Why This Redneck Distiller Doesn't Want To Sell His Whiskey

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I'm here in Atmore Alabama we're 100% focused on Whiskey because 150 barrels enough for where you see yourself in in 5 or 6 years I hate selling whiskey barrels I don't even want y'all to come get nothing you want to buy barrels don't buy them when they're mature that's pure magic oh I totally forgot about these well you going to give me samples or you just teasing me this man just teasing me on all these barrels he like we're not going to pour any of those I'm here in Atmore Alabama I believe it is based on the way I came in here it is close to absolutely nothing and we are about 2 mi off the main beaten path there way down a dirt road with no s service if I start hearing banjos uh this video is going to be Mighty short it's definitely the smallest Distillery we've toured on camera they just produce a handful of barrels really focused on the craft they make just as much whiskey as they want to make and they only release it when they think it's ready so it's a very bespoke approach true definition of craft whiskey we're going to learn a little more about deadling here today and then we're going to join the Mississippi sippers and Spillway for a barrel pick so we'll get started by meeting the man himself learn a little bit more about how he makes whiskey here at deadling and then we'll get into that Barrel pick I'm Seth dling I'm the uh founder and uh distiller here at bigest cambia Spirits we make dling bourbon and uh dling Ry which you'll uh learn a lot about here shortly we're here in in the the Deep part of Alabama down Dirt Road we're not open to the public but we do private Barrel sales here and uh that's what we're doing today we have a group coming in and we're going to go pick a barrel it's going to be a lot of fun and I hope you guys sign up to come as well the 2024 calendar is filling up fast so get on the calendar and get down here and we'll find you at something special so this is the newest Rick house Rick house number three yeah we call it the new new house really have a name for it yet this is all rice all turns one year old in a month basically this whole section right here would have been the ri production last Jan you know first part of last year what's your capacity for this Rick house how many barrels can you get in here it'll probably hold you know 300 barrels something like that this building will be totally completely full this year and we're always refilling the the old the old houses too as we're pulling out we're refilling so that does slow the we're all on the need for the new buildings but um we're in a flow plane so this is a race slab you'll see that here it's got an explosion proof fan that's set up at 100° so when it gets 100° that comes on that was running in November and this fan will turn all the air over in this whole building like in 3 minutes so the big knocks on these pallet houses is um air circulation and then Barrel management Barrel management is extremely difficult what we do is when these barrels are filled they'll be they'll be left out in this house where we can babysit them make sure they're going to work make sure you're not leaking make a repair if needed God forbid swap a barrel if you have to very rare but primarily just making sure everything's going to hold everything's good to go and then you then you put them away that is that is absolutely true some of the ones where they're they're bubbling out of the top those are really special someone said I want to try that one cuz that one's going to be really good cuz the top of the barrel is just completely black it's the best Ry Barrel we have that I know of this is uh my wife's Mash bill this particular tank was a a barreling tank and we just left all the Char in it cuz it doesn't matter it's going in the barrel anyways but this is uh this is her Mash bill this is the Southern bell this is that Belgium beer yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah please this has uh oatmeal white wheat a caramel wheat malt from Germany what you just tasted was 120.1 proof this is going to be our highest entry that we've ever done I'm not a big high entry proof guy um I like that kind of 112 18 112 sweet spot this is going to be a little higher the reason why it's a little higher is because that makes an exact number of barrels this is her project she's been working on this for a year trying to figure out what she wanted to do in terms of mash Bill and inspired by the Belgium beer she likes the shock top and some of those others that are um white weak based so this is upcoming so y'all can try this in 6 years you'll you'll notice from tasting this that this isn't something that's flawed we're hoping the rare will fix us right we were so precise about every single thing and then that Precision continues all the way to the packaging right we're not there's no point that we're not willing to invest or learn or grow and and be really picky so we're making R right now we we do a little shutdown for Christmas and kind of clean everything and fix stuff we restart uh we did the southern Bale run we're doing a r right now so you'll notice they're all basically the same equipment all right these are all beer fermenters that I've modified this is the cookers the mash ton they call it we load the grain into the Roller Mill Roller Mill automated feeds Has a Little Chute goes into the cooker the new plant which is coming out here all of this will be organized much much much more fluidly so the fermenters are inside so we have to pump them into the fermenters which is you know a pain and all that cleaning and hoses and all that junk the new plant will be will be real tight where everything will will happen a lot more efficiently then from there you pump into the first Ste strip distillation you just grab everything off of it waste