Guam (US Territory) - Beaches, Food, & KMart! - Adam Koralik

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figure it out hello this is Adam Corley with flying and eating today let's go somewhere and do something and make sure to like comment and subscribe hey guys dad I'm here on the last few episodes of flying and eating we made our way out to the American territories in the Pacific specifically the cnmi so we checked out Saipan and tinian and now we're on Guam half a day good morning everybody uh so here's the thing it is raining like crazy so we're gonna wait a bit and see if that all calms down so you can barely see anything from my my window here um the ocean would be just over to the left out there on the beach that's what I want to do later but we will wait so Brian is hungover because he was him and his band were performing last night and he's just like I don't feel so great maybe we'll see him later today I don't know however there's another thing going on here so this guy Alex I've never met but he apparently watched my videos on Guam last year and he's uh stationed out here he's military and he said he was totally down to hang out so he's coming over and uh we'll go cruising try to find something to do in this weather kind of calm down so you can kind of see the view that I've got going on here the beach out there we'll actually go down there and swim Maybe not today just because of the weather but in another time however most of the hotels out here do have private pools so I haven't seen this one up until now so let's go take a look at it uh this ain't the Guam Reef I'm not gonna lie that was the one I stayed at last time the only way the only reason I could afford to stay there last time was just because height of pandemic none of the tourists could come in from Asia so all the hotels were driving their prices substantially I was paying like 80 bucks a night for a hotel that usually costs like 300. this time it's like 120 a night which I didn't want to do this place is like 65 a night so I was like yeah that's a lot better still there's no one in the pool I can go in there whenever I want uh but yeah that's cool still but um yeah so you can see the beach down there that's where we're gonna go uh not surprisingly there's a lot of great Beach options here fortunately for the islands a lot of the tourism has come back not not all of it at the time I'm making this uh the the Japanese and the Koreans in particular are very able to come here now but the Japanese specifically are not doing it as much just because of um the Yen being so uh far down in value that coming down here is much more expensive than it used to be for them so it's a lot of Korean tourists currently uh so it's still kind of you know if you're the rare North American tourists there's still a lot of advantages to coming down here financially speaking just because they're so relatively speaking so few tourists like I said this hotel's only costing me 65 a night where you know a few years ago it probably would have cost like 100 a night or something like that but uh him it will go swimming in the pool later but I definitely prefer you know being out on the beach itself uh the hotel I stayed at originally was further down that way so this one doesn't have immediate beach access but that area down there is where I will go man I really love coming out here I feel like okay I'm sure a lot of people like dude isn't that kind of a hassle like you fly Halfway Around the World to go there you know we have beaches in Florida and stuff and what I always try to tell people is you have to understand places like Florida Hawaii Etc are like they have all that stuff I don't dispute that but they're also like overcrowded and I realized the irony of me making videos saying like you guys should come out here and check this out would eventually potentially lead to it being crowded but I also feel like this place deserves it I mean look at this you're in Paradise this is this is an American Paradise the jewel of America out in the Pacific and it's yours you can go and check it out anytime you want and the Journey's worth it man you know some people say that it's unfair to compare it to like Hawaii or anything like that some people refer to it as a poor man it's why I don't do that I think that's unfair I think this is honestly I really think it has like everything Hawaii has and then some because it has kind of the advantage of just the beach is yours man the food is great the culture is great uh the tourism element of it again it's it's designed to appeal to mostly Asian tourists very specifically the Japanese so as the North American Tourist it's not that you feel odd it's just that you get access to a bunch of stuff you don't normally get like you guys have seen in other videos you know I had access to all these various like Asian uh food items from various Asian countries Korea Vietnam China uh Taiwan you know et cetera Japan of course um the Philippines all that stuff is brought here because it's meant to appeal to Asian tourists and it's