Why We Need a New Reformation by Ken Ham

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well it's great to have you all here and trust you'll be all but well able to go and walk through the creation museum and also to go through the arc this week Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry so what we're doing is equipping Christians to be able to defend the Christian faith and challenging non-christians concerning the truth of God's Word in the gospel and so we have the Ministry of Answers in Genesis that is the mother ministry if you like and we have various outreaches from that we have books we have DVDs we have a number of different websites we also produce a four year Bible curriculum Sunday school curriculum that's now used by about 10,000 churches we produce a VBS that is one of the top in the world it's in the top three in the world last year 5,000 churches use their BBS and this year we believe for this coming year will be even more of a demand the Creation Museum was opened in 2007 so there's ten years ago and we've had about three million people come through that but now we're getting a lot more because see all these buses here so choose these Wednesdays and Thursdays these buses come in hundreds and hundreds of buses during the summer and then for September and October in fact they told me this month's even going to be bigger than last month for the buses and a lot of these people are 55 and older and the majority of them rent ECB's so it's like bumper cars out there sometimes so just be careful certainly that's what happens with the older generation right now I mean that yeah anyway so I encourage you to make sure that you goes through the Creation Museum but those have been here before we do have a brand-new big exhibit in Christ's cross consummation which is absolutely phenomenal exhibit and then over the next 18 months we're going to remodel the entire first part of the museum and we're going to remodel the theater upstairs so we continue to do things now the Ark is 45 minutes from here it is the biggest timber frame structure in the world 3.3 million board feet of timber and some from ground level to the roof top is seven stories from ground level to the top of the bow is 10 stories so it is an amazing structure and one and a half times the length of a football field so it's a lot of walking so when you go in there then you'll go up onto the first day can you go back and forward in the first deck and then up the ramps to the second deck and do the same then the third deck and there's amazing exhibits you could spend two days there in fact more and more people are spending more than one day there so you're just gonna have to work your time between there and the Creation Museum and then there's a zoo at the back and a petting zoo are expanding the zoo it'll be much larger for next year even and we're going to do a lot more teaching on coins but it's an amazing zoo even now as it is and then we have a West Village and an East Village we're actually building a 2,500 seat auditorium down there imagine it'll be the same as legacy hall only two and a half times the size and then it's gonna have a big basement as well and so there could be churches coming in to conferences there we'll do some of our conferences and we'll have speaking everyday workshops all sorts of things like that in fact as we expand the zoo we're putting a stage in the zoo so we can have animal programs in the zoo now when you're down the ark make sure you get a photograph of yourselves on the second deck there's a door there the big door there God told Noah to put one door in the side of the Ark and this really represents a whole message of Answers in Genesis as no and his family went through a door to be saved we need to go through a door and that door is the Lord Jesus Christ and we do have an illuminated cross on that door now the interesting thing is because it's illuminated so that it's not overbearing it's sort of subtle but you'll see it there when you look but it shows up much more on a camera so if you put your camera on you see it shows up much more because it's light and the interesting thing is there some people they didn't realize the cross was there and they get home and they look at their photos and they've sent us a letter saying an amazing miracle happened so we've had to sort of let them down a little slowly there and explain that to them and if you're able to hey think about our Christmas programs we have spectacular Christmas programs this year Christmas town we've been doing this for a number of years here at the Creation Museum it is one of the most spectacular display of Lights the garden of lights that you'll see anyway it's very exquisitely done with some very talented people we had people who've told us it's the best they've seen in America really is spectacular and then we have a live nativity because you know the cultures trying to take the nativity out of all sorts of public places but we have a live nativity people dressed in costume all sorts of other things and then at the arc actually every night we like the arc in the rainbow colors because we believe we need to take back the rainbow and so we're doing that and I don't know whether they're in that you could have a look down at the arc that we have coming if they're not already there we have some rainbow products with rainbow shirts and I have Genesis 913 on them saying that God gave the meaning of the rainbow in fact as I told people you know we we learnt the many the meaning of the rainbow 4300 years ago and LGBTQ movement started using it in 1978 so I think God wins with that one so have a look or at Christmas time you'll be able to come and have a look at the lights we have some spectacular lights down there too and then what we're doing they've ever been to Disney and seeing that laser program they have on the side of the castle so we have a 3d mapping program that will be shown with 15 laser projectors on the side of the arc and it's going to go from Genesis through to the flood through to the Nativity through to the cross now it's only ten minute program ten minutes is actually a long time you stand there watching something like that but it's not as long as Disney that they have a few more millions of dollars and we do but it is spectacular it's world-class and you'll be able to there'll be a cutaway inside the Ark and you'll see the water coming up and you'll see the animals coming up and so on ends with that cross on the door there and challenges people and so if you can come back at Christmas you have to look at the dates we have different dates like for the Ark that program is going to be shown from December 8th through January 15 and then for the Christmas town at the Museum it's December 15 through to December 30 and we're closed for Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day obviously and this year we're closing Christmas Eve because it's on a Sunday and so have all of the dates there on our website well the theme of this conference is igniting a new Reformation we believe we need to be a part of igniting a new Reformation in our culture and as a subtitle to that I've put it as Genesis and the authority of Scripture and so really if we're talking about why we need a new Reformation really it's a Reformation to call the church back to the authority of the word of God this is a great month to talk about Reformation and talk about the authority of the word of God because on October 31st it's the 500th anniversary of the Reformation when Martin Luther no less theses on the door of the church and that's one of the reasons why I bought my Martin Luther here I stand all and I have it sitting there at home to remind me that this is Reformation month and I bought a little Playmobil Martin Luther for each of our kids for their families to just remind them of that I know we wouldn't all agree with Luther's theology and so on but that nonetheless God used a great man like this to start a Reformation and we still we're still really feeling the reverberations of that even today you know Martin Luther was a German professor of theology a composer priest a monk and he is the figure that began the Protestant Reformation and so in 1517 he nailed a copy of those theses to the door of the castle Church in you got a