Why The Avengers CAN'T KILL KANG Yet He's Killed Them MANY TIMES

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you're an Avenger have I killed you before Kang has defeated Avengers before many people do not realize how powerful this line is right here Kang has literally killed other Avengers before we've even heard that there's a Thor reference an Ant-Man and the WASP quantumania with Kang hinting that he's killed the one with the hammer before we even know that he who remains who we met in the Loki finale actually collected relics of Avengers that he's killed before we could actually see Iron Man's helmet in the concept art for he who remains his room in the actual finale it's kind of blurry so you can't really make it out but the concept art is very clear he collected an Iron Man helmet along with other relics and since the kangan quantumania and he who remains are different variants this shows us that multiple kangs have defeated multiple Heroes and there's a reason for that and that reason is Kang is pretty much unkillable and it looks like we have discovered a new plot point about Kang and the MCU that makes him a way bigger threat than we could have ever imagined you see Kang is already in incredibly unkillable for the most part in the first place let's go back to Loki where Sylvie and Loki tried to murder him and he just kept teleporting away because he knew their every move and even if one Kang didn't know every move physically fighting him is incredibly hard as well due to his technology you see King has been to the Future he's been to the past and he's been to other universes and he's taken technology that he's found that was developed way in the future he's able to harness Mass amounts of energy and use it as a weapon he even has the power of telekinesis but let's say you somehow managed to get past all of that and manage to get close enough to him to actually physically fight him one-on-one well from there he has a shield around his body that is made out of pure energy that is pretty impossible to penetrate and to top it all off what we have learned is that if you manage to do all of that and come close to defeating Kang you might have the Council of Kings to deal with the Council of Kings is exactly what it says it's several variants of Kang coming together to form a council now this council is pretty bad of course it was formed by a variant of King who was threatened by different versions of himself from different realities so he forms the Council of Kings to destroy all of the others all of the other kangs that is ones they deem not worthy of the name Kang but make no mistake they are a huge threat to the Avengers because if there is a king that they do find worthy they will protect him this has happened before in the comics and in some animated versions just when the Avengers think they've won and have defeated King other kings show up because even chained here stripped of my armor I am still the Conqueror and I will not rest until you are crushed beneath my boot you wish to test my might villain that come let us hello gang the Council of kegs to Avengers we have seen them appear in various timelines only to be eliminated but in yours their power grows in time left unchecked these so-called Heroes could threaten all kangs across all of time the Council of Kings has sworn never to interfere in another Kang's timeline because of the danger posed by your Avengers we make an exception with the Avengers as we have so here's where a huge problem in Quantum Mania can occur if Ant-Man defeats King and Kang doesn't even have to die most of us assume King will live because we have King Dynasty and Secret Wars coming up but keep in mind there are infinite variants of Kang and we're in the Multiverse Saga so it doesn't have to be this particular King we see in quantumania who is the true variant that we'll see in these other films and the King that we see in quantumania doesn't seem to be at his full King self so to speak so he's vulnerable without his time devices and power for them that's why he'll originally need ant-man's help like we hear him asking for in the trailer where he says you'll do what I ask or your family will suffer so he's not at his full self in this film so what if Ant-Man and the rest of them defeat King what happens with the king of councils if a king is defeated by The Avengers in a Multiverse where it's very clear that Kang can defeat Avengers seemingly with e since we've already seen two different variants have done it so if a king is defeated it might concern the council that a Kang variant was defeated by a team that they have all beaten before this presents a whole entire new problem for The Avengers some insiders have hinted that the Council of kings are going to be a part of the MCU they are going to be a thing so it is also possible that the Kang and quantumania is already a part of the Council of kings that line that he states in the trailer you're an Avenger have I killed you before could mean that our King went to help out other kings deal with the Avengers in their other timelines and make no mistake the Council of Kings already does exist and was actually hinted at in the season finale of Loki most didn't know what it was at first but now it seems very apparent that the four statues one of them being smashed in the foyer of he who remains base are the Council of Kings statues dedicated to the members of the Council of Kings now we know that you could never really trust a king and we know that one was broken so this this could have been a variant that betrayed the others by trying to have everything himself but these statues right here are proof that the council does exist this means that Kang is a way bigger threat than we could have ever imagined you see the closer we get to quantumania the more we see how things are getting connected and there are some key things that people have either missed or forgotten about about what he who remains told us in Loki and for those who may not be entirely clear about this he who remains is King a variant of him he even says he's been called many names and one of them was a conqueror he came to kill the devil right well guess what if you think I'm evil well this way see you me all right so basically he is King the Conqueror and here's where it gets really scary for Ant-Man and the Avengers he who remains stated that in the beginning when the Multiverse was first discovered and kangs were making contact with each other they were peaceful at first then eventually some Kang started to fight each other but if the best of the best or the worst of the worst kings teamed up then who could stop them well what if the not so peaceful ones got together and formed a pack or a council to rule over all of the universes the Multiverse themselves they would take out anyone who would get in their way and that includes Kings but also Avengers you see as you saw in the animated clip kangs can monitor other timelines as well and can intervene if they choose to do so so this basically makes Kang impossible to kill if he has allies and on top of that in the comics one of Kang's Powers is him being able to transfer his Consciousness into another Kang which basically allows him to live for forever in fact many people think that he who remains hinted at this in the season finale of Loki because he tells Sylvie as he's about to die see you soon that could be the case but he's also probably referring to his variants now typically the council doesn't interfere however they have made expectations for The Avengers before when they fear the Avengers will get too powerful so when the Avengers get too strong the council interferes they probably have already done this in many different timelines and Kevin feige the president of Marvel Studios has already confirmed that we are going to see multiple variants of Kang in the Multiverse Saga even confirmed that some are going to be fighting against each other so not only do the Avengers have to deal with one Kang or multiple kings that are fighting by themselves but they'll also have to deal with the Council of Kings so Kang isn't really just one person he's kind of like an entity an entity that can't really be killed so the Avengers really can't kill him because the others will come the only way to really kill Kang is to kind of erase him from exist which is what the heroes might try to do in Avengers Secret Wars because we pretty much know how the ending of the Kang Dynasty is going to go Kang is going to win it's pretty much going to be like Infinity War where Thanos wins so the Avengers are going to realize that they simply just can't kill Kang to get rid of him this is why they can't really defeat him the only way to do this is to erase him from existence so we'll see if that's what is going to happen we'll see if that's the key to Avengers Secret Wars but in the meantime let us know what you think about this in the comments down below leave all your thoughts and your theories don't forget to like the video and subscribe to stay up to date on the latest MCU news you can always follow us on Instagram and Twitter and as always thank you all so much for watching wolf wolf
Channel: The Cosmic Wonder
Views: 436,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cosmic wonder, marvel, mcu, marvel phase 4, marvel phase 5, marvel leaks, avengers kang dynasty, avengers secret wars, quantumania, ant man, ant man and the wasp quantumania, ant man quantumania, avengers, kang the conqueror, kang, why the avengers can't kill kang, why the avengers cant beat kang, kang kills the avengers, ant man quantumania post credit scene, ant man and the wasp quantumania post credit scene, ant man and the wasp quantumania post credit scene leaked
Id: 8p87vZqaNFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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