the greatest movie of 2014 // Whiplash

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you are a worthless friendless [ __ ] lip little piece of [ __ ] whose mommy left Daddy when she figured out he wasn't Eugene O'Neal and who was now weeping and slobbering all over my drum set like a [ __ ] N subjectively I think this is the best movie of 2014 mark my words Whiplash will go down as one of the greatest movies ever made hands down but with that said what's this movie about the movie is very simple it's about a kid who's a drummer who wants to be the best he can be and it's about a teacher who wants his students to be the best they can be I'll be honest I just ripped that line from Jeremy johns's movie review because he does great movie reviews anyways miles tellor is chugging through this music class JK Simmons is this conductor who's just a hardcore drill sergeant and just wants it students to be the best they can be so you have this kid who wants to be the best teacher who wants his students to be the best and they are just on this path and they are going and they are Off to the Races I will say this though this movie is not for everyone I mean just look at that like JK Simmons is just destroying Miles Teller and it is just it can be really hard to watch he's in his face just yelling at him like are you a [ __ ] idiot can you not read music can you even play drums like who are you why are you in this class why did I even think you were eating good like he's just telling him all this stuff and Miles Teller is just drumming just trying to be good and just do everything he can do just to please his teacher it is terribly hard to make a movie much less a video and to actually like leave someone walking away like oh that like kept me engaged that actually interested me that like piqued my interest it's really hard to do that like if you were a stranger and you didn't know who I am and you just have stumbled across this like am I doing good am I holding your attention or am I not raid me in the comments please I always wonder like you know sometimes I discover like a YouTuber or an artist or a movie or a piece of music and just captures me and that's what this movie is it will just capture you you watch 5 minutes of this and you are on edge I mean think about this we've all wanted something we've all wanted to be great and this movie is about greatness like what will you do to be great what will you sacrifice and I've asked myself that question like all the time like you know what when I get older I'm a I'm going to sacrifice a lot I'm going to sacrifice my friends I'm going to sacrifice my family I am going to be great and here I am I'm older and I'm going to school and I feel like I'm almost doing it to please my grandpa please my mom please my dad try to like just make everyone happy that oh I'm bettering myself by going to school to become a nurse and I'm over here like I why am I doing this why am I not sacrificing this you know [ __ ] goal cuz this this ain't my goal like I'm I'm doing this like it's a goal to like get this but you know I could care less for this I want this [ __ ] goal and which is you know acting and making movies and film making all this stuff like all this I just haven't been making the sacrifice and this movie like asks you the question like what are you willing to sacrifice are you willing to put yourself through that pain through that effort through that hard work through those hours of work to get your 10,000 hours and even more to become great and Achieve like you know that little of success like are you willing to do that and me yes I'm willing to do that but I just haven't done it yet and it's almost like you know I need to make a move I mean Miles Teller in the movie Whiplash he makes a move he's in this class he's like you know what I'm going to stick with this and I'm going to do whatever it takes cuz I know under flesher's command I will become great even if that means like kill myself in the process look at him he's like here practicing like getting in his 10,000 hours and it's just like my gosh he wants to be great he wants to be a great drummer and I keep asking myself like do I really want to be a great filmmaker do I really want to do all these things if I'm not putting the time and the effort I mean yeah it's like a passion but I'm not like focused on it and it's like maybe I need to divert and like focus on it Whiplash is definitely worth your time it's definitely worth your watch especially if you want if you have goals if you have dreams in your life it's a great movie for you I think anyone can take away anything from this movie because it is is just one of those movies where it's like you know I know someone like that I know someone like that like I've had a basketball coach that's like that I've had a football coach that's like that I've had a teacher who's like that I have a relative who's like that you're going to identify with this movie cuz we've all had someone in our life who just wants to push us to be great and do all these things I'm not talking about someone who's just like a [ __ ] I'm talking about someone who actually wants something out of you who wants who knows you're are capable of these things and they're going to push you until you actually like accomplish and go reach for these things uh gor Ramsey said one time like you know we all need to be pushed you need to be pushed and you need to push people and the more you get pushed the thicker your skin the thicker your skin the further you go in other words the stronger you're going to get in this life and I don't know I I this movie came out like the perfect time in my life personally because I was a a sophomore on the high school basketball team and I there was this new basketball coach and he was just belittling me berating me he was getting in my face just telling me like every little thing I was doing wrong I would you know leave practice leave the games just crying like man I cannot do anything to please this man it's like you know what if you w to be great if you want to be great at anything you will never be discouraged and I wanted to quit so bad but I didn't I stuck it through because I knew I was only to get better if I stuck it through and I did and so all those yelling matches all those times I felt like so small and those times I just wanted to curl up and quit and cry and I just I stuck through it and it ended up paying off and now like that basketball coach is like one of my best friends and I still talked him to this day and yeah he'll probably end up being like the best man at my wedding or something cuz like that's how close we've gotten you know I want to be an actor and I want to be a professional working actor and that's how I want to make my living one day and I took an acting class for a semester at college and walked in like sat down in class and our acting our professor said like you know what I'm going to treat every one of you like you want to be a professional working actor he was not wrong cuz whenever we would do our scenes he would stop the scene at the end of it and come onto the stage and be like you know why did you make that decision when you walked in did why did you look to the left what were you looking at and I was like you know I was just I was uh looking at the wall he's like well what is the wall was the wall a window like what what were you looking at and he would just like go over like the finest of details and it's like man I like you know what I I don't know I I I need to think about that it was just all these little things and it was was just beautiful and I loved it I'm like I wanted someone to like push me and be honest with me and he was that and I wish um I was talking to a friend about this just yesterday you know I wish people when they say hey uh we should do this together we should do that together I wish they if they said that they actually [ __ ] meant it they're not just saying that to say it if you're going to say something like that like be honest about it I've been bad about that in the past and I'm trying to be better now and I have been way better with like being being honest and not saying I'm going to do something not ever following through with it actually like following through and keeping my word and then I love it like whenever people are criticizing me like I love it whenever people like tell me like what's wrong with my video I always want like what is wrong with my video don't tell me you like my video Don't Tell me like hey keep going all this stuff tell me what is [ __ ] wrong with the video cuz I know there's a lot of work I can improve on and I know the video is [ __ ] I did a film festival not that long ago and I was my one of my films was in and I was just watching it like oh my God this video is [ __ ] my video is [ __ ] I could I could have done this better this better this better and I want to do better whenever I made the video like it seemed perfect but it's not I'm watching it now this time later and it's like it's not perfect and I just want to you know continue to get better and the only way to get better I guess is to continue doing it and putting the time putting the effort and keep expanding and growing and building an audience all these things I'm working towards that and if you're someone who like wants to work towards that like Whiplash is the moveie for you if you're someone who like suffers though from anxiety and depression all this stuff Whiplash will probably just tear you down so I wouldn't recommend the movie to you but if you're someone who wants to be great at anything hey Whiplash is the movie for you e
Channel: Dalton Hays
Views: 114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9OV5qVmJoa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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