has contracted a case of sudden deafness and they do nothing to help this drowning child fortunately for Anya she can hear the crying please of the drowning kid through her brain ears that that's a technical term for telepathy in case you didn't know uh it's not for eating I'm gonna go to the pool no don't do what I think you're gonna do in the pool it's not your personal toilet wait Anya finds a kid and heroically Dives in head first to rescue him yanya is on the scene the only thing that can stop for now is her inability to swim luckily right before two kids beef it Twilight comes in at the last moment to rescue them both after this courageous stunt Anya is seen as a hero and granted the very first Stella Star of her entire class Twilight has his bro dad moment and this makes Anya feel all warm and fuzzy hi Fila warning fuzzy like a dog [Music] Anya a dog is too much responsibility plus it'll take way too long for wise to train one up to proper standards what you didn't hear that last part that there's a gas leak don't worry about it oh well Damian has a dog we're getting a dog stat move move move move move people move people this is not a drill move we're on our way to dog City and that's it that's the whole first core of spy family other than that one episode about terrorists at Club Penguin but these mere 12 episodes are not all there is to this spying family there's gonna be 13 more episodes premiering October 1st and your grimy boy is gonna be the first ish on the scene to tell you all about what's gonna happen make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on when the next thrilling chapter of this story comes out and hey thanks for making it this far in the video support like that helps us know that you like our stuff and that we should keep making more of it alrighty Grim Jim signing out why why do you shoot me every time this is what's gonna happen when I keep talking about the show oh God I'm bleeding out I I don't have enough money for the hospital bills guys this is not a game this is life I'll get it oh
Channel: Grimmjack
Views: 151,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abridged, Abridged Series, The Schmuck Squad, anime voice over, anime voice over parody, demon slayer abridged, goblin slayer abridged, spy x family, spy x family op 2, spy x family react, spy x family recap season 2, spy x family recap, spy x family abridged, spy x family parody dub, spy x family parody, spy x family bond, spy x family season 2, spy x family season 2 trailer, spy x family opening reaction, spy x family season 1 recap, grimmjack, spy x family review
Id: KyiVjTKiHc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 42sec (1842 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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