Why Super Mario Galaxy 2 is Still a Masterpiece! - 10th Anniversary Discussion (Retrospective)

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[Music] Asch John 10 years ago to this day a masterpiece was released the hetried Super Mario Galaxy 2 came to the switch and I think blew past most people's expectations Alexei blew past my own this was Mike came up a decade for 2010 by the way but he got the whole presentation for it and from that action they were playing the entire games I loved it so much so yeah I had we had to get together and talk about Super Mario Galaxy 2 and its 10th anniversary which for me might be one of the best 3d marios but we'll touch on that soon so before I drove on and on let's get to your guys's overall thoughts of Mario Galaxy 2 and where you were at at the time 10 years ago let's go and start with you ash so yeah what's your impression of Mario Galaxy 2 and where were you at when they were released God where is the time gone how intense already oh man well it's funny I actually ended up getting Mario Galaxy 2 at a midnight launch at a Best Buy in West LA so I just you know took a late night drive got it like 12:30 a.m. or whatever and I was so excited like I I was extraordinarily high for galaxy - you know back before it came out I was just I couldn't wait I was counting down the days and I just came home and pretty much played it all night and I think you know until probably 4:00 in the morning so I just fell asleep or something and it I was super happy with it like my first impression was this is absolutely the game I've been waiting for kind of as you said Andre even though it it began life as kind of an expansion pack for Super Mario Galaxy in terms of them just kind of you know all the ideas they didn't have room for in the original they kind of you know or putting it a galaxy - it felt fresh to me it didn't of course feel as fresh as galaxy one I've you can't really ever quite recreate that feeling I don't think just because galaxy one was so new the concept of it was so new it did turn the entire concept of a 3d platformer on its head Lego and and I don't literally exactly and I don't you know it's as great as galaxy 2 is and there's many new ideas had it didn't quite recreate that feeling for me that's just because it's just not new and that's not you can't do anything about it but I mean otherwise it was galaxy one but just full of crazy new ideas and of course the biggest deal for me was Yoshi uh yeah I'm a big yo she fan anyway he's like my second favorite Nintendo character and you know to me you can't really have Mario without Yoshi obviously you can there are plenty of games where Yoshi doesn't appear but amore God it always feels like yeah exactly I mean he's perfect but it always feels that don't always feels like there's a void when he's not around like in Neama galaxy one Super Mario 64 what's by the way why Mario World is better than Mario 3 just for the record hey I completely agree with you there it's yeah no I agree world definitely is better than 3 and yeah it's funny I have said in a few different places in a few different ways that galaxy 1 actually is my preferred galaxy game in the sense that I like galaxy 1 more overall but galaxies who has Yoshi and it's all an amazing game besides and so it's it's hard to really quantify the two because they're both such special games but I was just AI remember how hype I was for galaxy 2 at the time and that first time that I booted up and I heard the sky station galaxy music I was just I was like I'd come home I was like this is the game I've been waiting for and I look back on it fondly there are things about I don't like and I think I probably talked to you about them before Andre during even your game of the decade discussion but despite there being stuff I don't like about galaxy 2 and I'm an overall I guess design sense you know it's still a fantastic game and there's very little negative I can say about it so I mean I was 15 when this game came out in 64 came out Jesus does that make you feel old yes John yes such an old man so I was 15 I heard my friends were so excited for this game and I remember nose announced at e3 I put a bunch the traded some sponsor my PSP and came to school one day and showed them all the e3 trailer so we gathered round Watson Mario Galaxy 2 trailer the Metroid Other M trailer well look how good other end looks and then came out but we galaxy 2 though I remember it came out on the day of my last exam and so I'm just waiting for that exam to be over us I could rush home go to the shop get galaxy 2 and start playing it and it was just such a relief like to be solve constrain with all these exams going on and then this being the ultimate stress relief at the end of all that and it delivered for me alright for me it was kind of a different concept because Mario in its 30-year history doesn't really do sequels very few games were actually direct sequels to another right but we have what Mario Brothers 2 I guess Yoshi's Island blast that's stretching it it's really stretchy even though even though it's called mario world 2 but i'm so the idea to do not only a 3d sequel but a mario sequel is kind of uncharted territory or at least in in since Super Mario Brothers The Lost Levels I guess right the Japanese version yeah yeah and but it was warranted though because this game has so many more ideas and to me I can't really position which one I prefer the 2 Galaxy games because they they both have such great levels and when you look at them I can't imagine having one without the other and they both do different things as well I think galaxy 2 has I guess more streamlined levels are there are less Sandboxie ones but that's ok it's more focused and it does more exhilarating things I as well like like larger enemies that there are worlds where you just have these giant goombas and Piranha Plants and on screen you can have all these shallow Mario's it just felt bigger and a little bit more ambitious but at the same time it is also just more Mario Galaxy yeah I mean that's exactly it I equated it to portal in my game a decade discussion I believe Alex I think I did where in both cases the initial game was an entirely new way of playing like I said I said before my initial experience of Mario Galaxy was very similar to portal where like the new mechanics with the old grab di da I could run around these spheres like blew my mind in a way similar to portal and it was just fun to play with core mechanics but then you have a sequel that comes along they use it a same base so it's no longer as fresh as actually touching on but then it builds on in such a way that it almost completely mitigates that factor it doesn't they add so many new ideas based on the mechanics are already familiar with that it creates just overall at least for me a stronger Hall so like whereas in Portal 2 like I find you know I still love portal 1 but I think I would say pearl 2 is probably the better game I think I would apply I think I was in the same that Mario Galaxy I think Marley galaxy might possibly be the better first experience because it was such a mind-blowing thing at the time like we hadn't seen gameplay of that nature before when it comes to revisiting these I think Mario Casas 2 is gonna win every time for me i but to be fair I need to revisit more the galaxy 1 at some point to make sure that's the case but yeah I don't want to diminish either game because they're both fantastic and the fact that Marley galaxy 2 was able to follow up on that game in a very direct way as you're saying John that Mario doesn't do is so incredibly impressive and being on the same hardware you know using the same basic interface it just really thoroughly impressed me with how fun it is and that's really it this game is just wall-to-wall fun from start to finish there is never a moment there isn't a moment that I wasn't having an absolute blast with this game except for maybe one thing they'll get to a little bit later but on the whole this game is just a sheer joy where I'm smiling the almost entire the entire way through and and I think part of that too is that this might be getting a little bit of debate here what I love about this game I think is is that there is no downtime between between levels that you get back to the hub which I know some people aren't the biggest fans of but for me I loved it like I just go right back in the next stage there's literally no downtime at all in Mario Galaxy 2 and it's just a sheer joy that are away I'm talking about the face ship because I think it's it makes more sense as a hub for Mario Galaxy because the the comet observatory is such a flat hub which doesn't make much sense when the levels are planetoids well most of them are anyway the fact thing you drop our act Observatory always bugged me I'm like I'm in space why can't I go to the bomb the Observatory like I can everything else may game yeah