Cure Trypophobia in 30 Minutes: Free Online YouTube-Therapy using Havening Techniques®.

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[Music] hi my name is Oliver and I'm a clinical hypnotherapist based in Munich Germany on this video I would like to tell you a little about a symptom called trip of phobia and I would actually like to present a solution to you a very simple yet highly efficient process that will help you to eventually get rid of trippy phobia now what is trip of phobia trip or phobia is defined as a fear of holes which is only partially true because it's not so much a fear but much rather a very strong aversion if you suffer from trip of phobia you might have seen pictures where people have photoshopped certain hole shapes into the skin of people which looked a bit weird which looks a bit weird most people which actually does look disgusting to the majority of people but if you are suffering from tip trip of phobia it does not only look disgusting it will cause very severe psychological as well as physiological reactions you might feel some itching you might actually get panic attacks the pictures the images you've seen they might haunt you for hours if not days and sometimes having been exposed to trigger phobia trigger images people suffering from trypophobia might spend hours if not days looking for more pictures of trypophobia this might be an unconscious process where you try to kind of erase you fear by confronting itself but you know for most people it doesn't actually work now the reason why people suffer from trypophobia has yet to be conclusively found but there is evidence around that such as that the holes and certain patterns and shapes found in those images kind of trigger a very ancient primitive part of your brain that's he's some sort of dangerous animals like reptiles shapes stuff that would have been very dangerous and harmful to our ancestors many of thousands of years ago but nowadays you know doesn't shouldn't really affect us the way it does personally first time I saw trypophobia images I was like completely I felt so bad about it as all those images and they didn't leave my inner vision my mind my unconscious mind for many days I've constantly been remembering those pictures over and over and over again and it just made my entire skin crawl now being a therapist obviously I wasn't very happy with that and I set out to look for a solution first thing I did was I researched trypophobia I tried to get as much information about it as possible I went to the forums I looked for people describing how they experienced trypophobia and then I used the skill set I use with most of my clients for phobias and trauma to see if you can use it to get rid of trippy phobia and guess what it worked and it worked so well that on this video I would like to present to you a method that will only take a couple of minutes but if you follow the steps closely if you actually do what I tell you to do in the video chances are very high you will leave you troupe of phobia behind for good a really good part about it is you don't have to believe me you don't have to believe anything because all you need to do is give it a try worst thing that can happen is you're gonna lose a couple minutes and that's about it it doesn't cost you anything this video is for free this video will stay for free and there's no possible side effects Oh worst thing that could happen is it's not going to work for you but I'm pretty sure it'll work for you it might make your trip of phobia much less severe and for most people this technique I'm going to present to you in a couple of minutes it's to eradicate that phobia at all now the technique I'm going to show you in a few moments it's called heaven or amygdala the potentiation technique in a more clinical terminology this technique allows us to actually dealing a memory from an emotion so it's basically D linking the parts in your brain that cause you to react with trypophobia to trigger images the technique it's quite simple yet highly efficient all you basically need to do is follow the steps closely in order to give your unconscious mind the necessary impulses to kind of resolve the issue of trypophobia for you this technique has been invented by a genius New York doctor called dr. Ronald Rudin dr. Ruden has been asking himself the question why are there so many trauma therapies that work enormous Lee well even though they use different approaches and he's found out that there needs to be a certain so-called landscape of the brain in order for your unconscious mind to be able to resolve trauma as well as phobia and this land landscape it needs to be set up in a certain way it actually gives you in urology the chance to resolve phobias for you so what we are going to do in a few moments is we are going to use a very specific way of stimulating various parts of our brain and at the same time applying what's called the haven in touch which are which is a specific touch that causes your body to release hormones that assist you and actually releasing the trauma body phobia and heaven in touch can happen in three different ways let's see so called arm Haven where you basically just cross your arms like this and apply a gentle stroke down from the shoulders to your elbows just like this there's no specific speed you need to do this you just use your own rhythm and your own speed so basically what you would do is cross your arms and Stroke down from the shoulders to the elbows there's ii haven in touch it's the palms so you basically take your palms and you just rub them together and