Why the Ps4 & Xbox One won't die! (And for good reason)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay so a while back I started seeing all these videos pop up of like why is the PS4 and the Xbox One still getting new games why won't they die and like these people are acting like all shocked and surprised that the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One still have not retired yet wo we like 3 or 4 years into the PS5 Xbox series X generation and yet the PS4 and the Xbox One still will not die they still gain new new games brought to them as well as new games being brought to the newer consoles and a lot of people they're just acting all dumbfounded like what's going on what what's happening and I'm just kind of here off in the corner like no this makes complete perfect sense to me and I'm Starry to notice that a lot of people aren't seeing what I'm seeing so with this video I'm going to take you through all the reasons why the PS4 and the Xbox One won't die and it's for good reason let's get into [Music] it before I get into to the Crux of this video Oracle whatever you want to call it um it would have seemed weird not to include it since I'm talking about so much but we do have the Xbox One S giveaway still going on at the time of this recording and uh basically you just have to sign up and you'll be a to uh compete for the free Xbox One S console and so um all you need to do is like or share any one of the videos on the channel subscribe and then direct contact us over at Facebook or on Twitter which I like to call Twix and just go hey I'd like to enter for the Xbox One S giveaway and you'll be entered uh you could do that and not do any of the stupid Bor stuff beforehand but just keep in mind if you don't like share or subscribe then it's going to be even longer before we get to the 1,20 subscriber cut off and the longer it takes the more competition you're going to have so it would behoove yourself behoove yourself behoove yourself I'm going with it to just go ahead and do all that tiny stuff as well to help out this channel so without further Ado let's get into the video okay so let's just get something straight right off the bat the the PS5 and series X kind of suck I mean yes I like them I have both of them I do kind of lean towards one more than the other but let's be honest they uh they haven't been bringing forward their best foot forward probably shouldn't have used four twice but I'm continuing and I mean well sure there there's things about them I really like okay there's really cool things about them but there's some things about them that just will kind of suck I'll get into some of those reasons later on but let's go over kind of the first thing I want to point out the PlayStation 2 had new games released for it until the PS4 launched like up until 2013 you still saw new games coming out for the PlayStation 2 Now Grant it was was a little bit more rare at that time it was mostly just Sports titles but you still saw games releasing for the PlayStation 2 back when the PlayStation 4 first launched and the PlayStation 2 was one of the most successful consoles of all time if not the most successful console of all time with its 155 million units sold like as of right now it's at number one the switch is trying to surpass it and no I don't believe that blant liar Jim Ryan when he says oh no the PlayStation 2 actually sold 160 million units we just sold 5 million units of a console that we haven't been making any new units of for the past decade and you know we just decided that yeah it sold another 5 billion we just didn't bother telling anyone I don't know if he actually sounds like that I know he's British but I really cannot stamp Jim Ryan uh you know he just uh is the absolute worst but yeah the PlayStation 2 we still making new games long after it was no longer relevant I mean hell back in 2008 long after the PS2 was no longer the premier console but the PlayStation 3 was in Full Effect Star Wars the Force Unleash was ported to the PlayStation 2 now gr there was a little bit of help from the Wii because the Wii was a weaker Hardware than the PS3 and the 360 and it was about the same strength as a PS2 so when people were making stuff for the Wii it's like hey guys we can make a couple more bucks if we just do a couple things and bring it over onto the PlayStation 2 and it's like okay so that did help quite a bit in the PlayStation 2 selling stuff you know long after its console went under I mean it's not like there's another compatiable system that is making weaker content and oh wait there is it's called Nintendo switch and the Nintendo switch has been super impressive and so when you have companies making something for the Nintendo switch like um I'm glitching out uh like aliens fire Team Elite which is available on the switch if I'm not mistaken if it can play on the switch it can play on PS4 and Xbox One and so the switch like the Wii is helping the previous generation get new stuff because there stuff already coming to the switch but that's not the other that's not the only reason why the PS4 and the Xbox One are still holding out strong the other reason is the install base on the PlayStation 4 is too great for devs to let go I mean do you