goes to the tanks over here for Animals fig yeah cows pigs that kind of thing and then the low wines go into the spirit steel and spirit steel that's where you make all your cuts and you get everything perfect of course everything has to be perfect at every step great whiskey isn't made in the barrel it's not made in the steel or the steel manufacturer great whiskey is made in the cooker anything that goes wrong there you're never recovering from it do you get your water locally or is it right under your feet okay is it a teasan well or is a river river okay there's an underground river that's beneath the hard pan has what's called rock salt sand it looks like rock salt but it's not salt it has no iron boiler water treatment company that we have a contract with comes here and tests our boiler water make sure our boiler is healthy all the time their National Lab told them that our water was the most pure water theyve ever tested really it's almost laboratory grade pure when you're blowing and going so to speak how many barrels do you put out a week we say I can adjust that I intentionally slowed our production last year in order to uh not have so much Financial pressure on me to keep ring so only made like 150 barrels last year okay which is which is which is a laxidasical almost part part time effort frankly but we have a good work week I'm really keen on not pushing too hard not having too much stress cuz I've just done that for too long we have a 4-day work week we're done by like 1:30 in the afternoon here at the plant I mean who wouldn't like that's a good work week right for sure that's not bad what time do you start whatever time Ben gets here but I think I think most days will be uh plant probably the boy probably kicks on at 7:30 8:00 in the morning like not a not a not a crazy day at all it used to to be 10hour days with a couple more changes I can I can double the output and have the same the same day frez units back here is where we keep our corn below 60° so you keep those running and keep your corn cool yeah if you keep below 60° the weevils are dment so I don't want to poison them the corn management is is is ridiculously complicated in order to keep your your your grain has to be segregated the fields have to be segregated so you don't cross-pollinate our bin is segregated it's not treated for Weebles we don't we don't poison any of it I use other techniques to control them lower moisture content is a primary one and then lower temperature for long-term storage these barrels are are recently filled but they're in this little babysitting mode where we keep them out where we can they got a little poopy diaper we can take care of it that's that barl is telling you about see the top of it oh yeah yeah that one's that's magic that's all Ry that's all um 5 years old but this building is completely full so we can just fill as we sell this section right here I brought in some whiskies maybe 3 years old because I wanted that last year to be in the new house and kind of start to learn some lessons about this building soon as they turned four those were all Barrel picked and they were all chosen quickly normally it would be 100° at the floor but with the fan much hotter it takes 2 weeks approximately for an ambient temperature to reach a center of a barrel so during the summer when in when it cools off in the evening time it's still just blazing hot in here and all that thermal mass that these barrels have they really hold the heat really well I prefer tasting them when they're warm um this weather now is is chilly today not my favorite way to to taste to sample barrels you like them when they're like what temperature are you usually going for well I mean most of the year the whiskey is 100° so I love 100° whiskey now typically folks are used to Kentucky bourbon sure and so what do you think like how much older or how much more of the influence of the barrel do you get this far south than they do in Kentucky it's dramatic you can see that in the color like the darkest B whiskey I've ever seen personally was was one of ours it was 6 years old it was in The Loft in the original house a lot of heat a lot of color a lot of penetration well people are drinking four yearold bourbon from Kentucky they don't always know that they are but that's four or 5 years is pretty typical for 5 years here is at least double in terms of Kentucky age the color and the maturity of the whiskey is is dramatically different you know we're moving to six years on everything and I think people are comfortable with six-year-old bourbon in Kentucky so I I think the consumer will be really pleased yeah six years here is going to be more like 10 12 it's going to be it's going to knock our socks off so that was our roller mills that my wife used to have to grind corn with and so she grounded all by hand until how long ago last month oh so till today basically yeah so these are some of our new barrels we just got a barrel shipment that's Kelvin heavy toast number threes those are rockar barrels absolutely Rockstar uh dark fruit notes they put on color consistently this is an example of how we hydrate barrels from the outside this is going to be um um the Southern bell that um Belgian inspired okay the one that we tried up there yeah the one you tried right off the still now what do you think the benefit is doing it this way so that that inside's dry when you put your whiskey in there if you put water in the barrel to hydrate it and you dump the water out the water's Brown so it's taking some with it 100% yeah and I just can't tolerate that but that's that's the way to do it hydrate them externally have them completely bone dry internally that whiskey hits there and it just it just sucks up production wise like how many bottles are you selling a year like it's 150 barrels enough for where you see yourself in in five or six years oh not in five or six years