Why You Feel Disconnected From Life

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hello everyone welcome to another episode of Wednesday Night Live which is also archived afterwards so it's not just live right now it is forever etched in the cosmos of the airwaves of modern technology so we're talking about this topic in this class is why you feel disconnected from life since some of you have asked me questions of like why and how we choose topics it really comes from people like yourself so if you have any topic or issue you'd like me to address so just suggest it in the email or any way you want to contact us on meaningfull live.com and at some point we'll work it in and you know I really I'm a big believer in the fact that you want to speak about things that are relevant to people there are many classes out there good classes teach many different things academic and so on but the thing that I believe is most important today especially in our day and age where we have data overload information overload is to have information that's relevant to our lives that can actually help us deal with emotional psychological spiritual and personal challenges that we all have you know we're complex creatures as we all know and when it comes to issues like love and relationships and dealing with pain and dealing with challenges not that easy and that's why these books that keep promising some solutions in these areas are continued to be bestsellers because if they worked they wouldn't continue to be bestsellers right you can have the book that answers it all so the focus I like the place here is always on that personal relevance Bertrand Russell was what was once asked by his by the ethics committee at Cambridge he was caught doing something unethical and he was a professor of ethics so it's quite embarrassing so they asked him how could you behave unethically you teach ethics so he said I also teach mathematics and I'm not a triangle essentially making the classic academic statement that you are not what you teach and what you teach is not necessarily who you are if you contrast that for instance with Maimonides the Rambam around thousand years ago and his philosophical approach she has a statement that states who is the wise person you want to know if somebody's wise what's the litmus test of wisdom it's not how brilliant you are the oratory skills the argumentative the logic and so on it's you look at this person how they behave on a basic level the details how they walk how they talk how they eat how they drink how they sleep how they interact with other people so it can start contrast saying no none of us are perfect human beings but to make a statement you aren't yet I don't need to be a triangle I don't need to be ethical and teach ethics as if it's a cracked some type of source of pride is unacceptable because in Jewish thought there's a thing called integration seamlessness as I said we all don't live up to our ideals obviously that's why their ideals but we're also not proud of that we understand that our mission in life is to try to align our actions to our values so they don't become completely disparage that the complete dissonance and that you really can tell a person and how affects their lives especially it comes to religion especially in our day and age we see religions so distorted by so many people whether it's religious fanatics and zealots and to the point of terrorism in the name of religion which of course it just brings to mind all the years thousands of years of violence in the name of faith in God religious wars or religion as represented and corrupted by leaders who who use it for their own self-aggrandizement or financial and all the things that I've turned this off when the truth faith and the spiritual journey is meant to be one where you live your wiring to live up to certain standards you don't just preach dogma and not be consistent in actions so that's another reason why I'm always focused on topics that are not just highfalutin abstract concepts but always bringing it down to earth what does it mean to you and I and how can we literally be come better human beings kind of people gentler people in our own lives in dealing with our challenges and our interactions with others which then they ask anyone one on one and we don't get caught up in all the distractions and in the herd mentality everybody's looking for love everybody's looking for a healthy life who is no one's gonna get up and say I wish I could have an unhealthy life I wish I could be dysfunctional I don't think it's on the top ten of anybody's so-called aspirations the problem is how do you do it so that's just a general overview on the different topics but to get straight to this topic why you feel disconnected from life as I said this is really comes from people's questions comments and also searches because we not weak are able to see what people are looking for when they come to our site and come looking for direction or guidance or some answers to questions this is this is this is one of the one of the topics that lately it's called actual trending topics so additionally I'm reading about it this evening because this in the Jewish calendar were in a special period of time now we've just entered yesterday was a fast day at the beginning what's called the three weeks it's the saddest time the Jewish calendar it commemorates and remembering almost 2,000 years ago the destruction of the temples the holy temples in Jerusalem and especially on the mystical and under a personal level this wasn't just a destruction of a building structure thousands of years ago it's actually a type of a wound you can say a spiritual and a psychological wound that is with us till this day they form another form of dissonance where the divine presence that was with us so to speak is now more concealed psychological terms it's when we're not in touch with our real purpose okay I always like to put it this way you know someone asks you who you are most people give you their business cards but that's what you do so there's a big schism between who you are and what you do and I would try to focus here is like moving away from what you do to who you are because in fact I mean if you think about it logically you want what you do to follow who you are who you are should define what you do not what you do defines who you are but of course that we become a product of our actions and our routines and our habits and our needs or other people's needs and you lose sight of what you want to do is you know I Know Who I am and now I will do an act defined by that Who I am that is a form of dissonance and this period in time of the year in a way looks to to repair that so called the rift within our own spirits and psyche and also on a cosmic level if you think of life as like a machine you want this machine well-oiled and aligned to the purpose for which it was created and then in effect really creates a world of world peace a world of the void of war and famine and inequality where we all are different and diverse but we're all as I usually use the example like musical notes indispensable musical notes in one large composition where each of us is necessary and each of us needs the other a type of symbiosis so with that said going to the top of why you feel disconnected from life that's an excellent question and just to pose it in terms that most people use and I've heard it so many times and I'm sure every one of you can relate to the fact once in a while if not more than once in a while we feel listless we feel aimless we feel lost we don't feel connected we don't feel a sense of belonging sometimes to the point we don't even realize you know we think like where am I going where my life is going nowhere that doesn't mean you that maybe that you don't have any success in your life you could be successful financially successful in other areas but on a more existential and and deeper level there's a certain sense of like like a ship at sea with all that's going on start saying why am i doing all this almost anyone I'm saying almost I'd say every person on earth at some point in time in life has a feeling like that and has this challenged now some people push it away and they do things to distract them not address the question often things even that are destructive if there's too painful the existential loneliness of life because you start saying there's anyone care about it does anyone really care there's a make a difference what I do who really cares now if you have people love you in your life obviously that's a great blessing that helps but even then at the end of the day we all have that lonely little spot inside our center core that you and only you really function there so this is part of the question of being feeling disconnected and what is so the the the the issue the question then of course is can you do something about this is this something we can do because another way connection really means maybe comes just get close the door there the connection is another way of saying love because what I think what love really means love means two people connected or more than two people this connection is can be a form of hate can be a form of indifference but this