Why X-MEN 97 is the PEAK of the MCU's Multiverse Saga

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H kind hey welcome back screen Crush I'm Ryan Ary and X-Men 97 is not just the best X-Men story I've ever seen on screen I'm going to explain why it's the best Marvel TV we've seen since W Division and a little later I'm going to talk to Colton Ogburn and bevon to get their thoughts but first I want to talk about why this show was way way better than all the X-Men movies we'd seen before right about Logan fine but first I want to talk about why this show is way way better than the X-Men movies except for Logan but I'm also going to talk about why this show resonated with us more than anything else that has happened in the Multiverse Saga it gave us actual character Stakes which is hard to achieve in a Multiverse oriented animated show but first let's talk about how this show greatly improved on the X-Men movies now when the first X-Men movie was released it was a revelation I cannot even explain to you younger guys what it was like in the year 2000 finally seeing Marvel characters done right on screen we only very occasionally got to see a loyal adaptation of a superhero movie and now here was Wolverine cage fighting sure the effects were lowbudget but it had Patrick Stewart as Professor X it legitimized geek culture now it's our time our time I mean compared to the straight to video and TV movies that we'd seen in the past two decades this was like Hollywood royalty but when you rewatch that X-Men series it's obvious how much the director and the studio were always trying to run away from the source material Brian Singer wanted to create a grounded action metaphor for queer teens have you tried not being a mutant he didn't want to make a superhero movie actually go outside and these things what would you prefer yellow spandex that line irritated me so much in the theater and it still irritates me today that was a way for the normies to say haha you nerds Like Comics where people wear bright yellow jumpsuits and look black leather costumes were just as of their time because they were trying to replicate the look of the Matrix singer also banned X-Men comics from the set and Kevin feige as a lowly associate producer became the go-to guy on set for questions about the comics he even had to encourage the makeup artist to make Wolverine's hair bigger and bigger like it is in the books and then you can really tell when the studio started to take over the films every movie had to have Wolverine as the lead every movie had to feature Magneto and then Fox president Tom Rothman ordered X3 to be the last film because team movies were expensive and he saw more upside in Solo spin-offs hell even the way X3 killed off Cyclops to focus on Hal Barry who had just won an Academy Award like all that kind of stuff just took you out of the moment it made you feel like these were products being made by a studio instead of Stories being told by people the studio never knew what to do with these characters and it showed they ruined Deadpool and X-Men Origins and the only reason a comic accurate Deadpool movie was even released is because someone leaked the test footage yeah I wish we know who I wish we know who and the prequel series started off with Matthew V's first class but even then he wanted to make a Trilogy that ended with Days of Future Past but the studio interfered and they rushed to get the Nostalgia Bait film with Patrick Steward in it so they can make more money faster and afterwards the franchise had nowhere to go are there just a second person oh no the IRS needs my social security number because my account has been compromised Doug hang up but the IRS they say I can win Taylor Swift tickets dude the IRS does not call you or give away Taylor Swift tickets it's a scam oh well how did they get my number then dude that's the messed up part that nobody wants you to know they got your number and email from online data Brokers the internet is filled with Shady people who pay big money just for access to your private data and I know this 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franchise had its high points like Logan and Deadpool but that happened when they just gave the filmmakers room to work but the Foxx Universe was never created with a plan in mind I mean they made the same movie twice for God's sake and along the way they never bothered to develop any of the characters except Charles Logan Magneto and eventually kind of Mystique but X-Men 97 far eclips the movies as a whole because they focused on the entire team like in the movies Scott and Jean basically exist to flesh out Wolverine's character they create a love triangle that makes Wolverine sad but in the show The Love Story belongs to Scott and Jean we see Scott's in Conflict Jean's identity crisis and Wolverine is on the outside looking in your jeene gray he's Scott Summers those are the rules and that is where where he belongs he's not Rick he's Daryl Wolverine is cool because he is underused he's not even in the finale and frankly he's only got to be truly badass once in this show the brave always die first but that moment meant something because we had to wait for it and the movies have also given us a lot of emphasis on Magneto because they never broke out of talking about this ideological battle between Charles and Eric now that battle is important to the X-Men story but it's not the only X-Men story it's not the only thing worth telling like why was Magneto in dark Phoenix or in Apocalypse like in the comics he would disappear for years so then his return would have an impact but X-Men 97 used Magneto correctly I mean for my money the show needed to be longer so we saw more of his like story as he leads the team but what we did get was perfect now we have seen a lot of scenes in the movies where Magneto makes a big Grand show of power to show Humanity the strength of mutant