NEVER seen Garage Sales like these!!! @thehomeschoolingpicker

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where do you guys think I'm going to go we're meeting up with Kayla and we're not going to Kentucky it's going to be some more warm try to figure it out let's [Music] go [Music] [Music] oh that's cool I know it's glorious oh my goodness go that's the craziest Cactus I've ever seen it's beautiful how's it purple like that I don't know okay I'm loving all the decor these people have on the outsides of their homes yeah there's some beautiful beautiful properties yeah this old draging box is going it it's got a little tiny things down here the gold flake yeah what that reminds me of a what that oh look that so it's like a little makeup powder thing I wonder what that holds this I think is a comb maybe and this one has that's really cool I like the gold flake that's very pretty is it kind of like a that is that's awesome with the tortoise yeah okay I like that set it's cool that it's marked in here bitset I wonder if the whole thing is or if it's just no this came with it cuz that's the exact that's definitely original what were you saying I was just saying these are actually made of lose side and I found this similar trinket or powder dish right here that's smaller than ours it sold for best offer on $38 but we have this set too and that being loose side I didn't know that was loose site obviously okay so we're looking at a smaller one that sold for 38 so I would think at least 50 for the set 50 for the set and that's perfect travel size yeah that's cool yeah and it's gorgeous and it has the original thing yeah and I didn't see any listed okay cool which is even better so lucite confetti yeah pretty cool yeah oh that's cool it's got a bunch of mother Pearl oh you can see it on the back California with Avalon shells taken by divers from the Pacific Ocean Betty shells of nor Co California that is cool I like that but again I don't I'm scared of what all we're going to fit well these are very small I think we're good with those that's don't you think that's gorgeous yeah I like that a lot there was these little coasters in here that I thought were cute cuz they match The Vibes too oh they do match the Vib was cool yeah but it's only a set of three so there's definitely one missing okay those was made out of Rock or something yeah they're heavy okay nice oh you $13 yes ma'am thank thank you very much appreciate it thank you sir a it's heating up finally I know it's glorious out here now it is I want to take this jacket off immediately I'm just digging all the cactuses like there's so many different kinds of cactuses just in this one little I'm excited to see this little purple one again yeah the purple and green like look at that one though look at that it's like bunch of little PPS almost let me see if I can get it boom there we go that's cool it's ridiculous that's beautiful I'm so excited oh here's the purple yeah Pur the purple I almost want to just like ask him if we could just take off the little tiniest piece and then start our own is it bad that I just want to touch it no I'm going to touch like this cool between part here oh it's so soft oh the actual C I'm not going to touch a spike is that what you're picturing maybe all right we're heading to another State sale but then we saw this sign for a huge block sale and a block sale on a Thursday you guys on a Thursday right now crazy okay this is awesome I'm so excited oh I see tiedye shirt over there you think it's Grateful Dead I don't know that wouldn't that be crazy where are the chances let goob you ready for this yes I'm so excited where are we going straight for I don't know I see a whole rack of purses down at that lady cell oh jeez let's just start with with what's here try to control myself take a deep breath I know I'm ready thank you no wasn't Grateful Dead all right so no grateful Deads but we found a couple cool little things on this little rack I like this one a lot yeah this is a cool single stitch Orco well t-shirt what the heck list just take one second to show them what single stitch is because they have been asking for expl okay so basically it's just like one stitch line so if you see two let me show you an example right here so this one right here has two so that's double stitched and then this one would be single stitched and basically hello heyy how you doing single stitches were made back in the day so they changed it yeah in like the 2000s basically it's a quick way for you to date it basically yeah there are some 90s shirts that have double Stitch but oh wow that's interesting yeah on the best on on t-shirts on t-shirts yeah wow yeah then we got this cool Harley vest nice too five bucks in a Harley vest you can't beat that turn it around pretty cool yeah so how much is a t-shirt uh $2 so we're at seven bucks now awesome look um I'm just happy about the Vibes we got it's definitely a Vibe it's in hang on oh more Vibes oh that's cool aren't those so cool those are super cool I'm just loving seeing the stuff local to hear man if we were home we'd be having this oh there's all the Harry Potter books oh you got the whole collection we shouldn't even look at those don't even do it yeah don't do it you hang your Patrol you're welcome got a vest and a t-shirt yes thank you very much thank you have a great day thank you should we just walk did you want you want me to throw that in the truck real quick I'll do it let me do it with your broke foot I'll just meet you down there you start walking okay all right we're at the second Cale oh you look really good in this lighting stop okay show them your gym yeah we I saw this I scanned it and brand new they're selling for 50 used most of them are new that sold there's one used that one that sold for 25 so perfect for 50 cents though 50 cents yep well a dollar yeah it's never 50 cents right we're going to take your book there thank you I oh no we don't need change no it's okay no we're good thank you no no