The SUPREME Season of SpongeBob SquarePants (Part 3)

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[Music] it's almost hard to explain how much I enjoy the early episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants when I watch these old episodes they bring me back to a point in my childhood that I really miss it was the early 2000s I was like six years old and life was just easy there was no adult responsibilities or obligations the world was a different place kovid wasn't a thing 9 11 hadn't happened yet the world just kind of felt different back then maybe that's why I like these early episodes of SpongeBob so much because my brain Associates these episodes with that time in my life or maybe it's just a simple fact that SpongeBob SquarePants was just so much better back then whereas the early Seasons particularly the first three were a lot more clever later on in the series The Show focused a lot more on Gross out humor and more low-level simple humor the quality declined over time which is just kind of unfortunate I noticed something recently literally every single SpongeBob Meme that I've ever come across has been a reference to an episode that fell somewhere within the first three seasons and to my internet tainted brain that speaks volumes it's been a few months since I made my last video where I continued my review of SpongeBob season one and boy have I missed making these I love looking back on these episodes and reminding myself as to why this show was such a big part of my childhood that's why today on our nostalgic walk down memory lane we're putting our scuba gear on and Diving right back down to Bikini Bottom as we look a little further into season one of SpongeBob SquarePants first really quick I just wanted to say thank you so much if you're watching this video right now you're the literal best and I appreciate you thanks for taking the time to check out my channel and of course an extra special thanks to all of you who are subscribed we just passed 60 000 subscribers two days ago as of the time of me starting this video and I am so hyped we're well on the road to reaching a hundred thousand subscribers and I can't do that without your guys's help so if you don't mind and you aren't subbed already do me a huge solid and click that subscribe button I really appreciate all of your support and I can't thank you all enough for being a part of my YouTube journey I never would have thought in a million years that my channel would even reach 100 subscribers let alone grown to the point that it has and it's all thanks to you guys so again from the bottom of my heart thank you so much and let's get right into it oh yeah I almost forgot to by the point that we are in this video I've already covered the first half of season one in two other videos if you missed those I'll leave a couple links down in the description for you to check them out after you watch this one you don't necessarily need to watch these videos in any particular order as SpongeBob SquarePants doesn't necessarily follow any overarching story or plot but we covered some great episodes in the last two videos so be sure to go ahead and check those out as well foreign for this video because this next handful of episodes that we're going to cover are some of my all-time favorite episodes from season one grab some popcorn and get comfy because we've got a lot of fantastic ground to cover here starting off with the episode muscle Bob buff pants [Music] this episode starts out with SpongeBob at home flexing in front of his mirror he says it's time to grow himself large and wide we see him go over to his workout equipment and attempt a serious deadlift no no no no no no no no no no [Music] no howdy SpongeBob how's it going not too close Sandy I tend to get smelly when I'm bumping iron check it out well you're smelly Sandy tells SpongeBob that he isn't gonna see any progress lifting the stuff that he's been lifting but if he wants arms like these or these or these then he needs to follow her training program wow really to be great Sandy I Can See Me Now [Music] Harry hello yeah Sandy tells him to meet him at her tree Dome at 5am we cut to the next morning where we see SpongeBob truly struggling he fails to do a single push-up gets completely knocked out of the ring while boxing and gets basically destroyed by Sandy's wheel needless to say things aren't going too well for SpongeBob well now that we got you warmed up it's time time for the arm cruncher I'm country great this squirrel's trying to kill me this is it hey that's oh I sure had fun we'll have to do it again sometime bye we see SpongeBob laying in his bed with his arms just pulsing as he is straight up miserable he realizes that this isn't working out and he doesn't know how much longer he can do this for just then a commercial comes on TV and it catches his attention are you too much of a whip to work out are you a weakling built like a sponge well now you two can have muscles with anchor arms they slip on like a glove just that air how big do you wanna normal baby and for the ladies Harry [Music] I'm so wimpy for anchor arms now I'm a jerk and everybody loves me so order now wimp SpongeBob is completely sold by anchor arms and the next thing you know we see SpongeBob go into muscle beach at the Goo Lagoon to show off all of the large weight lifters are blown away by SpongeBob's massive muscles even his muscles have muscles is that you foreign [Music] dude you're ripped [Applause] I've been working out excuse me a second we cut to later on and Sandy walks up to some guy at the beach outside of the juice bar asking if he's seen SpongeBob anywhere he tells her that muscle Bob buff pants is in there and she works her way into the juice bar inside we see SpongeBob bragging to everyone about how he starts with 20 raw eggs every day and how working out is his life I remember when I used to look like that guy over there oh me I remember when I used to look like you too I'm not glad that was a long time ago here's your drink sir thank you [Applause] [Music] Sandy walks up to him asking where he got those muscles SpongeBob says that he created his own workout routine Sandy puts him on the spot and asks him to share his secret workout routine which makes SpongeBob panic well uh yeah first I take my hand and I do this I'm kidding do these muscles Sandy compliments SpongeBob and tells him that he needs to sign up for the Muscle Beach anchor toss competition just then the server puts a drink on top of SpongeBob's hand leaving him trapped as Sandy walks off to sign them up for the competition by the time the server walks up and picks up the drink it's too late and Sandy has already written SpongeBob's name down and put the sign up slip in the Box we cut over to the Anchor toss competition where we see everyone stretching and preparing for the contest gotta get some mustard on that oh first up on the well 200 yards Wow Let's see an instant replay amazing SpongeBob Panic says he watches the other contestants throwing anchors Larry throws his anchor and the guy who measures distance tries to avoid it but the anchor shifts at the last second and takes him out next up is Sandy [Applause] oh 510 yards wow fabulous beat that SpongeBob after that is SpongeBob's turn and the crowd is full of people cheering for him just so excited to see him throw the anchor but when SpongeBob fails he tries to play it off like he's just joking that is it they're all gonna find I'm a fake I can't give up I've got to try I can do it I've got anchor arms I know where I'm a jerk [Music] with his newly blown up arms and fresh pep talk SpongeBob gives it another go giving it everything he's got [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] the crowd immediately starts going wild for Sandy who walks up to SpongeBob very disappointed in him for deceiving everyone the episode ends with SpongeBob at Sandy's Freedom exercising which consists of him repeatedly changing the TV channel in sets of 100 reps until his arms fall off this episode is just a classic especially in these early Seasons SpongeBob has always been one to take the easy way out without thoroughly thinking through the repercussions and end result of his actions SpongeBob was completely exhausted from his failed attempts at working out with Sandy so naturally given the opportunity to cut corners and just look like he had massive arms he jumped right on it not considering that just because his arms look big doesn't mean that he would actually have some intense Newfound strength or anything I gotta point out this commercial was actually pretty hilarious I love that they have a shark promoting their product it just seems overall very fitting I find it so funny that he just comes across with that super Alpha Giga Chad energy however he has small and weak arms it makes sense that he would want this product he's the alpha shark with tiny arms so of course he needs anchor arms however it is rather confusing how these things work like they're basically gloves that span the length of your arms and when you blow them up they look super muscular right according to this commercial they have three different settings normal veiny and for the ladies hairy now it's that last one that really just kind of unnerves me how does blowing more air into these things make them grow hair on them that's a weird feature to begin with but logistically speaking how would that actually work it just makes no sense in all reality but leave it to me to over analyze a fake product in a children's cartoon I gotta point out at the anchor toss competition SpongeBob blew up his anchor arms as large as they can go but they didn't grow any hair this guy from the commercial made it seem like at the largest setting they become hairy but when SpongeBob used them at the largest setting it didn't really work like that I also have to point out that when Sandy showed up at the juice bar at Muscle Beach and put SpongeBob on the spot asking about his secret workout routine and he basically told told everyone that he was pit farting to get those huge muscles Sandy should have definitely known that he was lying she took one look at his workout equipment at home and knew that he was not gonna make any progress she has at least a moderate understanding of bodybuilding I only say moderate because of that arm Crusher machine that she has like that thing is just hurting your arms and not really doing anything beneficial I'm pretty sure but like with her understanding of bodybuilding she should have known good and well that what SpongeBob was doing was definitely not going to result in the massive arms that we saw SpongeBob sporting sure maybe she knew SpongeBob was full of it and that's why she signed them up for the anchor toss competition so that she could expose his lie but honestly nothing about her tone words or demeanor reflected that even for a second it just seemed like she was taking his words at face value which of anything speaks volumes about how good of a friend she is so hey there's that at least this episode is a classic for sure and we're gonna give it a solid 8 out of 10. it was really good moving on we're gonna check out another one of my favorite episodes and that's going to be the episode called Squidward the unfriendly ghost [Music] this episode starts out with Squidward giving himself