kind I am bored with that scene it is getting old but then in this show we saw the best version of that scene ever put the screen when Magneto gives his defense at the UN he's not trying to cow Humanity or to make them afraid he is showing them that they have every reason to be afraid of their own actions he is showing them the mutants have decided to pursue peace and he gives them a warning do not make me let you down and then we see this kind of thing all through the series The Show continuously brings back story beats that we saw in the movies and the comics and then combines them and reinvents them in new fun ways except for the Phoenix reveal in episode 10 I hated that and by the way everybody I do want to thank you for clicking this video and supporting our Channel and for shopping our merch store where we have lots of Xmen parody merch for sale right now you can find links below but anyways except for DSX Phoenix the show is a Flawless execution of people who love The Source material it shows us what happens when business people step aside and give the creatives the ingredients to cook and later I'm going to talk about how this is a road map for the Marvel Cinematic Universe so I think there's a lot of lessons that Marvel Studios can learn from the quality of X-Men 97 but I don't just take it from me I want to hear from our guests we have Colton aurn the guy who's trapped in our television but doesn't know it so please don't tell him and of course beon the host of beverages with Bev which you can watch right now on tuby so Bon I haven't really had a chance to talk to you since the show has ended uh do you want to talk about like your thoughts on the finale and the series as a whole yeah uh for the most part I think it's a solid a minus like I I thought that the Cliffhangers were really lovely and the the breadcrumbs that they were sprinkling throughout the entire season especially in the intro was always like a fun little game to play every single week I really appreciate them bringing value back to watch the full intro please don't skip that you know as much uh television shows right that t shows they they they don't do it anymore they don't have opening credits it's really sad no theme songs or anything like that I missed those from the 90s and the 2000s Community gave us a great theme song but yeah think starting water round 30 Rock had a great theme my wife and I were watching uh 97 and uh they went to skip the intro and I was like no no no no no we do not skip the intro of X-Men 97 yeah in this house we do not skip the intro even just for the the theme itself like that's a good running theme like on the treadmill you it's such a good thing so sorry Bon I cut you off though so you're talking about it's an A minus for you and uh you L they brought back the intro where else about the finale and how it landed for you it's like a you know a true X-Men fan who reads the comics and knows the original series well uh I thought I really enjoyed the themes like they really stuck The Landing with like the theme about found family and father figures and parental figures in general I love that Cyclops made that decision when they're doing the big boss battle that we've come to expect with Marvel Properties or just superhero properties in general he stops the fight and he says actually team let's just try and talk to him like he's one of us and we're trying to help him and I thought that was a great like little twist that I didn't see coming I thought we were going to get it you know the big boss fight and he was going to be you know killed either that way or he was going to escape and then death was going to kill him later which that did not come to pass but it's okay we're still going to get death um so I thought that was great my my only complaint was um my favorite character Phoenix was really just came and went so quickly yeah DX Phoenix right I talked about that on our our video yesterday uh I really didn't like that that was probably the the number one thing I did not like about this ending that uh they brought her in she did the thing and then Jean's like oh she's gone so yeah not not my favorite thing but um like I was saying earlier though there's a lot that this series did like when you compare it to the X-Men that we've gotten in the past right and I'm not you know completely dogging the fox movies obviously there's some some incredible high points to those if you I mean you can consider Logan an X-Men film and it's obviously like one of the greatest superhero films ever made but Colton where did this this series and this finale land for you you know especially in relation to um the other media we've had in the past I was not one of these people who thought that this show was like the second coming like At first I I enjoyed it I thought it was good but it wasn't until like these last three episodes that I was really like hooked like I I was really impressed with what they were doing but yeah it it was a solid show overall um I I would say probably the only episode that felt maybe a little filler was the Mojo episode but even that episode was important you know in terms of like character development and stuff with Jubilee so I really enjoyed it and I think that it is probably the best onscreen X-Men adaptation that we've ever gotten and that's coming from a guy who you know I'm a big fox era X-Men fan boy I I love me some uh Hugh Jackman Wolverine and Magneto you know Ryan you talk a lot about how they really relied heavily on those two characters those are probably my two favorite X-Men characters so I I really do love that era of X-Men but I I have to admit that X-Men 97 is probably the best X-Men we've ever gotten on screen um it it had the Nostalgia that the Multiverse Saga seems to be really interested in laying on thick but they they laid it on in a way that that worked like it it didn't feel forced in any way um I I think it being