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are you ready for the first thrifting adventure of the Year well so am I let's Pile in Debbie's van and let's hit the road we're heading to a new place Livingston antique outlet but not before we hit a few thrift stores and when I say a few I mean three or four oh the stuff we found today I could barely get it all in my car this is just one of the baskets I filled so if you're ready for a good Adventure let's dive into 2024 before we get started for those of you who are new here to flea market rescue I just want to welcome my name is Kelly Sherry I do thrift store makeovers with my funny pal Jenny mhm I also love taking you along as we go to the thrift stores the garage sales and the flea markets so if you're up for some fun DIY projects and great shopping spree I hope you'll subscribe to my channel and ring the bell that way you'll get notified every time I post a new video all right you guys can you believe it I woke up late for our thrifting Adventure yes I did so I was late getting to debb house all right you guys I am on my way to Debbie's but I am running late here I'm like and uh hope she's not too mad good morning I'm I'm sorry I'm running late and a half a of cigarettes let's go get the man back together let's do it de a she wasn't mad at all she was just excited to get going thrifting I can't blame her I'm excited too let's do this you guys about a week and a half before Christmas I had a customer come in she's actually been to a few of my open houses along with her husband they're super sweet anyway she was kind of telling me the places she wanted to go and she was mentioning to me about this Livingston antique Outlet she said there was over 2 200 fenders and I was like that sounds pretty good so I asked Debbie if she wanted to go and Debbie said sure So that's where we're headed now you know us we're going to stop at every thrift store along the way and the first place that we came across on our way to living an antique Outlet was the Salvation Army in Highland so on our way to where we're going we stumbled across Highland which you guys remember I I found so much stuff here that day it was crazy went to it's a Hidden Gem I can't wait to see what's in here and and I've never been here before Deb's going to love it they have so many great things here like I said this place is a Hidden Gem oh these candlesticks are royal will you guys look how ornate these are [Music] wow all right so it looks like they're $4.99 for two of them and that's only 750 for each of them which I don't think is a bad price considering look at these they're gorgeous oh wow you look at that the original price was $33 $.99 and that was for one of [Music] them I think that is a love sign back there and that might be good for the display window in my [Music] store I just don't know if it' be a good seller or would it just be a window display well this is kind of cool and Easter is coming [Music] up I noticed it had the ladle inside so I might get this and just so you know we picked a date for the spring open house it's going to be on March 23rd which is a Saturday Easter is early this year so that is the week just before Easter make sure to mark that in your calendar and we hope to see you there so yeah I think I'm going to get this here oh that is really nice cool they have some cool stuff here don't they they do look at that that would be a good [Music] seller which is that oh yeah that's a cool heart I really love this pedestal tray I need to get a better look at it though I need to get all the stuff off of [Music] it $6.99 that's not bad at all adorable that's so cute little teac yeah love [Music] it this owl is super cute but he's a bank so like I usually do not get them if they're a bank but that's okay cuz I spy a chicken back there for $5.99 I think I'm going to have to get [Music] them oh aren't you a little cutie [Music] patootie I'm going to take a look at this I spoted this a few minutes ago but it is $9.99 that's a little too much it's cute though I remember seeing these last time I was here I think they're still here because they do not have lids to it them however you could put plants in them and that probably would be pretty cute but I don't know that f is pretty neat I like the metal I like the chicken [Music] wire oh what do we got here this looks like a cool clock yeah this is definitely going in my [Music] basket now I had like this up and until I pulled it out it really looked fake I mean fake I know it's only $2.99 but I really tried to keep my plants looking really realistic I think this is a really cool lamp this looks like a really vintage kind of milk can and then a few minutes later Debbie goes hey I want to show you this lamp I like so Debbie liked it too now neither one of us ended up getting it but it definitely was a thought [Music] just the other week I picked up a metal vase just like this now I would get rid of whatever's in there and replace it with something that looks natural like wheat or you know those willows I think that would look really good in there but yeah that's a nice [Music] face that's interesting found a couple little things that's it that's it huh but I've just started so okay don't worry Deb I'm making up for both of us look at all this Christmas you guys aren't these so cute I love them