Spy x Family Memes and Comic Dubs

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[Music] Becky is teaching Anya swear words just be sure to use them for very important reasons only or else they will lose their punch I know what it is on Sly and boy for real peace later okay but fine boy will be here any second now why did this Brad invite me out here is she still trying to show off her dog uh it was a mistake to come here [Music] yeah what did you just say to me what's gotten into you Anya you made a big mistake you were going to regret ever being born [Music] oh it's Forger what a coincidence what are you wandering around out here are you guys buying something so that's on his mother I mean you both don't look like pick each other at all yeah because we did what that's so so you're only related to your father not even related to my father huh on your lips with an unrelated family is family even they are not blood related isn't Max from Jamie's family it's his family is this the case then on his family is the precious family nothing wrong with that yeah Damien you're gonna catch a cold shut up I'm a man now nothing can easily rile me up anymore yo boss man oh look it's the peasant girl what are you looking at ugly [Music] that's the Damian silently how do I look am I cute oh it's just normal duh cute it's cute cute [Music] you look really cute boy wait cutest in the world cute thank you silently come back egg I'm a proassess today's Target is the ski on boy of Desmond Damien Desmond he looks like a weak Boy anyways seems like this will be the easiest job ever eat it doesn't and get away with it the nights before Halloween Iron Boy go trick-or-treating with me [Music] um that'll be interesting please second boy please why do you want me so badly well I have no one else really no one how about your silly friend Becky well she doesn't believe in Halloween besides you are who I really want to go with fine thank you but I'm afraid of Dracula Dracula back off Dracula don't mess with my girl foreign [Music] girlfriend I don't I don't is that so ah then it must be that right it's a present for the girl you're right you like right this kid is so easy to understand I told you I don't have any I don't even know if it's shorty don't be shy boy that's a good choice of snack it is [Music] Santa's Halloween I'll let you dress as my boyfriend and um God what are you doing here we can care these plants I thought you're just the usual brat that only loves anime or something also what kind of flower is that is it Shepherd burst no I'm always I'm raising peanuts huh and the freedom again to make infinite peanuts my name is Operation infinite peanuts he's just after food what a lame is it okay to grow it on the school grounds in the first place it's fine what do you think doing it without permission oh [Music] we found it here it's proof that I'll be able to make a lot of peanuts soon I see because of certain things seriously in my peanuts you I am boy huh what is it maybe you just thank you huh what me [Music] cute you say there's no way I have that thought don't get the wrong idea you ugly wait a second did I just think of I moreover how did she know don't tell me that I said it unconsciously but I thought of her as Q or anything it means a lot to me so you wanna hear a million boys huh what you you what do you mean by that just a little bit around one millimeter only I did thank you I guess well I'm only flattering you so don't get me wrong ugly you should be grateful that I said it okay I'm really happy that you told me that hey wait these are peanut seeds although there's something precious to me I will give half of them to you I'm glad that science boy also finds peanuts attractive you should go raise them too and give them lots of love I didn't put the even if I say so myself with this my relationship with cyan boys improve I I don't need them I mean there's no way I'd say peanuts are cute either thank you I'm not gonna admit it I won't admit it if I'm dying at least in it it's just more see my parents promised I need to go to the department store at first Tanya was very happy as a result my name is lost there are too many people here when you can't find Papa Anya what are you doing here [Music] who's your papa I'm Damian sama fine boy why are you here of course I'm here to choose the Learning Materials myself I will definitely be the first one next month why are you crying here lost you really are a big fool that's alive kill them all what live our party they're so noisy it's all eyes and trustworthy all liars why did you faint I mean inexplicable burning shame I'm not lost why am I here it's all your fault you're awake lost Children's Center I declare that only you are lost I know there is no Pub here and it will be lonely again huh how to do Anya is so scared [Music] you never sees Papa again are you a fool you just lost it in the mall are you abandoned what are you worrying about here what's your name Anya your full name I need a Voyager Forge is your feather how can it be easily cut off your father should be looking for you anxiously now I'm not sure what you think Anya where did you go it scared us [Music] how many times I told you follow me I almost that's the organization it's all my fault I didn't hold your hand well I'm a bad mother I love you cyan boy Anya has to find a PE partner literally I know I can ask Becky what