a cartoon probably allowed them to get away with some things that maybe we'd roll our eyes at like if they did it in live action so I think that benefited the show overall and I I think this show proved a point I've made and I I'm sure you guys have said as well that X-Men is best served as a TV series I I love X-Men movies but I really think that X-Men stories are are best served in a uh episodic type fashion yeah it's interesting too because if you look at the X-Men movies you know I talked earlier about how you can tell the executives decided oh no we have to put all the emphasis on Wolverine on they were developing a Magneto solo film at point that Mor morphed into first class and they really just said okay so anybody who isn't that Marquee character we don't really want to develop them in the films but you look at Great Ensemble series like Star Trek next Generation not not the original series and they're great at developing the entire cast so in that way I agree with you but one thing you know Matt talked about in our talk back the other day was the having animation budget works out so much better for X-Men on TV I think live action would be a lot harder to pull off because you'd want to see epic scale things and as we've seen Marvel Studios television doesn't always handle epic scale well even when they have the money like with secret Invasion right yeah I I agree and I also think animation forces people to get as specific as possible because you have to lock things in before you go and animate something as Jeffrey kenberg F figured out when he joined Disney it's it's hard to edit animations so working through the Kinks of things it's a longer process says so the scripts have to be locked in and they have to be tight before you commit to putting it to Inc yeah and this is what brings us to the MCU so you know John favro Indie filmmaker hired for Iron Man they start shooting without a script the studio is just forming like it's it's I think it was still like in a above a car lot at that point uh their headquarters were so they were throwing everything together figuring out what worked and then Marvel learned the long the wrong lesson from that which is they went into a lot of projects with their with their action sequences their previs done but they didn't really have the story shaped around that I mean that's how John Woo makes a movie but that's John Woo and I think they it worked for them for years because they had certain beats established but then I it really caught up to them in the Multiverse Saga where all of these Pro they're putting out so many projects at the same time that they lost Focus they lost attention we've talked about this at length on the channel but Bon I think you're 100% right the fact that they said no no no we have to write this first we have to focus on the writers room and that's something else this is I believe one of the few Marvel shows that had a traditional writers room that had a showrunner you know there's been a lot of news in the past six months where Marvel was was doing this thing where they had a TR like a they were making their shows like movies and cutting them up into episodes and now they're transitioning with Daredevil born again to live action shows having a traditional showrunner thank goodness do you think Bon that's part of also what we saw here like traditional TV structure one out oh absolutely absolutely I mean you could see it in the writing and how the characters have arcs within each of the individual episodes where you know each episode was focusing because it's an ensemble cast and because it's a television show you can dedicate an individual episode to a character's growth that's why you get like the episode in episode three with meline prior and the Goblin Queen and then you get Scott kind of having this theme throughout about like him being the father figure of the X-Men him being a father figure in general to Nathan and then you get like the Jubilee episode with Mojo was also important for her growth a as well and so and that's always so lovely when you can kind of dedicate individual episodes to a character's growth while also painting the big uh picture yeah and I I you know I talked about this a couple days ago but I really wanted to see more you can say Filler episodes but I would just call them character episodes more solo Journeys um but you know there's there's budget limitations there's you know streaming limitations I I get that so I'm not going to keep harping on that point but one thing I really want to talk about Colton you just mentioned that the Multiverse Saga seems like steeped in Nostalgia uh which makes sense you know we've talked at length about how we'll see Toby McGuire Spider-Man and Hugh Jackman's Wolverine you know with the infinity Saga it seemed to have a common theme of coming together the gems are coming together the heroes are coming together and the Multiverse Saga has been harder to pin down on what does this mean because we don't have the protagonist we don't have the Tony Stark um this season of this show I think Bon you said it perfectly is about how the X-Men are a found family right so that's another thing too where I look at the rest of the Multiverse Saga I don't see unless it's grief I mean that would be the theme of phase four but boy that's a depressing theme for a blockbuster superhero franchise to spread across so many hours of programming yeah so you know Colton when you look at this how do you think that X-Men 97 executed just like an O like better than the MCU how did it execute a theme and a meaning behind everything that the MCU maybe hasn't had well I mean look I I am I am a huge proponent of interconnected stuff I love the MCU i i a lot of people say they they need to do things that aren't connected they say people are over you know interconnected Cinematic Universe type storytelling I I'm not that guy I like interconnected