they remind me of like you know when kids do the little Indian chief type thing exactly yeah that's what it reminds me of love the petals on them i' have put on my front porch and oh yeah yeah oh Debbie that is so you do you think it's too much not at all like I could wear cers I think so yes she's so crazy that's why we love her this is a beautiful table bench I like the Paris on it but wait a minute I like the topiary more all right this is $24.99 I totally get it it's more on the higher side but you definitely could make money on this you could charge anywhere from like 45 up to I would say $54 and you would sell it so for that reason we're going to get it it's a large Plant it makes a statement and the greenery is really good on it remember what I told you about black and white linens and throws and things like that they're definitely a seller now I don't particularly like this one because in the middle it looks like they cut out a bath mat and I just I don't know what that is so for that reason I'm not going to get this but what I am going to get is this Beyond bless pillow love love love [Music] it and staying within that Black and White theme I love this print on this pillow so I'm going to get this too it reminds me of like a geometry print and it's only $4.99 so we're putting it in the basket I love this black and white stripe pillow too we're going to add this to our collection oh that's cute how it's knit like that Christmas tree [Music] yeah 14.99 for this old chair that's decent price at flea markets you can probably pick it up for $10 but $14.99 is still good price and I also like this other chair it reminds me of a draft men's type chair now I love buying little chairs because you can put plants on them and they just really make a nice display this one's $699 which I feel like is a little more on the high side I probably would want to pay $4.99 for it and because I'm not completely in love with it I'm going to pass on this one I just like to say old books really can add to your display because you can put stuff on top and you can add Greenery on the side like they did here and the books just kind of act like a riser they give some height and it just makes the display stand out you know I don't know if I really like these Circle kind of greeneries I've seen them in Hearts I'm not really a big fan I do like Greenery but I like it to be just a full plant I'm just going to eyeball these books again can't you just see them on a bookshelf laying flat with something on top something next to it yep I think it would look great you know what's weird I bought these birds at a garage sale and before I had bought those I had never seen them any anywhere well these have since sold but now I'm starting to see them in white everywhere we just saw them at relics the other week and now look who's here whenever I buy chicken or rooster stuff it goes pretty quickly now this I'm not quite sure about and at $4.99 I think I'm going to have to pass I probably would want to pay $2.99 for [Music] this this basket's really cool I can see it mounted underneath a window and you could have flowers in there it's really cool these look so industrial to put like on your desk but where's two I'm only seeing one and three so I don't know we're going to pass on this I think really like them though they have the right look these candlesticks have a nice look to them 2 for 10.99 I don't think that's too bad that's only you know 550 each that's that's decent [Music] I'm thinking spring here you guys I'm I'm loving that blue I might have to get this [Music] one well this blue jay's foot's [Music] Broken Oh $2.99 it's going in my basket you guys boy this whole in shelf makes me think spring I like these hydrangeas I just might need to get them all right let's look at this tobacco basket actually I like the fern it's like a fern wreath I have to take a better look at [Music] this I like it it has that that spring fill to it too this is really cute I love that it's white it's clean it's classic and uh it's a nice can this is kind of cute too this little honey pot the only thing it's missing is a stir but I'm pretty sure that you could pick one up pretty easily I'm just checking out their white pieces because if I see a white picture I'm definitely going to get it [Music] nope not today it's not on the cards now I'm liking the look of this let me just take it down see I don't like the inside of this and I'd have to paint it and I don't want to have to do that so I'm going to pass on this one it has quite an interesting look though oh just check out this Frame you guys very ornate oh $29.99 I will not be getting this so as I was looking at this Frame I ended up running into someone who watches flea market rescue her name's Sue and she gave Debbie and I some tips on where to go like some good stores so you know we're going to be hitting those so after we got done talking to sue we just took a quick look around just to see if there was anything else that we had to have I came across these books look it has two price tags one's $7.99 one's $22.99 they actually gave it to me for $2.99 though Debbie that's really nice it's like very realistic this is kind of cute it could be used as a riser you know what though I have enough in my basket you guys look at this it is time to check out folks wow I really