Did velma deserve the hate? Spoiler...yes

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this video is sponsored by Factor so there's this cartoon that came out in February of 2023 that seemingly the entire world hated it was torn apart immensely even before release and there's not a single soul that seemed to like it all walks of life all backgrounds every person on the planet hated this cartoon and you might be asking what kind of thing could do that to people how can something be so universally hated by the entire world that makes no sense right and well the answer is Mindy Kaling nah I'm kidding it's a lot deeper than that but the answer is felma the most hated thing well um ever the thing is I watched the entire show and while I'm late to the party but I have some things to say about it because it used to be the worst rated thing ever on IMDb and I missed my chance to be a part of that now it's only like the fourth worst rated or something which well it still sucks but hey they're moving up even by summer Velma can reach maybe the sixth Worth or heck even eighth if it wants to be ambitious so if you haven't heard about Velma it's the newest and entry into the Scooby-Doo IP but this time its cartoon series focused more on an adult-ish aspect with swear words and violence and other R-rated aspects ooze spicy focusing Less on the Mystery Incorporated aspect and being yet another origin story Into The Gang going to school and doing stuff and there's no dog no Scooby it's just our lovable cast of characters in their own coming-of-age world that all sounds kind of interesting right well that's that's where it ends this show is like I said hated and it's hated by everyone absolutely everyone all walks of life all backgrounds all demographics pretty much anyone who is alive and breathing has a distaste for this show and if I see one person commenting they actually like this show I might frame you and put you on my wall like a rare specimen because you are the last of your kind when Velma was first announced I was actually very excited hearing a new Scooby-Doo property being planned with more adult themes and different spins on each character had me intrigued I mean there's already thousands of Scooby-Doo projects all of which keep pretty much the same Vibe and theme throughout the same old gang doing the same old thing just sometimes with crazier set pieces here and there or crossovers to have a fun time but the Scooby-Doo formula is honestly perfect which is why we have seen it done over and over and over again with slightly different variations here and there having these characters exist since 1969 we've gotten to see the best version of each member of the mystery gang so when hearing something promise to be new and fresh and an original take on the entire crew I was all aboard but now after watching pretty much all of Velma I have to say this is actually the worst cartoon ever made it is it's really really bad listen I'm all for new spins fresh takes different Dynamics all of that but Velma as a show has nothing to do with what the basis of Scooby-Doo is or who any of these characters actually are these characters are the mystery gang by name and clothing alone they don't act like who we've seen for decades now but they don't replace those known character traits with suitable ones instead the changes of this show are for the worse and that is a universal take I've never been so straightfaced while watching an animated show not once did I exhale from my nose or grin or even gasp or anything instead I sat there watching each episode go by and wanting my pain to be over I begged I winced I cried and I suffered I wanted to make a video on the series from the very beginning from announcement to release I knew it was going to be an interesting moment in pop culture to start with the original announcements of the show there was instant outrage over race swapping having a bunch of bigots pay their rent by making so much content and Scooby-Doo becoming woke garbage Velma is now Indian Shaggy is black Daphne Asian oh God the horror oh my God this really pissed off a lot of people as it always does and this is just simply by the announcement images alone I'm never one to care about about race swapping I just don't understand how you can get mad at a change before you even see it realized it's just dumb to get mad at and anyone who got mad at those aspects are just stupid they're just stupid but right from the gate this meant that Velma already lost a demographic of weirdos but it started to seem like this show could appeal to a more Progressive audience oh yeah that's fine by me let me get some change let me see something new and modernized for this world and I'm I'm fine with that but then the clips and trailer started to release and um yeah it lost the other demographic too it started to seem like this show predicted that kind of bigot mentality but then made it the entire point of the show while insulting audience members and alienating both sides of the political Spectrum there is one thing the internet agrees on it's that you should never change anything ever I hope you die sincerely Velma it was almost like it wanted to bait Anger from people before it was even made which kind of left a bad taste in everyone's mouth because really have you heard anything about the actual show but besides politics besides anything like that have you heard anything about story or music or animation or just it being a TV show in general have you even heard anything about that besides the political conversation that's something that just surrounded the show and took a hold of it and no one even cared about it actually being a show which is a bad sign from the start everything shown about the show just seemed like it wanted to be a fourth wall breaking meta-humor analysis under current state of the world calling out bigots and racists but doing it in such an annoying way that simply just no one can defend at least Judy's still white and this is just from the trailers the first episode didn't even release yet and this is where we were at so everyone was just dogging on the show Even though there was no dog yeah so um we're not really off to the best start with this show now are we but I still held out a little hope thinking all of the cringe and terribly written metahumor was just a focus of the trailer and not representative of the final product but also that he was just another entitled rich guy who might kill someone because he has a tiny dong yeah no I I was wrong I was I was very very wrong and so I'm making this video today to break down every single episode so together me and you can find out just where this show failed and why it doesn't work how did it become this bad and is there any part of this show that is worth redeeming it's me and you and this together hold my hand because it's gonna be a tough one the show begins with the titular character Velma the show is of course from her perspective which is why that's the title dummy but I have to say the voice performance from Mindy Kaling is pretty good and along with the rest of the cast do a pretty good job with their performances they actually are voice acting what no she was my plan B if you ever got too clingy what happened I know there's always some annoyance when big names celebs are casted for voice roles because sometimes the different acting Styles don't really translate with a lot of people but here you'll find that pretty much everyone sounds great okay that's enough praise from the intro you find out the develma of this show is already a different Velma than what we're used to yeah it was me not Fred and his weird sex told my way Velma is usually highly intelligent into science very curious about everything in the world and what goes on here she still has all of those interests but in a way that the show punishes and reduces to her just being a nerd and how lame she is it's insulting that's it that kind of dumb her down even though she's supposed to be the smart character Velma opens the show talking about her origin and how this isn't a typical origin story because she's not a hot girl or a handsome guy and you know instead of just showing that it has to tell us that you have to remember that's how the show is going to be until the show ends and you know this because of the strong use of