Why Webflow is BETTER than WordPress (2020)

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I can't believe how many designers are still using WordPress to build their website when there are much better alternatives my favorite one is web flow and in this video I'm gonna tell you exactly why I think it's much much better at staging [Music] hey everybody what is up if you've ever watched my videos you probably know I'm pretty passionate about web flow and they have been sponsored a lot of my videos so you might think I'm biased but this video is not sponsored and I'm actually sharing my honest opinion why I started working with them why I prefer them other over WordPress which I have been using in the past and why I am so passionate that I actually have a course teaching people web flow because I think it's the best solution so let's dive right into it the first reason why I think it's better is because it allows you to do fully custom design and do that without code now I personally as a designer believe that in these day and age when clients can use you know templates or website builders like Wix or squares place themselves you know templates are just not enough and I want to offer my clients fully custom design based on their needs and so usually when working with WordPress it usually involves taking some kind of a template and then starting to mess mess with it and adjust it because usually natively on WordPress it's a template based platform right you can't really design custom stuff from scratch there and to fully customize those templates requires a lot of code requires really knowing and understanding all the widgets and you know nuggets or whatever bolts and screws of WordPress to really make sure that the the template is customized the way that you want it now so for me this is really important and this can be natively done very easily with a web flow now some of you who are familiar with WordPress might tell me now wait but there are builders for WordPress which allows you to do custom design the most popular one is probably Elementor which is by the way a great company they're based in Israel and I know them there are my friends and I think they're doing fantastic job however let me go on into the next points in this presentation and you'll understand that within the context of all the benefits of web flow this specific I don't want to work with a specific plugin within the ecosystem of WordPress and for me so for me working with these type of tools to create custom design within WordPress is just not good enough so here's my second point with web flow you don't have set up so there is completely no set up users to jump into it create a new website and start designing with when I was working with WordPress you always have to set up a new WordPress account set up a hosting this you know do all the create password and set up this whole website and then later on it's going to be your gonna have to move it to the clients hosting or give them credential for something like this this whole set up this whole dealing with infrastructure is not something that me I as a designer I want to deal with I want to do my work I want to design the website and build it and make sure that they end up having an amazing website I don't want to deal with all this technical infrastructure set up and when I'm working with web flow it's completely transparent right I click a button to create a new website and I have a dashboard of all the websites that I work with because I do work with multiple clients and I have my own website so I'm always working on multiple website I don't want to log in log out and you know between different WordPress websites I want to have my own account work on as many websites as I want it and when I finished them I can either host them for my clients or just transfer the website to them but it's really transparent I don't have to deal with all the mechanics of running a WordPress website which is for me again just a hassle so I don't want to do that next point is that WordPress generates because with WordPress you're usually using either a builder or a lot of plugins to achieve the you know the functionality that you need it ends up generating like a bloated code which is usually just slower when you're working with web flow because everything is native and you're literally just building you know HTML and CSS components the code at the end ends up being much more clear and clean now you know again I'm not a coder I'm not a developer why should I care about code quality and the own reason I do care about code quality is that the website runs faster and I have seen you can actually Google I think web flow site speed over web flow or something like that but I have read multiple articles that really shows you demonstrate the how faster the website's load when they have a cleaner code which is the case on web flow so that's why I actually care about this and this makes sense when you work with web flow next point is that it comes with great hosting right and great hosting means that it's hosted on scalable Amazon the fastest servers he create it contains something that's called CDN which is content delivery networks which means that your images for the website are hosted on servers all around the world and based on where you're loading the website they're gonna pull in from the closest server so that the website runs the fastest now all these features you can get them on WordPress if you're using an external hosting so again you're gonna have to add another service on top of WordPress and hosted with I don't know WP engine or one of these other services which allows you for a great hosting now for all these people which is a comment that I hear a lot oh but web flows hosting is very expensive I don't want to host with them I have my own hosting so the point is that when you want and most clients will end up wanting all these features like security SSL scalability in terms of when they're having a lot of traffic they don't want to pay extra and all these things come default with the web flow