just the geography so coming here you get to stay in the United States you get to have your own private hawaii-like beach experience that you fantasize about in your head but at the same time you get exposed to a whole bunch of other cultures and you get access to all the good food and things that go with it I mean this place is it really is like a lot of Great American experiences all in one go I don't know how else to phrase it it's just it's this great it's it to me it is a perfect symbol of the United States it's this Melting Pot of various cultures it all came together and formed a paradise like America ain't perfect but it does some stuff really right this would be a great example of it now if only territories could actually get statehood but that's a different matter but that said it is what it is it's here and I always recommend people come check it out it's awesome all right so it's lunch time and I'm now rolling with Alex what's up so Alex reached out to me like last year like after the Guam videos came out the first time he's like if you ever come back out here I'm moving here in December you want to hang out and I was like I'm going to January let's do it so we're gonna grab lunch at this place called Savage sandwich code you recommend this yes so tell me something about it what's going on uh they kind of do their own thing they really like their uh their crafts uh Savage I think is a bigger brand that's kind of locally owned that's seems to be getting a lot of traction here so yeah I'm all about supporting local I think that's awesome and I've never heard of this one and to be honest I'm tired of just eating nothing but Asian food on this entire trip let's mix it up a little so we've made decisions I'm gonna get the number two the sirloin smash Patty with Swiss cheese truffle aioli candied onion lto and uh shout out to my friend cloaky who I grew up with he you know that they have a sandwich named after you and he's getting Alex is getting the spam sandwich we'll see how that goes all right so our food has arrived what'd you get got to get a sandwich spam witch type of thing and I legit don't remember what I got uh the number two what was the Russian delight and I also got uh some spicy fries I wanted fries on the side so yeah looks good dive in and I don't have pickles you might have pickles I don't have pickles I'm happy about that you got kimchi kimchi is good I'm very appreciative there were no pickles so we just came out of there what'd you think of your food that was outstanding that's a great execution of a Spam sandwich yes you ever had one like that before I have not no I usually just have like musubi or something like that and so it was pretty delicious yeah I liked my burger quite a bit I think one of the things I've said this in the past Guam does Burgers amazing and it's because of like the you know the reason for this right they're trying to appeal to Japanese tourists Japanese come here yep yeah exactly because this is America but it's only three hours away so the Japanese want to shoot guns at stuff so there's a bunch of gun ranges and things like that they want to go ATV riding and have the outside adventures and they also want stereotypical big American Burgers but those burgers are always catered to Japanese specific tastes which is usually pretty good taste oh I would say so absolutely thus you get this combination of flavors that just makes for amazing burgers that one was like a perfect sweet and savory flavor the fries I got a spicy one the fries were fine but the burger is really that there's a reason that that's what they do the kimchi on my burger was probably the best part by by and large okay given that Guam is a very outdoorsy type of place our options in the rain are a little limited so one thing we are gonna do I've taken you guys here before but I figured it'd be fun to Adventure again for those who never saw it we're going going to KMart yes the world's most successful Kmart is in Guam let's go back and check it out [Music] well welcome back guys we are at uh the most successful Kmart in the entire world I want to make a little amendment to a video from last year so I said there were only 10 left I was referring specifically to the United States at the time now most of the American ones are gone the I think the US Virgin Island still has a couple Puerto Rico shutting down theirs which is fine because the Kmarts in Puerto Rico are terrible and they are like full of the rudest staff I've ever encountered in any place in the entire world one left I think is going Kansas City had one they just shut down uh and yes this one still has the disgusting Little Caesars I would never eat there but I do have fond memories of it from when I was a child who didn't know any better but I'm an adult now and much like Barney the dinosaur I don't watch it for entertainment anymore and I don't eat Little Caesars but yes this is still the world's most successful Kmart and probably very soon to be the last one um ever because this is the only Big Box store on the island right uh yeah I