connection means you're not that connection so connection is much more than just a connection in the in a physical technical sense it's a sense of connecting to others connecting to life and living life to the fullest so it's not a small matter that which we're addressing here okay so what can we do about this that's the question and obviously we always have to work in a way that integrates it in our existing lives to stop our lives and say I'm gonna quit everything I'm doing cold turkey that usually does not work so it has to be in a way that we can work with it and that's as I said this is what we're gonna be speaking about so I think a good way to begin well we've begun but a good way to begin the to address this it was really be thinking in terms of what exactly is connection let's talk a little more let's probe and explore what what is this connection thing like what's wrong if you're disconnected you know now we all know being the feeling disconnected just doesn't feel right if you're on the phone with someone you suddenly get disconnected everybody always is like you know I mean it's a part of daily activity so we get used to it but like right away you call back the person you say sorry must tell me your side my side the something this disorienting and this this even demoralizing at times a disconnection and of course that's just a phone call especially if it's something that someone can work more that you're more related to and you feel they hung up by you I don't just mean by phone though they cut off from you these things are very disturbing I mean I don't know if you've ever had this but again this is something not uncommon unfortunately people get angry at each other I think this I'm never gonna talk to you and they often live by that then this can be brothers and sip legs and sisters it could be parents and children and it could be friends you know you see it all the time so this connection is a is a is if you look around it's really a factor in all our lives all the time connecting disconnecting yes we can lose a friend and make another friend but there's something specially for a healthy person is always something disturbing like all of us would love to not have anyone that we don't speak to you know after worry go into a party or to an event I may bump into someone that I haven't been speaking to you know sometimes some people actually avoid going to events cuz they don't want to bump in because there's a certain something like it's on no closure it gives it to walk around this world where you're concerned you may bump into someone because there's you got disconnected so there I'm just broadening the topic so what exactly lies at the heart of connection and disconnection or you can say I mean the integration if you want unity harmony I'll be using different interchanging certain words here in this discussion so I I always I don't know I try to not do it but I always gravitate back to my usual example because you always if you're a scientist and our scientific mind you always look for where is a more perfect version of the thing you're looking for in our very basic level someone goes to a doctor and they need an x-ray of their lungs for ever reason so you'll always see the doctor on the screen will put your x-ray well not yours whoever the x-ray is and juxtapose it nearby healthy set of lungs so then you see this is what a healthy set of lungs looks like in here's what a unhealthy set of lungs an infection so we always it's always good to look for a model a template you can say that somewhat the perfect template or at least as perfect as possible same thing for example you teach art you study art or music you'll see even if you're a beginner the teacher will show you what the great masters have accomplished whether it's great artists great musicians great composers not because you may have may never reach that place but it's important to have a backdrop of knowing what is capable capable of being accomplished so you have what to work towards instead of convincing yourself that maybe I'm there already so you always need that you always need so to speak the perfect circle upon which the juxtaposed your jagged circle so you can tell and say ah okay here's the here's the version here's the perfect version here's where I'm at so in human life who do we who can we look to to find a more perfect version of ourselves that's not you know there are good people out there but we have something right in front of our eyes and something that we all wore once you know that is a child everyone sitting here believe it or not was once a younger person it sounds funny coming up but that's a yes and we were once that's a single person we were once a baby a newborn infant innocent pure like the water freshly fallen snow unjaded answer that cynical no resignation nor demoralization no depression I'm gonna go through every depressing synonym in the dictionary you get the idea fill in the blanks and you see this I just had a new grandson this past Friday actually going tomorrow to LA for the bris and I can you know of course the excitement of my own grandchild and so on it's not the first listen but I am just taken especially as I guess when your grandparent you have more it's only the dividends you have to pay the investment of all the childbearing so you only get the good fun apart I am absolutely obsessed I have to say that word consumed with watching these children and really ultra I mean I have access to them but from my point of view channel because they are like they are a pure version of us you know today everybody's got their gadgets you have your iPhones your Androids I know where Android is up iPhone is what iPhone 7 now right 7 7 s whatever it is where is Android at but verse whatever so okay so an iPhone 7 we all know it's better than iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 better than iPhone 5 and better than a iPhone one technology goes you see every update you keep getting you know version 10 version 11 and 10.1 and ten point one point one you know all the the lingo of our times and I have to say with human beings it's the other way around the earlier the version that that's the best version is and from there goes downhill with all respect to us all the most perfect version of you is the new born now true we may not have had the consciousness we can't analyze it but if you think of a child that's the closest thing and I to meet an amazing Lee underappreciated type of study in contrast look at yourself how you are today look how you were ten years ago look how you were thirty years ago whatever age look oh you were a young child and you can learn so much from that now I'm not suggesting you can go turn the clock back and let's all go back to the paradise of our childhood or the nightmare of our childhood some people would say but that's not the point the point is what you have something to look to a tort so you think of connection and love in this connection have you ever seen a child that feels disconnected unless something is done to that child naturally we feel kind of first of all nine months we've talked about connection you're here anything but disconnected to your mother's in your mother's womb everything what you eat what you drink what you breathe you're completely completely and I'm talking about completely underwater and the embryonic fluids connected people don't think about it that's not just an accident it's because we begin our lives submerged in connection connection nurtures us you can even say the comfort okay break technology glitch so I'm saying so you think of a child it's amazing so that we find that type of connection literally completely similar and I was saying about so a water some you know some evolutionary biologists will say water we gravitate toward waterfront property because we were once amphibians we evolved from amphibians to water but I would argue that it's much more because water is the submersion of water is a unconsciously reminds us of that nurturing and we cannot naturally feel the longing when we are in that environment and matter how dysfunctional that mother may be may become but during those nine months unless there's overt abuse like taking drugs god forbid or other things that the pregnant mother will be doing destructively a child is really protected it's amazing if you study even if a mother god forbid slips or goes through you know people nine months are going to have a cold a virus and infection it's amazing how a child is completely protected from all of that and then we emerge and then we emerge so to really and obvious I'm not going to go through an exhaustive analysis of this but the key points I want to make is we emerge and we still are naturally connected to those that are our parents we've talked about the way it's supposed to be in a healthy sense children are completely dependent even a newborn child the umbilical cord is cut yes but it's still connected it needs its mother's food it needs its parents love it needs to be cared for even on a physical level it can't do anything on its own and obviously the more love and nurturing you give this child the more it develops the right connections and this is what happens as we grow obviously we grow