printout you don't you pronounced at Wittenberg you know what you people in English don't realize that do you got you got to understand German now I don't understand German in fact when I went to school we studied French in grade 9 and 10 and then after that my teacher said to my parents you know your son can barely understand English he should not pursue a foreign language so I never did for so a foreign language but anyway I tried to listen to it on the web and something like the Vidhan bog something like that if you speak German maybe you'll know that that's close and I can get away with it because I have an Australian accent so it doesn't matter so it is it's German with an Australian accent how's that see that's what it is but Luther defiantly nailed the copy of the 95 theses to that door in 1517 so as 500 years ago on October 31 my wife and I visited Germany a number of years ago and went to a city called well okay it's not worms right let's leave people who map the diet of worms and I found outs not the diet of worms how do you pronounce it something like the bombs have died of bombs it's city of Homs but in this city there's a statue and when my wife and I visited Germany a number of years ago and I spoke there we visited that statue that has on there the words here I stand I can do no other god help me and it's purportedly said that you know some of them recorded Luther saying this in the Bishop's Palace as he stood before Emperor Charles the fifth and there and it was really thrilling for us actually to stand at the spot they actually have a park in the ground where they believe the Bishop's Palace used to be and they said Martin Luther would have stood about there and that's where he would have uttered those words here I stand meaning I stand on Scripture I can do no other god help me and the reverberations of that went all over the world a Protestant Reformation that saw God's Word in the gospel spread throughout the world and I'm suggesting to us that we need a new Reformation because we have so many church leaders today that no longer stand on the authority of the word of God they're our church leaders that are condoning gay marriage abortion we see in all our churches the watering down of the teaching of the word we see more of an entertainment mentality and I believe we need a new Reformation in our churches and to stop with the verse of scripture that I want to refers to is this one Jeremiah 2:13 see you thought you know being Answers in Genesis I start with a verse from Genesis right Mustang with a verse from Jeremiah for my people had committed two evils in fact this has been a battle that has been occurring ever since Genesis chapter two and three ever since the garden my people committed two evils they except forsaken me the fountain of living waters and you know water is used in Scripture to symbolize the Word of God the work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts and so on and so they forsaken God's Word the Word of God and hewed out systems for them selves broken cisterns that can hold no water they're putting a trust in themselves really what this is is this battle between God's Word and man's word and you see that's a battle that started back there in Genesis 2 in Genesis 3 obviously we read it actually many people think there are hundreds of religions in the world in an ultimate sense there's only two religions it really comes down to this God's Word or man's word now there are hundreds of man's word based religions but this is a battle that started raging back there in Genesis God said to Adam Adam you can eat of all the trees as one tree you're not a dog because if you do you'll surely die obey my word obey the Word of God and then the devil came to even said did God really say would you notice something the first attack was on the Word of God to get Adam and Eve to doubt and not believe the Word of God and then you will be like God you can be God you trust your word and so we saw this battle this battle has now been raging for 6,000 years this battle between God's Word a man's word and we see this battle right before us today as we look at our Western world we're seeing an interesting phenomenon here and and and they talk about it on the news media they call it a a civil war but it's not a civil war actually it's really a spiritual war what we're seeing is a great divide a chasm that's widening and you see it particularly between the older generation and the younger generation and I particularly talked about the Millennials and younger they think differently they have have a different way of approaching the culture and we see this great divide see in America many of the founding fathers of course were Christian and many of them you know had a respect for the Bible and built their thinking on the Bible so it's interesting that even in the past and with the older generation even many of those that are not Christian they have a sort of a Christianized worldview because they believed that marriage was a man the woman but actually that only comes from the Bible they believe that abortion was wrong and actually that's only because of a foundation in God's Word but there was a Christianized worldview even with many of the non-christians but now we're seeing the younger generation and even many of those in the church that no longer have a Christian worldview and there is a great divide there's a great chasm and we're seeing moral relativism permeating the culture we've seen the secularization of our culture and many in our church are standing back and saying what has happened what has gone on we don't understand this why such a difference between the the Millennials and the younger generation and the older generation why do we have this chasm how can we see the secularization of this culture you know God warns us in his word how this would happen and we need to have taken heed of that warning in 2nd Corinthians 11:3 God's shrew Paul by the way these days I don't just say Paul said because these days you have many church leaders even saying I was just the words of Paul our Paul didn't really get it oh when he was when he was you know writing therefore Romans 1 and Men lasting after men and so on yeah he was just writing about the culture is a day and it well you know it's just Paul's word yet we've got to emphasize all Scripture is inspired by God and it is not the word of men it is in truth the Word of God which God through Paul says so often these days even for the sake of the church I sort of emphasize is not just Paul it's God through Paul because it's God's Word and that's what I think that is missing from a lot of our churches too that this is not just the word of men this is the word of God and God's Word here tells us that we need to be warned about something and a paraphrase er for you in 2nd Corinthians 11:3 I want to warn you that the devil is going to use the same method on you as you did on Eve to get you to position of not believing the things of God wow if he's going to use the same method on us as he did on Eve we'd better go back and find out what that method was so let's go back and see what the method was that he used on Eve did God really say it was an attack on the Word of God and that's what I believe many in the church have missed and many of our church leaders have missed that the attack is going to be on the foundation the attack is going to be on the word to get you to doubt and not believe the Word of God that attack has never led up that attack manifests itself today but here's the thing that we need to understand that attack manifests itself in different ways in different eras of history you see when Peter and Paul were preaching about the resurrection do you think that anyone came to Peter and Paul and said hey Peter and Paul it's all very well to pitch about the resurrection but I want to know does what do you think about carbon dating does it you know does it prove the Bible's not true well carbon dating is a 20th century invention do you think anyone came to Martin Luther is he now those theses on the door of the church and said that's all very well and good dr. Luther but I want to know did dinosaurs go on the ark didn't they live millions years ago well actually Luther would never have heard the word dinosaur because it wasn't invented