it's okay we appreciate it yeah take care thank you that happens and it's awkward sometimes right yeah I think it's sometimes easier just to take it it is yeah I kind of let it go too far I'm glad she tried to hand it to you she did made it awkward for me I want that trike oh it's only 175 there you go hello that's a steal I know that's a good time I used to ride on one of these when I was little look at that big old seat I know they're so comfy yeah F all of our yard sale stuff in the back and just sell around the neighborhood you want to get it and just leave it at the Airbnb I don't think so not for that right okay now we just go down one more Street and then we'll be at our St yeah we're like 2 minutes from the statea I've already said this once but I'm just I can't believe this is a Thursday look at this golf cart oh my gosh that's like that's awesome 8s uh 8s money right there that's old money awesome oh my gosh all right see you guys at the estate s right what we'll see you guys at the estate s yes yes yes all right see you I thought you were like telling somebody I think it's just right over there oh on the the left side the cell is uh oh I see it definitely popping it is it's very busy but you said this one just opened right it just started at 9: and I think it's 9:05 right now so oh jeez she loaded up oh man she got all the good stuff what she get she got towels dang it she got what towels oh well hopefully it's not just outside all right let's see kind of looks like it might be come from what's that this isn't the estate cell right this is a wait let me turn this off real quick yeah false alarm that wasn't even the statale how can they have that many sales that there's an estate sale across the street from a garage sale this is has to be confusing for people cuz there's no sign on this house right here good hopefully they all missed it and went to that one right cuz they're happening the state sell tomorrow in right the next day or two okayo do we trust him do you really think this the state sale I do yep come on in it says all right so this is the one that you thought was going to be cool okay cool oh wow I thought it was just the top part that's a whole deal yeah I like better before I saw the Anor that's some neat stuff yeah oh the lizard a lizard you have one like that right yeah maybe twoo this is definitely the Arizona Vibes huh mhm look at that one that's copper oh wow oh my gosh that's cool that is so cool these are so cool to all these they're Dillard trimmings but but they just all the southwestern Vibes I like this one right here is that like little drums I think so yeah like little drum heads yeah this one looks good from afar those are cool too yeah I swear I just sold a set of two of the of this brand of the Dillard trimmings ornaments also oh really okay but the ones I got were like dirt cheap too wow I think I'm going to get this cuz it's so small though this very cool yeah is that peppers I think so yeah it smells like cinnamon though does it really I was not expecting it has something in it for sure oh it smells good it does smell really good oh something's a l spice okay shall we go these trees are cool too you think they're vintage oh look at those Stars wow that's beautiful oh no oh those are Springs that's got to be a lot of work into those things what there's a whole set too oh wow are they like plushy too like they're not going to break they're plush and then but these are like there's beads but those are like little Springs like those are metal all those different ones that's crazy how do they even do that I don't know they must have a lot of spring and they just lay it down I'm going to Crazy those to do you think these are vintage I don't know they're homemade they're pretty cool they're very pretty nicely glazed what do you think I don't want to say it again cuz I've already said too much we're on vacation no we're uh we're too far from home yeah we're away I wish it was vacation it's a vacation it's a work trip we're working every day oh we're going to be working our we're going to do one fun thing though all right so sometimes these limax things are really good we decided like we're obviously not going to get these big things for 40 a piece but like if you find these for five bucks a piece they'd be good espe yeah Halloween ones yeah I wonder if the Michael sticker would uh bring up anything oh I don't know oh you're looking I just looked up yeah I was just curious since we're standing here so these are for This House of Wax okay actually that does not say House of Wax yeah it looks like the same exact one pre-owned for 72 yeah yeah I'm not going to look into all these cuz obviously we're not bringing them but they're so cool yeah but definitely if the price is right they're if we were close and they five bucks each we' be grabb them all for sure T that's really cool with the Moon that with the man it's copper too H the wolf is wood and the top is copper it's a wolf really wood that's crazy that's a cool piece yeah I want that for myself I bet that piece of wood came straight from the desert too that's cool too how I took a long time to make that time killer oh this is where all the magic happens is it crafty I love seeing all this artistic stuff out here oh 1993 pretty cool yeah yeah so much handmade stuff you originally saw those on the photo and you're like want those I thought they were like small yeah those are way too big I bet those are worth something yeah brand new main USA have the nice vom too home design fashion print blanket M the USA both of them wow those are pretty should I look them up fit full and twin size wow okay those are pretty so I'd say a conservative estimate on these things here is probably about like 40 to 50 okay well that makes perfect cushion for our glass you know is it price on the signs was there someone by me sorry about that so this just says used Ed flat fitted just carry them around yeah the most expensive thing on these list is five bucks do you want