hosting that it just makes sense to and it's so easy to host with them the price ends up being exactly the same and it comes by default you don't have to pay or host with another different service and when we're talking about security you know and there's have been so many you know backdoors and and you know breaches to what WordPress website Security's where they're pretty easily hackable because they are standard so many people are using them so many people know how to you know get into the admin and crack it so many of the plugins that people are using and downloading they're not really sure and that they are secure and I personally had which I've built their website they've turned it into you know a wordpress website and literally they just updated the wrong plug-in the whole website crashed and allowed people to hack into their website which was a total mess now with web flow it's just the securities handled by web flow by their hosting and it's literally uncrackable so that's that's another kind of like for my clients that's something that's super important and I don't have to pay attention to I don't have to worry about this this comes out of the box so for me this is an amazing amazing added value so next point is fully customizable CMS so WordPress you might know is basically out of the box it is a blogging platform and that's how the whole system is based you know the you have post you have you know the hole you fill in those little forms and honestly blog posts are not the only thing that is dynamic in a website you know for all the website that I build my clients we are having a lot of other dynamic content such as team members such as events such as you know products and things that you want to allow your customers to add to their website and edit and remove and manage their website without you now if you want to do that with WordPress again this takes a lot of customization usually with code because it doesn't come out out of the box while in web flow you structure the you know the the the you actually define how you want the CMS to be so it can be like a structure for a blog post that has a title that has author that has the post but it can also be a structure that is right for an event such as location such as links such as price whatever so this is something that just makes the whole website much more dynamic much more easy to update for the website and again you don't have to customize it with code you just build this out of the box so this is an amazing amazing added value now one more thing that I hear tons of people talk about when I think it's as it is a Meath or a bull say is that a wordpress google loves WordPress website I think this is completely not validated by any proof I have not seen that and web flow allows you for all the native SEO tools out of the box so you can add the the meta tags you can add the alt tags everything that is necessary to create you can define the link structure so you can really you can really build great efficient SEO website that Google loves that will rank higher out of the box without using a third-party tool without using kind of a plug-in or something like that and so just the the the assumption that WordPress is better for SEO is not based on reality I have not seen any proof on contrary I have seen multiple articles showing that you know after a WordPress website was transitioned into web flow it actually ranked higher on Google so this is I just think this is kind of this urban myth that people talk about just because most websites on the Internet are on WordPress so it's kind of a common assumption that it's better for SEO but it is not I have not seen any proof that this is true and one of the last points is that it allows for a great editing experience for my clients so web flow allows the editor which basically allows your client to edit their website visually so instead of going into this kind of a form and I have not seen anybody that any client that really enjoys updating their website on WordPress right everything is kind of with the ugly old dashboard that has all these forms and you have to find the right field to update with web flow it's just it's visual right you go on the page you click on the title that you want to edit you type in the new text and bam it's it's edit so it's much much more you know better user experience seamless faster and more enjoyable so that's you know clients love that at the end of the day like it's it's it for me it's the matter of speed right because speed as a freelancer for me speed equals profitability right so for me I can build websites much much faster when all I have to focus on is go to web flow build the actual website click publish done and the end of the day you know move it transfer it to my clients account if I want to and then we're done I don't have to deal with the infrastructure I don't have to deal with the hosting I don't have to deal with plugins I don't have to deal with all these other things around it different different apps for builders or again plugins or something like that I can focus on my own job as a designer which is to build the website make sure that it looks beautiful that it works that all the functionality is there and I'm done so for me it's way way faster I'd love to hear your opinions especially if you're a wordpress person and you think that it's better or why you're not making move let me know in the comments below and I will see you on the next [Music]
Channel: Flux
Views: 95,614
Rating: 4.2763748 out of 5
Keywords: Design, designer, ran segall, flux, startups, startup, freelance designer, web design, web designer, web development, web developer, web development freelancer, web development tools, freelance web developer, web flow, how to start freelancing, web design business, how to freelance, start freelancing, freelance web design, Freelance, freelancer, freelancing, graphic design, graphic designer, web designer career, web design tutorial, website design
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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