How to Fall Asleep: Insights from Kabbalah

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welcome everyone Simon Jacobson here the topic is how to fall asleep insights from Kabbalah it was several months ago that someone posed this question to me and actually it made me smile inside someone has approached me after one of my programs one of my classes and said I have very difficulty I find it very difficult to fall asleep at night all my fears come up i've phobias concerns maybe you have some advice some insight maybe with some mystical or Kabbalistic insight of how help me fall asleep so I remember thinking to myself I didn't say anything I thought to myself many people are looking at how to become more cognizant to be more awake how to be more aware how to heighten their consciousness and here the cell was looking how to fall asleep and I thought about it metaphorically that maybe we have to look for ways to be more awake not more asleep but he was really serious and I in no way dismissed of courses requests I'm just my own processing and then I came to realize actually you know something he may be concerned with simply falling asleep or not and just the physical matter of sleep but there's something profound about that concept sleep is very much part of our reality estimates are that we sleep the third of our lives if you sleep eight eight hours a night that's a third of the day days 24 hours if you sleep a little less little less than a third it's a serious part of our lives is sleep and it's not at our choice it's not because we're lazy or because we're numb or because we have nothing to do it's part of human nature it's part of our biology and the broader sense as part of all of nature the entire world goes through asleep if you think of the summer ending and the autumn beginning and the leaves begin to fall and then winter this the trees go to sleep so seasons themselves are form of sleep now sleep doesn't mean God forbid death it means a certain type of hibernation type of lowering the temperature literally and metaphorically and the way a regeneration which is what happens a good night's sleep and you wake up in the morning fresh new so when you think about it sleep is very much part of being awake and perhaps it can teach us things that's what I was thinking it can teach us things about actually becoming more awake and more cognizant because if sleep is indeed necessary for us to be fresh and renewed and recharged and rejuvenated then it must carry some secrets of life itself secrets of how we stay away because if you don't sleep you can't be awake so I thank them actually I said you know your question is me some thought that I'm on talked about this in one of the future flag programs that I give on a weekly basis and here we are I will also of course share what I told them as far as suggestions go and there are some interesting Kabbalistic suggestions believe it or not but before we get to that we have to understand what sleep is the very nature of sleep it reminds me of this joke this fellow couldn't sleep at night and he was having these nightmares that under his bed there are demons every time he would peek under the bed there was no demons but then as soon as it lie back in bed he was concerned and demons snuck back in and of course this catch-22 situation so his whole night was concerned is there a demon or not a demon under his bed decided finally you know I'll go to a psychiatrist maybe something the matter with me cause the psychiatrist top recommend the psychiatrist to pay top dollar and he sees them in the psyche I just said look that we may have to explore this go back to your childhood your different phobias your fears your insecurities and we'll work on it so there's a psychotherapist so this began a process every week you come once a week $400 a session okay well it wasn't cheap but the guy couldn't sleep at night he was having these restless nights and therefore we could miss dad were very miserable well every week he would go and be on the couch and he would share and this psychiatrist is listening to him I was childhood about his traumas his experiences his failures fears months and months pass nothing's changing Rosh Hashanah is coming the holiday season the rabbi comes to this individual who was a one of the members in the synagogue as well as a donor says you know the new year perhaps you want to renew your pledge with an addition this year rabbi this year I cannot because I spent a lot of money on therapy and psychiatry I just don't have any money left he says what did you go to second eyes just for said told him I can't sleep at night demons under my bed the rabbi gives him a piece of advice and you know what after that beautiful his sleep peaceful restful he meets the second and of course he doesn't go back to the psychiatry meets the psychiatrist a few months later he says what happens you want you stuck why'd you stop coming he says I solved the issue my rabbi gave me advice it was free what I have to come to you every week pay such money and now the resolution what did you rabbi tell you what was his advice he said he told me to cut off the legs of my bed the bed had legs so there was room for a demon now there's no realize there's no way a demon can be under my bed so sometimes the solutions are quite simple like they say the trick is just turn the knob that's how you get into the door into the house excuse me now