but at the same time though it's not much of a sandbox and there's not much you can really do on the face so in in a sense I kind of prefer the observatory but again there's so much you can do there either the both kind of weak yeah I'm with John on this one I I always just preferred the the more the slightly more open nature of galaxy one I really like the hub area the comte observatory I don't know it carries a lot of positive memories for me I love seeing it slowly come back to life you know as you as new tried removing it though I I did several years ago and I still really enjoyed it but I'd to be fair I haven't revisited both games in their entirety so kind of like you Andre I can't say for sure but I think for me galaxy to like I'm glad they both exist because they're both different takes on a similar formula and so galaxy 2 as you said Andre is more focused there's you know less downtime and as a more traditional Mario 3 style world map I didn't like that as much at least at the time but I think it's an interesting take on on what galaxy one did it's an alternative take on what galaxy 1 did and it results in a different feeling game like galaxy 2 feels a bit smaller and more compact to me it doesn't feel like it's a it's as epic or as large or explore to the game as galaxy 1 but I think that's by design and as you said it's it's more streamlined it's more focused and that gives a different kind of experience with the Super Mario Galaxy template and I just I really enjoy having that hub world though now I guess maybe that comes from my love of Super Mario 64 and such where I really and of course the the comet observatory is not nearly as interesting to explore as Peach's castle obviously but I just I liked having that kind of additional area to kind of explore and take a breather and see what's going on as you as you get as he brought the observatory back to life and I just felt the world map to be strangely limiting for a for a game of galaxy scale you know I again I think it's good that it existed as a as an alternative take on this but I just never really enjoyed you know I don't know I just like I felt like I had seen that already in Mario 3 and it wasn't the kind of experience I wanted in galaxy I wanted to be able to explore more at least feel like I was exploring more you can test on the law of points there I think yeah I think a lot trains go back hey I I go to route saying um I think I mean I think the key thing is both games are going about similar concepts in a slightly different way and I think what both did work for what they were going for at the time that they released and Mario Galaxy Mario Galaxy 2 did step back a little bit from the space theme with more you know you weren't in space quite as often it felt like and and I'm sure that's by design and I don't personally mind I know some do but I think I think owing to that is partially why you know we had this giant spaceship in Majerle galaxy 1 they didn't want to convey that hey you're in space there's a kind of more open environment but on the other hand like looking back that hub was a little bit at odds with the core gameplay itself where the hub was a little bit open and that you did how you could go between these observatories but that was basically about it whereas the gameplay itself was pretty linear on the stage is there isn't much room for exploration within the stages themselves um you're going from the start to the end and in that sense even though the hub was a little bit Mario 64's even if it wasn't nearly did the same scale it was the the levels themselves were anything but um I think that's why I think I probably prefer Mario Galaxy 2 looking back just because it seems a better fit for the game design itself which is overall linear but I think we were coming from and I think I think I like that both games tried something different and I think it they what they were going for worked for you know the overall design ethos at both of them when he said about a lot more galaxies two levels not being in space that that's a great point because when I think galaxy 2 I think blue skies whereas guys he was just up this backdrop because there are so many more levels that that they start planetoids you're still jumping around from planet to planet but a lot of them just take place in the soft daytime looking area or a fenced-in yard yeah I think though I think the first level will you where you find Yoshi I think that's there's a blue sky as well so it kind of sets the tone for all what the rest of the games gonna be like yeah that's the first like real level but there is an introductory level does take place in space ROM but yeah you're totally right and it is just kind it's just kind of trust me to see that that slide shift and I think that's why I'd like I mean I can't like that because it doesn't it feels like it gives Mario Galaxy one still its own kind of unique style because you are in space so often and some of the elements in that game weren't used much if at all in more we gots a to like the pull stars for instance which I enjoyed the Mario Galaxy are barely seen in this game which is probably largely Florida because Yoshi has a similar mechanic with his tongue and they focused more on that and I'm totally cool with that like freaking adore Yoshi and yeah and how he plays in this game Yoshi's fascinating because he's a power up in of himself anything like they put on power-ups on top of that power-ups Yoshi with his with his tongue and he must do a flutter jump and then there's also the peppers making go faster you can make him inflate like a balloon you can make him illuminate paths it's it's insane the amount of a variety of the gab there's one little just powerup it's a running water yeah speaking of running a water as well you can also there's also one level you can sort of push a little pad around I'm not sure that's really used again it just sort of shows you how many ideas this game has that you can throw they can just throw them away even though this is a sequel that's trying to use even more ideas they just have so many there they go they go along as such a rapid pace this reminds me of one particular me there might've been two levels I think maybe maybe was one level with a special comet version that was even harder but there's a level of Yoshi where you have to use a bunch of peppers to guide him through like or like over a wall but it's like a side view and it was so frustrating at the time but still really exhilarating I remember being so happy when I beat that stage you know yeah I it's just this is so interesting because I think if I were to go back and play both I think gameplay wise I would probably find two to be the more interesting game after all these years in terms of how they both hold up but there is a kind of a Genesis Genesis equality two galaxies one that I can't quite quantify that in the sense that and I've said this to you before Andre that I for me galaxy one was the first time Mario had felt truly epic and that was my design you know you they they had this big dramatic setup of Mario having to go to the the universe to save peach this time and it felt like the stakes were higher than they've ever been before and not that mario has to have that obviously it's Mario but I like that about it I thought it was kind of a cool twist for Mario to her to feel like man this is a grand epic adventure the stakes are higher than ever and then of course there were the storybook sequences with you know kind of going into Rosalina's backstory and they were so shockingly poignant especially for a Mario game and I just really liked that slightly more somber tone that Galaxy 1 created kind of both more somber and more epic whereas galaxy 2 kind of went for more of a straightforward hey this is a Mario game you know is that Miyamoto effect right where we're not doing anything with the story we're not you know this is just another Mario game but we're gonna go crazy with the gameplay and that's that has value in itself and then that there were a lot of people I think that has more value and I'm not overlooking that but I just really how she too didn't create that same feeling of not just wonder but just epicness on a grand scale and and especially that that surprising sense of poignant with Rosalina's backstory and it just seems like all that took a backseat in galaxy 2 again by design and a lot of people love that but that kind of rubbed me the wrong way even if again the gameplay itself and all the crazy ideas they have in galaxy 2 have probably held up better if I were to go back and play them both right now how can you say is no grander scale bowels is huge in this game I know that my boss by the way with Bowser III I think it's better than Mario galaxy's final boss where it does feel just grandeur which and it probably been better fitting galaxies give me with everything Ashe just said but yeah I just want to