the b word to end her opening the b word the b word so we then cut the Daphne in the women's locker room Daphne in this show is much more brutal and mean than we've ever seen her before unlike the eager to help clumsy privileged stuck up girl of the original Scooby-Doo content here Daphne is a mean popular girl who is popular Daphne talks about how First episodes of TV shows always have too much nudity nowadays meanwhile she's nude and the other girls are too oh meta very meta episode one in particular relies on meta humor to get this show started and kick it into drive while the rest of the season still has this type of humor and annoyingly lazy fourth wall breaking jokes it's really just the first two episodes that overdo it to a point where I'm not surprised that anyone just stopped watching here I could be wrong but I think they dropped two episodes a week with the first three being dropped at once and the first three is where everyone just stopped talking about it they threw the most annoying things at you as soon as you press play and the only real Die Hard fans made it to the finale or I guess the real soldiers that toughed it out and survived I'm the latter or at least I feel like I am so Daphne gets in a naked fight with another girl until some Mass person hits her with a hockey club this Mass person turns out to be Velma what why is she assaulting Daphne I don't know but they argue for a moment until they discover a dead body in the locker room whoa within the first three minutes this show has established its adult nature right in your face as hard as it could which is fine it showed nudity and there's some gore and curse words all that stuff that normal Scooby-Doo properties don't have but this one does now that's a way to bring you into a show with its gimmick it's not bad but the entire show then plays out just like this intro which becomes very very exhausting very quickly the show is an origin story but doesn't present any origin to establish the characters we meet are just instantly aggressive and hateful to each other which is a layer of cynicism that will not go away no matter how much they bond by the end of the season it's just a weird way to start your show it makes the audience feel like should I even be watching this do I even want to be a part of this like here I am to be enticed in a story and be entertained and I'm just mad I'm just mad but speaking of gur all this hateful talk is really making me hungry but luckily I could fix that with this video's sponsor Factor Factor makes meeting your nutrition goals easier than ever by delivering fresh meals right to your door they are never Frozen allowing for the 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missing and has been for two years Velma is blamed for the murder of the classmate we saw earlier and she has 24 hours to find the real culprit or else she is going to jail the cops are also Daphne's moms conveniently and we also learn here that Velma hates Daphne now Daphne ditched Velma to be popular which sucks because Velma here is not popular She's a nerd and the show will emphasize this to you like the warning label on cotton swabs I'm still gonna stick them in my ear I don't care I don't care and I don't care that velma's a nerd she's always been a nerd that's her thing we then meet Fred The Lovable himbo leader the crew reduced to a trust fund baby it's lame these changes are just not enticing they're just like why why would I want to see this yeah handsome Fred who cares about his friends 24 7. screw that we need a rich jerk guy who sucks the whole show and that's the point of his character yeah great change so far we have met three of the original gang to see their changes and honestly none of them work except slightly Daphne's they all feel like different people not different perspectives different takes or different elements just straight up different people Fred and Daphne seem to be having a rough patch where Fred does not want to do uh dirty things with her which puts a barrier in between them Velma then has another scary moment and these scary moments are velma's panic attacks it's an element used throughout the show in a very out of touch way but we'll get into that at home Velma talks her dad and stepmom who gets nude in front of her to take maternity pics well can't you tell that the show is so laid back and edgy it's it's so fun yeah Velma needs to figure out how to solve this Mr or else she is going to go to jail we get a flashback of her trying to solve a mystery of her Christmas gifts and she thinks her mom got sad because she figured them out and that made her leave to go get more presents and that's why she's now missing this is all just in velma's head obviously and we'll find out more about it later it's an interesting idea to attach Alma's love for Mysteries to her mom growing up and making that the point of panic is also a good idea but it's ruined by really poor timed comedy that has no place in this show wow after hearing that I not only feel emotionally hooked I understand the stakes of your journey Velma it almost feels like they were making a dramatic animated show and then someone got hold of the outline and threw a bunch of outdated comedy in the mix without thinking of the actual tonal shift that might constantly happen because you can have a dark comedy you can have something be a dark story but also still be hilarious and this does not juggle that well at all we then finally meet Norville you know normal Shaggy who loves the devil's lettuce and eats a lot and lives in his own world and loving life nah instead we get someone who hates the devil's lightest and is obsessed with Thelma see to flip Shaggy as a straight edge guy is actually a good idea but yet again it's not utilized for anything other than the initial shock that this character is different and maybe like three jokes sprinkled throughout for each character of the gang in this show if you Stripped Away their designs and clay clothing and even voices and just try to reading the basis of who they are on paper you could never tell that it's someone from the Scooby-Doo Universe you can only tell that's the case because they remind you of the different versions of themselves any chance that they can get I think it has something to do with drugs which I hate anyways it seems like Norville might know a way to solve the mystery of who killed Brenda she thinks it might be her stepmom but that turns out to not be true the dad says that velma's Mom just left them to leave them and not because of Velma which leads to a Dua Lipa psycho memory Montage why psycho psycho's a psycho the kids love Dua Lipa they love Dua Lipa you you know they love Dua Lipa it's a montage of Velma being annoying to her mom and then thinking that's really what caused her to leave this for some reason now hold your horses it leads Velma to drop the mystery investigation and become normal and what is normal you may ask dressing hot and walking down a high school hallway okay uh yay it does not last long but Velma and star suspect that Fred is the killer she and Norville break into his house but in doing so causes Velma to have a panic attack and the best and cutest most heartwarming way to fix your panic attack is to make a joke yep Norville says that he likes her and that's a solution and for this is a common theme that will happen throughout the show it's a weird and kind of just lame way to show a character's struggle with something actually real and just discount it for a joke it really just highlights the issue with the show that even in the serious moments it can't take a second to not ruin the joke pacing and timing is absolutely lost on the show when a panic attack ends Fred Finds Velma and reveals to him that he has a boyish body like a child's body and it's weird and that's why he's insecure Velma takes this as to the reason why you might have killed Brenda but he gets shot in the league by the cops and it seems that Velma is innocent yay at the end of the episode when all seems find a Dandy Velma finds another body in her trash bin killed in the same way as Brenda whoa twisty and tourney whoa mystery deepened lizino so that's episode one it's your introduction into this world and universe and it's a very aggressive one at that it's an episode that feels stuffed with awkward pacing issues