type stuff having said that what X-Men 97 had going for it compared to like She-Hulk or moonnight or like other shows that have been on Disney plus I think with those shows even if they try to do their own thing and be their own thing and have this um you know like distance from the interconnected Universe we as the audience have been you know trained to expect a connection from the infinity Saga so that lack of connection that we're getting with the Multiverse Saga stands out as like I think an issue and I mean add on top of the fact that some of the shows just haven't been that great um I think what X-Men 97 had going for it is that connectivity was not expected I mean I I kind of expected it with all my theories and stuff but I think you have thrown out a lot of hey this is going to be in The Avengers versus X-men it's the same universe theories yeah and I'm right but um okay go ahead but with X-Men 97 I I think that we as the audience we maybe without even realizing it we went in with maybe I I hate to say a low bar but perhaps a little bit of a low bar you know we weren't expecting these major connections we weren't expecting like really deep storytelling maybe especially if you hadn't seen the Animated Series in a while and maybe just kind of had a memory of it oh yeah that was that Saturday morning cartoon it's actually a pretty deep show and X-Men 97 continued that um kind of bouncing off your point about you know Wolverine not being the main character I think what this series was able to do was it it allowed Wolverine to be who Wolverine is which is not the leader not the main character it it it let him be that traditional Wolverine like from the comics and that also allowed Scott to be a Scott Summers we haven't really seen on screen since the Animated Series which was this this leader type Cyclops character and I'm hoping that even if this series doesn't tie into the greater MCU I'm hoping this is a blueprint to kind of get audiences ready for a very similar type of X-Men going into the MCU and Bon I'm going to bring that over to you then because we've talked a lot about like oh what's their plan what's their plan it's not Kang Dynasty anymore what do you think this show means or does it even affect Marvel's plans for liveaction X-Men um it's a great question I if anything I feel like they're trying to I'm more curious about how they're going to bring X-Men into the MCU when the MCU already accepts superheroes and there's not a lot of discrimination against superheroes and the X-Men like one of their core you know battles that they have is trying to just be accepted in society and I'm excited that the X-Men 97 kind of painted away how that could work by bringing in the cameos of like Iron Man and Captain America and how they are treated differently than the X-Men and that is something that I had not seen in a long time so I was like oh this is this could be something that the MCU could take from X-Men 97 is how to paint how the X-Men are even though they are superheroes like Captain America like you know black panther like Iron Man there's there's still a discrimination Factor against it so I would say that's something that I'd be intrigued to see the MCU kind of take from X-Men 97 let me ask you a followup then when it comes to the actual production of the movie itself because they're apparently they haven't announced it yet but their rumor is Hing a writer for X-Men do you think that we'll see an X-Men universe that is um well do you think that we'll see an X-Men movie that draws from similar story lines or do you even think that this new movie is going to take place in the MCU my first instinct is I would if I had the keys to the car of the MCU I would I would not put the X-Men in the MCU I would put it in an Multiverse kind of separate Earth in itself first to get us to like the characters and not be bogged down by the politics of the MCU and then I would figure out a way to bring them in of some sort whether that's through apocalypse or Time time travel or anything like that I just really what they're doing with the Fantastic Four as well you know but we but we also had that tease at the end of the Marvels which I know Colton sparked a thousand theories for you which Kevin Smith talked about on his podcast so Colton what are your thoughts on this incorporation of the X-Men into the the the 616 well I think they showed us in '97 with how cap refused you know to go in and help he told Rog we've got to play this one by the book it it showed this distinction between superheroes and then specifically mutants and I I think what they're also setting up in the MCU with the new Captain America movie is I I think Society is willing to accept superheroes in a structured type fashion like um with like what Ross is wanting to do with like controlling superheroes and stuff like that I I think that they are going to portray uh Rogue type superhero no pun intended superheroes who are not under any type of thumb and aren't being you know monitored and controlled I I think that is all laying the groundwork for a scenario where people with enhanced abilities within the MCU are going to be you know we're going to see these Arguments for them needing to be restricted and people being scared of them and stuff like that and I think that's something X-Men 97 has started to set up with Captain America's refusal to step in and help the mutants uh and I think we also can expect to see humans and Society being fully and willing uh to turn against uh classic heroes like Captain America if they start standing with the mutants or something like that or or refuse to uh go along with like a thunderbolt Ross or perhaps like in Daredevil we're going to see a u mayor Kingpin mayor Wilson Fisk with his you know uh you know Banning like Vigilantes and stuff like that so to Bon's point I I think that we are getting to a point in the MCU where superheroes and people with