endless compliments as he finishes up his latest art project a wax sculpture of himself which completes Squidward representing himself in every form of artistic media Squidward is then interrupted by a loud crashing outside you just lost three points one two five three seven g seven take me I lose but it's not Tuesday Patrick tartar sauce Squidward being the jerk that he is asks Patrick what time it is which causes Patrick to spill his bubble soap all over himself Squidward laughs at him and goes inside to start a bath meanwhile SpongeBob and Patrick decide that they're gonna play toss the shell instead they accidentally throw the Shell through Squidward's window and it ends up embedded in whack Squidward's head Patrick I think something's wrong with Squidward he looks unconscious door I know how to do this [Music] [Music] get off and Patrick what are you worried about he looks better already mistaking whack Squidward for real Squidward they noticed that he feels cold so they decide to put him in the Sun will be okay you know you worry too much the Patrick is here and SpongeBob I know a lot about head injuries believe [Music] me hey what's that on your shoe it kind of looks like SpongeBob and Patrick freak out thinking that Squidward's dead they try to put him back together as we see the real Squidward finishing up his bath [Music] Oh I thought he was dead just then the real Squidward walks out all clean in his robe and freshly powdered SpongeBob and Patrick are totally freaked out thinking that they've just met Squidward's ghost as they apologize profusely for accidentally ending his life when they say that they'll do whatever he wants if he spares them Squidward decides to take advantage of the situation telling them that he will spare them if they follow his every command and do his bidding must do is tend to my every whim and Tickle My Fancy on demand does that include fire blue Asher's home last year I think they make a cream for that now we see them run outside while carrying Squidward on a weird chair slashed couch thing with handles on it too hot [Music] here no too wet keep going keep going here tolos La track Squidward then commands them to fetch him some nourishment which they provide in the form of a single grape a banana and an entire watermelon having been crushed by the watermelon Squidward gets angry and tells them that he wants to eat something else something that's difficult to find he demands a cherry pie but when Patrick finds one literally right where he's standing Squidward throws it and tells him to go find it again meanwhile he commands SpongeBob to do multiple meaningless tasks now play me an elaborate song with this but this is just a piece of tissue paper oh my always have to have it our way don't we oh [Music] well I hope you don't have any plans tonight cause you're not allowed to leave that spot till I hear a song Squidward comes back the next day to find SpongeBob laying on the ground and as punishment for him quote napping on the job Squidward commands SpongeBob and Patrick to clean out his back room they make their way to his back room and this happens [Music] it is wallpaper on oh look you missed some oh let's see it's a comic book and look at this it's the origin of the Flying Dutchman it says when he died they use his body as a window display now he haunts the seven seas because he was never put to rest being inspired by the comic book they decide that they're gonna put Squidward to rest we see them go downstairs and shoot spitballs at Squidward saying that it's part of his initiation as part one of his ceremony to be put to rest I don't wanna be put to rest all I want are those chores done I need to clean the back room yet yeah oh really I'm gonna go check I didn't say anything like that fed up with their nonsense Squidward tells them to get out of his house just then he hears a loud racket coming from outside I wrote here lies Squidward you may not remember him oh hi Squidward does this look deep enough SpongeBob oh look the mourners have arrived oh Squidward we all came as soon as we were sure you were dead SpongeBob are you trying to put me in The Nut House no just into this hole SpongeBob I have a confession to make your ball no I'm not bald I'm alive Squidward goes off telling SpongeBob that he needs to stop doing him favors and that he isn't his master he is his neighbor as he walks away SpongeBob just isn't ready to accept that reality though [Music] no Patrick he's the fool he's a ghost in denial he needs us now more than ever you're right he really needs to get up to the great beyond Patrick say that again that again no the other thing no the other thing no what you said before no what you said before we got an idea never mind I got an idea we then see SpongeBob's plan in motion he decides to blow a massive bubble around Squidward which causes him to float up the episode ends with SpongeBob and Patrick waving Squidward off as he floats out above the sea level and in the sky with all the seagulls and the episode just ends there honestly I feel like the end of this episode comes with kind of a morbid insinuation this episode leaves us to assume that Squidward just remains floating up there probably left to die this episode overall was just awesome I love the art style of wax Squidward the colors are just minorly different from actual Squidward and the edges are just a little bit more sharp also the way he looks when Patrick sits on his face is just absolutely hilarious it's pretty messed up that they straight up thought that they killed Squidward but didn't even think to call 9-1-1 they didn't call Medics or police or anything they just assumed that he was dead and left his melting body there as they now dealt with Squidward's ghost overall this episode was just hilarious I really appreciated that toulouse-lautrec joke as a kid I totally didn't get it it absolutely made no sense to me but looking at this now as an adult I just love it that's the high level comedy that I'm talking about you'd never see a joke like that in modern SpongeBob to be honest I also love the part where Squidward says that they're gonna face the wrath of Squidward's ghost and Patrick says that they have a cream for that now again a little bit more of that high level comedy this season of SpongeBob is just full of zingers like that one I got a kick out of the part where SpongeBob and Patrick decide that they're gonna lay Squidward to rest and the mourners show up Mr Krabs looking Squidward dead in the face and saying oh Squidward we all came as soon as we were sure you were dead was just hilarious I overall appreciated the vibe of this episode in making this video I've realized that sure Squidward is kind of a giant and he does piss me off but sometimes I enjoy the squidward-centered episodes he's a hilarious character and works perfectly to turn the comedy in a different direction whereas most of the characters in the show are positive and bubbly Squidward is just a grump all the time and it actually works well for the comedy sure there's a time and place for it but he acts as a good character device to pull off some jokes that they couldn't pull off otherwise like in the beginning when Squidward made Patrick spill his bubble soap that's something that only an would do and Squidward is our resident in the show overall fantastic episode considering the Top Shelf Comedy and the overall hilarious concept this one gets a confident 10 out of 10. moving on from there we're gonna check out an episode that I remember giving me mixed feelings but I haven't seen it in years so I'm not sure how I'm gonna feel about it now we're talking about the episode called The Chaperone this episode starts out at the Krusty Krab as SpongeBob is preparing a Krabby Patty we hear a door slam and some loud crying as Mr Krabs Daughter Pearl comes running into his office and Serena floods the whole restaurant with her tears Mr Krabs what's wrong with pearl her scurvy prom date stood her up boy and now she can't seem to find another that's because there's only one in the sea his long damn and handsome as he is Mr Krabs says that they'll find her a new date for prom he offers to take her himself and offers to have Squidward take her but she sobs just at the thought of those ideas here take SpongeBob the fry cook do you know what that would do to my complexion people will mistake me for a planetarium what do you mean I don't know but I can't take him daddy he'll kick me out of the most frequently pictured in the yearbook committee yeah they would we've got to find someone else Mr Krabs says they've gotta find someone else and he asks everyone in the restaurant who wants to take his daughter to the prom but they all go running Pearl then decides to settle on SpongeBob taking her to the prom which she seems very sad about understandably now listen boy I'm accounting on you to make this a very special night for a very special girl remember you're doing it for good old mister oh hi Mr Krabs are you talking to that dummy I made it's pretty realistic isn't it you're taking Pearl to her prom really oh wow SpongeBob is just hyped to take her to the prom as he tells Mr Krabs that he is a prom expert we then cut very abruptly to SpongeBob confiding in Gary he says that he's a prom failure and that he couldn't even find a date to his own junior prom can and handsome what is it Gary what do you have hey Carrie this magazine gives me an idea we get a nice Montage of SpongeBob preparing for the prom he sews His Own Tuxedo replaces his eyebrows plants and grows a flower on The Tuxedo he made and makes himself long tan and handsome by using stilts putting himself in the toaster and putting some braces on his teeth SpongeBob leaves his house and heads over to Mr Krabs's house hello hello Earl cleans up pretty good doesn't he well at least no one will recognize you now listen SpongeBob I just want to get through this dance with my social status intact and when you go to the prom get my picture taken and I want to dance I want to drink punch with my friends and don't do that other thing you're always doing yeah we gotta get back to the limo the two arrive at the prom and they walk through the doors and they decide to start out by getting a prom picture together but SpongeBob struggles to even walk over to the backdrop will you hurry up [Applause] [Music] just then while Pearl is sitting in the remains of the photo booth her friends approach so she quickly sends SpongeBob to get her some punch so that he doesn't say or do anything dumb to embarrass her in front of her friends all of Pearl's friends introduce their dates and asked where her date is and she says that he's at the punch bowl getting her a drink oh it's either really tall one oh yes I mean oh no oh yeah [Music] come on Pearl's embarrassment reaches an all-time high when she walks up to him serving people punch from his nose just then Pearl ducks behind the table saying that her ex-boyfriend is here it's my ex wow but I bet he is an holder of the regional romantic dance championship trophy give me that back that didn't just happen let's go SpongeBob takes Pearl over to the dance floor and he starts doing some random quirky dance moves but Pearl stops him saying that everyone there is doing the whack SpongeBob decides to give it his best shot but as you'd expect it definitely doesn't go