found some great stuff here today and with that we checked out and we were back on the road again the next thrift store we went to was the Salvation Army in Brighton so we're going to check this one out never been been here to this Salvation Army ready Deb this one just Happ stance we weren't looking for this I know I like this ow oh darn it's another piggy [Music] bank I love this for some reason it just has that real natural element to it it would be great for fall love it I'm going to have to get it oh now this is a tobacco basket it even has a shelf in it I really love this and this is only $7.99 you [Music] guys now I hate these pink flowers in there and that is the first thing that's going to go if I get this oh ho ho this is right at my Alle look at the distressing of this love [Music] it at $5.99 you can't go wrong I might need to get this coffee container [Music] too yeah I like [Music] it this artichoke has a really nice look to it I love the little crack pieces and I also like the dressing in it oh my gosh my Pyrex people look at this now I'm not sure if this is a really good price but I just want to show you it I have to say I really like that folk art looking [Music] pattern now I need another piece of crisp like I need a hole in my head but oh my gosh this house is just so Charming I totally could see that set up on an entryway table they had a whole Christmas Village here I saw that in someone's basket when I was checking out all right I really do not need to look here these are kind of cute though wow two for $1.99 that's crazy cheap now I love this but what I don't love is that wire that goes all the way around that's the first thing that's going to get ripped off sometimes Simplicity is best now here's some stuff I could use bunnies papier-mâché bunnies we could put dictionary paper on them we could Moss them up yeah the possibilities they're there hey Judge Judy I want you to start calling me Judy now jeffie what are you going to do that and I'll take care of all the business in the store oh no jeffie you might want to put that down you know what I'm going for don't you yep that an sign W this thing is heavy not as heavy as Debbie's gavel but you know it's heavy I really like the look of wood and metal together it just has a really good look to it holy moly I want this fall sign this has a great look too just look at it you [Music] guys $5.99 it's a no-brainer it's going in the basket yep I'm loving this this would make a really nice shakery board you'd have to clean it up a bit maybe you could sand it and then you know just wash it up with some lemon and salt Jenny's mom made a really nice shakeri board for our Christmas party and it just worked out so nice so I just want to say a special thank you to Patty for that and then of course I had to copy her idea for New Year's so in addition to my vegetable tray I had a shaku board too see what you started Patty oh look what I just stumbled on you guys rayon oh my gosh four for $3.99 wow it's the cheapest I've ever seen rayon anywhere oh I want to get these spooky plates they're only $2.9 for all four of them okay I think I'm going to get a few mugs and these spooky [Music] plates I probably would have gotten this but I don't like how the tea looks it looks like there's something missing from [Music] [Applause] [Music] it wow these are heavy now I don't particularly like the finish on these I probably would paint them if I get them but I don't know I have to think about it oh my gosh you guys I managed to do it again another full basket I'm not going to have any money by the time I get to Livingston antique Outlet I would have to say that the bright and Salvation Army was a good one too anyway after checking out with this big basket we got back on the road heading to our destination when we came across this resale shop I found this little clock for $10 [Music] then I came across this Farmhouse metal candle holder it was only $6 so I thought you know what why not then I came across this really cool candle holder it's really unusual and there actually was another one I purchased both of them for $5 each Debbie ended up finding a couple little items there too and after we paid paid for our stuff we got back on the road because it was starting to get late it was already 4:00 and they Clos at 6:00 so we really needed to get to Livingston antique Outlet if we were ever going to get there today we are here I want to see what this place is all about so far it looks good wow just look at that Hutch that is really nice I like these antique touches like that they just have so much [Music] character now I really love those wooden trees especially that white one back there but for $12.99 I think that's a little bit [Music] high oh are these sheep how stinking cute well I don't particularly like the red nose on it kind of reminds me of a [Music] reindeer I know one's not for sale another one it looks like 11 yeah they're gorgeous though right yeah oh my gosh these are book ends I love these if I can just find out how much they [Music] are $8 but you know what this booth actually has 50% off so that would only make it $14 we're going to have to get them now this is really cute I like this only $4 and half off it's $2 I mean I have to get this 20 so that make him $10 that's worth it all day long Al so it's $9 it's only $450 that is so worth it I that's beautiful Manch just the other one you've got I love [Music] it this bird cage is $15 which make it $750 are you kidding me that's great cool how much is that 20 so 10 10 bucks it's hard to find these square ones yeah like that dress I like a statue I actually had the statue didn't I didn't I buy that one you do no I did I sold it you guys remember when I picked that up at a garage sale I bought it for $20 what I oh I like when they do that mhm I love these silver ear type buckets and when they put like a tree during Christmas it just looks so elegant I that yeah that looks real Ry this is really cool Is So Co I love that what is that anyhow dad oil it's a oil yeah yeah I love how they have the number on [Music] it that would be really cool the little Christmas tree in it yeah that is a cool bucket hey and you could stencil a number on like you did right [Music] yep well we didn't do it they did it I love this tree wish that was on sale I told Debbie to check and see what these green ray balls were going going for she told me this one here was $12.95 so I will not be getting any of these when she picked up this old watering can it kind of reminded me of that oil can that had the number on it we could definitely do something like that but I think this was a little more than what we wanted to spend so we put it back and it had a dent too look at this metal basket I'm in love with that I think it was like $68 so I had to pass now this is a really good price for this [Music] pillar that's a great way to display this vase put some like Twisted branches in there some torn old vintage book paper I really like that anytime I find a vintage black kind of suitcase like this I pick it up if it's not too much money they just really look good when you're displaying things now this one's $14 I think this is a good price usually when you go to the flea market you probably can pick them up for about 10 but 14's still in a good range and because of that we are going to get this [Music] I love this Frame and it's only $10 and then that candle holder next to it that's $6 really like both of these it's yeah right there where in between right there 35 35 huh not bad oh my gosh these are so stinking cute that's clever isn't it mhm look at that with shower curtain rings oh yeah those are really cute they're clever that how much is that 10 that's not bad $10 very cool wow I could see this hanging as a light fixture some kind of decorative piece in a store Debbie told me it's like a tree collar however you could really use it for either or yeah I really like that my mom has this exact little bed on top of her armor in her bedroom this one however is not for [Music] sale $8 isn't too bad on [Music] that I love this clock but at $21 for resale purposes I wouldn't be able to make any money on this [Music] this is gorgeous oh 175 no I can't get this now although some things are more expensive than others I find that you can find a lot of inspiration with looking at some of these pieces take this one for instance I love what she did here this lantern with the Santa the whole winter scene love it but she nailed it I love this cake stand I love the look of it too bad it's not for [Music] sale how much is that 55 you like these though I like these flowers they're [Music] cool I almost bought these but I had stuff in my hand and I didn't want to carry it up to the front I think $25 for this pair was not bad especially for something that's actually vintage and has a lot of character to it I'm sort of regretting not getting them because they would have looked really nice in the [Music] shop [Music] it's cute though yeah 14.95 that's not bad no I don't this is really cool $95 but I I'm sure it's worth it actually I looked over and I saw that this whole Booth was 40% off so you know that's not bad and they also had IOD molds too so cute yeah how much is that 49 that is so [Music] [Music] cute see 40% off you guys I love these mold love love love them that is really cool what is it yes oh that is cool I like how they put that in there that one $89 right now this booth was not on sale but I like what they did here and like I said you can get inspiration from things like [Music] that you know how I am with dress forms I'm like a moth to the flame that in the wood aisle in a thrift store I'm definitely drawn to [Music] both now this one was unusual but I didn't really care for the collar on the top so for that reason I didn't get it I really love these triangular trees that are made out of doors and bought a small one that was across from us at the Vintage Market it was for $20 and I just kept looking at it all day and so at the end of the day I ended up buying it oh my gosh this guy has every piece of Hardware ever my goodness I know he has every kind of I just want to show you guys something look at this $49.99 for this beautiful cabinet there's more this dress right here look at this $49.95 Debbie did you see the prices of this furniture look at this $59 oh my God are you kidding me $59 it's gorgeous yes it is look at this one here this one is $39 I had to look at that again wow wow now I can't believe how inexpensive this furniture is I had to take a double tap cuz I couldn't believe what I was seeing what a fabulous price unbelievable that was gorgeous too 100s oh yeah cups