you apply some gentle pressure don't push too hard don't make the touch too light just you know use a gentle pressure and you can just rub your hands some people even like to rub down their forearms like this and then just touch their hands and the third possibility of applying haven in touch it's on your face so you would use your hands like this and just stroke down on the middle of your forehead just apply some gentle pressure and just really massage your skin like this and you can do the top of the forehead or you can also use havening touch on your cheeks and when I walk you through the heaven in process in a few moments all you need to do is alter the different variations of having touch do some counting some humming and some certain other procedures I'm going to explain to you in order to simulate different areas of the brain which causes the old reaction the odd phobia to actually be linked so tripper phobic images won't cause any harm to you anymore now what does having in touch do why do we actually touch ourselves that way it's quite easy touch it's a very effective way of releasing hormones that make you your body and your soul feel good because on a neurological level certain hormones such as oxytocin serotonin are being released into your system which actually enables your brain to delink the old patterns and this is what we call the so called landscape of the brain which we need to have in order to have a true psychotherapeutic effect and these certain body areas have been carefully researched in order to give you the very best chance of busting your phobia so I'd like you to get ready in a few moments if you do this technique please make sure you won't be interrupted for a while and you can really focus on the procedure only do it if you have the time right now and if it is the right surroundings so you to actually do it I know this is a video but still it's a very effective therapeutic technique and you should really have the right surroundings the right environment to actually experience the most benefit from it right here right now another thing is it's very important before doing any sorts of therapy to have a valid a reachable goal most people suffering from trypophobia they expect a good therapy to assist them in a way that leads to them not reacting to tripping phobic images any more at all which is not very realistic because even if you are not suffering from tripping phobia most people will feel some sort of disgust if they look at classical type of phobic trigger images so feeling some sort of disgust it's quite normal what's not so normal is if you suffer for hours if not days and you just cannot seem to get rid of the images inside of your head so don't expect this to make you completely void of any emotions whatsoever it's okay to feel disgust it's not okay to suffer for hours or days and I'm pretty confident this technique might be able to assist you in releasing this phobia actually busting it at its core and basically setting you free once again you don't have to believe me anything you just give it a fair try really carefully follow the individual steps and see for yourself there's a lot of people at to the experiencing Haven you have to attack right away and a completely free and as some other people who it might take a couple of days for the effect to build up but it feels stronger more empowered and more liberated day by day by day so test it out for yourself okay here we go make yourself really comfortable and what I would like you to do in a few moments it's just close your eyes and kind of remember a situation where you had a very strong and bad reaction thoughts a super phobic trigger so if you want to you can actually try to remember the image you saw when you have the reaction or you just try to remember the feeling you had when you were exposed to a trip of a big trigger and you're going to do this for half a minute or so in order to activate the area in your brain where the phobia is actually located at so you can do this right now just close your eyes and focus on a memory where you used to have a very strong reaction towards Rippa phobia really go into the feeling right now and try to remember it very vividly right now the feeling you had when you were exposed to a an image of something that cost trip of phobia and when you do this I want you to make it very vivid inside of your own mind and really go into this feeling it's very okay to have a strong reaction right now because we are going to get rid of it in a few moments and when you've really done this when you freely try to remember situation you can try to rate the feeling on a scale from zero to ten zero it's it doesn't affect you at all ten its it affects you in a very severe very way so if you rate it for for example it affects you a little but not much if you rated seven it affects you quite strongly so just try to find the number a kind of represents how bad the memory makes you feel right now then open up your eyes again and yeah in a few moments we are going to get rid of this phobia all you need to do is follow the steps closely we are going to use a certain pattern a certain very specific routine of touch of talk of counting of humming of moving your eyes in a way that'll simulate different areas in your brain in order to get rid of this phobia so the first round we can do eyes open as soon as you kind of get a grasp get a good feeling of how the process goes it's perfectly fine to close your eyes and you know just enjoy the process most clients after having experience happening have an absolute amazing sense of