as planned [Music] around [Music] Pearl starts crying her eyes out and she says that SpongeBob can just take her home considering he already ruined everything SpongeBob starts going through his list of things to do to try to remedy the situation but once he realizes that he really did ruin everything he starts spiraling [Music] poor little guy [Applause] thank you Pearl walks up to the bathroom door and tries to talk to him and make him feel better SpongeBob's words are completely unintelligible as he sobs but Pearl tells him that she is having a good time and that they still haven't finished their dance yet SpongeBob ends up excitedly running out of the bathroom and taking her back to the dance floor get my pizza topping can't you see I'm doing the sponge was born everyone ends up carrying SpongeBob and pearl out of the dance as they're convinced that everyone loves them and that they're popular but they're quickly dropped on the ground as everyone expresses their distaste for the two telling them to go ruin someone else's prom We then cut over to Mr Krabs's house where SpongeBob is dropping Pearl off he apologizes to her for ruining the night but she says that she expected it to be a disaster but for a disaster it wasn't all that bad keep away from my precious little flower you almost stepped on it Oh Daddy well good night short yellow and spongy SpongeBob [Music] [Music] oh there you are dummy you sure come in handy man there is a lot that I want to bring up here first of all I love this episode for a few reasons there's bits of cheeky humor and it overall was a clever episode when I was a kid I felt mixed on this one mainly because of Spongebob crying due to Pearl being so upset about how things were going and him ruining the prom in general watching this back as an adult though I'm definitely enjoying the episode as a whole a lot more than I used to there's some questionable things going on here and some pretty clever comedy as for the questionable I gotta say that the fact that Mr Krabs was just ready to pawn his daughter off on the first available person was rather odd like he straight up asked an entire restaurant full of adults if any of them wanted to take his teenage daughter to prom definitely not exactly sound parenting decisions on Mr Krabs's part I'm not really sure if allowing his fully grown adult fry cook at his restaurant was much of a Sound Decision either but at least Mr Krabs knows that he can trust SpongeBob as far as the actual prom itself goes things got hilarious pretty quickly I loved the way that when they were driving up the rear end of the limo was just dragging on the ground because of how much weight was in the back of it I like the clever way that they make jokes about Pearl being heavy in the show like the sound of her running is always really loud or when she did cheerleading for the Krusty Krab talent show in the last video about SpongeBob the whole restaurant was flying because of her jumping around on stage I find it really clever because if you dissect the context in which these jokes are made it's never really implying that like she's fat or like meant to be in a negative or fat shaming kind of way it's literally just because she is a whale amongst other undersea life of course she's heavier her species of whale the sperm whale is one of the largest and heaviest animals on the planet with the female of the species Weighing on average right about 33 000 pounds I also find it hilarious how SpongeBob dancing always causes a massive chain reaction of disaster in this episode him doing the whack ended up in a bunch of things getting destroyed and people getting hurt then when everyone started doing the sponge it just got completely off the rails people were being carried out on stretchers people's legs were falling off and pretty much everything was being destroyed it was just utter chaos lo and behold though SpongeBob and pearl were having the time of their lives I did also appreciate that gag when Pearl started crying and SpongeBob was going through his list of things to do but when he realized that he ruined everything he ran into the bathroom not realizing that he ran into the ladies room we see all of the teenage girl fish Sprint out of the bathroom right after he runs in and that just cracked me up another thing we just can't not bring up is Pearl's ex-boyfriend Octavius Rex aka Mr long tan and handsome the way Pearl talks about him I was expecting some kind of tall tan buff Chad but this dude is built like an orange balding noodle not too sure why Pearl finds this guy so attractive but you know what they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder things got a little weird at the end of the episode though when Pearl was saying goodbye to SpongeBob and Mr Krabs came out telling them to get away from his precious flower I nearly choked laughing I completely forgot about this gag and I realized that when I was a kid I totally didn't understand it I thought that Mr Krabs was just really protective of that specific flower for some reason I didn't realize what the writers were trying to insinuate again the writers hitting us with that Top Shelf Comedy and I love it I gotta say though this episode really confused me as a kid and it still does now at the end it's revealed that this whole time Pearl wasn't at the prom with SpongeBob she was at the prom with the dummy which is just kind of mind-boggling how is it walking around and talking dancing and everything I totally understand that that's the joke and it's not supposed to make sense but like the logical part of my brain has always been stopped up on that specific aspect of this episode and I'm still kind of stuck on it not gonna lie all in all though this was a good episode and was enjoyable All Things Considered not the greatest episode but still really good I'm gonna give it a 7 out of 10 and let's keep trekking on next up is the episode employee of the month episode begins at the Krusty Krab with SpongeBob just absolutely driving Squidward nuts hey Squidward hey Squidward hey Squidward okay I'll bind what is it you know what today is noise Squidward day ah no silly that's on the 15th today's the beginning of the judging for employee of the month Squidward says that that reward is a scam and that Mr Krabs gives it to him so he'll work harder for no extra money Spongebob doesn't understand Squidward's mindset and just can't comprehend why he doesn't want to try to win Squidward says that he doesn't want to have his face on the Wall of Shame to which SpongeBob explains that having pride in your work is nothing to be ashamed of just then Mr Krabs comes up and starts psyching SpongeBob out of it this is gonna be a tough one though there's no clear-cut winner watch out SpongeBob Squidward appears to be on the verge of a Breakout there might be a new face on the wall this month [Music] thank you SpongeBob decides to work extra hard so that Squidward doesn't win employee of the month he ends up getting in his own head as he's flipping paddies at the grill and one just won't flip for some reason SpongeBob ends up flinging it into the ceiling and this happens what are you doing making Krabby Patties you're losing it don't you know that award is alone garbage please don't tell Mr Krabs about this it'll hurt my chances of winning the award I already told you that award is a bunch of baloney SpongeBob tries to explain the Squidward that the award is a symbol of his pride for his job just like his hat is but when Squidward decides to take SpongeBob's hat and stomp on it this happens an experienced Employee of the Month always keeps a brick of lead in his hat shortly after that SpongeBob finds himself laying on the ground in front of his numerous Employee of the Month Awards questioning whether or not the award is a phony and if his pride for his work is worthless just then all of the pictures come to life and they're all dressed in military helmets as they pep talk SpongeBob saying that Squidward is trying to trick him and get into his mind and that SpongeBob must stop at nothing to try to beat him later that night we end up seeing SpongeBob outside of his house spying on Squidward through a pair of binoculars he catches a glimpse of Squidward's alarm clock and that gives him the idea that Squidward can't win the award if he doesn't wake up for work SpongeBob then proceeds to slide his way across the ground and ride up into Squidward's house [Music] foreign [Music] catches him SpongeBob ends up revealing his plan as he smashes Squidward's alarm clock to Pieces Squidward pulls out another alarm clock so SpongeBob decides to smash that one too but then Squidward reveals that he has an entire closet dedicated to alarm clocks the two end up arguing and Squidward says that he could win that Award with his tentacles tied behind his back you're a lunatic SpongeBob maybe so but I did win Employee of the Month 26 months in a row are you trying to say that you are better than me I've been better than you for 26 months and it'll be 27 tomorrow oh that's it square for brains that's it I'm gonna show you how easy it is to win that award I'm gonna be the new employee of the month I will prove to you I am far more confident thank you the two of them end up staying up all night literally just staring out their windows at each other trying to make sure that neither of them leaves for work before the other Squidward ends up breaking out the big guns as he pulls out his clarinet and he ends up playing a lullaby that puts SpongeBob to sleep come on [Music] hey Squidward going somewhere I'm going to ring you try when I get out of here now get me out of here okay Squidward I'll stop by after work the rest don't wanna look tired from my employee of the month photo Squidward climbs his way out of that hole and ends up boarding up SpongeBob's front door SpongeBob cuts his way out and the two end up in a race to the Krusty Krab complete with a whole bunch of hijinks to slow each other down along the way [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the two of them end up exhausted and calling a truce saying that if they keep this up neither of them will win the award the two end up saying that they're gonna have a fair fight and they Shake on it big nose pony look at that smile you can't trust him as far as you can throw him as soon as he stops shaking my hand I'm gonna make a run for it as the two of them arrive at work they start fighting to clean the restaurant causing more damage than actually cleaning in the process SpongeBob and Squidward end up in front of the grill making patties as quick as they can [Applause] thank you [Music] foreign this episode is one that in a sense holds a special place for me it's one of my wife's all-time favorite episodes and I can definitely see why the quick descent into madness between SpongeBob and Squidward as they both fret over employee of the month was just insane first of all I want to look back at the beginning of the episode when we see SpongeBob talking about employee of the month and Squidward just not really giving a I can't help but notice that Squidward is just sitting there at the register reading frown digest which is just so fitting for his character of course he's reading frown digest because that just you know kind of makes sense I also get a kick out of seeing what Hoops SpongeBob is willing