Maya Artist Tries Blender for the First Time!

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Wow Wow Oh he flies away this is the greatest day of my life oh no where was i before oh yeah oh so I've been using Maya for about eight years now and I don't want to brag but I've gotten pretty good at it I used to teach Maya Wells bunch of other software at DreamWorks however one tool that I have literally never used I opened it in seventh grade and immediately was like nope and then I never touched it again until today is blender literally before filming this video I have opened it like three times every time I was shocked at how quickly it opened but that's about all I figured out because I didn't know how to do anything so I asked for some help from my editor Alice who edits these videos Thank You Alice Bravo she helped me figure out very advanced stuff like how to even move the camera and 3d space because I literally could not figure it out for like ten minutes I was just hitting buttons anyways I now know how to move the camera and that's about it so today I am downloading a bunch of files from the blender cloud which as I now understand it it's a place where you can download a bunch of the open files from the blender Institute and I am very nervous about it because I've heard such good things about blender and I'm kind of terrified that I'm going to like it so with that let's blend let's get blendy how about that is that better that's not better by the way from now on I can now do Maya and blender stuff as well as other software that I'm messing with over on Twitch live three days a week so if you want to hang out live tell me how bad I am at software link to down below for twitch as well as for patreon is gonna support the channel check out some animation tutoring all that good stuff let's do it okay I'm ready how do I load cool things edit preferences edit preferences system CUDA ooh I noticed that all the files were really small like all these da blend files were like megabytes is that the whole scene how okay let open this 2d animation grease pencil scene whoa wow that was fast whoo this is cool there's like shadows so is this so is there is that is that thing moving that looks like 3d geometry whoa all that's cool whoa I'm really okay I'm already interested I'm already excited about this this button shift oh it's so cool they're just like little objects god I wish my I could do that so how do I move the Sun around oh okay oh it kind of does something uh-huh I wish I had like an arrow wait a second how can it be in this one spot if I mean I don't know how that anything works I'm giving up on that that's that's fine what is going on why is it just like so it's like it's calculating look a face oh whoa what the heck there's so much stuff wait so I turned on I just turned on text but how is there lighting I just there's like reflections so I guess it's like okay now you can turn on ray tracing if you want I'm afraid I'm also afraid I'm afraid that I'll never open my again after this I'm impressed so far that hair looks nice should I wait question before I hit the next button should i browse the scene or should i render the next thing first I can't on a browse I want to look at the hair this is cool how do i how do you how do you uh how do I do anything how do I look like on something I want to look at the little colander on her head that's what I want to know about thank you right shake it how do I unplug it take the shake take the wire that's coming out on the right click it no the other side but when that's attached to them uh-oh wait how come I can't undo oh material Oh so material output that's what this is so that takes it all away yeah so that's the map for roughness I like that I don't solo a layer like if I want to just look at this this color thing is there a way I can just look at the image okay I'm ready to look at the render view so if I go back here I go back to this it kind of remembers it all that's nice should I do it I've hit the button now we wait how long do we wait hmm with a little smoke look at this little smoke oh look at that little like speech bubble it's like glowing oh she definitely a subsurface look at the edge upper and bottom edge of her arm it's got that it's captured the light I am a huge fan of this little smoke blob Yul and his little speech bubble the speech bubble was particularly cool it's like a missive there's like a light inside of it or something is there a light inside of it how do I tell an area like I knew it I'm a genius yeah what is this smoke it's very cool what the heck what the heck I guess that could make sense it's some kind of a volume if I make this scale smaller well that didn't quite do it I thought let's go bigger Oh bigger is what I wanted oh I guess that makes more sense so if I wanted like oh okay here's a question how'd these I'll get here these like this is all one mesh wait how's this work I'm guessing they did a simulation for that and then just froze it that's what I was kind of wondering this is how interesting oh look at the little game a Nintendo controller I love that what's it is it actually say Nintendo does I guess I guess you can do that when it's free where it's better I do like how easy it is to share this like the fact that I just loaded up a blend file that was super small and I could just browse this that gives me a lot of ideas you want to look at yes simulation where I said it at you on this code okay okay now this is baked in so it's not too interesting at first okay but if you just play through it well what the heck the left is