Voices in Virtue Lectures: Fr. Chad Ripperger — Demonology Function & Psychology

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good evening everyone Welcome to Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church I'm father Dennis Willey um it was a great crowd and we're pleased to see you all today I'm going to turn the mic over to other foreign and he's going to introduce our speaker tonight whom you are already know [Music] thank you Father the uh this of course man needs no introduction but I'll give him a small one anyway he was gained many years back for the not that many years back but uh for the uh for Priestly fraternity of Saint Peter and uh he was a pastor for a while he got his Doctorate in Rome in philosophy he's a seminary Professor for a while out for 11 years out in the Lincoln diocese and seven years at Our Lady Guadalupe Seminary which is a fraternity seminary in Nebraska Superior now of the society the most sorrowful mother and this is a group of priest Exorcist who are devoted entirely to the the ministry of exorcism and uh he will let me see relate father replica has a licensing contract and we do not no one has permission to record it so please don't record it if you're planning to share it or anything please honor that he will have a question answer period after his talk and then we'll and that will have some limit on it too he's on a very precise schedule we grabbed him because he's on his way to Charlotte he had to come through Colombia so we just kind of nabbed him that way so without [Applause] um let's see uh okay a donation box will be moved to the table in the lobby after the talk that's the way you have to go out you can't get out the back way okay donations will go to the DeLorean father the dollar and fathers checks should be made out to SMD if you've been given an index card you should uh if you would like to ask a question please use that card they will be collected at the end of the talk and the questions will be answered in an orderly fashion so we appreciate your cooperation with that enough of me let's get to him father why don't we start there we go why don't we start with a prayer can you hear me all right or no okay let's see if we can get this about now can you hear me okay okay in the name of the fall of the Son and the Holy Spirit amen direct oh Lord all our actions by thy holy Inspirations and carry them on by thy gracious assistance so that every prayer and work of ours may begin from The End by the behavior to Christ Our Lord amen virgin most powerful praise cross name of the father son the holy spirit amen tonight the topic of the conference is basically going to be demonology how demons function their psychology how we're starting to see that in our current culture and how to combat it because this is something that we're all dealing with on various levels uh everybody is uh and um I don't think it takes too much for me just to say you just have to watch the politicians for a little while and you know we're dealing with demons okay so the first thing we want to do though is talk a little bit about the creation of the angels and how their psychology became established so when God created the hierarchy of angels He created the entire hierarchy of angels which is billions upon billions of angels so if you think about it every single one of us and every single human being that's ever existed had a guardian angel so just at the level of Angel and that's only one part of that choir there's 20 billion angels I think just in that choir so and that doesn't include all the other angels that were created so that the totality of all the the nine choirs were all created instantaneously at once the Angels were then created when they were created their way of knowing or that's called the mode of knowing how they understand things is fundamentally different from us in fact it's the exact opposite so with us we come into contact with a variety of different things we see a different number of different dogs and then from that we're able to abstract the idea of what a dog is and then we can make a judgment about dogs are forefooted Etc so for us in order to get a conceptual knowledge of something we actually have to come into contact with things for a little while so it takes us a while to actually come to understand certain things where the Angels were different so when they were created Saint Thomas says there it's called the three instances so the first instance is when they were created God created them into a complete Act of knowing now when we say complete it means complete and that they knew who God was who they were what their nature was what their assigned task was what their relationship was in relation to all the other Angels what would happen if they did not accept their tasks what would happen if they were faithful that they would have the beatific vision Saint Thomas also said they had the virtues of gifts or they had the infused virtues of faith hope and charity which means they also had knowledge of the Incarnation and the and the Blessed Trinity so they knew Christ was going to become God or they that I should say God was going to become man so when that um this is one of the reasons why we see in scripture the Angels were very often they're the demons they're at first they can't figure out if this is the guy right so they're asking Christ they're testing them and they're trying to see what's going on and they're not really sure if this is him but it's after he starts doing miracles on a regular basis that they realize this is it it has to be him because it only God only man who become God this could have could explain this kind of a thing right two one of the things that they noticed is that this that Christ unlike even the prophets and um the givers of the law Christ had perfect coercive power over demons I'm going to circle around to that back towards a little bit later and that meant that any time he just told them you're out boom they were out so they knew when he gave a command that it was actually coming from God the second person The Eternity and so they knew they had to obey so this they this full and complete Act of knowledge meant then Saint Thomas says they get this active knowledge and then he says there's a concomitant Delight in the will so the first time they see the beauty of God's plan instantaneously they fully comprehend it to the degree that they're capable of he said there was delight and even demons when you have them in session you can Hammer them and force them to think of that Delight of their first instance and it causes them tremendous pain the second instance is then they made their choice whether they're going to actually accept their assigned task or not and if they accepted their assigned task then in the third instance Saint Thomas says then God there's no reason for delay in reward or punishment so instantaneously they got to see the beatific Vision if they were faithful to him now we're going to talk about a little bit what that fall included whereas the demons when they rejected their assigned task that meant they were immediately damned and so they had an immediate experience of God's judgment and the fact that they had failed and that the media experienced the pain of loss which is what it's like to be in hell there's actually 13 different forms of suffering that they that they suffer that's one of them pain of conscience the fact that they they still have natural law inclinations so God each Angel has its own natural law so we talk about human beings having a natural law so this we have a natural lab it's also to live to live and have a life of reason so actually part of being a human being is to have an inclination towards government not quite the size we have and not the way it's behaving but we do actually have that we have an inclination to pursue the truth that God is to be obeyed Etc so we have we haven't actually we have uh inclination of the natural law the Angels also were given each Angel as its own species their personalities you see this when you're in session and different demons are possessing and one will come to the surface and the other one leaves for a while their personalities are far more distinct than human personalities their characteristics are far more pronounced how they you can see that um that their natural inclinations are referred to very definitive distinct things because that's what God inclined them to so they're assigned task is part of their natural law they still have a desire to fulfill that natural inclination it would be analogous to us because we have when we get hungry we have a desire we have an inclination to eat but if but if we had chosen no I'm never going to eat and we're starving it's kind of like I I've made this decision I'm not I'm not going to eat but I'm starving that's basically the way they are but they're suffering is far more intense because their natural inclinations are far clearer than ours because they had an assigned task if they reject that task is who they are it's who they are it's why God made them it determines their personality the Perfections that they have of their personality all revolve around that assigned task so when they reject the assigned task as the demons did it meant that it was a perfect ACT of self-hatred this is one of the reasons why they chose they literally chose to hate themselves which is why when we see it starting to replicate in human beings that self-hatred that self-loathing I tell people you have to stop it first of all it's against charity but the second thing is is that that's the type of psychology that demons try and replicate in us every single one of us if you have any spiritual defect whatsoever which is all of you by the way if you have any spiritual defect whatsoever that means there is some area in your psychology that the demons have been spending your life trying to build a psychological compatibility with they start tempting you to get you to do certain things so you become easier to manipulate and this is one of the reasons why you have to overcome any defects but self-loathing and self-hatred in that that desire to hurt ourselves that all comes from that's there that's their psychology they have a perfect self-hatred but the other part of it is is their their test was this so when they were created they were they saw themselves and who and what they are but they also I mentioned that they saw the relationship with all the other angels and stuff and so they saw in the other angels and saints that would eventually exist that there was this Perfection that was above them that wasn't proper to their nature and so they could never have it because the Angels can't change in their nature and so there was this um Perfection and so they had to make a choice of sacrifice they had to be willing to sacrifice this good that they were that they perceived and if they were willing to sacrifice that and accept their assigned task then that meant that God would reward them with the beatific Vision if they didn't and they chose no I still want that thing then if they did that then they were damned now what that essentially means is two things literally demons chose a figment of their imagination something they knew they would never have over the beatific vision of God at one point I said to one demon I said that's irrational he just looks at me says yeah that gives you an indicator of it but it also meant that they still want that thing and that's what part of what drives their psychology but it also meant that they failed God and so they have their sense of failure you see this among certain human beings you just have something like you got to stop that too right but they also that thing that they wanted and the sin and the fact that they were inclined towards those very specific kind of um task meant that there were different there were different angels that were assigned tasks primarily to help us or to do Administration if you're talking about the middle rank to do Administration in relationship to the other angels and then the people at the top the Angels at the top were primarily uh created for God and then the lower rank was created for us but there's always a certain sense in which there is a kind of uh a uh there's a task to which they're assigned once they chose to not accept their task that meant that their will was inclined to negating that task anywhere they