March 20, 2024 running the first still I ever bought.

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everyone all right look it's been about a week we uh we fermented this smells really good smells sweet looks good not a lot of activity kept it at a nice 75 degrees with our um fish tank heater real cheap real easy way to keep your mask from getting cold in the winter time do this in your house whatever it doesn't uh it just keeps it at that constant temperature so the yeast just keep going and going and going so got a nice Mash here a nice uh little beer set up of got the corn settled on the bottom with the yeast you can see everything settled down got about uh what is that 12 quarts a little over three gallons of uh wash here that we're going to distill today uh we're going to distill it in our first Allen bag SE that we bought right now we got uh a hot plate and my coffee cup um I'm priming I'm getting it warm right now I don't want to uh dump the I want to get this metal kind of heated so when I dump that in there it starts to warm it up uh almost immediately you don't have to do it like that this uh this hot plate isn't really rated that hot but it will get it to boil and it's going to take a while but we're going to go through each step step by step I'm going to show you what we got here is a we got a little ball of uh what's it called bread I guess it's just uh dough here flour and water and what we're going to do is we're going to show you how to seal up your still with that it's called distillers biscuits uh one thing they used to do when they uh used to distill out in the uh mountains obviously you got this big still let's say it's 100 gallon 200 and it has three or four parts you didn't want it all soldered together or welded together because then you'd have to fit it on a big trailer you want to be able to break it down put in the back of your truck put a tarp over it hide it and get it out of there so if you see here if we had all this this was 100 gallons and you know relative everything was to to scale that it' be big and it'll be all stuck together so breaking it apart it's real easy take it back home hide it in your shed or whatever right well what they used to do since this isn't soldered or welded here or one piece what they'll do is we'll show you just take the dough kind of knead it in there and when the Dough's in there it starts to cook a little you can start to smell it and that seals up your still like that right that smell is going to go into the air and it's going to smell like baked bread it uh kind of hides the distillation smell so that was one way I think they they help camouflage the the process of moonshining so we'll go through all that today uh right now uh just want to show you the parts and things we got going on on our next step will be we'll we'll check the uh specific gravity Here original gravity if you remember was 1.95 so we're going to take that number we're going to measure today's number to see what alcohol by volume we got out of it I'll show you the math we take that beginning gravity minus the end gravity or final gravity they call it and then you multiply it times 133 and it's going to tell you the number probably around 8% to 10% hopefully on this batch so we'll get into it today and uh it's it's going to be fun and educational hopefully hopefully you learn something and please comment ask us questions I'll respond to it we we'll get back to you and if there's something we missed or whatever after we edit we'll try to we'll try to clarify everything all right so here we are we're back we're gonna we're going to take a little bit of wash we're going to put it in here going to use our hydrometer or you want to call it an alcometer but it's just a density liquid measuring tool so it's going to float and tell us how much uh our specific gravity is so take this I don't want to grab all the Heavies in there I just want to grab off the top all the light beer that's being created not very clear once it's distilled it will be pretty good taste there's a little bit of sugar left in there so I don't know we could we could have pitched more yeast pitched it again um we kind of just set it and forget it and it's going to be what it is when we when we're done like I said we'll see what we get out of this and like I said you could do this at home not saying you should it's stilling alcohol is illegal in the United States if you're outside of the states follow follow your rules um let's see so here we go put this in let that float I got 7% out of this let's see what is that 1.050 is that what it is yeah yeah % 1.050 Z so it's potential 8% is showing but 1.050 is what it's floating so we're going to take that final number and uh we'll write it down then we'll do the math so what you would want to do is take your original gravity which was our yeah that'll work so our original gravity was 1.95 our final FG 1.050 now all you got to do is take 1.95 minus 1.050 get that number and then you're going to multiply that by 133 and that'll equal your ABV so that's your math original final finals minus from the original and multiply that number you get by 133 and that'll give you your alcohol by volume that you created so after that we're going to put it in the still NE right now I have it still priming the whole thing is getting warm nice and heated up so when we put the liquid in there I'll start to warm it up and then uh we'll come back and uh we'll show you once it gets hot enough we can put the biscuits on there start distilling so yeah I guess that's it then next step coming up next all right so we're just going to fill the still I started doing it already threw a couple quarts in there and I like I said try to try not put the Heavies in there if you get any of this heavy corn in the bottom if you don't strain it you could use a a paint strainer bag and get them at Lowe's or Home Depot for pretty cheap a five gallon bag you pour this bucket into another bucket with that bag on there I can show you one but not really important just look for a paint strainer bag you take another bucket put that strainer bag on there and pour this one in there you'll pull the heavy