bring that up real quick because I I did feel like that that at least the climax of this game did feel epic with you hopping from planetary to planetoids Bowser getting closer and closer and I believe they've already called correctly like the music gets more intense and closer Bowser engaged so it does feel like in that moment elites that there are stakes ya know like gameplay wise certainly I mean I like III don't remember both final battles perfectly - like compared and contrasted - I feel like I remember thinking they were pretty similar but maybe not but certainly it like in in gameplay since moment-to-moment it is intense because galaxy 2 can get pretty difficult like outside of sunshine I'd say but think yeah I'd say Sun shower Gucci was probably the hardest 3 mario game after sunshine and I was intentionally hardest and intent yeah right yeah and you know and I remember there were plenty of stages where it felt exhilarating and I you know I had sweaty palms and you know no doubt about that it's just there is a certain feeling that Gao Qi to didn't carry over from galaxy 1 yeah they're not Justin how it being original but just again there's just there is an epic narrative feel to to the game which again I realized sounds crazy for Mario but that's what I liked about so much about galaxy one is that they were willing to try something like that right and succeed yeah no I totally get that um and I don't know if they could have even I don't know how they couldn't even match that so I think perhaps not even trying to was the right idea for a sequel and just and just like really double down on the gameplay element and that's a part that you know I said you know I'm talking about like revisiting the game I think that's a part that is is for me at least the most important when revisiting because I have the same memories you do to ash I love Mario Galaxy 1 and again I haven't revisited in a few years now so it's possible that what I think I might think is different from how I actually would feel in the moment but I think when I go back to revisiting games I just wanted to like hone in on the gameplay so while I have a share tastic numbers in Mario Galaxy 1 when it comes to revisiting you know I'm not gonna get the same quite the same feel I would from replaying that again as I am from already got so - I would think with that said yeah I would like I would love they could really is for they're down the line but I do like that the two games do fans do skin department you know you have the greater narrative focus more a galaxy one whereas Mario Galaxy 2 is just really hates here's a whole bunch of gameplay it's basically sugar in your face and I love that that's a really good way to put it it's just like it just letting you have your your breakfast lunch dinner and as much as you want all at once that is very much what gauchito feels like yes overload it's interesting how much that affects us though because the actual narrative elements of galaxy 1 are tiny there's a few cutscenes barely any though right but it's it's amazing how that sets the tone for the rest of the game even if it's just a few minutes of the overall package that's a good point I mean I think - it's it's I think it's also the setting the faculty you're in space so often I just got just naturally gravitate or you know uh lend to the to this scale of the adventure so they do kind go hand in hand where everything just feels just a little bit grander given everything what speaks to add to ashes points so yeah so I get it both games are doing similar ideas in a different way and that's kind of interesting I'm kind of glad they did that again because I remember my initial reaction already Gossett - was my concern was it would diminish the original because I because I'm like well they'll probably you know they'll hopefully this make a better game which will just eclipse the original and you know what and I would think that would almost do a disservice to the original game existing and to some extent that is kinda what happened for me because I think I do prefer revisiting this one but as we're touching on the original stands apart for its own reasons and I appreciate that the two that these two massive titans in the game ending Australia stood for 3d platformers nor really across all gaming there's a to the highest or the games all timing of all time that they can stand apart still and stand together is awesome to me that's such a cool thing that a direct sequel to Mario Galaxy 2 was able to go toe-to-toe if not exceed it well while not damaging the original entirely yeah and like just look at other Mario games to see the comparison my music Mario Brothers there are four installments films of that and each one just sold for it kindly culture it replaced it the other they will feel so similar which was guy see guys in guys who share the same engine on the same console they look really similar yet just in terms of pure variety and level design they stand apart just on those two merits alone absolutely yeah totally agree so I also go back real quick to - actually one goes elements it helps Mario Galaxy to stand out being Yoshi because we touched on them already but I want to give this a little more attention because even though Yoshi isn't necessarily the huge part of this game it definitely is part of what gives a Mario Galaxy 2 a different character both literally literally in any way and I love Yoshi in this game I don't think that could be implemented him any better like you compare it to what the deal with Yoshi in Mario Sunshine which is a a tragedy and it is so much better he's just so much better implemented here where he doesn't just exist for the sake of existing he adds core mechanics that worked so well with the hardware being the wii pointer that are just so darned fun to use I love being able to use his tongue and lap up enemies or grab platforms and fling myself through the air like these levels feel like jungle gems when you're playing as Yoshi and that's a precision as well letting you aim in 360 degrees which is something is tricky in the log games yet just is not at all in Mario Galaxy and it bums me out that we don't have it we don't really have a suitable we pointer replacement on any platform really aside from maybe VR and the fact that we'll never never get mechanic like this again anytime soon helps me out because it's so good oh she's just so fun especially when he add in all the power of mechanics you're touching on John that really just enhance what all he can do with them you know I mean calling Yoshi a powerup earlier might be a bit of a disservice to him because he's here for this adventure and when you finish a level he's celebrating with you and right at the end of the game he waves goodbye to you is he's basically a companion I made a whole video about it yeah and like I think just the way levels are designed around Yoshi rather than him being an optional powerup it not only introduces more opportunities for these exciting designs but it makes Yoshi just feel like an event when he appears in the level my usov uuui associate those levels with him because of that yeah I completely agree Yoshi though he was perfectly implemented and you just kind of hit on it right there John it felt like an event every time you got to a new level board that was designed around him you're like oh yes another Yoshi level like that I always got really excited about every new Yoshi level I got too and that's you know really you guys already touched on it is it's because he was implemented so well and as you were saying Andre we've still never quite seen anything any any implementation quite like that sense you know in terms of the Pointer using the pointer in 3d space and even though it's not quite as ubiquitous it's it's it was very satisfying to me in a way that collecting star bits by pointing at them around the screen was to like like again that's a little bit more ubiquitous in the sense that you're always doing that but it always felt so satisfying to me and the same way that playing as Yoshi did in Galaxy 2 it was just kind of a rarer and more special experience in that case yeah it felt really great and I yeah playing as Yoshi felt meaningfully different but also super exciting and I just I love that about about him in galaxy 2 yeah just something there too of the star bits which of course we're more the galaxy one and that's kind of like a good example of how Mario Galaxy 2 builds on the original because in that game in both games collecting star bits is satisfying but it's ultimately a pretty passive behavior you can't fail at it you just wave your Wii Remote around and you know collect whatever is on the screen on but the Wii Remote is actually barely used or the pointer rather was actually barely used in the gameplay sense in the original only for the pull stars and I believe in the levels where Mario's in the bubble and get blow them around