Why Trypophobia Is Not Real and How to Cure It

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do you feel uncomfortable when you see clusters of small holes or dotted bits sticking out of seemingly innocuous objects then you might be among those living with trypophobia I don't personally have any issues with these but this night [Music] [Applause] [Music] today's topic will cover specific phobias their sources and treatments some images in today's video we'll show clusters of holes and small bumps so if that makes you uncomfortable we'll do our best to let you know when we show them for all mental health issues speaking with a mental health provider is always best and with that out of the way let's get into it a 12 year old girl in sixth grade was brought into a psychiatrist's office to discuss her feelings of disgust and fear while looking at images of dotted objects holes or particularly brighter conspicuous protruding elements she was originally diagnosed with separation anxiety disorder and her mother had a history of generalized anxiety disorder whenever the young girl would look at trigger images she would experience neuro vegetative symptoms that is symptoms involving the autonomic nervous system including increased heart rate sweating nausea agitation and pallor she told her psychiatrist that she would experience these symptoms whenever she looked at things like seed covered bread grier cheese and clothes with polka-dots or animal print her mother described today when her daughter desperately escaped from the bathroom right after spotting his perforated concrete walls though the girl couldn't tell anyone why she felt that way when the girl was asked to draw a picture of her fear she drew a set of small circles set in parallel lines her psychiatrist saw her once a month for a year learning that she was anxious not only a better fear itself but its implications on her social and academic performance despite being well-liked and in the upper 90th percentile in her class at school moreover she expressed an intense desire for control closing windows and doors to prevent the entry of thieves and devoting many hours to study she also suffered from insomnia and anxious dreams the girl was eventually diagnosed with a phobia of repetitive patterns and generalized anxiety disorder she was treated with antidepressants and cognitive behavioral therapy something we'll go into more later after nine weeks of treatment the intensity of the girl's phobia had been halved before treatment her mother described situations at the grocery store where the girl grasped to her when seeing a set of bread covered with sesame seeds and second when passing by polished stones mounted on a concrete wall how ever after treatment the patient referred she felt no fear but discussed for some kinds of food these phobias of repetitive patterns are otherwise known as triple phobia according to most sources individuals with trip a phobia are triggered by things like okay so Bru I'm really happy that then you're excited about all the stuff but look at that actually I hate it so I'm thinking maybe you could help pal up maybe you know tell me tell me what you're gonna put those things on screen so I can I can look away oh sure you got it chill I'll show them in three two one things like soap bubbles sponges honey combs beehives lotus seed pods pomegranates or any clusters of small holes or dots oh I almost forgot the Suriname toad mama toads hold their eggs under the skin on their back and when the little toady's are old enough they crawl out and live their little toady lives I kind of like it actually okay Jo you can look again thank you symptoms of trypophobia include feelings of disgust fear goosebumps skin itching or crawling sweating nausea and panic attacks the aforementioned neuro vegetative symptoms the young girl in our case study was experiencing in addition to the kind of triggers I mentioned earlier there are a great deal of photo manipulated images circling the internet designed specifically to elicit distress and those who suffer from tripathi obeah one famous image which arguably started the whole craze is entitled Buress trash and was an image of a breast with lotus seeds superimposed over the nipple and areola Gabe got passed around through email chains back in the mid 2000s the idea was that there was something under a woman's skin that was peering out from inside her flesh which is most images with holes manipulated on two body parts exist in the realm of body horror we're not gonna show any of these because they're gross and I don't want to do that to chill whoa.good cuz you know I was I was starting to get worried that I'd have to hide in my money for this entire episode hey I got you you're my boy he ate your boy he's my boy how can I get over this thing because do you know me I'm Joan and if I'm not gel like in these instances I'm not really Joe but if I'm not children Oh am i bro [Music] well specific therapies for this disorder in particular have yet to be developed but there are techniques used to treat specific phobias that can be adapted easily exposure therapy can offer some solutions it's the phobic equivalent of slowly and carefully waiting into cold water it entails as the name might suggest exposing a person to triggers of their phobia over time the idea is that by confronting an irrational fear a person can lessen the impact of their fear reaction it proceeds very gradually and usually begins with a person imagining their fear then moving on to looking at it and finally attempting to be close to you or even touching the trigger which brings us back to cognitive behavioral therapy another treatment we can use to help individuals with trip fo bia CBT is an action based therapy that seeks to tackle the specific issues of a given mental disorder the idea is that you can change the relationship between a patient and their negative thoughts then their behaviors will follow suit CBT includes the development of coping strategies homework is signed by a therapist and goal-setting over the course of a number of sessions a patient will offer an irrational thought and their therapist will work with them toward replacing that with a more positive reaction there are also a