Mark and Digger Stopped by Police While Moving $40,000 of Liquor! | Moonshiners

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this is how we make the moonshine what are you doing loading up bottles baby man we got a big-ass sale well you remember that band that bees sold the tennessee whiskey the c.a.c yeah yeah he never would tell us who they were no it was a protected secret or something right well their record label they want 200 gallons of this stuff 200 gallons yeah bottled bottle for the same price we sold the other for it's real man i'll take it the 200 gallon order of 200 bucks a gallon that don't take a genius 200 times 200 is 40 000 for two old guys like us that's a hell of a sale it's a hell of a payday the ghost town stuff it should be done shouldn't it it should be if it ain't it's not our fault the sea aged whiskey worked so well when it was on the shrimp boat we came up with the design to do the same aging process on dry land that's a plenty that's all they got to do i just got to move right there they've been rocking in the mountains in ghost town for months there's no reason for it not to be top shelf but we haven't tasted it to see we got to get the liquor brought to us so if daniel will go get it for us because we got to go get more bottles well i'll call old daniel and see if he can get up there and do it [Music] go ahead brother hey we're up a stump brother okay we need somebody to run over the mountain and pick up four of them barrels and bring them back over to us well that won't be no problem meet us at the red barn up on cosby it'll be well worth your time this brings me to another question now that you're getting the the liquor over the mountain to us after we get this bottled up it's got to be tucked in nashville delivered how do you feel about having a night on the town in nashville on us hell yeah that'll be a trip worthwhile right there that sounds like a plan thank you thank you brother all right here we go there's still a lot of moving parts and a lot of hoops to jump through here in this business you never count your chickens before they hatch till we put the whiskey in the people's possession and they give us the money we don't have anything i hear him a coming we've got an order for 200 gallons of our aged tennessee whiskey led to it boss and they want it in bottles easy all right no position whoa watch your tailgate tell us let it rest there we'll pump or dry we've not sampled any of this that we put on top of the mountain we worked our tails off getting it up there it better taste good we've wasted a lot of damn work for nothing it's going to take a while in it even with the high tech here are we ready yep all right [Applause] there you go yeah hell yeah [Music] oh my i couldn't be happier with that color that looks good hopefully that amusement ride did its business look here i'm telling you that looks just as fine as that sea aged flicker ever did it sure does well if it'll listen up and then we'll get us a little tasty all right damn if it don't smell premo that's as good as that other way sure enough it is it's ever been as good looking at it smelling of it it's wonderful on the nose but once you put your tongue to it it's just like heaven on earth this proves that the ghost town mountain agent is a success and the fact that we got 200 damn gallons of it so that's the pace paid for it so let's get the cork and then a feeling you know you can have children you're proud of you can have a dog that you're proud of barrel number two's up this is mine and digger's baby we're very proud of it every five one of them is how much more gallons 200 200 or 40 dollars a piece you go in a liquor store and you say bottle selector this size is way more than forty dollars oh yeah you know maybe we should price it a little higher but we want folks to taste this liquor we like to get it out there to them boys it's the last barrel the people that are getting this whiskey is getting the best fish in the world that stuff right there is what dreams is made of in headaches and nightmares if you get caught with it yeah all right now daniel when you get down there you've got the address i've got it programmed in my gps it's just a little old small warehouse it's just got one little loading dock yep you just back up there and just sit and wait they'll get to you we'll make her work it ain't my first rodeo it's a chore getting all these bottles filled up we've done a day's work already that shouldn't draw no attention at all a long beardy redneck and a damn four-wheel-drive ford truck everybody's got one of them [Music] he's still back here cadillac and right behind us ain't it yep he's coming on with it forty thousand dollar sale at one leg popcorn would do damn somerset's with me he would we got all this liquor bottled up 200 gallons worth and that's time to send daniel on to nashville he said it's a big deal for me he said i ain't never hauled this much liquor in my life at one time they ain't many people it has we're traveling into town we'll gas him up and it's up to him to get that to the destination we're going to take these barrels and we're going to put more tennessee whiskey in them get them back up on the mountain and get them swinging again that's crazy one human being buying this much liquor of course you know big wheels like that they probably know a lot of people that they want to keep greased up in their direction you know the thing about it is you can get done with a jar of liquor what you can't get done with 100 bill uh oh hatty boy i don't want you to panic but that black yukon that just passed us he's pulled in behind danny he's behind daniel now this ain't no good hattie boy [Music] oh no [Music] no no no daniel is directly behind us with forty thousand dollars worth of untaxed liquor and the police is right behind daniel this is when the bottom falls out of your tummy well he's pulling up to us hattie boy they get on up here and pull over [Music] i can't believe this but that daniel goldberg get your hands where they can see him and he don't make him nervous [Music] well we're doing all right what you hauling your barrels back here are they not indian barrels they're just old barrels we got off so there ain't no kind of lick or anything no sir no sir no sure all right let me get your stuff out here for a minute okay me too sir yeah come out here grab no lick or nothing leaving the truck no sir you're welcome look all right he's hanging loose over here for just a sec i got another unit coming up here with me here he don't mind step over here turn up his car right there for me hands on the hood [Music] they'll smell like liquor the rest of their life honestly i'm sure if we thought that hauling around empty barrels would have been a problem i promise you we wouldn't have done it of course you know what the first thing is i think when i see you i know just remember you're gonna get lucky every damn time i just gotta get lucky one time boys all right sir there's the rest here oh damn that makes you feel like you've been kicked in the nuts don't it what the deal is daniel yeah even he went on all right you know he's letting us go but that's not the main issue here i am ecstatic the fact that daniel tweaked by i ain't going to draw an easy breath now so daniel gets back no get on in here boom i mean son son well you know daniel looks like he's gained a little bit of weight his chest is a little bit bigger than it used to be he's either been working out or he's got some money hit in there i've got a hell of a gift right there you know cheers to that look i'm gonna get my drink of it right here too see if i i'm happy with it oh my look at here yeah i'm i'm happy with it boom that's yours no kidding that right there dan that's what the dreams was made of ain't it yep boys every one of us could have very easily went to jail yesterday damn right you know something we didn't let's have a drink here's the freedom boys anytime you've got a little setback something goes wrong you use that as a learning experience you don't get angry you don't try to fight back you learn from your mistakes that's how you get better [Music] you
Channel: Discovery
Views: 1,754,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discovery, discovery channel, discovery+, discovery plus, discovery shows, moonshine, moonshiners, moonshiners full episodes, reality tv series, steven ray tickle, illegal alcohol, moonshine culture, tim moonshiners, tickle moonshiners, how to make moonshine, moonshine making, moonshiners caught, moonshiners police
Id: gmE9J2xjzE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Sun May 01 2022
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