Why This Scene In 3 BODY PROBLEM Is So Horrifying | (YES ITS REAL)

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[Music] forgive me my [Music] Lord so three body problems got one of the most horrifying scenes I think I've ever seen in a TV show if you've seen the series and you'll know exactly what I'm talking about and this is something I think will stick with me forever now I've only ever done one one other scene breakdown like this where I've talked about how a scene was absolutely devastating that just happened to be the Red Wedding which D and D don't mind killing off several characters at once I guess I blame them for ruining Game of Thrones but after watching three buy problem they pull me right back in it's one of the most impactful things I've ever seen and in this video we're going to be breaking it down this includes the subliminal images that appear within it the deeper meaning and also how it may be more real than you think so come with me bugs because it's time to face Judgment day and we a people need to pull ourselves together hey pull yourself together mate and hit the thumbs up and also please subscribe for videos like this every day without the way thank you for clicking this now let's get into three body problem why isn't it working it is now just to set up the scene we have Augie being asked if her nanofiber Tech can be used as a way to wipe out Judgment Day this will let Thomas Wade get his hands on a special hard drive that could be the key to defeating the Santi activating her nanofi we watch as the entire ship's habitants get Drax in Infinity War you're never going to look at your potato slice her in the same way again and it's something that's going to stick with you forever obviously they took some inspiration from Ghost Ship but they delay the fear here by having it work slowly to me this subliminally builds off the back of a theme within the show which is a slow feeling of dread that builds up throughout just like this guy were initially confused and kind of don't know exactly what's going on in the series slowly though we start putting it together and it finally Dawns on us how terrible that it is this in a way is just like the Santi who we know are out there approaching very slowly they're invisible and silently moving towards us but like the passengers of the Judgment Day were completely unaware however it's once we know that the horror starts to Dawn on Earth swi I think is summed up perfectly in the actors about once they become aware the others start to panic but there's no way to stop it which makes it an unforgettable scene even even just to build up to it you kind of see everyone going through their normal lives completely unaware of what's about to come this is how most of the people on Earth could be until we learn of the santi's arrival now in this buildup we see a lot of kids but there's never any that gets sliced up in the scene first of all thank you for not killing any children on screen during the Panama uh chaos we did so many off screens what I think it's something where your imagination does most of the work and like the shower scene from psycho you start to fill in the blanks they have a moment that subliminally enforces this with when we see the woman pop out the door of the classroom on the wall we can see the little kid cut out getting cut in half which is of course now happening across the ship it's such a good way to highlight what's going on without actually needing to show the over-the-top go it also enforces the idea of claustrophobia and makes you panic as you see people struggling to get out there's a true feeling of hopelessness that's Amplified by those realizing they can't escape their fate it shows how fear and the limits of human understanding can cause one to panic and also feel dread no really knows what's going on but they just know that something bad is happening Coro scenes just have something about them as well and the other one that Springs to mind is the one from Resident Evil that too completely rocked me as a kid but I found this even worse because you can't see the Nano fibers when talking to TV line D and D brought up how they suly had Augie Cube fall apart which seemed like a nothing Burger earlier on however this basically explained to us how the tech was going to work and this is what made us realize what was happening huge shout out to TV l for That interview in which they asked about how it went down DB did you always have the scene toward the beginning of the show where we I mean we essentially see this happen in miniature right in auggie's lab like she Taps the cube and it falls into slices was that part of it or did you feel like you had to add that after to make it super clear what was happening in the ship no we we always thought it was one of the the ship sequence uh we knew was kind of going to be the big centerpiece that that we've been discussing but for it to be effective effective you can't have anybody explaining what's going on while it's going on cuz that completely destroys it so for it to be effective you need to put all of the ideas on the table before that and introduce them to people so they're familiar with them but you can't let them know when that's happening you can't let them know that this is I know this is really dull but like pay attention to it cuz it's going to become important later it needs to pull its own weight in that moment now that speaks to how technology is often turned into weapons which is something that we know from our own history oppenheim has been a big talking point recently and his work on the Manhattan