think there's gonna be a downtown oh Don Quixote so there will be a Japanese Big Box store here soon but this is an American one for now and uh but yeah everybody tells me that Australia sells a bunch of Kmarts and the Rumor I heard was that there's like like Walmart or Target have like proposed it this is I mean so Sears if you remember them still technically owns this and so this is like not only the most successful Kmart it's also the most successful funding source for what's left of Sears which is as someone who comes from Chicago yeah both of us actually yep it's it's pretty depressing to think that this is the last message yeah I don't call it that Never As a matter of principle but it is kind of sad to think that the last message of um Sears Roebuck is this this specific location of Kmart in Guam check this out guys this is awesome for a second I thought this was an original Transformers generation 2 uh tiger electronic but it's a 2020 reissue I I didn't even know they reissued these but yeah look it came out in 93 originally this is just I mean the game's gonna be terrible but ah now that's Nostalgia berries that's Nostalgia berries I will get behind not Little Caesars this this I'm on the side of member berries member when you played the Transformers nimbledon yes yes I do over the last year or so there's been kind of an expansion of moving um manufacturing out of China and into parts of Southern us as well as Mexico and Mexico Mexico has clearly gone ahead and honored their side of it there's an entire Mexican candy aisle here in Guam do you realize the effort it took to get this here logistical America yeah but look at this marzipan all this made in Mexico boom look at that and crazy every single one of those is made in Mexico I'm not mistaken fast food is only exclusively sold in Sears up until they kind of you know went Belly Up and they've kind of just been distributed to other uh sales people but it's cool to still see Craftsmen still on the shelves it's like again what is left of technically serious roebuck's entire Empire we're standing in it right now and they still got Craftsmen assuming your story is true we'll see yeah if it's not the comment section will let you know like find my address he's in Guam spoilers good luck getting here so this is cool you obviously get the American stuff because you're in the US but you get a lot of Asian Imports due to proximity this is just like where those worlds cross and you go why did you actually need both why is there a character yeah why do they why is it's just obvious the Korean one is better that's not fair but at least we got a little bit more because murica this one has more freedom because it's got red white and blue this barely has any red we need to liberate this box of Oreos okay I clearly don't spend enough time in American candy aisles because or at least movie theaters because I haven't seen raisinets in Forever goobers I don't remember seeing those I don't think I've ever seen a chocolate version of a Payday check this out you've got Australian Imports which again makes sense due to the geography never seen this brand I know a lot on a lot of licorice are down there and I appreciate they are playing to The Stereotype goodbye Mike look at this they've got Best Foods version of the Mayo this is always called Hellman's on the east coast and Best Foods on the west coast and it kind of splits in the midwest it's we are the westernmost part of the U.S so it's very interesting they stuck with that we get the best foods version guys they have Canned Dragon here it's really sad now that's no wonder they're extinct well just when you think you've seen everything you get one whole chicken it's without giblets it doesn't need them but it is packed in broth so I guess you're right they technically lied because it has no giblets or giblets you called them out I think you got to press charges but it's three pounds of a whole chicken look how many dead birds that is so this is one of The Oddities you get we found a bunch of Lay's chips from parts of Asia so here we have Nori seaweed flavor so it's just like the seaweed part around the sushi doesn't actually taste like the sushi I would bet this is bad you might be good with that assessment yeah I think so it'd be good this one looks amazing barbecue uh Brazil barbecue pork rib that's probably really good how different it is from the other one I don't know and then they have like the wagyu beef look at that that's the fancy kind like I had one of the fancy ones in Portugal that line is really good I might get that actually better like that choice yeah come on down to Kmart so I don't know if you guys remember my friend Aldo uh the guy the Canadian dude who lives in Japan he said the one thing about North American society he really misses a Cinnamon Toast Crunch he won't let me buy him a box though but he didn't say anything but I couldn't get him a popcorn that's flavored like it I think that's a nice loophole what do you think I think I think it's a great loophole that's what America's all about his