Welcome to Guam

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[Music] here on the Paradise Island of the day we welcome you it's a magical place why Sandy fees friendly people too here at the heart of the Pacific where America's day begins of a day from from where America's Day begin of a day in the modern Cosmopolitan island of Guam cultural Roots reaching back over 4,000 years live [Music] on up a day from where America's [Music] day H day haa day that's hello and Chamorro an invitation to come experience Guam gu Island Guam is the first Pacific Island discovered by the Western World Ferdinand mellin dropped anchor here over 200 years before Europeans explored Polynesia after being colonized by Spain the island came under American control this has continued for the last century save for a brief period of Japanese Occupation in World War II Guam is the largest of over 2,000 micronesian islands and is the southernmost island of the Marianas chain its location makes it a natural gateway to Asia America Australia and the rest of the Pacific Islands Guam is 15 hours ahead of the east coast of the United States making it where America's day begins some nine International Air carriers provide over 247 flights per week from all over the Pacific Basin Guam is 30 m long and 8 Mi wide its 19 Villages are home to a population of 160,000 native choros with a mix of Pacific Asian and Western cultures here English and Native Chamorro are spoken as an unincorporated territory of the United States Guam uses US Dollars though foreign currency can easily be exchanged Americans from the US Mainland can visit Guam without restrictions while foreign visitors can obtain a visa from the US Embassy this Emerald Island beckons with natur natural beauty warm Smiles local Cuisines and traditional fiestas it is vibrant sophisticated and brimming with the promise of [Music] Adventure the journey through Guam starts off at the capital hagatna is the Center of power business and religion take the Heritage Trail and Chamorro history comes [Music] alive at a g Marina feel the thrill of reeling in the big one or sailing the ocean blue ride the waves of AA [Music] Bay go way up North for a quick escape from reality where secluded white sand beaches meet turquoise Waters head south and you find tuman Bay this is the heart of tourism in the Western Pacific pulsating with its vibrant nightlife the finest Cuisine worldclass entertainment premier shopping luxury hotels and more keep going south Revel in the Splendor of Nature's Bounty at the fishey marine park nearby APPA Harbor is a treasure waiting to be discovered follow winding roads that lead to the Island's Southern Villages here old ways and traditions are strong and alive tic village where Magellan's Fleet landed at Fort solidad one can see furck where Chamorro Legend says the first man sprang forth marito Village Center of Tourism of the South where some of the oldest buildings in Guam are found in aahan village Tranquility by the Sea home of Tomorrow Legends and heroes from north to south of the Ireland there is a myriad of activities to [Music] enjoy AOS till we see you in Guam America's paradise and best kept secret from where Amer Day begin are you ready I'm getting ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready we're both ready we're ready we are all ready yes we are all ready to welcome you as we once again take on the opportunity to host an International Event such as is the 12th Festival of the Pacific arts on [Music] Guam
Channel: guamfestpac
Views: 947,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Guam
Id: KP4I0CsieD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 30 2012
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