this is not meant to dismiss people have true fears it means that sometimes a solution is in our heads and we can convince ourselves that no demon is possible cut off the legs you have your solution we'll address this more as we go on I thought it just came to mind thinking about sleep and the difficult did we have sleep and many people say yes I sleep difficulty I have nightmares I find that I'm very restless I wake up quickly every sound it's hard for me to fall asleep take a sleeping pill everybody's got their tricks but let's go back to the question what is sleep and it is a mystery it is a secret with all the research and all the science we still don't really know what sleep is entirely and what actually happens so what I will present here is a mystical Talmudic approach to sleep as sleep is described in a very beautiful and eloquent poetic Madras Madras is one of the Talmudic parables so to speak and it describes sleep in the following way that the soul returns to its wellspring to retrieve and refresh itself with fresh water at night that's the expression let's analyze that which means the following while we're awake so of course I'm talking about in a healthy circumstance your soul is energizing your body all your fact with faculties are functioning your mind is working your heart is beating the faculties you're aware you're cognizant we go to sleep we go into some type of state what kind of state is it the main organs and the vital organs continue to function your heart beats your mind is working but you're not quite cognizant so everything goes into a form of a slumber the flame goes lower so functionality is there but not any type of growth any type of higher faculties are not function you cannot concentrate an idea you can't focus on a feeling so the body is can seeming to function but there's a whole dimension of energy that's not entering it's like just like when you say the computer goes to sleep which of course is comparing it to our sleep what it means a computer goes to sleep that the screen perhaps shuts off it's using the minimal amount of energy and it's like resting but it's only rustic so sleep is a lower form of performance lower form of energy but how do we translate that in so-called more we'll call it more spiritual terms that the energy flowing the electricity flowing from the spirit or the soul and mind you this is not a religious concept this is whatever you want to call the soul but the source of electricity that gives life that energizes life that distinguishes between death and life whereas death would be a corpse a body without that energy force vilifying and energizing the body and life is when the energy is flowing through properly so sleep is obviously not death god forbid but what's happening that energy flow is at minimal giving the vesting the least amount of energy energy week sometimes called low energy level when we like put our phones and say you know minimal energy to save the battery just to use examples so the flow is still there the basic functions are there you could wake up and be revived but while the sleep is happening there's a part of our soul a part of our energy that is no longer or as I say it presently not active so where does it go and we don't mean necessary physically where it goes where does it go so it'd be the equivalent of returning to the power source to the engine room to get energy that's what that mattress is saying it's reviving it's getting its renewing its energy the energy that was expended throughout the day so the body is asleep it's getting its minimal amount of energy to keep alive I mean while that energy flow is going back to the energy source the power source to be Ritu we Juvonen itself from that fountain wellspring and then it can come back it's like you let's see you drank water you ran out of water what do you have to do you have to go back to the reservoir and there you draw the water new water now you can function for a certain period of time until you need to be recharged yet again so that's not a very basic level but there's something more going on here because you can ask the question the energy itself doesn't need to be revived the energy is always energy but remember the energy is now invested and engaging with the body and with this physical world so the energy needs more energy to give more energy into the body just like an appliance just like anything is Allah is energized by electricity the electricity runs out not the source but the way the amount that was here so you have to go back to that source and revive and renew but there's something deeper that's going on as well in the process of sleep because the body is now in a Commerce State than a restful state so you can not use besides the fact that new energy is gonna be given the body can also now so-called relax and allow itself to be revived so it's not just no energies coming in it's like after you've worked hard or during the day you just relax that relaxation allows yourself to renew the energy so two things are happening the energy is being renewed from the source and the body is at peaceful state so it can be ready to receive new energy and the body was still going at 90 miles an hour even if you're getting new energy it will not be possible just like you can't refill your tank without stopping the car so there's a pause that takes place so both things are part of the rejuvenation process that's in a very