3 BODY PROBLEM Explained: Why The DARK FOREST THEORY Is Horrifying & Season 2 Will Be Even Scarier

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greetings and salutations my fellow bugs it is me Mt and I come in peace welcome back to the heavy spoiler show y'all spoilers for Netflix's three body problem series coming your way because we have got to discuss a key concept about what is coming next in this existential crisis of good television so if you haven't seen it stop this video go watch three body problem cancel that boat cruise you scheduled with your kids and then come back here so that we can talk about one of the scariest Concepts about our own reality the three body problem has begun to dive into in preparation for a potential season two because there might actually just be spies in the night sky let's get into it but before we do like always for just 99 cents a month you guys can become a member of the heavy spoiler Squad and get super early access to all of our videos before everybody else it's a really great way to support the channel and we would appreciate it greatly but if you don't have the money that's okay we're just glad that you're here but anyways guess what y'all did y'all know that we're all just bugs that is the mindbending reminder that three body problem has given to everybody who has had their perceptions of reality completely altered by watching this first season and I don't know if you guys realize this yet but uh the universe has become quite the big after the big bang and it's only getting bigger every second Believe It or Not which is kind of nuts and since the universe is so big and so freaking old the chances of sentient life existing on one of these seemingly infinite amounts of planets sprawled throughout it is pretty damn high right I mean surely we can't be the only planet in our galaxy and universe that has the absolute perfect condition for life to thrive so like if this is the case pardon me one question here where the God dang hell are all these aliens man like if the universe is too damn wide where they at though like I've waited 32 years too long for my blue alien wife with the two vaginas and I refuse to wait any longer where the hell is our invitation to join the interplanet cookout huh don't these other planets in our galaxy know anything about being neighborly like what if we needed to borrow some sugar where the space homies at man it seems like a bit of a cosmic Paradox right well this Paradox actually has a name it's called the fery Paradox named after the Nobel prizewinning physicist enrio fery who first posited the idea in 1950 dude was literally out at lunch one day when he was like hey yo how haven't we heard anything from Aliens when it would theoretically take only tens of millions of years for an advanced civilization to form a Galactic Empire large enough to colonize our entire galaxy also past the mustard like that is a weird ass thing to just casually bring up at a lunch man and other scientists were like oh this dude's got a really good point I mean this galaxy is 13 billion years old and even if some alien species weren't intentionally trying to reach out to us surely we would have been able to detect some sort of clue footprint or noise coming from from other sentient worlds out there so let's all think about this with our big science brains for a very long time and that's what they did with their big science brains scientists have been trying for decades to come up with logical explanations for what they call the great silence and so one of these big brains came up with what is known as the Dark Forest Theory with the Dark Forest of course being the name of the second book in luian three body problem remembrance of Earth's past Trilogy as a reference to this Theory and I ain't going to lie to y'all uh this theory is some scary the Dark Forest theory is essentially the idea that the reason why we are experiencing a great Silence from the rest of the Milky Way galaxy and the universe as a whole is because unlike our planet all of our intelligent neighbors are intentionally staying silent because they view the entire Cosmos as one impossibly large and infinitely dangerous Forest of Darkness a forest filled with other sentient hunter gatherers like ourselves and you know what we're going to play a little imagination game right now so go ahead and close your eyes and imagine yourself in a pitch dark Forest cold and alone with nothing but your trusty old club or spear that you made on your spare time and when I say pitch dark I mean dark like darker than the back of Daniel kua's neck like you can't see nothing until what's that you hear some noise coming from a few feet away from you someone or some animal is nearby and if there situation is anything like yours they're just as lonely hungry and scared as you are because in this Dark Forest surviving to hunt another day is the only goal of everyone here so what do you do well you kind of only have three main options reaching out attacking or hiding in silence let's say you choose to reach out to the source of this Forest noise you have no idea what kind of threat this is or what kind of heat they're packing so making yourself known and trying to communicate with them could easily result in them finding out exactly where you are and killing you out of fear for their life or as a basic necessity for survival because who knows maybe you got some food on you or you yourself are the food and I think I'm going to have to lean on the ladder because you're looking like a snack today how you doing I mean you could have the purest intentions in the world but let's say this mysterious entity in the forest happened to be just a giant Beast that doesn't understand the concept of human kindness and allegiances you're a dead man like instantaneously like you're just gone and not only this but revealing your location when that other mysterious entity didn't even know you existed in the first place completely eliminates one of the important elements of survival the element of surprise you completely lose your ability to strike first and eliminate your opponent with your handy dandy weapon and because you have no idea what the stranger is capable of attacking them first and asking questions never raises your likelihood of surviving significantly as you are no longer having to fear what that person will do to