to jump through to sabotage Squidward I mean come on he's straight up broke into the guy's house just to destroy his alarm clock so he could win employee of the month which we all know SpongeBob would have just won anyways if he hadn't became so paranoid about Squidward honestly Squidward probably could not have cared any less he didn't give a damn about winning that award until SpongeBob started saying that he was better than him as far hours that altercation and Squidward's house goes I definitely have to give props to that closet full of alarm clocks again early SpongeBob just hitting us with that Top Shelf Comedy like why on Earth would Squidward need that many alarm clocks it makes no sense why he would literally have an entire closet just dedicated to clocks and that just brings me so much joy for absolutely no reason I love it I gotta say though I also love the texture and art style of inside of Squidward's house specifically the walls there's just something about that blue and black splotchy pattern that they use for the interior Squidward's house I really like it for some weird reason all things considered this episode is one that definitely encapsulates the feeling of season one it's a great episode that definitely had me laughing throughout the whole thing we're gonna give this one a 9 out of 10. next up on the list is the episode called scaredy pants [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is an episode that I've talked about before in a spooky season video from last year but for the sake of doing a complete run-through of season one of SpongeBob we're gonna check it out again besides that spooky season video was more about appreciating the creep factor of the episode not really analyzing the quality of the episode in the context that we're looking at the entirety of season one with so we'll be looking at it again through a different kind of lens Halloween is no different under the waves piles skeletons and sea monsters Sally everyone having fun well almost everyone in the beginning we see SpongeBob at work doing dishes when the door opens up on its own causing SpongeBob major distress the order wheel ends up spinning revealing the word boo which makes SpongeBob Panic even more he speed runs doing the dishes before he Sprints to the door to leave Mr Crab stops him saying that he won't want to miss Mr Krabs's annual scary story SpongeBob begrudgingly agrees and Mr Krabs brings in a pre-lit campfire to tell stories around every year night he bought him in a pirate ship just like this only bigger the Flying Dutchman swoops down and starts stealing people's Souls your souls look like pickles hey as a matter of fact they do then he puts them where you can never get him he needs Soul bag I'm gone for your pickle both Mr Krabs and Squidward laugh at SpongeBob and Mr Krabs says that he hopes SpongeBob's Scaredy Pants isn't too scared to come to his party tonight we see SpongeBob leave the Krusty Krab by launching himself through the roof after Squidward scares him and he walks down the road just terrified trick or treat it's okay son that's just SpongeBob Scaredy Pants happy Halloween scaredy pants the name SquarePants back at home SpongeBob is carving a gigantic pumpkin and venting the Gary about how tired he is of being scared so easily Patrick knocks on the door and SpongeBob tells Gary that he's gonna scare Patrick are you SpongeBob sorry I didn't mean to scare you why can't I be frightening for once SpongeBob tells Patrick that he's tired of being scared and that he wants to be the one doing the scaring this time Patrick says that if he's gonna be scary he's gonna need a scary costume what do you think great you're going as my trick-or-treat bag no no I'm a ghost of a Flying Dutchman Uh something's missing I know step into these babies Hans terrifying I know Patrick just then some kids ring the doorbell to trick-or-treat SpongeBob's house and he attempts to scare them but they just end up laughing at him and calling him a haunted mattress SpongeBob just doesn't get it he doesn't understand why he isn't scary look at my new paper ghost scary what's it what's the difference between that ghost and me [Music] no no no wait don't tell me don't tell me don't tell me don't tell me I can do this I can do this don't tell me don't tell me don't tell me okay tell me SpongeBob points out the fact that he has a square head meanwhile a real ghost has a round one so all they have to do is make SpongeBob's head round we then see Patrick using some clippers to shave SpongeBob down to a round shape once they're done they both head out to scare the town [Music] they run up to a house and try to scare the guy who lives there unsuccessfully and leaving the guy confused when they run away without any candy the two run and hide in a nearby Rock that's shaped like a skull and Patrick talks SpongeBob up saying that his costume really packs a punch Patrick suggests that they go down to the Krusty Krab to scare everyone at the party but not before they scare that same group of kids from earlier [Music] thank you wasn't that the haunted mattress I guess he's been demoted to a haunted sleeping bag we cut to the party where we see everyone having a good time save for Mr Krabs who chokes on an Apple while he's trying to Bob for apples nearby Sandy is getting punched and talking to Squidward oh don't get it Up on the Roof we see Patrick put the lights out right before he lowers SpongeBob down to scare everyone [Applause] [Applause] [Music] after being stung Patrick starts to run around freaking out which leaves Spongebob flying all over the Krusty Krab when he's left hanging upside down everyone sees his pants and legs which makes them realize who he is and they all start laughing at him [Music] thank you [Music] it's the real Flying Dutchman the crowd starts to freak out when the real Flying Dutchman arrives saying that he's gonna steal their souls the Dutchman explains his distaste for everyone dressing up as him every year and bringing shame to the name of the Flying Dutchman however he admits that that's not why he's stealing their souls it was SpongeBob's costume that was the straw that broke the camel's back yours is the most insulting do you mean I'm not scary you scary [Laughter] let me tell you about scary kid there's all kinds of scary things in the world Fighters are scary I'm scared you you're not scary the Dutchman explains that it's time for him to start stealing Souls but first he has something to take care of first I gotta get rid of foreign [Music] hey what do you know I scared him [Music] good work Patrick I scared everybody yeah I guess it was your pink hat pink hat oh that's not a hat that's my brain [Applause] [Music] man this episode is just amazing it's definitely a favorite from season one and that's not just because I'm a sucker for Halloween specials this is genuinely a great episode there's a lot to appreciate here and a lot of funny gags I really appreciated the art style of the pumpkin that SpongeBob was carving I also love that the pumpkin was gigantic considering that sea sponges aren't big at all however it's not any bigger than the pineapple that SpongeBob lives in yet in real life pumpkins are usually a lot bigger than pineapples that was definitely clever I also got a kick out of how Patrick procured those clogs that he gave to SpongeBob he straight up went into the closet and cut down an entire tree before whittling the pair of clogs out of the wood it just makes me you wonder how big SpongeBob's pineapple really is if he can fit an entire pumpkin inside of it and has potentially a forest full of evergreen trees going in his closet every time I watch this episode I also get a laugh out of Mr Krabs carrying in the fire to the Krusty Krab naturally you gotta tell scary stories around the fire right that's just tradition but him carrying in a pre-lit fire just splits my sides every time I see this episode there's one thing that I noticed this watch through that I didn't notice before and that would be the part where SpongeBob and Patrick run and hide inside of the skull-shaped rock I never thought about how the skull-shaped rock got there or about the fact that a rock like that is definitely not going to be naturally occurring however SpongeBob and Patrick just act like it's normal they run and hide inside of it and look out the windows like acting like it's really any other Rock but then it hit me rocks like that can usually be found inside of household aquariums like you know when you walk through the pet store and you see the fish section and they have all sorts of aquarium accessories there's usually like hollowed out rocks or decorations designed for the fish to swim inside of them I really thought it was clever that in that scene SpongeBob and Patrick's mannerisms reflect that of aquarium fish who swim into the decorations and hollowed out rocks and stuff it's subtle stuff like that which remind you that the show's Creator Stephen hillenberg was a marine scientist and was very educated into the behavior of fish I just found that kind of clever as far as the Halloween party goes there's a lot to love about it in the last few videos I've beat a dead horse talking about how much I love the art style and animation of season one of SpongeBob a lot of scenes from the show have deep colors that attribute to kind of a rustic and nitty-gritty kind of feel and the Krusty Krab tends to be one of those locations where that shines through really well I just really love the deep and dark colors of the Krusty Crab while this party's going on it added a cool layer of enjoyment to this episode for me I said this in my last video about this episode but the fact that Sandy dressed up as a pet goldfish in a bowl is pretty funny but the way that Squidward didn't get it and had no idea what she was talking about was just downright hilarious of course he doesn't understand because he's not a land crater like Sandy he has no idea that pet fish exists in the world outside of the ocean I do gotta show some love for the Flying Dutchman a little bit though I love the scene when he first appears and they show his gruesome face it kind of reminds me of a scene from Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island I'm trying to remember if it's Morgan Moon SCAR or maybe just another zombie being shown but I'll throw it in while I'm editing so you know what I'm talking about I also just enjoy the art style of the Flying Dutchman in general the shade of green that they use on the Dutchman is my favorite color and it Sparks major joy for me another really cool thing I appreciate about this episode is the color that they use on SpongeBob's brain in an episode where there's lots of dark and deep colors to convey more of a spooky Vibe something bright pink like that really sticks out in a special way and I can appreciate that all in all this episode is definitely a favorite of mine and I'm gonna have to give it a 10 out of 10. it's genuinely fantastic and it's one that I look forward to seeing every year near Halloween time up next is another Banger of an episode I was a teenage Gary [Music] this episode starts out with SpongeBob at home hanging out with Gary who's just finishing up his exercise time your boy [Music] [Music] while SpongeBob is giving Gary some love Patrick runs into his house asking if he's