Why You Might Be Missing Your Shots in CS2 – THE PROBLEM WITH SUBTICK UPDATES

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when I got access to the CS2 plus beta to shooting fault weird at first I thought it was just me being bad at the game but then I came across this post on Reddit it appears that when you shoot away on the Crosser is moving the plot will often go to an outrated position of your Cruiser I wanted to test this so I went inside of that match tried shooting a wall with the up while flaking and then slowed the replay down I found out that even though the last position I was scoped in was right here my bullet went here this made me wonder how often does this happen and why does it happen so I started testing first I booted up CS go to get a comparison I chose this position on Anubis because I thought it would look good in the video especially in the CS2 part I stood by this wall and started spinning using the plus right command to ensure that I'm always spinning at the same speed I have one plus attack and minus right to the same key so that I would stop spinning at the exact moment I shoot and to nuanced surprise all shots ended up exactly on the Crosshair foreign [Music] then I went and did exact same test in CS2 all right they have disabled binding two actions to a single key so anyway after I have bound two actions to a single key I went straight to testing on the very first attempt The Bullet Hole was clearly behind the Crosshair by quite a lot it definitely could have customized headshot I have tried more times and the bullet ended up behind the closer most of the time being in the very center only rarely the distance behind the Crosshair seemed to be random I will try to explain why this is happening later in the video after I show you more of the results thank you foreign before I try to explain why this might be happening I have to say that I'm not a game developer and I know little to nothing about how Counter-Strike works so don't take what I'm saying for granted I might be wrong so the big difference between CS go and CS2 is a tick rate csgo runs on aesthetic rate of 64 128 or face it meaning that the game updates 64 times every second and any input needs to wait for a tick to happen to get registered by the game this can take up to 15 milliseconds in CS2 they introduced the septic update system meaning that your input gets sent immediately to the server and happens as soon as possible so when all the inputs are immediately sent to the servers nothing can go wrong right for most input devices you use the answer is yes the only thing that could ruin the system would be some Beast of a device that would register thousands of inputs every second well there is one you probably know that your mouse works on a DPI system so for example on an 800 DPI every time you move your mouse one 800th of an inch it is registered as an input on a sensitivity of 1 that makes more than 16 000 inputs every time you do a 316 CS multiplied it by 10 and it's 160 000 times the server will have to update if every player did a 360 at the same time I don't think valve have servers that can do this kind of tick rate given that they refuse to even give us 128 dick in CS go once again I have to say that I don't know that much about how the game works and this part of the video is just what I think might be happening so please if you know better than me correction in the comments would be highly appreciated but please don't be too mad at me if everything I just said was wrong so what I would do to prevent a 160 000 tick rates from completely annihilating my servers and what I think both might have done as well is having a separate tick rate just for your mouse movements maybe 64 maybe 128 maybe even more but based on the shots being this far behind the Crosshair I think they did as dirty with the 64 tick so if that's what they've done what I will try to explain is this when you shoot your gun in CS2 the fire input is sent immediately but since your mouse position is diluted from the previous take the bullet will land there this will explain why sometimes it's far behind your Crosshair and sometimes it's exactly in the middle since it's pretty much random whether you fire just before the mouse deck happens or if it damages right to match it perfectly so if this is what's happening I figured it fixed it sounds simple but might not be I don't know I'm just a guy making YouTube video so I think they should obviously keep the separate Mouse degrade system but every time you fire your mouse position should be sent together with the fair input updating your cluster position just as you fire now after you've seen this video you might be thinking that this is game breaking and CS2 is literally unpiable but not really your bullet only goes back to Crosshair when the Crosser is moving during the shot and the chances are that you probably stop your Crosshair every time you shoot even if just for a short while I mean the worst case scenario which 64 take is your input is going to be delayed by 15 milliseconds 7 milliseconds with 128 attack and what are the chances you get the worst case scenario right CS go is a gambling game so getting a bad case scenario seems pretty much impossible to most of its players but the bug can still be a giant problem for the competitive scene since that's when most of the Crazy Fast flakes happen this shot might not have happened if it was played in CS2 or this shot or this one so wealth please fix
Channel: vnc
Views: 771,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3kliksphilip, kliksphilip, CS2, closed beta, bug, shooting, subtick, tickrate, counter strike, video, essay, fix, valve, pls, global offensive, csgo vs cs2, flick, patch notes, valve pls fix, csgo'd
Id: eandoX7Jsh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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