you this is the essence of the Dark Forest Theory a theory that imagines the entire universe like a dark dangerous forest and all the potential evolved civilizations out there as hunters in the dark trying to remain as quiet as possible so no one can detect them this is how three body problem author Lucci describes the Dark Forest theory in his second book The Dark Forest he says the universe is a dark Forest every civilization is an armed Hunter stalking through the trees like a ghost gently pushing aside branches that block the path and trying to tread without a sound even breathing is done with care the hunter has to be careful because everywhere in the forest are stealthy Hunters like him if he finds other life another Hunter an angel or a demon a delicate infant or a tottering old man a fairy or a demigod there's only one thing he can do open fire and eliminate them in this Forest hell is other people an eternal threat that any life that exposes its own existence will be swiftly wiped out this is the picture of cosmic civilization it's the explanation for the fmy Paradox end quote so basically the Dark Forest theory is implying that the reason why we haven't detected a single trace of any sentient life from our planetary neighbors is because they're smart enough to shut the hell up I mean it kind of makes sense that they would do that if they hypothetically all had the same brutal evolutionary process that we had where they had to hunt and hide to survive until they developed civilized society and Technology they would develop a similar paranoia that us humans still experience every day when it comes to unknown threats I mean yeah we're no longer hunting in the forest but we do still have locks on our doors and carry mace and/or nunchucks in our purses at night just to feel safe because as evolved as a person might seem one's true intentions can never be truly known and as much as we like to tell ourselves that our barbaric mindset has been eradicated by the sophistication of evolution humans still do pretty horrible things to each other in the name of selfishness and survival like lie deceive and even kill something that the Santi learn about firsthand when Mike Evans reading that Little Red Riding Hood story first alerted them that human beings were capable of such devious tactics just so humans could get ahead and honestly the Santi were right to be scared of us because let's face it Humanity can barely coexist with and Trust in our own damn selves and so even if an alien were to want to reach out and make themselves known to us it would be so much wiser and safer if they did not do that because even though some of us might earnestly and truthfully say to these aliens that we come in peace if we look at human history we can't really truthfully say that we're a people that will stay in peace but the scariest part about all this is that if this theory is correct and there are other alien civilizations potentially watching us in this Dark Forest we as a planet are making a crazy amount of noise and haven't really evolved evolved enough to realize how dangerous all of our radio signals and satellite signals out into the cosmos could actually be because all it takes is for one of these aliens to hear us in this dark Cosmic forest for them to make the decision to make the preemptive strike to annihilate us however them eradicating us would potentially give away their existence to other civilizations out there that could have been watching them and or us at the same time if those civilizations just saw Earth get exploded by some other civilization then they would seek to preemptively strike those annihilators too so it's honestly in everyone's best interest to be completely silent and just lie as quiet as we can in the darkness being as invisible as possible so that if need be we can take the first strike as quickly and quietly as possible that is the Dark Forest theory in a nutshell so that all being said there's a really strong chance that aliens could straight up be watching us right now just like we saw at the end of three body problem season 1 plotting on how to destroy us because of how fast our super violent species has been evolving our technology in order to stop us from expanding out into the cosmos an alien race would have to Humanity's ability to progress scientifically just so that when these aliens do send an attack towards Humanity that we would be grossly underprepared for such a highlevel offensive strike because having anything travel across the cosmos whether it be like a death star laser or an invading Fleet uh that takes a very long ass time to travel and in that time Humanity's technology could have evolved to levels Beyond human imagination which is something that the San bring up to both JY and Wade so there's a significant chance that paranoid aliens are watching us in this Darkness plotting our eventual destruction to ensure their survival because in the dark Forest it's kill in silence or be killed with violence but anyways that is three body problems Dark Forest theory in a nutshell just in case you guys are curious thank you guys for watching this video you can follow me at mastertainment on Twitter Youtube Instagram or wherever I am in the internet but most importantly follow heavy spoilers here on YouTube and when you do hit that notification Bell so that you can get notifications every time we upload a video and hey for just 99 cents a month you can become a member and get early access to all of our videos for everybody else it's a really great way to support us and we would really appreciate it very very much but anyways you guys are amazing and awesome I love you guys so much I'll see you guys later bye
Channel: Heavy Spoilers
Views: 125,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3 body problem, the san-ti, san-ti explained, trisolarans, 3 body problem nanofibre, 3 body problem breakdown, 3 body problem ending explained, 3 body problem netflix, netflix, eiza gonzalez, benedict wong, sci fi, aliens, liu cixin, 3 body problem aliens, 3 body problem easter eggs, ending explained, easter eggs, things you missed, 3 body problem season 1, 3 body problem season 2, 3 body problem season 2 theories, dark forest, the dark forest, the dark forest theory
Id: 3xu842kyCmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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