ready for the annual jellyfishing convention in ukulele bottom this weekend SpongeBob gets bummed out immediately saying that he forgot that it was this weekend and that he doesn't have anyone to take care of Gary just then there's a knock at the door [Music] garments on my front lawn Squidward could you watch Gary this weekend what's up Gary not a Gary Gary He's my pet snail hello yes you actually care for that thing Squidward says no way and walks off but when he overhears SpongeBob telling Patrick that he won't be able to go away for the weekend his tone changes very rapidly the idea of SpongeBob and Patrick being away for a three-day weekend is too tempting for Squidward to pass up so he agrees to watch Gary for the weekend let me show you a little bit about snail care you need to take Gary for a walk twice a day Saturday in the morning Sunday a three-day weekend I'll show you how to feed them I have all the cans marked I can in the morning and a can at night sure it's enough the Bus shows up to pick up SpongeBob and Patrick and Squidward rushes them out we see Gary go to the window and just stare outside while Squidward goes into his house and takes out his lawn chair to sunbathe which he does for three days straight just completely neglecting Gary when the weekend is up and SpongeBob and Patrick are pulling up in the bus Squidward looks up and realizes that he completely forgot to take care of Gary so he Springs into action [Music] [Music] [Music] Squidward what are you doing here ah SpongeBob thanks Squidward for watching Gary as he leaves in a hurry SpongeBob then turns around to see Gary in the state that he's in and he is just shocked [Music] Squidward something's wrong with Gary Squidward [Music] it's just as I thought what this is definitely a snail I [Applause] [Music] the doctor tells SpongeBob that Gary needs a carefully administered shot of snail plasma as he hands Gary in the syringe over to SpongeBob he asked the doctor if he's gonna do it and the doctor refuses saying that he is too squeamish SpongeBob is left standing there with Squidward who quickly rushes to leave to help the doctor with his bags just kind of looking for an out but SpongeBob stops him begging him for help claiming that he is squeamish too Squidward begrudgingly agrees to help him and this happens okay steady hey that's too hard okay okay okay okay okay try it again [Music] wait wait wait hold him still waiting ouch Squidward you've injected me with snail plasma well you made me do it well SpongeBob is freaking out about being shot up with snail plasma Gary goes over and takes a drink of water which makes him ride as rain he just needed water oh Gary you're better [Music] oh how touchy I'm gonna go home and throw up good night wait wait the snail plasma trust me SpongeBob nothing's gonna happen to you you're fine after Squidward leaves we see SpongeBob feeding Gary his wet food but SpongeBob has trouble resisting the urge to eat the food he takes one taste and next thing you know he's devoured the entire can of snail food here you go eat up Gary sorry Gary I couldn't control myself meow why'd I just do that am I cracking up SpongeBob talks himself down saying that Squidward is right and all of this is just in his head I feel Tip Top Harry you're getting a lot faster [Music] look at me look at me [Music] I'm okay Squidward's and I'm fine [Music] Gary I'm fine while SpongeBob keeps trying to convince himself that he's fine we see him go through the slow and gruesome process of transforming into a snail back over at Squidward's house we see him getting settled into bed and tucking in his clarinet when the doorbell rings I already told you you're gonna be just fine meow meow meow [Music] Squidward runs inside and blocks the door we see him pick up the snail plasma syringe and say that it's the Plasma's fault as he throws it SpongeBob is still outside meowing and Squidward panics as he starts boarding up his doors and windows [Music] none of this would be happening if I'd only fed that snail meow Squidward panics and we see his entire house flipping around until it fully flips upside down in the wreckage Squidward ends up getting shot up in the nose with snail plasma just like SpongeBob did [Music] meow meow meow meow meow meow will you climb up meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow this episode is one that I feel like is a perfect companion to the Halloween special considering that plays in the same 30 minute time slot as the Halloween episode when it airs on Nickelodeon it follows the same structure and has the same kind of feel of a horror movie which I love at the beginning when we see SpongeBob hanging out with Gary I love how they emphasized how slow Gary is SpongeBob throws a ball and Gary doesn't bring it back until literally the next day leaving SpongeBob passed out in his chair with five o'clock shadow meanwhile throughout the rest of the episode Gary definitely isn't that slow even when he brought the ball back he wasn't even moving that slow that's a really silly gag that I've grown to appreciate over time I also appreciated Squidward's quick thinking when he poured out three cans of food and Gary didn't eat any of it of course he just eats it all in one bite because dumping it all in the trash would just make too much sense the way that Squidward's head was gigantic after eating all of that snail food in one bite was just hilarious to me I definitely gotta bring up that snail doctor though the way that his car literally looks like a snail is just ridiculously funny but like just saying this guy has no business being a doctor he's literally too squeamish to even give a shot like straight up how do you even get through basic medical school if you can't give a shot let alone the amount of schooling needed to become a doctor also his logic was straight up like Yep this is a snail so he needs snail plasma there wasn't even any mention of what was wrong or any diagnosis whatsoever also by that point when SpongeBob is holding Gary in the shot Gary looks completely normal and like nothing's even wrong as far as the plasma shot itself goes though one thing that really confused me is that scene where Squidward is hiding from snail SpongeBob in his house and he picks up the syringe and says that it's all the syringe's fault like why did he even have that thing in his house to begin with that plasma was given to SpongeBob to give to Gary and there's not really any logical reason for Squidward to have taken it and have it in his house but hey it made for a good gag at the end though I love the way they animated Squidward as a snail it definitely gave me a good chuckle I also can't help but notice that SpongeBob didn't have a shell they just made his pants be a shell but for some reason Squidward actually had a shell overall this was a good episode though and like I said it was the perfect episode to accompany the Halloween special we're gonna give this one a 7.5 out of 10. it's overall good but I feel like they could have used a little more of that Top Shelf Comedy that we've come to love from season one of SpongeBob up next we have an absolute trip of an episode and that's gonna be sb129 sb129 foreign bikini bottom and it is about time for Squidward to practice his clarinet so get your earplugs ready and Squidward goes to blow into his clarinet SpongeBob's alarm clock goes off at the same exact second making Squidward deep throat his entire clarinet [Music] want to go jellyfishing we'll be right over [Music] I wonder who that could be SpongeBob and Patrick come straight to Squidward's door asking if he's ready to go Squidward says no and he slams the door in their faces so naturally they knock again and ask the same question and are met with the same exact answer [Music] I'll never be ready don't you get it here we do [Music] foreign Squidward asks why SpongeBob isn't at work today and he says that he would love to be but the Krusty Krab is closed on Sundays which gives Squidward the idea to go hide from SpongeBob and Patrick at the Krusty Krab he sneaks his way over there but it's not too long after that that SpongeBob and Patrick show up looking for him [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] Squidward well he's not here I'll bet that eager beaver's already down a jellyfish field oh no someone will realize I'm gone and come looking for me I'll be out of here in no time 2 000 years later the hinges fall off of the door and Squidward falls out a frozen cephalopod anything I'll be out of here in no time greetings primitive SpongeBob is that you SpongeBob no I am Spongebob Welcome To The Future welcome to the Future upon realizing that he's in the future Squidward starts to panic things reach an all-time low when Squidward realizes that the sponge Tron that he met has clones otherwise known as SpongeBob X Y and Z he asks if all the other letters of the alphabet are involved too and sponge Tron says of course all 486 of them foreign [Music] thanks Squidward tells them that he doesn't belong here and that him getting here was a horrible mistake the sponge Tron suggests that they go jellyfishing to solve the problem and at the very mention of jellyfishing Patron the two-headed futuristic version of Patrick shows up Squidward says that he's not supposed to be here and that he's got to get back to his own time period well why didn't you just ask the time machine is down the hall to the left [Applause] action s [Music] oh yeah that one's the can opener let's try the one on the right Squidward makes it to the time machine and instead of going to his own time he says that since SpongeBob exists in the future he better go to the past we see the time machine door ripped straight out of the wall and the entire room traverses through time and space and lands right in prehistoric times [Music] wow primitive that's sort of an old world charm I guess this is before manners were invented well at least there's no sign of SpongeBob maybe now I can finally be alone with my clarinet Squidward keeps walking and getting jump scared by the moving figures he comes across a primitive version of SpongeBob eating something while hiding in the tall grass hmm nothing [Music] ah hi there well I better be going now it's my arm [Music] primitive Patrick starts freaking out seemingly for no reason when a jellyfish flies by primitive SpongeBob starts to freak out too and we realize that they're terrified of jellyfish the Squidward leaves to go play his clarinet in peace but is interrupted by primitive SpongeBob and Patrick yelling he comes back to find them passing the jellyfish back and forth and taking turns getting shocked by it what are you simpletons doing you're supposed to cut these things that torture yourself with them it's a blowing cloth this ought to make things go a little smoother [Music] give me those things you're supposed to catch them like this and just like that primitive SpongeBob and Patrick run off to catch the jellyfish Squidward starts playing as clarinet but the Primitive versions of SpongeBob and Patrick are angered by this and they come sprinting at Squidward to attack him in a fit of rage Squidward runs back into the time machine and accidentally breaks the handle off causing this to happen foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Squidward finds himself in a weird Dimension that's nothing