Was Kang ACTUALLY defeated in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania

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if you think I'm evil well this way until you  meet my variants [Music] what do you get when you combine   a superhero who can shrink down to the size of  an ant with a time traveling conqueror from the   future apparently a very underwhelming movie for  those of you who have seen Ant-Man and the Wasp   Quantumania you probably are a bit puzzled as  to why Kang seemed so weak especially as he is   supposed to be the next big Avengers level threat  sure he was menacing but to go toe-to-toe with   Ant-Man and the Wasp and come out second best  is concerning it may seem like this Kang was   underpowered and outplayed but what if I told you  that Kang the Conqueror was not honourably defeated   no not in the traditional sense what if I told  you that his defeat was all a set up by Kang   himself to weasel his way out of the quantum realm  Kang in Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania has been   stuck in the quantum realm for approximately 20  years since Janet double-crossed him and blew   up his reactor this left came in a very simple  position he had no way out of the quantum realm   so instead he began to do what he always does  conquer the quantum realm was child's play to   Kang an empire he built as a side project till  he could conquer the real thing if there is one   characteristic we know about Kang it's that he is  a very intelligent man he isn't going to waste 20   years waiting for an opportunity only to let  it slip by Kang given the chance would have a   foolproof plan to escape the quantum realm by any  means necessary and this is exactly what happens   Kang wants out of the quantum realm and he got  it would Kang have preferred to just walk right   on through Cassie's portal and enter Earth-616  maybe but wouldn't this just lead him right back   to the Council of Kings he had been exiled once  before what's stopping it from happening again   think about it for a second Ant-Man yes this guy  the Wasp and their army of ants were able to go   toe-to-toe with Kang even if he was holding back  a little do you think this Kang in his current   state would be able to do much against thousands  of Kangs who have already exiled him once before   hell no but what Kang could do instead is create  a distraction create a reason for the council of   Kangs to fear someone else to fear something else  you see killing a Kang is no walk in the park but   killing the Kang the Conqueror something that the  Council of Kangs could not even do themselves put   Earth-616 on the map if they can kill this Kang  who's to say they couldn't defeat the rest of them   as narcissists the only thing worse than a version  of yourself that is more superior than you is the   existence of another group of individuals who just  might be it's also a win-win scenario for Kang the   Conqueror too he has a personal vendetta against  Janet so he would want nothing more than for her   world to be torn to shreds especially if she's  partly to blame for it but Customs wouldn't the   other kangs be able to see that Kang the Conqueror  isn't really dead well I have a couple of theories   about this too the most logical explanation and I  use this phase very vaguely is that Kang does die   well at least multiple copies of him do and  I'm not talking variants just like Ant-Man   was stuck in the probability storm Kang gets  sucked into it too but unlike Ant-Man these   Kangs fight it out until only the most menacing  and ruthless Kang the Conqueror is left standing   as Kang the Conqueror was both dead and alive at  the same time within the probability storm this   might have been just enough to completely wipe him  out of existence from any future timeline that the   Council of Kangs could travel to suggesting  to them that the exiled cane is really dead multiple timelines are simply not possible  inside the quantum realm as it is outside   space and time the quantum realm is unlike  the Marvel universe as there is only one of   it therefore there can only ever be one outcome  produced by the quantum realm at any given time   my theory is that up until this point it was  always understood by the Council of Kangs that   came the Conqueror would escape his prison as  time traveling to the future shows them just this   but once Kang entered the probability storm Kang  the conqueror's journey became undetermined and   therefore future timelines stopped depicting his  inevitable escape suggesting that he truly is dead   this explains why the Council of Kangs thought  the exiled one was dead and how they were so wrong   I fully expect that when Kang emerges from the  probability storm it will change all future   realities across the Multiverse and only then  will the Council of Kangs understand what he   is capable of at the end of Quantumania Kang  could have easily killed Ant-Man the Wasp and   their whole family even without his armor he had  decades to prepare for shrinking abilities like   Janet's but he didn't kill anyone because it made  more sense for him to keep them alive and start a   war between Ant-Man's universe and the Council of  Kangs or you know Kang the Conqueror could just be   dead yeah I didn't think so either if you enjoyed  this video be sure to tell me in the comments what   you think was Kang actually defeated in Ant-Man  and the Wasp Quantumania see you next time [Music] we just crossed the threshold
Channel: Custom's Theory
Views: 32,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: icf1fJj1khU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2023
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