let's be partners cheers only person I can stand here what would blind man do I need a thing idea Lord Damien you're strong right be my partner please no be my partner just ignore those plebs Lord Damien you've got us yeah Lord Damien you've got us we're gonna do so good the competition will be will be crushed for sure everyone will learn no Lord Damien as the strongest student in this school soon enough nothing get rid of this for us now let's go team Lord Daniel boy what's his short one back off from Lord Damian [Music] hey let me go you will be my partner let me go shorty look Damian no a plan is ruined yo I'm really close to my enemies like fun man I don't care about them I have Partners I don't care [Music] wait Anya I'm here [Music] why my family I that that's me no no no ah it was it was just a nightmare are you awake I heard some noise on but what's wrong are you okay what don't worry everything is going to be fine I promise [Music] not great Zion boy did you skip sleep to study again your eye bags are getting worse [Music] well I just had quite a bad dream It's So Unworthy you don't belong here Damien you are a disgrace The Desmond name uh I know it's just a dream but I I just couldn't sleep anymore right when I was a kid I couldn't fall asleep without my plushie uh serious you look comfy to sleep with what huh Zion boy wait [Music] also someday if I could sleep with her in my arms just kidding hmm I told you that you use this formula here don't treat me like a child now that I think about it this girl is younger than me so this is what it would have been like if I had a sister that's cute Zion boy I'm not your little sister [Music] she hates it does she does she hate becoming my little sister that much my bad I am an adult woman don't treat me like a child [Music] don't give up on you you've got this you need to pass this test to become an emperor scholar the test is in one week away hurry Anya hurry study guide two plus two is four minus one is three that's quick math 9 11 was on 9 11 2001. Liam Bernard is the current most wanted criminal in the entire world second is Tim Cook third is Parker matalovich these are signing boy it's really not the study guide too passing for sure I studied for hours I don't need to study at all I can just use my dinosaurs I know what you're doing shorty that's how you went I'm not doing anything I know you're reading my mind for the study guide answers Damien knows on your secret 30 shorty shorty guess what time boy because you were just so darn stupid I have generously decided you can read my mind during the test don't be surprised if there's some teasing mixed in relax I'm just messing with you again and what are you looking at I'm looking at photos of us as first year students I found the one where we went to a museum visit [Music] Ed well you were really bad in the past you're the only one who ever asked me to eat dog kibble [Music] I don't talk like that anymore um dear Damien say ah just kidding huh you still put peanuts inside you really love them aren't you what well what's the matter like in the past the me right now will be anything you feed me though shut up Scion like dummy stupid Google that's not nice as I thought you haven't changed at all before dating you're too close leave me alone more cancers after dating He's fluffy and cuddly this is the best so cute the question here is wait Zone boy you're too close this spots are noisy fine there's nobody watching us well I'm not I can't focus oh really uh well I won't let you get get away even if you see something cute Becky's staying at forger's house they bout matching dresses lucky let's take a bath and go to sleep Madam too come let's have a girls party huh is it okay if I join mother by the way I got a girlfriend what what for real good for you congrats even I've also got a girlfriend no way congrats Emily poor Damien you dummy why did you react differently to even how about you Lord Damien you can just go out with for your dough huh what are you talking about I don't even like that commoner it's not like I ever thought to hug her because she's so cute like never it's hard to be honest when you love her so much did you know that everyone in class is a demonia Stan I don't also I told you it's not like that is that so Desmond it's past your bedtime go to sleep okay got caught it's because Lord Damien is not being honest that we got warned by Mr Green that had that has nothing to do with this today he's being straight again by Princess Anya lady Becky teases him please blush Lord Damian The Sunray Prince by mobs and me before the video continues I'm just asking if you could subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications we're working hard to try to get to 10 000 subscribers by daily uploading comic dubs didn't make us very happy if you subscribed also join the Discord if you want a chance to be in our dubs enjoy the rest of the video foreign do you want to be my girlfriend I like you yes I do I will promise you anything why is the hairline willing to promise anything this is not a Facebook [Music] has a question because he's handsome people are easy to be nice to good and looking people he's crying but there are so many beautiful people here why did the man succeed it should be because of his handsome action just now that movie is called cabaddon what are you saying to my child ah so painful put