but white with some weird colored squares all over the place I may finally have found a place where I can be all hello [Music] hello I gotta get out of here Squidward ends up stomping and he crashes through the ground and back into the time machine he cries saying that he misses Bikini Bottom his house and even SpongeBob all of a sudden he's teleported right back to modern times and SpongeBob and Patrick are seemingly in his yard waiting for him to come home I was in space and I went to the Future and then I went to the past and then there was nowhere but now I'm back and and you don't know how happy I am to see you guys does this mean you wanna go jelly anyway [Music] [Music] so I'm back man there are two things that I know for sure about this episode it's trippy as all hell and is an absolutely iconic episode if I've ever seen one this episode made me remember something that I saw and I'm gonna try my best to vocalize it to you guys but I might struggle a bit here so bear with me in this episode when Squidward goes into the Krusty Krab while it's closed this song plays [Applause] [Music] square away so I'm not too sure if I saw this in a documentary about SpongeBob or what but I learned that basically there are certain scenarios in the show that weren't different background songs I'm not too sure if this continued throughout the entirety of the series or was just in the first few seasons but in just about every scene that occurs in the Krusty Krab this same exact theme song plays there's also a certain song that plays anytime SpongeBob and Patrick are together or when SpongeBob and Sandy are together or when it's a scene involving a specific character I really wish that I could remember where I learned this but I can't for the life of me I remember seeing one of the people who worked on the show talking about it at some point if you know what I'm talking about or remember seeing the interview or whatever it was let me know down in the comments you can search for SpongeBob production music on YouTube and you'll find a bunch of familiar songs that play in specific scenes or scenarios that particular scene with Squidward and the Krusty Krab made me think of it because the song has a really Lively feel to it it feels like a song that portrays the vibe of the Krusty Krab being a light occupied base with stuff happening in it the fact that it was playing while the Krusty Krab was dark and closed felt a little bit out of place but naturally it's what the producers went with because it's the theme song for The Krusty Krab moving on I gotta point out how weird it is that in 2000 years nobody went searching for Squidward and no one ever went to the freezer at the Krusty Krab either Squidward stayed in that same exact spot untouched for literally two Millennia and it seems like nobody even bat an eye sad yes but somehow not all too surprising also why is everything in the future Chrome sponge Tron just says because it's the future but like there's no logical explanation it's almost kind of creepy how the outside is just a never-ending landscape of chrome but hey it could be worse I guess at least it wasn't like everything's poop green or some gross color like that now this is a small detail but I really liked how Sponge Tron had that weird little side grin on his face when he says oh yeah that one's the can opener I'm not too sure why but that side smile Sparks joy and I just felt the need to point it out the futuristic aspect of this episode was interesting but rather short-lived however the prehistoric section of this episode is just iconic I gotta point out how creepy it is at the beginning when all those freaky background noises are sounding as Squidward traverses through the past for the first time like quick Shadows A Primitive SpongeBob and Patrick running by weren't really all too freaky but those background noises were definitely nightmare fuel for me however I really did appreciate prehistoric Patrick's gnarly smile the noise it makes when he peels his lips back and his Jagged teeth are exposed just literally sounds toxic I also appreciated the kind of butterfly effect caused by Squidward's time in the past he literally went back in time and invented jellyfishing like technically it's all Squidward's fault that SpongeBob and Patrick are obsessed with jellyfishing because he straight up went back in time and taught their ancestors to jellyfish and at this point it's pretty much ingrained into their genetic makeup now that whole sequence when Squidward ends up in that weird white zone was just a trip the idea of that just kind of freaks me out to be honest like being teleported to a weird plane where there's just nothing is flokey one of my worst illogical fears I wonder if there's a phobia for that like is there a term for the illogical fear of being on a physical plane of existence where there's just nothing regardless I love the gag where Squidward was just terrified and starts running and it has him basically running in the same exact Loop a couple times that was definitely hilarious there's one last aspect of this episode that I definitely can't skip over and that would be the iconic prehistoric SpongeBob Meme this episode is where that Meme came from and honestly that Meme is just a testament to how iconic this show truly is it's gone as far as penetrating internet culture and that speaks volumes to the phenomenon that is SpongeBob SquarePants I do appreciate the fact that you can basically quote SpongeBob to anyone in their 20s or early 30s and nine times out of ten they'll definitely get the reference it's pretty awesome actually now without a doubt I have to give this episode a solid and strong 10 out of 10. it was entertaining funny and had some high level comedy was slightly creepy and of course the iconic birth of a meme overall great episode next up we're checking out the episode karate Choppers this episode starts out with SpongeBob outside of his house coming home from work just completely on the defensive so much that he accidentally karate chops his house foreign [Applause] [Music] after not finding Sandy in his house SpongeBob decides that he's gonna sit back and watch some TV [Music] [Music] SpongeBob and Sandy have an intense karate battle and SpongeBob ends up winning hello SpongeBob that'll be the day later that night we see Sandy hanging out in her house when the phone rings she answers it and SpongeBob's hand goes through the phone and tries to get hurt but she pushes his hand through the other end of the phone and makes him get himself then the next day we see Sandy at the grocery store shopping hey Sandy have you ever heard the one about the squirrel and the tin cans I don't think so well it goes like this I forgot the punchline oh yeah [Music] that's a good one isn't it later on we see SpongeBob walking down the street admiring how beautiful of a day it is beautiful sky beautiful plants beautiful [Music] Sandy that is your worst disguise yet no it's not SpongeBob this is [Music] um my favorite [Music] by the powers of naughtiness I command this particular giraffe of hot sauce to be [Music] SpongeBob gives up telling Sandy that Victory is hers but then we realize that SpongeBob was wearing a fake tongue the whole time he tries to get the drop on Sandy but she takes him out the next day at work we see SpongeBob failing to do his job because he's too worried about Sandy getting the drop on him he even ends up accidentally karate chopping Squidward in the face wow [Music] SpongeBob now are you gonna oh Squidward I was going through some records back in the office hadn't hurt so you got the hairpiece after all SpongeBob ends up going up to Fred the Fish and straight up assaults him as he hits us with the my leg SpongeBob ends up telling him off like he's Sandy and then he walks away what was that but sir she snuck up on me in my own Dojo are you on some new allergy medication boy no sir just practicing my karate sir or karate as some call It karate you making me money with your spatuli now get back to work aye aye Cavite nice happy Squidward later on we see SpongeBob going to mop the bathrooms when he hears a sneeze on Entry being on a heightened level of awareness SpongeBob starts checking the Stalls thinking that he's gonna find Sandy but instead he just ends up attacking Mr Krabs having been fed up with all of this karate nonsense Mr Krabs pulls SpongeBob out by his lips telling him no more karate at all or he's fired SpongeBob leaves the Krusty Krab and this happens foreign Mr Krabs what did I just get through through SpongeBob you're fired huh SpongeBob [Music] Sandy begs Mr Krabs saying that it's not SpongeBob's fault and that he tried to tell her but she just wouldn't listen meanwhile SpongeBob is crying mug fulls of tears and drinking them Mr Krabs decides that SpongeBob can have one more chance and SpongeBob and Sandy decide that they're gonna find something more fun than karate I know we can act like plants photosynthesis photosynthesis want to go to the park karate sure is dumb yeah you can say that again I feel dumb just thinking about it good I'm stupid I like karate while at the park for their picnic they hear some guy fly fishing as he makes a Haya noise that reminds them of karate and you can tell that they're starting to lose it as Sandy says that she wants karate on her sandwich how many slices of Barnacle loaf you want one just one one for you one for me [Music] one more uh I'm kind of hungry sure thing Sandy SpongeBob yeah do you think I could cut this one sure thanks maybe just one more two or three or ten yeah because I'm really hungry right right things get out of hand as they start cutting everything using their karate techniques next thing you know the entire park is covered in sandwiches SpongeBob goes to eat one and Sandy finally cracks and they break out in a full-blown karate Spar match next thing you know we see Mr Krabs walking into the park crabs ever does karate the crabs how's it going oh all right Mr Krabs you caught me but you know what I just can't help myself you're just gonna have to fire me fire ya I got something else in mind we cut over to the Krusty Krab where we see people lining up for Krabby Patties made by Sandy and SpongeBob using their karate moves this episode was definitely a fun one with lots of really clever jokes in it SpongeBob's joke about the squirrel and the tin cans was kind of cheesy I'll be honest the way he forgets the punchline at the last second but nevertheless it was still clever I also appreciated when SpongeBob came across the pile of tin cans and he says that it's Sandy's worst disguise yet but then she pulls out that weird-looking squirrel mask that was just so random but I love it I gotta say I also love that gag with the hot sauce when Sandy goes to pour it on his tongue the face appearing on that drop of hot sauce was hilarious and just perfectly emphasized how truly hot that particular drop of hot sauce was I gotta say though that's a particular karate technique that I've never heard of before when I think of karate I think like chops punches and kicks not pouring hot sauce on your opponent's tongue fun fact though the face that appears on that drop of hot sauce is actually Tom Kenny the voice behind SpongeBob himself the French narrator and the actor who plays Patchy the Pirate the crown jewel of high level comedy in