more apart from our natural environments which is healthy to go to school to begin to become an independent individual but what's not healthy is that you lose the connection what happens often that happens is as we enter into the hostile world and we get more and more separate from we sensing a separation from those that love us and care about us that's where you begin to feel a disconnected sense of loss now obviously I have to bring into the equation the sad reality is that natural parents are nurturing and I put that mildly it's not just not all parents I would say in our day and age many children do not get the nurturing they need we don't even have studies of this because most people don't talk about it and secondly you don't you don't know all the facts but think of a garden if we were if we were to look at our society today make it worth seven billion people let's talk about the United States of the 300 million people in this country what is it 350 okay okay your book may it always grow you look at you the question would be is that percentage of children are they getting all their nurturing needs or are they really sensing absentee parents for all good reasons maybe they're working they're overworked overwhelmed all the other distractions so if you were to use the analogy of a garden we all know for garden is not watered and Richards what's gonna happen it will become parched and it will wither if we till use them now Joe how many how much percentage is the garden of our children the children that are our garden getting the watering and the nurturing and the cultivation necessary and I'm not looking for numbers right now I'm just making the point what happens so of course the first thing happens when the child is crying for its mother and father and they're not there well then they're not there physically they're not there emotionally the child is beginning to experience with recall separation so it's inevitable that somewhere this is gonna give it's gonna create a sense of separation anxiety and you see this studies children who are ripped away for some reason separated from their natural parents early on they're in early on it has dramatic implications it's not some small little matter your children that are adopted that doesn't mean they can't manage it doesn't mean but it's difficult it's not that simple that's why you'll see every adopted child will have to go through a stage where they're gonna be looking for their natural parent whether they find them or not whether it's healthy to find them or not but there's an always an empty something an emptiness and I'm not saying this I think that if you know how to address it you can make life is life can be a lot lot better but many people ignore it they think you know what we won't tell the child and this is a debate rages do you tell them to adopt a child about his parents what really happens psychologically I'm just using that as a pretty extreme example but the fact that matter is connection is natural to us that's the key and we begin our lives as I said nine months in a connected state and they I would save a more than connected in a submerged state and it's not just a physical thing it's a psychological emotional that we feel a sense of belonging I'll never forget this video I saw I think it was on PBS years ago it was John Bradshaw was one of the early pioneers of inner child's therapies in the early 70s saying he himself was the son of a pastor and they went through a lot of difficult other was I think a complete alcoholic and then I grew up in a healthy environment and home shame that was the thing the shame he says the shame that I my friends would invite me to their home but I never wanted them in my home because I never knew if my father would be coming in completely wrecked and I was so embarrassed this is but you carry that shame with you all the time the father that's supposed to be the hero becomes an embarrassment and there's a child you don't agree didn't even know how to separate the two so you're just the whole your life becomes it's a life of shame shame shame and he had different works he did but I saw workshop painted and it was as I said I'm in such an impression on me that I I remembered and so relevant to this so you have this group of maybe 50 people in the room and and he was speaking a very calming voice you could see a person who suffered and has worked through suffering you know you could see a person call we call a an ember that's a number that remains from a burning building but it has been revived good sense of that and it was it was very interesting I came like I don't know if I was I don't remember exactly details I just didn't tell you where I speak when I was watching it I saw I this was what I saw 50 people are sitting there and the background there's actually a sound but it's not music I was wondering what's the sound and then I realized the sound of a heartbeat a very very loud heartbeat you know amplified heartbeat we don't know what a heartbeat pom pom like a very it was very like that thundering but very it was very prominent and Bradshaw begins to speak and he says I want you all to close your eyes and visualize this is the heartbeat they you the child for nine months heard day and night because a child in its mother's womb what are you here I'm sure you hear things you hear streams and you hear rivers and you hear all kinds of things but you hear a heartbeat all the time because the mother's heartbeat never stops they says this is the heartbeat that for nine months without fail 24/7 you heard and imagined that heartbeat and if you think about this it gets very soothing in a way heartbeat is a very soothing sound you know it's like it's a certain pace in an out type of like contraction expansion and then he began slowly and deliberately speaking I remember everything he said that I remember but I'll tell you what I recall he started saying so this is you in your mother's womb and now your mother begins to speak to you she's talking to you as the fetus in the womb and she says like this he says I've been waiting for you all my life you are the gift that I prayed to God for a child that will come into this world and that I have the honor to protect and the honor to care for and the honor to carry within me and feed and sustain in every possible way and I look forward to the day when you will emerge from my womb and I've prepared a special rule for you little bedroom with a white blanket and clean blankets and pajamas and the and everything you know just I start describing this whole like expectation but more than expectation the beauty and the warmth and and I'm here to tell you that you're my precious gift and I'm the I will do everything possible to protect you and even when you leave the womb to still feel that you are surrounded by the love that I give you this is what this was the gist of it I don't remember all the words and you could see as he goes on and the heartbeat is pumping you know in the background you hear the thumping heartbeat so has this like effect and everybody in the room starts crying and I started crying it was so emotional because it was so resonating as a truth you know just like he wanted this is what you want to hear know that everybody would love to hear this but he put it in these words and the heartbeat and their womb and all that you know the whole feeling and like brings you to a place a very primal place of a certain resonating truth and then he stops and people are still like you know that kind of somewhat of a trance or days whatever it was and and then I remember the transition but then he says so what did that feel like and people spoke a few people commented some people said I wish I had that some people said I did have that but whoever was in the room nobody denied the power of this type of experience and to me what left the impression was that connection and love and nurturing is our natural state it's not some anomaly you know what I live in a hostile world and if I'm lucky I'll find someone to love that is our natural state that's how our lives begin that our lives are meant to begin to be submerged in another person's belly literally not I mean that the only the physical sense it means that someone completely contains and protects you and shelters you and then the expectation would be that a child that emerges from the upon birth will continue to get that and hopefully the rest of their lives but it doesn't happen that easy that's why the version 2 and the version 3 is where it starts the schism the rifts and we get disconnected so the first and most important thing we need to know is that connection is our birthright it's not just some some as I said some exotic gift and treasure you're gonna go search for it's our birthright no matter how we disconnected we may feel right now do never think that your feelings your present feeling is your natural state that's your natural state and if your parents did not have the wisdom and intelligence and the sensitivity and love to give it to you that still doesn't mean it's not your birthright it just means they screwed up whatever I'm not getting now into giving excuses not excuses I don't find any excuses because parents and adults