to go make a little I'm trying to decide if this is like perfect for my vibe okay or if I should put it back so you're on the fence on that one I am because I just know that we're going to see like way more so much more guys okay no where do we need to go also we need to go back cuz we couldn't get in that room and okay yeah okay let me make a decision about this so I can go put back on the wall it's amazing but I don't know if it's the thing okay okay I'm going to pass on this okay and then I think are we finished now ready for the next one yeah I think there's just one or two more rooms and then we'll get up out of here you think it's okay put it right there on the wall oh yeah that'll showcase it really well cuz I don't remember exactly where we got I don't think anybody saw it over there in the kitchen yeah that's going to suck yeah all right let's keep on rolling all right so 12 bucks for yeah two blankets and four ornaments yeah basically blankets that we get to use for bubble wrap ex so yeah those blankets will be nice little 2x about 4050 bucks each yeah those ornaments are ping for the Box yeah exactly we got a our void fill there you go all right we got like 1 thousand more stats got my mine's like already on to the next one all right let's do it okay so I think I know uh what our future looks like retirement communities with golf carts look at them shoing all the there's new one right there that's going to be us one day oh yeah oh we're going to be living the life okay here we go it's really cool Western Flyer right there oh yeah that bike that is nice look at the headlights that's crazy only 600 bucks only wow I tried it's kute there's oh it's a coaster yeah there's only two of them I know it's cool those are coasters but they're like tile yeah there's an owl one to what do you think's inside of here uh is there something in there do you already know I know I opened it's not what I was expecting oh okay Jesus yeah and Jesus and Mary okay Mary baby and then grown up Jesus this T's schol that is here just put well $3 each though I don't know yeah it's too much I don't know likes the cats and there's a there's three there's three I feel like these are probably I wonder if it's three for the set no it says each hang on are these Capal coasters oh wow they are those are in the Philippines from 1912 that is a whole big stack wow I wonder how much those are those are cool swear they're not priced that was I'm ask good yeah our little Capell flower but have sold really fast oh it did yeah for like 24 bucks right no I think it was more than that it was a set of two this off like 35 maybe okay little wooder oh that's cool main it's a rock it's a paper W oh there you go that is cool that's beautiful that's 6 60 bucks for that yeah that's probably definitely worth it oh for sure you think something like that would go for I don't know hundreds instead of eight for 20 6 for 18 so six for about 3 for 20 there yeah that's not bad we got a big old fat stack okay but their prices I already know it's going to be too much yeah we don't know how much it is yet yeah what cuz ours is the 3 oz so it's the big thing here of the Aron so that's worth n bucks let's make sure it's sake so this comes out for 98 uh yeah it's this specific one right here cuz these are just 1 oz that are selling for 60 okay so it's not bad if it's new though okay doesn't have a cap shouldn't have a cap on the top I'll be careful I'm good I don't know the same I feel like I should have a cap on the top right I don't know everything has a cap okay doesn't it I mean look at this one yeah scroll through for us no cap oh okay well then that's worth n bucks nine and 100 and then sign us up I'd say so sign us up so just the one yeah but was there more was there more of this stuff somewhere there was we saw more we need to go back and take another look okay let's go check it out there was a whole bunch all righty perfumes and stuff oh the other it was too busy for me to get over there before Oh up in the front Okay let's head over there lot okay all right did you I've got my coasters you got everything okay yeah all right let's go how much were these coasters oh um normally we do them like H she said H oh W 10 11 um how about like five for the stock okay that's fine that's that's exactly what I was hoping for apprciate thank you do you want to see if we can set your stuff oh yeah can I set these yeah sure that' be great do that perfect our table awesome thank you if okay thank you five bucks not bad no I'll take that all right and then this other makeup was I don't know there's just other little Spar here that we should glance at at least okay I see everything mostly it's philosophy though oh wow 120 bucks I know right fell over oh is this that one that you were telling me about the the big old chandelier light yes wow 195 that's cool oh I was saying that I saw one of those in the state sale before they had it priced at 350 and I looked it up and there was something like 600 bucks how much we 9 plus 14 my my head's not working she's got it yeah there we go thank you very much Mar yep awesome thank you o it's warming up I know this is what we signed up for right here yes where did we park uh we had to go all the way down the block okay well right and right you got some coasters and $100 makeup thing is that makeup yeah well it's a wrinkle kind of wrinkle cream or wait let me see specifically cuz um we just looked at so much stuff in there wrinkle releaser it is a smoothing facial cleanser perfect okay re non Advanced and it's the big one oh awesome that's a good deal n into 100 we'll take it we'll take it all right on to the next one all right we ran into a bonus sale indeed got some golf clubs some bikes would you buy a bike for like five bucks if we were just going to use it for the weekend I it was like five bucks for the weekend yes last I it little stain glass thing for a dollar pretty yeah kind of reminds me of uh the thing that you just sold that dog jumping on you little