found it so let me give you an example the demon Loki yeah it's a real demon the demon Loki his original design task um because I had him in one case was to inspire people to enter into religious life and to become priests his primary job was to Foster vocations his now his thing is is that he actually his function that he performs now in relationship to Satan serving Satan is that he actually seeks to derail vocations by getting men and women to become worldly which we're seeing across the board this guy's phenomenally successful so that's just one example another example was is that we talk about Lucifer now Lucifer comes from the LA two Latin words Luke's Ferry which means to Bear light right which basically means that there was some that his principal function was something on the intellectual level at a certain point I managed to beat out of him because I've had him in three different cases and he basically said that his originally assigned task was to Enlighten the mind of our lady so that's why he was called Lucifer that was his primary assigned task was to Enlighten the mind of our Lady to make her even more sacrificial than she was he said when he saw her because in his first instance everything that was necessary for them in order to choose their task he saw each Angel saw this is what my task is and this it revolves around everything necessary to make my choice they saw and in this he saw the interior beauty of our Lady he said she her interior life was so absolutely beautiful that he knew he would always be second best and that's the beauty that he wanted so at a certain point I said to him well because he was beefing about the title of our Lady mayor of Justice I said so really what you saw in him was in her was him wasn't it now that's a way it's a very formal way for an exorcist to tell the demons you're talking about God you saw she was the perfect inner interior life she was the perfect mirror image of God and he said yes that's why I wanted to be God not because of the power not to subvert his thing because I wanted his Beauty for myself which is interesting because one of his assigned tasks was music actually that he God gave him a sense of beauty and this is one of the reasons why the music we see today is becoming very competitive and very vile right but his second his secondary assigned task was to Enlighten our minds to make us more sacrificial than we actually are Saint Thomas says you know St Thomas is one of those guys that he'll make these one not he'll make these offhanded comments in in the summa theology he'll just say you know something like well the totality of the spiritual life ultimately revolves around um a person being willing to sacrifice their will to his like and he just throws it out there like it's nothing and it's like the totality of the spiritual life right so but that's actually true when Lucifer saw our lady so I'm trying to give you a sense of their psychology as I mentioned their personalities are very distinct and they have a very their psychological patterns they have patterns of thinking just like we do and so what happened is is that um his he got angry with God because he basically revealed something about our lady now you might have heard me talk about this in another conference if you've listened to them online but he said that her entire life our lady sacrificed herself over and over again and never once never once counted the personal cost that's why she is different from every single individual in this room she is not like us we are not like her in that respect it's true that she's human but by the grace of God she never once counted the personal cost that she would have if she did something that was going to be painful or difficult or what have you and then he said and it wasn't just that it was the perpetuity of her sacrifice her whole life over and over and over again she sacrificed herself again never taking her own good never taking herself into the calculus but purely doing it because as one of the other possessors said when she saw how good God was she gave herself entirely to him when he found out that his job was to make her even more sacrificial which meant her interior Beauty was going to be even greater by his help he said he would have nothing to do with it and so he said he spat on God because he wasn't he wasn't going to accept that so this gives us an indicator now there's something that's very important in that it means that when Angels make a decision they're all in they're either in or they're out there's none of this Half Baked stuff see as human beings because we're pretty dumb when we make a decision it's not real wholehearted right I mean we like I'll do this oh that wasn't good and then we later change our mind right and when we make a choice free choice is basically the choosing between goods and what we're doing is we're determining our will we're directing our will to a particular thing so we're making a determination but that determination is by degree St Thomas says initially there's an echoed habit there and inclinations that when we make a choice the next time we make that choice there's a little bit of an inclination and the more we make that choice the moral will becomes fixed in something this is why people who lead a good life and keep trying to pursue the good it just becomes that's their goal that's what they want they're not interested in evil that's their goal but we also see the same thing in relationship to politicians and evil people I'm not equating them by the way okay this is why you look at some of these people and one of the signs one of this one of the psychological patterns that you see that is we call it a secondary sign of possession but it's not necessary possession but it's a pattern of thinking that you see in demons is malice when you see someone I tell people okay just bear with me let's just say for the sake of argument again bear with me just for the sake of argument we elect a bumbling idiot to the presidency now just just bear with me I know it just seems ridiculous but just bear with me even an idiot bumbles around upon the right thing to do once in a while but when everything that is done maximizes damage to the degree that they're capable of that's called malice right and this is something that we're actually dealing with that when consistently every time you turn around our country's getting hammered on every single level on every single thing on doesn't matter what it is that's malice and that's what demons have because when they make a choice it's a different matter with human beings it takes a while to get to the point where our will becomes fixed in something in fact it doesn't become fully fixed until we die and then God fixes it for us in the good or the evil depending on whether we're in the State of Grace or not but as far as Angels it's all in because they have perf absolutely perfect comprehension of exactly what they're choosing when they make a choice their will becomes perfectly fixed in that evil right and so that's their patterns of thinking today I know there's a there's a resurfacing of a particular heresy it's called apocal pocket I don't remember this a pocket testosters is the name of the heresy it was formally condemned by the Council of Constantinople and it's this idea that in the end the demons might be rehabilitated that the people at Hell might still get to go to heaven that has been formally condemned by the church you cannot consider yourself a Catholic and believe that okay this means that their punishment is forever and they know it he's in session you'll one of the things that you beat them up and makes them it really causes them a lot of pain is you just draw out some point of the things that they're suffering and you tell them this is going to last forever forever this will never change for you never and it just takes them down right so the point being is is that their their will is fixed in evil okay so this means that certain demons are just going to afflict uh on some people than another so very often which demon Is possessing an individual it's based upon the inversion of his assigned task so if so and that means that there are certain demons for certain kinds of disorders so that demon of impurities beelzeba but also ball is a demon of impurity asthma Davis is a demon of Imperial there's a number of them that are underneath it that are demons of impurity but they actually choose their their specific things so for example if you we see this from time to time if someone shows up on our doorstep if it's a male who has homosexual tendencies and he's possessed it's sure money it's asthma Deus because he's the guy that's driving it and that tells you that the demons are picking at these people and driving certain psychological behaviors um demons okay so with us I started out talking about how the fact that we talk about we come to in contact with a number of different things and from that we abstract and kind of universal law knowledge so I see a bunch of dogs and then eventually I understand what a dog is conceptually angels are the exact opposite when their mode of knowing is the opposite of that so the first thing that they understand is the concept the conceptual knowledge when they were created God infused in them the totality of all of the natures and all the concepts of everything that would ever exist so boom all at once they have this perfect comprehension of everything so all they need to do to know what a tree is is just look think of a tree and boom they instantaneously acknowledge uh exhaust at the degree that their intellects can what a tree is this is true about human beings all they have to do is think of what a human being is they know every single faculty they know exactly how it works they know how DNA works they know how disposition works the DNA connected to the disposition they actually know how our appetites and emotions work they know how the interrelations of the various faculties they also know um just by looking at um the and they also know the various kinds of causes and things perfectly so they know causes this is how Nostradamus was able to use divination or sorcery in order to to figure out a larger the amount of stuff that was actually going to happen because of the fact that the the demons can look at the state of things and then they know perfect the nature of causes and so they know where the things these things are headed right it's analogous do I tell people you know we have a certain knowledge of that as human beings just not quite on that level so and this is the this is the example I always use if I throw a off the top of a building I know by the nature of gravity he's going to hit the ground right well it's the same thing in relationship to them except with them they can look at Super complex states of things and know the nature of causes and know where they're generally headed this is one of the reasons why I said recently that they know their time is coming up they know it's short because certain things are starting to fall in place that they've seen in the past that anytime this happens God pulls the plug on it right and so that's when he said that's enough and he pulled the plug on it so the demons are seeing all this they're like it can't be much longer right the other thing is is that with demons when they when as so they first were given this perfect conceptual knowledge which they never lose which puts us at an extreme Advantage because they're so intelligent they're so knowledgeable they know exactly the stuff they know exactly how things work etc this is one of the reasons actually you can do a diagnostic and possession because sometimes they'll say things they'll make theological distinctions that there's no way this person could know right and so that's one of the ways that you actually know him but their mode of knowing they start with the concept and the way they understand a particular thing is is they just take them their will because they only have intellect and will they don't have emotions in a body and all that they just have intellect and will all they have to do is think of the concept and then look at a particular instance with inside the concept and that's how they can know you their knowledge of you out the knowledge of all particular things as they've happened from the beginning of History until now have been infused in their intellects as it