basic level but when you go a little deeper you have to really get into the matters what defines life and death itself what happens upon birth so to simplify it you have to say the electricity enters into the body at the moment of conception it begins developing the seed the egg that's fertilized by the by the sperm begins to develop the cells split again and again again a fetus develops into an embryo and finally into a child newborn child which will become an independent life after nine months of gestation of pregnancy and begin its development and growth process as it should we turn from children into adults at the moment of conception something happens not just a seaters fertilized not just the egg is fertilized by the seed but what happens also is there's some form of electricity is created out of it something took hold a soul has entered and that soul will now become part of and grow together with the body the body becomes a full-blown body meaning throughout the pregnancy and now the soul and the body are one but because they come from two different entities two different realities one is energy and one is a container to use the Kabbalistic expression of aura and kahlan energy and container the body being the container their soul being the energy so now they need to have that renewal if they don't have the renewal what will happen is the body will break down and the soul will become weary because it will spend expend and run and dry be drained of energy so that's why sleep comes into play because sleep is an opportunity for the soul to return to its source receive that energy for the body to rest up after a long days of work a long day of being awake and then they can rejoin in the fullest sense of the words in the morning and then we have a new day a new fresh day that's essentially the elements but there's a fascinating concept called rut science truth I've talked about this and that means tension and resolution or you can say to and fro running and returning if the concept that for every type of power energy you always need to have two poles positive and negative I mention tension and resolution think of the hearts contraction and expansion the breaths exhaling and inhaling it's a process that allows fresh energy to enter and the release of the toxins of the previous energy that was expended so breath you breathe in fresh air the lungs breathe it in its oxidized enters into the blood but then the carbon monoxide that is part of it is expelled through the exhaling and that way we keep constantly a flow of fresh life but think of it even more so as being an ability to constantly look for something greater something new integrated internalize it and then release the toxins and release the expel the extras and the waste and then get new fresh air so the simple analogy is like let's say in any form of growth true growth think of it the students and a teacher the teacher teaches a new idea to a students so the students this is new to bid over their heads but then they internalize it something remains above them and then they're ready for more and as not just ready for more of the same they're perhaps ready to grow now that the containers expanded I can reach they'll get a little more energy a little more light a little more intelligence any form of growth works that way you receive something that's beyond you you internalize it and then you come back for more and that's how you climb the ladder so the real process of the to-and-fro process of this heart contraction breathing and as we'll speak in a moment sleep and awake is not just you're going to sleep and you're getting refreshed and now you're like you were like you were yesterday yesterday morning now every day the energy of the soul is getting more energy and therefore you are spiritually growing each day but if we just work in us in a one flow we wouldn't be able to internalize it if the student would constantly be the teacher constantly could have streamed him for information and student never had respite and ability to pause and rest and internalize and process would be overwhelmed so the key is this balance think of raindrops the rain is a beautiful gift and a blessing but if it comes down as a as a flood it will they lose the fields and drown them flood the fields and it's just as destructive as a drought the beauty is asked to come paste spoon-fed so you get some energy it enters you then you release that energy and as you do you get a higher form of energy and that's how we grow that's how our containers get expanded as new energy keeps entering so it is an energy container experience soul and body but it's not just keep on going back to square one each day is meant to be a new form of energy now that I think of that then so sleep then besides the fact that it allows your soul allows your your energy source to rejuvenate your soul which in turn will rejuvenate your body the energy from the source will then enter into the container something else happens it always bringing some new energy that was not there the night before so sleep therefore contains unbelievable power when we think of being awake can being conscious yes that's an important thing to be aware that I mentioned before higher consciousness but the key thing is also to be able to contain and sustain and grow in that concept so if you think of it that way sleep is not an end in itself it's a process that allows us to grow and the