the game plus handsome action it goes to the other can be willing to promise anything father lasagna Beauty of course Anya is most beautiful girl in the world [Music] because uh yep Anya has a good idea now father I know we'll get on well with classmates cyan boy I have Anonymous appearing good morning plan is I want to be your friend you're so beautiful today I promise you highly conceded 100 good morning Anya no no no I'm not Anya call me pray Anya uh-huh what are you doing Anya is so cool lion boy this action is a little handsome to be honest no way God handsome at all leave me alone oh yeah what a boar [Music] you can't be serious Courtyard she's way too careless I thought she's just stupid at first but she also has zero crisis management skills huh well it's none of my business anyway I'll just go back to my dormant study foreign hey wake up stupid don't sleep here go back to your room now [Music] I used to need more situation she's still can dream about Foods such a happy face you put on in this place not comfortable to sleep in just a bit I just want a little taste of what it's like to be a commoner so this spot is shaded by trees huh you're certainly not a bad place to sleep but these is one too somehow my eyes feel heavy I see a dream I always get in it I always get first place in every test and also and also earn eight Stella Stars I've made my father proud of me I got I got praised up by him a lot he hugs me a lot too although I know that this is just a dream I can't help but smile it's such a happy moment [Music] I wonder why cyan boy I saw her there with a big smile on her face I'm glad 20. 21 22 23. I am boys awake you you what are you doing so close oh it was counting fine boys eyelashes as you slept that's right I was asleep wait what what time is it now [Music] five o'clock time an hour after I woke up I know I am I don't know of the Desmond family mapping the school because the school Courtyard is just too incompetent don't mind it science boy I mean it was all your fault to begin with it's your fault for sleeping here bully catch the butt the bug a nap while waiting I woke up and saw cyan boy then I just waited until you woke up until I woke up and I don't get it why do you have to wait isn't it but it's just wake me up sooner the cyan boy was giant boy it's the first time that I saw you look so happy that is why I bet in your dreams you were so grounded by the things you love right I feel you because I also dreamed about peanuts things I love there is no way that's true enough of this I'm going back home you should quickly go home too see ya [Music] I can't understand so I am boy even if I read his mind [Music] to say I love she said what's with her seriously a dream I saw just now the moment I look at my father's eyes I immediately knew it was a dream because I never knew my father was able to smile like that it hurts my father actually doesn't care about me at all all of the all of those father's Smalls were fake created by my delusions but that girl smile and dreams or in reality it gave me the exact same smile I can't believe it how happy I am like an idiot if you made it this far comment below if your team on your team Damien ever since I started dating diamond and Anya follow a cue for when women after working hard needs I need to spoiling although he didn't really stay specifically to spoiling Anna knows he wants to be spoiled right she's totally fine with it though are you free now but yes she will reply some action or else no reaction for a no right now it's a yes between them too because this a contact request it's like being a spy there are several patterns but I learned it quickly I'm a genius Imperial scholar private room sorry to keep you waiting took you long enough sorry I got held up by a teacher over the exhibit at the school Festival [Music] oh I see and then I heard that the art department wants to extend the scope of the exhibit because of the big picture with a height around 2 m and grid around 4M that's big hmm how would they handle that I wonder too maybe I'll ask about that tomorrow to the people in the cultural Club I'll go to they should still be in the building after school those people in the cultural Club overprotective all right we could finally make time for it [Music] Damien you must have been pushing yourself too hard I feel alive again oh come on you smell so good also She's So Soft is my girlfriend the best do I deserve to have this happiness this is why I can say okay this is just a dream either Becky I didn't know so this is what we call the Gap mode Damian you're always doing a great job thank you for always helping me every morning it's amazing how much everyone relies on you well that's what I think you've done well good job his mind is full of happiness Damien what kind of face are you making right now let me see you you you you read my mind didn't you don't look oh jeez I was just testing you ain't that a shame don't look at me I told you that I hate being looked at I'm so embarrassed I could die oh yes Athletics you guys huh don't call me cute cut it out I should stop there yep yep Damien is cool after all aren't you treating me like a child I did not I swear you think you're cool hey it's my turn now [Music] all right Damien's eyes they're dazzling they look like a dick honey I've often been told that I'm scary though maybe because you're glaring at them you