which weren't even that good and you away to my memory Hey oh yeah so Mario you got the two actor turns out into an intrinsic gameplay mechanic by by making it essential to to Yoshi and how you go about these levels and that's why I really enjoy it really showed how you could use a pointer in a 3d based platformer which again is something we didn't we haven't seen much of either before or since and yeah that part can't bums me out we know talking about this also you know makes me think of something interesting you know there are those rumors going around right now we don't know if they're true or not yet about these you know 3d Mario remasters potentially coming to the switch later this year if they do include galaxy 2 how do they do that like how is that actually gonna work unless I say again assuming they're even gonna be in there which it or any of this is true but if it is true how are they gonna really implement that there's two ways I can think of one Mario Galaxy already exists in China I believe on on the Nvidia shield and in that case I use the right control stick to quicken to control the star bit okay and I can't see it I feel like anywhere near as good as a pointer itself or being anywhere near as accurate but that is one way they could do it but again I think in Yoshi's case where you need that precision yeah probably wouldn't work on so the other alternative didn't do what other sports games are doing where the joique on itself does act as a but the problem is there's no there's no actual like recalibration options built-in beyond resetting it manually and that is good negatively affect how it works that you have to reset that manually right if you suck you know probably every 10 20 seconds to make sure it stays accurate and so yeah if it does end up coming is gonna be an inferior experience no matter what I think right and I think to say nothing about how just the I our nature of the pointer on the joy con is it's also just less precise itself so it's not gonna feel quite as snappy and as smooth as it as it did on the wheel right they could go like the third person shooter route like a breath of the wild and have you like hold a button down to bring the pointer up but I think that also that kind of gets in the way as well though because always having that pointer on-screen means you never forget about it and there's so many star birds to get so I can't see getting rid of it like permanently being a good thing right now something you touched on earlier John related to Yoshi was how I mean he does add like a personality did this game with him being along for the journey like waving at the like how you took how he weighs on you when you're on your way to the final boss if you manage to hold on the Yoshi up to that point that is such an adorable detail and that kind of gets back to what I was saying with how this game this makes me feel happy but I played Mario Galaxy 2 I go to my happy place and where I felt like a smile on my face this everything about this game it just seems designed for you to have it to for you to have a good time for you just have a really like positive experience and that goes beyond just like the game design and level design which absolutely adds to it through the music and visuals but even how like the characters like will cheer you on - I love a happy the Lumas are in the final level again like the luma is like actively cheering you on as you go and it's just those little touches I think really just add to like just how fun this game is without it ever feeling too easy I think is probably more difficult than the original I think I could be wrong on that but I never feel like even though it might be it's not like an impossible game by any by any stretch but it feels like a challenge you just enough they don't get frustrated while still having a good time mm-hmm a new species as well a business that a species of would people who doesn't appear very often but there's such cool designs and the level that hosts them the the want that slide level that plays a mary 64 slide fee yes that's such a so cool I actually in Mary galaxy one was one of those people who really did like the I love the Monterey surfing which is something I generally don't like looking back on it and I love the galaxy to kind of double down on that because there's a couple of levels in the vein of that kind of level like there's the one where you're flying on a bird and you're guarding it around this in front like a try win the race I think that's such a great level I love those little sore bite-sized challenges where just shakes up the gameplay and gives you something entirely new yeah I mean that's it there are so many ideas in this game it's changing constantly you you barely see an idea reused in Mario Galaxy 2 every level feels entirely unique from the previous one and that is something that's just truly impressive and game back to what you're saying about the slide I love that level too that's such a fun level II reminds me I mean it basically feels like Mario's version of Sidious game from socket venture to [Music] that's true right it's it's such discipline little thing and you don't really see a slide to get in the game it's like a one-two done thing and then you move on they could probably eat the whole level or whole game made out of slides and I would've loved it but know that there's so many ideas in this game that you could build it probably entire concepts around and yet the explore for stage and move on you know and it kind of like makes me feel like they could make a Mario Galaxy 3 with a same intent as Mario got to to originally and just keep building on the unused ideas or expanded ideas of this just to give us something even even more well I think you just hit on something there there's a reason that conversation around a possible galaxy 3 continues to this day and that's because galaxies and galaxy 2 as a whole made such an enormous impact on 3d mario in a way we hadn't seen since super mario 64 and you know you don't you know you've searched sure there are people out there who want sunshine to or another 3d world you know i'm not saying that those games don't deserve sequels i know probably Andre would say sunshine doesn't but you know there's a reason though that galaxy specifically endures and that people still say they want a galaxy 3 and that's because it still felt like there was so much more they could explore despite the incredible number of ideas on display in both games especially the second one and you know I yeah and I going back to galaxy 2 for a second I was gonna say one of the things I loved about it you guys are talking about the manta ray levels which I also loved but I also like that galaxy 2 wasn't afraid to scale it back a bit when it needed to and it devoted a surprisingly decent chunk of the game to 2d levels like I really love those 2d cylindrical levels or like the like you're going up and down and like the cylinder that your your viewpoint stays the same it's from a 2d view point but the cylinder it you know kind of moves up and down depending on whether Mario's ascending or descending and there were there was a surprising amount of content in that game that was played from a 2d perspective and I thought that was really cool and and I don't remember at the moment if galaxy 1 had as much of that but I feel like it didn't and and I really liked that the game starts off 2d it starts off in this 2d perspective when we graduate in 73 the storybook all right yeah that's ingenious yeah I think most people playing this game probably came from New Super Mario Brothers we like that might be some people's first Mario game and then think about guys who to being your first 3d game and to sort of transitioning from 2d to 3d in this seamless just this seamless screen transition I think that's so clever mmm so really good that is super cool and the deck and that kind of speaks to that also does reminded me of just how crazy and letting the platforming can get in this game because it's not just like a conventional 3d game you're running around like entire planets jumping between planets as gravity is pulling you in various directions and again that's something some already got someone obviously as well the morally guys are to really you know further plays with that with those ideas and so it is fun that they started off in the simple simplistic way possible being 2d before rolling out to 3d and eventually into space so yeah just again it just shows like the design the topic that goes into Nintendo games and how it teaches you things that you even realizing it yeah I'm actually watching some footage right now of and it reminded me one of my favorite mechanics and levels in galaxy 2 and it's really any level that uses the flip like the flip panels where every time you know you shake and martha's a spin the red platforms turn to blue and back and you know back and forth and back and