currently I'm limiting the sales to like about a depends on the year but I'm limiting the sales to like 50 to 60 barrels a year that's enough to fund the operation and that's my uh goal is just to sell just I hate selling I hate selling whiskey barrels you just like to make it I don't know why y yeah I don't even want y'all to come get nothing but but you have to year before last made 250 barrels so if I keep selling in that 50 60 range then we're going to be able to meet our goals in terms of uh increasing age the average age minimum is four I'm moving that to six warehousing obviously becomes a more of a problem when you make a change like that we don't have really the ability to bottle more than you know 55 65 barrels a year this location is going to max out I kind of did the math on it I know what I need to do in order to make this place make whiskey at a certain quality at a certain rate I'm going to do probably one more building and that's it and this this property's done the next level's going to have to we're going to have to move those were fermenters a fermenter and a cooker and a steel are almost the same thing if you think about it they're tanks right okay so a cooker is a tank that can heat and cool a steel is a tank that Heats and then has some parts after and a fermenter is just a tank that can cool it's the same thing so I just took fermenters that clol jacket can handle low pressure steam just fine so I use the what would be a glycol jacket I'm using for steam to heat um added manway to them you just order those and weld those on and then uh whiskey helmets made by Nashville sheet metal up in uh Tennessee agitator mounts that's just all homemade just homemade sheet metal and you know welding and getting it done the cooker was a little more elaborate it has the man we it has the um agitator and internally it also has a stainless steel coil that we inserted probably didn't have to have it cuz I plumb the jacket to run Steam and to run cooling a lot of valves involved with that but it works just fine so that was my way of of getting the plant up and running in you know quickly and and without spending a lot of money cuz Craft Beer World anything you want you can have it cuz it's everywhere distillation not to much so if you ordered that steel from Vendome it uh well it would be beautiful for one thing but it would you know take a year and a half to get here and cost more money than basically the whole plant you know lack of resources least resourcefulness and and when Co hit and I found my original steel had a crack from uh hard use uh this was my solution to rebuild a plant quickly and this this plant went from nothing to what it is right now in about 6 weeks how long have you been distilling here uh 10 years and a couple of months I think it's our anniversary we've made well over a th000 barrels I don't know what the number is now but it's uh it's well well over that the future for us is is is bright I think um people haven't seen what what we're really capable of I've just I've learned so much over 10 years I I know that our best whiskey is is ahead of us now most of the stuff I've had most of I think all of the deadling I've had so far is what we would consider a high malt bourbon like 20% malt or above or at least it tastes so is that like are you consistently producing that Mash build do you have a a lot of different ones you're doing and what's your what's your thoughts on the role of malt I'm approaching it from the standpoint of not relying on malt for enzymes typically uh when when you say malt people are are thinking more like malted barley and it's just the way the industry works like Scotland places like that they're not allowed to use enzymes they have to have it in the grain so they're very very focused on the uh the enzyme content of the ingredients lab reports and that really establishes the direction of the grains are going to use I didn't want to have that limitation so most of our M grains um almost all are roasted and that means the enzymes are denatured they're gone I select them because of the flavor that they provide not because they're providing any you know any actionable enzymes to help with conversion most of the whiskies here are the same Mash Bill most are the six grain only 3% of that Mash bill is going to be a malt but you really taste it and the reason is because the intensity of it I can show you that you can eat one little piece of it and it'll it just fills your mouth with FL So when you say 3% of it is malt you're saying 3% is the you know the like the enzyme based malt or like the roasted malts are 3% roasted malts so so six grain what what are the six grains you're using typically corn Rye oat that's in intensity and then the three roasted Ms so the three roasted MKS doesn't sound like a lot at 3% but it's the you got have to understand how intense that ingredient is it's kind of like cilantro right you wouldn't want a taco that was 97% cilantro but a little bit fantastic and that's that's what the roasted Mals are that there that little that little culinary touch that makes so much difference so that's what we're all about you you wouldn't eat it you wouldn't drink it so the corn makes great cornbread oats everyone loves oats the Rye is not a grassy spicy Rye at all I can't stand bitter Rye when I'm looking for a rye to use that was my main thing I wanted the ride to be more bready more in that mint category than the other so we are here in the original Rick house and we are pulling samples of bottles that we are going to try now you usually when we go to a place they're going to pull four five six samples of something similar and we're going to try all those and pick which one we like in this case it appears as though we are pulling a bunch of random samples of different stuff like this is much more a true craft Distillery and so everything is semi bespoke right like he he's