look at the install base of the PlayStation 4 the PlayStation 4 has sold 11 17.2 million units where's the PlayStation 5 59.3 million units if you can believe those numbers Sony's been doing some weird [ __ ] where they've been like yeah that counts and it's like technically that doesn't count and so it's like no it counts uh but going back to the PS4 that's 117.1 million compared to the PS5 is 59.3 million now let's say you're a game developer and you want the most bang profit for your buck are you going to make a PS5 exclusive or you're going to make something that can play on both PS5 and Playstation 4 if you don't say the obvious answer you're an idiot I mean this report just came out saying that of the 118 million people that are using like PlayStation Plus and whatnot like half of them are still utilizing PS4s yeah almost 60 Mill million people are still playing on the PlayStation 4 which is amazing but you're you're a developer you're getting ready to make a game and it's like look it'd be cool to do a PS5 exclusive but if we want to make good sales we need to release this on the PS4 and so the install base is just way too great for developers to ignore the PlayStation 4 as much as Sony would like the feles to move on to the PS5 it it's just they can't ignore it and because of this this leads to one of the other issues why people have not been jumping ship on the PS4 or the Xbox One and as current gens haven't released enough true exclusives and I mean true exclusives I don't mean like oh well this is a nextg only but it's also available on series X and PS5 and PC no I'm talking about true exclusives uh last time I touched on this subject the number of true PlayStation 5 exclusives was around 7 and we're over the a supposed halfway point in the generation so you have people it's like wait a minute I'm potentially only getting 14 true exclusives on this system before it becomes obsolete you go back to the PlayStation 4 and there are so many true exclusives on that platform that sure the graphics are nicer and it's faster Lo times but you're not not really giving any good incentives to get people to buy your system James carvo once said it's the economy stupid and in terms of this a lot of people like to use this stupid slogan well the it's not the exclusives to sell consoles anymore um it's the exclusives dummy okay it's the exclusives that bring people to your consoles look at the Nintendo switch okay that is what is it at right now it might have switched it's right now sorry about that pun it's right now at 14132 million units sold it is the third highest gross selling game console of all time only being beat out by the DS which is at 154 Milli units and the PlayStation 2 which is actually at 155 not6 gy and the switch has two highly rated Zelda games they are exclusive to the platform they have all these Mario games they have a Metroid game that's exclusive plus another Metro game on the way they have an exclusive bayonett game they have a lot of exclusive games that bring people to their consoles and these are not the most graphically impressive games most of them are 2D sidescrolling games and they're still selling the console because they are exclusive to the console the switch is doing much better than the series X and the PlayStation 5 and that's because it has exclusives now I think the series X is going to start picking up speed because with the lay of showcase and a lot of the exclusives coming uh yeah series X has G GES Sony doesn't right now they have some thirdparty timed exclusives coming which is nice but we all know those are going to become available on other platforms eventually so it it it's not helping the current gens not having true exclusives I mean hell Microsoft I think the first true exclusive I got for Microsoft was m St flight simulator followed by Starfield and that's about it I have like two true exclusives for the series X and how many true exclusives do I have for the PlayStation 5 let me count um carry the one defi the three multiply the Q and I have zero true exclusives for the PS5 so like obviously the current gen consoles are dropping the ball in this context and obviously when you have someone looking for a good gaming system they're going to go with one of the two that has plenty of exclusives instead of the two that don't and speaking of the exclusives the rate of exclusives coming out is painfully slow you go back to like the early 2000s game development you saw a company release a game once a year and so you'd see a huge Baner come out in 2001 and then bam 2002 the sequel's coming out and then bam oh 2013 sequel coming out and so like you were getting a lot of exclusives coming out in succession back in those days and then when the PS3 Xbox 360 came out you saw it extend to about about 2 years in between each game development cycle and so it's like okay that makes sense you had Gears of War released in 2006 and then in 2008 Gears of War I came out and so it it makes sense and then by the end of that generation it extended to about 3 years in between each game release and honestly 3 years also was doable it it it sucked but it's like yeah in 3 years we'll see what they're working on next and that's fine fine and now it's 5 to 7 years