Why Most Star Wars Fans Actually Don't Know Much about the Battle of Coruscant

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The Battle of Coruscant was the climax of the  Clone Wars, and one of the largest battles   in galactic history. As the galaxy held its  breath, a vast armada of Separatist warships   poured into orbit above the galactic capital,  unleashing fear and destruction on Galactic City   and kidnapping Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. As  fleets of Republic Star Destroyers moved to box   the Separatists in, the Jedi mounted a desperate  mission to rescue the captive chancellor,   but the battle’s outcome was anyone’s guess.  We all know the rough story, but most Star Wars   fans know surprisingly little about some major  details of this climactic battle. In this video,   we’re going to set the record straight with  a deep dive into the Battle of Coruscant. Three years into the Clone Wars, the  Republic had gotten the upper hand.   For six months, the Grand Army of the Republic  had been committed to the Outer Rim Sieges,   pushing Separatist forces out to their  strongholds on the fringes of the galaxy.   The CIS had been completely driven  from the Core Worlds and the Colonies.   Supreme Chancellor Palpatine seemingly felt  confident enough about the Core’s security   that he sent large portions of Coruscant’s  defense fleet out to Saleucami, Felucia,   and Mygeeto to assist Republic units there. Few  Loyalists could have imagined what was to come. Unbeknownst to the galaxy, Separatist  leadership was planning to attack Coruscant.   On orders from Darth Sidious and Count Dooku,  General Grievous had requisitioned a whole   sixth of the CIS Navy for the campaign, all  but stripping the Yag’Dhul Theater of assets.   From his flagship, the Invisible Hand, Grievous  assembled the largest fleet the CIS had   ever fielded, composed of thousands  of Munificent-class Star Frigates,   thousands of Recusant-class Light Destroyers  and Providence-class Carrier/Destroyers,   and several dozen Lucrehulk-class Battleships.  This colossal armada carried millions of Vulture   Droids, Tri-Fighters, and landing craft, as  well as hundreds of millions of battle droids,   among them B1s, B2s, Droidekas, and MagnaGuards.  Millions of armored units, including crab droids,   Octuptarra droids, Hailfire droids, AATs, and  MTTs, were also part of this invasion force. The Coruscant Defense Fleet was at reduced  strength due to the Outer Rim Sieges,   but Coruscant was still far from an easy target.  Thousands of Venator-class and Victory-class Star   Destroyers were in position in orbit, together  with substantial numbers of Dreadnaught-class   Heavy Cruisers and Carrack-class Light  Cruisers. These vessels were supported by   hundreds of thousands of ARC-170s, V-Wings,  LAAT/i Gunships, and Eta-2 Interceptors.   Millions of clone troopers were stationed on the  ground, including the entire Coruscant Guard,   as were the Senate Guard, several clone commando  squads, several ARC Trooper teams, and several   non-clone Republic infantry units. Republic  ground units were supported by AT-RTs, AT-TEs,   AT-APs, AT-XTs, Juggernauts, fighter tanks, and  SPHA-T artillery, not to mention scores of Jedi. Grievous timed the invasion to take place  right after Supreme Chancellor Palpatine’s   annual State of the Republic speech, when most of  the Republic’s major government officials would   be planetside. Using secret routes through the  Deep Core supplied by Darth Sidious, Grievous led   his armada from Yag’Dhul to Coruscant and caught  the Coruscant Defense Fleet with its pants down.   The Separatists jumped in right on top of the  Defense Fleet, allowing them to vaporize most of   the Republic’s orbiting warships before they could  scramble their fighters or raise their shields.   Nonetheless, over a thousand Republic Star  Destroyers and their complement survived,   and a fearsome orbital battle began. Initially, Grievous made the attack on  Coruscant seem like a desperate final strike,   ordering his warships to spread out, attack  targets of opportunity, and cause as much chaos as   possible. Using a battleship-borne communications  jammer, he cut off all communications in the   Coruscant system, preventing Republic forces from  coordinating a defense. While he still had the   element of surprise, Grievous sent flotillas to  interdict key hyperspace reversion points and lay   mass-shadow mines. As Separatist frigates  and destroyers fired on orbital mirrors,   communications satellites, and random surface  targets, Grievous’s battleships disgorged   swarms of starfighters and flotillas of landing  craft, bringing the battle to Galactic City. The battle in orbit was pure chaos. The  tattered remnants of the Coruscant Defense Fleet   struggled to coordinate with communications  cut, while the Separatists were deliberately   acting disorganized and shooting at  whatever seemed a convenient target.   