Why Ulfric Stormcloak Is An IDIOT - Skyrim Civil War Lore

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to some Nords Ulfric Stormcloak is a hero from their perspective he defeated a hiking enslaved to the emperor and promises to emancipate Skyrim from an ailing weak and inefficient Empire subservient to the Thalmor I fight for the men I've held in my arms dying on foreign soil I fight for their lives and children whose names I heard whispered in their last breaths I fight for refew who did come home only to find our country full of strangers wearing familiar faces I fight for my people impoverish to pay the debts of an empire too weak to rule them yet brands them criminals for wanting to rule themselves I fight so that all the fighting I've already done hasn't been for nothing I fight because I must but in reality offic Stormcloak is an idiot from the questionable circumstances surrounding his killing of hiking talk to his plan to weaken Skyrim by removing the province from the Empire it's clear that avec isn't the smartest of y'alls chronologically it makes sense to start with the actions that instigated the skyrim Civil War namely affix duel with the then high king toach Ulfric claims that he challenged the high king to the jewel and killed him because the high king was more supportive of the Empire than of Skyrim because he didn't oppose the white gold concordance however the court mage in solitude Sybil Stentor suggests that all avec had to do was merely ask the High King to declare independence toric hated the whites got concordant and loved his country after all he was elected by the other yaris of skyrim because the position of High King isn't one that's inherited rather they're chosen that and moods so that would suggest that he must have at least been a man of some intelligence and a patriot if he had been elected so from the perspective that Ulfric could have simply asked to TOEIC to rebel against the Empire rather than rushing in and killing him to prove a point I think it's clear that avec isn't a man inclined to think things through but even if we assume that killing Tariq was the only way for Alford to remove an empire sympathizer he went about it in a stupid way using the voice in a trial by combat was always going to spark controversy in Skyrim many Nords find themselves unable to support Orphic because they feel that he was dishonorable using the voice in a traditional nord trial by combat is almost worse than using magic it's cheating because TOEIC never stood a chance against him I mean fair enough if Touareg knew the voice as well but he didn't if Alford was being smart he would have defeated him in normal melee combat that is the traditional way and it would have caused a lot less controversy allowing for more people to support Africa than otherwise did there's only one explanation really for these two seemingly stupid actions that Ulfric Stormcloak was hungry for personal power by rushing in and killing the high king in such a manner he both proved his strength and he was able to kill the high king before he had a chance to explain his political position making it easier for all folk to claim that he was weak and an empire sympathizer and potentially take his place there's also another issue with all folks bids to user batalik and become high king he can't just win a war and then become the rule of Skyrim he has to be elected in a moose to be fully legitimate so even if he does win the Skyrim civil war questline and becomes the sort of unofficial High King he's not really because there was no official moot to elect him and even if there was it would hardly be legitimate in itself because Alford had all the pro Empire y'alls removed and replaced with y'all's loyal to him so it wouldn't exactly be a fair election the main reason though for Ulfric being an idiot is his stance on the Empire al-farouq takes umbrage of the fact that Tallis worship has been outlawed all across the Empire because of the peace treaty the Empire signed with the odd mode Dominion in the Great War his position is that the Empire can no longer protected citizens because it simply bends the whims of the old Mary Dominion but consider the alternative to the Empire not outlawing Tallis worship the Great War would not have end it and it's possible the Empire would have lost and even if they didn't lose it would have been likely that there simply would have been a stalemate by signing that treaty the Empire brought themselves time to recuperate and stave off the old mo dominions onslaught so African against the Empire on the basis it's betrayed its citizens isn't a sensible one yes they might have betrayed their citizens freedom to worship but they had no other choice if they were to survive also a second great war is almost inevitable the Aldmeri Dominion called the great war the first war against the Empire which is a clue that they're getting ready for a second one and simply speaking to a farm or just this year will reveal that they hate mankind so why on earth Oh Luke doesn't simply accept this fact and bide his time as against me while the Bell against the Empire when you know that a war is looming and he can simply worship italo's openly again after that why the Bell and weakened the Empire and his chances of beat in the Dominion just so you can worship italo's a few years early Ulfric Stormcloak some here in Helgen call you a hero but a hero doesn't use a power like the voice to murder his king and usurp his throne you started this war plunged Skyrim into chaos and now the Empire is going to port you down and restore the peace then there's the issue of military strength the basics of this if the old mo Dominion declared war on the empire after the skyrim Civil War assuming that Ulfric wall and skyrim is now independent all that has changed is that the empire is now weaker even if skyrim were to help the empire and fight alongside it the overall military strength will still be weaker because there would be less cohesion rather than there being one centralized military there are instead two or three if you count the Red Guards and that simply hemorrhages military cohesion the Empire for all its weaknesses is also richer than the skyrim because Civ adela so prosperous they can arm their soldiers with better equipment so the Empire's commanders are more experienced most of them commanders in the Great War whereas Skyrim's commanders would probably only have experience from the Civil War so on a basic level Skyrim stands a better chance of survival fighting within the Empire rather than alongside it or not fighting with it at all besides the issue of the Skyrim Civil War and the potential second Great War Oh Frick is an idiot due to his apparent vase ism and perhaps surprisingly I'm not talking about his stance so much on the Dark Elves here although the elves reportedly inhabit the slum of the gray quarter there are some accounts that the elves rather than being forced to live there do choose to live there Alford also states that he doesn't listen to their concerns because he doesn't listen to anyone's concerns because of the Civil War he leaves the civil matters to his guards who may be prejudiced against the Dark Elves you've seen how we live cramped alleys rundown buildings few guard patrols even the name grey quarter is an insult however it is undeniable that Ulfric dislikes or maybe hates the argonians because he banned them from living in the city they are instead forced to live on the docks there's no real explanation for this other than avec being racist which complements his general stupidity effectively he's making Windhelm look less appealing to foreign immigrants he might otherwise through ver boon to the city's economy and at the same time he's just pissing off a bunch of residents for no good reason if Alford had a legitimate reason for excluding the argonians for instance if they were actually just a bunch of Thieves then that would be understandable but blanket banning their people isn't seemingly a smart thing to do I guess this prejudice isn't unlike how most y'all's banker sheets from entering their cities due to the preconceptions that they have about them so I guess avec isn't that unique there he just takes it a step further the next reason why Africa stupid is simple by the end of the civil war questline or at least a few weeks afterwards he doesn't become High King this is perhaps more an issue with game design and laziness from the developers than all Forex character but nonetheless is strange that a man obsessed with becoming high King doesn't actually become high king when the civil war ends he is unofficially the High King and he does claim that title but he doesn't have a coronation or changes attire or caller moots to facilitate his becoming high king of skyrim thank you for watching this video if you want to watch any other videos on it oldest clothes idiots such as Delphine Astrid or on Carnot then please check out the playlist I made on the playlist tab on my channel and if you want to see more Elder Scrolls law generally then please do feel free to subscribe anyway thanks again and I'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Avarti
Views: 858,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elder, scrolls, lore, avarti, plays, theory, ulfric stormcloak, skyrim civil war, general tullius, markarth incident, Elder Scrolls great war, elder scrolls civil war lore, jagged crown, high king torygg, windhelm, ulfric stormcloak lore, stormcloaks vs empire, stormcloaks or empire, why the stormcloaks are wrong, why the empire is wrong, stormcloaks are bad, skyrim civil war who to join
Id: H0UV4xpu2o8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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