happens they literally know every single material thing that's happening in the entire universe all the time it just means they have to focus on particular things so if they want to watch you all they have to do is look at you in their concept and they know and they've been watching you by the way not to make you porn paranoid although they do say you you're not paranoid if they are following you and watching you but the point being is but they're very limited God restricts them and limits their ability to affect us but it doesn't mean they're not watching us and they're watching us very closely because they're watching our patterns they're watching our patterns for three things one is they just want to watch they already know by our DNA what our proclivities are likely to be whether dispositions what are inclinations to specific vices are going to be in things of that sort just by looking at our DNA but then they also watch our patterns of behavior so that they know likely they have a pretty good idea of what virtues and vices you have what your spiritual weaknesses are what your spiritual strengths are the other thing they're watching for are the external manifestations of Grace that God has given you internally so that they can kind of map that engage that and take that into consideration of the spiritual warfare they also have infused knowledge of warfare which means they under and because they have a perfect knowledge of human nature and because they have a perfect knowledge of spiritual warfare and because they've been watching you for decades they know the precise strategy that they can use to take you out God permitting this is something to keep in mind we're not talking about a normal situation here I mean the thing is like they said they're watching this but you have to understand that God regulates every single thing they do see we get this idea which is false that demons get to maraud around and go do whatever they want that's not true literally what Temptation when they contempt you the degree of the Temptation the content of the Temptation is entirely determined by God entirely even in cases of possession who can possess that the degrees of possession his possessions are by degrees what kinds of manifestation how long the possession is going to last what's going to get them out what parts of the body they can possess when they can manifest when they can't manifest the degree of the individual manifestations are entirely determined by God they are on an extraordinarily short leash demons are phenomenally consistent for three reasons one is they have a nature that has not changed and so they're going to behave according to their nature second their sin fixes them in a certain also set of behaviors they're going to act consistent with that third God regulates them and doesn't permit them to do anything without it being for our spiritual benefit in some sense this is why demons even in possession cases will admit that there they are the instruments of sanctification of the person who's possessed some of the holiest people I know or possessed or are possessed I knew a woman that actually reached the fourth level of prayer and started having mystical contemplation just as The Possession broke that's four levels she managed to get up four levels there's nine most people never get past the second and then the warm the one of the occasions that I'm working with now she's possessed by beelzeba which is the demon of impurity and I I've Seen Her Go six months without committing venial sin she took a vow of Chastity 14 years ago once the possession was outed and she's never once violated it and so he has become the instrument of her sanctification she's becoming one of the most she if there's any person that I can say that has that true virtue of the more virtue of mortification that willingness to suffer it's her and so God uses them usually possessed people will say Well I'm glad I got out of this what I got out of this but I don't think I'd want to be possessed again right but this tells us okay so what we're gonna so that's just how demons function psychologically and they each time you get a different demon and you can just see by their patterns of thinking that they just have they just their their characteristics are different they're like I said their personalities are very different so with us Temptation comes from three sources the World the Flesh and the devil and the devil the world only acts upon the Flesh and the Devils can only act upon on the world or the Flesh in order to tempt us so it all hinges upon the flesh but the point being is is that so demons are not the cause of every form of Temptation but they do know the principal way that they tempt us um Saints say is by introducing things into our imagination and they know from our patterns what we are likely to fall to in relationship to temptation and so if you notice that you're struggling in a specific area as I mentioned before that means you that the demon the demon that drives certain kinds of things so let's say extreme anger extreme anger is the domain of the demon Isis and the reason it's his domain is because Isis his fall was precipitated by the fact that he refused to accept Christ's Mercy for men and as a result of that he became the most cruel vicious demon you ever have to deal with he's even worse than Satan in a certain sense Satan has his own set of characteristics that you have to deal with but this guy is just cruel and vicious but that tells you that he drives these particular things and and as you begin to have a bias you start building this compatibility with a demon and he just you become easily manipulatable so one of the things that you can do is you can you know start to actually the principal way that you're going to engage in spiritual warfare is by eradicating all the devices and of all vices from your life and building virtue overcome your spiritual defects Etc and also you have to build a certain prayer life which is all part of the virtue of justice and so as you begin to do that the Demon's ability to influence you begins to wane you see we got this idea that demons are becoming more powerful demons do not increase in power the power of their Wills is fixed where they're at in the hierarchy of angels is depends that so it depends on their nature so how much of St Thomas says the degree of their spiritual substance determines the degree of their intellect so the more intelligent an angel is the higher he is and he says their their Wills are proportionate to their intellects so that means that Satan is the on the top as far as those who afflict us as far as the power of His will in hell it's uh there's a a profound pecking order they know they never argue with a higher demon because they know he can just force them to do something by the power of His will and so they're just like well just do it right it doesn't mean they don't hide certain things doesn't mean they don't try and set each other up to take a shellaccan once in a while it just means that they they they they know that there's this proper pecking order part of it also the natural law is in demons is that God is to be obeyed they only got one chance to disobey him after that they can never disobey never this is a very important point they can disobey The Exorcist and us to some degree but that's only because God allows it in order to build up our strength and our virtue in relationship and our Authority in relationship to them but in session you know you command edema to do stuff it takes a little while to get him to do it they'll do it there's always some degree of compliance but as you there's six stages of Liberation when you get right towards the end of the sixth stage he does every single thing The Exorcist tells him he actually pays attention to the Exorcist waiting for the command so he can just get it done and get it out right but when it comes to God if he tells them because that comes up once in a while in session all of a sudden he'll tell you something and that's an indicator that God has told him you have to tell them and they'll sell it yeah you told me I had to tell you they immediately comply immediate and the reason being is because the authority structure that God infused in their mind this Authority structure is part of their natural law and God infused that in their minds and that means they know the exact lines of delineation of who has Authority and who doesn't who has authority over what and who doesn't they know those exact lines of demarcation both in relationships themselves but also in relationship to us this is one of the principal reasons why he went after Eve so what he did is he went after Eve and he because what this is what happened the fathers of the church say that when Adam was created God told him directly So Adam was talking to God and God told him directly do not eat of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden so God gave that precept to Adam then when Eve was created because Saint Thomas says in the entire moral tradition says she was created into a state of subordination which means she's under him and I'll return to that here in a minute she's under him and so as a result of that by the natural law Adam was the one who told Eve donated the fruit okay so what happens is when she eats the fruit she steps out from underneath a twofold Authority structure one out from underneath God and then one from out from beneath her husband the two principal functions of authority is to provide and to protect she was now spiritually unprotected this is exactly what the demons were trying to do to get people to step outside out from underneath the authority structure so that they could attack them so St Thomas is the Hallmark of being in the state of subordination prior to the fall is that women um that Adam loved her he was solicitive her he took care of her he listened to her he actually paid attention to her which you know women like wow that sounds wonderful all right and then after the fall she entered into a state of subjection which meant Adam Stopped Loving Her which is why Saint Paul says you have to love your wives she he stopped listening to her he didn't take her good into consideration Etc but he said then in heaven he said women are neither in a state of subordination nor subjection because some women rule in heaven so I tell women okay look it you cannot become holy because the curse of Eve is this desire to control I'm not going to go into that because that's a whole conference in itself but in the Hebrew when it says in in Genesis chapter 2 it says your desire shall be for your husband the actual Hebrew means the desire to control and this is called the curse of Eve it's something that every single woman has to conquer I've literally only met five women my entire life that I thought she's really concerned historically they said If a woman can conquer the curse of Eve she can Master any virtue and in that process she becomes one of the most magnificent creatures to walk the face of the planet if she doesn't she becomes the most becomes one of the most wretched interesting it's either you're going to be magnificent or you're going to be wretched you know so okay so I tell women I said okay look it if you can conquer that cursive Eve and that the way that's conquered is Saint Paul said women be subject to your husband so be you have to be it's not servitude it's not um it's not slavery it's not groveling it's actually in a rightly ordered way there's a whole series of conferences I give on that it's in a rightly ordered way if you do that in the process of Conquering the curse of even building virtue you can become more holy than your husband and then have a higher place in heaven and boss him around for the rest of Eternity so don't go for the short-term payout don't try and control them in this life become holy and submit to him and then in the next life you got it made okay but he goes after that and this curse of that the curse of Adam by the way is irresponsibility in a feminacy which we see among men especially today all you have to do is look at most Millennials you're like yeah I see that okay by the way I pick on Millennials because they're such an easy target right okay so there are good Millennials I'm not saying there's not the point being is is that they um you have to the demons are going to use that they know the structure of our fall