going to age it until it's ready and then he's going to um you know finish it if he feels like it needs more different barrels like there is no formula so most of the stuff here is not going to be formulaic like that so we're not going to have a formulaic tasting experience instead we're going to have much like the whiskey they make here a a craft tasting experience so this is a more traditional Rick house it's not a patent house we cut all this wood this all what came from this property most of it fell down in Hurricane Ivan what do you think smells good leave it to you always in you let this man in a rick house he's going to find something oh the thing the thing that you'd be amazed with is the r the uh rum that's in the tequila cast for that's what we were looking for one of those we a found it yet okay so this is all rum you made yeah I made rum in the very beginning we're 100% focused on Whiskey not a fan of of of the rum categories too much Shenanigans you know and and with bourbon and Rise uh you you can you can trust that people are serious about it and and following the rules I think these are 2016 barrels so this is 8 years old 8-year-old Rome yeah a that something we pulling samples on those what if you're not if you're not in that category what else are you doing with them I sell them to other brands okay and when they're gone they're gone I'm not I'm not doing that anymore these are special these these turned four in October these are appalation Oak Barrel this fouryear air cured so what is I mean I know what Appalachian Oak means but what does that mean as far as what it its impact on the whiskey is going to be with it being air cured as long as it is it has a different profile it's just a really interesting whiskey um something that was experimental won't do it again but here it is I love these but um the barrels are really expensive and they were very very difficult to seal I'd love to try one of those though You' got you're more than happy to see yeah somebody wants that a year ago you want to buy barrels don't buy them when they're mature okay be way smarter than that you need to be trying stuff at three and we have independent Stave small batch that's a great cage um most of these are Kelvin these are spy side these are interesting these will be turning in four soon one of these in particular was just a real barn burner it's like 3 and 1 half years old and it's just really like you can't even stay quiet when you taste it I'm serious well you gonna give me samples or you just teasing me this man just teasing me on all these barrels he's like we're not gonna pour any of those this is Barrel number one so the first one you ever did that that's not only the first one I ever did that's the first barrel of we ever made in Alabama history and how old is it at this point um 2015 how long are you going to hold it what are you going to do with it forever just leave leave it there until it's dry the angels will drink it all and they get the short end of the stick on that one it's really not that great oh I totally forgot about these these are our favorite when somebody we found it 10 minutes ago if you don't mind let's sample one of those I'm getting to where I'm really geeking out over High BB this is such a preview too of the Rye okay um the mint that was on these is just L it's really special get making out with the barrel there all right so that's what we call blow start so the Barrel's under a vacuum and normally we would just drill a air vent but we're just we're just being rednecky today and you blow air into it equalizes the pressure you hear the bubbles that doesn't have so yeah man look at the color on that son you've been driving or drinking today blow starting barrels and that's the that's a seven-year-old barrel uh it's a it's going to be six years is the thing is that like when we do these private Barrel pets this is my primary process for getting more familiar with the inventory cuz it forces us to dive in with you and um it's exciting for me so I'll I'll watch these barrels go through this process and they all get picked that's the funny thing about it one group isn't fond of a barrel and another group comes in and they go crazy over it it's just it's just fun to watch so here you go right here there's Barrel 1000 so this is the recent I can you see the date on it but yeah it's uh 2023 big milestone for us to to hit 1 th000 barrels it's just a crazy thing to it's a lot of whiskey it is and it isn't I mean if you look at most distilleries that's yeah that's nothing a joke yeah that might be a month's production for Buffalo Trace days no actually actually a few hours yeah serious I did the math at Jack Daniels based on the 18 wheelers that were coming through there I don't know it was like 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours production was a year for us what is poured um 245 okay man that smells nice on the Finish there's a note there that I would I would attribute to Malt but you're telling me it's 3% this is a 3% M yeah but you you have to kind of recalibrate the math compared to what you're accustomed to you know Kentucky doesn't use oats like we do and then they're using um malted barley like a malted barley is going to be a very very Mild ingredient whereas these roasted Mals are just rocket ships the color on that is out of this world out of the bottles I've had and I've had just a few bottles um of deadling this one seems to have a little like brighter fruer note to it to me than the ones I have at home what is 245 what do we remember what that Barrel was I actually think it it could be one of the one of the weers I'd have to look on my Google sheet may have been what it was that may be what I'm picking up to the greatest extent you don't know anything the better why be fearful about it you pick what you like it doesn't matter what it is I'm not pulling any tricks on you're not