you have to wait in between each game which this is not sustainable because you have a company they spend 5 to seven years on a game they're not making any money they need that game to be a hit and they can't handle any bad press with that game if there's any bad press they have to go on the attack and say oh it's not actually our fault it's just some hateful gets online they are trying to sabotage us when in fact they did something stupid and they can't afford having any criticism because if their game doesn't sell 7 million copies it's a failure because they're spending way too much money on their games do you see the bubble problem happening and so I mean the ray of exclusives coming out is painfully slow I mean it's to the point now you look at all the first party Studios for Sony if they've released something already on the PS5 there's a good chance they're probably not releasing anything until next Generation you might get a sequel at the end of the generation but like with Studios like pany they've already released something on the PlayStation 5 that and they're going it's a live service game so they're going support it until the end of generation and maybe with the ps6 you you might see their next game and it it's it's not sustainable you need a better release rate now Unreal Engine 5 is showing some promise with the speed in which people can develop stuff and it does seem like things are getting developed a little bit faster when they're being made on Unreal Engine 5 but there needs to be kind of like a unified hey guys 3 years 3 years is what we're going to spend on games we can handle hit if it's a bomb like 3 years seem to work I I think 3 years was a good development cycle and the 5 to S nuh-uh that that is not sustainable guys and so just to wrap that segment up you have one console they were releasing stuff every 3 years there's plenty of games on there and then you have this console they're releasing something every 7 years it it who the hell wants to buy that console oh another thing that's killing any purchases of current gen consoles and making people go to the PS4 or Xbox One over it is the fact that I've seen Rumblings or muring that the next gen might start in 2026 a year and a half basically is when the next gen Mike start and so what a six-year generation cycle that's it that's all you're getting why would a would pay full price for something that lasted 6 years where they could get something not even half the price that lasted for wait it's still going on now as we speak and then another thing keeping the PS4 and Xbox One Alive that is kind of something that bit the companies in the foot with is all of the life supported games I'm not a huge life service guy but I can acknowledge that there are some huge life service games that are still going strong there are supported on the PS4 and Xbox One Like fortnite You know the biggest game in the world uh player unknown Battlegrounds I refuse to call it pubg uh Call of Duty war zone you have so many free-to-play life service games that are available on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One Destiny even and what what like the if you don't get the PS5 version it loads a little slower and it doesn't have R tracing big deal I think people will survive and there there's no reason for them to stop supporting these games on the PS4 and Xbox One why would epic stop supporting fortnite on the PS4 or Xbox One people are still paying cash on those they're still praying them money on those consoles keep supporting it okay they'd be idiots not to support it and so games like those are keeping last gen alive very well and then another thing that's keeping L gen alive is Game Pass and PlayStation Plus collection premium I don't know there's like three different PlayStation Plus tis but the two like streaming services that Sony and Xbox offer are available on the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox one so for let's just use gay pass as the example for 15 bucks a month you get access to a library of over 100 video games what okay so just you pay 15 bucks a month and you're get access to new games every month why do you need to upgrade I mean sure there's a couple of nextg exclusive games on game pass that you can't play on Xbox One in a way I'll talk about that in a minute but I mean like every month when they announce yeah these seven games are coming to Game Pass nine times out of 10 they all going to be available on the Xbox one so why would someone with an Xbox One upgrade right now to get rate tracing quick resume and faster low times like that's really all they're really offering and if you can put up with the slower low times most the games are playable on Xbox one and PlayStation 4 so yeah the The Game Pass Live subscription services are not helping the newer generation anything by being available on last sh and they're not going to remove them because they're basically cutting off a revenue stream that is making them a lot of money remember those numbers I said earlier for PlayStation 4 11 17.2 million units out in the wild Xbox one has 58 million units out in the wild so I mean that is a lot of lost money not to mention that these were kind of the first true like digital experience