they know how sin disorders us and that's why they want to do it demons are not becoming more powerful in themselves what's happening is we're doing two things by every time we commit a sin that disorder is their domain and so we are we are seeding to them influence in a particular area so every time we sin we increase their influence in that area their power doesn't change it just means their ability to exercise it becomes more prevalent the second part of it is is that we um through so that's the first part is just through our sin that we're giving them strength and relationship to that but then also the frequency of the sin how much we're doing it means that they're basically they are basically because there's so many people sinning that as a result of that that gives us an indicator that because so many people are sinning they're getting more and more influence in the world it's pretty obvious I mean you don't have to you don't have to be someone like me who literally my full-time job is beating up demons I tell people my full-time job is I torture intelligent creatures that's my job right you don't have to be mean to know that things are bad right there the patterns of behavior one of the patterns of behaviors when Christ said that Satan was a liar and a murderer from beginning I'm not going to go into the murder portal though I did he did reveal why he was a murderer from the beginning when you find it out you're just like man this guy's so evil but in relationship to the to the lying I had him for three days beat the guy senseless for three straight days and he didn't tell me the truth once when it would have been better if he just told me the truth right they're so wed to that lie we're seeing that same kind of pattern in our own politicians and our own public life where the line is so habituated that you wonder if they're even capable of telling the truth sometimes right and so this is something that we're actually seeing it's all about why do demons lie to gain power to manipulate us to control us why did we hear about you know coven for two years to lie to us and to control and to manipulate us I'm not saying covet isn't a real thing I'm just saying saying what they told us about it was obviously a form of brainwashing you can I got a conference on that if you want to listen to that the point being is that we're starting to see these same Powers because the the same uh activities of the Demons replicated in human beings so as the more people become sinful the more the demons are able to influence this particular life but the demons also know that God has a cut off at a certain point he's going to say that's enough and if for no other reason because he loves us and he doesn't want us to continue going down this radical every time you think that people have reached a bottom they come up with other some other form of a depravity or like how did you come up with that right I mean there's certain forms of depravity that even the demons say yeah that's pretty bad even I find it revulsive there's one high level prelate in the church that he said about this high level prayerlet he says oh yeah I don't like that guy I'm like why not even the things he likes doing I find revulsive okay so this gives you an idea of it so they've become part of now let me give you an example of how we how what we're doing why we're seating so much control now if you just think about it let's just say for the sake of argument every human being on the planet only committed one being you'll sin a day only one that means that God is being offended seven billion times a day so the next time you get offended I don't want to hear anything that's just with venial sin but we know there's billions of moral sins being committed every God is Gravely being offended on a regular basis and at a certain point what happens is if you keep committing moral sin eventually God just allows the demons in I always tell people look the sin does it is the domain of Satan but it's up to God to determine how much they're able to step Across the Threshold so every mortal sin any form of mortal sin whatsoever which I've seen people become possessed through sins of Pride for an occasion pornography you name it any any moral sin is an Open Door to possession in fact mortal sin the proper effect of mortal sin is possession because you've taken yourself out from underneath the authority structure of God because he has a specific laws and you place yourself under Satan by that process of committing mortal sin now you might open the door but it's up to God to determine whether the demons are allowed to step over the threshold and most of the time he blocks that but it also tells us something very important because the because disorder of any form whether it's physical or natural or moral or spiritual is the domain of the Demons it means that it doesn't matter if you think something's morally simple or not it's still the proper effect what does that mean well you see with sin there's two kinds of effects there's the subjective effect so when you commit a sin it's in the will and so your will becomes weakened Etc but then there's objective effects of sin so one time I was watching this but I don't even know why I was watching this thing but I'm watching this a young girl she's 15 she's online and she's crying and she's pregnant and she says I don't know how this happened I'm like okay I can't help you right the point being is is that becoming pregnant is a possible objective effect of the sin of fornication whether you think it's morally sinful or not doesn't matter you know if you don't think you can become pregnant it doesn't matter you can have objective effects of sin well one of the objective effective sins of mortal sin is Demon's involvement in our life so it doesn't matter if you don't think it's morally sinful does it matter if you didn't intend you can open up the door and to Demons involvement in your life now if you think of what that means but if you volitionally do it and you know it is morally sinful that's even worse so this is one of the things that we're actually seeing is the fact that it's becoming so bad that humans are just mopping us up one of the things that demons do because they have access to the imagination they also have access to our emotions now I'm going to explain a little bit of thing about human psychology and how demons are influencing this and this will give us a sense of how much power they have today so the way human beings are structured we have five senses and we come into contact with reality through our five senses and it comes in through the brain it's called The Common Sense power and semistic language but it's a part of the back of the brain and it unifies our five senses and expresses that experience that sense experience into our imagination in the form of an image right so we know this you can watch me and close my eyes and then you can still maintain that image of me in your mind that's how we know that that works and then there's a power called the conjugated power and what it does is it goes back into memory it looks at this image and then it goes back into memory Compares your past experience with it and then it merges that information with that image and then that gives us a fuller understanding of something how do we know that this is going on it's called Alzheimer's so the Alzheimer's patient he sees the person that it might be his wife so his wife walks in normally his quantitative power would go back and bring out this is your wife and he would immediately recognize that's his wife but because the quantitative power can't access the memories because of the plaque buildup on neurons although they have a new Theory now about what could be causing that they they it doesn't merge that information and then he doesn't recognize the individual okay so that's what's going on this quantitative power also has the ability to make an assessment about whether something is good or bad purely on a physical level this normally it's normally related to Pleasure and Pain but this assessment basically puts a perspective on it why is that so important well there's two reasons one is the perspective that you have on your image determines which emotion you have in relationship to that image so the each emotion has a very specific the emotions are watching and then once they that particular perspective comes on the image they're moved I'll give you an example when a guy first gets married his wife he's like she's so beautiful look at her she's just so wonderful she's so nice she's so kind she has a wonderful personality she actually gets my beer when I'm laying on the sofa you know so he goes through this whole thing 10 years later and lots of memories foreign Ty of power goes back brings up the information when she walks in the door it puts a negative assessment on it and he experiences sorrow and he's just like the old battle ax she hasn't changed your perspective on her has changed this is important because we can choose what perspective that we have and therefore determine our emotional life why is this important because demons can put that perspective on the images in your imagination they can manipulate and control you emotionally by the perspective that they put on that this is one of the reasons why they spend enormous amounts of time getting you to follow your emotions because if they can get you to follow your emotions all they have to do is move your emotions by putting this perspective on and then they can control you that's exactly what has happened in our culture for 50 straight years they've been training us they've been habituating us to follow our emotions you can't watch five minutes of the news media without there being some bleeding heart story to get you oh and the next one's ah because you're afraid and the next one is it's just constant stream of emotions and they're getting people to follow that they even tell well if you if you don't follow your emotions you're just heartless no I'm a human being okay and so that habituation that we're seeing actually going on is how they manipulate and control us so what that's the same with things that demons actually do but as our culture becomes more and more like that it means that demons become more empowered because following your emotions over reason is disordered and they're going to use that and so they're going to drive human beings to to Foster that mentality and that mindset to get people to follow their emotions in relationship to this I'll give you a perfect example gay marriage 15 years ago I stood in front of cat 40 Catholic psychologists because I'd written this book in Psychology from a domestic point of view and I said what constitutes mental health is not what everybody's doing because then sin would be mentally healthy right which it's not and I said what constitutes mental health is it's your mind functions the way God structured it and designed it according to the natural law and that means that our structure of our mind is to put us into contact with reality now one of the things that emotions do is it causes what's called contraction when you have a strong emotion you lose contact with the reality of what's going on and it becomes your focus becomes internally we all know this we've all experienced this like when we get angry with somebody or something really hurtful happens we tend to focus on our interior pain rather than on focusing on and you know this in marriage right your spouse is something that's hurtful what do you do you focus on the pain rather than what's the best thing that this what would be the best thing for this person spiritually for my spouse spiritually virtually Nobody Does that right so it causes this contraction that means it divorces you from your contact with reality so the more people follow their emotions the more they become disconnected from reality right the point being is is that the more we get divorced from reality the more we follow our emotions the more we get disconnected from the natural long way it functions the more demons have control and influence over our society we're seeing it right now right I mentioned it in relationship to Transit transitioning from one gender to another Saint Thomas says that can only happen when reason breaks down when people don't have no longer have use of reason it's also the same thing in relationship to the LGBT all that stuff