shouldn't have any excuse not to protect the defenseless and vulnerable child but I think about it like you know why good god it says in the tum and the magistrate says that when Adam and Eve they were created as adults they never weren't a womb and Adam never had a mother well he had was a God that created them then we're all born as babies why didn't God create us all as adults why don't we just pop out there's 20 year olds enough to pop out of somewhere maybe just grow on a tree and just hey Here I am why do we need to have this whole childhood thing and going to school and all the growing pains and stuff like that I mean but if you think about it imagine if we were all adults thrust right into the wall street and right into this hostile world we would never have had a fighting chance because we never had an environment of love would right away in dog eats dog survival of the fittest the world of prey and and predator second thing the beauty of childhood the magic the enchantment and when you look at children especially I'm sure you see them play the completely sense of connection I'm studying my one of my grandson's now the guy's completely blows me away every time I look at him so naturally happy and I look I look for one drop of anxiety finals I'd like you know everything that bright smile there's nothing on his face that's cynical or like dismissive you know all the features we are so mastered it don't exist so I say am I so so how do you get from here to here so obviously doesn't happen overnight you relate to this stuff yeah you too but once a little baby you him all of us I'm just what I'm saying I don't think there's no one on earth that didn't go through this stage like if you look at for example the animal kingdom it's interesting too today we have with all the cameras and the shows nature and natural political the national geo whatever national geographic and animal planet then this one or that one I love to see these things because it's like amazing and and you want they all of every creature on earth has a nurturing there are animals actually that leave their young very young mmediately but they all have some element like adders for example I don't know if you ever noticed this adders you know what adders are right adders touch they're young the mother odd or the father odd or whatever touch their young I think what they said maybe 20 times every minute like when they swim they're constantly touching them and seen clearly because they did they tried experiments of separating the otters and the adder does not build the confidence it needs to hunt to build its own life so there's that touching now different animals have different neural you see it's some groom some clean you know like you see with cats and so on everyone has their own way but they all need it everyone needs it and that's I'm looking to the animal kingdom ah thank God animals don't have any dysfunctionality about them unless humans get involved so they just do what they have to do but you see this consistent what did I just see I saw talked about nurturing oh you must have seen the march of the Penguins so the movie right the Penguins unbelievable the love that the sacrifices that they their mother and father equally make for their young it's just unbelievable inspiration yeah and what you really go away with as a parent you start saying hey one second these penguins are far better parents than we are that's for sure the sacrifice I mean it's unbelievable so going let's go back to the connection so the point that the first point is we have to realize that this is our natural birth it's unnatural that's where we thrive and frankly when I see a lot of their let's say you know cuz I involved in this work corporate coaching or individual coaching or therapy everybody is trying to recreate some form of Nursing you want your employees to really excel north give them something that nurtures them that's why you'll have in a lot of these new corporate environments certain families sense and I was at one of the Facebook offices everything is happening in the same place there's couches and there's exercise you can even sleep there there's exercise rooms there's silent rooms there's after obviously a cafeteria they don't want you to leave and they create this sense of belonging obviously there the objective is to make employees happy they'll they'll provide mothers with with the services there there is ulterior motives but because everyone recognizes that a nurtured person is going to be far more productive than a nun nurtured one very simple you have someone working for you and even if you pay them but if you're a tyrant they'll do the job perhaps cause out of fear but you're not gonna get the best from them you're gonna get to the adequate if if at all but if you nurture people and you've they sense belonging they sense I understand what this company is going so again the companies they're doing it for the bottom line but everyone recognizes the value of that and there's no question a nurtured person will always be more efficient more productive less illnesses than an undershirt person and that's not an accident that because that's our birthright again that's who we are now why may elaborating on this because it's critical so often when you're discussing therapeutic and psychological issues very many times the biggest challenge is not what to do what how to intervene and what to do to solve a problem is to give people self confidence that they can solve the problem so many people feel that I cried everything it's not gonna work and that's the battle it's not even telling them he that here's the here's the intervention here is the solution you have to build the confidence the first thing therefore it's so much easier when you tell somebody you have the tools within you you're able to connect because that's your natural being than to saying okay we're gonna now need a 20 year therapeutic environment for you to learn how to connect to learn how to look you know how to love you may not have the tools and maybe the training it's like someone who knows how to play music they just were never taught how to sit at with an instrument and do it so that's technical but it's not like you don't have fundamentally in your spirits in your psyche the capacity to do you absolutely have the capacity and that's something yet we must as like a mantra you must know that you are worthy of love and you're worthy of giving love and you have the capacity to do it and you could do it obviously if you didn't have role models or you had dysfunction or somewhat compromised role models it's gonna be harder because you know who do you copy but but there are other role models and when you have that absolute confidence the work is completely different you know it's imagine like you know somebody can run a marathon 25 mile marathon but they're convinced they can't but you know they could because you see their skill you see their muscles you see their exit yeah and and and and they just don't want to do they say I can't I can't do it you have this with athletes you have it with riders you have it with composers they just lose confidence you know you lose confidence they're some of the best the skill didn't change but sometimes you just lose something like a psychological block and the challenge there is not the skill is this believing yourself which there are all kinds of methods how to get there but this is the vital component and this is we should not be deceived by the fact that we live in a world that is so disconnected which ironically is fascinating because on one hand we've never had connections better than now communications devices mobile and so on so if you think technically the world is more connected than ever right you know say you're connected whose logo is that t-mobile or AT&T whatever you're connected but you think about it another end it's also unprecedented loneliness that exists which is fascinating you could have a million Facebook friends and not have one real friend you could have all these illusions of I can can't I can access any information anytime anywhere I can call anybody I can get by in Manhattan 24 hours I can buy any fruit whether in season out of season you almost feel like a sense of super superhuman ability but someone say well let me ask something when's the last time you had a warm heart heart conversation with your best friend face to face without texting in middle and all the distractions you know that our family is more intact today are we more nurturing I would argue the opposite that the more the technology will get to vent the less because you have the now situations where husband and wife can be in a bedroom instead of talking to each other and being intimate with each other they're both on their little mobile devices or some other thing that's standing in between because now we're connected but but the personal connections are deeply compromised because we let's be honest no technology can replace a mother or a father or a brother or a sister or a friend or just a heart-to-heart warm conversation and I don't know anybody in this world that's gonna argue maybe there's some technology some scientists trying to develop a virtual mother like you know