What Webflow Plan is right for you?

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what's low pricing can be a little bit confusing and I actually get a bunch of questions about what plan should I use which is the right one for me so in this video we're gonna cover that everybody what's up and welcome to another web flow weekly usually a share a quick tutorial here but recently I just got a bunch of emails regarding which plan should I choose and people are actually getting confused about what flows pricing so I want to discuss this in this video to clarify I mean I wish it wasn't that complicated and it is a little bit complicated and the reason for that is that well flow charges you for two different things so there's they're actually charging you for using their software which is called account plan and they're also acting as a hosting company for the website that you've built and so you might on top of your account also pay for hosting you might actually pay for several hosting so at the end of the month you might get a bunch of invoices and receipts from web flow which can be a little bit confusing and it's true that I don't know many actually companies that work that way but it is what they chose and I still think it's worth you know and the confusion to sort this out so let's talk about what are the differences let's start with account plans which is basically what you use to use the software and build websites using web flow so let me I'm just gonna open it up on their website their pricing page and actually start here with the account plane so as you can see if there are three plans and the first one is free so you can get started using web flow if you just want to learn it if you just want to experiment and see if that's the right thing for you you can get started and actually built two websites on your account for free that's great where does it limit you for the the first thing is you can't export the code so if you want to take it and host it somewhere else you can to do this on the free plan the second thing is that you can't transfer the website to somebody else and basically I guess the reason that there they structure it this way is that you won't be able that you that the point of the free plan is to experiment and see if well flow is right for you but if you actually want to use the code by either exporting the code or you know transferring the website to somebody else who has a pro account then you know you should probably pay for that and the the bigger plants are just allowing you to have these features of exporting code and transferring website and the main difference between the light and the pro I think is just yeah it's just how many websites you can you know how many websites you can have on your account and if you can password protect them so basically look and ok now let's talk about what is the hosting so the hosting is when you've finished designing a website and building it if you want to connect it to a domain and keep it hosted on web flow and use their CMS then you pay per web site a hosting plan and that's based based on whether it's just a static web site or CMS web site or an e-commerce there's a different pricing for each now here's how I usually work and how I sort this thing out so basically for me I use the I just have a bunch of web sites and a lot of them so I'm on the pro plan however every time that I work on a client website at the end of the when I finish designing the website I actually transfer the website to my clients basically web flow does have client billing which means that you can take your clients card and pay for the hosting or actually let them pay for their own hosting while you keep the website on your account but I don't like doing this I like to transfer my website to them so they are the owners of their own website so basically what I do is I open my clients a free web flow account so they don't have to pay for an account with web flow I then transfer the website to them so now they have a whole website on their free account and then I set up hosting plan on their account so basically my clients pay for the hosting plan I pay for the account plan this is basically how I set things on my end except for whew website that I own for like my own you know personal website and the web for master class website which are hosted on website so I pay the hosting for them but basically if we would just let's say working on a client work I would basically you know have my own web account and then I transfer the websites to them so I don't have to pay the hosting for their web sites now for a lot of people who are beginners or might be tight on a budget and are asking me can I get started on the free plan do I have to pay the account plan what I usually say is you know of course I think that if you're heavily invested in this then you should definitely you know go with the pro plan for yourself so that you can you know do everything export the code and do whatever you need to do and have a bunch of websites but if you I think if you're just getting started and if you're stretched on the budget I mean I think that you can get started on the free account build your clients website see if they like this if they're willing to pay for this and host it then you can just then upgrade your account to either transfer it to them or host it and use the client billing for them or export the code or whatever you need and if then you don't end up keep using web form you know you can downgrade your your account or something like that so I think you can try and stay on the kind of a lower expenses if you want to again I host a lot of websites and I'm a really big believer and so and I also take advantage of when you pay year leave and you get a discount so for me that works well but as I said you can get started on the lower end and progress as you need I hope that was helpful in clarifying the difference between the accounts and which one might be a good fit for you if not let me know in the comments below your questions I'll try to answer all the questions in the comments and I'll see you next week
Channel: Flux Academy
Views: 87,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: design, freelance, tel aviv, ran segall, ran segal, רן סגל, work, life, vlog, startups, what webflow plan is right, for you, pricing, plans, webflow, online, website, builder, ecommerce, lite, free, premium, pro, cost, price, cheap
Id: c2cyUD6dig0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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