Why The 2030 Petrol Ban Is Actually GOOD!

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This is simply great! A no nonsense reasoning from a petrol head that would smoke any analyst!

Well done, you are so right, market will work it’s magic on BEV, simply because you know, we end up in a better place!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DukeInBlack πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

We don't need to ban ice cars like we don't need to ban nokias or blockbusters. Obsolete tech dies all own its own.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/upvotemeok πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

These conventional mindsets created by the auto industry, they still think we are missing something because EVs are silent. Who wants that horrible engine noise on the streets they live in? Can’t wait for it to go away.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/vanpeta πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Tesla doesn't even need that.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/throwaway9732121 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

95% of all new passenger vehicle sales in the Netherlands will be BEV in 2027. Guaranteed.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/therustyspottedcat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] so petrol is dead and so is diesel that's the word from the uk government who've just announced that sales of new petrol and diesel-powered vehicles is going to be outlawed from 2030. that's only nine more years until traditional combustion engine power is killed off and that's not some funky eu law that's the british prime minister who's laid it all down but what does it mean for you and me and petrol heads and everybody else out there who love cars well here's the bottom line okay the uk's date for the discontinuing of the sale of new petrol and diesel-powered cars was originally 2040. then that got brought forward to 2035 and this week it's been brought forward again to 2030. what's going on well they're trying to jumpstart the market for electric cars in the uk and push the uk towards net zero emissions by the year 2050. what it means is that when 2030 rolls around you'll still be able to buy used petrol and diesel-powered cars but new models won't be sold it's all going to be old stock as for new hybrids but at the moment it looks like they're still going to be available but only until 2035 so they get killed off five years later than petrol but after that what i understand is that all new cars will have to be fully electric now i know what you're thinking this is outrageous this is awful they're going to ruin everything for car lovers but controversial take here i don't really care in fact i'm actually kind of glad now let me explain all right the first thing that i'll say is that whether you believe in climate change or not having cleaner air in cities is a good thing it's better than not having clean air when cars get cleaner we all win see back in the day and a lot of you won't remember this might be too young but we actually had leaded petrol petrol with lead inside led is a toxic metal they used to put poison in petrol just because it made engines run better and this caused all kinds of health problems until the oil industry was forced to stop people said look we can do better than this and then we did we moved to unleaded and then we saw a chance to improve on that so we introduced things like catalytic converters and we move to hybrids and then eventually electric cars because you know all of that progress towards cleaner air and city centers well that's not a bad thing is it so that's the first thing cleaner air benefits everyone the second thing and this one is for all the people out there who think petrol cars are amazing listen to this right in 2030 i guarantee you petrol cars are going to be rubbish anyway and that's because whether you like it or not we're constantly making changes to cars to make them cleaner and when you make those changes you take away some of the things that people out there historically love about petrol cars i'm talking about things like the noise the performance the emotional involvement all the positive things right but those things are already being eroded the porsche cayman went from a six cylinder to a four-cylinder engine and it sounded terrible the next amg c63 that's not gonna have a v8 like the ones that came before it that's gonna be a four cylinder as well rolls royce they specialize in making v12s right they're going all electric as for noise noise is a big thing let's talk about that for a minute listen to this ferrari 360 from back in the early 2000s now listen to this ferrari f8 from 2020 [Music] you hear the difference in another 10 years new ferrari is actually going to sound even worse than the f8 does today because governments are introducing even more noise limits and more restrictions on emissions if you want to find out more about that click the link in the top right hand corner so you can't say that you know we want petrol cars because they sound great they don't right in fact the only car that sounds great new as far as i'm concerned is pretty much lamborghinis but the rest not really let's talk about performance we already know that petrol cars aren't as fast as electric cars where acceleration is concerned pound-for-pound the fastest thing in a straight line right now is a tesla model s on a track the store is slightly different but the fastest ferrari right now that's the sf90 it's a hybrid it uses electric power so performance isn't limited to petrol powered cars there's room for improvement when you bring in electricity and then there's the whole range thing people say electric cars don't go as far as petrol cars and you know maybe you could argue that in a lot of cases but electric cars go bloody far these days the vw id3 will go 350 miles on a single charge london to manchester is only 200 miles how often do we need to make that kind of trip charge times a rapid charger can take you from 10 to 80 in the time it takes to eat a big mac half an hour all right two big macs but by the time 2030 rolls around charging speeds and range will be even better and the whole price thing when in 10 years evs are gonna be way cheaper than than they are now and the last thing i'll say and it kind of pains me to say it well actually it doesn't i'll say anyway is that i don't really care that much about the engines in normal petrol powered cars performance cars i love right but normal everyday cars the type that people use to get to work or drop the kids off at school stuff bought by 90 of the population meh who has an emotional attachment to a one liter engine in the fiesta i've never met a single person who loves the 1.6 diesel and the citroen just doesn't happen not really for most ordinary situations electric cars they're either fine or actually better you haven't got some naf gearbox lurching the car around you haven't got some horrible stop start system that cuts the engine out whenever you pull up to a junction and then you floor it trying to tuck in between two cars doing some last minute maneuver and it takes ages to start up again and then shakes the car when it does you haven't got an engine rattling around in the bonnet in front of you in an ev it's all smooth it's calm look at the vw id3 for example i'd much rather drive an id3 than drive the brand new golf they're basically the same car right they're very similar but the experience in the id3 is just nicer get out of a golf and then into an id3 and the goal feels like something from a stone age really look in an ideal world here's how i would do things i'd ban all the naf petrol and diesel stuff so everything from the fiesta to the 5 series basically and then i'd allow high performance petrol cars all right the stuff that relatively speaking not that many people buy so porsche 911's v8 mustangs all the fun stuff even if you got to put a tax on those to discourage too many people from buying them or running them too often or running them in city centers call it the 500 horsepower tax but everything else let it be electric that's how i'd run planet read because then you get the best of both worlds clean air from the evs that we run during the week and then we can you know have a bit of fun with the angry v8s on the weekend and actually even if we get rid of all new petrol cars so be it man because i think that electric sports cars can and will be fun and they'll start being even more fun when all the clever bods in the m division and the amg divisions of this world start giving evs their full attention yeah it's going to be hard don't doubt that but look if there's no struggle there's no progress and if not like i said there's always used cars there's always the stuff on auto trader so you can still get your rocks off am i right do you disagree let me know in the comments below but as always thanks for watching like subscribe share and i'll see you on the next one peace [Music] [Music] you
Channel: AutoTrader
Views: 222,536
Rating: 4.4390264 out of 5
Keywords: 2030 petrol ban, 2030 petrol car ban, 2030 car ban, petrol car ban, diesel car ban, 2030 diesel ban, 2030 diesel car ban, uk petrol ban, 2030 petrol and diesel ban, 2030 petrol and diesel car ban, rory reid, autotrader, auto trader, electric cars, evs, ice cars, car ban, uk car ban, tesla, polestar, ferrari, audi r8, car review, 4k review, rory reid autotrader, autotrader.com, petrol, diesel, 2030, 2030 ban
Id: DGjFwZZpxS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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