this episode has to be when SpongeBob suggests things to do instead of karate He suggests a few boring things before he brings up the idea of acting like plants then he lays on the ground mimicking photosynthesis this joke flew completely over my head as a kid but watching back as an adult who understands plants this is just way too funny in the nerdiest way possible I can't help but bring up how messed up the premise of this episode is though like I'm pretty sure it's illegal for Mr Krabs to tell SpongeBob that he can't do karate outside of work like he's well within his legal right to tell SpongeBob to keep it outside of the Krusty Krab and outside of work hours but to try to control SpongeBob's extracurricular activities outside of work is probably a violation of some kind of labor law however it's not like Mr Krabs gives a single about labor laws anyways I mean come on there's an episode where he decides that Krusty Krab is now open 24 hours and he just straight up doesn't let SpongeBob or Squidward go home anymore as for this episode though it was really good more than anything I really appreciated the comedic bits throughout the episode this one was pretty much gag after gag and I definitely found enjoyment out of that we're gonna give this one a 7 out of 10 though I like the humor but there wasn't really much to the story of this episode and Mr Krabs just kind of pissed me off still a great episode though next up we're gonna check out another incredibly iconic episode and that's gonna be the episode called sleepy time this episode starts out at night time in Bikini Bottom as SpongeBob is getting ready for bed foreign oh Gary you know what they say curiosity salted the snail mind your wandering eye you little mollusk sweet dreams Gary we see SpongeBob dreaming about himself driving a race car through a bikini bottom that's covered in Krabby Patties ingredients and spatulas SpongeBob realizes that he doesn't have a driver's license so he shouldn't be driving but then a driver's license appears at a thin air and SpongeBob is just so enamored at the idea of having his license that he completely fails to focus on driving the car how could I have forgotten the most important rule of driving always wear your seatbelt hey I can see the Krusty Crab from here Mrs pop look I finally got my driver's license not even in your dreams Mr pants SpongeBob ends up catapulting against a cloud and he bursts right through the edge of his dream and into the real world SpongeBob Ponders if he's still dreaming and if this is really him or his sleeping body is really him either way he Adventures off in his new Mini dream form and he comes upon Gary's dream and he decides to help himself and wander right in excuse me sir have you seen SpongeBob Gary how dare you invade the sanctity of my dreams scary you can talk in dreams one is not tethered by Earthly limitations what does that mean come dream Gary explains to SpongeBob that in dreams you can be whoever you want he tries to use an example by pulling a book off the shelf and reading him an Emily Dickinson poem but the poem seems to fall on deaf ears here's one you might know that once was a man from Peru who dreamed he was eating his shoe he awoke with a fright in the middle of the night to find that his dream had come true Mary you sure are smart did you think my shell was full of hot air the SpongeBob thanks Gary for the info and he heads out saying that he's gonna go back to his own dream on the way back to his dream Cloud he catches sight of Patrick's dream Cloud out the window and naturally he can't resist the urge to see what Patrick is dreaming about as he enters he comes upon Patrick in a large empty white space as he rides on a 25 cent children's ride SpongeBob tries to explain that it's a dream and he can do anything he wants as he demonstrates by turning himself into a skyscraper and making a million clones of himself but Patrick just kind of seems to not care nope ah tartar sauce I'm going to a different dream okay bye SpongeBob shoot that was my last quarter SpongeBob leaves Patrick's dream and next up he comes across Squidward's dream naturally he just has to go inside and see what's going on in there [Music] hey Squidward SpongeBob why do you stop playing Wolfgang or Matthias tentacles yes you [Music] yes hi I have not instructed you to stop now fly no do tell me the one about the man from Peru again Squidward ends up breaking his clarinet in a fit of rage and the King says that if he doesn't get music then it's going to be Squidward's head Squidward panics but he hears SpongeBob whispering and looks down to find SpongeBob having assumed the form of a clarinet Squidward refuses but the king hits him with a look that could kill please SpongeBob no tricks trust me Squidward why have you stopped playing that wonderful music Squidward keeps playing and brings everyone in the crowd to tears he finishes and The Crowd Goes Wild they all rush to the stage making Squidward think that they're gonna praise him but they just push him off stage and give praise to the mysterious clarinet that makes the Amazing Music what is this instrument that produces such lovely sound oh how long Squidward SpongeBob goes flying at a Squidward's dream and he catapults across bikini bottom and over to Sandy's tree Dome he hops up into her dream and this happens [Music] [Music] same time [Music] [Music] after splattering onto the ground SpongeBob violently flies out of Sandy's dream and he decides that he's had enough of messing with people's dreams that is until he comes across what he believes is Mr Krabs's dream Cloud he goes inside to find a site that's not quite what he had imagined Mr Krabs hello SpongeBob [Music] oh Pearl this is your dream you're just in time for the Tea Party actually I was looking for your dad's dream oh he's next door boys don't understand the sophistication of tea parties right Mr Steffy SpongeBob leaves Pearl's dream and hops on over to Mr Krabs stream which he assumes will be more robust and he's not wrong SpongeBob ends up floating in the middle of the ocean until he stumbles across Mr Krabs who's fishing in the middle of a massive storm in the middle of the ocean on a tiny little sailboat he tells SpongeBob that he's been fishing for the mighty Moby dollar and that he just caught him [Music] let's get the next this one no no no no no the one in it they sent me that bucket wow you look real good with a mustache Mr Krabs never mind that boy ready the net not ready Mr Krabs finally captures the Moby dollar but SpongeBob accidentally lets the wallet go to shake Mr Krabs claw and the wallet starts to hop around it hops to the edge of the boat and Moby dollar ends up getting free and escaping into the ocean Mr Krabs is straight up pissed and he uses a Harpoon Gun with a suction cup to shoot SpongeBob out of his dream SpongeBob flies through the sky and ends up accidentally entering Plankton's dream in the process Plankton is dreaming about a morbid looking bikini bottom with red skies we see Gary appear in the dream and Plankton starts walking towards him to kill him but SpongeBob goes up to save Gary much yeah I think he's got the point [Music] well I guess I've got some explaining to do huh no no no no no not the face with all the shenanigans over with SpongeBob ends up going home and crawling back into his own dream Cloud to go to sleep he dreams that all of his friends are surrounding him and scolding him leave me alone [Music] hey what are y'all doing in your pajamas are we having a slumber party no we are not having a slumber party do us all a favor SpongeBob and stay out of our dreams take a hike don't we get enough of you during the day yeah does anyone have a quarter this episode is one that I truly enjoy and in my opinion it serves as a great companion to the next episode as this one kind of feels like a fever dream a little bit there's a lot to love here I particularly enjoyed when SpongeBob is going to bed in the beginning and Gary ends up wearing SpongeBob socks on his eyeballs and SpongeBob tells him that Curiosity salted the snail I like the clever play on curiosity killed the cat considering that salt actually does kill snails I'm also infatuated with the fact that we got to see not only SpongeBob's but also Mr Krabs driver's license I can't not take the opportunity to analyze this so on SpongeBob's license we can gather that his address is 124 con Street he's a male obviously his hair is yellow and his eyes are blue he's coming in at a whopping four inches tall and weighs one ounce sounds about right however I was shocked to learn that SpongeBob's date of birth is July 14 1986. this episode aired in January of 2000 so that would mean that at the time of this episode premiering SpongeBob club would be only about 13 years old which tells us a few things first of all in present times SpongeBob would be right about 36 years old which is just kind of mind-blowing also I have to bring up that when SpongeBob took Pearl to the prom a few episodes ago it actually wasn't that creepy because he's technically only 13 years old but it is confusing because in that episode he reflects on his own prom which doesn't make any sense considering that 13 is like Middle School age and prom is a high school dance technically Pearl is actually older than SpongeBob according to google Pearl is actually 16 years old so yeah there's that on top of that though 13 isn't old enough to have a driver's license or be in Driving School let alone have a full-time job but of course that doesn't stop Mr Krabs from working him to the Bone speaking of Mr Krabs let's analyze his license next based on his driver's license we can gather that his address is 3541 anchor way he is of course a male hair is not applicable since he doesn't have hair his eyes are green which I find and funny because technically his eyes are black but the whites of his eyes are green so that kind of checks out and he comes in at a whopping seven inches and weighs five not sure if that's ounces or pounds but either way a seven inch tall crab sounds pretty terrifying on top of that Mr Krabs date of birth is actually November 30th 1942 which would make him 58 by the time this episode had aired which is impressive considering that your average crab has a lifespan of three to five years with some species of crab living up to 30 years on top of that as of the time of me planning this episode Mr Krabs would have just turned 80 yesterday so I guess a happy belated birthday to Mr Krabs I do find it interesting that they don't put his full name on here though we know well that his name is Eugene Krabs but I find it funny that they just put Mr Krabs on his license moving on from that though this episode is kind of a trip the entire premise of this episode is basically SpongeBob astral projecting through the real world and into his friend's dreams in all reality it's a really creative and original concept for an episode whoever came up with this idea deserved a raise because this was a fantastic idea there is one thing that I'm really curious about though in Gary's dream we see him as a genius in a massive Library he explains how you aren't Bound by Earthly limitations in your dreams but like is Gary just dreaming that he's really smart or is he truly that smart like what if Gary really is an absolute genius but he's just limited by