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[Music] okay so this isn't what I normally do and already do game reviews and there will be another review hopefully fingers crossed next month but for now I want to talk about Toy Story 4 now where to begin how about going back to the beginning to 1995 at Disney Pixar's Toy Story is one of those movies that's really hard to criticize the animation may look pretty dated now before it's time this was state of the art and the fact that it remains one of the greatest animated flicks of all time speaks volumes this was more than just the first feature-length computer-animated movie it has heart humor and so many memorable and diverse characters sure there are some potholes we could talk about but they can be easily overlooked as the movie remains consistently engaging now Toy Story 2 is not my favorite entry in the franchise but I think if you were to claim it's the best of the movies I still think it's fairly justifiable despite being a sequel this movie isn't too reliant on a previous movie to captivate its audience the story is compelling enough on its own and it tackles some pretty weighty themes that were left untouched by the previous movie I only have some minor complaints about Toy Story 3 firstly the Buzz Lightyear thinking he's a real Space Ranger trope has gotten old in the first movie it was a major character flaw and a crucial aspect of the movie while in the second it paved the way for some additional drama and humorous scenes but by this point to me it just feels like we're going through the motions even the toys themselves seem fed up with his plot device additionally while the spanish mode does allow for some more comedy it feels a little had a no corny to me and maybe I'm just being nitpicky here I don't know the ending to feels a bit too schmaltzy for my tastes don't get me wrong I'm all for emotional scenes eyeball my eyes out at the opening montage of up every single time but there's a very fine line between emotional and courage inducing and here I'm really sorry to say this but I cringe every single time particularly this final line from Andy to his toys in my opinion mere silence would have made the scene far more impactful but ultimately despite my small complaints Toy Story 3 rounds of the series near perfectly one might argue that Toy Story 3 heralds a new age of lessening reason sequels for Pixar while someone else could easily argue that Toy Story 3 marks the last of Pixar's original winning streak of movies to be completely honest I think both arguments are justifiable to an extent the movie is indisputably enjoyable but I have to say I'm more inclined to see it as an indication of a decline rather than the studio's swan song why is this well this is a little complicated to explain do I think Toy Story 3 is a good movie absolutely personally I love it and actually prefer it to Toy Story 2 but then thinking about the movie from a critical perspective I think Toy Story 2 is indisputably the better movie this may sound a little convoluted or nonsensical to some of you but there is a major difference between liking something personally and viewing something objectively from a critical standpoint while Toy Story 2 is indeed a sequel it's also highly original themes of lost longevity and abandonment are prevalent in this movie woody fears and E growing up and losing interest in him versus reinforcing his inner conflict later on in the movie which sees him vacillate between staying with a roundup gang and returning home in fact Jesse's primary purpose in this movie is to embody all that woody fears and to influence his decision to stay behind now this might sound pretty stupid as I don't know why anyone would watch a sequel without having seen the original movie but hear me out a second the Toy Story 2 is a great sequel because you can follow and become heavily invested in the plot and the characters without requiring any prior knowledge of the characters or previous movie this is where Toy Story 3 differs in my opinion the third installment relies pretty heavily on the former movies to generate an emotional nostalgic response and there are also some very similar compositions to the ones from the previous instalments listen to this scene from Toy Story 3 now listen to this one from Toy Story - no similarities not only that but despite building on the intensity of the previous movies it actually offers very little new content in the sense that it handles the exact same themes as Toy Story - sure the intensity is heightened substantially but I think it's interesting to note that a few of the events of the third movie are referencing Toy Story 2 for example one scene posits would Andy take woody to college while stinky Pete's to raid for shadows of toys potential future rotting in some landfill which we gets a glimpse of in the climatic moments of the trilogy on the whole however despite the third movie's heavy reliance on nostalgia I'd say the original Toy Story trilogy is near flawless then that Toy Story 4 arrived oh boy since trailers first emerge in anticipation of this movie I've been understandably apprehensive considering the high quality the trilogy maintained but nonetheless I decided to give it the benefit of the doubt in a world where toys and even sports apparently come to life there's a whole realm of as of yet unexplored possibilities I'll be blunt my first feeling upon leaving the cinema was legitimately this what the was that I really don't know where to begin with this but I will say this here be spoilers so if you haven't seen it yet watch your step let's get the obvious out of the way shall we at first let's talk about bow now I don't care what people say about her tragic backstory her having become a lost toy justifying her change in character the fact is she looks and acts nothing like she did in the first two movies some might say you knew little about her in the first place and that's true but everything about her her demeanor her manner of speaking her character oh what little we saw of it anyway is completely disregarded in his movie some may ask why this is a problem when the character is well-rounded enough in this movie alone but for me it contradicted the movie's conclusion I found it really hard to believe that woody would want to stay with her she's all rough and tough and well clearly independent now and evidently has a completely contrasting perspective to him there was which chemistry between him for me and that really served to me the ending extremely bewildering also I've a major problem with her physical prowess she's fragile for crying out loud in the first two movies she moved delicately like you'd imagine a porcelain doll to move here she moves more like a rag doll like Jessie sure the animation gives her that porcelain Sheen but I don't know she didn't seem believably fragile to me it's just not in her nature to be so agile I got the impression that were trying to do away with her overtly feminine meek and mild persona but this was far better suited to her for reasons that transcend gender stereotyping let's not forget that feminine personas exist after all if they wanted a so-called strong female character in an action role they already had Jessie why completely change somebody else hair called