forth so you really have to you know plan out your jump beforehand or at least a few steps ahead and know what you're doing before you get that extra little midair boost by shaking because then the platforms underneath you are gonna shift and that was that might have been in galaxy 1 but but if it was it was used to much greater affected to do you know what's cool about that too is it kind of teaches you about the little boost in the air cuz at some point you have to jump off a platform and Shake in the air and he might realize Oh Mary gained some momentum when you dead at me does that and I think that's something that a lot of players wouldn't know so that's just a really cool way of teaching you the advanced mechanics that the optional ones that you don't need to use but it's definitely helped you out in some cases right yeah absolutely well while we're on the topic of mechanics I mean we could go we could talk endlessly about to be the very the variety of ones on display here but I think one of my favorites beyond the ones you've already touched on like Yoshi is the drill I love the drill in this game with how you just you just dig through the ground high-speed before popping out the other side the planet Iran and and again that's something that they only used a handful of times in the game with a kid really like it's another example of something that kept done far more with but Nintendo held back and has made us stand out you know every mechanic fuel is unique and special when they pop up because you never really see them again and that might be why I enjoy the drill so much maybe had they made the whole game valve it I wouldn't feel a positive way about it but when the pops up those few times like oh this is great the jus also has a boss battle like how many power-ups get their own boss bastard good boy and that was a really fun boss battle too that always stood out to me and and ya know you just that's a great point about the power-ups especially the drill Andre because none of them ever feel like to me from what I could remember that they overstayed their welcome and that that is fascinating because I think that most people for a potential Galaxy 3 would be fine if they brought back a bunch of these you know power-ups from the first two games especially the second game because none of them felt like they were overused on top of layering of course even more new ideas and to galaxy 3 but yeah galaxy 2 is very good in terms of very well considered in terms of its pacing you never feel like you're doing the same thing twice and if you are its spaced out enough that you that you feel like it's fresh again by the time you get to the next instance of that and usually you know when yeah and and in usually when you get to another instance of something you've done before there's some twist on it or so you know that the level designs are different in such a way that it makes you rethink what you thought you understood about that mechanic and it's just it is such a wonderfully paced game getting more specific compare ups as well I love the clown powerup that is how the yes platforming power-ups in a Mario game what's cool about it too late first let's make your own platforms and now such a cool platform mechanics which is like they made little bits the jump on whenever you want to but it's limited and once you've ran out of it it's still as a use because Mario's all floaty even after you've used it and using that cloud powerup just leads to some great platforming moments where you can skip entire chunks just because of how floaty Mario is I think it's such a call I don't think any other power-ups been quite like that before no it let's see modify the stage and that's really neat it reminds me just a little guy he came what I'm saying this it reminds me a little bit of the mode in new super mario brothers u where you if you're playing the game pad you can tap into I appear but this is a game actually designed with it in mind and yeah is a really fun mechanic and again something we haven't seen returned since so I would love to have did that happened if we saw more of the cloud power up at some point and there's so many power-ups that are like that we have there's a you can turn to do a boo in a few levels and float through the state float through platforms what else is there there's rock Mario we can roll to grab the high speed seems like um just like the Gorn from majora's mosque yes put into mario right and there's even a holy bowling stage based around that idea uh-huh what the things that stands out to me and maybe one of the reasons why I love the hub in this game although someone also when the reasons why I enjoyed going back to the hub in Mario Galaxy one is the music the hub music for the face ship might be the happiest darn - Nintendo was never made and I love to how in kind of typical Mario fashion it gets added to as you go through the game with more instruments being introduced and I cannot maybe that's why I really don't mind the hub at all because I could just chill there for as long as I need to catch my breath and just take in the music there's such a lovely fantastic track that just that just instantly puts me in the right movie is it won't take to say I like that track but I prefer the comment Observatory they're two very different run I was about to say the same thing John yeah they they have different fields I think they're supposed to kind of give you different feelings you know I think galaxy 2 is it feels like a brighter more just lighter game there's it's lighter in tone whereas you know galaxies a bit darker a bit heavier and I think the comet observatory theme kind of reflects that and I also prefer that song but I think they both work really well in the context of their own games and they both do that really cool thing as you said Andre where the you know new layers are added onto the music as you progress to thinking through the game and I love that and speaking of the music in general one thing I love about the series both one and two you know and to carry divorced so well is the the introduction of this orchestrated bombastic lush feel for Mario music that we hadn't really ever had before it almost felt like you're like playing a Disney movie in terms of the musical style like it it you know Martin Mario had never quite had that really lush orchestrated approach before and and not that it ever needed it but it I don't think it was something people ever expected that of Mario so we first hear that in mario galaxy it's like whoa this is a completely different feel for Mario and that went a long way I think toward adding to that epic feeling in galaxy one but galaxy 2 carries force so well I mean immediately here sky station galaxy and it's like oh man I am in for an adventure and not just like yeah I'm this would be a good time like this is an adventure with a capital A and you that song tells you you're about to have an amazing time and and the music carries forth throughout that entire experience I mean the molten melty molten galaxy and and you know all the Bowser levels and you know it's there's so much great music in these games and you know especially two and I just you know that I I think the music went a long way toward the unique feel that these games still have even among different Mario games but you still see later Mario games inspired by that like 3d world for instance yeah that's true I mean some of the some of that same music even appears in the real world I think yeah wait it is kind of interesting see how galaxies just had this legacy around it like in Mario Kart 8 there's a track that uses of River Mario Galaxy right and like Rosalina as a character I don't think though that is very rare that Mario introduces a new character to the franchise that sticks around and Rosalina has just she's been in touch every spin-off since her conception by Mary gasps he just has such a legacy to it that I don't think any other Mario game has quite had before not since no you're absolutely right like there is a legacy to these games and I think that's one of the bittersweet things about this being ten years out now from Mario Galaxy 2 is that I love this game it still holds up it looks fantastic even my HDTV by the way great am i seeing that close to it other sitting back this game looks just phenomenal still like they could put those in the HD BAM you're set do you have to worry about touching any of the assets really sure I think it's ready to go and I hope that happens but that's the that's the the the bitter part that this whole thing is that we haven't seen any really stood up this and we haven't even seen a any kind of like sequel to this game any proper follow-up there's been no Bartok galaxy 3 no hint of it we've had other Mario games in the as you touched on with 3d Land 3d world and of course Mario Odyssey now but all those scratch very different niches to what Mario Galaxy does now