is all connected to the fact that the natural law in the minds of people has become the technical word is occluded Saint Thomas says our inability to grasp the inclinations of the natural law is either the result of sin or bad formation intellectual formation what do you think the last 30 years has happened in our Public School System that's what we've seen bad formation Sally has two mothers what do you think of that Johnny now if Johnny had full formation he would say there's something wrong mentally with those people which by the way you know in transgender operations before they were doing those they started if you actually watch the history of it they started doing those in the 80s but they quickly they even called it simulation they knew they weren't changing these people's gender and what happened is when they got to the point they they basically began to see the same pattern which we now 80 percent regret after they've gone through the thing High rates of suicide High rates of depression Etc from the people who've gone through this and they realize this isn't helping people so they stopped it wasn't until about 15 20 years ago that the money came in and they made big money a transgender operation somewhere between 100 and 200 Grand they're making big money off of this and that's what's driving it okay so the point being is is that the more we become disordered the more demons can drive this stuff and then the harder it becomes for the rest of us to actually follow the natural law that is to follow the moral teachings of the church and to do what we know is right and to build virtue on the other hand where sin and Bounds Grace abounds all the more so that the more sinful Things become the more we are capable of getting Grace from God if we're faithful and the more faithful we are to The Graces the more he's going to give us and the more holy that we can become so how do you keep yourself protected in the context of all this well obviously the first thing is always stay in the State of Grace never commit mortal sin whatsoever that's been one of my themes here always stay in the State of Grace get to confession on a regular basis we see the sacraments go to mass on Sunday days and holy days not just Sundays holy days making sure they're in your marriages are straightened out all of that you have to also make sure that you're praying on a regular basis one of the things that we discovered it took us a while I've been doing solemn exorcisms for about 16 to 17 years and my lay assistant who does my initial betting my nickname for him is the chromogen and the reason I call him that is because he's a criminal and but he's just exactly the type of guy you want in this because there's always people that are trying to just they just want to see me they don't need my help right so he's very good at weeding these people out but anyway he's been he's been helping exorcists for almost 25 years and so we sat down one time and um there's a long story behind it but what we basically did is we started this thing where we started putting people on a Prayer prescription which is saying the Angelus six noon and six and the prayers of the auxilium Christian Norm you can look that up online there's an app for it Christian Norm at that same time six noon and six and what we started to notice is is that the in diabolic influence in people's lives began to wane significantly we even saw people self-liberate from possession by doing this every single day it took him about six months but they did it and what we began to realize is that in watching the patterns because he and I just sit and watch patterns right he's a former um he's a lawyer but he actually used to do ranching and so we sit and watch patterns right and I from the very beginning as soon as I started working with demons because I'd written books in Psychology I was watching watching the patterns so I could deter separate out okay this is psychological patterns the proper to a demon this is human being and this is what it looks like when they're mixed and one of the patterns that we started to notice is that when people do that on a regular basis the demons were basically vacating or it kept people immune from diabolic attack well two things started to emerge the first is that exorcists are starting to notice that most liberations are now revolving not all but most liberations of people who are possessed are revolving around two areas of Catholic Doctrine either the Incarnation or the passion specifically the precious blood and so we started noticing that that was that that a lot of people were being liberated because it had something to do with one of those the connection to one of those to doctrines the second thing that we started to notice was it was the same reason why exorcists used to say that the way you break diabolical pressure which is attacked from the outside is by just increasing your prayer life and over the course of time it would just slowly taper off but what we started to notice is that the common element in people who are diabolically obsessed people are being attacked through oppression even people who are possessed with LA an elementary lack of discipline in their prayer life or spiritual life Elementary I don't care if you're saying the rosary every day that's not what I'm talking about you should you need to be saying the rosary day but we're talking about something that requires a consistent self-denial day after day getting up at six and saying and saying the Angelus at six and doing the prayers of the exam Christian Norm can't tell how many people well can I get up at seven no it has to be at six it's that discipline of maintaining that on a regular basis is what actually breaks the diabolic hold over them and they stop attacking the people so it's this Elementary lack of discipline people's spiritual lives so if you want protection you have to start developing a consistent prayer life but you also need to be engaging in forms of mortication where it's consistent and requires Daily self-denial doesn't have to be huge it just has to be something in which you're doing that on a consistent basis this is something which we do even in our own Community right because our community which is does exorcism we pray three to four hours a day three to four hours and that's what keeps us largely immune the other thing is too is when we're in solemn session we're fasting six days a week on one meal a day we do it consistently and that's what keeps us protected we know it's not us we know it's God who's honoring our our sacrifice for that but it's that consistent discipline that keeps people um that keeps people immune the other thing is too is um um again you can say the prayers of the auxilium Christian aurum that's a group that was started by two exorcists we think there's about four thousand P four sorry four hundred thousand people worldwide saying the prayers and it's actually a group it doesn't take long to say the prayers five to seven minutes a day if you say it every day everybody that's a member and all you have to do to become a member say the prayers everybody who's a member is praying for everybody else who's in the group and so as a result you're literally plugging into the prayers of four hundred thousand people for your spiritual protection for you and your family the other thing is we've seen people liberated from possession just saying those prayers it's a phenomenal diagnostic tool one time this one family was having problems with her daughter and I said well here start saying the prayers of their christianorum from the time they started saying those prayers to the time they stopped the daughter would scream uncontrollably she didn't even know they were praying so this is an indicator that the the demons they don't like these things right so that's always a good sign developing virtue making sure you eradicate any bias or any defect you have to know the mechanics of the spiritual life you actually have to also know the Catholic faith we are not living in a time where you can be ignorant of your Catholic faith if you are you will get mopped up not just by the so not just by what's going on in a culture but by the demons themselves every single individual that we deal with that is possessed has some failure of understanding in some point of Catholic Doctrine every single one of them we are also finding that a vast majority of the people that show up on our doorstep don't even understand the basic catechism of the Catholic Church they don't understand even the basics we are not living in a time in which you can do this especially as priests and bishops get weirder and weirder fortunately a guy good priests here but as they get weirder and weirder and weirder which is happening you just watch it it's like a daily score you can sit back get the popcorn and see which Bishop said what nutty thing right the fact is is that you have to know your faith because if you don't know your faith you're likely to do something that's going to cause you harm spiritually and so this is something that the demons are going to do the other part about it is is demons attack vocation which means they're always going to attack marriage how do they attack the marriage remember this perspective on the image the first thing they do is put a perspective on the image of one spouse to another in order to psychologically divide them if you feel you're psychologically divided from your spouse you've already been mopped up you've they've won to some degree and you're gonna have to fight that you're gonna have to start looking at your spouse different right and I tell women you know because one of the one of the aspects of the curse of Eve is that when Eve ate the fruit she's like what if he doesn't eat the fruit right and then what does he do he afterwards he's what's the first thing Adam does When God says why did you do this he threw her under the bus so as a result women part of the curse of Eve is they think their husband and I tell women this yes we all know your husband is the dumbest guy that walks the face of the planet we all know that we know your husband's dumb we all know that that's what they have to fight and deal with right by the way your husband might be dumb but the point being is that is that and two sometimes guy the wife will say what do you think I mean we I mean I get it okay but it's also the same thing in relationship to the wife I mean the guys can you know imagine she just talks constantly they did brain studies they found out just just a lightness a little bit before I finish up and then we go to q a when they did brain studies they found out that women get 10 times 10 times the amount of pleasure drug in their brains when they talked than men do all you have to do is look at it the guy's sitting there and the wife's like but I tell people that's actually a Perfection it's just a moderated here's why they discovered this boy in the woods in uh it was in the 1920s I think it was there was a boy who was about 10 years old running in the woods of Germany he was naked running around he was running so fast he could actually keep up with the deer and they actually think that the Wolves were the ones that nursed this kid to the point where he was running around right well they captured the kid and he knew zero language zero language so they tried to teach him a language but what they found out is that he could never Master definite articles or indefinite articles you just couldn't like us and does he just couldn't couldn't get them and philologists for the longest time said well they just must not have trained him right so then what happens is in uh this was in the 1980s they found a girl who was 12 years old her parents thought she was so they had blocked her in this room and fed her and they never talked to her never let her out never let anything and so she literally knew no language so then they tried to teach her same problem she could not master definite articles you actually see this with people in certain Asian languages where there aren't definite articles when they start learning English they have a very hard time mastering definite articles and indefinite articles but also number right in relationship to certain things and so um then they started doing brain studies and what they found out is first of all I'm sure you've all noticed especially if you've gone to another country and you're