and Awkward characters it's so self-important where it feels almost impossible to become immersed in any ass respect but that didn't stop me because I'm a masochist but overall I give this episode a 1.3 out of 10. episode 2 yay it seems Fred will be going to court soon with Thelma's dad representing him as a lawyer the show makes us know that he has a tiny penis this means he's the killer there's a rich white guy with a tiny dong he did it I mean okay do I have to comment on that further Velma all right Velma wants to get a file from Daphne which shows a small glimmer friendship that might still remain Daphne says that she'll only get it for her for 500 and we cut the Fred talking with velma's Dad lawyer velma's dad says that they should make Fred seem more innocent and boyish-like for the court appearing with very in-your-face jokes about him already being a baby boy the best thing about this show is when they make a joke and they beat it into your head what it means and why it's funny we see Norville live streaming snack reviews kind of like munchy moments of other Scooby-Doo properties and this is like really the only kind of Shaggy joke you'll get for the rest of the show so hold on to it hold on to it guys Velma asks if norvel can give her money and he makes it his mission to go get her that cash because he's in love with her Daphne and Velma the negotiate and how she can get money for her and it's like a very awkward me too joke like that okay exactly I spit truth without a filter like every comedian before hashtag me too look it turns out that Daphne is a drug dealer and Velma starts selling drugs for her the drugs are named after the icon Scooby-Doo catchphrases like zoinks and Jeepers this show is basically equivalent to SpongeBob's smoke shop art isn't this Show's adult and edgy because it's taking the old innocent person making them drug and sex related wait you know what else is edgy random Hitler mustache joke on Fred oh Velma and Daphne run from the mom cops and there's a moment of romance where they touch hands whoa whoa everyone relax is Velma gay is Velma gay no no I'm not watching anymore I'm not watching Velma gay what we see Norville go through crazy stuff like selling his liver and almost dying basically I'll sum up narvel's character as Todd from BoJack Horseman doing insane stuff for the Beast story and still being a naive innocent cute guy except Todd still has immense depth despite his comedic moments his jokes here about Stoners that love watching norville's streams and he's like oh why why because it's not like he's Shaggy you know it's the munchies of the weed and the munchies Velma and Daphne get away from the cops and then blush while canoodling whoa whoa whoa rare rare rare they bond for a moment and then Velma almost sells drugs to her dad this leads her to help him prove Fred's innocence and rely realizing he isn't the killer because he can't do anything for himself like an actual adult there's actually anger spread leading for an outburst in the courtroom and having the verdict still be guilty this courtroom scene is actually really funny because Velma emphasizes how privileged Fred is that's not something that has happened in the show yet so when she does it here it's really funny it's totally not something that has happened 400 times whenever she's monologued about someone's privilege out of nowhere nope but the episode's almost over and not before Velma has another panic attack and instead of fixing it by just have Velma laugh at Norville and make a joke instead the best way to fix this one is to have Daphne kiss Velma the day is saved yeah oh yeah they're kissing they're kissing they're putting their lips together yeah it's so sad because these panic attacks seem like actual traumatic weight that could be utilized well for this show but it's just not and putting Daphne and Velma together could also be a really good thing but why do they use it like this the animation of the scary ghost demon thing that messes with her is actually really good especially when compared to the ugly stiff nature of the other characters in the show but all these moments are just used for poor jokes or a weird ways to further along romance which just why why if you're gonna have Daphne and Velma reconnect and bond you did so throughout the episode in almost a really good way small moments sprinkled throughout that could have become one big moment that isn't like this but to do it like this just makes it feel so worthless I genuinely think if you just had them kiss without any panic attack thing or anything just have them lead up to a kiss at the end of this episode you would have had a lot more people be invested about where this show is going because this is episode 2 and everyone dropped it after this but if you made this moment a good moment it would have been a lot more intriguing for everyone who wants to see this kind of dynamic be played out finally in a Scooby-Doo property you almost had it you almost had it it's right there you're so close norvel sees this and gets all sad and that's the end of episode two I'll give this episode like a 1.7 out of 10. better than the first but still very bad very very very bad episode three the episode begins with a kiss from last episode Velma is in shock and has a narration about the audience wondering if she's gay or not Velma being gay is something always requested in the Scooby-Doo IP especially since the live action movies implied it without directly saying it and changing it from just not being an actual thing even though it was gonna be a thing so having Velma be gay is a great validation for everyone who's been asking for years and years and yet this show really loves to make sure it's still somehow messing that up by making it really just a joke like everything else in velma's life when you have a character's entire life be a joke without any single break to be serious for a moment kind of ruins any engagement any audience member could have it's sad because when Velma goes to school to talk to Norville she talks about Daphne all cute like which is nice it just sucks to see everything else besides this handled terribly that's huge though not you might be gave you okay stop in this day and age you can't speculate about someone's sexuality unless they're famous or government Patty is a mental health seminar held in a gym with norvel's parents as a speakers there's some funny stuff about them only spending three minutes on Mental Health as a requirement all women at the school now need to take a self-defense class hosted by Daphne's mom cops Velma hates all of this and rushes to talk to Fred and visit him in prison I'm conflicted though because with yet another panic attack it shows off really good animation if you ignore its placement in the story and what it truly represents and just appreciate it for the visuals alone then it's really well done but during visuals like these we have Norville in the background yelling about if he should kiss her or not without consent like Daphne should I kiss you like Daffy did without consent I'll remind you like really really every every time do we have to do this every time do we have to keep doing these kind of jokes every time Velma and all the girls go to a self-defense class the two main girls are pitted against each other and this makes them nervous so they talk about it in the bathroom they talk about if they actually like each other or not and neither of them want to admit it and they both get angry at each other this moment is actually good this is one of the first times in the this show where the characters seem to be given actual depth between relationships without ruining it with a joke it even includes a nice little transition back into the self-defense class where they fight this moment is one time I will give the show a thumbs up good job Velma good job after defense class we cut to Fred in prison with Norville Norville attempts to give him therapy as a way to find more information about velma's mother and meanwhile there's a tournament going on with Daphne and Velma beating a bunch of girls butts and trying to prove something about themselves respectively Daphne talks development about not wanting to get with her because she has more at stake AKA she's popular this leads for a big climactic battle between them but that doesn't