number of relaxation techniques that can help alleviate feelings of fear in the moment one can imagine a space that makes them feel comfortable when they're confronted with their phobia or practice fives that is breathing for five seconds holding your breath for five seconds and exhaling for five seconds until feelings of anxiety lessen or pass it is also helpful to verbalize affirmations like I will be okay or this is only temporary in any case treatments aren't universal and what works for one might not necessarily work for another alright strawberries check pomegranates check honey comes [ __ ] oh I mean check hey buddy what are you getting up to I'm gonna I'm gonna beat my phobia by practicing some CVT Jill buys things I'm gonna oh my fears literally that's not what CBT stands for oops I said silly me I knew I need to sign in before checkout hi there my name is Jill and this is my password good day to you too here this is my password I love you oh I just wanted all my website passwords to feel like you know a lot didn't appreciate it but it's just too hard to remember all of them man well have you tried using this episode sponsor - lain tired of coming up with a secure password for every account just used - lain to generate one on the fly so I can make my passwords as unique and special as mine but I can barely remember the ones I make myself that's the best part forget all about that forgot password button because dashlane will securely save and automatically fill-in all of your passwords personal details and payment information across every one of your accounts well what if I want to share my passwords like what when gril wants to have a night of Netflix in no chill well with nationally and you can share passwords without ever having to fully reveal them to others speaking of others there are over 11 million users across 180 countries who use - lean services but I keep barely a for the 900 pounds of fear fruit I'm ordering so how am I supposed to for these amazing features - Lane isn't just amazing it's affordable in fact you're getting password management dark web monitoring a VPN breach alerts and more for the price of what just one of those features would normally cost on their own well I do like that certainly can't get better it absolutely can how does getting - Lane for free on the first device you sign up with sound just sign up at WWE and Comm slash brew and when you want to upgrade a premium use my code brew for a limited time discount thanks - Lane for keeping things simple and safe all right who just used my credit card on wholefoods calm wait what a lotus seed pods wait no girl oh my god what is this and why am I so frightened there are a few theories the first is that we have a visceral reaction to these types of images because they remind us of disease and other infections conditions like leprosy aka Hansen's disease which causes nerve damage and sores on the skin or necrotizing fascitis otherwise known as flesh-eating bacteria which causes red and purple discolorations these diseases do not produce holes in the skin but trypophobia could be an instinctual reaction to any signs of infectious diseases and others another theory is that these patterns share a similar appearance to skin and coat patterns on some venomous animals like coral snakes or the venomous octopus apple oak Lena Luna Lata however a study from 2017 found that while trippy phobic stimuli were associated with discomfort and children the association between tripleb exteme and venomous animals vanished when the typical visual characteristics of triple phobic features were removed from colored photos of venomous animals their argument was that since children were not innately fearful of dangerous animals triple phobic reactions are triggered by something else we have also discovered that individuals who experience trypophobia are also more likely to also have symptoms of anxiety and depression you'll remember that the young girl in our case also suffered from separation anxiety disorder and her mother had a history of generalized anxiety a history of mental illness might make one more prone to experiencing trypophobia a phobia is defined as an excessive and irrational fear reaction and as of now trippy phobia is not recognized as a specific phobia by the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders or dsm-5 5 meaning this is the fifth edition since 1952 trypophobia is known primarily for abject disgust rather than intense fear reactions so it is not technically a phobia our case study did express trippy phobia with fear however she was diagnosed with phobia psychiatrists and clinical psychologists used the DSM to diagnose patients however it doesn't matter much that triple phobia isn't formally recognized as the discreet phobia because professionals can treat you regardless using other phobias as a template so what you're saying is triple phobia isn't even technically a phobia correct but it doesn't matter that much if you feel uncomfortable looking at clusters of holes you are likely in the number of us living with it your feelings are valid even if they haven't been written down in some book yet there are also many treatments that have shown some success despite the lack of scientific data on the matter you should probably only be concerned about this if it begins to encroach on your day-to-day life as mentioned before there are a few different evolutionary theories as to why some of us have visceral reactions to these images that they could remind us of venomous animals necrotic disease or could be connected to a history of mental illness unfortunately none of these theories have been a hundred percent confirmed by the scientific community at large but again it doesn't matter much to us if you feel it you feel it and no one can take that away from you just don't get tripped up by triple phobia
Channel: Brew
Views: 813,440
Rating: 4.9035287 out of 5
Keywords: trypophobia, how to cure trypophobia, cure trypophobia, trypophobia not real, trypophobia reaction, mysteries solved, unsolved mysteries, trypophobia fake, curing trypophobia, science explained
Id: GAKk--JHCyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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