chasing something that's 2 years old and I'm going to laugh at you it's all mature whiskey y'all saw the barrels I don't know what this is but two is delicious yeah yeah two is some of that kind of harshness that I described as a malt is gone on this one there's a reason why I taste Barrels in a particular order because your first sample probably should have been your fourth or fifth the oak is it's it's super prominent this is going to be for certain people's profiles that like the guys that just really love the oak what proof do your barrels typically come out in 110 is probably the most common fancier glass this time you you were asking about exit proof are um I'm adjusting the moisture content of the air with the intentions of keeping the proof relatively stable through the aging process um going up a little bit I'm fine with going down a little bit is not ideal so you're just humidifying the Rick house is that what you mean or like no dehumidifying dehumidifying them the moisture content in this deep south is is is the one element that I can think of that's counterproductive this is a good opportunity to point out too that on your number one sample because because it is so oy and because it was was in so much high heat for such a long period of time those samples always need air time never judge it right off the bat which one you pouring now this the fle oh this we got another one the GL one it's not the glass this one's I like the smell okay this last one's real mellow yeah well is it mellow or your taste buds mellow well well there's a there's a there's a reason why we normally taste them in a particular order because I'll make sure you taste the number one chars first and I'll kind of work based on cage and what I know about them I I try to work them intensity up in intensity it's hard to taste down in intensity if you ever had a cast strength and someone hands you a 90 and the 90 doesn't taste like anything and it's not fair to the to the other one cuz you might have loved it that's every day at the store have yall figured out which one y like two I I'm down to two of them I would like to go back to if we get three I need it to not say Ry on the label what's a high R bourbon it's not a Ry yeah well so in retail they see rye and that's that four letter word they're like oh no I can't have that that's the devil's whiskey somebody in the comments right now already typing rise three letters somebody already typing it I know like I see y'all I see y'all right now with your fingers we get it you you understood the metaphor but yes people are afraid of Rise although I'm starting to really get into those High Ry Bourbons I don't like Rye Ry I want a rye that is almost a bourbon or I want a bourbon that's almost a r like either of those I'm getting I'm getting pretty down with them 1 two three give me one 1 two three so this one was three this was the high R we're going to try number two right here and then go into number one which wins the color battle for sure yeah I think there's a clear winner here for me I think two Falls in line more with the profile of things honestly I think two is the best one to me yeah I like two I do like the high R but I think two is it this Barrel will be available at the spillway event April 6th if you want to join us there in branded Miss Mississippi at Spillway Wine and Spirits you'll be able to get signed bottles we're going to have a whole thing like check out spill Way's Facebook page the event going to be nuts if you watched the channel uh the video from last year where we ended up with like 52 bottles or something like that when we finally left Mississippi this is that event but a little bigger whichever one of these they choose is going to be exceptional we're going to take number one you're going to go with number one number one is probably the most like I'm going let you have two take one I might take two I might take two I think I might take two well you didn't get wet like your son did that's just pure luck you would think it was skill but it's just pure luck cuz I get sprayed too and it's got a nice color but it's not your typical dead L now why did that not put on as much color as a normal Barrel it's the coage okay I don't know what about the cage but they're consistently inconsistent putting on color this is going to be 3 and 1/2 actually just under 3 and 1/2 years old we'll drink that that's going to be Barrel 527 I need my Thief okay so I can't afford their Stills okay V but you got their Thief that was a little bit of a splur it's a very nice whiskey Thief isn't this isn't this beauti I just bought one and that one's nicer than mine isn't that nice I mean look at that they have uh brass fittings that are all machined and beautiful now I'm jealous that I did not buy a Vendome whiskey tee wait till you price this thing I don't mine wasn't cheap but it's not as nice as that feel the way to that oh that's serious that is ific isn't that nice yeah yeah I pull this out I'm trying to impress I have others but I love this thief this is a number four Char spiral cut so this independent Stave they Char this barrel and then they Mill the inside like a/4 in square Channel all the way through the interior but the millings primarily stay in that Barrel okay and they assemble it with with those millings in there now the whiskey can go through a number four Char and come out through the flavor layer can go bypass the Char and go deep into The Stave and then come out bypassing the Char it can come in bypassing Char come out through the got grooves that are charred and then grooves that are not basically is what you end up with charred and then miled fresh yeah okay so it has infinite possibilities and we get deep penetration anyways but with a spiral cut it's it's it's next level it is next level Next Level all these level are all rum so we just did we did a rum finished in so it was like 8year