happen instead you know the big moment earlier between them that I said I really liked well here's the part where it's ruined for me Obama takes advantage of it by talking crap about Daphne in front of the crowd it's a weird way to give this episode zero resolution and prove that both these characters still suck the point of them right now is that they like each other but won't admit it because of their own recollections but that small moment in the bathroom is the only time where it feels really important to the show at the end of the episodes both the characters agree to just be friends and not complicate things oh yeah and Velma also has feelings for Fred for some reason and that's not really explained or shown besides her mentioning it to Daphne twice in this episode like why why why is this even an aspect Velma then makes out with her hand and that's the end of episode three it had one moment where the bad comedy just shuts up and lets it deep in the characters and then everything else besides that goes back to pointless garbage that made everyone drop the show and hate it this definitely is a better episode compared to the first two but still it's really annoying and so for that I gave it a 3.1 out of 10. look that's a whole two points higher than the first two maybe this show has some hope maybe it gets a little better maybe we all judged it too soon maybe instead of the lowest rated thing ever this is simply just a very average and very mid-show episode 4. the episode begins with the cops saying only hot girls are being killed leading for scathing social commentary from Velma like the first episode all over again so they're all tasked to make a list on who's the hottest at the school that way they know who's in danger of being killed Velma is the one tasked to make the list because she is ugly because she's not hot she's nerdy she's mad this is something the show has never said or emphasized before so this episode reverts back into the edgy sexual content for comedy's sake like the first two episodes I kind of liked when it was kind of missing somewhat from the third episode but we're back to the same kind of stuff here there's more social commentary again from Velma about guys setting the standards for beauty norms for girls since the moment they're born and like okay why is that the basis of your show I'm just so confused so someone help me understand please yes this Society has a billion issues but this conversation being in this show honestly adds more damage than it does anything to heal it this showed loves to use all these societal talks as really shallow comedy rather than actually make something encapsulate these takes that it's trying to make if it has these deep political and social commentary takes that it wants to push forward there's so many better ways to do it and you can go about it so much smarter it could actually make it a part of the plot and the basis of the show rather than just use it as terrible terrible jokes Fred is released from prison and Velma uses him quickly to make a hot list and yet after asking him to do this for her Velma then gives him a book about the Feminine Mystique so like you ask him to do the shallow thing but ask him to be a better person after you get what you want from him are we supposed to be rooting for Velma as a character anything else I can do for you yeah maybe read this this whole episode is her being mad at the shallowness of her town but setting it up in a way that makes all the girls feel terrible for being hot and attractive Velma has to teach all the hot girls how to not be hot by being interesting people and finding passions and stuff to like so yet again crapping on Attractive people and saying they have nothing about them that makes them interest testing it's the bitterness and jealousy placed on Velma that makes her so annoying and makes this show Annoying she's supposed to be a character with flaws yes she's supposed to be making mistakes but she's still the protagonist and the basis for making a protagonist is making them likeable even if they are a bad person doing bad things you still want to see if they could get better or if they go deeper down that hole but there's such a barrier to even see that unfold with this person but wait wait wait wait wait here's the twist everything I just said for the last five minutes is the purpose of this episode the hot girls call them out for [ __ ] shaming they call her out for being shallow and restrictive so that means that this episode is actually genius and smart and all my complaints are invalid because her Arc in this episode is learning that the hot people can still be people but no using a safety net such as this moment does not excuse you from your garbage especially since this has been the case since the first episode without these kind of safety nets while Velma have actually learned something from all this to go past this episode and Kiva in her heart for the rest of the season no she won't she remains shallow and superficial like she has been while you can have tiny arcs like that in shows that are episodic and don't really connect in a broader sense throughout the season but this show has a continuous story it has a continuous Arc to go out throughout the season and having her just be like this in just one episode and we don't see it again means that this was this pointless and lazy velma's stepmom also goes into pregnancy and has a baby and Fred has a crush on Velma and now Velma no longer likes Fred and rejects him and that's the end of episode four honestly a worthless episode that reminds me of everything I hated about this show from the moment I started watching it I give it a 1.2 out of 10 for just being so pointless so annoying and having almost no redeeming moments except for the ending where there's a cute goth girl named Gigi that's why I give this episode a point to more than I otherwise would episode five yeah so now we're already reaching the halfway point through the season and looking back so far this show has done absolutely nothing interesting with characters to hate and a plot going seemingly nowhere now would be the time to kick this show into gear and get things moving along in some way so let's find out if that happens velma's hallucinating and having panic attacks and we see that norvel won't text her back and talk to her for some reason there's still a murder on the loose and velma's getting nervous about it there's a curfew tonight so the streets aren't safe but luckily she'll be safe since the band camp sleepover tonight meanwhile Daphne is going on her own hunt to find out where her real parents are this part is the closest scooby-doo-like moments we have actually seen in the show thus far she breaks into a mind reminiscent of all classic locations from older shows and she finds her parents dressed up in suits from old Hanna-Barbera days this part's pretty cool it's okay I like the feeling of it all and the set is clearly designed but scroll that we have to cut back the Velma and Fred is trying his hardest to impress her and help her she's annoyed with him and tries to find Norville and it turns out that he and the goth girl are dating this Dynamic brings a light that norvel doesn't want to be used by Velma anymore simply to help her just because he liked her she never appreciated him and this is just evident but this isn't a dynamic that is earned and something I honestly just roll my eyes at these characters none of these characters like each other except for Velma and Daphne even a little bit just in those small moments setting up actual drama between these characters is so lame since there's nothing to make the audience really care at all Fred Finds some info on velma's Mom and finds out that the mom was researching some mad scientists before disappearing the band camp sleepover I mentioned earlier was canceled but since Velma wants to get Norville to help her and is jealous she makes it happen anyways at her house all the marching band kids are more stereotypical nerds with pimples on their faces and talking all weird like what else do you expect what else do you expect you think they can put nerds in this show without them being this kind of bad Trope meanwhile Daphne reads up on her parents on who they might be and it seems like they might be classic Scooby-Doo villains making that