When You Should and Shouldn’t Use Webflow

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so you might have heard that webflow is all the rage now you've probably heard it from us as well but let's be real weflay is probably not the best solution for every website in the world so in this video i want to cover three use case where you should consider using webflow and three use cases where i don't think webflow is a great solution let's rock and roll [Music] hey designer friends what is up my name is ron segal and on this video let me help you explore when you should think about using webflow or not use webflow so let's start with the first kind of use case i think the best use case right now as we speak in 20 early 2021 for webflow is still what's called marketing website and a marketing website basically means that it's a front either a front for a project or product where you you know you log in and then you get into the product or a service where you know you're either you're a freelancer a lawyer or something where you want to have a custom experience showing you what the service is about perhaps it's a restaurant perhaps it's a hotel and basically just to show you with a custom experience what this thing is and then you go elsewhere to do that thing so here's one example of a marketing website using webflow this is for hellosign actually a great service i use to get online signatures done so as you can see this website is kind of like custom design there there's no template that can give you all of this layouts exactly and they have this animation here they have all of this you know big custom menu so when you need something like this custom designed to explain what the product service or business is webflow is still the best use case for that now the second thing is when you want to have a portfolio website if you want to have a portfolio website and you want to do it in a custom way specifically if you're a designer and you want to show your design capabilities let me show you an example so here's a website really nice webflow website by a designer called amber and as you can see it has all of the beautiful interactions page transition and stuff that we usually show when we show amazing website award-winning website and this is something that you know obviously you wouldn't be able to do with a template with a website builder or something like this so when you want to show that you are a unique designer and you need a unique portfolio website then webflow is a great use case for that and the third use case that i think is wonderful it's definitely what we're using is if you have a content website and by that i mean either a blog or you're regularly uploading content then webflow can be a great one for you here's an example from doordash and this is kind of like their content portal is so as you can see pretty much looks like a blog for anything you can click any of these articles and you know check out the article itself so webflow is a great blogging platform if you're regularly uploading content that's super easy to you know make sure that collaborators and editors only have access to the front end uploading content and not ruining your design and have a great experience versus something like wordpress which you know everybody hates working with all right so these were three use case where i think webflow would be ideal let's cover three use case where i think webflow is probably not your best solution right now the first one is if you have a big advanced ecommerce website and here's an example this is for balroy that's actually the iphone cover that i use so they have a bunch of you know a lot of a lot of products here and a lot of customization and big e-commerce website usually have a lot of features that they need to have things like you know log in to keep your credentials if you want to purchase again and again um you know currencies all these different payment processors that you need to explain there's tons and tons of features now webflow has a native e-commerce solution which is good if you're like a small boutique e-commerce website but for big websites with hundreds of products and a lot of added functionalities and back-end functionality and store management functionalities webflow is still pretty far from all the big platforms out there like you know shopify mainly shopify is like the biggest one and most robust one but also things like e-commerce um and so in these cases i would consider i would probably not use webflow perhaps maybe webflow just for the front and to create a custom front-end but probably for the back-end i wouldn't use webflow to manage a big heavy e-commerce website right now again i don't know what's going to happen in the future but right now when a lot of people ask me i have this e-commerce my clients want you know me to be able to you know log in to have my you know profile where i can see previous purchases and i can have my you know information saved and all these advanced functionality currently you can do that with webflow now the second thing would be very very big content website and the example that i'm showing you here is for cbc so while i've mentioned that webflow is great for blogging when the website becomes big as a media company where you have you know hundreds of different collaborators and over 10 000 you know cms items meaning just articles and more and more and more articles at that scale waffle is probably not the best solution for managing so much content and so many editors um while i like to hate on wordpress wordpress already already solved a lot of these kind of scaling uh and permissions and a lot of these different capabilities that are still not at scale in webflow so if you're building a news or a complete media company website webflow is probably not the cms to go with right now and the third use case where i think you should probably not go with um with webflow is you know while we've mentioned custom portfolios and things that you can do custom and unique with webflow i do think that for a lot of people out there especially if they're just starting out as designers or if they're not even designers maybe you're a photographer or a motion designer or stuff like that and you need a basic for portfolio sometimes the learning curve for webflow is just not worth it for you because that's not going to be the tool of choice that you're maybe you're not building websites every day and you're just trying to find a solution for your own portfolio in that case you should probably go with something like squarespace which just gives you a very nice template for a beautiful website and if you want to showcase your photography or your animation or your illustration perhaps the learning curve of webflow because webflow does have a learning curve right otherwise we wouldn't have full-on courses teaching you how to use webflow but because it has a learning curve i don't think everybody should learn that right if that's not what you're doing day to day if you're not building websites for clients if building website is not your business you shouldn't spend you know hours trying to master this advanced platform you should probably go with something that is ready-made looks beautiful and going to simplify your life so if that's you don't bother learning webflow just go with something like squarespace all right i'm not sure if that answered all your questions let me know in the comments below if there's any more use cases where you're not sure if webflow would be a good fit or not we'll try to answer these questions in the meanwhile make sure you like and subscribe to get more videos from us about design web design freelancing and webflow and we'll see you in the next video peace
Channel: Flux
Views: 32,722
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Keywords: become a graphic designer 2020, freelance web designer, graphic designer job, ran segall, web design, web design business 2020, web design freelance, web design freelancer, web designer career, web design 2020, flux academy
Id: KCWbrQlSDok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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