and stuff yeah that's unusual huh I've never seen like that oh my look at his face now he is is very unusual he doesn't have the normal face look at the round cheeks so cute well my mom wouldn't think so but I do now as I was walking to check out I noticed that they have Fusion paint here so that's something you could pick up especially if you're buying some of that furniture I just showed you they seem to have a pretty big selection so what did I think about Livingston antique Outlet well just like anything else you have to just kind of look through there some things are priced higher than others but those you can get inspiration and then there were those booths that had the 40 the 50% off that I showed you and you could get some really good deals so you just really have to look through there all in all W and I had fun and I did come home with some really nice stuff from there now on the way home you know we had to hit another thrift store W and I are die hards our next stop was a Salvation Army and white L really cool how much are they though $7.99 you know I could sell this so I ended up buying the bigger one for $7.99 and the smaller one for $6.99 I'm thinking I can flip the large one for 18 and the smaller one for [Music] 16 oh TIY that's cute let me get close them with that they're so cute he's adorable he's only $2.99 I love the look of them this pig reminds me of when we were doing the Vintage Market and they had those tin snowmen and Santa across from us these were made out of recycled tin and this is what the pig appears to be because on the back there's the same kind of print on there and those Santa and snowmen went for $34 I think so this pig should really be about $12.95 see the back it really looks like that recycled tin I'm really loving this white distress pale it's only $5.99 and it has a really good look this is a really great metal caddy I think I'm going to have to get this [Music] too yeah at $5.99 that's a great price what do we have here it looks like a nice shelf I love the color it's like a olive green this is $8.99 so that's not too bad I like that see out there is [Music] cute I would love to do a whole faux wall I think that would look so cool they only have one of these but I think this would probably be good to use in a display so I'm probably going to get this I thought this was going to be a cool butter dish till I saw this what is that on top I have no clue now these wouldn't be half bad to have especially if you're moving furniture around by yourself I thought this was pretty cool but then the more I looked at it I was like H I don't know so I just kind of passed on this one how sweet look at this little bunny you guys [Music] I've actually sold quite a few pairs that look similar to this this looks like a great yarn to make some of those sheep that we did in that Trash to Treasure I had more comments on the sheep everybody wanted to buy it if you haven't had a chance to see that video I'll leave a link in the description below for you and next week stay tuned for a brand new Trash to Treasure episode we have a lot of great projects in store for you yeah this is a really nice wool I really like this it took the nap off of it screws there had really cute gold little what happened in the knob is that it's on the floor somewhere well you guys yet another basket we need to get out of here and I need to go home so after we checked out we ended up leaving and when you know it 5 minutes down the road we saw another thrift store we did stop but we really didn't find much I just had to take a look and see how much this dresser was going for so this one they wanted $119.99 but remember how cheap they were at Livingston antique Outlet 4995 just check out this French provisual dresser they had there with the mirror $119 that's not a bad price look at this huge wooden bucket I've come across smaller ones but not a large one like this I think they call it ferin this one's $69.95 so I would never get this one although I know people really like them and they're highly collectible and the only other thing that I came across was this cute bunny I thought it was pretty cute for Easter but like I said we really didn't find much here thank God I think I found enough stuff today all right you guys I am really going home that's it I don't even know how I'm going to get all this stuff in my car all right you guys that is it for this epod to flea market rescue I hope you enjoyed our shopping trip together and if you like this video and you want to see more make sure to subscribe to my channel and ring the bell I'm Kelly Sherry and this has been flea market rescue
Views: 178,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thrift store haul, thrift with me, thrift haul, thrifting home decor, thrifting for resale, thrifting at goodwill, thrifting shopping, thrift store, thrift store finds, thrift store shopping, thrift store flipping, thrift with me 2023, thrift with me home decor, thrift with me goodwill, thrifted home decor, thrift shopping, come shop with me, come thrift shopping with me, huge thrift haul, huge thrift shopping, goodwill thrifting, goodwill, thrift haul 2023
Id: tl3ZX9LpVoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 42sec (2322 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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