projects been widely discussed here was the school Professor who due to his knowledge of physics ended up giving us our most powerful weapon I'm sure when scientist started splitting the atom that they didn't do because they wanted to build an explosive however that's inevitably where their minds started to go and it shows how technology can often be twisted that's something I think we see in Auggie who's made something that can now be weaponized like Oppenheimer you see the regret as she watches what she's Unleashed and just like Oppenheimer she gets a congratulations Dr Salazar I think that's what actually stood out for me the most when I went back and watched the scene for the video just that congratulations at the end I think this really asks the question of what technology can cost which again ties back to that atomic bomb Discovery the military knew that it would be killing children and innocens who just so happen to be in Hiro Shima Nagasaki H you also knows there's children on board who have not worry that you could be hostile too and even if you potentially both just wanted to communicate you may be harboring something darker and thus they may not want to take that chance that's why the Santi turn on us when they learn that we can lie because it makes them realize that we just can't be trusted now the Dark Forest thinks that potentially all civilizations and the stars are scared of the others because in revealing themselves they might get the attention of another who wants to wipe them out resources are finite and th there will be other civilizations out there who want to take their planet for their own thus it's better to just keep quiet and hide in the dark which is what the firmy Paradox States and the most messed up thing is that these nanofibers have basis in reality and CLA mcne at the ringer did a brilliant article breaking down the tech she brought up her in the book The fiber webs known as the zitha which is named after the musical instrument with parallel strings described as being 100 the thickness of human hair they were affixed every 50 cm from the waterline to the top of the ship CLA brought up how the zi actually exists in real life with electric spinning being the method that's used to create them this makes fibers with a diameter of less than one micrometer that can be used for a number of applications now luckily mate the nanofibers can't be weaponized just yet with clar quoting Michael barom who's a professor in the department of Material Science and Engineering at Drexel University he stated that when applied like this the material wires are no stronger than silk but still maybe one day there'll be able to make a breakthrough being able to make them in the first place may have seemed impossible 100 years ago and as as we know today's science fiction is tomorrow's science fact I also love how Mike Evans dies asking for forgiveness and it is possibly things his Masters might have turned on him they would possess power like this and he may even wonder if it was them in his final few moments the fact is he just doesn't know and neither do the passengers and he watches the ship starts to fall apart as it reaches the shore paints had a horrifying scene that works on a number of levels because there's so many different things going on in this moment I hope this video has helped you appreciate all the levels that it's working at and why it's even more terrifying than you initially might have thought it perfectly sums up several things about the show and know that the Santi will be watching us getting wiped out as well like the humans do in this moment it's one of the series biggest talking points and hopefully you've talked about us going back through it and obviously I loved your thoughts on it as well and and did it do you still remember it cuz I sure as hell do please drop a like on the video if you've enjoyed it and if you also want to support the channel as a member of the spoiler Society then please click the join button you get early access to videos every week and it goes a massive way to helping breakdown set this get made you want to get some heavy spoilers merch as well we've also got our t-shirt line loc below the video that will let you pick up all kinds of top likey a dragon stuff Marvel te's and more we drop new designs on there all the time too so definitely keep an eye out and thanks for your support now if you want some else to watch we' got two videos on screen right now that I'll let you choose which one you want to see first video empty breakes sound 3 body problem and goes through everything that happened in the series and what the end could signify the next one is that red wedding breakdown which yeah I'm quite proud of so uh if if you're interested in that then go check it out yeah with that the way thanks for sticking through the video I've been your host Paul you've been the best and I'll see you next time take care peace
Channel: Heavy Spoilers
Views: 165,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3 body problem, 3 body problem ship scene, 3 body problem nanofiber, 3 body problem nanofibre, 3 body problem breakdown, 3 body problem ending explained, 3 body problem netflix, netflix, eiza gonzalez, benedict wong, sci fi, aliens, liu cixin, db weiss, david benioff, game of thrones, 3 body problem aliens, 3 body problem easter eggs, ending explained, easter eggs, things you missed, 3 body problem season 1, 3 body problem season 2, 3 body problem season 2 theories
Id: M9TS5nrxpak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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