Jessie manages to accomplish in this movie is puncture a car tire fascinating but Bo isn't the worst character here for me that title goes to buzz seriously what the bloody hell did they do to him in his movie there is nothing to him besides this running joke if you can call it that revolving around him listening to his inner voice it's tired unfunny and it's just dumb seriously this is buzz Lightyear one of the main characters of the Toy Story franchise and he's reduced to being a big stupid dumbass comic foil I'm not saying dumb guys don't exist trust me I know I've dated many but this is Buzz Lightyear we've known him for 24 years he's better than this what happened to him did his reset back in the last movie caused him to lose a few brain cells it genuinely feels like someone at Pixar was handed these characters and forced to make a story out of them without actually knowing who they are and that leads me to talk about woody this is not woody in this movie his morals seem a little all over the place as usual he starts out preaching what it needs to be a toy to be loyal to your kid etc his objective throughout the movie is to retrieve for King Bonnie's makeshift toy simply to make her happy but by the end he decides you know what it's time to move on and leave Bonnie and the other toys I get the message it's trying to convey but it just doesn't sit right with me why it can pletely continets woodies character in Toy Story 2 we saw him threaten to leave and his house for a museum in Japan and he stopped in his tracks by buzz who reminds him of his purpose by comparison that this movies ending is frankly horrible woody chooses in a split second to leave behind all his friends in favor of joining forces with some both peeping pasta Wow so many years of character development just thrown out the window remember the end of the third movie but the thing that makes woody special is he'll never give up on you well to hell with all that then cuz Woody's pissed off this movie also likes that warm familiar vibe maintained by the other Toy Story movies the new characters just don't sit right with me ducky and bunny are okay I guess I feel like I'm in the minority here but I didn't actually find them all that amusing some of the longest skits like the plush Russia scene everyone's been raving about just felt like needless filler material Doki and Bunny's character arcs seem to go nowhere - they started out yearning to be one for kids to play with them but by the end of the movie nothing really changed for them I don't really know why they were there in the first place and don't get me started on giggle mcdhh impulse she is beyond irritating and serves no purpose whatsoever to the narrative she's just annoying and that's the end of it and while we're talking about some of the movies more trivial moments I just like to say the name of Bo's sheep and annoy me to death why in god's name would she call them billy goat and gruff they're sheep not goats I know it's meant to be a pun of sorts but it doesn't work it's just lazy writing and speaking of lazy writing it there are just too many contrivances in this film the human characters are for want of better phrasing thick as okay so in Toy Story woody chases after a moving van in broad daylight and in Toy Story 2 the toys managed to drive a Pizza Planet truck these instances do require some suspension of disbelief but here the toys managed to take control of Bonnie's parents RV by having Trixie the Triceratops pretend to be a sat-nav really really there are other moments in the movie where the toys come dangerously close to getting caught and it borders on ridiculous I mean I know it's a movie about toys coming to life but it still requires some degree of realism for the viewer to become invested I had the exact same problem with finding dory okay so Finding Nemo is about talking fish fine but now you expect me to believe an octopus is driving a lorry Oh piss off your audience isn't as stupid as your latest carnation of buzz Pixar now I just want to briefly talk about the so-called villain in this movie Gabby Gabby now upon meeting her and her ventriloquist dummy henchman for the first time we instantly get the impression she's gonna be the major antagonist I've heard comments from other reviewers saying that they appreciated that she isn't your run-of-the-mill typical villain she doesn't pull any nasty surprises she nearly yearns for something she's always deserved but has never attained because she's broken she's sort of sinister I guess but ultimately she becomes a character with whom the audience is expected to empathize which is fine but the problem I had with this is that she's not remotely memorable as a result she meets woody and demands his voice box and then later he gives her his voice box and that's that that's kind of it some people seem to see this as an admirable quality I mean I guess she's not identical to the last two villains who are essentially the same but she doesn't really do anything and for me personally it did nothing else but make the movie horribly anticlimactic speaking of which that ending has to be one of the worst endings I've ever seen in a Pixar movie Woody's character seems to take a pretty dramatic u-turn for a good three quarters of the movie he has his heart set on loyalty and returning for katha Bonnie to make her happy which she does then suddenly he decides to leave all of his friends for Bo in a really strange rushed final scene completely devoid of emotion there's no objection from anybody no big speech from buzz like in Toy Story 2 no emotional begging from bullseye what is just useless and unwanted now apparently I watched this scene in disbelief woody has been faced with the threat of obsolescence before a few times way back in a first Toy Story his position as a favorite toy was temporarily usurped by Buzz Lightyear a really cool toy and then despite Andy's growing up he stayed with him till the bitter end now he's been replaced by a spork and he's calling it quits lame lame lame what the hell have they done can we just pretend this movie didn't happen I've seen all these rave reviews even on IMDB whose user reviews can often be seriously unforgiving an unjust when it comes to latter-day Pixar movies this movie is currently being praised no end did we see the same movie at best this movie is mediocre but compared to the previous three films this is a travesty with this movie Pixar not only went to infinity and beyond that they went too far I like to think I'm not the only one who felt the same whether you agree or not thanks for watching everyone I'll be back next month with a game review if you'd like to see more videos like this let me know and also remember to like and subscribe and give us a like on social media bye bye for now
Channel: i don't have a nose
Views: 21,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toy story 4, toy story, why i hate toy story 4, toy story 4 review, toy story 4 spoilers, toy story 2, toy story 3, toy story critique, disney, pixar, worst pixar movies, toy story bad, bo peep, woody, buzz lightyear, toys, andy davis, i hate toy story 4, toy story 4 bad movie, animation
Id: Bfh6ZWEc1Ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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