enhanced abilities are going to be disliked like the mutants are in the comics so I I think they're already laying that groundwork for mutants to come in and get that you know shunning that we're used to seeing well the only part of that that I think you might be off on is I don't think that we'll see another instance where it's like a mass of people dislike superheroes especially when the mutant to introduce because I think what will happen is they will look at superheroes like Captain America Ant-Man and say those are the good ones we like those guys but the mutants are weird like the mutants look different they don't look like movie stars they they're off to themselves people say they're terrorists like I think that actually having the heroes will allow for more prejudice against mutants because if if the X-Men are the only heroes in the world and they're stopping supervillains it would make sense that you'd be like oh my God thank thank goodness these good mutants are there you know what I mean especially since some of your kids may be mutants but you know the real horror for humans in this world is that it's that their kids could be a mutant one day you know that they're lurking within us so there's a certain paranoia there that I don't think extends to most superheroes but I want to Pivot back to the multivers Saga real quick because this is something like with fantastic 4D they made the smart decision I think to not try to introduce him into the MCU framework they're saying let's just put them in a different dimension and then like we keep saying on the channel they're probably going to combine everything all the universes and Secret Wars I I think they'll do that with X-Men I would be very surprised if the tease we got at the end of the Marvels doesn't set up this next X-Men movie beon what do you think is that what that tease was about I honestly think that would be the right call as to do that um and if that's what they're teasing that's great because I think Marvel has finally gotten the memo that um it's too much for a lot of people and again they need they need normies to go and see these movies as well and if you make it too interconnected and Colton and I talked about this in the last round table if you make it feel too much like homework then it that might be a turnoff now as opposed to back then where people like the two of the three of us would go and see something because we've watched everything not everyone has the time to do that or watch the Disney Plus show so if they did an isolated X-Men movie first to get people to like the characters then they're going to keep coming back for those characters when you connect to them to the other movies they may have not seen like the Marvels because not a lot of people saw the Marvels I think and correct me if this is you know been if there have been any reporting on this the the X-Men movie that's going to come out after Secret Wars right are we all you know in agreement on that this wouldn't be a't announced I don't know there still six movies they haven't announced yet so I'm not sure I I I really do think that they're going to use X-Men 97 and I'm not saying like the literal characters go over into that Universe necessarily but I think they are going to use the idea of those X-Men the X-Men from the fox era X-Men and they are going to give us like you guys said this variant Universe with familiar X-Men that you know just we as a general audience are familiar with but I don't think we're going to see a movie with those X-Men they're just going to appear in other movies and they are going to be a universe that is you know allows for the X-Men to participate in Avengers Secret Wars and then in secret Wars I think we're going to see an in Cannon like re boot that creates a new universe from scratch where mutants have always existed and the Avengers and Spider-Man and you know everybody has always existed in this universe and that allows you know that takes away the problem of oh where have the mutants been and why are they treated different we we're starting from scratch there in a in Universe type way so I I think that's what they're going to do and that the new X-Men movie will take place in that new universe and and this new MCU yeah Colton I think you're 100% right and I think that I'll talk about this in a little bit but I think that they're doing the right thing by paying homage to all these past characters but I I mean I am really looking forward to an X-Men movie that where the X-Men get to be superheroes we haven't really seen that because all of the movies have just have they've mostly leaned into this like oh they hate and fous aspect of it but you know Bon that's not just who the X-Men are they go to space they save the universe they you know Mike Lawrence talked about how in episode 2 Magneto saves a kid from a ferris wheel falling on I mean I'd like to see more of that but do you think beon that too much of the these characters like as soon as they got placed in popular culture like in the movies that Executives maybe said well they're one thing like Spider-Man is is this one thing Spider-Man can't you know go to space in his movie even though he does in the comics do you think that the MCU is going to like look Beyond Nostalgia and show us something new or take these characters in a different direction I mean I hope so the the tricky thing is that Disney and Marvel have been banking so much on Nostalgia for so long that until they start losing money I don't see them course correcting too much and I think that is finally happening they did exactly we just wrote about this about why Disney lost so much money um but I also think yeah you wrote a great video for us about that actually about how Disney basically has created a Nostalgia Loop that's running dry and I think you're 100% right about that it is because you got to create new Nostalgia you have to create something