I think more awesome went back to the more open nature mario 64 which i appreciate for its own reasons but I think now especially after revisiting Mario Galaxy 2 and replaying the entire during game poor game of the decade discussion it's like yeah there's something about this game series that I'm are guys who want to specifically that no other Mario game quite matches for me and I would love a either a we released it which I sound like they may be but to build upon those ideas even farther I think there's even more than could do I think there's infinitely more they could do with the whole space gravity idea and I would love it they made a proper sequel to this game now you got that sense with the reaction to the announcement of 3d world cuz at the time people were very disappointed by what it was and some people even said that galaxy looked better than that visually and like from an artistic perspective I can kind of see that my 3d world has this kind of plastic II look to it and I think it's a nice looking game but Galaxy just looks so defined and different or marries of a little like before it wasn't just this sort of cookie cutter kind of art style it was something entirely unique and people thought that kind of approach was missing from 3d land in 3d world and looking back I think I even agreed today that galaxy 1 and 2 just felt so much more substantial and bigger and like it felt like a lot was riding on these games where's 3d world was kind of just another take home area I think part of it too is that Mario Galaxy feels more cinematic with the camera by design and 3d line of 3d world is more retro I suppose like there were like those games are basically taking the mechanics of 2d you put them in 3d where's Mario Galaxy the camera is kind of all over the place you know whether it's when you're running around the globe but even even especially when you're like flying between planetoids and you get these really Colson Mac goals and really cups mix it up I'm reminded specifically when you first got Yoshi and take the first launch star and you shoot past the volcano and erupt shooting star pits everywhere and it just looks amazing it feels so cool to be on the super short like cutscene if you will that just links up these different sections and that's something that the 3d line the 3d World Games are missing entirely so these aren't sandbox games but they do feel big just the illusion of loudness that they give you well that's what's so interesting is as I was I was actually gonna say early that I would like in galaxy 2 to almost like a big box of toys like galaxy 1 feels like this you know grand quest that you're going on with all these cool new ideas being introduced for the first time but then galaxy 2 feels like it takes that turns it on its ear and now it's just like this big toy box of cool new things and and things you've seen before but done in new ways the for you to just play around in and even though you guys as you said it's not a sandbox game it kind of feels like one in a lot of instances and so galaxy to feels to me like it's Nintendo operating at their maximum confidence level like they were firing on all cylinders I think that's very that's uh you know exemplified by that moment you mentioned Andre when you're flying past the volcano at the beginning of the game and it's like whoa Nintendo like they are this is okay they are firing on all cylinders here and it just felt like they had a certain confidence in this game that I don't know if they've necessarily ever matched that feeling for me ever since this game in terms of just yeah I guess confident is is that I mean Odyssey definitely isn't is an amazing game but even that still didn't feel quite as confident and quite as uh I don't know it's it's a hard feeling - yeah it's a hard feeling to describe but it just didn't quite feel the same is it though you just I think this is Scotty using the same word four times being confident yeah whether you use that word because it's one of my top notes on Idol really okay there you go I said this confident its level designed but I would apply that to the whole game as you were saying yeah I agree there is a confidence here I would say Mario Galaxy one felt Compton as well but this game really doubles down on everything and and I think you do that confidence does come through in a way that I would agree with you I think even Mario will obviously probably doesn't fully capture and maybe a sequel to that game would so yeah and that it is kind of trust me to compare it now like going back to Mario constitu after playing Mario obviously that I loved I mean I I gave Mario see and mind-blowing rating I will say though I think and it could be that we're just too recent to that game so maybe it's not fully fair assessment because it's been many years since I played Mario Galaxy 2 until recently but I think when it comes to revisiting these games I think if you prefer Mario Galaxy 2 I think it's just like the pacing is perfect it's mixing mixing things up constantly and whereas I have tried visiting Mario Ozzy a couple of times never like yeah entirely and Ernest is more for like you know I just need something to do or I was grabbing footage or something but it doesn't strike me as immediately fun to revisit as morally galaxy 2 does and that's not really yes I'm not really complaining again I give it our highest score but I think it speaks more to just how freaking good Marty got you to is that I can revisit revisiting seemingly endlessly and have a great time hmm I think with obviously as well as Odyssey is an exploration game but the platforming in that game is about traversal it's bar traversal rather than just trying to do these platforming challenges and that's kind of personal I don't think that's the kind of thing you do over and over because once you've found all the stars or all the moons even that's kind of that I think it's okay to to like put 90 hours into Odyssey and then never do it again but one thing obviously can learn from galaxy 2 though is to be a sequel because I think there's so much in store for the Odyssey series now you can keep tapping into it's just one of those games where they those there's clearly a lot more potential it's clear a lot more kingdoms you can visit a lot more power-ups a lot more creatures to capture and I'm so excited for the future of an odyssey sequel after what gang c2 is showing us so I have a question for you guys Odyssey 2 or Super Mario Galaxy 3 you know I think I'd go I think I go just for the potential aspect I think I would go Odyssey 2 because galaxy we've had two games already and there's clearly more potential there but Odyssey I feel like there's just so much they can tap into still and that's all true no doubt about it I just meant maybe it's just the soft spot I have for galaxy maybe it's just because I have always wanted a galaxy 3 but I it's in yeah it's galaxy 3 for me Odyssey 2 I think there's a lot more they could explore within that space than they could galaxy 3 because again Odyssey hasn't had a sequel yet but as I said before I I really loved Odyssey it's a great game but I bounced off of it a little faster than I expected - compared to other three Mario games especially the galaxy games and so if it's coming from a pure hype standpoint I think it's got to be galaxy 3 for me although I do can see that there are more things and new ideas for them to explore in the context of an odyssey - what if they made Super Mario Odyssey galaxy I mean they did that in 3d world like I ride the N as a Rosalina themed Kingdom well that you've is right in there if they did like some kind of Kingdom that's just entirely revolved around galaxies ideas that'd be amazing and you will do visit the moon at the end of Odyssey so yeah it's not impossible what we should do is go the whole GBA mario port route and make it super mario odyssey to super mario galaxy 3 there you go yeah for me personally got us it stopped I again I adore both games but I think and I had to choose between the two I might go galaxy 3 probably because it's a bit longer since we've seen them I think there are still so many ideas left and they can explore and even actually even in a space setting like I wouldn't mind you they went back to more that space setting in mario galaxy 1 because I think like what the one that I keep going back to is well loved they're like some guy asteroid field the yeah like jump between from Ike asteroid to asteroid either maybe if something's chasing you or I don't know maybe have to knock him around I just think there's a lot of ideas they could do they could explore by maybe opening up the games is it just a little bit and this is one idea I had actually maybe kinda speaks more to my Super Mario Allah to two ideas we were just all kind of chiming in with like what if they had the way that I combined the elements of Mario Galaxy 2 with some of the more open levels of 