like what you're supposed to see just to see you like a cool simulation and that's how it's done all right I feel like this camera what is the focal length of this camera on the Left it's really wide how do I adjust the camera focal length I click the little hard but the left viewport go to the arrow drop-down that one no not that one the other one yes right there oh yes ah okay focal length that's what I think I want both the length I want to go 70 millimeters and I want to zoom out it stills a little funky looking if you go collections at the bottom mm-hmm Collider uh-huh click the little I think mmm you can just remove things from whichever viewport you want that's cool that is actually really interesting because Maya you can do that you can tell Maya hey don't show this object in this viewport but it still calculates it and it's weird because it calculates it and then has to uncalculated so it's actually heavier to do it that way it's really weird I don't understand why it is but it's it's really hard for Maya to do that while it is possible this is really interesting okay so do you want to change the simulation and make you do cool things yes I love having spacebar just start and stop in physics properties which I've just seen that what did you that's like the one I remember I saw physics and I got excited and so I remember that icon go down to cache go - don't delete old lakes okay and then uncheck use library path ok turn that off mm-hmm zero frames in memory I see so that to me see this like ah there we go that's what I'm looking for so now it knows 24 frames does it remember oh now remembers I like how it auto caches that's nice let's say this is a cloth sim this is some kind of a cloth soft body I want I want it to stay puffier and not deflate quite as much how about that okay so click on the I sure I figured out how to move the graph editor oh I see it when pressure goes up it poof's up the cushion aha I told that to be too poufy now I can't cushion now I can't squish it too poufy cow squish oh but it's but it's penetrating how do i hey I got it working I think it really doesn't want to compress I wanna see oh look at the higher pressure it doesn't deflate anymore I want to add I want to make a new cloth object mesh always not like it what about monkey now okay yeah monkey mesh monkey object collision collision collection is there collision collection RDM existed collide but there is oh ok click Collider Wow Wow oh my god ooh ok that didn't quite work that's not what I wanted but what the hell new so that makes a new material ok yes ah blue was fast wait I want to make him I want to make him shiny metallic that's cool-looking ok no but it's squishy so it should be like a water balloon oh he flies away this is the greatest day of my life ha ha is it layout I want oh no where was i before oh yeah yeah ah ah where was I ah that's what I'm talking about wait these things I want the metal I want them rusty metal hey ok I just looks disgusting it does look so gross delete new material or tangler there we go I'm getting the hang of this so now it's like industrial industrial monkey crusher ha ladies and gentlemen my blender scene beautiful be free Suzanne be free I want the Suzanne and the pillow to interact yes I think that's it yes I got it how intuitive and then they're gonna freak out a little bit here all right got it oh he's gonna play back at real time no I can move around there real time I love that it caches it like that I need an HDR let me download one I guess I have one I have some and then color hey that's nice render render animation that looks like the wrong framing yo monkey is in Collider yes okay that's disabled in render so click on the Collider a little camera icon oh I see so then I tried again render in your animation aha progress what if I don't want the background in the render ah sweet so this is gonna add motion blur after the factor how's that work that definitely did not have any motion blur could try rendering in cycle yeah I think that's it I'll try okay so if I go back to render oh I see yeah yeah it's gonna take a minute can you just shoot your preferences again oh I bet it's because I didn't close the original one so I hadn't saved the preferences yet oh wow did you see that oh my god now what render and your animation look good Lord the power of Nvidia oh my gosh that's that's impossibly different ok well this wasn't meant to be a little signet for Nvidia but uh okay so uh huge difference without using the Nvidia graphics card obviously didn't realize I wasn't using it now it's using it and it's flying through these renders so get yourself an Nvidia graphics card the power of Nvidia not sponsor oh it's done here so this is the Eevee render this is the cycles render they both look really similar except for the motion blur they look really similar that's wild that's crazy okay so now why do I have this node editor open look at it load all that stuff Wow I you know what I like about this this is something I like that Maya doesn't do I like how it's loading in things in pieces and it's giving it to you as it can versus Maya world try to preload everything so it just freezes for a while until it can show you something oh that's cool oh I can just do that I thought it was gonna read oh I'm not in cycles I'm just an Eevee oh that's cool ooh that RIM light and there's like a caustic like a bloom off that almost oh it's cuz blooms turned on oh that's so cool I want this to be a blue spaceship base color that's sweet how fast that is and then I can just have all the lighting in the ah ah I