Venezuelan rum and it was finished in Weller barrels and it was out of this world I'm imagining what a deep south 8-year-old rum that's been in a white wine barrel is going to taste like the first Barrel we took the like low Ry bourbon has a little interesting of that like toasted almost chocolatey malt and then the high Ry bourbon has some of that but it's a little more subtle and then you get a little Ry spice a little nice like kind of spicy sweetness to it so excited about both of those barrels we should have those coming to you here we may release this video well before those barrels are ready for y'all in Texas but uh they will be coming soon to the Bruiser Club this is Appalachian Oak preview because the same whiskey that you've been tasting it's just in a completely unique and interesting Barrel so you notice the color is typical for Kentucky and extremely not typical for deing it's good I'm getting a little of that like multi harshness through the mid pet finish is great is exceptional but it's that middle part so I love the taste I love the finish that middle section is which is what your your regular people who drink that mid section regular piece that that yeah like you said to think about it how what's the age on that one it's like uh it turns four in October oh you talking about it's this is not a full Southern summer I can see that through a good hot southern summer it take that little that harshness that you were picking up it'll pull that down and bring the all the sweetness out of it so what are we trying right now another another early preview this is the number four Char spiral cups you got a little more chocolate to it the sweetness though kind of up on right down the side of the mouth so like malt hits me as like a dark chocolate a lot of times and so I'm picking up what I what I always consider High malt which is this is not high malt so I don't know if Mal are hitting me hard yeah the Finish is all tobacco the Finish is English tobacco out of 10 like pipe tobacco like the tobacco notes might be a better description of deadling than like a chocolate malt like more of like a tobacco malt yeah so you have to factor in like one one summer here is basically 24 months somewhere else and we're doing some preview on some barrels that aren't ready there's been barrels where I've sampled them or I'd slip them in blind to a a barrel pick and then it was it it was kind of uniformly rejected and then 2 months later it's the star of the show it's just the time of the year and getting this heat because it just makes all tell me that's not promising that's promising it's got all the right notes is it ready no but you have to factor in the context we're intentionally sampling something that's not ready just to see what the promise and the direction is the color is extraordinary I mean that's like that's Elite these particular barrels don't really develop very much after 4 years I think what part of to what we're all experiencing is the extraction was very intense because of the design of the spel if you had have sampled it a year ago it may have been completely unpalatable because the extraction would have been insane you get this good hot8 months that whiskey is going to then complete its picture and it's going be it's going to be really interesting I like the first one the second one just killed the first one out of the world yeah out of this world all right so we were headed to the Rick house we were about to try some different things but unfortunately Seth is actually a member of the volunteer fire department around here and he got called to a mobile home fire like this is the craftiest of craft whiskey and if you appreciate folks that are just all about the whiskey and doing things the way that they feel like they should be done then this is definitely a brand that you should be supporting so they've got a little of that like roasty malted flavor that I'm not a huge fan of but I did pick two barrels where that's a little more minimized so if you go get some shelf deadling stuff you may run into a little more of that maltiness if you're a fan of that great here he rolls he's getting out of here to go try to deal with that fire so had a great time here learned a lot about deadling have a lot of respect for what they're doing here and again small business some some guy that's just making the best whiskey he knows how to make does it exactly like he wants to do it and only puts it out when it's good enough for him to put it out like there literally barrels there he's like M that's not good enough we're not going to sell that one to you these barrels will be available to the bruel club that's the best way to kind of stay in touch when we're going to be releasing these barrels there's a free tier I don't know if these barrels will make it down to the free tier they're really good barrels so I I don't know if they'll make it just depends on what we release them with we are trying to drop five plus barrels every two months over on the bruel club appreciate y'all watching the barrel that um Spillway picked will be available for the release in April April 6 we're going to be in Brandon Mississippi it's going to be a huge event there going to be a ton of folks there but they going to be a ton of barrel picks but also a lot of really cool allocated whiskey that you might not be able to get elsewhere watch the video from last year if you want more how we're going to be doing that and how that's going to work appreciate y'all watching catch y'all in the next [Music] one
Channel: Brewzle
Views: 197,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brewzle, brewzle tiktok, tj gamble, tj gamble whiskey, tj gamble bourbon, bourbon, whiskey, whisky
Id: efvG8VkKvy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 56sec (2156 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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