till 1841 it's actually a modern word that describes a particular group of animals that's all it's not that difficult to understand no here's the point I want to make to us look down through the ages has been all sorts of Genesis 3 attacks that's what I call them the Genesis 3 attacks that did God really say attacks and they have had to be people who battle against issues like modalism and you know ended in dealing with the deity of Christ and the bodily resurrection and Gnosticism and justification by pay there's been all sorts of Genesis 3 attacks that had to be dealt with down through the ages but my question today is this what is the Genesis 3 attack of the 1920 21st centuries what's the Genesis 3 attack of today you know I've traveled all over the world and many of our speakers have in fact and I've spoken in many third world countries done that for the past 40 years you know what I found it doesn't matter what country you're in in this era when people hear that you're on about the Bible you're on about the Christian message they ask the same question to make the same statements you know what you're here or wait a minute we live in a scientific age you believe the Bible science has disproved the Bible you can't believe the Bible anyway the Bible says God made two people Adam and Eve we know we all evolved from ape men I mean the evidence is obvious and anyway the Big Bang brought the universe into existence and we believe in Adam and Eve where to Cain get his wife and how do you explain the races of people anyway and dinosaurs disproved the Bible they lived millions years ago you believe in Noah's Ark there's no way Noah could fiddle those animals on the ark he couldn't fit him all this what Bill Nye said to me on this stage in 2014 what a stupid thing to believe in Noah's Ark he couldn't fit the millions of species on board the ark and anyway there's no evidence for a global flood just for interest put your hands up if you've heard those sorts of questions or statements now it's keep your hands up for a moment look around the room do you know I was at a pastors conference yesterday in Michigan speaking to hundreds of Lutheran's at a pastors conference and when I asked them those questions guess what they all put their hands up in fact you know what that happened that happens anywhere across America fact it happens all across the world do you know what I'm saying to us people we know the Genesis 3 attack of our day you see here's an interesting thing when you ask a lot of Christian leaders and you ask a lot of parents people in our churches I want you to give me the answers to those questions most of them have no idea how to do it and you know what's happened in a lot of instances here's what's happened a lot of instances young people Sunday school teacher ask those questions I don't know son doesn't really matter I'm not a scientist you know what as long as you trust in Jesus but here's what I want us to understand the message of Jesus comes from this book and if this part of the book is not true and if they've been told things that caused them to start to doubt this part of the book eventually they'll not believe the rest and what I want to say to us is this I really believe that the Genesis 3 attack of our day is the teaching of evolution and millions ears and big bang that permeates the culture it permeates the church it permeates the world people what doesn't matter where you go in the world we live in a day of instant communication and doesn't matter how all these kids are all around the world whatever country third world countries where they have access to an education system access to the media act to television access to the internet they've heard of evolution of millions years and it's brought up in our churches all the time and I suggest to you that that really is the Genesis 3 attack of our day that's caused generations of our kids to doubt and not believe the Word of God and yet our research shows and my own experience out in the field the majority of our Christian leaders will not stand on a literal Genesis they say you can believe in millions ears they say you can even believe in evolution or we don't have to have a literal Adam or Genesis is not that important what are you people worried about the age of the earth Allah it's just a side issue as long as we trust in Jesus do you know why we're worried about the age of the earth because it's an authority issue and you know the teaching of evolution millions of years I'll put it in a nutshell for you you know what evolution of millions years is it's really the pagan religion of this age to explain the universe and life without God it's really the religion of naturalism and yet so much of the church has adopted this religion and compromise the Word of God which is no different what you read in Isaiah Isaiah got a translate for Americans and Jeremiah and you read in the other prophets Hosea and Zechariah and and so on and Malachi and what do you read do you know what the Israelites did we look at them and say how stupid good could they be look what God did for the moogle of miracles he did and they adopted the pagan religion and child sacrifice and so on and and and compromise God's Word Wow how could they do that we have done the same for the earth we think abortion is abortion is child sacrifice that's what it is to the God herself we've taken the pagan religion to explain life of that God and add into God's Word people we need a Reformation a new Reformation in our churches we need a new Reformation in our seminaries and Bible colleges because the majority of our Christian academics and we did the research on this the majority of our Christian academics have actually compromised God's Word in Genesis there's so few that would stand on God's Word and particularly when it comes to the issue of the age of the earth and people say to us why are you so hung up on the age the earth because I'm hung up on the Word of God that's why and because as soon as you believe in millions of years you're actually saying that God says cancer is very good did you know that you're actually saying all the horrible things that happen in the world God says they're very good because all the death and bloodshed that we see today if you believe in millions of years millions years came out of atheism in the seventeen hundreds eighteen hundreds those who didn't believe in God who want to explain everything by natural process has said all these layers with the fossils were laid out millions years before before man and if you as Christian take that which the majority of known and say we'll put that into the Bible before man the fossil record is a record of death diseases like cancer in the bones in the fossil record there are thorns in the fossil record it said we hundreds of millions years old the Bible says the ones came after the curse you got a record of death and bloodshed and disease before man and after God made man he said everything was very good and if the world today has gone on for millions of years though no wonder the Millennials have a struggle happy new Christians believe in a loving God you see there's been a phenomenal attack on the authority the Word of God in this era and I believe not only has much of the church missed it they have accommodated the attack can I say this in a sense here's what I believe has happened the devil has been very clever the devil has said you Christians you know what you can go on and teach all those wonderful Bible stories to your kids and by the way the word story has even changed meaning it means fairy tale today you can teach them all about Jesus on the cross you can teach them Jesus rose from the dead that's all right you go do that you even teach them about the virgin birth I don't care about that and you can go teach them that Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead and he'll blind men and and and made lame to walk I don't care if you teach them that you can teach them Jesus fed thousands there's a miracle and you can teach him God led the Israelites across the Red Sea as a miracle and and that a man lived in a fish for three days and then went and preached to a city I don't really care if you teach them what throw that you can tell them that you know why you keep doing that while you hand them