a part of of her that's a fun little change I would like to actually see where this goes taking the classic Scooby-Doo villains and making them a part of Daphne is pretty interesting and I'm hoping the show does something with it Velma and the goth girl Gigi have tension and Velma begs her to have Norville help her Gigi tells Nama that she doesn't like how she treats Norville which yeah that's something constantly happening in the show but once again this isn't earned it is honestly introduced way too early in the show to feel any weight of Velma having to realize how she treats her friend Velma manipulates Norville yet again in an effort to help her Gigi says hey don't simp for her again if you do any more simping for her we're the root okay writers very relevant word choice yep everyone's still using simp we're totally still saying simp yep you should add more of that and he's like no I'm simping for myself ah I'm simping or myself a purposeful cringe moment that makes a character's cringe but makes me want to put a gun in my mouth and pull the trigger because this is such an easy way yet again to not have Velma learn anything as a person and revert back to old ways the only semblance of this is Velma saying wow Norville you're a better person than me and then all of them trick some curfew cop to save the day or whatever this moment is supposed to be her being selfless and helping them all get away and whatever but it's a hollow attempt to rid her of any consequence this show really lacks any depth whatsoever that it's jarring every time you think there's gonna be something noteworthy and then there's nothing and really these are the only elements I could talk about because the humor the comedy I can't talk about it because if I did I would be here for years I would spend years breaking down every joke that feels like a 10 hour lobotomy when you realize that these writers right like chat gbt attempted to make an edgy cartoon except chat gbt would probably be funnier Daphne's parents reveal who they are to her and the dad turns out to be the one guy that Fred knew in prison and there's like a whole gang of people in the creepy Minds whoa and that's episode five an episode that annoys me a lot but it's actually setting something up with Daphne and I'm slightly interested to see where it goes no matter how crap the main character of this Show's story is at least there's something kind of going on here with Daphne I give this episode a 2.4 out of 10. episode 66666 Velma learns more about some stuff from norvel's Mom and how she was a scientist this flashback holds a lot more Scooby-Doo references such as the government experiment about meddling kids and a project called Scooby yay great way to work all this in guys so Scooby is like a thing where they wanted to put soldiers brains in meddling kids brains but it doesn't work because snapping fingers or something the scientist woman went insane and that's what velma's Mom was investigating before she went missing so all the way on episode 6 is when we start to get more info into this mystery and we get this big information event at the beginning of this episode just by asking someone casually wow great and creative way to do this for a bunch of detectives they put so much effort into the bad comedy that when there's actual elements to move the plot along the majority of the revelations and conversations just happen in a boring or annoying way annoying like having Velma hallucinate before finding out one more key element about her mom from norvel's Mom these hallucinations these panic attacks are so key to the obstruction of velma's Revelations they are so key that they start to feel like a cop-out to not get the point out yet because they need the pad time to fill the episodes run time they're not obstructions that feel like Velma needs to overcome or accept and give her character a more interesting Arc their obstructions to waste the audience's time and that time isn't filled with something worth it trust me so we cut the Daphne mining alongside her parents and the rest of the villain gang crew thing their goal is to sell crystals to make money or something but it seems they ominously talk about Daphne's cop moms in a jealous spiteful way ooh scary wait a second it's been a while since we've had some edgy cartoon sex jokes so Velma and her dad eat at a strip club Diner now that is funny why is the diner strip club now no reason there there's actually zero reason it doesn't fit in with anything else it's not related to anything it's just funny it's funny that they're eating at a strip club isn't it isn't that funny that's funny right just because it happens it's funny that's how things work there's a montage of Velma and her dad hanging out together mixed in with other references and stuff what a placement what a nice placement okay I'm glad they acknowledge that these things exist I just don't understand why they're referencing things now some stuff happens where Velma and her dad fight and Velma goes to look at more information about her mom and this time no hallucination the excuse for no Hallucination is related to her dad it has never been before but now it is because now the episode has gone on long enough so they can randomly move the plot forward again but this is the new key information that turns out to be nothing of note it sounds like a ghost hurt velma's mom and stopped her from investigating what she was investigating meanwhile back with Daphne her parents turned out to betray her and get arrested by the mom cops but just the birth mom gets away there's also the shirt of the dead girl from the first episode down in the mines for some reason whoa interesting uh mystery deepened again I guess the truth of Daphne's parents is that they abandon her and the mom cops took her in it's a little sweet and besides like one ill-time joke it feels like another moment that the show slows down to be a story for a second we cut back to Velma and she's exploring this old lab to find stuff about her mom with Fred her dad shows up and finally believes her that the mom is really kidnapped and this cures her hallucinations for real and good forever and permanently yay what an incredible terrible element that added so little to the show to leave the show in such an easy way so stupid so stupid it's all so stupid there's a little note on the ground that says jinkies that makes him think that she was just here and then the episode ends but not before Daphne's mom is almost killed by a guy with a knife oh no it's scary as scary as he's a killer was the killers on the loose wow I'm so invest it's getting it's getting good it's getting good let's go this is what I've been waiting for 2.7 out of 10 episode now this episode starts a little different with velma's recap it encapsulates her feelings about the entire season and what has happened so far it's a small little moment to show that she's actually kind of getting exhausted leaning for a moment of sympathy that quickly passes her parents prank her that the mom died and turns out that there's a huge party tonight called fog Fest like a foggy prom a festival of fog Norville asked Yuji out as a date to the fog Fest and Velma is against even going because it doesn't feel like the right time to celebrate then there's an actual good flashback of Velma as a kid with a friend wait what this moment isn't ruined by a terrible joke or anything it's literally just an innocent flashback that furthers Velma as a character a tiny bit what this is episode 7 and it feels like an immense breath of fresh air heck maybe I'm going insane but the comedy in this episode at least for the beginning is not that bad there's a part where Fred just throws money at Daphne asking her to fog Fest I think it's actually really funny ow what the hell Fred go to fog fest with me please Daphne agrees and shuns Velma out as she gets ready to go out Velma then gets a call from a serial killer another good moment ruined by a very tiny joke but I'll let it pass this time since I'm in a good mood all of a sudden Velma actually does some classic Velma brainstorming and deduces where the Killer is by the background noise on the phone okay Velma what did you hear crowd a roller coaster and a Foghorn oh my God the serial killer that fog Fest the first time we actually see Velma be a little smart