solids I'm just G to do it by hand here just pull the good clear not heavy solid out put them in the still the reason why if you burn those heavy solid if you burn some corn in there at the bottom it's going to taste like burnt corn or burnt popcorn and it's going to smell like that too and there's no way you can distill that out of there I've done it years ago when I first started messing with Stills didn't know nothing and uh you know just so you know do not put the heavy Sals in there unless you have an agitator because it will burn and that you will not get that burnt flavor out of your whiskey all right so we'll just fill this up and come back to you with the next step all right so we filled our pot still got a little beer on the burners here smoking smells sweet anyways we're going to put the lid on here let this warm up keep a monitor this our our uh condenser here steam's going to come down here hit this cold water bath which we'll show you that setup later um as the water fills up comes and drims out over here but as the steam goes in that cold bath it'll uh it'll condense back in into a liquid and then we'll collect our out of here which we're going to have to elevate all this up I forgot about that with this still we're going to have to put this up on a higher so we can put a jar underneath this otherwise we won't be able to collect so we'll we'll reset this up we'll get it all dialed in and then uh we'll show you how to do the the biscuits on there so like I said just flour and water make a little dough and we're just going to put that on there once it's warm enough to kind of cook in there you don't want too hot because then it may not seal right but you just shove it in there if it gets a little dried out like this piece has we'll just get a little more water mixed in with it and then we'll just cake it in there with our thumb we'll show you how to work that in there with your thumb and then that'll start to seal it up and then when it starts to distill you won't have to worry about any of your Vapors escaping out of here and you're losing your alcohol so you want all those Vapors trapped so where they get to here and they condense and you collect the the uh the liquid so yeah like I said we're going to set this back up I forgot about elevating that and then we'll we'll set everything up for the and go through the steps with you all right guys we got a small problem here well it's not it's not a problem but we do have an issue with a our condenser so we're going to have to solder this piece of copper right into here so we can let the water pour out of there um we don't know what happened to this I haven't used this still in over 10 years probably and uh there's some issues that we're we're remembering that we have to do for these and uh yeah so we'll keep you [Music] posted all right here we are okay so we've let our still kind of warm up heat up a little bit we're at 50 degrees Celsius and uh that's warm enough to get the uh dough we've made out of the flour and the water to knead it on there and then seal up it'll start to cook not cook but like you know Harden warm up I'll make a little Play-Doh out of It kind like pumers uh plumbers putty and that way you can put it on there and not burn yourself as well so stick it on there like that stick it all the way around it's kind of little chunks like that and that's going to seal it all up like I said the Moonshiners would do this as well because as you get closer to the distillation process it uh starts to cook the bread or the the little bit of dough you've made it makes it smell like bread we're going to put it here and that's just it's going to cook right on there over here get the rest of the onion and pot connection just going to keep the the seal there so the steam will make sure we to get the steam going through the line arm line arm sorry down into our uh condenser go on the other side here and finish this off again you don't want to try to do this too hot I don't do it when it's cold just because it'll it'll stick better it's a little warm make sure your dough is nice and pliable if it's a little dried out just add a little water to it it'll stick on there and there it is now this dough will start to harden up it'll cook it'll give a little bit of Aroma of maybe breads being baked like this is already starting to cook over here so there's that I'm going to crank up my still we'll get the uh water running through here and we'll start to distill like I said we'll just go step by step heads hearts and Tails just stuff like that but yeah so there's your uh your distiller biscuits they call them it smells good like I said mask the smell of distillation because you'll smell the fumes you know in the forest when you smell something that doesn't taste or smell like natural in the forest you're going to pick up on it real quick so baking bread isn't uh illegal but distilling is so if you smell bread bacon you're not going to head that direction if you're looking for a bunch of Moonshiners anyways there it is next step we'll distill we'll go through the process on that all right so here we go we've set up distill we've got our uh putties or our not our putties our distillers biscuits up here so we noticed a little bit of leak here so we added some here probably just the the the line arm or the the the neck here has been moved around too much so it causes a little bit of a I guess Gap and uh we ended up with a little bit of steam coming out of there so Israel put that on there it's nice and cooked you can see it's it's gotten hard as a rock which it should it's sealed up um we're starting to drip just a tiny bit out of here you can see so there you go there's a there's a drip um we got the heat cranked we're at 62 degrees celsus so we're getting real close to the point of distillation now the way we're cooling our uh condenser here if is if you walk around here and show them we have we kind of this is how we started out doing things so we got about 50 gallons maybe 40 to 50 gallons of water in here we've got a uh a a small pond pump and it has an adjustment on here that you can adjust the flow we've got it on its minimum that's pumping