journey you're running a marathon you can't run all the time there has to be pauses moments of rest and respite but you're not resting in order to rest you're resting in order to regain energy and we reconnect regain energy so you can run even further think of it like stepping back in order to thrust forward so sleep becomes a critical component in the journey of life of the ability for mortal human beings like us to grow greater and greater and greater if we never slept hypothetically we would slowly become drained and we would have no moment I'll be able to be rejuvenated so sleep offers us that opportunity the opportunity to internalize energy to rest in order for the soul to reserve I've and to receive more energy and then pass it on to the body so to speak as it re-enters now when I say re-enters let's make it clear doesn't reinter in the full sense of the word because as I said sleep does not mean the cessation God for a bit of life it just means that the energy that is necessary is like automatic pilot goes into automatic power so the soul is leaving enough for the body to survive and meanwhile it can go back to the original place to really really rejuvenate itself and regenerate and regain new energies that it can then bring into the body I've talked about this topic this is a book that came out a few years ago called the power of habit that how does habit how do our habits developed which also explains why it's so difficult to break a habit because the mind is brilliant the mind recognizes things we do repeatedly and after a while the mind says why do I have to invest energy in a repeated thing I'll write a macro an algorithm if you wish so you know in the morning you don't have to think about every step of the way you wake up in the morning you wash your face you shower you breakfast I'm sorry you brush your teeth without even thinking sometimes you ask yourself did I do it what happens the mind is saying let me reserve my energy for doing far greater things for immersing myself and exerting myself in developing new ideas why use so much brain energy for things that are habits and it watches us the mind recognizes you we're doing something again and again and basically it says you know what here the program I'm just gonna write this program and it goes automatic you wake up you just have your regimen that's how habits develop that's how habits are formed that's why it's so hard to break because once that algorithm was written once you are going through the steps basically brainlessly is now you say I want to stop something they start so simple you have to retrain the mind to re-enter and say okay no what we're gonna now invest energy to stop this algorithm this macro and that takes a lot of work it's not possible it's not impossible but it takes work so the same idea we see this everywhere in nature whenever an energy is seemingly whenever something becomes rote or mechanical or other forms where you want to preserve energy energy will understand that it has to reserve itself and give the minimal another example is not a positive example is hypothermia when children especially because of their body weight and different challenges that they may have and balances fall under and under ice in freezing cold water so now we know there's a hypothermic state that the body goes into once upon a time it was confused with death all the bodily functions all the vital organs stopped working and people thought this child was dead until they realize no the body is going into a shock to the point not just regular shock to the point that shuts down old energy just to preserve the minimum which was hard to discern maybe impossible to discern in order to preserve life that's what and generally that's what a body does the immune system does that when there's an attack on the body it will preserve energy which may cause this is why by infections as the fighting of the white blood cells against the germ so causes all kinds of symptoms but it's all in order to give us energy to preserve energy and save energy which is why the body will go into this type of state in order to save the life so in sleep not quite extreme it's the same idea the body the soul goes into the center into this low energy form giving them minimal so there's functionality but in order for it to be able to return return that the spatial sense of it conceptually to its fountain its power source and rejuvenate itself and then it can rejuvenate the body as well now what are the implications of this the implications of this are very straightforward sleep is a tremendous opportunity for renewal because everything shuts down so you're not immersed and whatever anxieties and concerns and even positive things you had you were doing through the day it's a moment of real peace the body resting and the soul rejuvenating that's what sleep is so tremendous opportunity if we use it well will soon be speaking about how we going to how do we fall asleep properly how do we enter the sleep but if once we have to but we first have to understand sleep is not just some necessary evil or some thing we you have we can't avoid it's actually an opportunity it's an opportunity for renewal and that's why you'll find the Mystics explain that this energy is always going through a renewal on a daily basis and a weekly basis on a monthly basis on an annual basis that everything turns in a comatose state in order to be renewed