over to me so that I can get them not to believe the book and when I get them to the stage of not believing the book because that's how I attack things did God really say I'm gonna get them to doubt the book itself and once they doubt and don't believe the book they won't believe any of that stuff you taught him and people that's exactly what's happened and you know as I look at this it's interesting back in the 70s I started speaking on this topic I went full time from school teaching in 79 we started an organization in our house in 1977 and I was speaking even in churches before that because the Lord give me a real burden in this area when students in school were saying sir we heard you're a Christian how can you be a Christian when we know the Bible is not true why is the Bible not true son because what our textbooks teaches about evolution and anyway Noah's that couldn't be true he couldn't fit the animals on board the ark huh I heard that question back in 1975 first year I started teaching you know it's interesting as I started to speak in churches and then I came over to America in the in the 80s and I was invited to speak in churches across America till we moved here full time in 87 in 87 my wife and I now family moved here as missionaries to a pagan culture so we had four children then we had one born in California so a multicultural family now but do you know what I was saying back then and I was saying in the churches in America people I see more and more Christian leaders that are compromising rising God's Word in Genesis won't take a stand on on Genesis that that that are saying to the kids you can believe what you're taught at school about evolution of millions years and reinterpret the days it doesn't matter put a gap in between the first two verses whatever I said the more you do that the more you undermine the authority of the word the more you let those kids be taught it's man that determines truth you know what's going to happen in this nation eventually you'll see gay marriage in this nation in a big way no no they said not in America you'll see abortion no no no you know not in a big way I mean but Roe versus Wade actually goes back to what 73 well back in 1986 I was filmed in Arizona giving the message I'd been giving for a few years and they produced a movie in 1987 a movie called the genesis solution that millions of people have seen and I want to show you two little excerpts from it the first one is the animation that was really a summary was at the beginning of the movie it was a summary of what I was speaking on and I want you to see that what I was saying back then see many people are saying what why has this happened in our culture people it's very simple if you raise up generations who no longer build their thinking on God's Word once you build your thinking on man's word anything goes anything and that's what we're seeing happened that that Pandora's box has been unlocked and now anything goes and we're going to see that more and more in the culture in fact in the book of Judges what's it say when there's no king to tell them what to do they all do what is right in their own eyes so once you watch this animation by the way in 1986 this was cutting-edge animation it is not cutting-edge animation today okay but it was back then and I want you to see this and you might enjoy the first a little bit anyway [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] isn't that what we see happening now right before our very eyes and see people I was saying that back then why because it's very simple if you don't take a stand on the authority of the word of God and raise up generations who build their thing here on God's Word then there's only one other foundation it's man's word and when you raise up generations who allowed to have their thinking built on man's word ultimately anything goes moral relativism will permeate the culture they also want to show you another real short excerpt from that movie I'm glad my wife's not here she'd be totally depressed because this was me back in 1986 and I have on what was considered really suitable for speaking back in those days - okay so I have the right sort of suit and the right width tie and all that sort of stuff and I've had to dye my hair since then to help people understand I'm getting older so anyway you might think this is my grandson but here I am back in 1986 and let's hear what I was saying then his word tells me Psalm 139 51 many other places at the point of conception you're human therefore abortion is killing we are not the product of chance random processes we are not just animals God created us what I'm saying is if we don't fight the issue to the foundation even if we get the laws changed today in regard to abortion or pornography what happens when the next generation come through through so believe evolution even more and reject creation and Christianity why people just change the laws back again we have to fight with a foundational level there's a war on there's a war in society Christianity versus humanism but you know in a foundational level it really is creation versus evolution you know the whole creation evolution issue is not just a side issue it's one of the most fundamental important issues of today and if Christians don't ask what the foundational issues are we're not going to be successful in the long run in evangelizing society and you know ivory labeled those castles because creation evolution really means God's Word man's word so that we really get the point as to what I was saying there but see the issues are not complicated and the Bible makes it clear what the issue will be it's a battle between the fountains of living waters God's Word and broken cisterns man's word and we're already seeing the consequences in our culture of this battle but in our church it's a well-known fact I mean George Barna life I we ourselves using America's research group can show very clearly that around two-thirds of young people are leaving the church by the time they reach college age and so we did this research a number of years ago published in a book called already gone America's research group found these Millennials that used to go to church by the way if two-thirds keep leaving the church with very few returning with where's the church in America going to be in a few generations you won't know where it's going to be look at England but before the last war before world war two about what forty fifty percent of the population went to church now it's down to like four or five percent and people Europe think where the Reformation started Europe is spiritually dead the United Kingdom is spiritually dead and that's where America is heading and for the same reasons because God's people didn't stand on God's Word and allow generations to be taught material that undermined the authority of the word and instead of dealing with this we just go on tell them trust in Jesus don't get me wrong we want them in Jesus but when we did the research we also found out for them that they weren't really taught apologetics now increasingly in America and I believe the influence of Answers in Genesis has been massive here there are 10,000 church is now using our Sunday school curriculum for instance we have 30 million business to our websites for a year we produce incredible number of books and DVDs in our BBS program and more and more churches are telling us teaching apologetics to not just the young people and kids but to adults is revolutionizing their churches because we're equipping them with the answers to the questions that are causing them to doubt the Word of God and where we're seeing generations now being being raised up who will stand on the authority of the word of God yes there are a minority but I tell you what there there is a significant remnant in this culture but you see what we found is most of these young people that have left the church weren't taught apologetics you know when asked what caused you to doubt the Bible you know some of the the major aspects the major answers one how can be a loving God with all the death and suffering in the world what about the age of the earth if as millions years how could the Bible be true the the flood of Noah's day that there's there any evidence for a flood see they had these doubts which