instead of a mother you'll have like that type of doll that does everything a mother does I rule the day if someone creates something like that I thought I don't look forward to that that means like the grotesque you know like the joke they tell about this little boy in school in nursery school or ever preschool and he was the teacher noticed that he was like feeling very clingy and very needy you know so she realized that the child probably is is feeling that you know not feel and I'm getting the love it needs in a home so he's thinking how am I gonna approach this to the mother she said you know what I'm a woman she's a woman I'll sit her down we'll talk in a sensitive way I'm gonna tell her you know and I could they're not not critically I'll say you know your little Johnny seems to be very clingy and so on I suggest at home maybe became a little more attention asked about his day you know get him more involved and she's a little tentative you know nobody wants to be here no mother wants to hear critic wit critique and on the contrary she says that the mother is completely responsible she says I'm so glad you're telling this to me as a matter of fact I heard the same thing from another whatever playgroup he's part of or somewhere else that he that this and I told the nanny I told the nanny you got a hug him more and you got to speak to him more you know like she completely accepted it and she right away deflected the whole thing to her nanny okay that's a joke is it serious it's tragic this is reality of life today so if anything technology has become a replacement and almost an escape from having to deal with a conflict you know what why do I have to have a confrontation with my beloved one and we had this I'll just go and escape into virtual reality or I'm gonna live vicariously through a soap opera or through a film and so on so with all these beauties and gifts that we have can also turn into becoming complete escape from our own needs and nurture and be nurtured and connect so two seconds basically a second point that I'm making two points number one is that this is natural to us and it's as literally like oxygen to your body connection and nurturing is to your as to your soul literally the fact that we don't just die by not being connected it's because we have resilience and we have the capacity to compensate and to take a lot our threshold so to speak for pain or our threshold for this connection is very high when it comes to oxygen we don't have such a threshold so if you don't breathe won't good enough god forbid it's gonna be consequences but don't underestimate the soldier smokes differently eating and sleeping and drinking are tangible things but a soul needs oxygen its oxygen it's connection think of it that way if it's your oxygen then there's no such thing as a day going by without having a connection so it's natural to us and it's necessary and don't think you know people tell me listen you know I thought I'd get married maybe I'd find a significant other I've given up I'm very happy I'm happy being alone I want to cry when I hear that why do I wanna cry because they've thrown in the towel they don't wanna be miserable and I understand I'm not judging the person they don't to sit around and say I'm gonna be miserable all day so I've come to peace that I'm gonna be alone why is it hurt I know this is that you need it you need it more than anyone now I'm not suggesting listen sometimes that's a whole other discussion how do you find the right soul mate and what's not working what is working but I would tell a person like that at least find good friends don't isolate yourself it's not a healthy thing to do to be complete self cystic an amoeba that's a self sustaining you don't need anybody and nobody needs you it's not a healthy thing for a human being it's also our natural status connection so why do we feel disconnected because we give in to the so called inertia and the status quo of you know what hey but this brings me to the next point I mentioned the heartbeat for another reason because the heartbeat also what is the heartbeat itself is a form of connection you know you could have had a heart that just let's say pump blood the fact that the contracts and expands tells you there's a relationship going on and the capital is the Mystics actually called the rusty mushroom it's a relationship of give-and-take like like exhaling and inhaling so why am i mentioning it because heartbeat is actually reflection what is real love what is real connection give and take if you have a relationship that's a one-way street that I'm giving it you're taking and that's it that's not a real relationship a relationship is a heartbeat it's a pulsating form of energy and that's why it becomes I'm going to step deeper why it's so part of who we are because life by definition is pulsating it's moving the idea the concept and I've talked about this a number of times of just sitting around what are you doing nothing is completely unnatural nothing on earth does nothing I know that's poetic or not you know why everything you see the trees asleep in winter they're not doing nothing they're hibernating the seasons everything is moving there's nothing underneath it it's not mobile sleep is also part of the process it doesn't mean you become a mobile sleep is the process of regenerating re-energizing recharging etc so everything is on its way towards something mobility and life are synonymous and yet the human being the only creature on earth has figured out or trying to figure out how to be mobile a mostly stationary sedentary or the couch potato in the modern lingo to be a couch potato like what song says to me I've mastered the art of doing nothing and more importantly not feeling guilty about human being by nature the spirit of a human being is compared to a flame look at a flame there's a flame rest for one second it's Restless now to extreme restlessness is anxiety but as a measure of angst a measure of not being fully satisfied and having animal bliss is actually very very healthy I always mentioned that the cardiologist comes to the class once in a while for the year over the years a very difficult life ugly divorce and it challenges in many different areas but he's a very sweet very good guy but he's suffering says to me said to me once having technology issues today he says to me once I wish my life could just be peaceful no none of this ups and downs I just I'm going crazy for more my my vicissitudes so you know I said how humorously I said to him you mean like a flatline she says no no no no no I mean he's a cardiologist a flatline in a cardiogram isn't that good news his death a cardiogram has to look like waves right the perfect heartbeat is like this now if it's too extreme the peaks and valleys are extreme then we noticed some irregularity but a good heart is a wave interesting back to water a wave looks like a wave so the heartbeat is essentially like water it's say a wave back and forth back and forth a tension resolution a yearning and returning rush and shove is the expression used by Ezekiel the Prophet so so of course this body said no no not a flatline obviously but I know what he meant and we understood each other the point is we are trying to mass this are between I tell always the joke I love this joke it's the old Jewish man stays sitting on a bench he's all suppressed his friend comes over and system but he's depressed about Irving whatever his name's she says my wife is very angry with me today he says nothing Lucia's been angry of you for years he says now today's really something special what happens she went to work this morning she asked me what I'm gonna do and I said nothing so she said you told me that yesterday when I asked you yesterday what you're gonna do you also said nothing so I told her I wasn't finished I wasn't finished doing nothing I like the deal because it says it's a good joke saying it wasn't finished doing nothing now it's so against the grain of our nature obviously as I said there are times of respite and rest times of sleep a nap chilling cooling or cooling down or cooling out over the cooling down you know any exercise cooling down we understand that's part of the balance a good swimmer doesn't swim all the time but there always is it's always a stage there's a movement going on and so when we try to fight that movement we're actually fighting it's like someone trying to fight to make sure their heart doesn't really beat can imagine that so a movement is critical in life a movement is what creates connections that's the connect point it's a connection so it's not that that's that's what really is our heartbeat it's the pulse of our lives that we are fundamentally connecting elements so you meet somebody there's a certain natural element of greening that person they greet you this doesn't mean everybody on earth becomes our friends what it means that there's an interaction between and if you think of it like in terms of cross-pollination of plants and bees it's just fascinating how nature gives and takes from each other and that's what's natural to human beings - its natural for us to be connected and as I described earlier that's how we begin our lives that's what makes us