game systems yeah you could do digital games on the 360 and the PlayStation 3 they're shutting down the 360 Marketplace on July 30th I think this should be out before then but like PlayStation 4 Xbox one that was kind of like the first true online ecosystem type consoles well you had digital library now that you could download and whatnot and it it was a lot more streamlined and it's like honestly I don't see the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One Marketplace going away anytime soon even well into next Generation I think they are still going to be available uh just because like once they got to that point it's like why fix it we're just doing the same thing over and over again but here's another reason why the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 are still alive to this day the current generation refuses to drop its price I mean this also goes for the games as well the the games you have a new PS5 game come out it stays in the $760 range for over a for over two years eventually you'll see it drop to like the $50 range and then if you're lucky on like a sale for GameStop you might see it drop for 30 for like a couple of days but then it goes back up to that like $50 range um consoles are worse Xbox not so bad which is surprising because I kind of like the Xbox series X better than PS5 but like the PS5 I've never seen that under 400 even on sale I've never seen it beneath 400 Xbox series X I've seen on sale for like 350 and so that one is kind of dropping a price price I've noticed but the PS5 refuses to drop in price um I just got a PS4 for 25 bucks so imagine you're left with the Dilemma do I want to pay $500 for a PS5 or the 25 was an oddity so let's say a 100 bucks for a PS4 it plays about 80% of the same games that come out on PlayStation 5 and uh the only downside is it loads a little slower and it doesn't have rate tracing and the fan is noisier like I'm really trying to think of what is a detriment to the PS4 under the PS5 and it's like honestly for the price difference you you can't you can't beat it I mean the PS4 is a better buy right now than the PlayStation 5 because the PlayStation 5 refuses to drop in price and so yeah like every now and then I'll see someone buy a PS5 but it's not as common as like I was seeing last generation with PS4s and Xbox Ones okay PS4s Xbox One did not sell that well last generation and then wrap the price the insane price of the PlayStation 5 the PlayStation 5 games with the fact that we are in a terrible economy right now I know there's some idiots out there saying oh no this is like the best economy ever no we are in a complete dog [ __ ] economy right now that is about to like burst at any minute uh I I I do stuff with stocks and um as someone who invests stocks and whatnot um I can see that the good stock prices we're getting now that some of my idiot friends are saying you see that's indicative of a good ecy um yeah those are those are like inflated numbers that they're pushing so that they don't show bad stock numbers to give the appearance of a good stock market when in fact it's like horrifying at any moment you might get another 2008 uh The Big Short situation here so like anyone who wants to use the Stark Market as an argument for that we're in the best economy of Our Lives um yeah no you need to do some research because we are in a really bad place but I mean you look at food at the supermarket it's really expensive bread eggs milk it's all up all the food is up chicken meat it's all all up and we are in a terrible economy right now I hate to get into Politics on this channel cuz I really don't like bringing politics into gaming entertainment but it's a factor when talking about these consoles we are in a [ __ ] economy right now and the people who can drop $500 for a game console have already done it okay the people who are struggling they can no good conscience drop $500 for a game console 100 bucks though that's a different story you know they can finally get a PS4 and play all those games and also crossplay isn't doing these companies any favors cuz if you can crossplay with PS5 and PS4 users then any friend who has a PS5 you'll still be able to play with them online so that that while very consumer friendly thankfully suddenly finally got around doing that in the end it does kind for them a little bit in terms of selling newer consoles now going back to the point I made about the current gen games they don't go on sale they're really expensive the $70 price hike they did with games they decided to do at the beginning of this really bad economy and it's just hurting more and more and some analysts would say that like yeah companies they've noticed that like only a fourth of their sales are when the game's at full $70 price it's like gee anyone could have told you guys that okay I do not pay the only thing I think I paid full price on for a game with Starfield and I did a bunch of tradein to get that price down so technically I paid full price for Starfield but no typically I just wait till something goes on sale it's in like the $20 range before I buy it okay I can wait even if it's going to take a year or two I can wait I don't see the logic in paying $70 for one game and a lot of people