Why We Need Another Trump

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[Music] the world needs another Trump there I said it I said it I said it look three years ago I decided to do something stupid I decided to see Trump in person so I flew to South Carolina to sneak into one of his rallies in style [Music] I dressed up like a true American and went to see Trump and all the other Republicans running for president I started with Vanden Carson and he was boring then I went to Ted Cruz he was too slow then Marco Rubio he was to strip it and then Donald Trump he was different [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and that's why he fascinates him his rally was like a full-on show full of excitement and energy his music was energizing and his words we're simple the whole time he never said even one complicated word who is going to pay for the wall who instead of employment he says jobs instead of legislation he says law he used language so easy anyone could understand the old grandpa and the young kids all of them got his message even if it was fake a Donald Trump supporter I believe that Donald will make America great again at that Trump rally I saw ignorance but above all I saw excitement it really was a fun rally we have a truck woman I don't support trunk but I do support the way Trump communicates all the other candidates we saw were so boring so scripted everybody almost fell asleep listening to them lead something incredibly special about the nation in which we live and we should be incredibly grateful for that makes no sense and this isn't just Republicans Democrats do it all the time the way they speak is just too boring or too complicated for the average voter instead of jobs they say we passed at number five seven eight nine eight three and no one really knows what that act is politicians in the United States and outside of it need to create a better version of Trump Trump of the left one that can tell a message so simple a five-year-old can understand and stand behind a message about love and unity not about hate and division at the end of the rally South Carolina went to vote and Trump won by a wide margin then he won the elections they changed the world it was not surprising politicians need to step it up and change the way they communicate because maybe then we can fix the mess we are in right now see you next week hey there how are you thank you so much for watching the video try watching another video they're short and they're meaningful also try following this channel I think you'll enjoy it every day there's gonna be a much better video come your way thank you so much [Music]
Channel: Nas Daily
Views: 2,292,866
Rating: 4.3727274 out of 5
Keywords: Nas Daily, Nas Studio, Trump, Trumplican, United states, United states president, US president, Donald
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 14sec (254 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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