led them to say how can the Bible be true and then in 2014 we actually did research on the Millennials generation that still attend church these are the ones left in our churches they're going to be the face of the church tomorrow and they had a 10 church regularly at least three times a month to be in this research and America's research went out there and we researched across the nation and was interesting by the way because we actually included all denominations when we separated our Protestant from Catholic we actually found there was no difference in the results do you consider yourself born-again 40 percent outright said no outright say no do you believe if you're a good person you'll go to heaven 65 percent say yes which means some of those who say they're born-again don't know what it means should gay couples be allowed to marry 40% outright years 10% don't know so 50% of them will not speak against gay marriage this is going to be the face of the church for the future does that concern us and when America's research group talked to this group we found out they had questions like how could it be a loving God with all the death and suffering in the world and the age of the earth means you can't really trust Genesis and yet we realize I have a secularized worldview because they don't have a foundation in in the absolute authority of the word of God and they weren't taught how to defend their faith you want to see where this is heading in 2015 we had America's research group do research to find out how many people will come to the Ark of the open a life-size Ark and the indications were 1.4 million to 2.2 million and that's the range we're seeing by the way which is absolutely phenomenal we're also seeing about 30% non-christian coming which is incredible witness I I know other Christian facilities that could have that many people come from all across the nation and around the world and hear the gospel like that in that way but anyway we had America's research group also asked questions about the spiritual state of the nation so one of the questioners asked this is a general population question if you went to church regularly as kids do you still attend church or have you stopped attending in the 60s generation 22% stopped attending church but look at the twenties generation 53% which again reinforces the other research that two-thirds of young people are actually leaving the church by the time they reach college age so you keep in mind this was a general population study that's where the church is heading in America if you want to know what's going to happen here look at what's already happened all across Europe in the United Kingdom we see situations like this a church building turned into a Sikh temple this one in liquor store this one a nightclub this one a tattoo and piercing studio and all yes this is happening in America just recently a Muslim college in Berkeley bought a hilltop campus that once belonged to the Lu it is the first accredited Muslim institution of higher learning taking over a Lutheran seminary and we've seen church buildings turned into all sorts of things in America to people we need to start a new Reformation and see as I said to you what we've tended to do in our churches is teach all these Bible stories but the word story itself has changed meaning when the Millennials hear story they hear fairy tale years ago when you said story you meant history but the words changed many same with the word god when you say the word God to Millennials is which God there are lots of God's years ago when you said God most people thought of the God of the Bible in our Western world you see they speak a different language and nineteen ninety five percent of kids from church homes go to public schools where by and large they throw in God out the Bible out prayer out they teach evolutionist fact they teach that everything arose by natural processes naturalism is atheism if we're really honest about it and we want to be honest about it by and large even though there's some Christian teaches as missionaries in the system who talked to me and say our hands are getting tied more and more by enlarge the public schools our churches of atheism that's what they are and lots of churches have not been teaching apologetics to raise up generations who know how to answer these questions to stop the doubt but you know who has been teaching apologetics the public schools universities the media because they're out there taking generations of kids from our churches and saying we can defend our position here's all the evidence for millions of years here's all the evidence for the big bang here's the evidence you came from eight men what have a lot of us do in our churches and Christian homes let's have a Bible story and a lot of what we do is preach from the Bible within the Bible if you know what I mean but and please don't get me wrong when I say this because because we need to teach doctrine we need to teach the spiritual things but you know what I have young people saying to me we're tired of all the same spiritual devotional stuff we want some real stuff because for them the world has knocked out the Bible as a book of history that you can trust and what we need to be doing is answering questions that they they have up here that they've been taught in the universities and and the schools the things that are causing them to doubt the Bible you know what many churches don't know what to do so you know what they do they increase the entertainment now don't get me wrong I mean I love music I love that music this morning it was phenomenal now I love that but I go to churches today where they've watered-down the teaching of the word and entertainment becomes dominant and you know that they have short sermons because people don't listen but what's because we're not teaching things where they're at you know as one lady came to me and she she she came to service ra spoke at and she bought her teenage daughter up afterwards I think she was about 16 and she said I have had a struggle getting my daughter the church she doesn't want to come to church she said mom church is boring and she said and she sat there and listened to you this morning and she said mom I want to come back tonight and she said what happened and I asked the girl in front of the mother and she said because he he was answering questions that I'm interested in and things that I've been taught that they caused me think the Bible's not true and I want to hear more of these answers and people that's where that's where a lot of these young people are at and you know as I as I said the devil has attacked the book the authority of the word and we need to be teaching them how to defend their faith and you know another problem we've got is this a lot of young people have said to me as I've talked to them that you know churches just they're out there imposing their view on the culture and Christians Christians are intolerant and you've heard these sort of claims right you know part of the problem is we've tried to impose our Christian doctrines on a culture that no longer has the foundation for it you see I've been in a conference where someone's come up to me said I'm a homosexual I believe in in gay marriage what are gonna do about it well you know for for a lot of people they say well you know that's evil well that's wrong well that's sin or well I don't know whatever you know what I do with someone like that first of all I realized as a Christian I can't impose my worldview on someone if they don't have the foundation for it and so the first thing I do is I say let me tell you why I believe what I do you see I start with the Bible I don't believe the Bible well a lot of Christians today have this idea or if you use the Bible that's religious if you don't use the Bible that's neutral the Bible says you either for Christ or against and a lot of times we've given up the Bible in regard to our argument and when someone says to me I don't believe the Bible you know what I say to them guess what I do you got a problem with that come on make my day you see I want to know what your questions are I want to know what you've been taught there cause you think the Bible is not true and then I want to be able to answer those that's apologetics but then I'm going to do