relief and of feeling very light-hearted and very energized so just give it a shot so along with accounting and a touch you are going to use some sort of mental image like walking up a flight of stairs and counting from one to twenty or skipping-rope are taking a walk on a beautiful beach so let's get started right now I want you to imagine what it would be like to be on an absolutely amazing beach feeling very safe very secure very light-hearted and when you imagine being on a speech in a few moments I want you to count from 1 to 20 and imagine with each number you count out loud please you take one step on this beautiful beach and once you count and imagine taking a walk on this speech you are going to apply haven in touch so let's get started right now I want you to start with your arms like this and just apply some pressure now imagine taking a walk on the beach and start counting 1 and just keep on applying haven in touch to count out loud with me 3 4 5 now change haven in touch 6 7 8 taking steps on this beautiful beach 9 feeling very secure safe 10 just enjoying this feeling just letting you unconscious mind doing all the healing work it needs to be to get done 10 now change to the face 11 12 and with each number you take another step on this beautiful beach 13 14 15 changing haven in touch again 16 17 18 19 20 now close your eyes keep on applying haven in touch to your arms and now I want you to hum a melody it doesn't matter which melody just hum any melody that you like that comes to your mind [Music] just hum it keep on coming apply Haven in church and whilst you keep on applying Haven in touch I want you to open your eyes and look far to the right far to the left far to the right far to the left far to the right far to the left just keep on moving your eyes to the right to the left to the right to the left alright now close your eyes again right now and imagine being in a beautiful garden feeling very well very much at ease and skipping-rope it's a beautiful sunny day butterflies all around you you hear birds chirping and you imagine being very light-hearted just skipping a rope and once you a skipping rope you count from 1 to 20 again and apply heavy link touch start with your arms again and start counting 1 2 3 4 and imagine skipping rope and change haven in touch which ever way you like so you can touch your arms your foreheads or your palms you can rub your palms against each other you keep on counting out loud imagine skipping rope and keep on applying haven in touch just keep on counting and maybe you're at ten already so you keep on counting 11 12 13 14 15 16 skipping rope letting a lot of unconscious healing happen right now 17 18 19 and with your eyes closed you can hum another melody you like just hum it out just hum it loud all for yourself keep on applying heaven in touch now open up your eyes again look far to the right far to the left far to the right far to the left far to the right far to the left far to the right now take a very deep breath exhale deeply again and now see for yourself worse you scale right now on a scale from zero to ten if you think about images that used to bother you in the past where are you right now if it's a zero congratulations you've done all the work you need to do in order to get rid of your phobia your neurology has actually experienced a reset that'll make immune to thoughts super phobic images in the future if you still at buffer zero you can just go through the process again maybe one or two more times until you've significantly reduced the number the scale the way true before we are used to bother you now all you need to do is go through this process again so you can actually rewind the video and just do it all over again and all you need to do is go for a good mental image like skipping a rope taking a walk on a beach or walking up a flight of relaxing stairs counting from 1 to 20 whilst you are applying Haven ink touch then with your eyes closed again hum a melody keep on applying heaven in touch open your eyes look far to the right far to the left far to right far to the left keep on doing this for about five to seven times close your eyes again go for another image count from 1 to 20 apply heaven in touch to the arms to the head to the hands hum again open up the eyes look to the right to the left do this five more times and see again what number you are on for many people this will significantly reduce the amount in which a phobia bothers you and for many people it will completely get rid of the phobia it might seem very simple but it isn't it's a very clear specific actually very scientific process that will kind of reset your neurology by dealing a memory from an emotion and setting you free from phobias that used to bother you I wish you all the best with his and I'd love to hear from you so please leave a comment about how good this work for you and well then just enjoy your life I hope you have a good time I hope you enjoyed watching this I really hope from the button of my heart you profited from this this video is absolutely free because I do believe in efficient therapy and if there's something this easy you can just give it to people and it works you should absolutely do it have a good time have a good life [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 106,601
Rating: 4.9227128 out of 5
Keywords: Trypophobia, Therapy, Psychotherapy, Cure, Trypophobic, Health, Stress, Shivers, Itching, Fear of Holes, Fear of Clusters
Id: a47YBeDAnnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 24 2014
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