in the show rather than just yell or read very spoon-fed information given to her she goes in Disguise as a guy so no one knows that she caved in and went the fog Fest takes place at a carnival and I actually really like this setting it's colorful has good atmosphere the outfits of the characters are actually pretty good for the event but Velma almost ruins it with her typical anger towards the popular people but she's literally cut off and ignored but that's such a double standard every day at lunch you're like hey mayonnaise isn't soup we've never met before but I'm Olive as in Olive to party so it's kind of Saved it's kind of it's kind of funny oh heck it even actually gets really funny because we get to see Fred and Norville beat each other's ass Velma runs in a Daphne very drunk and has her going to the dance room in a dance room Velma takes the opportunity to make sure everyone remembers that there's a serial killer still on to loose and here's the part where Obama loves her disguise as a man and uses it in a Montage as the ultimate power like dude I thought we were so close to just having a normal episode that furthers these characters come on come on please like okay like like really okay I I get it after some dancing we see film and Daphne outside where Velma catches Daphne all romantic like ooh definitely the events about everything that's been going on All Season to her they almost kiss like an actual kiss whoa [ __ ] blocked by Fred oh man oh geez Daphne sees that it's Thelma and Fred airs us out to everyone else at the Frog Fest Norville is crowned King and his girlfriend is seen getting attacked in the fog no not the Goss girl man come on it's always the goth girls Daphne and Velma then have a good moment together Under the Pier an actual good moment where they forgive each other and it's not ruined but is really well time interrupted by a serial killer oh ho ho I like the serial Killer's design simple reminiscent of old Scooby-Doo guys that just grunt loudly with industrial type clothing and then Norville and Fred are seen running around going crazy doing a classic Scooby-Doo door scene and here's not made fun of it actually kind of fits because it's in a crazy door area in the festival which that's not that bad they even play classic music with classic sound effects and classic visual effects [Music] I don't know why this episode feels the most authentic to Scooby-Doo as a whole just now seven episodes into the show but we could get here eventually it's because these references are also organic and tie in with the story they're not just used as an Eddie joke to be drugs but it doesn't really last long and we see Norville and Gigi have a sweet moment together again and Daphne and Velma and then the episode just ends it just ends no bad joke nothing it just cuts the credit what I don't know what the writers were cooking but this episode has actually been my favorite so far I still wouldn't call it good or great or anything but but this is the most I wasn't annoyed or put off by the show it's a win it's it's a win it made me feel like I was watching an actual show with comedic elements and a slightly dark story that kept me engaged the edginess took a back seat in the very shallow societal takes were at a minimum this episode was not bad not bad at all I genuinely would love if the entire show is like this a show all about this would be awesome just a couple crazy jokes sprinkled throughout and a story that feels worthy of this group and who these characters are it's just amazing what a difference this is to the beginning of the season I give this episode a 5.3 out of 10 which is so much higher than I was expecting but let's go man I'm slightly more excited to see if this gets better can the show pick up the slack towards the end and feel worthy of my Time episode 8. the episode begins with a flashback of Velma and Daphne as a kid and Velma wanting to be super close with Daphne since the start it cuts back to the fog festival and Velma says I'm happy we're friends again it then Cuts two days later to them being trapped and mad at each other again in all this intro is actually really funny and has good timing it's actually intriguing and it cuts between them being trapped and leaving the fog Festival to how it led up now you see me all happy about this thinking it's randomly really creative and fun and stylized well they ruin it they freaking ruin it back it up folks back it up they break down the fourth wall about every single second that you're watching you're saying if this was a flashback in your point of view in order for it to be earned we'd have to cut two I don't know Fred exactly I like you when they use a title card with the character's name when they cut to a different flashback now that feels lazy it's lost it's Tarantino they talk about the flashbacks and Transitions and title cards and go on and on and on about them like they're so impressed with themselves completely making all the good feelings I just had about that intro so Hollow it ripped my heart out of my chest by going on for a minute about how cool they are for doing this rather than just continuing like normal and actually staying in that intriguing light then even the title cards get annoying too continuing The Meta humor and saying the literal things happening on screen come on you had me you had me why are you doing this every single time I praise this show for a moment and not crap on it it destroys all of the praise that I give it then this entire episode goes back to the same plot structure and humor and Vibe as the beginning of the Season Velma goes to Daphne's house to talk and the hot girls there and Velma is jealous again and she fakes a freaking panic attack again they cut back that everyone's stuck again and we see Norville and Gigi are there too so now we get their flashback norvel says crappy things to Gigi and makes her upset Daphne already finds out velma's faking panic attacks and her and Gigi both walk out mad this eventually leads for everyone to fall down the hole and get stuck together when the flashbacks are over they fall down the hole more and norvel does a dumb thing and attempts to save Velma from a Falling Rock instead of his own girlfriend Gigi oh yeah and during this whole episode Fred discovered that all the murdered girls had their brains stored in jars and he talks with them it's actually a little interesting and then Daphne and Velma find Fred down there with all the brains but the entire cave starts collapsing there's a really lame joke about her jumping a tiny Gap and it just is not funny it's not funny but when she makes it and starts to fall backwards anyways she is saved by her mom what it's her mom this is when you're gonna reveal that she's alive and back what this is this is so lame so uneventful this is just nothing this came out of nowhere I'm like making it sound more crazy than it is but the way it just happens in this episode there was no no build up to this this has been such a lame and boring episode that has felt like filler until right here in this episode they just created conflict that was already resolved 30 times between characters in the last couple of episodes and it just rehashes the same drama until we get to this point so everything you just watched was just pointless it was just pointless just watched Fred's scene and then assumed that Velma just showed up here and this is how you bring her mom back like this like this really okay sure whatever then she makes all of them get in a van that's like the classic mystery van they all make it out alive with the brains and stuff and when Velma asked what happened to her mom for all of this to happen she just says she can't remember which is a stupid lazy way to cliffhang to the next episode it honestly seems like it's fumbling the bag it was finally making for itself it started to have me interested towards the end of the season I actually was kind of liking where it was building and going and now it just feels so lame again I don't know how you can have the Mom finally show up in the show like this the entire show has been about Velma searching for and hoping she's alive you have done nothing but make this a focal point and yet this is the episode that she's a part of just sucks it just sucks 2.6 I'm I'm just annoyed I'm annoyed episode nine alright