this because see here's what I believe has happened think about building a house I always think about communication is like building a house how do they build houses in Kentucky well first of all they build a roof then they build the walls and then they put the foundation underneath and you would say that's a stupid way to build a house actually that's how I think generations of kids in our churches have been taught we've imposed the walls and the roof on them but you see the way to teach is to build a house correctly you start with the foundation and then you build the walls and the roof and you see what I think has happened in many instances is we've imposed the walls and the roof on kids that have a different foundation and what we need to be doing is giving them the right foundation to build the walls in the roof so let me quickly give you some practical examples just to show you these are issues that are before us today marriage abortion gender race death and suffering how do we deal with these issues from a God's Word perspective say gay marriage abortion gender okay if we take Genesis as history and we take the anthropology in Genesis God created man in his own image stop right there for a moment that actually deals with the abortion issue right there because no animal was made in God's image what do I hear secular people saying you get rid of spare cats Couture despair kids what's the difference well kids are made in the image of God cats are not that's the difference in the image of God created he him he's a revelation male and female he created them that's why we have male restrooms and female restrooms at the Creation Museum in the up but if that if that history is not true and if generations in our churches think that history is not true genders whatever you know might make it to be now let's put some of this together here in Genesis 1:29 God said Adam and Eve were to eat fruit our vegetarian but then he says that for animals he's given every green plant for food the implication is here both man and animals are vegetarian in fact because Genesis 29 30 verse 30 written in the same sort of way when you go to Genesis 9:3 after the flood God says to - no her sister humans just as I gave you the plants now I'm changing your diet now I give you all things everything it's the reason you can need a hotdog because it is everything see the origin of hotdogs in Genesis but this substantiates that originally they were vegetarian so the animals were vegetarian originally - because that's written in the same way but then three verses later on it says whoever sheds the blood of man by man shall his blood be shed for God made man in his own image ah but humans are different to animals you can eat the animals but don't you shed the blood of man you know I was talking here in the museum and this is just a few weeks ago actually and I was explaining that when you have a fertilized egg you get half the information from the mother half from the father and then you have a unique combination every one of us is a unique combination of information and no more information is added it came from the mother and the father it's a different combination to the mother and the father but it came from them no new information is added none is lost so at fertilization you are 100% human which means 100 made in God's image which means Abhorsen bortion is murder and I was explaining all this and afterwards young lady come out and she looked at me and and and she said I've grown up in the church all my life and I've never been taught that about information and and the image of God and I've never been taught that and then she looked at me and she said and she has said the tear in her eye she said what if someone like me has had an abortion and then I was able to tell her hey you know what God's Word says that if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness he removes our sins as far as East is from the West he remembers them no more and she said thank you but see if we haven't raised up generations who have the foundation then they make wrong decisions because I have a different worldview you know the Bible says but God formed man from the dust of the ground and you know he bought at the animals to add him to name to see that he was alone there's none like him you didn't look at a female chimp and say she's close enough I could date her you know he didn't do that and so what did what did God do he put him to sleep and out of his side he made a woman and the first recorded words of Adam were when the woman came to the man and when God brought it to the man this is bone of my bones flesh of my flesh the foot is the first poetry in the Bible he was being romantic see if you're going to take your wife out on a date imagine you know you want you wanna you want to tell how much you love her and you look at her and you say you are bone of my bone flesh of my flesh you could try it I mean it may work but what we're learning here woman was taken out of men what about all those Christian leaders that say you can believe in evolution there man came from Nate men woman from an ape one when the Bible says man from dust warmer from his side and in the New Testament what do we read woman from man in 1 corinthians 11:8 oh if that's not true if Genesis is not true then you better throw out all the writings that God inspired Paul to write and after he said first of my freshmen of my bone therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and Cleveland his wife and there shall be one place this is the reason this is the reason for marriage the reason you have a man and a wife because God made the man from dust put him to sleep made the woman he made the male and female he made the woman from the man you become one because your one flesh how much clearer can you make it that marriage is a man a woman if the history is true if this really is God's Word if the anthropology is true and I can make it clearer for you because in the New Testament in Matthew 19 and also in mark 10 when Jesus was asked about marriage do you know what he said here's what he said what is wrong with you people haven't you read the book of Genesis well that's my paraphrase he said have you not read he which made them at the beginning made them male and female he quotes from Genesis 1:27 and said for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife and they'll be one flesh Genesis 2:24 so Jesus is saying the history is true the Anthropology is true that's why the doctrine is true that's all rights to be a man and a woman and I've got a message for the Supreme Court justice as you people did invent marriage God did but you see if we haven't taught that foundational history and that's how I would talk to this person who said I believe in gay marriage I start from the Bible that's why I believe what I do by the way if you don't start from the Bible I totally get it why you have a whole different worldview to me but you know when it comes down to what people often say to me how do you battle with the issue of gay marriage actually gay marriage is not the issue the issue is where does our thinking come from where does our worldview come from the issue is what is our foundation that's where the battle is at down here we think gay marriage abortion of the problems they're not they're the symptoms of the problem and by the way it's not just marriage Alta mentally every single biblical doctrine of theology directly or indirectly is founded in Genesis 1 to 11 sin Genesis 1 to 11 death Genesis 1 to 11 Jesus call the last Adam Genesis 1 to 11 first Adam why do we need a new heavens in the new earth Genesis 1 to 11 why do we wear clothes Genesis 1 to 11 it's the national history for the rest of the Bible and we've let generations hit our church has believed that that history is not important or you can change it or it doesn't mean what it says you've done two things one you've undermined the foundational history for all of our doctrines and so the worldview will collapse but number two you've undermined the authority of the word itself see what about death and suffering how it alluded to this that's a big problem with the Millennials after God made everything and made man he said everything was very good but everything is not very good you know what our children's book