see that you don't have this issue with last gen Xbox One PlayStation 4 games a lot of those games the most expensive ones are like 30 bucks and you know like one that doesn't really go down price is a game neero Auto ma or aom I can't remember the last name really popular game especially amongst PlayStation I've never seen that under 20 when it was on sale it's usually like $30 but even then that's one of the expensive ones I see so many PS4 and Xbox One games on sale for 10 bucks five bucks 15 bucks and it's like dude if you want to get into games PlayStation 4 Xbox one makes so much more sense than a series X or a PlayStation 5 another thing that is a factor is that Graphics aren't everything anymore um hell I think it was either Activision it was Capcom they just released the survey and they had a bunch of Gamers take it and one of the surprising things was that Gamers their main thing that they want out of Capcom games is gameplay not graphics and so they don't mind if something looks graphically bad if the game playay is tight and one of my co-workers he was saying yeah I don't really care about Graphics that much anymore and like he's right we kind of hit a point where games started looking good enough that we didn't need it to keep building and so yeah with this generation some of the new games shown off it's like yeah that's very gorgeous but honestly I wasn't winsing with PS4 only games hell PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 games there are some games on those systems that like make my jaw drop to this day like how gorgeous they look and those are consoles that are almost 20 years old now so we kind of hit a point where Graphics got good enough and it's like okay Graphics are good let's focus on gameplay and developers just kept working on graphics and graphics and Graphics it's just like um okay that's gorgeous but how's the game play and a lot of Gamers now they're kind of hoping for gameplay improvements instead of graphical improvements I mean I look at something like hellblade 2 yeah it's good looking but comparing it with the first one it doesn't push the bar that much and like the first one still looks great I'm not going to lie I did not win once when I was playing the first one it's like hey this is a great looking game and the second one it looks a little bit better but I mean what to do with the gameplay gamep play is exactly the same in fact it's been drawn down a bit but we really focused on the textures and the graphics and um that's kind of all these systems have to show for themselves is the three the series X and the PlayStation 5 are really powerful but the games didn't really change from the PS4 to the Xbox One and this leads to kind of like the next segment the technological leap was very small going from PS4 Xbox One to PlayStation 5 series X you look at like the PlayStation 1 jump to the PlayStation 2 it was surprising and then you see the PlayStation 2 the PlayStation 3 that was impressive it's like wow they really pushed the bar with this but then with PlayStation 3 to PlayStation 4 it was like okay I could definitely see improvements but um honestly a lot of the stuff that's exclusive for PS4 if you just turn down the graphics a little bit you could have played it on the PS3 and then with PS4 to PS5 you really have to squint and charge your head sideways to see like how it's different from the PlayStation 4 version and so the technological leap from last gen was not that significant and so with the graphics not being anything the technological leap not being that severe tell me what can't the PlayStation 4 do compared to the PS5 it can't load things as fast okay it can't do ray tracing unless you're talking about the first crisis because they managed to get soft race tracing working on that okay and um you know it doesn't have the uh haptic feedbacks of the controller that's it you compare it with the Xbox series X get rid the half their feedbacks cuz they don't have that it can't do quick resume Ray tracing and load as fast it's like o okay those are significant reasons why a developer should stop stop working on a Xbox One or PS4 game now Grant there's some exceptions like Resident Evil 4 uh remake they released on PlayStation 4 there's a PS5 and a series X version but there's no Xbox One version they like stopped working on that version so you do see some things like that but there's still a PS4 version and then the other thing we're talking about is like K and genen when they come out with in CH exclusive they're not really pushing the envelope in terms of advancements in gaming The Only Exception I know of this is Microsoft FL simulator and that's because they have like a one to one scale replica of planet Earth something you couldn't really do on last gen unless you do something which I'll talk about in a minute but um yeah apart from that like when I see open world game the map's not any bigger than what you saw on last gen when you're seeing a shooter it's not doing anything that you haven't seen on last gen and so Cen is not pushing the envelope like it did with the last generation and I'm not hearing anyone saying yeah we uh we weren't able to get this to work on last gen unless you're talking about Graphics like