really fell into my eyes huh you're so much prettier than mine yep I like them very much your hair will still looks so fluffy I want to touch it more and then your smell is soothing is that so [Music] I love it a lot what about you Damien damn it she's so cute me me too I'll never let you go you know I'm really happy when you spoil me Damien say over the weekend before we go somewhere can we meet at my house you lewd Griffin okay my bad then what should we do since Damian is gonna sulk anyway let's go with that so don't worry come and be loved your family is as Lively as ever father mother and bond are funny I love them a lot they're the family I'm proud of hmm then what about me Zion boy I'm proud of cyan boy as as [Music] um proud ooh is that so you'll see hmm foreign boy got confess to you again aren't you amazing for being popular cyan boy is not that amazing besides there's no one unattractive with the Disney's name on their back [Music] also why do you look so happy I've had three confessions today I'm more amazing and so popular huh I wonder who should I go out with the boy in class 2 or Class 7 or the senior one year above us wait a second which one do you think is best cyan boy I said wait [Music] ladies of the Damien fan club Damien's with that girl again what's up what's so good about that commoner I'm jealous [Music] I wonder what they are talking about so seriously I can't really hear them from here let's get a bit narrower this is does she even feel any shame how dare she give him that look how Rudolph [Laughter] shave smile so precious those ladies are happy today right let's get away from these idiots Anya okay not again like it's the two others oh my God it's so cute please can you eat normally um thoughts are these I saw Emily there's a train going on where you recreate old memories wanna do it with me [Music] why not I've got the big big hot both unaffected by heat something on this one yeah monsters something bothering you done huh he scared the Sun away [Music] Damien summer are you going out yep I can't believe I'm buying snacks for Anya I remember she wanted Curry's candy why why you are here so many flavors whatever which one Anya is a fool she doesn't know snacks wow this is on his favorite taste thank you [Music] I this place is very delicious it's great that Anya can help you [Music] I took them all out [Music] the one bought a lot of snacks I didn't expect it to react would she received snacks Danny and summer doing no too sweet no he was salty how can I send this [Music] old hands oh it's raining I knew it today I made sure to I brought my flowers something is scary yeah Anya you okay cyan boy thunder thunder well you've always been bad with thunder huh your hand if you hold my hand you won't be afraid right yep ow but it's a win [Music] Anya did you eat all that peanut butter again lay down lasagna not that dumb hey are you okay shorty Scion boy I'm fine you look fine even though you had a fever huh your mashed potato and soup where are the peanuts there's none how about your lunch cyan boy I finished it all right then you should rest until your family arrives doing leaving already wants to be pampered due to Fever Mode a little bit longer okay okay you go lie down and rest also let go of my mantle don't hit me she's going to sleep already aren't you tired I don't want to but why let's talk about something I want to hear more I want to hear more of your voice Damien since it relaxes me this girl all right well what should I talk about anything then I'll teach you about math formula no I'm singing what damn it I just can't say no to this girl okay okay but you should go to sleep after I sing you a song or get this in um [Music] [Music] [Music] go on go on living is [Music] well sweet dreams what did I just do summer holiday vacation at school finally I can get rid of that damn fool for my head look for you Lord Damien this is somewhere that is not easily accessible for commoners super luxury cruise ship we met in a place like this she's Beyond Stoke as Doom no Damien who is it disturbing someone having a good time it is her well that's fine I guess I'll do some charity work making some daily entries I picked up her hat wait you there your hat flew over but yeah why are you here also going to fill up something damn it oh down my heart this is all wrong it's not that it's all the sun's fault wait that's mine my cat got stolen bullying what happened Arya was on board with faces Becky's invitation [Music] um I couldn't go outside it's been a boring time yay this is what I've always wanted is it okay science boy as long as you don't write about the Hat in your diary or something it's so good listen up stupid oh yeah he's in the room we could see no way there's such a young couple right it's okay I'm sorry for disturbing take your time you there's some kind of mistake here does she see this as don't tell me mistake eating blackmailing we get found out I can't believe you're forced your friend to buy you sweet I wouldn't keep my kid like that in my house it's cool I didn't mean it like that at all what do I do never been on wait what am I thinking about bed calm down you're mistaken is just that black Bell is still going to have that thoughts on one millisecond Zion boy what what I didn't blackmail you or anything we're good friends huh we we we are not but then this I'll give you half of this here