since a lot of Sunday School material says look at the beautiful world God made I've got news for you this is an ugly world and it's not the world as he made it it's the world that he made that has changed because of sin and the curse and the flood and the Tower of Babel God didn't make the world as we see it but see we reinforced what the secularists are saying there's no loving God when we say over the beautiful world God made there's an ugly world you see Las Vegas recently it's an ugly world is that God's fault no it's our fault why because we sinned an Adam Adam if you if you don't obey me if you eat of this tree you will die death is the penalty for sin and because of Adam's sin the whole creation groans so this is a groaning world because of sin it's not the world as God made it and what did God do he killed animals and gave skins coats to Adam and Eve there's the origin of clothing why do humans wear clothes and animals don't it was the first blood sacrifice as a covering for this sinner picture what was to come in Jesus Christ the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world God was really talking to Adam and Eve about the gospel why the shedding of blood without the shedding of blood there's no remission of sins for the life of the flesh is in the blood we forfeited our right to live in Adam our bodies will die the whole world runs down God no longer holds everything together perfectly we forfeit our right to live death is a consequence so there has to be the giving of life to pay the penalty for sin the blood of bulls and goats can take away our sin because we're not related to the animals a man brought sin and death into the world a man would need to pay the penalty but has to be a perfect man but has to be one of us cause everyone is a descendant of Adam and Eve but it can't be one of us because we're sinners so what did God do he stepped into the history and the person of his son to take the place of the first Adam he's called the last Adam the perfect God man to dine across and be raised from the dead and offers a free gift to salvation Wow but if you believe in millions of years here's the problem you've got all this death and bloodshed millions of years before man sinned if you take the millions years and add it to the Bible then what does it mean without the shedding of blood there's no remission of sins if there was a shedding of blood for millions of years in the fossil record there's lots of examples of diseases arthritis cancer in the bones in the fossil record if that was before man and you put that into the Bible after God made man he said everything I made is very good and God calls cancer very good people we have allowed generations of our kids in our churches to believe in millions of years even many conservative pastors have said that doesn't matter as long as you trust in Jesus but it does matter because they start to connect it if there's millions of years of death and suffering and that's a world we see today there's no loving God and that was one of the big issues with the Millennials you see God said everything was very good these two things cannot be true at the same time what about the issue of race and racism I don't have time to deal with that in detail but let me just say this why is not the church leading the way in dealing with racism and dealing with prejudice when if we took God at His Word and we understood the Anthropology in Genesis and we didn't doubt it we would have been out there saying we're all descendants of Adam and Eve were all one race there are no different races and you know the secular scientists have confirmed that when the human genome project mapped the human genome in the year 2000 released to the world guess what we found there's only one race do you not the church sort of said we've been telling you that all along you know many people in church said really because we've been so influenced by evolution because we haven't taken God his word in Genesis and we haven't taken that anthropology and we have generations I don't know what they believe they're tossed to and fro baby wonder doctrine and see them when you look at the Bible's history because of the Tower of Babel what happens you get different people groups forming not different races and then we get questions like how to explain white people and black people and see that's pretty simple I do an illustration there aren't no white people around black people I can prove that to you right now there's white I'm not a white person if I was they would have the paramedics coming right now we all have a pigment called melanin that's the main pigment it's a brown pigment you can have a lot or a little bit Adam and Eve probably had a mixture of genes middle Brown and you get a whole range of skin shade not skin color people it's all very simple to understand but have we really raised up generations with those answers and you see the bottom line is when you start with God's Word we have the foundational history to have the right worldview in regard to these issues you start with man's word what da what did Darwin himself say there are lower races and higher races and some are closer to the apes and others marriage well if you start with man's word it's how we wanted to find it I think the interesting thing is there's no such thing as marriage a side the Bible gender if you if you're biologically genetically a male and you feel like you should be a female you can change abortion get rid of spare Clara spare kids what's the difference see people this is really that battle between the fountains of living water and the broke insistence that's what it is and what happens when the broken cisterns permeate our culture you see the collapse of Christian morality and increasing moral relativism and that's what's happened the broken cisterns have taken over our culture and I want to want you to understand what's the consequence of this in an ultimate sense because if we have generations who believe it's man who determines truth God's Word is not true ultimately life has absolutely no purpose and meaning at all and we see suicide rampant in our culture as well you know this was illustrated to me when I my wife her over in Australia and we went to graduation ceremony had a big secular University because there's really no Christian universities to speak of in Australia and one of our family members one of our relatives was graduating actually there were thousands of our relatives graduating if you look at it correctly so there was one of our closer relatives graduating and we went there and was interesting because he had these hundreds of graduates there and they had this judge who was giving the commencement address and she got up and she said this this is I mean I've never forgotten this she got up and for these thousands of people and the faculty you're on stage and all their gowns and she said well students here you are graduating and like me you're probably pondering what am I gonna do now until I'm dead I tell my wife and said well this is this is gonna be great you see you've spent all this time and now you got your polyp occations and then you go out there in the world are you gonna do things in the world and then you'll be dead so the question is what is the purpose and meaning of life until you did I turned to my wife and said I can't wait to hear this and you could see the students sort of you know and she said so students I want to explain to you how I deal with this there were three books that greatly affected me in my walk in this life until I'm dead guess what one book wasn't mentioned the Bible and I and I said to my wife I can't wait to hear what these three books she said the first book that greatly influenced me was the Hitchhiker's Guide to the galaxy and I said I to get that book and she went on and she said and you have the computer searching for millions years for the purpose of meaning in life and it's called deep thought and then it came up with the answer 42 I just sat there and pondered that I look at my wife and I said who would have ever thought that 42 is the purpose of meaning of like men I that is so prepare I just need to think about that and in the background I could hear her mumbling about another book that I'd never heard of and and then I sort of missed the title