What It Takes to Live a Simple Life

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[Music] christina just left for denmark and she's going to be away for 10 days actually i don't mean to look this happy but i'm just super excited to record again so it's going to be me and to us alone for 10 days and i thought i would grab this opportunity to talk to you guys and show the everyday life here in the cabin and yeah what a normal day could look like [Music] everything from cutting the grass to admire the small things in life our upcoming projects and what our evenings looks like if you stick around to the end level i also show you like the house as well like a house tour or actually a cabin tour i guess just let's begin [Music] so the first thing i like to do in the morning is actually collect some some firewood and bring it into the cabin because even though it's quite warm outside right now it's actually quite cold in the cabin i think it's around 16 degrees celsius and i like the warmth of a cozy fire inside but not only for the warmth actually also for the sound you know the crackling [Music] i actually built this woodshed with my dad one year ago the planks is from a sawmill a half an hour away from here i think and the tree trunks is from the forest actually just behind here it's kind of a cool feeling that you can just go into your own forest cut a tree down and then create something like this when i used to live in an apartment keeping warm was not something you had to think about i was always warm but out here you have to prepare with firewood one year in advance so the logs can dry up and burn in a really good way when winter [Music] comes [Music] next up i thought i would show you our surroundings where we live and the cabins that are included and the forest as well so you see where we live a bit more what do you say to us should we show them outside you could look you know a bit more [Music] excited [Music] this is what we call stupid stupid gun it's the main house so to speak down there is our kitchen up there is studio and bedrooms or bedroom and then living room down there and up here you'll see the wood shed that you saw earlier and up here there is a guest house for our friends and family that want to come and visit and up here we actually sit and work during the summers so this is like a small office space does it smell good honey and over there in the background you see what we call the random cabin that's what we put everything where we don't know where to put stuff you know the guest house is very clean and the main cabin is very clean but that's only because we put all of our stuff in there that's the secret so when you see the clean pictures on instagram of our cabin you can just imagine that all of our stuff is in there and over there is our bathroom and soon to be sauna but that will be next year so yeah that's the whole tour okay these kicks are really dangerous i have to get um get ready now because in a few minutes my friend stefan will be here and he's going to help us to dig out the pond and make it a big bit deeper so we can get more water in it so it will be like an outdoor pool and then even after that he's going to help us with the help to help us level out the field in the forest over here so we can place our greenhouse for for next year we need to prepare it this year so we can put it up really early next year that's the plan [Music] [Music] from up here we can see the project we're going to do today this whole area in the middle where he's gonna dig out a bit more so we can get some more water in there now you can see the water source over there that's pouring in i'm gonna build a dam over there so the water stays in the pond so yeah that's basically it [Music] this is the reason i want the to stephan's health him and his machine can do stuff i can't do with a shovel so it's easier just to hire him for a few hours and then he can do it way faster than i ever could [Music] i'm gonna let stefan continue on here in the background and in the meantime i will be starting the next activity and i sound like a like a game show host when i say next activity not like that i just need to do some chores here around the cabin so it looks a bit more pretty to live here and i have kind of a love-hate relationship to this activity it's actually cutting the grass and i use two tools for that this manual one hand driven no engine and no pollution so it's just perfect for the environment and a really good workout for me for me as well but the problem with that is we live in a forest and every time you drive over a pine cone this one stops because it gets caught up in the wheels that means you have to stop like every second meter it gets stuck you have to pull it out and then start over again so it takes a lot of hours and you can get quite annoyed and the second tool is this one this one is called li yeah in sweden you use it for this for higher grass i would say or harvest this as well it's a really really sharp metal blade and a stick that you hold on to hold on to like like it's gonna fly fly away this one for the longer grass and then the lawn mower on the shorter ones i would say we have two options right now either we can choose the old-fashioned way just walk with this one and get a clean cut or we can be a little more creative and do it a bit more fun way and also get a really good workout in what do you think i'm going to choose [Music] hey i was going to talk to the camera is it okay who needs a gym it's like having activities like like this one i i don't think they can seem okay thank you exhausting good fun and now over to the lia and cut the longer parts of the lawn [Music] no that was the most depressing thing i've ever seen i just let the butterfly go and then it went like two meters i was like oh that's so beautiful and then a millisecond later just this dragonfly just came out and like took it and just flew away with it yes that's