that people can talk about 30 years from now and it's not like it's not like the gollum movie which we we kind of see I mean don't get me wrong I'm curious about it because I love me some Andy Circus but like I don't know if we need a Gollum movie for nostalg what is the gollem movie for what is it saying that's new and that is exactly what I want to talk to you guys about right now as far as what I think this show is going to teach the MCU going forward Colton Ogburn you can find him on the channel beon you can find her like I said on bevs with bevon on tub the link for all of that is below thanks guys now what I admire most about this show is that it was built on a foundation of nostalgia but then it made a point to move on from Nostalgia what do you mean well like Bon and Colton and I were just saying Disney is stuck in a loop of nostalgia exploitation they make Star Wars shows and movies that specifically appeal to the love of the original trilogy they make sequels and liveaction remakes to their beloved Classics they even Force Pixar to start pumping out SE and the MCU has already been caught in a Nostalgia cycle even though technically the franchise isn't even old enough to vote how old is he I'm 11 months for me it goes back to why the Multiverse Saga why tell a sprawling complex story that involves confusing alternate timelines and universes I think Marvel chose the Multiverse Saga because Disney had just bought Fox and they wanted to find a way to introduce some elements of the fox X-Men movies into the MCU but also the industry of nostalgia remember Works in 20year Cycles people get older they have kids and they want their kids to watch the same things that they watched when they were kids X-Men was released in 2000 more than 20 years ago the Toby Maguire movies are also 20 years old and a Multiverse Saga would give the studio a way to return some of these actors I think Marvel took this lesson from the movie Days of Future Past get the old and new actors to share the same screen at the same time and make a bunch of money the problem is that is not a story Saga that is an IP Saga it's not sustainable to just give us crowd-pleasing cameos and that is why X-Men 97 was so brilliant episode 4 Mendo delicately addressed this idea Jubilee is pulled into a video game world where she gets to relive the greatest hits of the original animated series I was trapped here with storm Gambit too and a bunch of other mutants in the original show Jubilee was our audience proxy we are introduced to the X-Men through her eyes did you see what she did yes Rogue has a way with men so in this episode we are Jubilee playing vintage X-Men arcade games and reliving our memories of the original series but then Jubilee meets her older self just like how all of us who grew up watching the show are also now adults and in watching the show we're basically in conversation with our memories of the original show and then she gives her younger self some advice on Nostalgia nice knowing how every stage ends no surprises no twists it always stays the same but that's not living and then the very next day episode is one of the greatest installments of the MCU remember it it's like Bo Deo and his team were gently holding us by the hand before changing this world forever and I think this is what the mcu's Nostalgia cycle can learn from this show yes they need to have scripts before shooting like we said yes they need to trust creatives but more importantly let's see a return to character Stakes phase four of the MCU is all about Looking Backward people grieving the victims of the snap or tala's death and then we also had a healthy dose of Nostalgia our final member professor Charles Xavier but think about Spider-Man no way home I mean there is obviously a lot of nostalgia in that film how are you trying to do better but the two Peters show up to support the emotional journey of Tom Holland Peter number one after his Antti they are the people who know what he is going through she told me that was great power com's great responsibility like guys you want to know why fans didn't resp respond to Kang it's cuz he was beaten by ants had Ant-Man died fighting Kang this would have sent a signal that anyone could die even Paul Rudd I mean Jos Weeden ended phase two by killing an Avenger the entire Saga ended by killing Avengers I I'm not saying that we have to have a lot of character deaths like gambits to give this Saga Stakes but we do need to feel as if these characters are at risk in some way in the Multiverse Saga the friendship between the Avengers was broken this created Stakes the Multiverse Saga has been great for cameos and produced some amazing character moments like in Wanda vision and Loki I love you I love you in every universe but overall nothing in the Saga has made me feel the kind of empathy sorrow and Triumph that I got from that single hour of an animated show well guys that's just my thoughts on X-Men 97 versus the MCU but what do you think about the two comparison wise what do you think the MCU wants to do going forward what would you like to see them do tell me in the comments or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here welcome to the Channel Please Subscribe smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan Ary [Music]
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Keywords: x-men 97, screencrush, heavy spoilers, New rockstars, x-men 97 review, x-men 97 1x10 reaction, x-men 97 reaction, x-men 97 theme, x-men 97 reaction 1x5, x-men 97 intro, x-men 97 reaction 1x1, x-men 97 official trailer reaction, x-men 97 1x9 reaction, x-men 97 theme music, x-men 97 post credits, x-men 97 final episode, x-men 97 offical trailer reaction, x-men 97 trailer reaction
Id: PJzQraGrHpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 43sec (2083 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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