so there's two episodes left of this show two episodes left in this season can it please for the love of God bring it home and make it worthwhile in the end somehow all this time energy resources everything wasted on this show please can it just make it worth it here and now so at the hospital we see the entire crew in the hospital room with Velma and her mom it's time you find out what happened here but not before Velma makes another white guy joke out of nowhere just being a white guy with a clipboard doesn't cut it anymore dude come on come on I get why people suck I get it like we we suck but even now you're still doing it you're still doing it like please please the gang trashed the house to try and bring back her mom's memories or something Daphne and Velma talk about being girlfriends like for real for real whoa whoa this moment is cute and they almost kiss but not before Velma throws her out since her mom comes home velma's Mom starts to remember a couple things but the mom starts to feel sad on missing out on velma's life but since velma's life has sucked butt from her obsessing over her missing for so long she can't tell her the truth so she keeps remembering things and stays happy meanwhile at school there's stuff going on with the girl brains and the popular club and Daphne and Friends seem to be banned from all the groups now we then see Velma use Norville yet again like nothing has changed but it's different this time because she says thank you a very small change but at least this show is finally showing an ounce of character Arc it doesn't account for much because norvel still gets The Bitter End of the situation and that's all for him so he stays flat until the end but whatever the mom realizes that the dad had a baby with someone else which starts to freak her out but Bama claims that the baby is hers in norville's because of this Norville goes all ooey gooey over Velma again he really just gave up on his character huh you had actual good and interesting stuff going on with Gigi and we got to learn more about Norville respecting himself and everything and how to deal with others and the writers just canceled that and went back to episode 2 Norville it's sad they just completely didn't know what to do with this character but at least we get to see an actual moment between Velma and her mom they talk and have a moment that's genuine and sweet God a whole show like this would be awesome Daphne learns about them faking the baby and she thinks that this is a good way to become popular with Fred again what's going on what's going on this is the second to last episode you had like four recent episodes with a clear goal and momentum like it was pushing to something and building to more and then after revealing the mom like this we're back to the unfunny cartoon with nothing deeper if I'm going to review this like an unfunny cartoon with no overarching story that it sometimes has well let me just tell you it's really unfunny it's the same joke over and over again without any spice any flavor it's so Bland and dry and makes adult humor lame when all that very boring stuff is finally done we cut back to velma's mom having a memory about the killer they think it's norvel's Dad but it turns out not to be well okay all right and then we cut back to Daphne and Fred and we get another white guy joke if white people are now the minorities on campus that's two in one episode let's go let's go yay [Applause] eventually they all go to a party and Velma crashes it and she's mad at Daphne after learning that she's a fake couple but then the mom also shows up and learns the truth about the baby in the affair and blah blah blah blah blah the mom then remembers the killer out of nowhere oh my God she remembers she knows who it is who's the killer who is it but it cuts to credits before she says so you gotta watch more you gotta watch more but wait no the credit's cut back and it is her it's her she's she's the killer what whoa that episode was worthless unfunny boring anti-climactic all of it was awful except for one tiny moment 1.6 out of 10. so here we are episode 10. the final episode in this amazing show it has been well a journey with surprisingly a couple Highs but then nothing but low low lows and those lows were very very low heck maybe that's why it's taking me three months to even make this video because I just didn't even want to think about this show it's a show that has made itself a chore to watch on purpose setting up barriers of cynicism and anger before you can even watch it but it's time to see it through to the end of my life because I'm gonna freaking kill myself so velma's Mom is arrested and everyone hates Velma now it turns out that her mom wanted to put velma's brain in a popular girl's body for her to be popular that just sounds like an annoying plot point for the villain but I'll wait to learn more I guess then there's some stuff with Daphne and Fred and Fred's mom who just appears out of nowhere because she's been absent frayed episodes I wonder if she's a villain I wonder if the show is just randomly putting her back into the show and we just have to assume like that's fine and that she's not gonna be a surprise villain later and it's just ruining the twist for us right now I wonder I what I wonder great twist great twist guys we didn't see that Fred bought the mystery van thing and painted classic Scooby-Doo colors reluctantly I like this moment too it's an organic way to bring in more elements of classic stuff Velma gets arrested on purpose and Daphne wants to save her Norville is really peeved off right now and Daphne finds a note from her birth mom Velma talks to her mom in jail but the mom turns out to be hypnotized into saying the popular brain swap girl thing Daphne busts her out of jail and shows her a pocket watch from her birth mom this cuts to the show explaining that velma's early panic attacks were part of her being hypnotized to freak out all the time when she wanted to investigate Mysteries oh what a Twist what a Twist oh my God what a Twist then there's a tiny romantic moment between Daphne and Velma again but still it's interrupted and then you know what they actually talk all cute and funny like they're actually dating and I enjoyed it a lot God a show all about this stuff would be awesome then throw back to the first episode we see all the girls naked showering again oh then Gigi is back finally tells Velma how she's been a bad person to Norville forever while she had finally learned to be a good friend for real only in the last couple of minutes of this show norvel switches goals and turns out to be at a really cool school Velma then listens to a bunch of norville's voicemails and what I'm why am I crying I'm crying I'm tearing up hey Velma it's normal who's got two thumbs and wants to say good morning this guy I'm tearing up for them in this cute moment why okay it shows Norville being cute with always updating her own life and she appreciates it realizes herself finally this show sucks it's awful but I'm I'm crying so weird man that's so weird it's one of the worst shows ever made but I guess I'm just a sucker for big moments like this Emma finds out that Fred's mom and dad are behind this from her glasses and goes to find a lab she then drops her glasses like old classic Velma haha all right I kind of like that I like that it's really about the timing if you time them well and don't force them as an edgy garbage it's really not that bad the killer guy attacks Velma but she fights back and wins they tie them up and we get like a whole Scooby-Doo classic of finding out who it is tearing off the mask and stuff yeah I like this I like this I I really do they unmasked the mom and she reveals the whole brain swapping project thing and that the original doctor got mad that she got no credit because of Fred's Family the original doctor sabotaged everything and made them broke but then Fred's family came back harder than ever with the mom to recreate the project so it's really just a mom who's bad and the dad is hypnotized and fine she doesn't gets development tied up and wants to swap them his brain with Fred's so then at the end of the Season you know what we have to do in order to get Fred to rage and break free we need one last heroic hurray from Velma doing another privileged rant I am so sick of Rich