thrive and that's necessity so if you really say I'm disconnected from life what you're really saying is that you're like disconnected from your own pulse your own pulse which means that you've really wandered away into another type of be another you which is busy with your work and with other distractions and temptations and whatever it may be again you can fill in the blanks but you've wandered away from the being that you should be so where does this all lead us it leads us that once you understand that it's such a vital component then the question is simply this how are you going to regain it and reclaim it in your life because we're not talking about as I said something new it's there it's a natural thing the answer is you have to stop the vicious cycle of having the wrong type of friends and having the wrong type of activities that feed your fears and hostilities and your sense of self protecting yourself because you wouldn't want to be hurt because that's the main reason we don't want to connect with others we may be hurt by them you know we may be betrayed and we may have been betrayed so the key thing one of the key things is to find friends that you can trust because Trust allows for people to you know you trust me I feel I remember I was giving a talk number of months ago to a group of teachers and they wanted some tips on teaching on speaking on communicating and reaching people so I asked everybody in the room was like 45 50 people I said tell me when somebody comes to class of yours first time comer they've only caught their the first time they're coming or talk a class lecture whatever what in your mind is your objective to achieve with that person so once said to inspire once said to educate once said I want obviously some set that the person you want to make sure the person comes back again I said yeah but what will make them come back so someone said if you say something interesting and everybody had a whole list of all kinds of I wouldn't even say wrong things but was not the bottom line and then I told them what you want is one thing only none of the above something much deeper you want them to build trust with you now trust can be demanded you could if the earn it you want to build trust between teacher and students between the communicator and the Walczak and the audience because if there's no trust you can say most brilliant things they won't give you the benefit of the doubt like the expression people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care if there's no connection can you wanna make a connection because that is what people humans are looking for obviously you go to a real estate that's a real estate seminar you don't really care about the connection personal emotional you just want to have the tips but even there if the speaker connects with you in some personal way you're gonna listen better but definitely when it comes to personal psychological spiritual emotional matters without that you failed and they all read and everybody in the room agreed they said it's interesting they never would have thought of that because they realized that it's not about the inspiration it's not the joke you make it's not even it's the connection you make so it means that it's not even about how good you taught the material that obviously is a big plus it's how my will you connect it did the people read through your ideas resonate with them do they feel that you are like them or do they feel that you were condescending and you're just smarter than everybody did they feel that they can really you relate to them and they relate to you you have that that's an ingredient to success they're frankly this is with everything I mean any every sales conference will tell you this you got to connect with the customer listen to the customer listen what they have to say listen to their needs don't try to sell them something make them feel that what you have is what they need now this can be done manipulatively can be done sincerely obviously this is comes down to the integrity so trust if you think about it what's trust if I'm child is nine months in its mother's womb that child is a trusting child in that womb because it's been consistent that's what Trust is about consistency and my needs were met and it was even done selflessly because the child doesn't give back much to her mother in the nine months and the same thing later when children when parents are there for the children and they nurture them what you're doing which basically the message is you matter you're valuable enough for me to give you might I'm you they it's it builds cough it's validating it builds self-confidence and it builds that sense of belonging take that away and that child will feel only a void there will be a vacuum so the key to all of this therefore is to find people that you can trust so you say well that's easier said than done I know that I understand that quite well there's a lot of people out there but here's what you have to think to yourself you have what it takes to be a good friend yourself because remember if you can't if you can't be trusted why would you be able to trust somebody else so many times what happens is we deprive people from giving trusting us because whatever reason we have all our defenses up and many people want to have is one way street they want I want you be able to trust you but I don't know if I can give you the same level of confidence you know you have this all the time especially you find this in dating and relationships control games when one person wants the other person to be vulnerable but they're not ready to be vulnerable yeah you've had that right so the point therefore is that we have to that's that's why I'm not suggesting all it's easy but I will say the fact that you know that you have it in you that you should not think and you're inadequate you're not capable of connecting and your own capable of loving is absolutely false because I told you we all are children wants that is a fact we were all in the womb of our mothers it doesn't make a difference what kind of mother you have you were there so you have in your DNA embedded in you in your DNA in your genes connective tools the connective tools connective energy harmony unity so it's a matter of building confidence in your own self and then finally people you can talk to in that regard I can tell you in my life thank God I mean I guess I grew up a nurturing environment that people that nurture very nurturing I also had people who deliberately went out of their way to be nurturing and they went against the grain my great teacher the Reber of not Mendel Schneerson where this whole life was dedicated to go against the tide of people me me me me and it's all about self-preservation and self-interest to demonstrate no it's not about that he could stand eight hours and just give people charity give people a dollar just give give give so when you see things like that you build up your own self-confidence that you know we have what to give we're not just takers and not buy into the myth of this world's perception that if you're not gonna go for it if you're gonna be a taker no one's gonna give it to you I understand we need to protect ourselves especially from predators but you really want to find the environment where you can be a giver not a taker you know the guy that what Joe goes to the guy was fell out of a boat and he's by drowning and the friends come over with and they come to they they they hear him yelling help help so they come up with a rowboat near him they say John give me your hand no he won't give it John give me your hand you're drowning No so the guy says you know John John does not know how to give you only knows how to take so the guy says John take my hand and you right away stretched out his hands you know some people just know how to be takers even if I'm their own expense so giving is what we really learn to do because your life began with someone giving to you giving to you life giving you a nurturing give you that womb-like experience and any other nurturing so we are natural much more natural givers and takers but we becau enter into a world where we become takers because everyone around us is taking you say enough is enough I don't want to be this little this like full you know everybody's running to the cookie jar so why shouldn't I and then you suddenly feel like a sucker everybody else is being selfish so you become a shark like everyone else but never lose sight I understand that places environments we got to really be protecting yourself but don't ever think that's you that's an unnatural state if it being there altogether name not be healthy but some people have no choice do to that's the way their livelihood is and so on you know I've heard from enough lawyers who dropped out of law because of this reason they went in naively thinking they're looking for justice and truth when they find out this most corrupt industry and it becomes very much all about doing whatever it takes ethically unethically and they basically want like one lawyer told me I'm essentially a legal thief that's what I am I do it by the law I know the laws I know how to do it by law but essentially that's my goal is to be a thief is to try