love a real-time renderer ah color emission color red oh oh it uses the oh boo hoo that's so cool so this is a spaceship by Razer a steel series spaceship oh I think it opened twice the fact they can open twice and not crash my computer is pretty astounding just with all this stuff going on alright mr. elephant what you got for me ooh looks nice Oh oh my gosh is like haze that was cool I love his little cheese his little melting cheese Oh so can i oh good lord I can just tumble I want to select how do I turn on selection enable overlays if you want to select objects look how helpful they are how do I get to overlays Oh viewport overlays I click that and totally missed it cheese oh look at that next scene goodbye goodbye forest stop blend show me the magic whoo-whoo what if these weird square boxes this is real time this is crazy okay well hold up what is this what is this artifacting this is a LOD but ignoring that now it's cool what does this particle system they're using I want to affect it how do i how do I play with it ooh there we go graph editor this is cool I'm getting there all right so if I want this to start blowing sooner gene and mouse I don't know oh I think it is baked how do you change it where did you where does this live doesn't seem like there's even a cubes plane I don't know it's cool I only didn't oh I think I stopped it oh okay well I broke it but still it's cool okay next fun whoo what is this what do I do Oh ooh that's cool is the stuff on her arm hand drawn or is that lighting oh this is the coolest I love seeing these drawings in an actual perspective this is one of the biggest vulnerabilities of Maya the fact they can't do this and that the grease pencil is just so dang bad this is sweet wait there is a light so that's coming from somewhere that's cool how is it how is it changing the color like that is the material like a ramp shader with different neon colors shader editor okay whoa so material output surface coming from cell three layers base colors whites ambient light happened if I take this out whoa so that's like a default material of blue or something and then primary light pink I don't know how this is linked up how does this work how does it know for these lights linked to something I see specular so specular highlight is that gold that I get I love this look that's a little yeah that's awesome clever I love it I'm closing it okay so first of all if you've enjoyed any of this please hit this button subscribe if you haven't already and ring the notification bell that way don't miss new uploads if you want to see a part two I'm actually looking at the blender cloud right now and there's all the short film stuff that like I could pay for the access to get like more advanced files that I don't really looked at any animation or any rigs also I'm more than happy to try to actually make something in blender if you guys want but you know got a subscribe so you can see it um yeah blender is kind of really cool I knew it was going to be cool like I knew it had some cool stuff in there but I'm shocked I'm actually legitimately shocked at how quickly things began to like take shape and things could look good and like the texturing is really fast and I don't know what I expected but I wasn't expected to be as consistently impressed as I was the hotkeys are really weird and kind of hard to learn there are a few notes I actually think Maya's like hotkey editor is a lot better you can actually see the keyboard like a picture of the keyboard and know like what buttons are assigned which ones aren't cuz there's some key mappings that I do not understand I don't agree with they're weird they're inconvenient and I know that you can like change it to Maya key mapping but I've heard that that's a bad idea because then you lose certain mappings and then tutorials are hard to follow so I will not be switching to the you know Maya version of the hotkeys anyways little things like that there are some things in Maya that I kind of missed but at the same time there were a lot of new features that I was really impressed by I will be continuing this exploration if you want to see me do it live links below to twitch I'll probably make continuations of these videos so if you have more ideas of things that I should examine and look at in blender please let me know I know a lot of you guys have used blender or I have not and I can't believe it took me this long because I'm thoroughly impressed I will be making a few blender videos I'm not switching the channel from Maya to blend or anything we're gonna use both both have value both are useful but I'm really excited to be trying blender and it's cool very cool I also related to learn cinema 4d so maybe I'll do something with cinema 4d we'll see anyways I hope you enjoyed this video thank you so much for watching all the way to the end and I will see you in the next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Sir Wade Neistadt
Views: 872,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender vs maya, blender 2.82, blender, blender 2.8, blender demo reel, blender cloud, blender 2.8 animation, blender 2d animation, maya artist uses blender, maya artist blender, blender for maya, blender for maya users, blender reaction, maya, blender vs maya tutorial, reacting to blender, blender updates, blender animation, blender animator, blender for animators, first time using blender, blender first time, blender free files, free animation software, blender rendering
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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