Nativity light mhm was really pretty sold really fast this was made in Vancouver oh wow for a dollar we got gra for a dollar yeah that is look how it has indentations all the way around mhm how much is that yeah that's what I Dido smart or sign it's a dollar has a feather inside bonus feather that's pretty it is okay you like it yeah cool it's beautiful get out here what a deal huh there we go hey that's okay some people just came in and got free stuff everything on the Rocks is free oh really okay so we don't care there we go we're doing good then thank you all right well thank you appreciate it all right well bonus sale two trinkies yep to our collection we'll take it and there's an say something in this neighborhood right yep we're on the way we're got like 3 minutes away now okay another bonus cell huh two bonus cells cuz we can see another one down there okay all righty let's set these real quick this one looks packed all right so first little pick up wait where's the other one of the uh oh uhoh do we only have one no there's two I think he's in the corner okay so sold comp on this set what was it I just looked at it and I forgot 85 or 985 it 85 oh wow okay so that's probably pretty good yeah that's amazing those are older and cool I wonder if these are worth anything too I don't know these a little bit more beat yeah these ones definitely look older with the coloration too compared to those bright ones let's get those we don't know how much they are yet but you find anything else no there's so much okay they have some yadro eggs but she wants $10 a piece on them okay and uh well that guy's old there have so many I just did a little lias of sorted H low through all the push so I know if that's saw any the good ones okay so you kind have an idea of which one would be good yeah well they have that huge box down there most of those are like Warner Brothers ones in there oh okay like a full set of like 11 of them sell for about $100 100 bucks yeah but again that's 11 huge stuffed animals that we don't want to yeah okay so do you want to show me the eggs um um or were they not so they're $10 a piece and they look like they're sell them for like 40 to 80 Max I wonder I it would only make sense I think if they were way less cuz we have we got a little bit of a deal yeah yeah yeah to put in perspective I've already paid $70 for two extra check bags on the way home so we're at $70 plus whatever we ship back home right now so it's not too bad but we have to just remember that yep well at least we got some awesome slippers yeah the slippers are going to be good for what 95 and a trinket will go right inside oh yeah I think so slippy going to head on to our yeah or on down the street I don't if you want to take a peek at those Yos all right they're over in the corner over there I'm just going to look through these shirts real quick okay all right did you check out those yardas I did they're very pretty okay what are you thinking I didn't look them up but based on what you said it's hard to leave them right okay I don't know though we're going to try to get a deal on them maybe um check out just one of them I think is worth a pickup super cool so this one's from 1992 says I'll get you my pretty my pretty you have to do it in the voice I'll get you my pretty how cool is that graphic though that's sick single stitch all the way around from Arizona too that's cool oh jeez and this is like an older Hawaii shirt sting yeah I like that too depending on the price on it we should get them both I think yeah with the cool slippers and maybe yr I don't know I'd say 40 max on the yds okay on all five on all five yeah okay so we have a couple price questions here so slippers and two T-shirts two men's t-shirts I that's right uh I'll do two on those and a dollar piece on those so four bucks okay and then question for you for the yadro pieces oh yeah I'll get them for you uhuh would you do 40 for the five like 10 bucks off I will okay you okay with that yeah it sounds good all right cool so I'm okay you're okay all right all right appreciate that thank you very much thank you so much this is the perfect bag for that thank you yeah all right is that all of them oh one more one more there we go thank you dear all right there's your other all right thanks so much thank you you like here tomorrow and Saturday too okay awesome thank you tomorrow and Saturday all right I'm very happy about those slippers for perfect oh that's cool oh yeah a little Jack in the Box the cartoon I've never seen like a cartoon version of you know the yeah wizard of Boss that's nice it's probably cheap was cheap almost everything I looked up was not worth picking up I will say I did learn a new thing that is worth picking up Wizard of Oz voids Bears if you find the whole set those'll sell for like 100ish and upwards really I've never seen them before though haven't seen them either that's really cool though I've never found one wizard of a thing that was worth picking up okay so I just sorted high to low really quick and I think I bought one doll once for like 10 bucks and it never sold so yeah yeah yeah I'm right there with you just one of those things that's like highly collected over done all right one more garage right there [Music] t that's cool it's got a bunch of another oh this one a lot yeah this is a cool [Music] sing We got this cool Harley V yeah that was nice [Music] too and brand new they're selling for [Music] 50 yeah brand new main [Music] USA that was good yeah our [Music] little little stain glass thing for a dollar Pi up where's the other one uhoh [Music] uh you have to get in the I'll get [Music] you an older Hawaii shirt yeah I like [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah
Channel: Part Time Pickers
Views: 174,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1x2E8oqbxFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 24sec (1704 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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