look at the moon the moon is a physical example of this it wane waxes and wanes to the point of extinction you don't see anymore the new moon is invisible only to be reborn again and that is symbolic of this concept that renewal is only possible if there is a state of sleep in the classic words of Jonathan when he tells David who was being pursued by his father Saul he says Ben if Kentucky Pacha's Mashav ephra tomorrow will be a party the newborn party the new moon party which was there in a monthly basis and you will not be sitting there so you will be remembered because your seat was empty sometimes when we see the seat is filled we forget we take it for granted renewal happens when there's a certain absence it's like the vacuum draws that new powerful energy what I mentioned before the step back creates a thrust forward so this concept is there in every possible way sleep is stepping back in order to step much form more forward so it's a tremendous opportunity when used properly but we have to know how to go to sleep and we don't have to know how to awake which we'll talk about shortly that is why during sleep you can actually resolve issues and things could happen to you that are very very refreshing and rejuvenating or the opposite it can become a haunting night as an extension of the day so that all comes down to how you enter the sleep talk about dreams so the talmud says that person dreams at night what they think about by day so nobody if you carry your day in a way and you have negative thoughts during the day it's going to affect your sleep if you have positive thoughts it will affect your sleep for the better why because it's one long process as I said there's two steps in the process awakening awake awake being awake sleep and Rianne awakening in the morning again so we understand sleep as part of a spiritual process if you could have wish our spiritual respite spiritual pause in order to gain even deeper spiritual insight and deeper spiritual energy then it's a whole different take on sleep sleepers of sacred sacred moments now many of us sleep is an escape I can't wait to go to sleep if I'm to stay asleep I don't want to be numbed I don't want to hear what's happening that's when we you sleep in a way of escape what I'm talking about is asleep that's a form of an rejuvenation not escape so with that said then how does one really go to sleep well in a very practical level not with a newspaper on your notes and not with the television on because then you bring the day into your night you want to prepare yourself both body and soul to a true rejuvenating experience what do you do when you want to prepare for rejuvenation go to a spa go to these very high-end powerful healing places retreats spas and so on one of the things they tell you is you have to cleanse yourself don't bring your past don't bring your whole anxiety obviously you bring everything that you are but you want it like almost free yourself the first step is create space free yourself so sleep is a mini spa about in the literal sense as well because we're going back to the fountain so how do you prepare yourself you can't go into a relaxing situation with all your lack of relaxation because then it'll just contaminate and not be able to relax so first thing the relaxing is step back take a breath in prepare yourself that's how we have to go to sleep in a certain way of preparing ourselves and there are steps which we'll be talking about in a moment but the idea is to set your mind you're going to sleep going into a certain state where your body will be resting your soul will be rejuvenating meanwhile the functionality will continue and you prepare yourself for this so-called rejuvenating spa which is sleep so how do we prepare ourselves first things you want to create space in the boundary between the day and the sleep you don't want to bring it all in fall asleep with all those anxieties so reading something spiritual spiritual poem saying a prayer speaking about things with yourself or with your loved one that are intimate that are loving and nurturing pray creating that type of space don't allow not allowing the day's activities and events the news other people's interests whether it's being streamed to you by your phone or other ways to control your entry into this spa this nightly spa the mystics and the Kabbalists talked about as well as the Tom others talk about taking an accounting at the end of the day saying an evening prayer before sleep the Sh'ma is called the Shema before sleep literally called Kriya Sh'ma allah meter reading of the Shema on your bed meaning before sleep what do you folks sing on unity divine unity transcendent forces and you give an account you take an account in taking stock of your day what you accomplished what do you want to accomplish especially in the areas of your spiritual growth of your moral behavior of your values we're not talking about business goals right I'll talk about mundane pedestrian concerns all this is part of preparing now how much to prepare everybody in their own way so you can't just expect to enter this place of the spa without preparing if you really want to benefit most of it or else what you're doing is you're causing your sleep to just be an extension of your anxious day there's that final prayer beautiful your Kafka drew key in your hands I entrust my spirit it's about trust it's about surrender to beautiful things to