to get whatever I can get for my client and for myself and but whatever it takes I you know if I'm I won't break the law because that's my you know that's my guide but that because I had trust respect the law because that's the rules of the game you know every game has rules I mean this is the more cynical version obviously and I'm not suggesting that there are lawyers that are very noble and beautiful everyone could be arrogant and can be humble my point is it's easy to get caught up and Bend and then you're told I mean how many people have told me in the world of finance they said my I don't have any best friends anymore we mean my best friends we came out of school we went into these different different goldman sachs or whatever was and you know the beginning were like real comments and then essentially our superiors make us compete against each other and then it comes to a point you want the raise you want you want a promotion you're basically fighting with your best friend then suddenly be we become at each other's throats and yes we're under being not maybe even enemies or thesis adversaries adversaries adversaries who is confused so why because money and capitalism and materialism by definition separates us and spirituality who connects us never forget that we do live in a material world and it's part of the plan is that we should bring this sense of connectedness into the material world that's the real accomplishments but never see materialism on its own as a divider it's a separator your food and my food can sustain both of us if I give you something physically you and I'll have less of it but love and soulfulness and spirituality is that it's not measured like in that way so I can give you love it doesn't mean I have less it's like lighting a flame can light another flame without the first flame being diminished so we have to find those in our lives that are not they're more ethereal the ethereal values that we all cherish whether it's love connection truth truth so God you know the things that are eternal and are transcendent and not defined by our needs we have our needs and an interesting way the Mystics like to put it this way that we are sent to a material world that is all about devices in order to introduce unity and connection in the disconnected world so if you think of it that way in a sense technology is a great example technology has connected a disconnected world become a global village however the final frontier is not the technologies that us that we should be connected as I said before you could have technology and then we get mostly and personally disconnected so the goal is can we achieve what we have to achieve is use all our gifts and be more connected you know talk about technology there's very many ways that you can use technology the most beautiful way you can reach somebody today with a warm thought with an emotional feeling it's a message of hope across the world you can do something to reach millions of people you don't have to travel there so technology is just a tool in our tool chests it also can be used to make a gentler and kinder world if we have our eyes focused on the purpose and that is connection so it's not this connection that defines our lives this connection that is the real definition the real essence of who we are and is the disconnection that is the world were thrust in with the objective of us not getting succumbing not succumbing to that disconnected universe and becoming ourselves agents of disconnection you know coming we ourselves become part of the problem but to be part of the solution the solution means that wherever you go you bring a little unity into the picture a little connection I feel honored and blessed my life meaningful life Center the work I do is I really feel that way wherever I go I feel that my role is to connect a few things maybe connect to people maybe connect someone to their own inner aspirations to create the little tie knots tie the I think I shared the story a number of times I remember a number of years ago in this class it was a a couple not married couple they were dating each other for many years and they would came to the class and after the class they both approached me and the woman says it's a permission from my boyfriend what we're dating for years and years were really connected and he just refuses to get married and why don't we do you know why don't we just get married we're ready together we're exclusive with each other you know it's not like holding our options open and I asked the guy said what's the story he said no it doesn't he loves the woman it's not like he's thinking or maybe something you know they've seen enough of each other they know each other well so I said you know what why don't we make time you and I me man-to-man we'll talk about this so fine and he was open to discussing it he wasn't like resisting to say no what do we need to get married we're together who needs marriage that was not as a position so we met I remember we met a Grand Army Plaza in the Brooklyn Public Library and it broke a museum a beautiful area there I live in that far from there and Crown Heights I know there's Prospect Park Botanical Gardens that's hot place these days I don't just mean happy weather-wise I mean you know hot spots and we have a conversation and I was you know exploring all the usual suspects as they say maybe parents that the divorce may be ugly past relationships who knows you know maybe he's hurt and went through everything nothing the whole checklist didn't seem to fit him you know there's the usual reasons why somebody's afraid of commitment or whatever okay you're not talking talking and sometimes things are merged and there's only something struck me I said some you know I don't think your problem is with marriage I think your promise with commitment with everything I'd like to know that you committed to anything in this world you know completely committed life and death I don't die for it physically but I mean that it's not optional or arbitrary you said you know you're right it's true I don't think I have one thing I can point to that I must do so I said I think that's the issue you've never found you don't have that attitude you don't have an attitude of being there all the way it's not like you dislike her you don't want to be married because you are with her and you're committed but you don't want to like lock it so seal the deal and he agreed with me says okay but what do you do about it and then suddenly out of the blue he turns to me and says to me let me ask you out hi you committed what are you committed to now he was like it wasn't being it wasn't being obnoxious he was just like you know just in the conversation went didn't know give me an example and he didn't just mean with my family and with my children or whatever you know on a deeper level and I don't know you know sometimes you have these and I believe in these natural conversations was not no script I just viscerally from my gut responded the following I said something which I never thought I would say completely out of the blue and I said it was like a a memory I had like a memory like a flashback to my childhood I said Tim you know when I was a little child I was like six seven years old so I may be 15 20 blocks from the school and sometimes we have it we'd have a school bus but I used to like to walk in the rain most people don't like to walk in the rain I like to walk in the rain maybe that age everybody likes about it oh I like to walk in the rain and not say why I like walking right now because it was raining I liked I had this little quirk my little secret I never told anybody I used to walk at the edge of the curb and where the water would flow you know as the rain with God the water would flow to the sewers to the corner sewers and I had this little quirk I felt like this pleasure there's the pleasure of like unblocking the dam of twigs or a little dirt or paper that would block the flow of the water I just like to like clear it up not completely just to open up if it was a black you know sometimes the water starts building up I know it sounds ridiculous I'm not insane I'm just bear with me okay and I just like the idea of like being able to open up so the water could run through like you know like unclogging the pipe so to speak and I said you know something till Tuesday I have the same pleasure I don't do it anymore on the streets and the curbs but I have this profound inner sense of satisfaction when I meet someone and they talk to me about their lives and I may be able to unclog a block you know blind spot a fear and inhibition you know just be able to see themselves in a more honest way a deeper way and I realize exactly what I was when I was six years old except then it was water running through clogs you know clogged up with a curb and now it's more psychological and emotional anyway this fellow started to cry he said that I never that's so beautiful that's because I because I his question I knew was coming naturally want me commitment committed to my job I'm committed to my people I love I'm committed to my Judaism whatever he wanted and and and and I said something that really to me that like was this he said I would wish I