loopholes wow man peanuts with garlic nothing else whoever whoever was responsible for this was definitely creative I'll give you that good for you dude good for you hopefully you're still working just a heads up everybody if you're ever out here tomorrow punch is like a local kind of version of a Hawaiian Punch it's really only exists in Guam and the Marianas but as you can see it's actually made here which is pretty cool so if you guys have been around you might have seen Mr Brown's cafe or coffee this is a couple special verses I've never seen these before the premium editions Indonesia black cold brew and Brazil coffee I think I'm gonna get one of each of those this is the Mr Brown iced coffee I was just talking about and checks out you got a bunch of different flavors look at that and oh look at that there's a Guam specific one that that's coming with me man okay so I don't know what this is this is in the coffee section it says it's a latte I use Google Translate it's Korean I can tell that it looks like cereal right that's what it looks like according to Google it translates as cooking latte I don't know what that means but we're getting it we have a new basis for a Saturday morning cartoon it's called emoji and screw bar don't know what it's about just yet but it sounds funny so Alex uh what do you know about Vermont well one thing I can tell you is that they are very well known for their Curry yes I don't know if there's a Vermont Japan or if this is the Vermont in the United States no no it's definitely uh it's got to be America because we have Vermont and it's next to Canada so that's probably what that means right yeah and there's apples which is Apple is like the Big Apple which is New York so yeah exactly so it's all it's all part of America it's definitely not a product of Japan uh while we're in Guam which is America to all the French viewers if you need escargot they got you here we got escargot here in Guam in the United States that is a product of Indonesia specifically sold and marketed to Koreans but here it is for you your eating pleasure you those are some really nice jugs man they're actually titties oh they are they really are very nice titties thank you they're real dude check it out we can see Betty's jugs and titties so there's been a little bit of influx of breweries actual beer made here and these are two great examples of it so I usually hate ipas but I gotta say that is right there and you like Guam gold one gold is also pretty good uh carabao Brewing which is in uh food there awesome good beer just to remind everybody Guam's number one is not actually made here that's made in Wisconsin yeah you know you know oh yeah so we just came out of Kmart got a whole bunch of stupid little things I'm gonna the first thing I'm gonna drink is I got that Boss Coffee Indonesia Black cover I'm sure it's not gonna be any special just black coffee I want to get it sport logo even though I think I'm sporting Japan I don't really know what'd you get you guys Thai iced tea yeah all right hopefully that's good and now we're just gonna Cruise there's no specific plan it's raining out so like nature that's the thing right yeah nature is I guess closed today so we'll have to see what else man can offer us it's like the first fully rained out day I've had since I've been here last month I blame myself uh actually you know who I blame if you guys watch other videos this guy named Sunshine he's a member of my Discord she's gonna hang out with him he's flying to Japan today the second he got on the plane this it just started raining here when we were in Atlanta it rained the entire time while he was hanging out with us the day he left Sunshine comes back I blame him so this is where the uh Don Quixote is going to get built uh right yep yeah all right I'll be right there look donkey so we're up at Nimitz Hill of course named after he was an admiral yeah Admiral Nimitz from World War II one of the big liberators of Guam specifically and really all the entire Pacific Campaign cool it's cool to see because there's a whole bunch of buildings around here with his name on it that are either like abandoned or whatever whatever oh on that hill right in front of us yeah that's a Korean Airlines oh Korean Airlines yeah they crashed here in like the 80s right all right so we're gonna dive into the uh the Lays was it lays wagyu beef yes wagyu beef flavored yeah uh lays like Gourmet we'll try to pronounce that but I'm gonna butcher it would you say wagy beef it says it in English and we have a loophole we're not racist because it says it in English we didn't do that we're just reading what it says it looks like it has time Rosemary looks Rosemary it is vegetation that's a safe word to use um these are from Vietnam yeah give it a whiff it does smell like beef it certainly does which I don't know if I want my beef to smell or my chips to smell like potatoes beef but yeah now let's do it it smells or not smells it tastes like like aju kind of or like a like a gravy it doesn't taste like beef to me it does taste like