have a bite open up sorry boy [Music] suspicion well peace you don't want it is he dead if you're still watching call me your favorite spot Family character forger I'm coming in who who did this to you uh Anya I'm asking who made you cry you you're mistaken [Music] how stupid you tried to pick up the book on the shelf and the dust got into your eyes that's why you're crying Scion was scary earlier Anya didn't do anything wrong I'm sorry I suddenly punched you that's right I jumped to conclusions too fast my bad I was too worried that I lost it I'm so glad it wasn't a big deal lion is not honest but thank you for worrying Damien [Music] why can't I stopped thinking about her [Music] calm down I'll just get over it give it a little time I bet by 10 years I'll forget to even exist Ten Years Later huh hey there you are come on let's go to that meeting together Damien Vision may not accurately reflect reality hmm if God were what got worse what did I even do [Music] foreign I guess I have no choice it's the last one um I hope it's my name not this commoner okay now go to your partner all right just so you know I don't like you to be my partner setting they are already a couple Anya I heard that you and Damian Sama are dating I remember you were classmates since childhood he looks handsome as a has a good family background and has a cool personality it's really enviable I'm so envious that Damien Zelma childhood sweetheart I saw horrible things baby I love you forever [Music] in fact day you made me wait for you you're you're late for three minutes and 36 seconds I don't accept any of your excuses I can't believe you're late high maintenance this dessert shop is really bad there's no silver fork here trouble you're unexpectedly assignment today didn't you like to talk a lot before why does it seem like I'm the only one looking forward to today's date am I not handsome in this cloth I was seriously dressed for three hours maybe it's because the dessert shop didn't provide silver Forks is it because I just blamed her for being late I'm just a little sad think too much does she not like me anymore really think too much Damian but cute and Cooks easily where are we going next Anya's looking forward to it you have a really bad memory she cares about me she can't live without me I really can't let this idiot go ah what are you doing the Oslo be beaten [Music] it gets [Music] what's this is this a peanut I thought you liked peanuts so I bought it for you I just like eating them though a necklace is cringe your cringe the great Damien summer blessed to do with this epic necklace you should be grateful is it Turtle next season already you're being set today Scion boy this is a hands off you creep oh you are wearing one too uh see you're more cringe than me Anya wasn't the right you you totally aren't matching that's a there's no way that that's cringe there was a buy one get one free deal today then nostalgia good Nostalgia do you not remember we matched she always this sharp no way she found out these are for couples oh they match uh-huh that's it the memories were unsealed I'm like right now about to Sharp my pants [Music] sure refrained from using such vulgar vocabs some random Christian nerd will marry you if you act this way and that cringe nerd was made yeah bro football is life nothing tossing around the old pig skin huh um yeah do you have any idea how stupid you sound or did you just say to me you the little ugly freak Feast your eyes on this this is a wojack meme this wojak meme is a sports woe Jack which means he is he loves sports and is very stupid sound familiar her hair got short did she get a haircut cute huh [Music] what are you looking at ugly [Music] Becky you know our class valedictorian he's probably going to do well on the upcoming tests yeah Damien he's always pretty solid anyway have you started any studying then maybe I should confess to him and throw him off his game Anya just do some studying meanwhile Damien felt and unexplained chill my girlfriend she probably can be read my mind this is at a store on my way here apparently it's a rare one I suddenly had that thought oh that's the one I wanted to drink not just once or twice coincidence I don't think I've ever told her before I never see her drinking something other than Coco either I wonder how such ridiculous thoughts it can't be that somewhere along the way I actually become a little more convinced on that thought of mine say Anya hmm but to be honest I don't care what you are even if you're an esper will get cold even if you're up to something it's fine you can fool me for the rest of my life I also bought some snacks it's all peanuts though you can also hear me right now no oh this guy will die soon well that's a death flag just now you know you've always put that kind of vague smile when you lie I don't mean a pry or anything either way it won't change my feelings for you the rain has stopped huh shall we go for a walk go it's fine if you don't want to tell me the truth but I want you to always whoa look at that time the rainbow [Music] keep smiling at me like that by my side forever and then let me believe in your love until the day I die that's my wish what a joke a person through telepathy I must be insane maybe I'm just tired who she still are what the heck [Music] please stay by my side for the rest of my life [Music] oh oh Wonder what's she