something greater than you are it's recognizing the mystery and secrets the mystery of sleep as being a place where your soul goes back to its power source think about that and you're ready to allow it to go back and to return to you with new energy you can even say with a new mission with a new directive with a new goal with new goals that's how you prepare in one of the Kabbalistic works from their emotional cordovero 16th century great mystic from swat a contemporary of the holy Ariza of Isaac Luria so he writes that one of the methods to go to sleep is to think about water running water it's actually an advice that he gives so people have difficulty sleeping I know people talk about counting sheep running water and he talks about the fact that when you visualize something it actually creates a mood create it changes something visualizing running water now it doesn't directly connect it but think about what I spoke about earlier the Wellsprings the fountain what you're visualizing is running water running water is well it's easiest visualizations of renewing energy what is running water it's running from a source wherever it's running to and it's a flow it's not stand it's not still water it's flow so think about that before you go to sleep running water and visualize as you see fit but there are many metaphors of it perhaps the water is this flow of the souls energy going back to its source and then entering into the body perhaps is the flow of the divine energy entering into the soul maybe all the above however you whatever works for you and that's what I advise that individual and I set them let me know how it goes I didn't give them the whole elaboration that we spoke about here but I shared that thing with the flowing of water and also the preparation and lo and behold he did tell me a little while later he said it really worked you don't think about it seems so simple but you don't think about it because your day takes over your habits take over your routines as I mentioned pausing and just allow yourself to think of yourself differently that already is a achieved because you're not a creature of habit you're not stuck by your past you can revive renew and sleep is right there for you that's doing it for you you don't even have to prepare for that meaning the sleep itself you have to prepare the mood the environment and there's nothing wrong to create in your bedroom an environment whether it's aroma whether it's music but it should all be peaceful it should all become because that's what's conducive just like water running and you'll be surprised what happens next what happens next is your sleep takes over and it's not a sleep controlled by the day it's controlled now by the inner devices of your psyche and your spirit the inner devices that go back to the fountain refresh themselves in order to refresh you in the body so when you do wake up it's a whole new experience now because sleep was not just a escape it wasn't just okay let me just I'm so exhausted and tired and fatigued let me just I just collapsed it actually becomes a force of renewal a force of rejuvenation and yes like the moon you become renewed and you wake up in the morning and what's to be the first thing you're doing exactly we ended the night before not jump into your workday say that short prayer that we've talked about many times modani I thank you I offer gratitude for returning my soul to me for renewing my contract my mission in life for renewing my soul renewing the energy in a renewed way find other words if they work for you but the key is that the bookmarks of your life before you go to sleep and waking up should both be controlled by the spiritual flow from the fountain into the body from the fountain into the soul into the body and therefore seeing yourself as energy and container and that's a story energy in container and it's up to you to keep that flow going like the blood flow contraction expansion awake asleep awake again and every day is a new day as one of the great cause Sinemet it's actually my paternal grandfather that you think about that tomorrow should be a little better than today and just like the Sun rises you rise afresh and anew everything has been renewed it's a powerful way of seeing yourself and taking control of your life because again we get stuck in our routines and routine you know I've got to sleep I went to sleep I woke up you think it's just okay every day it happens but it's an extraordinary experience that we see as ordinary extraordinary daily literally daily experience that is imposed on us whether we like it or not we have to go to sleep at some point so why do it in a forced way do it in a beautiful way of seeing that as the flow the navigation of life the navigation of the rhythms of life because if you think about it that's exactly what it is like the waves like the waves you're not just going forward there's there's the forward thrust there's being awake then there's the sleep which is a quieter state repose pausing allowing yourself to be carried and then renew the river revived and rejuvenated to begin anew that's the true alignment of life and on the cosmic level the capitalists explain is also synth as I said before rod says should the energy flows and returns returns this it every it yearns and pines for its source and then it returns again back and forth contraction expansion rot say it runs and returns tension resolution exhale