the water into this line here filling up this guy here this is where it drains back out and back into there now it's such a small um condenser and it's such a small still that it's not going to heat up that water enough to where I mean it it will get hot but the water when it gets dumped back in here will cool off and go ahead and go back over there so it can still condense so we're waiting on the distillation process to start the first 30 milliliters of each gallon of wash that we put in there or Mash you want to call um we had three gallons of mash that we put in there or fermented MASH which is wash um we did a we're going to pull 90 milliliters of the first things coming off the still out of there and that's going to be our heads so you can do up to 50 milliliters if you want we do 50 milliliters with our bigger still but the first 30 to 50 milliliters is a safe zone of pulling your heads out um as it distills so we'll measure that in a measuring cup that goes milliliters most of your quart measuring cups will either do quarts or I'm sorry uh your uh ounces on one side Mill uh not millimeters God dang metric on the other and uh we'll we'll we'll get the 90 milliliters out of there and once it's at 90 we'll start collecting the hearts that'll be the next step right now we just got the the heat on Max on this little still um the hot plate here but the still is nice and hot burn your hand but uh what's that 62 64 degrees Celsius 64 yeah it's it's already gone up two degrees since I started talking so we should start getting a pretty good trickle out of here this isn't bad here little drop little Drip Drop coming out of there so excited to see this thing run I haven't run this still in probably 10 years it's just a pain in the butt with the whole you know fixing up with the pond pump and everything else it's just nice to use a 400 gallon still with a nice condenser on it but again we'll get this thing running I can smell the the biscuits cooking so it smells pretty good and uh yeah waiting on the heads to run through is it recording all right here we go we're starting to drip really good looking for that uh we're going to grab 100 Mil milliliters out of here so that's you know 50s 150 200 250 so we want to hit that second line there and we know we got over 90 milliliters um but yeah starting to drip pretty good the water's not warming up too bad you can see a little bit of bubbles on there because this this thing is very hot just nice and steamy nice and hot we're looking at uh 68 degrees Celsius can smell the alcohol in the air smells good all right we're going to wait till a nice stream's coming out of there the only problem I have I think with this uh hot plate is that it heats up then it kind of shuts down and heats up kind of shuts down um it's not constant heat so I can notice that'll drip faster when it starts to heat up again trying to get that little bit of a stream a little small trickle out of there there it goes looking good speeding up close at 100 Mark and we'll just pull that quart out of there and start collecting I I really don't see us getting more than a a a qut of total alcohol um I did do the math so 1.95 minus 1.050 equals 045 multiply times 133 so we got 5.99% alcohol in this batch not a lot but 6% 6% of three gallons is really not a lot so um we'll see how it runs how it tastes should be pretty good moonshine though a little bit of corn I can smell the corn in the air right now from the corn that we put in there um but I'm excited to to get this little cord of whatever and just drink it and enjoy some moonshine so we'll get through the uh the heads here and then we'll start talking about the hearts all right so here we are Natalie our assistant has come over from our restaurant side she's one of our chevs over there she likes to make food but um she's going to apply some heat we've been messing around with this you watch when she when she go ahead and Flame it up Natalie it's going to speed up the whole process here cuz we can't get enough heat out of this uh hot plate to really run the still so it starts to run faster so we've been messing around with that yeah it's got a good trickle just leave it real close on there just hold it like yeah right there there we go so if you can see here she's just holding the Heat and it's running the still faster so heat is everything right we've never gone above 68 degrees all day until right now now we're at 70 but it helps run this still just thought it'd be fun to show everybody all right so here here's the problem we have we just got a little bit of mash in there we've got less than six% alcohol by volume we kind of ran through the Tails too quick right now it's just water vapor it's not it's not enough alcohol we're hitting almost 74 degrees celius but uh yeah running these small Stills like this they're fun it's something to do as a hobby you know you're not going to make any money out of it but that's what we did this video for show you all the little steps and what you could do at home but you still ended up with uh we got 500 milliliters here pure alcohol half a quart which let me try this right here oh yeah that's moonshine that's tasty you want some too cameraman's going to have some Israel oh holy crap that tastes pretty good pretty good huh yeah yeah so sugar Mash little sugar water and some corn you want to try some all right Natalie here's a final taste test from a true Chef want to be on video it's pretty tasty huh I like that it's pretty good huh that's good it's good moonshine so if you made this collect it at home you can enjoy it with your friends so moonshine and Mountain Dew Mountain Dew is actually a product invented to to to drink moonshine and not get caught during prohibition so it's kind of cool it became a nationwide soda I think it was still collecting a pretty good good amount there man but uh that's pretty much it for our video kind of boring but fun at the same time we'll see you guys [Music] later
Channel: The whiskey wonka
Views: 6,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RqDT9eulZ6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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