graphically I've heard people say yeah we can't do the level of graphics on on last gen that we can do on current gen but okay so you just turn the graphics down and like you know you're seeing stuff um released for series X later because they have to release it on the series s which is a weaker piece of hardware and um yeah it takes some time to get stuff turned down but eventually it releases and so um I'm not see any game apart from like Microsoft Flight similat where it's like okay there's no way last sh could play this I mean all of my next gen or current gen stuff like right now I'm looking at uh aliens fire table elit d light 2 Jedi fall in order uh Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War kalist protocol Guardians of the Galaxy uh Resident Evil Village Jedi Survivor ghost of shis all those can play on last gen all of them without too much stuttering without too many issues and so when you have a generation that isn't forcing you to jump to Next Gen like last gen did there's no reason to get last generation a game that really pushed me to going for a PS4 was Batman Arkham night because they were saying like we could not get the Batmobile to work on 360 or PS3 we could only get it to work I'm not seeing anything like that with this generation so yeah I mean there are some things that are next gen only like suicide squad killer Justice League but that was just you know they could have got that to work on last gen if they wanted to if fortnite can work that can work Grant not saying it should work because I've heard it's a terrible game and then speaking about games last generation has games that def find the generation this generation doesn't like I mean God of War 2018 was a huge the fighting game for that generation Horizon zero dong bloodborne I mean I'm just talking about PlayStation now these were games that were like system sellers what does PS5 have returnal yeah if you're into that kind of game yeah um I'm not into that type of game Ratchet and Clank I mean okay it's PS5 exclusive but let's be honest you can play a ton of Ratchet and click games Elsewhere on Playstation 3 there's one on PlayStation 4 like there's not a driving incentive the reason why God of War was such a huge deal was cuz they made like a drastic new take on God of War so while you could have played the first Trilogy on P PS3 the 2018 one was a new Beast unto itself that's not the case with ratchet clink it's just like every other ratchet clake there's a couple gimmicks but it didn't redefine the franchise I mean sure you can say Spider-Man 2 but you can play Spider-Man 1 on PlayStation 4 and from what I've heard there's only a couple of new like gameplay elements added into Spider-Man 2 so you know that that's not really a defining generational game not like selda breath of the wild was on Nintendo switch I mean that made you have to go out and get a switch Spider-Man 2 doesn't really do that I mean it's like okay yeah it's a huge game I could get Spider-Man 1 on a PS4 and not drop $500 for a console and this one just me personally but last generation I feel was the conclusion of the golden age of gaming it's different for everyone some people say like the 80s was the start the '90s was the golden age for me the Golden Age of gaming was 2000 to 2020 that was the Golden Age of gaming that was the peak that was when you had E3 at its best you had massive franchises like Mass Effect you had the golf War Trilogy that was when Call of Duty was introduced and you saw the best Call of Duties available in that 20 year span I mean 2000 to 2020 was the Golden Age of gaming and it kind of died in 2020 and so PS5 series X they're not really part of the golden age I mean they can play the golden age but they're not part of the golden age and Xbox One PlayStation 4 they were part of the golden age of gaming and speaking of the Goen age of gaming kurage genen has way too much competition with retro consoles now I mean there's a lot of people those like this one question online when will people realize that they can get the same enjoyment that they do from new games with retro games and that's not off that's actually pretty accurate because a lot of people they think retro games they think like the little 16bit Sid scrolling no that's ancient retro games now consist of Xbox 360 PlayStation 3 PlayStation 2 Xbox Dreamcast Sega Genesis like there's a lot of impressive consoles now in the Retro landscape and these are not terribly expensive um like I said recently I got a PlayStation 4 for 25 bucks I got a busted PS2 for 15 bucks that I repaired and I brought back to life and so when you know how to shop the deals you can play a lot of huge retro games and their entire libraries for pretty for the same price that it would take you to get one of the consoles KR consoles and a couple games you can get one of these old consoles and a ton games you can get multiple retro consoles and T games for around the same price so retro is now a big competitor with current gen and unless they want to implement something that starts destroying used copies of games which will go over as well as it did when Xbox tried doing that uh I don't see any way of retro not being current gen console's biggest compe better and then