some sort of nice season it's a pleasant flavor it's actually really good I'm not gonna lie yeah but I don't know if I would have associated with beef and they're really like thin yeah I like it though I'm gonna have a second one yeah you take the rest of the bag but I think I might actually build that say something for your wife don't get in trouble yeah right if you're ever watching this his wife whose name I have not been told Taylor Taylor if you're ever watching this there you go I tried to save these chips for you yeah but if you didn't get them that's his fault my bad good morning it is day I have no idea here on Guam uh so we'll see what the plan is there isn't really one going on just yet uh I would like to go in the water I think that's pretty much what's gonna happen we are gonna start the morning off right though we got some Vietnamese milk coffee uh this was at the Kmart I picked this up I don't know I just it looked interesting to me I don't no it's like a vanilla chocolate cream or something it's really good I mean the Vietnamese coffee typically uses a lot of condensed milk so it wouldn't surprise me if that's what's in here I can't read Vietnamese so I'm limited on it but um it's good bold taste bold Style bold all right we have made it down to the water and as you can see it's out of control there's way too many people here there's almost six uh which is insane not for real this is one of the best things about Guam is that uh the water is always chill there's always at best just a handful of people and it feels great that's nice water um so yeah pretty much all I'm gonna do at this point is just get in the water chill relax maybe I'll go a little further down that way walk towards there or out there I don't really know but as you can see you have options so that was a nice pleasant time in the water but yeah I'm hungry uh let's get food so I don't usually crave breakfast food specifically you know the stereotype of like eggs and french toast and all that but I'm feeling it today probably because I know where I am uh I'm gonna try and head over to Cracked Egg it is a good breakfast spot that I've shown in the past but the key part is it's uh walking distance and now it is actually starting to rain so that's uh that's kind of more of an essential reason but it's also very good food and I really just I want I want to dive into some thick fatty French toast because I need more weight that's what you guys have been telling me in the comments I'm too thin we gotta fix that so while the sun kind of comes out again uh I thought I'd take a second to kind of talk about maybe some suggestions for where you might stay if you ever come out in uh to uh to Guam I'm in the tumon area Timon I forget my pronunciation um but this is like you would consider this almost like the city center type of area further up ahead would be you know like all of the the bigger hotels and all the big restaurants and the big malls all that sort of stuff I'm kind of just on the outskirts of that but again Guam's not that big so it's pretty easy to walk to these places uh you know depending on the heat situation which right now because it's January at the time I film this it's nice and pleasant but yeah in the summer it would be a lot harder but um it depends on what you are you know looking for like if you're the type of person who wants like you know hiking in the jungle and stuff I mean there's cheaper places to the south of the island there's cheap airbnbs and things but that's really just a place to crash you would need a car absolutely and you would probably likely take it into town a lot of the time so you know it depends on your goals um but I like personally I'm a city guy so I like to be in the quote unquote City area because it will have more things that I I like to have access to conveniences oh look at that there was a Subway there you can tell that uh closed down that's too bad but uh at least then they can eat more local stuff although knowing knowing Guam um they probably just moved Guam's kind of weird like that you know stuff constantly closes and opens in totally different locations it's interesting part of the reason for that and I was talking to Alex and Brian about this what happens is Guam Guam is largely sustained by the tourism industry and Uncle Sam so if Guam didn't have the backing of Uncle Sam it would be entirely dependent on tourism uh and so you know the tourism boom does give you a bunch of restaurants but especially in the last couple years under the pandemic uh you know a lot of that failed unfortunately but Uncle Sam meaning the United States government considers Guam so essential because it's like the tip of the spear for American military power in the Pacific region this is our biggest piece of land out here and a lot of it is here a lot of military stuff is here they basically can't allow the island to fail so they are constantly subsidizing things so that basically means business is closed and then they reopen unlike a very uniquely quick rate it's uh just kind of bizarre to see but uh