inhale and that's the process of all life force all life force works that way it's never just a flow it's a flow that has two sides to it that pushes it forward the positive the negative there is a restraint or the resolution and the tension the tension means a resolution resolution brings the tension and that's how life works when a person can align themselves and navigate those of assistance and those rhythms then you're in a healthy place you look at a cardiogram perfect wave healthy cardiogram it's a perfect wave there are valleys and peaks but they're balanced if the valleys are too deep or the peaks are too high that's an in that's an that's a irregular rhythm you want that rhythm you don't want a flat line you don't want just peaks you know one just values you want the perfect balance and a life that's about looking at everything there are times where you move forward there are times where you pause you collect yourself recalibrate yourself in business there are times when things are not necessarily that profitable or so growth you go back you take stock you reorganize it's a great opportunity to evaluating and then you're ready to move forward to the next step this is the process so sleep is a tremendous asset in our lives and very much reflects on the cosmic level the sleep was called in the zone and the language of the Czar der mitte a form of slumber or sleep that's always necessary before you go to the next level of growth sometimes the expression is a state of being a state of vacuum in order to get to another state of being a seed rots in the ground in order to grow into a sapling we all go through all creativity follows frustration so you're clear about something then you get all confused as it prepares you to transition to learn something new that all newness will always come with some shedding if the shadow layer of skin in order to gain a new layer that's the story of all life says sleep is exactly that you're shedding something in order to gain something even newer and greater so with that sleep becomes not no I'm not looking to go to sleep in the sense to be numb to be unaware to be not conscious on the contrary sleep is a step to become more aware more conscious and more awake so all this began generated by a question that individual asked me looking simply for some solutions to fall asleep better sleep more peacefully when in turn it turned into as I came to realize that sleep is a tremendous gift that actually allows us to become more aware sleep allows us to be more alert more cognizant more conscious when you see it that way life the general takes on a whole different shape because you see everything being part of a bigger picture there's a narrative a choreography it's not just an end in itself but very often we get trapped and living in the moment moment by moment by moment instead of seeing them as frames in a larger narrative in a larger film so my friends I hope this was helpful and yes we'll help you find more restful and peaceful sleep knowing that it's a spiritual rejuvenation and waking up with something completely new new hope new optimism because when you sleep peacefully your waking is also much more peaceful now it's not going to always be perfect it's not easy to do sometimes you have a very stressed day but that's what we're shooting for that's our objective and let me know how it goes I really would love to preach I would love really appreciate hearing I'd love to hear from you how this works because we all learn from each other I want to learn from you and I hope you learn from me this is what we're here for the meaningful life center meaningful life calm we can find resources life skills about every topic especially many that are not addressed by others with angles and unique angles that help us illumine help illuminate dimensions of our own inner psychics and inner workings to help us become better people better relationships because you'd be surprised this alone what I just described sleep can help you be more intact and as you're more intact you can be more loving more kind more giving less less insecure which allows you to be more giving so it actually can enhance your relationship and it's interesting sleep happens at night when everything goes into a so quiet remote the body as well but as well as the entire world so maybe you all have very beautiful sleeps but also very beautiful awakenings awakenings that lead us to new places to actualize new resources and or newly discovered resources and talents within you each of us should be able to fulfill our calling in our mission the one that only you and only you can accomplish so please stay in touch give us feedback share we're partners in this and any thoughts and ideas suggestions we look forward to we're all part of one larger organism meaningful live-dot-com we're here every Wednesday 8:30 and then all these programs are archived check it out a very rich array of resources and life skills meaningful life skills on our site meaningful life calm and as always be blessed I look forward to see you next week thank you very much
Channel: Rabbi Simon Jacobson at Meaningful Life Center
Views: 5,096
Rating: 4.8716578 out of 5
Keywords: rabbi simon jacobson, kabbalah, chassidus, sleep
Id: X84wx6gaIag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 43sec (2683 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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