Unaware that the system was being  interdicted, many Republic captains chose   to fight conservatively, hoping to hold out until  reinforcements arrived from the Outer Rim Sieges.   All the while, new Separatist ships  continued to pour in from the Deep Core.   So many ships were crowded into the skies  above Coruscant that some of the Separatist   stragglers ended up crashing into Republic  vessels as they came out of hyperspace. Meanwhile, hell broke loose on the surface.  Hundreds of millions of battle droids marched   into Galactic City, causing mass panic.  Due to the communications blackout,   local forces were unable to coordinate  evacuations, riot control, or emergency response,   and General Grievous wasn’t keen on making it  any easier for them. Vulture Droids rained from   the sky, carrying out waves of kamikaze attacks  against civilian targets. Separatist fighters   slammed into buildings, strafed crowded plazas,  and destroyed transport infrastructure. For the   wealthy citizens of Coruscant’s upper city,  it must have seemed like the world was ending. Fortunately for Coruscant, the  Republic’s first lucky break   came early in the battle. Loyalist analysts  discovered that the communications jammer   deployed by the Separatists was based on one the  CIS had used during the Battle of Praesitlyn,   allowing them to break through the encyption  codes and restore communications for the   Republic Military and municipal authorities.  As local authorities coordinated evacuations,   the Jedi set about rallying the Grand  Army of the Republic to defend the planet. Mace Windu, Saesee Tiin, and 22 other Jedi pilots  took to the skies in their interceptors, intending   to join the orbital battle. Windu was shot down  and ended up linking up with Yoda to coordinate   Republic forces on the ground, but Tiin and the  other Jedi managed to break through to orbit.   After passing beyond Separatist lines and relaying  a recall message to Jedi all over the galaxy,   the Jedi pilots split to bring order to Republic  naval forces. Saesee Tiin led the clone troopers   of the Republic Star Destroyer Impavid in  capturing the Separatist destroyer Prosperous,   while other pilots aided clone fighter  squadrons against Separatist fighter swarms. As Yoda and Windu made significant progress  against droid forces on the ground,   they realized that Separatist forces  weren’t making a serious attempt   to capture the Senate or the Jedi Temple.  Far too late, they realized that the invasion   was a diversion - the Separatists’ true  objective was Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Four Jedi - Shaak Ti, Stass Allie, Roron Corobb,  and Foul Moudama - were sent to get Palpatine to   safety. They arrived just in time to prevent  Grievous from snatching Palpatine straight out   of his office. As Ti, Corobb, and Moudama ushered  Palpatine away, Stass Allie and Palpatine’s guards   managed to delay Grievous, though not for  long. The droid general and his MagnaGuards   soon broke away and pursued the Jedi through  the streets of Coruscant, chasing them all the   way to a maglev train station, where Shaak Ti  finally managed to lose Grievous, for a time. After linking up with Stass Allie, Mace Windu,  and Kit Fisto, Shaak Ti and the others shepherded   Palpatine onto a train bound for another district,  where Palpatine had a bunker. Grievous pursued,   but he was unsuccessful in stopping the train.  At the bunker, they met up with two more Jedi:   Roth-Del Masona and B’ink Utrila. Masona, Utrila,  Corobb, and Moudama accompanied Palpatine into   the bunker, while Ti and Allie waited outside  and Windu and Fisto went to rejoin the battle.   Grievous outmaneuvered them all,  however. Using a stolen Republic gunship,   he penetrated the bunker and slaughtered nearly  everyone inside, including all four Jedi. As   Stass Allie went to alert Windu and Fisto,  Shaak Ti tried to stop Grievous from escaping,   only to be quickly defeated by the  droid general. Grievous left her alive   but restrained in the bunker, using her to  leave a message to Windu and the other Jedi. Windu arrived just as Grievous was  escorting Palpatine into a tri-wing shuttle.   He wounded Grievous with the Force, but was  ultimately unable to stop him from getting   Palpatine aboard and taking off. Windu and Fisto,  together with Saesee Tiin, Agen Kolar, Pablo-Jill,   L’lacielo Sageon, and many other Jedi pilots,  pursued Grievous’s shuttle in a last-ditch attempt   to save the Chancellor. They were unsuccessful,  however, and Grievous, with the captive Palpatine,   made it safely to the Invisible Hand.  