Why the People in Guam Might Hate You!

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hey everybody welcome back to the channel making a little bit of a different video today i was actually in the middle of making a video on the five reasons i love living in guam and i was thinking about one of my points and i decided i wanted to make it a separate video and i think it's a really important point for people that are considering moving here my wife and i have lived here for two years and we've really enjoyed living in really one of the most beautiful places that god's made on earth it's been a privilege and the people have been just so nice to us welcoming hospitable they've shared the secret spots that only the locals know about the you know all the good spots uh and and we've just had pleasant experiences just almost across the board with everybody that we've met i was gonna make that one of my five points as to the reason i love living here because the locals are so nice and then i began thinking about some of the rumors that i heard before i moved here i saw them online before i got here when i still lived in ohio and even living here currently talking to people who uh are non-locals people who have moved from off island i still hear these rumors and essentially the rumor is that the local people of guam the native people don't like americans or military they don't like them when they come to the island and i began thinking where did those rumors come from why is it that i repeatedly hear this this concept that we're not welcome here and i think i know the reason and i wanted to share it because if you're somebody who's considering moving here maybe you got orders and you don't have a choice you know you're coming here whether you like it or not you can consider this and try your best not to be this kind of a person at any given time there are i would say many people on guam who don't have very much respect for the land for the sea they don't have any interest in learning about the culture or respecting the people and understanding what's important to them and why it's important to them they they aren't interested in the history of the islands and where these people came from and and why they are the way that they are no interest in in the language they're disrespectful of a lot of the things that are important to the local people here they their favorite thing to do is to complain about how guam isn't like the united states well the continental united states they're like oh boohoo my amazon package doesn't come here in two days it takes a week and a half and you know that's just too much for me oh it's so expensive to live here oh boohoo here here's all the reasons this isn't as good as where i came from and then these are the people that they don't it's like they don't have any investment in the island guam is just here for their enjoyment until they you know get tired of it and leave or get sent away and leave and so they go to the beaches and they trash the place or they leave their litter out on the hiking trails take their four-wheel drive jeeps and tear the whole place up and then they they roll away like oh you know not a big deal i'm not going to live here forever just in general these are just people that don't have respect for guam now granted not all the people exhibit all of these disrespectful qualities but they all are united in the fact that they have some level of disrespect or disregard for the people in the island so returning to our main point as far as how these rumors get out that the locals don't like off islanders i think it probably occurs that when these disrespectful people have kind of have some kind of negative interaction with the locals who are fed up with them disrespecting their their land and their culture those disrespectful people kind of excuse it away saying oh look look i didn't do anything wrong you know i i'm not to to blame here it's just that these local people they're they're racist or they're biased or they're bigoted or they're prejudiced against me and then they get online or on twitter facebook talk to their friends and they spread this rumor that locals don't like off islanders but the reality is is that no they just don't like them and frankly i don't like people like that either so i think a lot of times not always but a lot of times this rumor gets spread around because disrespectful people don't want to take responsibility for their disrespect and they'd rather just blame somebody else so who do they blame well they blame the local people i gotta be honest i understand why some of the locals don't like people like this imagine if somebody came to your hometown and they didn't have any respect for the stuff that the people there valued they didn't care to meet any of the people understand any of the you know the local culture and the local nuance all they could do is complain about how boohoo this town isn't as nice as my hometown back home you probably would be like well you know what you can leave and people that come to guam and have that attitude the locals and myself were like look leave and if you can't leave make the best of it for the time that you're here but don't disrespect it and so that's my rant for the day sorry if that you know wasn't what you were here for it's not my usual video but i i really do feel like it's important i hope that there's somebody maybe who's going to come to guam and they see this video and it gives them a little bit different perspective about the people here and about the way that they're going to be viewed the comments on this youtube channel again are a testament to the fact that if you come here and you respect the people in the land and the culture they'll love you back and and i think that's absolutely true uh so many welcoming people here don't if as long as you come here with a good attitude and an open mind and you realize that you're a guest for a period of time and you're going to make the most of it and you're going to do what's best for the island and the people and yourself you're going to be just fine no one's going to be giving you the evil eye or the stink guy every time you go to payless and get your groceries right you you're gonna be fine so all right rant's over let me know if if you're a local here maybe you're somebody who grew up here and moved away let me know your thoughts on this i'd be really interested to uh to check them out so all right see ya
Channel: Taylored Story
Views: 50,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guam, locals, chamorro, chamoru, cnmi, islander, pacific islands, living in guam, pcsing to guam, pcs, orders to Guam, moving to guam, is guam safe, where is guam
Id: pd9O_diXQ9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 20sec (380 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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