Explaining the Webflow plans and pricing (2020)

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Just to clear this up, say I have built 2 projects under the free plan but 1 website is unhosted and one is hosted, does that mean I can’t build anymore bc I’ve covered the 2 projects under the free plan? Or bc I decided to host one, I’ve made a slot available in my 2 projects slot to build another?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/peshroo 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey everyone welcome to the first video in this new series called web flow explained in this video I'm going to try and clear up the confusion over the web flow pricing structure I still see some tweets forum posts reddit post about people coming into web flow who've never heard of it before and going immediately to the pricing page and thinking which one do I sign up for I'm here to answer that question and a little bit more and to do this I'm going to use web flow to explain web flow alright I'll show you what I mean alright let's break this down and go to the web flow pricing page now as you can see there's two types of plans there's site plans and account plans let's first break down the account plans I'm gonna just try to summarize this as much as possible but all the information is on this page everyone who signs up for web flow starts on this free account plan or starter plan it's a way for you to start kicking around the tires going into the designer tool and seeing if the no code workflow works for you this part right here projects this is where a lot of people get confused so a project is a site basically once you click new website or new project inside a web flow that's what we're talking about now all sites no matter which account plan you're on all sites or projects you can publish on the internet for free however it'll be on a web flow tile sub domain for example if your web flow site name is example name then it'll be example name dot web flow dot io alright so any account plan you can publish to that sub domain and see what your site looks like out on the Internet and this type of publishing we call that publishing to staging and this is what this row of information means okay with the individual free plan you only get up to two projects and each of those projects only gets up to two static pages and up to 50 CMS items so what that means is a static page is like a one-off page your homepage is one and then make an about page or contact page that's all you can do okay but you can also create a dynamic page like a blog post template page and have up to 50 CMS items and so what a CMS item is is a like one blog post is one CMS item all right so that should be enough for you to get into web flow and see if it works for you now this is the part where people kind of get confused because when you publish a site it's hosted by web flow but we still call it unholstered now let me break down what that means so I'm gonna use web flow to explain this part so let's go ahead and create a grid give it we'll give it three columns and we'll give it one row okay and eat each grid I'm going to have a div block and in the first div walk let's go ahead and put a bucket and this one we're gonna put a bucket as well and in the middle we're going to put a website cool and this side if we're gonna name it unwholesome projects and on this side we're gonna call it hosted projects and let's just do a little styling make that bigger Center everything and cool we're done all right so when we first get into web flow we make a website cool when we press the publish button it goes to web flow dot IO link and this is what we call a none hosted project so this would move to here okay and for the starter plan you can have up to two and if you want to create a third one well you can't you the your unholstered projects bucket okay this bucket is full for you however each webflow account comes with a bucket of unlimited merio unlimited hosted projects when i add a web flow site plan to one of these it leaves this bucket and goes into the hosted projects bucket which means that you have another slot open for a nun hosted project and so if i if i make a new website and then publish it to web flow io then it goes into this come on oops and then it goes into that bucket and so now I have three projects now another note for when you add hosting to a project not only doesn't go into this bucket but it also unlocks everything that you get with the site plan for example instead of just having two pages you get up to a hundred and if you add the CMS site plan to the hosted project then you get up to two thousand CMS items now if we go back to the individual plans you'll see that the light plan you can have up to ten unholstered projects and the pro you can have unlimited now you might be thinking why should I ever upgrade you know if I can just add a site plan to my site and get all the things I need well a lot of people do that one scenario for that is if you are just building a website for yourself then don't upgrade to your account just add a site plan to your website and that's it or if you're able to have your client pay for the site hosting which what we call client billing you can add the site plan to the website and for that bill over to your client and you will never have to pay for web flow your clients are paying for their own site through your account and yeah that's it if you have a lot of clients and a lot of them want to see their site tested before they go live before they even pay for the site hosting then you would need to upgrade to the light account or the Perl account if you have a lot a lot of clients now hopefully that explains that count plans now let's break down the hosting so hosting or site plans are added per site now with site plans you have three different types okay you have basic CMS and business so basic is like a landing page or a click funnels so this is good for that okay but if your client wants to maintain the site themselves or has a blog or some other dynamic data then that would be CMS if your client has a lot of dynamic data then that's when you would go to business now if your client has products that they want to sell that's when you would go to the different tab for web flow ecommerce and there's a pricing for that yeah so that's about it but again the main part of the confusion is usually the hosted versus unholstered for account plans okay so again you have hosted projects and you have unlimited hosted projects whenever you build a site it's an unwholesome project and when you add a site plan to it it becomes hosted and you can have an unlimited amount of websites in that bucket let me know if this video helps you understand this more let me know if you still have questions put them in the comments I'll be watching them and answering those questions as fast as I can but thank you so much for watching and as always make the web beautiful together see ya
Channel: pixelgeek
Views: 21,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Webflow plans and pricing, learn, site hosting, content management system, web development, web design, graphic design
Id: nzWnLyjP3JY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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