totally and I thought to this day I'm emotionally disturbed I'd never got that book and then she said the third book that greatly affected me was zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance I looked at my wife and said I got to get that one too and I did and I started to read it the myth is over Lagos argument states that our rationality is shaped by these legends that our knowledge today is in relation to these legends as a tree is in relation to the little shrub at once it was incredible I didn't know stand-up but and then she said so students you just need to take note of things that influence you and do what you can until you're dead thank you and she sat down and the faculty got up and gave a standing ovation can you imagine Wow she told them that they can have influences that affect them and then they did what a great commencement address this incredible Wow how listen my wife and I said man if I was one of those students I'd just jump off a cliff right now and get it over and done with but you know what I want us to understand that address she gave that is the message of the world ultimately there's no purpose and meaning in life you just do what you can while your hips no wonder they turn to sex and drugs and suicide and whatever I tell you we need the Fountains of living waters flowing freely in our culture and you know as a challenge to us in regard to this one of my favorite preachers to read was a great expositional preacher of the 20th century Martin will Jones and you know there's nothing new Under the Sun you people think well that's a great idea how'd you come up with that I borrowed it from somebody else and Martin lloyd-jones was talking about revival was talking about really how we need people to get back to the Word of God and use this example now the Philistines had stocked up all the wells which his father servants had dug in the days of Abraham's - about Isaac and the Philistines had fill them with earth you see Abraham had dug wells to have water flowing freely and the Philistines had filled up the wells and so Isaac came along and Isaac dug again the wells of water which they're dug in the days of Abraham his father and if you read the passage you'll find that Isaac had some interesting battles over these welds and then they had to dig more wells let's apply it this way water is often used as symbolic of the Word of God many of the founding fathers not all but may them who came to America despite their fallible ideas and all sorts of areas as we all have that even Martin Luther had we've all got feet of clay but isn't it interesting how God uses us even with our feet of clay and all they were inconsistencies but if we have a commitment to his word regardless as fallible human beings what he can do with just one person so many way founding fathers came over here to dig wells and as a result of that the water of the word flowed freely across this nation and you can see its impact because when you go to Washington DC on famous buildings and monuments you'll see Bible verses you'll even see the Ten Commandments on the Supreme Court building even though they've been thrown out of public schools but you know what's been happening and sadly the churches have allowed this to happen and all and the seminaries and Bible colleges and Christian colleges they've all helped it happen have allowed the Philistines to fill in the wells we've allowed the Philistines the secularists to indoctrinate our kids with with questions and and statements and information false information that's caused them to doubt to not believe the Word of God and now as a result of those wells being filled in we see moral relativism pervading the culture we've seen the Philistines take nativity scenes and crosses out of public places and nativity scene scenes out of public places I said in Ten Commandments out of public buildings and so on and it's interesting you have people like the Freedom From Religion Foundation who are unknown websites a they're a group of unabashed atheists who are saying you can't have Christian symbols because that's Christianity being imposed on the culture so they get them removed so they can impose their atheism on the culture it's that battle between God's Word and man's word because there are only two religions atheism is a religion there is no neutral position and many Christians because they haven't been taught properly have this idea that if you have something that's a symbol of Christianity that's religion if you take it away that's neutral not true you are the for Christ or what you are the walking light or walking what you are the gather or scatter and now we're seeing the results of the filming wells and I want to encourage us that what we need to be doing is digging wells we need to be well diggers that's our job to unstopped those wells and to see the water of the word proning flown freely in this culture you see there's been a foundational battle and you know I showed you those castle diagrams are used years ago and I've sort of relayed them a little bit to emphasize the point it's really God's word a man's word the castle of secular humanism moral relativism comes out of that Christianity the doctrines of Christianity and the devil knows the secularists know how do you get rid of this castle you aim at the foundation and much of the church has said here will help you will tell kids you can believe in evolution millions a years big bang whatever doesn't matter will help you and then the church walks up here and says look at all the problems but they're not the problems they're the symptoms of the problem down here and we in a sense handed generations over kids over to the world and said you given that foundation and will continue to give them this castle but eventually that castle on that foundation can't stand and so what we need to be doing is restoring the foundation of the authority of the word of God and dealing with this wrong foundation over here we need to raise up generations who know what they believe know why they believe what they do who stand on the authority of the Word of God they know how to answer the skeptical questions and they know what to believe in regard to marriage and abortion and they know why which is why I said we need a new Reformation today to get back to the authority of the scripture and so I want to challenge us all to be a part of helping to ignite a new Reformation in our culture and pray that as a result God will bring revival I don't think we can have revival without Reformation because how can you have revival without the absolute authority of the Word of God and if we want to see revival in our culture we need Reformation has got to start in our Christian homes it's got to start in our churches where we take a very deliberate stand to not compromise not knowingly compromise the Word of God in any way with man's word and to stand against the evils of our day we need to be raising up generations who know what they believe know why they believe what they do and are able to be bold and unashamed about their faith so they can so freely proclaim the gospel that is so needed to change the hearts and lives of of people across this nation but there's so many of them that won't listen to the gospel today and I'll talk about that in another session that I give here at the conference and the reason they don't listen it because they think the book is not true and that's why we need to know the answers there to deal with their questions to help focus them on the fact that the book is true and that's why I believe the Lord has raised up the Ministry of Answers in Genesis that's what the creation museum is all about that's what the Ark is all about so there we are that's the introduction to the conference and I trust that all the information you'll get will help us as we all are part of igniting a new Reformation I'll hand over to Bodi [Applause]
Channel: Answers in Genesis
Views: 51,483
Rating: 4.4134121 out of 5
Keywords: Answers in Genesis, Ken Ham, Why We Need a New Reformation, Reformation, New Reformation, Answers for Pastors and Christian Leaders
Id: K2e-l3Bcrac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 40sec (4240 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2017
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