learning the language that women speak much more clearly than men do as a general rule right what they found out is is that in the beginning stages for the first five years of the child's life the neurons are starting to develop specific Pathways and if the mother specifically doesn't talk to the child on a regular basis those neurons do not develop the pathways and it causes literal brain damage so I tell people the inclination that God gave to women to talk is a Perfection it's just it's meant for the children and not the husband okay why is all this so important is because the demons are going to use even our Perfections against us right and they're going to attack marriage they're going to attack your vocation they're going to attack all sorts of things and you just have to you know you don't be paranoid you know I I'm one of those guys that you know when I get done beating up a demon I'll tell you a story it's kind of funny but get Doug beating up this demon I'm done I'm ready to go have a cigar and some Scotch right and this uh one time this one demon I it took me a while to figure out what he was doing but he was causing super vivid dreams at night to me and it took me a little while to get a handle on it to stop him from doing that but in the dreams he was actually revealing to me his experience of the sessions and so um one of the things that he revealed in one of these dreams was that he was incensed at the fact that during the sessions I would just show up beat him mercilessly and then just walk off like nothing happened just really annoyed him okay so that being the case so to keep yourself protected the main thing is to do it if you lead an authentic Catholic life in all of its richness that means not just Mass but also in get using the sacramentals that the Church offers like the Benedict medal the scapulars things like that using holy water Etc living a full Catholic life as it's understood from the tradition coming to us your odds are becoming extraordinarily diabolic influencer nil you're going to be tempted but that's because that's just our lot life until we die but so everybody suffers that to some degree or another even Christ suffered it for our sake of course not because he was weak but quite the contrary so the point being is that if you're leading an authentic Catholic life your odds are becoming diabolically influenced are very rare and you're less likely to um to suffer uh extraordinary Temptations one last thing remember this point where I was talking about elementary discipline and how it keeps demons away one of the patterns we just sorted out in the last year that we were watching is that family families who have not lost a child and each child in the family when they reach the age of majority continues leading the Catholic faith they have one thing in common and that is this Elementary discipline there's a consistency in self-denial in the family on a regular basis and this means it was you know requiring them to pray at certain times or requiring them to do self-denial requiring them to do certain things fasting on a regular basis causing requiring the children to do that so that when they come out the other end the the loss the percentage of loss was practically nailed even families that pray together a lot of times they would stay together but we found that undergirding that has to be this Elementary discipline that you have to instill in your children and that's one of the principal ways you will protect them as well oh and last stay under the authority structure both in the church so you have to stay in the church at standards Authority structure because that's where the one of the primary aspects of authority is but also you have to follow this traditional catholic understanding of the family structure and its Authority structure within the family the husband has to be the head of the household and I'm not saying this because I'm against women quite frankly there's all sorts of women that are holier than their husbands the issue isn't whether you have power or not that's demon talk if you actually look at the feminist movement it is the curse of Eve on steroids but if but if you follow the traditional catholic understanding of the husband is supposed to love his wife which means he's going to exercise Authority not for his sake but for hers he'll be sacrificial for her he'll love her he'll do what he needs to do in order to do what's best for her then on the other hand of it if she submits then she can stay under that Authority structure and she's likely to be protected it's the same thing with children we know this we know that when children step out from underneath the authority structure of their parents they get hurt it's the kid who's playing in the yard you tell the kid don't go run out into the street he runs out in the street and gets run over right because he didn't stay underneath the authority structure the same thing is true even on a spiritual level so follow those those that traditional family structure do it in a rightly ordered way in a loving way and then as a result of that then over the course of time it will provide that level of protection okay so we're going to stop and we'll have about 30 minutes of q a soon [Applause] okay so we're just gonna I'll answer these for until we get to 30 minutes and then we'll kind of cut it off part of the reason I cut it off at 30 minutes is because if we don't we'll be here forever all right uh when an exorcist beats up a demon what does that mean well in the early church there is actually part of the right ways you'd slap the demon out of people we don't do that anymore okay um although there was time one time I said that to a to one this woman who was possessed and she just looked at me with all seriousness whatever it takes right Okay so uh basically what that means is it primarily means saying the prayers of the church the ritual the solemn right of exorcism it also means saying other kinds of prayers making him reverence certain things making him uh you know putting applying relics and various other sacred items to the parts of the body that they possess making them say prayers um making them admit certain things um and so it's basically getting them to do things that are contrary to the will which causes them pain and then as the pain increases they become weaker and then they're likely to give you the information that you need so it's largely about using prayer yourself but then also making them do prayers or doing certain kinds of prayers and then they'll they'll do that or also just you know reverencing relics things of that will cause them that's what we mean by beating them up okay and it's brutal to them the the experience that it's even has in session is far more extreme than we even see as The Exorcist it's something it took me a while to realize that this guy's in a lot more pain than he's letting on or that he's even able to manifest and part of that has to do with the fact that the human body has limitations and if he was to show the full extent of his pain through the human body would literally kill the person that's how much pain they're in uh will our intellect and will after we die work like it does while we're alive now it works a little bit differently in the sense that your intellects normally can only understand something when you have something in your imagination St Thomas says and so we no longer have our imagination so our our knowledge in heaven is more like Angelic knowledge and so we understand what's going on we know certain things we know what's going on in this world but it just it functions more like Angelic knowledge uh do demons know what we're thinking okay so there's a few ways in which demons can surmise or know what you're thinking the first is by divine revelation which virtually never happens God reveals to them that's what the person is thinking the second part is remember when I said that they watch our psychological patterns they watch us all our life and they look at us and they say and spouses do this with each other right spouses will like I know what you're thinking right and so it's because they know by what's going by the way the person's reacting or the way they're behaving what they're thinking it's not an absolute but so it's the same thing in relationships so demons can watch our patterns but they can also they can read our body and have a sense of what's going on so for example when you lie the temperature around your eyes increases so that's an example of it they also know when you lie there's certain other physiological patterns so they can kind of tell um by your patterns of thinking and what you talk about they can start seeing your physiological reactions and sometimes make the connection so that's one of the ways the other way that they can note your thing is if you tell them the third way that they are the fourth way that they can actually know is if they put a thought in your mind and you don't resist it they know you're thinking it so that's one of the ways can a long-term marriage with an alcoholic husband be in the proper order of authority yes but it's going to take a little bit of work to get him to kind of come up to speed because the alcoholism is affecting his ability to obviously to govern in a rightly ordered way and so what she needs to do though is start finding certain ways in which she can um there's good there might be of his if he's an alcoholic such a point he can't even function well then she's going to just have to assume certain responsibilities but once he were once he would overcome the alcoholism then she needs to give them back which is sometimes difficult but there's also sometimes if a guy's a functioning alcoholic you just have to there's certain things you just have to let him exercise his authority in when it's rightly ordered okay how does a faithful parent educate their children to be vigilant in their spiritual life without making them uh feel there's a demon behind everything it's actually a good question um I think the best way to do it is just teach them to say the Prayer of Saint Michael and then when they get a temptation just say well when you get a Temptation you just tell the demon to stop it or what have you so it's a matter of teaching them based upon their State uh their how old they are how much you know that they can process and so you have to teach that but by the time someone reaches 18 they should have at least the basic understanding of spiritual warfare that they attack our imagination they put thoughts in our minds they're not always ours they um also uh you know they can move us emotionally Etc they should have the basics of it and that they should base saying basic prayers to keep themselves um protected but the big the big dividing line is is that should not be the primary focus of their prayers their primary focus of their prayers should be to be worshiping God being thankful to God and petitioning him for things they need Etc it should be the normal stuff of the spiritual life and that they just engage the demons when they see him Saint Peter says Be Vigilant and watchful which basically means you know if you see them uh pop up you whack them down and then you just keep moving on right you don't become focused on them don't hyper focus on them and don't make them the focus of your life is the main thing one of the principal ways you keep yourself protected is By ignoring them except when necessary if they have to deal with them then you deal with them otherwise you just ignore them uh how accurate was the screw tape letters fairly accurate it's kind of shallow but it's fairly accurate um how do demons choose who they will possess okay they don't have any choice in the matter what that basically means is this there are two types of possession there are possessions in which God permits them in the sense of he says you can possess this individual because demons will is fixed on the evil it's almost like they're um compulsive they'll just do it because they're gonna you know they're gonna choose that that path right and so they just do it so God says well I'm going to permit you to do this and so they do it there's other times he tells them you must possess this person now that sounds strange but what that we call that conscription and basically what it is is that God is allowing the possession or he he tells them they have to possess the person because