64 or Odyssey or maybe you have these giant like these these like multiple hub levels for instance which are like these giant planets which give you more focused experience which then have their own moon systems or whatever which i think is among the more structured levels of Mario galaxy's a colleague making it like a half-and-half type thing yeah that could be interesting you can get the best of both worlds in that sense galaxy does kind of try and try and be a sandbox at times because at the end of the game there are those green stars and it doesn't like I think it's just the execution that they had but it doesn't really work and I think the reason doesn't work because it kicks you out all the time and just like going back and forth into level trying to find more green stars that got to you yes I'm glad that was the one thing I was gonna bring up that's the that's the probably the biggest mark against this game is because when I revisited Mario Galaxy 2 for our game the decade discussion I end up playing through the entire darn thing until I got to the green stars and initially I'm like oh yeah obviously I'll just keep on going but I forgot what a drag they are as yet to reenter the same level three additional times track down each star retreading most of the same terrain you already had for the previous two stars plus the main game and it's got too much to me but then I remember that I had an unfinished file that already had most of the green stars so just picked it up from there and luckily that wasn't too bad finishing off the ones I haven't yet collected but I agree that's probably biggest weakness of this game but I also it's a post game so I don't really care that much you know I will say though that the final galaxy reward is probably one of the coolest I've seen in the Mario game or I actually streamed my time with it it took me three freaking hours to beat it but I loved it it felt fair but extremely tough and and I had a great time and it felt such a sense of satisfaction from completing that leveling finishing Mario got to to finally after nearly ten years that kind of says standard for future Mario titles too cuz since then every 3d marios have this crazy hard level at the end of it you've got well it was named for 3d world's one champion Road champion Road champion Road that's it and I then Odyssey has like the darkest side of the Moon whatever I'm sorry that one's straight up was one of the most disappointing the most disappointing final 3d Mario level in my opinion I liked it but I will say galaxy Sue's being so much trickier it felt like a reward when she finally finished it it's like it's this sigh of relief I've done everything in this game I've conquered the hardest level like you feel good it's a great feeling to finally do that yeah yeah I'll never forget how I felt when I first beat that level and I think to me it probably does represent the the pinnacle of like post game in game 3d Mario challenges but that I was actually gonna say much of what you guys said in terms of yeah the green stars not not the best way to do age to present a post game in my opinion and it was funny is I actually I wouldn't say the post game is more important than the main quest to me but as I've said to you before Andre I'd really be as I love three platform performers and 2d platformers so much I really look forward to those crazy challenges and that was something where I felt Odyssey was lacking but galaxies and galaxy 2 nailed it except for the fact that galaxy 2 had nito the green star the whole thing and another thing I want to mention is I did feel that galaxy 2 over relied on the cosmic clones a little bit too much I always I always remember being disappointed when I would get to a prankster comet or some late-game challenge and instead of being like get all the purple coins or some new challenge it would be the whole cosmic clone thing that that whole thing just annoyed me and it felt like a it just it not a lazy way no I never want to say lazy but it just felt like a an uninteresting way to make levels you'd already playthrough harder but in an artificial way and and I didn't find those as fun personally that's interesting cuz I'll say for thing up for being artificial I'd say the one life levels are the most artificial because it's literally it's literally just the same thing again but limiting you through one hit point and if you fail you have to the entire thing again how about that and that is what actually makes the final levels so difficult because it actually isn't that tough beating the initial time is we get to replay it with only one health point that it seemed that it becomes nearly impossible took me three hours to do so I mean literally the perfect run that's what you have to get do it's all the perfect run and that's what it requires well I think we've on most of the major element in this game at least to some degree but is there anything else you guys want bring it up bring up before we fully wrap without the earth I was always a bit disappointed that the I forget the name of the power upping America I see one those has power up those barely used to let you fly around and I think it was only used in the hub world and also for a purple coin level correct and galaxy 2 just didn't bring it back you know I was okay with that because I'd never liked the flight mechanic that much like especially Kylie reminded that mario64 we're flying was a absolute blast and here it just felt a me so that might be why they dropped it cuz it wasn't for me at least I didn't find any errant leaf fun it was it was novel like it was kind of cool I was like a post-game things like oh I can fly neat but it wasn't that fun you never tell I think yeah I think I'm just waiting for the correct context for real right it was never really given a chance to be great and I wanted to just let it why you let it be free and they never really had that opportunity which I guess it's not necessarily a bad thing against galaxy 2 which is I always felt that an underwhelming power up the needed better rush it felt like a weirdly empty reward kind of in the same way Yoshi and Mario 64 does after you get all 140 stars it gives you like a ton of lives and heat but you don't need them by then like what what's the point and then you know so you get this end of game powerup and galaxy one that lets you fly and it at first it's like whoa this is so cool how am I gonna use this and then you don't really and so i I hear you John I agree and also and this is I guess not it's less a knock against galaxy 2 and and I guess more galaxies one since it originated there but I don't I wouldn't really mind not having spring Mario coming back I feel like spring Mario's it's literally the weakest yeah so like both games have spring Mario and you know both games implemented it well enough but I wouldn't mind if it didn't come back my favorite thing about spring Mario is in most cases you can actually just ignore it go to a lot about it which kind of speaks to yeah how the power piston isn't that fun so I do agree yeah that is a weak powerup that's one that's one thing that's really fun about with galaxy games is you can like you can just go pass a lot of these obstacles because you do the backflip you can do the spin in the air and sometimes you can catch the gravitational pull of nearby planetoid and just skip entire platforming sections these games just vote so fun to speed run and return to and replay just because you can you can mess with them you can break them and that's part of why it's just so incredibly fun to keep revisiting these levels yeah yeah absolutely like I'll reply games that often but replay Mario Galaxy 2 has been a complete blast especially or even today just a few months after my last playthrough I give either side down over a few more hours and just kept on going but unfortunately work on the way [Music] anything oh I also real quick I'm just looking at footage right now Mario swimming around in the Koopa shell and this game is this is a game where even swimming is fun even the water-based mechanics are enjoyable there's a good sense of momentum you have a good decent amount control whether you're swimming by you know with Mario himself or with a Koopa shell on it again the fact that can run on water as Yoshi is just amazing yes swimming was super fun in both games and I was actually gonna add to that if if we do get these you know potential ports on switch that are you know remastered whatever I hope we get similar HD Rumble for any swimming portion so we got an odyssey because that's still my favorite HD Rumble probably in any game so far oh well be really cool as with the Koopa shell in this game even has brake lights if you slow down oh yeah they gave it like a motorcycle like feel through the HD Rumble God you know the more I think about this there's so much they can do with HD Rumble and potential galaxies remasters I think