Pablo-Jill and L’lacielo Sageon were caught   in the warship’s tractor beams and engaged  Grievous in the Invisible Hand’s hangar bay,   but both were slain. Grievous ordered his  droids to dump their bodies out into space,   in a spot where their comrades could see them. From the conning tower of the Invisible Hand,  Grievous announced his capture of Palpatine in   a live HoloNet transmission to the entire galaxy,  proclaiming that the Republic would soon burn.   Panic broke out across Loyalist space, but  even as Grievous delivered his message,   the tide of battle began to turn.  Unbeknownst to Grievous or the Jedi,   Palpatine had secret fleets and armies waiting  in reserve. A massive army of Spaarti clones   from Centax-2 deployed on the ground, helping  the Jedi mop up the remains of Separatist   ground forces, while fleets of Republic  reinforcements poured out of hyperspace.   These included fleets from the Open  Circle Armada and secret fleets of new   Imperator-class Star Destroyers commissioned  by Palpatine. These reinforcements linked up   with the Home Defense Fleet and cut off the  Separatist armada’s retreat, forcing Grievous   into a battle in Coruscant’s upper atmosphere. At  the same time, Coruscant’s municipal authorities   finally activated the planet’s orbital  shield, trapping the Separatists within. As the battle in orbit continued, Anakin  Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi entered the fray   in their starfighters. Unable to make contact with  Jedi High Command from the midst of the battle,   they proceeded straight to the Invisible Hand,  battling their way through Separatist fighter   squadrons as they went. In short order, they  infiltrated the ship and rescued Palpatine.   All the while, the battle turned against the  Separatists, who began losing ships rapidly.   The burnt-out hulks of downed warships rained onto  Galactic City, causing massive amounts of damage. However, in the confusion, not all Republic  warships had gotten the message that Palpatine   and the Jedi were aboard the Invisible Hand;  as a result, one Star Destroyer, the Guarlara,   attacked and severely damaged the Separatist  flagship. The Invisible Hand took serious   damage to its internal gravity, tensor fields, and  inertial compensators, not to mention its shields,   hull, and weapons systems. Even as  Grievous captured Palpatine and the   Jedi and brought them to the ship’s bridge,  the Invisible Hand was rapidly falling apart. In a battle aboard the warship’s bridge, Skywalker  and Kenobi freed themselves and Palpatine,   with Anakin beheading Count Dooku in the process.  As Grievous and the remaining crew began to   abandon ship, Skywalker took control of what was  left of the Invisible Hand, which was plummeting   into Coruscant’s lower atmosphere. Against  all odds, he landed the vessel - well, half   of it - safely. Meanwhile, Coruscant’s planetary  shield temporarily fell, allowing Grievous and the   tattered remnants of the Separatist armada to flee  the system in disgrace. For the next few hours,   scattered holdouts of Coruscant Separatist  insurgents in the underworld continued to   resist Republic forces, but for the most part,  the Republic had won the Battle of Coruscant. The Battle of Coruscant saw immense casualties  for both the Republic and the Separatists,   but ultimately the Separatists suffered worse.  With the death of Count Dooku and the loss of   so many ships, the CIS was all but defeated  after the battle. The Republic, meanwhile,   rapidly recovered, at least militarily.  Coruscant itself suffered grievous damage;   deliberate acts of terrorism and warship crashes  destroyed a staggering amount of Galactic City,   starting fires that still burned several  days after the end of the battle.   The damage took years to repair, and  civilian casualties were alarming. Stay tuned for another video this  week about the Battle of Coruscant,   in which we’ll discuss the battle's  effects on ordinary galactic citizens.   For now, what do you think?  Have you read Labyrinth of Evil,   the novel that much of this story comes from? Feel  free to post your thoughts in the comments below.
Channel: Geetsly's
Views: 860,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star, Wars, Star Wars, Clone Wars, Battle of Coruscant, Galactic Republic, Confederacy of Independent Systems, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, Count Dooku, General Grievous, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Mace Windu, Shaak Ti, Grand Army of the Republic
Id: bRC-KH70ZIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 04 2022
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