another NE interesting bit is I don't know about PlayStation 4 I think it can if not it'll be coming soon but Xbox one can live stream all current gen Xbox series X exclusives over the cloud so if you have I think you need a Xbox game pass ultimate for 15 bucks a month if you're paying the 15 bucks a month you can play hellblade um 2 on Xbox one through Cloud streaming if your internet's good enough you can play Starfield Microsoft flight simulator the new Indiana Jones the new fou the new Doom the new Gears of War on Xbox one if you have strong enough internet and you're subscribed to Xbox um Cloud xcloud so that alone is good enough reason not to get a next gen system if you're already getting Game Pass and you have really good interet why would you get a series X you could stream all that stuff and then another thing worth pointing out is there's something I don't say this to be demeaning or insulting but there is a classification of Gamers known as the poor generation I say this because I was one of them growing up as a kid I was part of what I'm calling the poor generation this is a group of Gamers that cannot afford the newest shiniest consoles these are people that they can't look at a PlayStation 4 or an Xbox one until the PS5 or series X comes out then they can start looking at uh I was kind of that when um the PlayStation 4 and Xbox one came out I finally was able to start looking at PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 because at the time I could not afford them brand new but now that a new generation was coming out I was able to afford the 360 and the PlayStation 3 I got 360 for 50 bucks and I had a blast playing through those games that originally I never even dreamed of getting and then when I got a PS4 in like 2016 it was like a wow moment like I can't believe I have a current gen console there are so many people right now that they are looking at PS4 and Xbox One for the first time and so more people are getting into those consoles because now they can afford them and like I remember a while back I I was talking with this one kid and he was talking about yeah I'm getting ready to get a PlayStation I went a PS5 it's like no a PS3 I can't afford a PS4 and it's like yeah he was part of the poor generation Gamers I was right there with that kid I used to be that kid and so there is a lot of people earlier I talked about how terrible all comy was there's a lot of people part of the poor generation that now they're starting to get the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One and they're starting to experience these consoles for the first time and so they are keeping these consoles alive and because of that that gives the last generation a boosted sales for people that couldn't afford the current generation and so yeah you're seeing more and more people buying PS4 versions of a game than a PlayStation 5 version it also helps that they have the upgrade path for a lot of PlayStation 4 games so it's like hey if I ever get a PS5 I can always upgrade my games like Resident Evil 4 and so that's kind of a cool add-on I'm not saying that's hurting next gen but it's kind of a the thinge that that's available I hope they do that with PS 6 and Xbox 720 hug kiss series Q whatever the hell they call it and then just one final little note I won't say this is quite the reason but it's certainly not helping during the PlayStation 4 generation Sony made some great decisions from a financial standpoint and a corporate decision standpoint PlayStation 5 has not been doing that um like the PlayStation made sense the PlayStation portal does it I don't know why that's getting sold out everywhere literally your phone can do everything that can do I don't get it um like the way they implemented f one was very solid the way they're implementing frr2 has not been solid they've been making some serious mistakes thankfully they got rid of the tick CEO Jim Ryan that was dragging that company through the mud um they now have two guys running CEO on a company hopefully they do a good job one of them is a game developer so he might have better Insight on making decent gaming decisions but um yeah like it doesn't help that there's some really bad corporate decisions Sony's been making like making all their stuff not have Bluetooth is really stupid and so that can't be helping I'm not I'm not saying it is a factor but it can't be helping so all those reasons are why I believe the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One won't die because of all those reasons I know I spent like an hour talking about it but there's just so many obvious reasons why those two consoles are still alive and well and well that's why so anyway that's been my thoughts on why the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One won't die and for good reason my name is Chris Ron with 11h hour reviews and that will be all for today
Channel: Eleventh Hour Reviews
Views: 3,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sony, Ps4, Ps5, Microsoft, Xbox, Series X, Xbox One, Game Pass, Xcloud
Id: E1Ajg2rvP3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 9sec (2949 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2024
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