wearing there [Music] oh golly what up Beauty a true love's kiss will break the curse our world peace too close go go go go go go go go go Anya is Here Am I Dreaming ah Scion boy finally you hear me she's really here you came did you really think I'd miss your game that hurts Scion boy does he trust me just a little Anya I heard that you can read people's minds is that true how does everyone know about my psychic power why didn't you ever tell me but I seriously disgusting don't come near us ever again you really fooled me Siam don't show me your face ever again you damn creepy witch hey shorty are you okay you seem to be having a nightmare dream Scion boy oh what happened oh how bad was her dream um until you stop crying I'll be here for you okay [Music] say until you stop crying you won't let me go wait why are you guys here you are so cool Lord digging me in shut up don't look so happy [Music] is it hot in here are you hot uh I mean you are hot uh I I I mean uh foreign [Music] okay remember on questions like this you have to do what I show you earlier like this yeah I think you got the gist of it if you could just remember this you'd be okay for the upcoming test Scion boy thinks I can pass the test I have hope I can't wait to tell Papa that I studied hard and I'm one step closer to World Peace uh I even have time to watch these five Wars tonight hey aren't you forgetting something [Music] forget really sometimes I wonder how are you [Music] I I admit you forgot your notes thank you sound boy oh um why is she so freaking cute I want a kiss they're dating idiot we're in public people would see us hmm then if we hide under our capes nobody will see are you stupid they're good fine [Music] that was a one time thing go away [Music] the two switched bodies being you do something that's my line do you have that stupid I want you to refrain from any behavior that could get me in trouble got it oh you better not do weird stuff like you usually do you hear me what what's wrong did you hear what I said for some reason I'm sparkling cyan boy filter [Music] um I think I have a repaid stubby legs for Lending me the handkerchief before should I buy something a lot of people give gifts in return but what should I buy since I used a handkerchief would it be better to buy her a new one but I can't send anything too expensive this will make her feel pressured but I don't want her to misunderstand anything by sending the iron gift yes listen to keep her from misunderstanding just in case the wrong gift to make her misunderstanding something that can be a problem and I just want I understand him to thank her for Lending me the handkerchief hey stubby legs here this is to repay you for Lending me your handkerchief before he picked for a long time handkerchief return gift dot dot dot Anya's amazing cake [Music] well good now I guess we are Eve you cake give me back my expectations what why am I doing something wrong and I choose the wrong gift after we're gonna have to redo the whole listen here since I'm Adept you I'll tutor you but this does not make us friends understand yeah you're really bad at this aren't you um but it's naturally me are you just naturally slow at Learning maybe I am but I have to work hard papa is counting on me [Music] I admire how you do your best for your father I kind of find you empty for that how close you seem to be with your father couldn't possibly let care less about me even if I tried maybe I'm just not good enough for his praise confident that's not true science boy is very hard working and I'm sure your papa appreciates you just as much as you do as him you love him that's like how I love don't tell me a confession [Music] like how much honey really really loves Papa [Music] um she's so cute we've wasted enough time let's get to work [Music] besides we both have to do our best to make someone proud right [Music] it's not elegant for you to sleep in school grounds today I'm motivated cook something while Lloyd and Anya are out for a walk um I can't think of anything I don't want to risk experimenting why don't you try to remember a dish your mother cooked but I can't remember anything that you're I have a remedy for your sadness and they are very tasty cookies but not just any cookies they are happiness cookies with just a little taste you get a beautiful smile they are delicious see do you want me to teach you the spell of Happiness alright let's get going next to the ingredients in this way and do it gently and then form the mixture into balls with all your love leave them in the oven for 10 minutes and then say these words precious air and slippery with a soapy whoever tries it will be very happy really looks great now all that's left is check taste sure we're back Mama you're already okay did you make those cookies yes but they're not crying with happiness I'm gonna bring my mom that's all sorry it's a bit silly don't mind me [Music] it's very tasty really Lloyd they are really delicious your thank you I'm glad you like it really Mom the happiness spell worked [Music]
Channel: The Dubber From Mars
Views: 1,145,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spy x Family, Comics, Meme, Anya x Damian, Loid x Yor, Forger, Comic Dub
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 26sec (3806 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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