there's something in the person's life or through the possession that he is that he is wants the family or the individual to come to knowledge of so for example there was a case that I had is actually two cases of sisters who are blood related and they were possessed by some of the same possessors one had one extra one but the other ones had other possessors and the reason we came it became clear that God basically conscripted them into possession was because of the fact that he wanted a particular generational Spirit to be expunged from the family line right and so a lot of times the demons don't have any control over the matter so with the case of one of the cases I'm working on now one of the Demons was a low level of demons his original name was Eustace the just one and he had a specific relationship with our lady and he had never possessed anybody and the Reason God told him you have to possess this woman is because in her battle to get this thing out she was going to reach a level of Holiness which which would be identical to his level in heaven he was she was going to get his place and have a not his relationship with our lady but his place in heaven so he uses them as instruments they'll admit as much they'll admit their slaves of Christ just unwilling so they don't get to choose anything right um why does God let demons do what they do it's for our sanctification ultimately okay how do you personally have you been personally attacked by Satan during an exorcism no not really I mean okay it depends on what you mean by attacked if you mean by an extraordinary way no but they did there has been a couple of times during sessions where the demon would attack me internally and so I I had an experience of what the person who is possessed what their what kind of a psychological attack did they were undergoing now demons do not like to attack an experienced Exorcist and there's a reason behind that being an exorcist is like stepping into a boxing ring now if you've ever talked to a boxer an authentic boxer they'll say you'll never really know a guy you can watch all the tapes until the cows come home but it's not until you're in the actual ring with him that you get a sense of how what his actual technique and method is right and so that means that when you're in the boxing ring he Reveals His methodology to you it's the same thing in spiritual warfare when the demon attacks and experience exorcists he can he can break it very rapidly but then he can stand back and reflect on his experience and get a sense of what the attack is and then the next time in session he can go after him and get caused him in a lot of damage and so they don't lie to so once in a while I do get attacked but not uh not that often there's also a general principle it's not that I like being attacked I don't but if I am attacked my attitude is uh at least I can keep an eye on him because with demons when they're attacking you you can watch him I mean there he is you know him keeping an eye on you I'm watching it's when they don't attack you you have to worry because that means you're about to get broadsided and so that's one of the reasons why I ask our lady on a regular basis watch my flank right because I can't team travel limited human being okay so I there was one time uh one demon jumped up and it was kind of like Judo for like 30 seconds where he was trying to hit me but I've been whacked a couple of times got decked right in the face once but that was this was one of those things well hey it's Gotta I mean literally all of a sudden he just goes why I'm like that and it just nailed me right in the eye right perfectly and I'm like okay all right but one of the things we do is in the beginning of sessions we do a series of prayer that clamped down on them and I'm also a firm believer in punishing bad behavior so when he does something like that he pays a price and he to the point where he regrets it that's the goal okay our severe anxiety and or panic attacks related to a demon or a spiritual root yeah they can be not always we can there are psychological conditions that can a person can reach where that that is in place however uh demons can also cause that if not how does one discern whether is a biological or spiritual origin it has to do with the specific psychological patterns and so basically if it's for example if it's diabolical if it's psychological obsession psychological or mental illnesses are basically the result unless it has an organic cause like there's something wrong with the brain which can happen um but by the way not every mental illness is the result of chemical imbalance there's a book called The Chemical myth which is a very good book and talks about how the pharmaceutical company actually knew in the 1980s shortly after they had derived most of the psychotropic drugs that they actually didn't work right they knew that but there's billions of dollars a year in them okay so uh and there's a whole set of brain science stuff behind that which if it was a different lecture I'd be happy to go into but there's some stuff online that you can read about that but there are certain things that are actually from a psychological cause and a psychological mental illnesses the result of rumination so it's a habit that's built into the individual so it's very consistent and it responds to external external stimulus so for example you know if some guy says I think my wife's nuts and you're like well why do you say that well all I have to do is just look at her cross-eyed and she goes ballistic well maybe there's a reason for that but uh the point being is is that it's going to respond to specific things externally right so it's consistent and it responds to things that are external whereas diabolic Obsession doesn't follow that pattern at all now they are opportunists so they might use external stimuli but not always but the pattern is it'll switch on and then it'll just switch off and there's nothing that's causing the thing to switch on and there's nothing to cause it to switch off priests see this pattern regularly in confession the pattern I'll just describe it and any priest will say yes I've seen that pattern usually it's a young man in his 20s he comes in he's struggling against Chastity or against not against he's struggling to maintain Chastity and he falls he'll go to confession it feels like it lifts like The Temptations are gone they'll be gone for a day or two and then over the course of the next couple of days that's Temptation set in really strong and then he falls and he goes to confession and then it lifts again so that pattern like this is diabolic Obsession okay and so uh there's things that can blow that actually out but that's one of the patterns that you actually tend to see so they one of the things as I mentioned I've been doing this for 17 years and haven't written a book on psychology before I did this I've been watching diabolic patterns and I was able to sort out all the patterns those patterns are in the priest version of the book they're not in the lay version of the book because of what we call the CSI effect we don't want people reading how possessed people behave or the patterns that we see and then coming to us and acting it out and because it becomes harder to discern so okay so but the other way is too is is that if it's from a spiritual origin it will respond to prayer your own prayer you say a binding prayer or you start doing this discipline like I mentioned 6 noon and six you start doing that you're going to start seeing it lift slowly and that gives you an indicator that it's actually not psychological that it's actually um spiritual uh does the devil influence all sin no there's times we just choose stuff because we're being bad this is an important point because sometimes even exorcists especially when they're first starting they'll say she was manifesting what do you mean she was acting badly well not acting badly is not always a manifestation of a demon and we we can act badly on our own all right how much does free will play when it comes to choosing sin well sin is entirely in the will and so the degree of the sin is directly proportions to how free it is okay one time in this church there was a guy he was an 80 year old man he was sitting in the back of the church and his phone rang and unlike the fine young man who shut it off he stands up in the back of the church and says I can't talk to you I'm at Mass okay uh what are the nine levels of prayer well you can actually there that that's a whole conference on its own I actually have a conference online called the nine levels of prayer uh do guardian angels protect against possession or assist during exorcisms and the answer is actually yes how much an angel is allowed to um to influence your life and to protect you is proportionate to two things the first is what God commands and intends so a lot of times they'll just protect you from being stupid and the effects of being stupid because God says you got to protect this individual there's other times though when the demons will have to stand back because God says you got to let them tempt them Angels any angel can basically it's called probation they can any Angel Good angel can command any demon to leave right with our lady she's also we say that actually technically all the saints in heaven have perfect courts of power over demons but the difference between her and Christ is obviously Christ Has It by Nature because he's God whereas with those in heaven it's by God acting through them as instruments but our lady is a little bit different we say she has perfect coercive power of her demons because of the fact that she God lets her exercise it far more frequently than um they that they uh then he lands allows the other angels to do or the other Saints but the Angels so they can they can do it in exorcisms um sometimes the angels will protect people sometimes they'll act upon the individual who's possessed even during the manifestations in order to protect them from certain things maybe even psychologically they can preserve people's psychological faculties there has been um once where um one of the people who is possessed actually saw the guardian angel of my priesthood um I don't know if I mentioned this online so when you're on days you get another you get another Angel usually from that hierarchy of RV agents right and of the people that I know that have had authentic Visions not people just say I see Angels well God bless you but the the people who have the people who possessive actually seen other people's Guardian Angels but also there's a young boy who I'm aware of who's 10 years old and he can see Angels you can see them and his description is Flawless and it lines out with what we know how these the descriptions that Saints and stuff have given of them but anyway your guardian angel they say looks just like you and the reason being is because his assigned task was to protect you now think about that God create an angel whose nature was about you and that means that when he decided to accept his assigned task his first act his first choice was to love you to be willing to protect you obviously he's doing under the aspect of serving God's will but that's it so that's why they say they actually look like them they say whereas all the people that have seen the guardian angels of people's priesthood they say they're huge large so what happened is this woman who was possessed she calls me and I tell people I kind of want to hear from you between sessions unless it's something I really need to hear well she calls and she says I'm pinned to the floor and because the demons would pin her from time to time so she hands the phone to the assistants who are assisting me during the sessions and the um uh the assistant said yeah we can't budge her we can't move her at all they're just pin and I'm I'm literally handing the woman at the gate getting on an airplane my ticket I'm like well I I can't do anything right now all the plant flight's only an hour long I'll call you when it's done so we get through I get on the other end I got out I get off the plane I get to a part of the airport where people can't hear me so I call her back and I said are you still pinned she says yes so I said a simple binding pair bound the demon and all of a sudden I just hear her say I gotta go she just hangs up five minutes later she calls back and said well he