nature for us well this is what you call a swedish summer the sun is still shining but yeah the rain is pouring down so short break and then back at it i think what it comes down to for me personally is that yeah i could easily buy a machine that does the work for me but the whole point with this lifestyle is to use you know tools like this not only do i get to use my body it's these things are almost like a piece of art to me it's so much history in these tools and then being used for so many years and for a reason as well and we're always trying to optimize our lives all the time but like oh if i get that machine or like a robot robot robot robotic lawnmower i'm gonna save so much time by doing that yeah in a sense you will but at the same time what are you doing with that time i think that's the whole key to this like yeah we're trying to optimize and save time everywhere but we don't do really do anything good with the time we actually tried to cut down on this doesn't make any sense at all what i'm saying i hope so after these physical activities i'm gonna relax for a bit it's so easy for me to get caught up in this lifestyle and feel like i have to do something every second of the day but the whole reason why i move there is to do nothing sometimes and i actually if i have to be honest with you i forget that a lot of the time that i can just relax i feel super lazy and like unimportant if i don't do anything i still struggle with that and yeah that's the process but i take it day by day and i just trying to figure out what works best for me but now i've done a lot of work and now i deserve to rest [Music] you know resting doesn't always need to be falling asleep even though i highly recommend it in the middle of the day it's an amazing feeling to reboot but it could also be just you know taking a walk or reading a book like i'm doing right now by the way if you haven't read this one for our work week by timothy teres please read it so i'm gonna rest now for a while and then after that i will show you the rest of the cabin and also our bathroom [Music] yeah i fell asleep um anyway this is our bathroom or bathroom uh christina doesn't like to call it bathroom but it's at least a toilet for now our plans with it is to build the sauna in here as well and then like a really basic shower but let me show you how it looks so this is it really basic toilet and it's powered by solar panels so it's really simple minimalistic and i repainted all the walls and the roof as well so they're white now so it looks a bit more fresh i think and in there it's the plan to have a shower and behind these walls right there it's gonna be the sauna so yeah that's the whole the whole bathroom for it's not very empty we cribs but it's our place and now let's head over to the main cabin so you can get the last part of the tour welcome home to our place so this is the living room with a table there some lighting up there and a couch and a dog you want to say hi sweetie she's so bored we're gonna go on a round quite soon but this table was actually made by me and my dad it's the old kitchen floor actually so we did it together two years ago and i'm actually really proud about it it really fits the cabin this is one of my favorite places the hammock and then some books to read to at least piersmort and down here we have the crown jewel what keeps us warm during the winter because it gets really really cold and in here we have the kitchen most of the things in here are actually renovated because it looks like when i moved in so i put up some shelves up here for storage and then redid the whole floor build the sink put up some lighting and i even put in this stove right here every time we need to make breakfast lunch or dinner we have to start a fire but i really love it it's it's a different taste somehow so that was downstairs living room in a kitchen there is upper floor as well but i'm not gonna show you that today honestly because it's so messy so that's gonna be my secret for now but i would love to know for you guys what do you think of this format me showing you around here in the cabin on what i do on a normal day just comment down below and leave a like if you like the video as well that will really help me out before it gets too late i'm going to head out with this for a evening run she's a sabrina husky so she needs a lot of exercise and i do as well so we're gonna head out and when i get back i'm gonna show you my evening routine exciting huh [Music] the day has come to an end and now i'm going to light some scented candles write some poetry and then meditate no that's not happening not at all um i have my sweatpants on i'm gonna make some popcorn and then watch a movie cabin style [Music] so [Music] if you made it all the way here into the video i'm just assuming that you like the things i post here on youtube and if you do and you want to support me and this channel you can just hit subscribe down below that helps me out more than you can think and yeah thank you for watching and i'll see you next week now i'll be focusing on my movie and my popcorn if you don't mind of course [Music] i actually built this we call it woodshed and the tree trunks is three trunks i actually build a farm i actually built this tree tree fancy and wood shed focus i actually built this wood [Music] you
Channel: Kalle Flodin
Views: 1,721,669
Rating: 4.934607 out of 5
Keywords: Outdoor, Cabin life, What It Takes to Live a Simple Life, Simple life, Visit Sweden, visit sweden tourism, minimalism, minimalist living, slow living, simple living, Kalle Flodin, Sweden, sweden, norway, nordic, nordics, rural life, wild, swedish wilderness, village, summer, daily life, living, countrylife, country, country style, lifestyle, woods, into the wild, vikings, scandinavia, a new time, vlog, Down to earth
Id: XC50-HNzSKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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