you know if you ever come here you'll notice it you will be like oh I came there last year and this didn't exist and now this does it's a constant cycle man right there on the left is slow that place is really good kind of expensive but a lot of good local food to the right of it is a coffee shop it used to be a coffee location now it's something else further down here uh you have like like I said the the real downtown type of areas up there we probably won't go that far on this time just because hey I showed you guys that a ton last year but also I have no reason to go over there this cracked egg is right here at the corner and that's as far as I feel like going for right now so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna get the SOS Island style get a half order and then I'm also going to get the cream cheese French toast and just kind of make a a thing out of it I actually had the Nutella and bacon one last year I remember that being pretty good so the half order of my Island SOS has arrived it's basically um it's gravy tomorrow sausage Texas toast and uh you know something side up egg on there fried egg but I always like to go with the local versions of stuff it's the Chamorro sausage um that really kind of does it our cream cheese stuffed French toast has arrived look at this covered in powdered sugar smells incredible I think I'm getting diabetes just smelling it well that was very good as I knew it would be uh so yeah no no complaints there uh we'll try to take you to the guys to a new spot tonight we're gonna have dinner with Brian uh so he's got a car obviously that means we have more Liberty to drive around move around Etc um but right now I'm gonna head back to the hotel because the weather indicates there is definitely some sort of storm coming and I can kind of see it so I don't want to stay out in this for too long although I will stop over at an ABC store which I was accidentally referring to as ABC March the last time I was here ABC Mart is a Japanese chain that sells like shoes ABC stores are like Walgreens but touristy uh they exist here they exist in the cnmi they exist in uh Hawaii I think they're actually based out of Hawaii but I'm not totally sure so I see this here and I was taking a look at it this is a little bizarre this is made by Coca-Cola although it's one I've never heard of but it's actually made in China and is meant to emulate Chinese drinks mandarin orange but it's distributed specifically for Guam so it's there's a lot of multiple hats there you know I believe I mentioned this in Saipan but at the same would apply here because of the geography a lot of stuff from Korea and other Asian countries is actually imported here so these drinks are Korean so actually if you ever wanted to go to those countries and try out some of that stuff if you're here this is a good kind of test Market to try those things before you go there and then you know if you like it or not I said let's stop here and go to the Black Cat Cafe again this used to be a coffee location and now it's changed uh Brian said he's never tried it Alex said he never tried it so I'm gonna be the first one to try it yeah amongst this group and I'll just get a coffee place is pretty good it's actually it's a cafe you know it actually serves like all sorts of food various things it's a Japanese East Cafe which is weird because it doesn't really advertise that it is but the owners are two very nice Japanese people um and so I just got a coffee kind of treating it like a Starbucks like environment which was cool they had the free Wi-Fi all that um but yeah a couple people came in you know with orders I think guys ordered pizzas and stuff it's a cafe what uh I'm back with Ryan and uh we're at a Korean restaurant what do we think it's called yeah we're both looking at it because we don't know how to pronounce it I think this is a new restaurant yeah no idea but looking forward to it so here's the thing uh I obviously as you guys know had to change planes in Japan and I decided to pick up some stuff for him while I was there so we're gonna give him a little gift bag but I have to just kind of spoil them one thing at a time so the first thing we got here is a strawberry chocolate cake KitKat yeah this is I think red bean paste mochi yeah I know I'm with you on that neither do I I don't like Mochi and I don't like red bean paste but there it is I don't but we've got uh this is like melon like uh cantaloupe oh I try this yeah no not a fan all right then we have orange chocolate oh I don't think I tried this one yeah who knows if it's any good but that's that's the fun of it we've got uh Hershey's choco rolls Kinda Yeah and then there's another one uh by cookies and cream Hershey one whether or not it's any good I don't know I kind of doubt it no no I just got a bunch of those the then those were kind of I just bought in bulk and I'm just giving them to people the next two were specifically chosen for you because your your exact quote was get me something weird not get me something good get me something weird well I'll