his inability to talk in real life that would kind of be a cruel twist of fate to have such a powerfully smart mind trapped in a body that can literally just meow on a lighter note though there's some hilarious bits in this episode I appreciated the SpongeBob clarinet and Squidward's dream that song that he played was just obnoxious and the fact that everyone liked it was icing on the cake it is a little weird though that like in order for the plot to work Squidward basically had to put SpongeBob in his mouth a little odd but hey I guess it stopped dream Squidward from having the king cut his head off and having SpongeBob in his mouth is a drop in the bucket compared to being decapitated I did also appreciate in the end when everyone confronts SpongeBob for invading their dreams there all in their pajamas specifically though I gotta chuckle out of plankton's pajamas I'm not really sure what I was expecting but a purple nightgown definitely wasn't in other than that though this episode deserves some props for playing a big role in The SpongeBob SquarePants video game Battle for Bikini Bottom there's an entire level based around this episode which speaks volumes to how good of an episode this is like in that game we see levels based around numerous locations that were featured in multiple episodes in the show like the gulagoon or Jellyfish Fields but the dream level is particular to this specific episode which I found really cool it just speaks volumes to how good of a concept this episode is I definitely have to give this one a strong 10 out of 10. it was a great idea with an amazing premise and fantastic execution the last episode that we're going to focus on is one that I have a very odd personal connection to and that's going to be the episode called suds this episode yet again starts with nighttime in Bikini Bottom we see SpongeBob sleeping and he starts dreaming [Music] it's raining crabby patties yeah [Music] thank you a quick midnight snack and then it's back to bed [Music] sleep tight my little angel SpongeBob goes into the kitchen and makes a nice Cena butter and Jellyfish jelly sandwich he takes one bite of it before he falls asleep at his kitchen table leaving his fridge open all night [Music] the fridge [Music] [Music] go back even SpongeBob's blanket is a literal sheet of ice as it shatters like glass SpongeBob slides his way into the bathroom and tells Gary that he doesn't feel like himself don't be silly Gary I don't get colds I get the suds no Gary if I had the suds I'd have bubbles coming out of me yeah I can't get the suds because then I'll have to miss work no Gary I like wearing my underwear like this SpongeBob goes to work and just looks like death as he's trying to make Krabby Patties he can barely stand up without his legs trying to give out SpongeBob what's wrong with you you're paler than a baby seahorse the suds here's that patio added Mr Crab sir [Music] all right SpongeBob you're too sick to work no Mr Krabs I'm okay honestly no now go home and get some rest nothing personal ad just can't have you sneezing all over my food back at home SpongeBob is just looking like absolute crap sitting there in his chair sneezing his butt off as he's literally losing his eyeballs SpongeBob finally accepts the reality that he has the suds and that he has to get it taken care of I better take care of this before it gets out of hand [Applause] hey hello Daddy I'm sick can you escort me to the doctors oh sure SpongeBob I'll be over there faster than a Barefoot Jackrabbit on a hot greasy griddle in the middle of August Okay sandy thanks while SpongeBob is getting ready to go to the doctor the doorbell rings as Patrick shows up he has SpongeBob if he's going skiing because of his warm attire but SpongeBob tells him that he's sick so he's going to the doctor what oh you can't go why not Patrick I know a guy who knows a guy who went to the doctor Watson the doctor's office is a horrible horrible Place Patrick tells SpongeBob all about how awful it is because they make you sit in the waiting room and they make you read old magazines [Music] stethoscope whoa yes it's a device so Sinister so icy cold when it touches your bare flush it no magazines SpongeBob decides that he doesn't want to go to the doctor and he begs Patrick to be his doctor and to help him feel better SpongeBob and Patrick end up being in the kitchen while Patrick tries to fix him it appears as though we'll have to plug up these holes this sort of do the trick [Music] feel better I don't know [Music] please don't hurt me no bubbles Patrick your treatment is working you think so sure SpongeBob goes to call Sandy to tell her that he isn't going to the doctor but he's unable to dial her number because his fingers are way too big to push the buttons he ends up asking Patrick to call her for him hello Sandy hiya Patrick I'm calling on behalf of my patient SpongeBob I'm on my way over to take him to the hospital that will no longer be required he is in my care as of today well I'm coming over to take a look I'll be over there faster than a Barefoot Jackrabbit on a highway oh yeah yeah the rabbit don't bother Sandy Patrick ends up panicking telling SpongeBob that Sandy's coming over and that they have to make sure that he is better before she gets there so they start trying all sorts of unconventional methods of treating the suds he tries turning SpongeBob's foot into a peanut butter sandwich and putting it in shoe pulling out one of his teeth jumping on him and putting a Band-Aid on him none of which seemed to help SpongeBob at all [Music] Patrick you open this door Sandy hears Patrick nearby and she walks right on over to find him outside of his house okay Patrick where's SpongeBob he's not here at the moment please leave a message after the beep okay now tell me since when do you have two houses since I ran out of space to put my stuff uh-huh yeah since when does your house have feet this is my mobile home SpongeBob sneezes all of the dirt off of him and Patrick tries to say that the dirt therapy is working just fine however Sandy argues telling him that SpongeBob needs to see a real doctor movie doesn't good care of him show her SpongeBob say uh [Applause] foreign [Music] SpongeBob tries telling Sandy that he's okay but Sandy starts rolling him away saying that she's gonna take him to the doctor right now Sandy and Patrick end up fighting over SpongeBob and running him back and forth until he goes flying up into the sky they are so busy fighting that they barely notice when SpongeBob goes rolling down a cliff and right towards the Krusty Krab stop oh yeah [Music] we cut over to the hospital where the doctor is diagnosing SpongeBob with the suds and he asks if he's ready for his treatment SpongeBob fears that the doctor is going to make him read old magazines but the doctor laughs It Off [Music] I can smell again [Music] I feel as good as new I love the doctor here's your lollipop Patrick gets jealous of the fact that SpongeBob gets a lollipop and he doesn't so he blows a bubble and tells the doctor that he has the suds too hoping to get the same treatment is Dr Patrick we have a special treatment for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] now there is a lot to love here this episode is an absolute classic I appreciate it in the beginning when SpongeBob sleeps with the fridge open and the whole house ends up Frozen they show us the whole house the next morning and even the guy on the TV is shivering and wearing a hat and scarf I also love that part where Patrick is trying to cure SpongeBob before Sandy gets to his house we see him doing all that weird stuff and it comes down to the point where Sandy arrives and we see Patrick basically doing what looks like some kind of medieval torture ritual while the room is dimly lit by a fire with hooks and chains hanging from the ceiling I've come to realize that almost all of the best episodes of SpongeBob have at least some sort of minor creepy element and this is definitely it for this episode I also really love the gag when Patrick covered SpongeBob with dirt and pretends like he was his second house and when Sandy asks why his second house has feet Patrick says that it's his mobile home this joke literally murdered me and buried me in a shallow grave I don't know why I find it so funny but that's like straight straight up hilarious other than that though I kind of dig the art style of six SpongeBob his off color clashes with the pink of the bubbles that come out of him when he sneezes and it just makes for a generally enjoyable color palette like I said in the beginning though I have a weird personal connection to this episode I have a very specific memory of shortly after this episode aired this was early 2000s so I would have been about five and a half years old I remember seeing this episode when it premiered and not long after that I got sick it was just like a regular cold complete with a fever and whatnot I remember sleeping in the middle of the night and having a dream about this episode of SpongeBob but instead of the fridge being open leading to him having the suds he fell asleep with the fridge open and a ghost came out of it and proceeded to haunt him for the rest of the episode I remember it scaring me as a kid but I quickly forgot about it and went about my life as normal fast forward a few years I remember having a conversation with one of my friends about SpongeBob and I brought up the episode where the ghost comes out of SpongeBob's fridge and my friend had no idea what I was talking about lo and behold my favorite dream that I I had when I was a kid had burned itself deep into my brain as I completely forgot the context of which I formed that memory and my brain just assumed that it was a real episode of SpongeBob that I had seen at some point it's a weird feeling to look back at fever dreams as an adult as well as early childhood memories and this episode is one that reminds me of that feeling as far as the episode itself goes though it was great and I definitely enjoyed this one for what it's worth we're gonna give it an 8 out of 10. it was really good and that's gonna be it for this video as it stands right now we're gonna have one more video to cover season one of SpongeBob and that's gonna be it for the first season I'm still contemplating whether or not I want to check out season 2 in the same vein as we did here going Episode by episode let me know in the comments down below if you want me to check out season two if there's enough demand I'll definitely do it but it's up to you guys and what you want to see other than that though what do you think are you convinced that season one is the best season of SpongeBob are any of the episodes we covered today your favorite episode let me know in the comments down below I always love reading your guys's feedback if you enjoyed this video be sure to drop a like and give praise to the YouTube algorithm in hopes that it recommends this video to everyone else and as always thank you all very much for watching and I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: DuskTillShawn
Views: 571,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6gE5vUieQFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 29sec (6689 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2023
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