guys like you not only not realizing how much is handed to them but still thinking they're the victims when they mess everything up because of their lazy entitlement and fragile egos yeah let's go it's the last one it's actually really funny to imagine Velma in multiverses using this as like a super move or something I don't know I just I just want to see that they all escape and Fred goes after his mom all mad and upset the mom tricks Fred and Velma and Daphne are about to die what no no no no no no no no no no no oh no and then Velma and Daphne kiss whoa for real and good and so romantic what they're kissing and kissing the girls kissing they're kissing they're kissing but then Velma says I love you Norville whoa whoa oh what okay it's actually spicy actually interesting I'm genuine right now I think this is a good moment in the show and if you're gonna put a love triangle in the Scooby-Doo gang this is pretty interesting and fun got a whole show like this would be awesome Marvel shows up and saves the day and the mom dies violently by a crushed rock and oh the the day is saved now that's also a good way to end the show in a very funny edgy way it's a shocking good timing that feels right to be crazy and violent out of nowhere unlike other times in this show the whole gang gets keys to the city and Velma and her mom kicks out the dad and the Stepmom everything seems to be fine and dandy Fred even is starting a little gang of mysteries or something and let's end the season let's end the season let's end everything we've watched with men better than women joke you got a sharp brain thank you that actually means a lot uh yeah almost like a man yes sir what an amazing ending oh yeah and with a mid credit scene there's a setup for season two with another killer and that's a show I'm done I'm done I'm free oh wait I guess I gotta rate that episode right honestly I'd give the ending of the season the big season finale a 6.4 out of 10. I'm not kidding I thought it was a genuinely interesting episode I had good pacing good moments good humor and timing great callbacks while still maintaining its own identity it was actually a good episode it was very much the best episode in the show even despite the classic annoying Parts it had me engaged so let's tally these scores let's see where that lands us on our own IMDb ranking so if we do the math of all those pretty numbers and get the average or in geek terms mean we come out with a 2.8 out of 10. as the rating for the entire season yay 2.8 let's go man that's so much higher than the official IMDb score film is not the worst worstest thing ever it's just like slightly the worst this this show has been an absolute chore and while there has been highs mostly banking on the old love for the IP as a whole getting to those highs seemed like an impossible task it's a show that feels like it doesn't want to actually exist it's fighting against itself to be watched because it wants to be canceled and die it seems almost on purpose or tested to be this perfectly crafted as the ultimate bad show the good moments seem like opening the fabric of time and looking past this awful show into a glimpse of something interesting and engaging it tries so hard to be funny in times that make both parts of the show uninteresting the plot and the comedy over and over again it lacks in timing just throwing out a set combo of unfunny things at you to break a pacing like a broken piece of AI characters in this show suck but they suck on purpose Velma doesn't learn on purpose Velma doesn't learn until the very last episode because it had no way to fill the time with boring jokes unless it kept her as a bad person and she's not enjoyable to watch you don't want to see her be a bad person because it's just not fun then when it finally could end and let all that go and just exist as a show that wants to entertain you then when it could finally end and let all of that go and just exist as a show that wants to entertain you it finally gives each character a little more depth for the most part every joke in this show misses it really never lands and be ready to not like a joke and have them reuse the exact same joke 20 times in the same season just to make sure that you really understood what they meant it's a show so filled with takes on society but fails to encapsulate the viewer into wanting to be on their side rather than making that the point or theme or message or overarching narrative they never make a metaphor or deep take that encompasses an entire episode story as a whole instead it loves to interrupt the flow and time and rip you from its immersion by just pretty much reading a tweet verbatim and then moving on there are so many shows that just do this better they address the exact same issues the literal exact same while still being funny and an entertaining show it's not impossible to make this kind of stuff funny you can make it funny but you just didn't hear you just didn't and you were lazy you did not bother to think further on a joke to get across what you wanted to say this show is just insulting to everyone every person that takes breath every day this show hates you and doesn't want you to watch it and you think I'm exaggerating but you try binging this whole thing man you try it please just try it it's not gonna work out but with all of this there are still good moments when it's not being annoying or lazy or in your face breaking the momentum when it just slows down and focuses on the characters there are moments that make you remember that you have emotion and stories still exist because it's hard to remember that while you're watching every other second of this show let me tell you that when it focuses on Daphne or Daphne and Velma or Norville and Gigi or even the ending of Velma when it really just shows us that it cares about the characters it has then it's nice and enjoyable and a fun watch notice I never mentioned Fred because he's also thrown away here white literally dropped pretty much into the background just for jokes and I just don't get it the one who put together the crew in the originals and always shown his love for his friends around him just gets nothing here nothing to shine through the crap not even once pains me because I recently saw the concept art for all the characters recently how they originally were gonna look in the show breaks my heart because we didn't get this look at this these characters on design alone have so much more personality so much more style you can literally see a story on their faces just from this alone instead of a show looking like this we get this one of the ugliest looking shows I have ever seen it's so stiff in place it's so safe so so safe there's not much from Velma that could ever get me to recommend it and honestly I understand why it's so low on IMDb and everything it's a show that takes very beloved characters that have existed for decades and it makes you feel like a dumbass forever liking them it acts so much like it hates its own identity sometimes turning in lovable aspects of the past into insulting disconnected jokes this show could have used its identity It's Scooby-Doo identity and given us fresh takes and Spins while keeping the things that we love them make Scooby-Doo what it is it could have given us new stories we haven't seen but still doing what we love the most but instead they wanted to make a very edgy unfunny and boring adult cartoon I don't really like Velma all that much and I probably will never watch it again or season two whenever that eventually comes out you just didn't need to make this you didn't maybe one day we'll get a show like this that actually wants to be adult but also a good show God that would be awesome [Music] laughs [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: 24 Frames Of Nick
Views: 605,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nostalgia, videoessay, netflix, hulu, disney, disneyplus, universal, illumination, comedy, parody, analysis, reviews, newmovies, newanimatedmovies, familymovies, minions, newmoviestowatch, longformvideoessays, geekytopics, nickelodeon, disneystars, velma, scoobydoo, mario, mariomovie
Id: iMeqYSDF3Qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 24sec (3804 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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