could have something of that nature well tell you the end of the story today they're happily married with children I meet them I just met them a few sure I met them a few months ago and meet them at a wedding yeah and I you know I just smile flies I didn't even bring it up but I know he would have no problem but they worked it out and he did he found he found his calling in life and that obviously opened the door first commit it wasn't the marriage it wasn't her at all it was about his own tentativeness in life not having you know I've been pretty much alone and not having something he really was ready to fight for so thank God happy ending the point I want to make is that that is that that so I've been blessed to feel like I feel I've made some connections and I want to say this to all of you I think one of the greatest gifts in life maybe the greatest is the intersections of intersections the connections made tomorrow you may be sitting in a commute and you say it's a kind word to a complete stranger or you send an email like you make a little email list of your group and send a nice thought you never know the person just maybe the right thing that you said you may connection above all you've countering you got your countering the disconnected universe in which we live and even though you could say what's one connection compared to seven billion people and all that that doesn't work that way it's a qualitative thing connections breathe connections and disconnections unfortunately breathe disconnections every time you make that little touch you bring a smile to someone's face a kind compassionate thing never underestimate you've made a connection to things were disconnected and you connected something and that can have a ripple effect ways we are very hard to imagine I've seen it try that you'll be surprised sometimes you'll see the results sometimes you won't but it has absolute effect I remember I was once northern Minnesota for a weekend retreat the Canadian must sell the border I think and a guy the guy that was that like the host lived there it's a very cold region he said I want to show you something and I gave a talk about how little action can change create major reaction major like a butterfly effect you know butterfly flaps its wings in Kansas and create can create a typhoon in a single port something like that she said I want to show you something and he drove he took me like a 10-minute drive and we come to that place where there's a brook a brook of water a little Brook the point is a place that's literally like a trickling stream it's not even a white brook it's just a little stream that you can literally he says I want to show you something he says he took a rock and he put it in the stream and blocked the water and the water starts building up you know it's like a dam he says me if I can keep the holding like this and stop the water the Mississippi will dry up the whole big Mississippi River which is a Matt you know tremendous River is all getting its water from this trickle right here obviously the trickle is carrying water from other places so you never know you may think it's a little trickle big thing yeah but but that one block obviously you can't really stop the water's gonna build up and is gonna break through any dam my point however is I was very amazed he says sometimes the biggest things you see they start with one drop somewhere everything starts with one step that was we always say but we always are amazed by the results you know the Wright brothers they discovered air for air travel and now we have all these airports we see the results but we don't see all the failures and all the mistakes and all the naysayers that said you'll never fly you know etc so it's vital to know that we have in our power in the words of my mana T's we have to look at the world as if like on scale we're good the good and the bad are equal yes and one good deeds one good connection one good act tips the scale that's the tipping point and never think in terms of I know what am I gonna do anyway there was they say the story we're guys were walking on on the beach and he's throwing the clams that were wiped were washed on the shore he was throwing them back in so they shouldn't die so a guy's system you know he clams around the beach there millions of them what what difference does it make she says so this clan makes a difference and it's not a question of numbers so I want to conclude and say you know bless you and also suggest think in those terms your life can change you want love in your life give love find places to give find places to connect don't always wait til someone will connect with me then I'll call them back now obviously you have to choose and pick correctly you want to have people that are health in your lives you don't want predators and people to take advantage so fine so you need to have this question but I guarantee you if you put your mind to it and you set your mind and you have that attitude you'll be able to identify such people and most importantly I'm sure if I buy by process of elimination we definitely can easily identify takers those are the easy ones to identify people or parasites and looking always to take something so you have to find people that are not like that and there are good people and if we all do our little parts we can achieve not just for others but those connections make us more connected you know when who told me it was a little girl who said to her pregnant mother mommy how do you have room inside yourself for another human being and I thought to myself wow you know men don't even have room for people outside their being and here a woman nine months it's not just some a little closet in her body where the babies is you know stored her hope Dean I can't even imagine her whole beam from head to toe what's change physiologically emotionally and every person it's like a it's like a creature growing inside of you you imagine men they say if men we had to be pregnant they would have no children you know I think the only species huh it's only because then they're after that they yeah but the specie there's one species by the way that the male does carry it's horse fish did you know that my grandmother told this to me when I was like 10 years old and I took the last true horse efficient are the males are the carriers either yeah go figure I don't know what to tell you that's what it says that's the fact that it's not my so you could say what saying what makes the male maybe that's the female I guess they have male organs that's the key points here and I just a piece of trivia I don't know what lessons we can learn from the horse fish of course results are very tiny I don't know if you're really tiny yeah okay there you go your horse fish expert yeah so my friends it's an honor to be able to connect with you and I hope you connect with me and connection is our natural state state of inner integral and inner unity today physics modern science quantum mechanics all testified to the integral unity they all talk about about it's all connected in ways that are very mysterious we don't fully understand it but it's definitely not a fragmented universe it's really all connected the whole science the whole I'm sorry the old technology communications computers that and a little thing like this you can have so much power in a microchip is because fundamentally there's connecting forces especially on a quantum level so it's all around us the thing that's missing is our human and the human the X Factor is the human being and that requires a deliberate and and effort it doesn't happen on its own it's an effort you make whether it's tonight or tomorrow that is what changes things and it sometimes uphill because we live in a world as I said dog-eat-dog is a very hostile world in many ways especially when it comes to money excuse me a competition and the chase and the hunt these things are all dividers and that's they're not connectors but don't be deceived underneath it all lies the most the most powerful force in us is the connecting part and just a matter of your not succumbing to become part of the problem but to be part of the solution thank you so much and we continue this journey every week I will say there will be a class next Wednesday but the following Wednesday after that will be in Israel please God so I'll announce that well still I'll still do a class but it'll be only online maybe I'll broadcast it from the Holy Land and but it's an honor to see you all hundred to meet you all and those online stay in touch friend us like us whatever all the different connecting tools that we have but maybe send a nice kind note to me I think I need a little nurturing how's that okay everyone very well be well and a blessed week - thank you you know I forgot to press the Facebook live
Channel: Rabbi Simon Jacobson at Meaningful Life Center
Views: 9,394
Rating: 4.8873239 out of 5
Keywords: rabbi simon jacobson, kabbalah, chassidus, listless, lost, disconnected, connection, plugged in, unity, integration, harmony
Id: Sx8e6VGZ08M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 54sec (4674 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2017
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