let up and I hadn't been to the bathroom in five hours so I had to go to the bathroom I'm like fair enough before I got on the plane though I didn't tell her this before I got on the plane after I hung up with her I said to the guardian angel my priesthood go help her what happened was is right at that moment my guardian angel came and appeared to her and held her hand during the whole time until she was freed so that gives you a sense of it right and she says he's huge right so people say how come you get such a big demon I say because I'm a little guy I need more protection okay uh best advice for engaged couples don't do it don't do it no okay um foreign the best advice is if you can there is a conference that I did called the four stages of courtship it's the structure that was laid out and it was followed prior to the collapse in Catholic countries of how courtship was to be done and everybody who has gone through that process says that when they get married they already have the virtues of self-denial in relationship to each other where marriage is much better and smoother so that's one of the things the other thing is you have to start learning to pray together and start working on defects you also have to be brutally honest with yourself right and recognizing that your spouse has issues right as they say during while you're dating recording that's the best that person's ever going to be here right okay if there's a demon of homosexuality and how are they repulsed by these acts because they have a natural law too their natural law inclines them towards stuff that's orderly even though they choose contrary to it so when they see that stuff they feel the same revulsion of the natural law that we do okay but that doesn't mean that they don't Inspire it because they want to inspire it it's more a kind of a case with them they're just kind of like okay let's get this guy to do this right okay um can you please explain what this would look like that that we should be careful not to pray binding prayers superstitiously basically what that means is that binding prayers are like any other prayer they're based upon the Merit and the authority that the person has in relationship to it so Authority is like parents can say bonding prayers against demons in relationship to their family now the way it works is is that prayer begets when it signifies so if there is something diabolic and you say the prayers you're going to see some type of reaction it doesn't mean that every time you see something you say a binding prayer I mean sometimes you just have to take an authentic look at it and assess is this thing honestly spiritual or not okay because sometimes it's not spiritual sometimes it's just your kid is acting bad right because sometimes people bring me these it's always the kids like it's always a boy he's 10 years old and it's a mother and she's bringing the kid Alex says I think the kids possessed the kid is acting out of control so then I'll just look at her and says when was the last time you spanked him oh Father I don't believe in that and I said there's why there's that's the story okay so anyway that being said okay so how do I get off on that oh yeah okay so what you have to do is you just have to use them like anything else if you see the change then you maintain them if not then you just move on to something else and you just have to pray so okay superstitiously would mean that you just I say the prayer and this is what I get and it's not exact it doesn't exactly work that way do Guardian Angels move on to protect a new person after the death of the person that they're regarding no the entire reason for the guardian Angel's existence was to protect you and then to see God after that and that's it which is kind of cool right so I did time once apologize to my guardian angel look I'm really sorry you got stuck with me okay uh one of the requirements to become an exorcist the church has several of them he should be someone of older a he should normally be older he should be um and by that they mean that he should be a priest for a while there should be a certain amount of time he's a priest because you have to be grounded see the Society of priest that we have which we only do exorcisms of work and and you can't even apply to be a member of our society until you've been ordained for at least five years usually we like to see ten and most all the people that are with us now have been priests for 10 years at least um part of that's because you have to be grounded because there is a lot of interior battles that actually occur the demons do attack you as I mentioned before and it can be the first two years as an exorcist is a meat grinder interiorly you're getting attacked and it's just brutal right and then after a while you start getting better at it and you just realize it and you beat up the demons more and like anything else they want to leave you alone because they've gotten their nose bloodied a few times they don't like you anymore and you like them okay in fact I hate you I was telling these the people at the lunch this afternoon one time um this one demon said to me says I hate your guts and I said no you don't hate me you hate him referring to God it says oh I hate him but I hate you too I'm like yeah yeah yeah all right okay so there has to you have to you should be of a certain age you should have a certain level of piety which is basically means that you need to be someone who understands that you need to be under the authority of your Bishop you have a Devotion to the office of your Bishop doesn't mean your Bishop's perfect you should also have a certain level of spiritual life that needs to be placed you need to be knowledgeable this is the one problem we have people ask me how many are the exorcists there are in the country about 130 but only about 20 know what they're doing and it's a lot of it's because they just don't have proper theological backgrounds or they just haven't had the proper training or their training was bad so what training is required so we um I used to teach at the league of the 13th Institute which is actually a um uh place where it started more or less by the Bishops the Bishops actually to be started and so I talked there for a number of years but then I stopped teaching because what was happening was it's a two-year program and most Bishops are like I can't wait two years I need somebody now so then our society started a program where you'd come it's a one-week intensive academic course it's eight hours straight per day crushing everything you need to know in order to be able to understand how demons work and then we invite people to come in and sit on a session so that they actually can see this is the flow of the session this is how the demons have to be behaved and how they have to behave and how you have to handle them what to do what not to do on a practical level because um it's it's demons act within a specific they can gamut and you need to know what those are but when they act within that you need to know how to react in relationship to them okay okay how can you tell the difference between someone who needs an exorcism and someone who has a mental health issue um as I mentioned there's very distinctive patterns I just spent last weekend talking to psychologists about those patterns and the differences in those patterns so as I mentioned I came to gave the example of a of a of diabolic obsession with possession they still show the same patterns as Obsession but there's also certain things that actually happen which there's things that are going to occur that cannot be explained psychologically so you might have heard there's a bishop in Switzerland who's done away with exorcists and says we don't know Linda so it's all psychological and so people say well what do you think and I said well you know if I'm in session and some guy levitates and sticks to the ceiling that's not a psychological problem people changing shape women turning into figures of men or animals that's not a psychological problem right somebody telling me or speaking a language they never knew the first case of possession I had this guy spoke a form of Phoenician that has been defunct for 3 500 years he didn't even finish High School so that's not normal right that's not a psychological problem okay so that's one of the ways that you can tell um uh this is going to be the okay actually just want to get one last question is probably going to think oh he picks mine picks mine okay can you explain how demons are controlling the government okay um some of these are I kind of answered these online but they're and they're really long questions so what are the things that we can do to protect ourselves and our family already mentioned this one of the things is too is to start developing devotions on a regular basis but as I mentioned prayer on a regular basis developing the discipline in the family okay every week we're gonna Wednesdays and uh Fridays we're gonna fast it doesn't have to be extreme but there should be some uh should be something that is you know a little taxing a little difficult if the bad Angels were condemned for one bad decision what hope do we have and why is God so patient with us well the reason he's patient with us is because we're stupid right I mean we are that's why I mean basically so Mercy God's Mercy is not unconditional if you've heard that that is absolutely false God's mercy has you get God's mercy from one of two reasons one because of Contrition your contrite and why is that because in Contrition you're looking at your sin and your intellectually you've been corrected because when we choose a Sin we choose it under the aspect of the good we think it's good but when we're contrite we recognize no that was bad so there's that correction of us intellectually and then we desire to change and so God cuts his mercy so God gives Mercy to the contrite that's right in Scripture the other one is to the stupid right well you just didn't know better right but we have to be careful even with that because of the fact so those are the two people that get God's mercy so there's some people that God just caught slack because of the fact that they're just you know they're they just didn't know any better however you have to be really careful with that because sometimes people say oh well these people just don't know any better well that's true sometimes it is true sometimes people have psychological conditions or sometimes they're they just don't know they never were taught that these things were bad you see that in relationship to modesty most women have no clue what modesty is and it's just because they just don't know right so that being the case but on the other hand Saint Thomas says that there's certain inclinations of the natural law for which there is no excuse and if you commit to sin you CA you can't feign ignorance now if you if you've lost used to reason or there's been some type of malformation in your life to where you you're not capable intellectually to grasp these things because of psychological reasons well he's going to cut you some slack but as long as you have use of Reason Saint Thomas says there's no excuse the example he gives is that fornication is mortally sinful now think of that how do we know this is true you talk to couples that have been shacking up so 98 of 98 of couples shack up now Catholics are 97 so we're not much better so 98 if you talk to them and you say you know you really should get your relationship straightened out every one of them will say answering they know all right so okay so the moral of the story is is that it's Contrition for human beings is because we're stupid and this is why Adam was you said I was deceived right so and that's why because she didn't fully understand and that's why God Cuts aside but the demons were not deceived they fully knew what they were doing and that's why their one choice was fixed them permanently whereas with us as I mentioned because we're not that bright it takes us a while to kind of fully form ourselves and get our Wills fixed in the good or evil okay I'll give you a blessing God bless and have a good night [Applause] thank you all be safe driving home Choice yeah um
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Length: 103min 13sec (6193 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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