try that then okay well there's two weirds and we'll have to decide which one it is this one is uh chocolate corn [Music] I think I think I've seen this before but I've never tried it yeah neither am I that's what it says it says it in English it says chocolate corn right on the front oh chocolate corn and so the other one was a last minute thing that I saw that I thought was pretty cool it's uh gummies these are supposed to be like various drink flavored gummies they claim soda but possibly beer I don't really know and that kind of looked like the one we should do the decision has been made he's going with the choco corn first yeah all right open that up let's see how this goes and see if we can recommend maybe maybe I'll have one after we'll see how it says advertised it is a ball of chocolate corn all right theoretically yeah that's the look that's what I was waiting for it's um can't really taste the corn it's mostly just chocolate is it reminds me of uh you ever see that crunch R chocolate yeah of course it's like honeycomb yeah oh the Australian ones yeah yeah yeah yeah Frenchie or something there's crunchy and then there's I forget the name but yes I know exactly what you're talking about are they like that no no that was way better yeah of course it is this is it's it's just nothing all right honeycomb is the Australian one uh weird soda gummy thing yes there's three different flavors in there so I don't know if you're gonna do it it's up to you dude I don't know it's up to you you can see all three colors it's up to you and try the dark one I'm guessing it's the one from the middle probably yeah pretty tough yeah I think it's supposed to be like Coke Cola yeah okay that's good it's not that bad but I just talked chewy chewy okay not bad though I think I'll eat these over those all right good to know you're gonna go for another one I'll try the this one the yellow one see what this one is this is the one that looks mostly like the beer right I'm pretty sure it's like 11. what is it I like these better okay I think it's supposed to be the lemon but I don't know you don't know you should try it I will but try the try the peer pressure try the other one okay just do all three see how this goes orange one yep [Music] what do you got what do you got for me man I don't know don't know I I don't know either couldn't tell you we'll find out hopefully I think it's supposed to be orange that would make sense given the color but I was I'm almost disappointed I was kind of hoping they were like beer and you were like this is disgusting oh I probably would still like it though fair enough but that's not bad either I think I like those two yeah but the middle one a really cool one but all right it's just very chewy so my food has arrived you don't have any so you have candy but uh What's this called again bulgogi I thought it was said japchae specifically but uh I mean yeah right so it's basically just rice noodles and meat and vegetables yeah and then I've got a side of white rice then we have all this stuff that you can kind of mix together and but yeah we got to wait for him now look at this empty space that doesn't have food in it it's got candy but it doesn't have food yet soon he also just informed me that you guys remember in Saipan I went to thunder chicken there's a thunder chicken in Guam I had no idea you guys should go to thunder chicken you you would endorse Thunder chickens yeah yeah go to thunder chicken if you really like spicy you don't have to have a spicy one no you don't have to but if you spicy you can do that or you can just have amazing Korean Fried Chicken so you got what looks like Korean pizza for lack of a better way kimchi kimchi Pizza okay I think it's like there's some seafood in it okay open this up what do we got going on here this is my pot of cheese chicken cheese chicken and rice nice I really quite enjoyed that uh the rice I mean there's just too much food there was a thing yeah the thing is yeah yeah I got it the thing is it was way more food than we thought which is a good thing I'm not not complaining and that'll do it for part six thank you very much for watching please stay tuned to part seven in which we continue our adventures on Guam we'll talk some history of Guam and of course we'll have more beaches and food it'll be a lot of fun so thank you so much as always for checking it out please do me a favor like this video comment down below subscribe if you haven't done that already as well as check out all the Social Media stuff in the description Twitter Instagram Facebook Discord patreon Etc thank you so much for the support and I'll see you all later
Channel: Flying & Eating With Adam Koralik
Views: 34,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adam Koralik, Vlogs, Travel, Trip, Flying, Eating, Food, Guam, US Territory, US Territories, CNMI, Kmart, Beaches, Beach, Korean Food, Restaurants
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 49sec (2029 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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