it's so much more they can do with Mario Galaxy in general as I was saying earlier I just had another idea where I think there is one element that I think they could really add to Mario Galaxy and that is the levels for the most part are pretty static which is kind of surprising given a space setting the the actual environments don't really move around much if at all on besides like they can't don't moving platform and that's something that gave really cranked up I think in a future game like how these have like a moon spinning around the planet you can first of all figure how to get to and then when you're riding on the moon you're like you're flying around that you know a giant planet below maybe actually use it to reach areas of the planet you couldn't otherwise access so I think there's so much more they can do like I think a greater sense of kinetic energy to the to the galaxy theme yeah like building upon those well there were some levels with airships and the airships don't move let's restart right entire time so a level with like spaceships and airships that are just moving around the entire time creating new platforms yeah that could be really really cool yeah I think I think they could go absolutely nuts especially with the increased hardware power of switch they could give us some truly insane level design these games also gave us captain toad as a character yeah it'd be really cool to get lowered captain toad levels in the galaxy 3 that still play by the rules of captain toad but with anti-gravity oh that would be interesting I like that idea where you can't jump but you have to do you know gravity to figure out how to get through that's it cool that's it yeah oh yeah yeah oh I don't like that a lot yeah all right any other final thoughts everyone before we wrap it up here I just think very few sequels can be so similar to the original and stand on their own most the time we just say all this is too iterative this is to say me and galaxy 2 has all those traits but it's just magically it pulls it off so well you know what the other game is besides portal that mentioned earlier that does this John I think you know status you know what game it is I know a game on you're gonna kick yourself as soon as I say go free yes exactly that's again a fundamentally is is the same as a predecessor and yet such it but builds upon it in a way that is at the very least as strong if not I think you would groove me John far better than the original so and that says something's trumpet pizza dkcr was already a great game John right sorry I gotta say it Mega Man two and three are lauded for the exact same thing bigger and better than Mega Man 1 in every way and it's but it's so similar and side that I'd never made that comparison in my own mind before but that's actually true people were saying the same exact thing about Mega Man 2 in the late 80s that we're saying about galaxy 2 now so I just I find that to be an interesting comparison and I agree with you both about Donkey Kong Country Returns in tropical freeze as well you had to get Mega Man II planned it I swear to God I hadn't planned it but it just came to me I'm looking at some footage right now and I just saw footage of the level one of the levels I guess where you have to guide a golden chain chomp along Rails to get to like the to like get them it into the hole and then you the golden chain shot breaks and you get the star stuff like that is what makes not just gout YouTube a galaxy in general so memorable and so interesting and unique and I would say galaxy 2 especially from a gameplay sense and that's just stuff like that we haven't seen anything like that in other Mario games like it's just there's so much going on in this game so many interesting ideas that typically don't ever get overused so I just kind of wanted to wanted to bring that home the fact that we're now 10 years out from it is amazing and shocking and surprising um any number of emotions do you want to scribe to it especially because one other point I haven't touched on on that meant to earlier is this was my first review for GameXplain it's my first actual review knighted for the channel as part of this I think I'm gonna be doing a fun little thing on our patreon page where I'm gonna re-watch my own review and give my commentary along the way whether I agree with the things I said back then and and how the quality of the review itself holds up over all this time but that's also partially why they Mari got to do a special for me as well because just as Marty got to - it's almost 10 years old so was GameXplain as you just celebrated a few months ago so yes kind of fun this is this is where GameXplain basically God starts interesting I know I think I knew that at some point but it forgotten so that's so cool that that we're revisiting us in the same way but this is such a significant game for you and that way yeah it's crazy how the legacies just kept going like no point has married I see to been diminished I think we often look back on games and we're like was it really that gray or like successors sort of replace the emotions we had about them as they slowly get better but nothing has been quite like Mario Galaxy 2 and I don't I'm not sure there ever will be I think we're still look back on this game in 10 years from now and it'll still be just as excellent as it is right now I just hope we can look back on it in HD well yeah and I think you're right John it was something you guys mentioned earlier that I had forgotten is how special and incredibly surprising it felt when galaxy 2 was first revealed because as we mentioned direct sequels to 3d Mario games were not a thing back then like that just didn't happen and I mean even direct sequels in general like Super Mario Brothers for you mean the mario world could be considered that but like after that though there weren't really any other numbered sequels so to get galaxies to like a direct sequel that was a big deal at the time and that's something that hasn't quite been recreated and new Mario game announcements since then I think so yeah that's just something like that that's one more thing that makes Mario Galaxy 2 special in its own way like just the announcement of it was unheard of at the time speaking of one more thing one more thing I would love to see in an HD remaster of this game lab of VR support I won't play the polygon in VR I don't care if it's at a low resolution yeah we actually match the weeds resolution have already used to that I would love to play this game with like a sense of depth that would be so nausea inducing like right through space in VR I might be so down to try that all right guys I think we're finally done here but is there anything else you wanted to get out there before we before we finally wrap it up finally yeah I think that's it really I think mara galaxy 2 made the we feel HD at times like this and say how how such a big power gap between the 360 Playstation 3 and Wii and were used to the we gain the Harter side of the stick in most cases but I think because of the limitations have in store this game just felt big it felt like something you'd see on 360 yeah yeah no it'll it'll crear that said as I said just a few moments earlier in the discussion it still holds up like even though it is running at 480p the art design is so strong that as long as you're saying back a few feet you can't really even tell and as a testament to Nintendo's designers to their art designer is that this game looks game still holds up ten years later even in the era where we're all used to you know not just 1080p content but increasingly sale for 4k but yeah that's why I hope that these remastered into being a thing even if it sounds like marty got the tube may not be part of it but hey yours open right all right and with that I think we're about done covering Mario Galaxy 2 we went a little bit longer than I expected but that just speaks to the point of there being so much to talk about in this game but we'd love to hear your thoughts about Mario Galaxy 2 so let us know in the comments below what did you think of it do you think as bear the Mario - one would you want to see a Mario Galaxy 3 we'll have to hear all your thoughts um and with that thank you again for watching make sure to click that subscribe button you haven't already for tons more on future Mario games hopefully including the possible remasters and everything else in ten do as well we catch you later bye [Music]
Channel: GameXplain
Views: 69,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marrio galaxy 2, super mario galaxy, wii, yoshi, mario, rosalina, gameplay, review, retrospective, 10 years, 10th, discussion, impressions, peach, mario galaxy 3, switch, remaster, mario remaster
Id: MvzoZS4wIH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 19sec (3919 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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